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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46484885 No.46484885 [Reply] [Original]

Even chumbuds are tired of gura.

>> No.46484941

EN3 when?

>> No.46486005

She's playing a new game without her audience realizing, it's called Chumbuds May Cry

>> No.46486023

lol, the replies, they get really upset at anything that isn't mindless praise

>> No.46486068

How are these chumkeks still surprised or even upset by something that has been a common occurence for more than a year now? Are they just that thick?

>> No.46486146

Make it less obvious when we see your name in every single one of these images

>> No.46486184

Find another streamer maybe? Move on?

>> No.46486274

I don’t follow the shark, but it if it’s a repeat pattern it seems like she might not want to do it anymore, or as much. Regardless of how many views she gets, I’m still surprised an employee could just tell their boss
>ya I’m not working again for a while
At the drop of a hat

>> No.46486316
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Wow, what an outcry. Being tired of someone means you leave and stop talking about them. Shut the fuck up and leave.

>> No.46486364

It's really fucking pathetic. Reading the replies made my balls retract into my sack

>> No.46486375

She's not an employee. No vtuber is an employee. How the fuck do you still not get this? How can you comment so confidently while being so ignorant?

>> No.46486394
File: 225 KB, 1274x1179, 1660727145071279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want (You) too, who is right in this picture?

>> No.46486469

You’re right, a company would or should be stricter with a talent they’re only contracted with. Makes it even more surreal

>> No.46486541

No, idiot. That's not how a contractor relationship works.

>> No.46486723

>Member complaints
>bunch of greyname comes in to defend

>> No.46486888

Don't worry, she's sowwy she let you down https://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1642552373229789185

>> No.46486894

it's really not fucking hard to communicate
if she doesn't want a schedule, that's fine, but at least say 'hey im not streaming for a week or 2' instead of just re-appearing every now and then
fucking 'most popular streamer' also the fucking laziest

>> No.46486950

>a person employed for wages or salary, especially at nonexecutive level.

>> No.46486998

Why don't you just leave?

>> No.46487013

>wifi went down
>cares so little she didnt even bother using cell data to ask her manager to post something on twitter or to post herself


>> No.46487118

>Plan our day better
Lol, as if chumbuds actually have plans other than staying at home in front of a computer all day

>> No.46487152

Based communication chads getting shit done

>> No.46487185

leave what?

>> No.46487254

Also somehow can't run an Ethernet cable? Has she been using WiFi for all the online games so far?

>> No.46487259
File: 40 KB, 588x221, zzzz45wg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minecraft soon

>> No.46487293

Psst, none of the talents under Cover, except maybe gen 0 and 1 because they were just starting out, have salaries. None of them. And even then, that isn't labelled as a salary. It's an allowance. And it's a benefit that's definitely long gone by now.
That's why when Cover addressed Kronii's message about collabing with whoever she wants, they spoke about her like a third party, because essentially that is the relationship.

>> No.46487368

Whatever it is that still possess you to write all of that. Why do you still care?

>> No.46487381

...I just wish she talked to us more bros...
Is it so hard to say "heading to the dance studio today" and such?
....I miss her bros...

>> No.46487455

Anon sounds like you need to leave or get used to seeing differing perspective and opinions. Otherwise you just come across as a faggot butthurt over that anon’s post

>> No.46487514


>> No.46487530

>write all of that
damn bro didn't know 3 sentences about your oshi was a lot
i enjoy her content, so im glad to get it when it's around - but it's annoying when it isn't for no reason

>> No.46487641

Dude, I'm telling him to just stop caring. If this behaviour annoys you and you're constantly disappointed, fuck off. You're being extremely retarded for sticking around. But I guess he wants to continue feeling like shit. Fine, whatever. Do what's not good for you.

>> No.46487701

So sometime around May?

>> No.46487718

Why didn't she tweet about this earlier?

>> No.46487728

Man these people are weak as fuck...

Reminder: Gura does not collab with males and Nijiwhores.
That alone is 10 times worth membering her.

>> No.46487738

Honestly I didn't care since I had plenty of other stuff to watch but claiming "ISP hort" the day after is so fucking patronizing, don't even bother with an excuse if that's all you can manage

>> No.46487775

who says 'it makes me feel like shit'?
im not a parasocial fuck, i just want to watch my favourite streamer and have her actually care about her job?
god, what are you, fucking 12? why does everything have to be 'either stop complaining or fuck off', understand that you can complain about something and still enjoy it

>> No.46487815

Anon don’t waste your time.

>> No.46487817

You do you, dude. Be miserable.

>> No.46487842

Please twittards,start a hate campaign against her. I want her to be taught a lesson

>> No.46487885

Ah yes, I will immediately move on from the lazy shark vtuber Gawr Gura, remove membership, unsubscribe, leave hololive for good, and watch the more superior non-lazy vtubers in nijisanjiEN where there are COMPLETELY no scandals every week, and all the girls are pure virgins who will never betrays me with any cuck content.

>> No.46487905

keep bitchin and moanin bitch

>> No.46487924

>don't even bother with an excuse if that's all you can manage
Hard agree.

>> No.46487946

you can always watch IRyS, Fauna, Kiara etc.
Way better than lazy shahahahark

>> No.46487950

>employee of Cover Corp
>not an employee
Are you chumsharts braindead?

>> No.46487993

Man I would to watched her stream, but uhh I had to return some video tapes and missed it what a shame. Maybe next time ya know?

>> No.46488000

They already tried that and failed including Brittney Venti

>> No.46488058

bro literally no one said they're miserable, you're insane

>> No.46488079

I have a feeling that people who defend her here are also a bunch of gray

>> No.46488211

Gura will graduate this year anyway, ain’t no way she still enjoys streaming lmao

>> No.46488323

The ones who are still left are really insane.

>> No.46488380

>"Plan our day"
Idol culture was a horrific mistake

>> No.46488479

It will work this time. She’s not as popular and she has gained a lot of detractors and haters as of late

>> No.46488579

I refuse! Her laziness is infectious!

>> No.46488630

Agreed if my internet goes out I’m not driving into work tomorrow

>> No.46489125

Yes! Good point! I will also do that!

>> No.46489303

Of the plethora of games at her disposal, she decides on Minecraft, again. LOL

>> No.46489369

If you don't like it why don't you just move on?

>> No.46489405

No reason not to stay on brand

>> No.46489410

She enjoys the 6 figure paycheck from not having to do any work at all, there's no way she'll graduate. Chumbuds are pathetic enough to remain membered to her despite the lack of streams.

>> No.46489438

chumbuds will be the ones to harass her into graduating

>> No.46489486

this. even i being a day 1 sanalite dropped her membership when her streaming schedule became less and less. tbf i saw the graduation coming a mile away

>> No.46489515

And her brand is, being lazy at her job and making bad excuses?

>> No.46489522

i mean they harassed her and cover to make her announce she is going on hiatus after being ghosted, so its possible.

>> No.46489557

Look at all this sisters daydreaming
>She will [head canon]

>> No.46489623

>rainbow trident

>> No.46489788

Do people really plan their days around a streamer? All shit posts and politics aside, that's kinda silly. I can't imagine anyone who does that has a job or is a functioning member of society. Like I will watch someone after a day's work but I'm not going to reschedule my day because of the whims of some girl with an anime avatar, even if I really enjoy them.

>> No.46489852

Stop being retarded and watch vod or something.

>> No.46489955

The poorfags trying to defend their kween in the replies, cringe.

>> No.46489959

Fair point, but also she probably has the biggest normalfag audience, yuck!

>> No.46489976

>Gura says recently that she's making big plans for april fools stream
>Gura says earlier this week that she will be streaming thursday and friday
>no thursday stream
>no friday stream
>no april fools stream
It's as if people don't like being told to make time on a particular day at a specific hour and then having the rug pulled

>> No.46490020

who do you think are watching vtubers and buying their merch/memberships anon

>> No.46490130

damn, to think greyfags would be the saviors in the end
now that's a development I wasn't expecting

>> No.46490148

Based feistybuds got Gura to tweet. Every Gura fan should be kneeling.

>> No.46490227

Ah fair enough that's a good point. I don't really follow Gura as much as the others in Myth so it would be pretty bad if she set false expectations for her hardcore fans.

>> No.46490235

I like when shitposters getting tricked by some make up information from the threadreader like this. Makes me laugh everytime.

>> No.46490287

Gura's situation is so fuckbackwards that her members are getting increasingly agitated and the grays who don't know her are the ones fine with her behavior

>> No.46490292

I'll move things around for a stream I particularly want to see, like oh I'll go to the gym early or later or I'll go visit my parents tomorrow instead or whatever, but work is work so regardless of how much I like your streams if they're during that time I'm not catching them live.

>> No.46490365

I asked for earlier shifts to catch my oshi streaming in the evening.

>> No.46490617

>plan our day better
...what? Are there really some retards here "planning their day" around their oshi? What are you, ministers?

>> No.46490801

If you're told to expect a stream at a certain time then yeah, you plan to be there. Are you retarded?

>> No.46490882

Yes I do, for example I'd finish my work early if a stream I'm particularly interested in is coming up. I have flexible working hours as long as I meet deadlines.

>> No.46491047

Huh, nevermind then. I guess I was being too narrow minded.

>> No.46491122

Good, they should raid her house and hurt her parents

>> No.46491229

Man that’s embarrassing lmao

>> No.46491386
File: 3.99 MB, 271x341, 1633006771249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can make all the excuses she wants. The most important thing is her refusal to collab with Tempiss which makes her eternally based.

>> No.46491401

I wonder how many members want to say things like this, but feel dissuaded knowing a horde of greynames will dogpile them as in this screenshot.

>> No.46491433

chumkeks still on the tempiss shit? rumao

>> No.46491502
File: 94 KB, 1791x648, Senzawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura streams
>"She just doesn't seem the same. What happened to her?"
>Gura doesn't stream
>"God why is she so lazy. She hates her fanbase"
lol. lmao even.

>> No.46491516

>None of them. And even then, that isn't labelled as a salary. It's an allowance. And it's a benefit that's definitely long gone by now.

what? I know that they are contractors but where's your source to that statement?

>> No.46491616

Must suck to have your oshi flirt with another man right Infront of you. My cute shark would never.

>> No.46491903

>streamed three times last week
Filtered. Good to see 3 people left and she still has 4,3 million.

>> No.46491917

Well, I would imagine most jobs don't have such an option. But then there are things outside of work that can be easily adjusted. Something as simple as when you buy groceries or wake up 2 hours earlier. I find streams much more enjoyable live, so some effort in catching them is worth it.

>> No.46491926

cant use mobile data to tweet?

chumbuds, I do apologies but your oshi is a fucking lazy retard

>> No.46492069

lul why. she doesnt stream anyway and when she does its a shill stream

>> No.46492129

I'll not take my day off for a fucking stream, and let's not pretend like retards here don't spend 90% of their private life at home

>> No.46492219

>hey jim play that one clip where she flirts with a guy playing trucking simulator

>> No.46492249

>planning your day = taking the day off
Holy shit, chumcucks are dumb as fuck
