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45795316 No.45795316 [Reply] [Original]

>suspended for a baseball joke
Only in nijisanji

>> No.45795430

I thought nijijp was supposed to be the good one.
That only nijien was bad.
But nijijp is bad too???

>> No.45795726

kanata collabing with men deflection thread

>> No.45795897

lmao this cant be real

>> No.45796041

Who said that Nijisanji didn't have something similar to Hololive with that whole China incident. Too bad it just looks lame by comparison. Of all the things for Japan to be riled up over, it had to be baseball.

>> No.45796122

you dea insurto za honor ofu anciento japanesu basebaru

>> No.45796125
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>> No.45796192

literally no one gives a fuck about that though, it's a group collab and she's just gonna do her minecraft shit by herself and with the 3 other Holo bitches

>> No.45796248

there's no way it was just for that right?

>> No.45796414
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baseball is huge deal in japan but gundou is the "say many shit but she keeps getting away with it" woman so it must be so bad she pissed off tazumi

>> No.45796532

What was the joke anyways?

>> No.45796535

I think I'm seeing a Trend here, NijiEN and Mika has been Collabing with Hololive talents lately,

My take is that they know they in a Bad shape and Collabing with each other won't help so they went out of Thier way to Collab with the Holos to Leech off of them and gain new Subs and Viewers, Smart move but its just a Bandaid solution at the end of the day

>> No.45797001

>debating ITT anychara right or wrong for suspending zaion2
>her comments shitting on japanese world victory is an L and the suspension is a double L
Like nijitranjies are doubleniggers

>> No.45797313

holo en 3 she is welcome to try anytime

>> No.45797328

"something something what if that guy throws the ball really hard at the batter's head?"

>> No.45797336

he was so mad, he grit his teeth into nothing and now his chin looks normal

>> No.45797613

It's protective custody until the shitstorm dies down. Japanese baseball fans don't fuck around.

>> No.45797808

I want them to make an apology JAV where Gundou gets creampied by at least 50 baseball fans while getting her cum-covered face and tits rubbed with their cocks

>> No.45797939

You misunderstand. Nobody is bad up until the company deems they are bad, at which point all their past "transgressions" will be dredged up and they will be put out for pillory.

>> No.45798019

Japanese baseball otaku don't mess around.
It IS serious business in Japan/

>> No.45798065

>Why don't they simply bean Mike Trout and win that way? I know nothing about baseball

She's Japanese and hates idols anon

>> No.45798139

Old nijifans were they always sensitive or is this a thing since they went public?

>> No.45798287

More like a combination of Gundou's antis and angry baseball otaku piling on her.

>> No.45798304

niji is the only major corpo that does sports watchalongs so yes

>> No.45798358

It's the combination of circumstances
>Japan just won the big baseball game in the most dramatic way possible
>Nijisanji's biggest event of the year is baseball
>Her controversial edgy joke was about deliberately injuring baseball players

>> No.45798384

Why didn't they just delete the tweet?

>> No.45798428

Yeah that's why they brought up her list of crimes like its the great book of grudges

>> No.45798458

Because they want to get rid of her for not stepping in line and this provides a convient excuse.

>> No.45798509

That's the really baffling part. Everyone knows she's an offensive jackass, but to put out a statement going
>She has a long history of offending literally everyone that we have done nothing about, but a baseball joke is one step too far
just looks incredibly bizarre

>> No.45798555

Obviously they are going to fire her and are prepping the field the same way they did with Zaion after seeing how well it worked

>> No.45798644
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That official statement is absolutely vicious. They take a giant shit on Gundou, saying she's been problematic since she debuted despite their warnings and that she has an "alarming lack of self-awareness as a liver". Basically doing everything they can to make sure the mob will be mad at just her and not the company. And of course she got suspended "for the time being" with no date of return.
You'd think joining a big corpo would afford you some protection from insane twitter mobs, but Niji is ready to just throw you to the wolves.

>> No.45798751

>saying she's been problematic since she debuted despite their warnings and that she has an "alarming lack of self-awareness as a liver"
They're completely right though, the only ridiculous part is that the straw that broke the camel's back was a poorly timed joke about baseball

>> No.45798865
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We did it Nijibros! He finally covered NijiJP news!

>> No.45798969

How many threads are we gonna make of this today? This has to be at least the 5th? Is this the new "gura doesn't stream" thread

>> No.45798994

make a strong guy throw balls at the batters head so they cant win. its like if i said just put a sumo wrestler in the goal in hockey. thats what japs are seething over

>> No.45799068

If we don't have at least twenty threads before sundown /vt/ has been slacking

>> No.45799144
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Payback for Botjisanji

>> No.45799180

This dumbass tweet literally made the news in Japan anon

>> No.45799189


>> No.45799249

>the discomfort caused to many people by the postings of Mirei Gundo
How can you even type that with a straight face? Getting real tired of all this Niji management bullshit.

>> No.45799253

Gundou for HoloJP7

>> No.45799274

She's a lesbo anon

>> No.45799480


>> No.45799595

Bugmen don't have feelings.

>> No.45799636

I'm fully aware. It's been talked about to the point of at least two different threads reaching bump limit and like 400 posts each. I don't get the value in constantly recycling the same shit. It's the same exact shit as spamming
>Haha guess guras not streaming today!!!
like I just dont get what else there is to talk about.

>> No.45799662

Hex dildo deflection post

>> No.45799679

>noo you can't just make multiple threads about nijisanji suspending and ripping apart one of their veteran talents because of a twitter mob
>why? w-well it makes nijisanji look bad!

>> No.45799755

I wouldn't say it's the same at all, since it is both a current event and an actual thing that merits some sort of discussion rather than a dead horse that was already flogged into atoms a year ago
If this thread is still being reposted in a week I might be inclined to agree

>> No.45799851

Why is people defending nijisanji over this? even if you are a fan there's no defending this one, you don't have to be a bot, you are a human, you can understand right or wrong, this is wrong, there's nothing else to it, stop being so stupid and realize you are only making yourself look like a complete buffoon

>> No.45799927

I don't really care if you make a million threads there's just not really much to discuss. Japanese are autistic about jokes and corporations suck.
https://youtu.be/Nur7dpoXHe8 courtesy of one of the other threads that reached bump limit
That's fair enough. I just wish the catalog was more interesting than spamming the same shit on repeat. I like some streamers in niji I like some streamers in holo. I find spamming the catalog annoying no matter the person or reason honestly

>> No.45800181

> you are a human
They are Chinese, not human.

>> No.45800310
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>Put a BL book in freeze
>Forced joint apology, suspension, and donate money to the artist
Only in Hololive

>> No.45800367
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>> No.45800568

The BL "drama" was unironically even more retarded than this baseball shit, the difference is that Marine and Miko never got suspended for it.

>> No.45800712
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spot the difference (there is none)

>> No.45800885

And everybody was calling hololive retarded back then too

>> No.45800925

For starters
>Japanese v Chinese
>Private company squelching a talent in the peak of national primetime for major sport vs CCP squelching dissidents over political commentary or any other statements that are counter to the CCP Status Quo
Not saying it was worth a suspension, but asking the japanese people why the pitcher doesn't just full force bean the batter in the skull in the middle of the world series (aka a huge saturation point for national pride) on top of an already tribal ass, muh honoru ass, much shamefuru ass culture, is just a bad pot of shit to stir

>> No.45801087

Idk man. It's a toxic culture thing. Insulting baseball in japan is around the same as insulting superbowl in america.

>> No.45801511

Ever since they went public, it's gotten much worse.

>> No.45801718

People do it all the time.

>> No.45801911

Wasn't really a joke. She was basically accusing one team's pitcher of deliberately throwing fouls against a good batter and I guess a lot of people got pissed at that.

>> No.45802062
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Nothing gives me more pleasure than watching vatniks die in /k/. I can't wait for commies to get that too.

>> No.45802146

It would be more like a professional football player who has a history of being sponsored by the NFL, playing in the Superbowl numerous times, occasionally coaching and being sponsored by a company that makes football gear and then telling NFL players they should just grab the linebackers mask midplay to make sure that you have the advantage.

Now add on to that "MUH HONOR!" and you've got what gundou did.

>> No.45802268

Are you claiming Mirei played baseball professionally?

>> No.45802304

Something has changed internally at niji recently

>> No.45802516

Not really. A lot of the really bad things way back had them take fault for it. Like the only person they ever put on the spot was Hajime
The Zaion and Gundou stuff really shows the new Nijisanji

>> No.45802548

Yo Nijibros what the fuck are you guys doing.
You've got drama nonstop. I thought it was a joke at first but now this is just looking stupid.

>> No.45802574

>This women has constantly caused problems and have shown an alarming lack of self-awareness
>We know because we have had her as part of our company representing us for 4 years!

>> No.45802623

>newfags finding out how black anycolor is
It's funny that its Gundou who is a massive bitch so I couldn't care less

>> No.45802637

How much you want to bet they will post shit from 4 years ago in their termination notice?

>> No.45802735

Not exactly but she works for a company that has physical sponsorships for baseball, baseball merch, has a huge public event every year involving pretend baseball (Japs also take that super seriously) , and gets sponsored for numerous baseball games.
So, yeah joking about something that could cost you sponsorships and then pretending like you don't know what you're doing is kinda retarded

>> No.45802913

>Not exactly.
>Goes into a long list about how only color is connected to baseball.
Hmm, it's almost like the original analogy doesn't fucking work at all.

>> No.45803082

Okay it'd be like someone sponsored to talk about how great the NFL, sponsored by gear used in the NFL, sponsored to play Madden games and that is part of a major event for the NFL every year. Talking about how you should do illegal tactics to win and then pretending like you know nothing about football when called out

>> No.45803144

>Japs take baseball super seriously which is why they constantly are on watch for twitter opinions
>Bring attention to some dumb unaffiliated woman asking dumb questions rather than watching their boring sport
>But her company she loosely works for has connections with baseball, she has to pretend to care!

>> No.45803378

>Japs take baseball super seriously
>investors who give their company money start questioning why one of the people who has a history of being a part of baseball events is tweeting about using illegal tactics to win while Japan is having one of their best games
It's almost like it's a big deal to Japan and Japanese who already take everything super seriously don't want to piss off the Japanese even further

>> No.45803648

Good thing that there's no reason for why she needed to directly know or understand the rules.
Imagine getting angry at a woman for not understanding sports. As someone who played in college I'm used to it.
As an American I can say that if Japan gets that ass raped over such a thing they are the issue not some chick online who self admittedly doesn't understand the rules.

>> No.45803664

ohhh i thought this was zion stuff rip

>> No.45803695


>> No.45803743

Color is a shit company who should go bankrupt at this point.

>> No.45803758

it seemed more like dumb questions to me
>can you deliberately hit the guy with the ball, is that a valid strategy?

>> No.45803771


>> No.45803798

nijisanji is a shit show man what the fuck another nothing drama get your shit together rainbow group.

>> No.45803808

She was part of the Nijisanji Koshien last year. She was just shitposting and pissed so many people that anycolor couldn't ignore them.

>> No.45803822


The thing is it wasn't even a joke, she literally knows nothing about baseball and was asking honest questions.

>> No.45803997
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(Pic Related)
Who the fuck believes that every one who plays this game knows the rules of baseball. They're neckless for fuck sakes.

>> No.45804007
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>Hololive's only yab was 3 years ago
nijisisters think this is even worth mentioning anymore when they have a new yab literally every week kek

>> No.45804089

Japs already dug up her tweet history which shows that she knew more than she was letting on and
>As an American
That's the thing, you don't realize that Asians take offense to literally everything.

>> No.45804185

Okay what did she know? Tell us since you want to suck color dick so much.

>> No.45804280

>Sachou! One of our livers made a dumb woman observation about baseball on twitter and it is being noticed!
>By Ohtani's pitching arm! This must be addressed! What are our options
>We could simply ignore the matter, because it really is just a bunch of morons responding to a woman failing to understand sports
>We could state a simple "Comments expressed by our livers are individual thoughts and have no affiliation to Anycolour"
>Or we could stand by out statement to protect out talents and put out a blanket "Please do not harass our livers even if they make dumb statements, it was likely made as a joke and is not serious"
>No, this is a grave act of disrespect, drudge up all her criminal activities for the past 4 years of service to our company and suspend her immediately!

>> No.45804398

>>Why don't they simply bean Mike Trout and win that way? I know nothing about baseball
not a sports person, that sounds hilarious like
>why doesnt the guy with the stick just beat up everyone else using the stick
imagine making a joke like that and getting reprimanded?? wtf are they smoking over there

>> No.45804412

>We could state a simple "Comments expressed by our livers are individual thoughts and have no affiliation to Anycolour"
Not a thing for japs unless they're also sacking her in the next part of that statement.

>> No.45804515

Then Yuika is responsible for not teaching her well, since she was the manager of the team Gondou was part of. Double shame.
Again, nips are superautists about baseball and pissing them when one of your biggest events (the final of the 2022 nijisanji koshien currently sits at 3.4M views) that revolves around baseball is a retarded move.

>> No.45804520

Are you suggesting there would have been a lawsuit? WTF are you smoking?

>> No.45804569
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Imagine a bunch of American football fans getting bootyblasted if a NijiEN tweeted "Why don't they just knock out the quarterback with a vicious tackle". You can't right? Because it sounds unbelievably retarded right? Japanese people can be such autists lmao

>> No.45804581

>>No, this is a grave act of disrespect, drudge up all her criminal activities for the past 4 years of service to our company and suspend her immediately!
What is nijisanji koshien.

>> No.45804606

You retard don't fucking understand how important Baseball to fucking Nip. If Nijisanji never did anything, baseball fag going to make Kyoani and Aloe look like a joke. Also don't you dare bringing Taiwan, chink live across the ocean and cannot do anything. Baseballfag in Nip will vandalized all Nijisanji poster and shop and dox the whole company.

>> No.45804726

We understand and it's still retarded. The Catholic Church during the Middle Ages would have more tolerance over a question about Jesus's parentage than Japan has for baseball, apparently.

>> No.45804887

Because another option will be Nijisanji getting kyoani'd or getting banned by baseball community. They literally have no choice.

>> No.45804921

>all their past "transgressions"
With Gundo? It's gonna be a book instead of a tweet.
I am disliking public-corpo Nijisanji. Everything except total, unblinking obedience is now a transgression.

>> No.45805153
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'sup gundou

>> No.45805161

Except this is literally the Coco Taiwan situation again except even more retarded. She asked an innocent question in a joking manner than non-autists can pick up on. She didn't even touch on controversial topics or political landmines. Nijisanji could have easily ignored the autists on twitter just like how Hololive ignores twitter trannies whenever Mori does something.

>> No.45805162


Well, between:

>Going public.

Individual talents were going to become disposable, but Christ, that's fucking vicious. I mean, I respected Niji as the more normie, less PG-13 agency, but that's getting sandblasted hard.

>> No.45805181

Nijiniggers don't care about the talents only the company. I'm now a supporter of TND (Total Nijinigger Death)

>> No.45805214

Japs literally apologized to Americans for dishonoring the sport of boxing because a guy didn't deliver flowers to a boxer.
They literally sued a sumo wrestler for 10 million yen in 08 for having 1/3rd of a gram of weed in his wallet.

>> No.45805275

And that's comparable to this situation fucking how?

>> No.45805279

While I don't agree with what niji did, seeing people here act just as dumb as her is funny.
>If it doesn't matter to me it doesn't matter to anyone. People who cares are just fragile and dumb

>> No.45805289

It's hard to state how big this was for japan because most countries cant identify with baseball. But to them, this was akin to a world cup win. Even the superbowl isnt an apt comparison because only a quarter of americans watch it. Meanwhile half of the TVs in japan were tuned in.

>> No.45805306

It's a bad sign since it basically shows that they're keeping tabs of every slip up a liver has and will throw the book at them and list all their wrongdoings even if it's not related to the real reason they suspend them. The Zaion shit also proved that they're snooping on their private twitter accounts seeing if they say or do anything that could be seen as trash talking the company.

>> No.45805333

As a fucking nip I can say that soccer is more popular these days, and jap baseball fans have nothing on say euro football hooligans, they can't even get a proper harassment campaign going and jap baseball has had several scandals related to the yakuza fixing games.
Jap horse racing is the sport where you can actually end up in danger

>> No.45805378

>As a fucking nip I can say that soccer is more popular these days, and jap baseball fans have nothing on say euro football hooligans,
How the fuck do you guys like soccer when Japan was fucking pathetic in penalies, and still lack a superstar player.

>> No.45805449

Hey don't ask me, I hate both sports

>> No.45805472

Read the post I was replying to, or is that too difficult for your tiny brain?

>> No.45805477

Stop acting like the Japanese are the only people to have ever cared about anything. No responsible corporation would suspend a talent over this asine shit.

>> No.45805533

I read it, and it doesn't change what I said.

>> No.45805564

lmao no wonder they have low birth rates. they shit their pants over very minor yabs instead of chilling the fuck out and having sex.

>> No.45805589

>when Japan was fucking pathetic in penalies
God don't rind me of that, I was euro rooting for them and even I thought that was a shamefurru dispray

>> No.45805652
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I'm more baffled those bastards managed to get croatia to PK's. They at least battled to the end but for fucks sake. At least they HIT a penalty unlike Spain.

Team USA was fucking embarrassing btw.

>> No.45805784

You are retarded. Fucking wars were fought over football. Also Niji baseball streams are literally their biggest streams every year. With like 3x the ccv of Holofes.

>> No.45805848

Okay lemme spell it out for you then since you're apparently not able to think above a grade school level.
Not really surprising but here's the answer:

I wasn't making a direct comparison, I was simply agreeing with the anon that Japan is literally autistic when it comes to sports

>> No.45806049
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No war has ever been waged because somebody asked if you could kick the goalkeeper in the nuts.

>> No.45806075

As an American let me just say that we really don't care for international sporting events with the bare exception of the Olympics. American soccer teams are a joke because we view soccer as a joke sport meant for children.
None of your examples make this situation understandable. Weed possession is a serious thing in America and an apology over failing to oversee a tradition is understandable.

>> No.45806112 [SPOILER] 
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Lemme piss off canada real quick

>> No.45806237

Never underestimate Japanese schizos. Kyoani staff got burned alive because of some train schizo thought Kyoani was ripping him. Now imagine with Baseball schizo who is more numerous. Wolf Warrior don't live in Japan and physically incapable of doing any harm to a Japanese company. Twitter tranny are women and fake women. Japanese schizo can and will kill you over absolutely mundane shit.

>> No.45806279 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45806289

Loved this game back then. Wish they'd localize the new ones. Idgaf about the mlb licensing. I just want to play Success mode again.

>> No.45806395

So when will color start protecting their talents?

>> No.45806412

Being charged 10 million yen for 1/3rd of a gram is a massive deal also the more you keep saying "I'm totally an American guys believe me" the less I believe it honestly. In contrast, Michael Phelps got caught with weed not even a full year later and the worst that happened was he was temporarily barred and lost one of his many sponsors.

>> No.45806442

Niji can ignore the baseball lunatics because they are part of the target market that watch one of their biggest events.

>> No.45806680

It's kind of funny that on this board only numberfags and nijiJP fans know what the fuck you're even talking about when citing that big event.

>> No.45806684

Now that I know it bothers you I will keep saying it because I'm an American.
>The Olympic swimming sensation Michael Phelps, who was photographed inhaling from a marijuana pipe, has lost a major sponsorship deal and has been suspended from competition for three months. - https://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/06/sports/othersports/06phelps.html
Totally the same right?

>> No.45806715

That war took place because of already rising political tension. No one waged war because they did a cheeky move during the game.

>> No.45807272

Punishing Gundou is the best way to protect her. Because another alternative is Gundou getting murdered or something get burned.

>> No.45807306

Kinda sad, doesn't it?
The final event is the most watched direct and even Hololive doesn't have recent events that come close.

>> No.45807444

Not even close. I read the same article he got banned for 3 months and lost a sponsor that paid him 1.2k a month, now comparatively the sumo wrestler got caught with roughly the same amount and owed 56x that, he ended up paying about half of that so roughly 28x what Phelps did and afaik was banned for life from sumo wrestling.
The amount both were caught with was close to the same

>> No.45807655

the fact that theres all of this discussion and only two mentioned koshien shows how much the people in here know about the situation in Japan

>> No.45807664

I don't think you actually read it because the scandal wasn't that Phelps was caught with weed, rather a picture of him with a bong was discovered. As an American.

>> No.45807787

why are nijifans such thin skinned losers

>> No.45807887

That's because the people who don't suck Color's cock thinks this is stupid no matter how important the Baseball event is.

>> No.45807886

Thought it said joint but yes, him being an American was what my entire point was.
Being caught with weed in America is not nearly as big of a deal as it is in Japan. Being caught with weed in America as a professional sports player loses you a single sponsorship and you get banned for 1/4 of a year
Being a sports player in Japan and getting caught gets you banned for life and you owe Japan several million yen

>> No.45807891

And in russia a transexual WNBA player got caught with a damn vape pen and was sentenced to something insane like 9 years. Its called cultural differences. I wish the people who cry out for accurate translation in anime also used that same respect the culture energy to understand other issues.

>> No.45808013

In America being caught with weed can give you a prison sentence.
No she got caught with weed and the amount of weed would have gotten her a similar sentence in most of the US.

>> No.45808131

The Japanese are autistic. This suspension is about nipping public anger in the bud more than anything.

>> No.45808251

I would never imagine why you faggots think arguing cultural differences for why a dumb question from a woman about sports can produce such over reaction from color.

>> No.45808479

In Japan it can give you a prison sentence as well, retard. Phelps didn't get arrested and thrown in jail for possession of weed and neither did Toshinori, but what did happen was Phelps lost a sponsor and was banned for 3 months while Toshinori was banned for life and owed 5.8 million yen to the japs.
If you had two brain cells capable of rubbing together to produce the tiniest spark of intelligence you might realize that there are cultural differences and Japan takes sports super seriously but at this point in time I'm honestly amazed that you're capable of breathing without having to manually think about it

>> No.45808487

Didn't a 'murican runner was suspended from the Olympics because she was caught smoking weed as part of a "prescription" and twitterites and pundits alike protested because of that?

>> No.45808559

How fragile are people now that a joke causes this? It's just the victim olympics, a race to be offended the best

>> No.45808576

Because that's what it is. I'm sorry to tell you, sometimes japan isnt a country of rainbows and free loli pussy.

>> No.45808629

Because someone can get killed. Especially for Nijisanji who is Baseballfag: the company. You don't understand Japanese autism.

>> No.45808877

Toshinori and Phelps aren't comparable. Get back to me when Phelps was caught with weed at an event. As an American.
I don't believe you. No one was being killed over such an asinine question. In fact, I think you're just a Color dick rider who worships the company more than the talents with that statement alone.

>> No.45809437

This. I like a few of the NijiJP members, but damn, Anycolor is getting crazier after the IPO
I just hope Cover will never follow their step

>> No.45809618
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Yeah bro. Nobody getting burned alive over stupid thing. Especially when baseball is basically religion for Japanese and they just won the biggest event in their life. You just applying your western sensibilities without realizing Nijisanji is dealing with potential schizos. To put it simple, Gundou punished - Baseballfag satisfied and calmed down. Gundou not punished - baseballfag outrage and doubled down. And something will get destroyed.

>> No.45809899

They won it 3 times before

>> No.45809939

>seething over sports
>seething over what some girl with no idea how it works said on the internet about sports
what level do braindead retardation is this?

>> No.45810064

>what level do braindead retardation is this?
Level: Japan.

>> No.45810086

Without their babe ruth. Ohtani, even in american baseball circles, is being propped up on an gigantic pedestal.

>> No.45810195


>> No.45810317

but this was the biggest tournament yet and the reason why it was so hyped was because ohtani and the fact that the US team was loaded (which never happened before).

not to mention, this Japanese WBC team was seen as one of the greatest of all time.

>> No.45810335

Why the fuck did you bring up the Kyoto arson attack? Wasn't that literally some random nut job who accused the company of plagiarism? Are you saying people supported his actions? You're grasping at straws with this retarded attempt of an example.

>> No.45810813
File: 566 KB, 2135x1011, gund.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright hopefully this can summarize the entire thing.
The tweet that got attention is this one -
> これ玉投げる人、強い人が立った時に頭か身体に投げちゃえば出場停止にできるんじゃないの?
Best translation is -
> When a strong player come to bat, can't the dude throwing the ball, like, throw it to his head or body, and get them to stop playing ~ ?
You can see the slight implication at the end with "get them to stop playing", where if you see it you see it for the first time you might think "is this bitch talking about killing the batter by throwing the ball at his head? the fuck?".
So, immediately that's a bit of a faux pas, which is what most of the baseballfags caught on to. It's also why there were a lot of "don't say that, even as a joke" type of tweets.

First bit of damage control -
> the translation is wrong, she was talking about the PITCHER getting suspended, it was a legit question
That MAY have worked, but
> 出場停止にできるんじゃないの?
"dekiru", implies "getting something done", in this case, getting the strong player to stop playing.
If she meant to talk about the pitcher getting suspended, she would have used -
> 出場停止にならないの?
"naru", i.e. "become suspended".
You can see she was trying to use vague terms to avoid backlash throughout the entire thing (pic rel), but she really messed up with this one, which is why it caught fire.

No worries, shift narrative -
> she doesn't know shit about baseball, she's was just a newbie asking questions
Oh wait : https://twitter.com/qRVN63mw1cRwPF5/status/1638776054717485056
That's her making an oldfag baseball reference while playing the game, so yeah. She knew what she was doing.

Okay, so next narrative shift is -
> she didn't ACTUALLY say she was new at the game, she was just pretending for her audience, antis are just grouping that in just to attack her
Wrong -
> 野球プニキしか知らんのだけど来た球全部打たないんだね
"I only know a little bit of baseball but you don't hit all the balls huh ~"
> リスナーが9ターン制のゲームだって教えた事を天才なので覚えています
"I remembered my listeners telling me it was a 9-turn game, I'm such a genius ~"
> こんな小さなバットで当てててすごいな!あも腕がムキムキしてる人が多くてすごいな
"Hitting with such a small bat is amazing! Ah, also it's amazing how so many people have muscular arms ~"
> ストライクって何?でも場所は定位置が定位置じゃないのがわかった!ありがとう!
"What is a "Strike"? But anyway I found out that the fixed position is not the fixed position~! Thank you~!"
> 全然わからんけど野球おもしろい :smileyface:
"I don't understand it at all, but baseball sure is fun :smileyface: ~"

The sheer amount of condescension and sarcasm dripping from her tweets can't fully be translated to non Japanese speakers.
Suffice to say, imagine some valley girl being an utter passive aggressive bitch about something, and imagine having to translate that to a non English speaker.
They wouldn't see anything wrong because they wouldn't understand the tone or the way that she says it. The literal sentences don't look so bad, but the context in which they are said is what makes it bad.
Same case here.

In addition to all this -
> Nijisanji has sponsorships with not just baseball video games, but actual Japanese Baseball leagues as well (Central League).
> A Korean guy once implied that they might try this strategy with a star player of Japan and got absolutely dunked on for it, this is a repeat of that

All of that combined with how much the tweet spread, I don't think Anycolor had any choice other than to suspend her. But considering the wording of the tweet -
> this is not the first time this talent has made such remarks
it tells me that they may have just been waiting for something like this to happen to dunk on her.

I would say this was a long time coming, especially with all her assorted yabs (taking shots at holofans, lying about her vacation, and all sorts of other stuff that never left her stream) and getting away scot free from all of them.
It's just funny that fucking baseball was the thing that did her in.
And now that people are paying attention, there might be a lot more dirt coming out from her.
I wouldn't be surprised if this ended up in a termination similar to Zaion. Except the reasons this time are actually legit, and no one else in the company has ever talked as much shit as Gundou has.

>> No.45810820

But this time ended with a match between Ohtani (like Messi to Argentina, but in baseball) versus Trout (the most hyped american player) in the final. That was some shit straight out of any sport anime/manga.

>> No.45811021

>That's her making an oldfag baseball reference while playing the game,
>It's a fucking whiny the poo baseball video game.
Okay you are just being retarded. Also, knowing a little bit about baseball doesn't mean you know the rules.

>> No.45811282

Thanks JPbro.

>> No.45811286

And this time it will be by mob and not just one schizo and over a cultural importance supported by the whole group of baseball schizos. Nijisanji have no choice other than suspending Gundou to show they are punishing her and hope they calm down.

>> No.45811303

Thanks, this made me support Gundo even more.

>> No.45811442

She's saying "I have surpassed Ochiai" (joke, obviously).
He's a player who played from 1979-1998.
It's not someone a non-baseball fan would know about.

>> No.45811502

>Suspended because you pissed off your sponsors.
Lol. If Holo did this, they would have done the same thing, it was only luck they didn't back in the vod holocaust.

>> No.45811658

Sure buddy I will totally believe you after you pulled that dumb shit out of your ass.
... What? Knowing about some random player proves she must be a baseball fan? Shit maybe I'm a baseball fan because I know some random players from my State.

>> No.45811678

She is just being disingenuous, her question was a dumb shitpost and in any other circumstance nobody would paying attention.
She also has read a spokon about baseball. So the sport is not alien to her.

>> No.45811845
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>sensei was sacrificed for their weekly drama this time
She is one of the few I like, fuck off black company!

>> No.45811862

I watched a baseball movie before so that must make be knowledgeable about baseball right?

>> No.45811919

>hololive suspend Coco and Haato for showing accidentally showing Taiwan in their analytics and then force Coco to leave the company through banishment room strategy
>Nijisanji suspend notorious troublemaker for causing a huge shitstorm within her own country and potentially hurting Niji's baseball sponsors

Gundou has shat on hololive before btw.

>> No.45811952

>As an American I can say that if Japan gets that ass raped over such a thing they are the issue not some chick online who self admittedly doesn't understand the rules.
>Not being aware that muricans got ass raped over jokes about nigger and trannies
It's the same shit everywhere, each countries have different shit going on

>> No.45812060

I'm not a tribalnigger so I couldn't care less about what she has said. Both situations are super retarded.

>> No.45812094

The Taiwan shit is nothing like this bullshit and the fact you are trying to conflate the two proves how much of a color dick sucker you are.
So it's a dumb cancel brigade? Why isn't color defending her then?

>> No.45812374

There is different to watch a movie and another read every week a manga about a loser that learns how to play baseball. She was trying to being cheeky online and it backfired. What is the lesson? Don't be intentionally stupid on the internet.

>> No.45812397
File: 347 KB, 461x506, 1662075950298632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never much cared for /vt/ rrats, but I can't help but noticed they include "and other things too" on every suspension. It's become extremely clear to me that saying they'd done other things as well is just so they can shield themselves from criticism by implying we don't have the whole picture. I've always been a Holofag first and foremost, but I'm done watching Niji streams at this point and am just going to encourage people to watch other chuubas.

>> No.45812476

The lesson is that Color should be boycotted as a shit company that will throw their talents under the bus.

>> No.45812501
File: 384 KB, 510x598, 1673119407661952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... It's baseball, anon.

>> No.45812555

> Okay
newfag wasn't around for the "Yagoo kneeling to China" meme spam

>> No.45812600

According to the Nijiniggers Baseball is the national religion of Japan and anything that's not worshiping at Baseballs feet is worthy of being burnt to death on a stake.

>> No.45812693

> NijiKoshien
> Central League Sponsorship
> Maimoto liked the suspension tweet
uhhh yeah.... just baseball I guess, no financial implications here whatsoever, carry on now.

>> No.45812762

I repeat, anon. It's baseball.

>> No.45812898

This but unironically. There is no sport other than Baseball, and Shohei Ohtani is one true goat. Homerun inshallah.

>> No.45812908

You will never get through to him. He will die on this hill because he worships Color's cock like the Japanese worships baseball.

>> No.45812955

Aiieee so many GUNDOU dedicated fans in here, what are your favorite GUNDOU streams?

>> No.45813095

I'm a Rosiemi fan who just think this is another retarded suspension by the biggest black company in vtubing. I want Roseimi to work for the fish at this point.

>> No.45813113

Companies only exist to make money. Sponsorships bring in big money, especially in sports, since can shove ads into the faces of tens of thousands of people.
Suspending one of hundreds of your talents, albeit being one of the bigger ones, doesn't make a difference for them, apparently.

>> No.45813202

>imagine some valley girl being an utter passive aggressive bitch about something
So it wasn't jokes but a seething fem moment.
That just makes it even funnier.

>> No.45813228

It's also completely unprofessional and pathetic!

>> No.45813234

>Scream "BLACK COMPANY BLACK COMPANY BLACK COMPANY" without knowing anything.
>given explanation what happened and why and it can get worse if they didn't do anything.
HoloNPC should stop talking about anything outside Hololive.

>> No.45813246

If Gundou ever gets fired, GunKan shippers will despair and I can't wait to see it

>> No.45813286
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>> No.45813307
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>> No.45813314
File: 267 KB, 585x564, 1659414393390259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. It's literally baseball.

>> No.45813366

I know what she did, and I know that you're trying to say Color was going to be firebombed if they didn't suspend her. I'm telling you that's bullshit.

>> No.45813396

Go back to the general, Pissdachi.

>> No.45813404

>you can't call out Anycolor's bullshit unless you are a day 1 Gundou fan
lol, lmao even

>> No.45813408

I thought they already extinct million years ago.

>> No.45813540

I can agree with the indefinite suspension until the heat died down, but is it necessary to list her shits?

>> No.45813569

If holobronies knew anything about Gundou they wouldn't defend her at all because she shit on hololive before lmao.

>> No.45813609

>I'm telling you that's bullshit.
We are talking about Japan.

>> No.45813674

this is the most retarded comparison ive ever read in this shit hole

>> No.45813689

they didnt list her shit, if they did, you would get a book

>> No.45813703

We're talking about Color, and you're trying to excuse it by saying bullshit about Japan.

>> No.45813795


>> No.45813822

And Anycolor is not a Japanese company? Like I said, what else they can do?

>> No.45813835

According to the nijiniggers the combine streams of Nijisanji Koshien is about 12.9 millions views. Any company would protect their profits.

>> No.45813860

Suspending someone over baseball is something the entire world can comment on.

>> No.45813871

>Imagine defending anyone regardless of how bad their background just to express hatred towards the company

>> No.45813934
File: 234 KB, 314x399, 1675070000737180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. I don't think you and me are communicating properly. It is unironically and literally baseball. It is actually and genuinely baseball.

>> No.45813941

Ignore it. Like seriously no one believe this isn't anything but a minor upset being mishandled.

>> No.45813971

>Suddenly everyone forgets that coco and haato were suspended to appease a crowd just like Gundou was suspended to appease a crowd.

>> No.45813978

You're underestimating how rabid sports fans can be. But it's not a Japan only thing like the retard is implying. In addition to losing sponsors I could definitely see some hooligan niggers going around breaking shit in AnyColor's HQ in protest.

>> No.45814074

Which world, burgershitland?

>> No.45814085

It's a woman saying stupid shit on Twitter. No baseball fan is going to protest at color over it.

>> No.45814119

>Ignore it. Like seriously no one believe this isn't anything but a minor upset being mishandled.
Ignore it? See? This is why HoloNPC should stop talking about anything outside Hololive. They literally know nothing and refuse to learn.

>> No.45814249

The tweet has 13m views (that's 10%+ of Japan's population) and was featured in Sports News websites and stuff. It could definitely happen.

>> No.45814324
File: 338 KB, 695x628, Patriot Shark[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fusl1pr.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a red blooded American living in the one, true home of baseball, I hereby absolve Gundo of any and all wrongdoings. So it is ordered.

>> No.45814328

>He doesn't beleive you, quick call him a holonpc!
Nigger I don't worship a company so much that I'm willing to make up bullshit like you. As soon as you implied Color could be firebombed over this I stopped believing every word you said.

>> No.45814648

Instead of being incredulous over thos situation, how about you apply those reps and ask those Japanese who replied to the tweet why it matters to them?

>> No.45814756

This is involving the whole Japan not just mere Vtuber or Nijisanji. Fucking boomers who know nothing about vtubers start ganging up Gundou. I suggest you to go back to your En thread because you are fucking dumbfuck EOPnigger.

>> No.45814810
File: 282 KB, 1148x433, baseball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggas dont even appreciate baseball anymore though

>> No.45814840

Baseball viewers are one of the most important target of one of the biggest events of Nijisanji. Pissing them is akin as a Holo pissing the unicorns and saying "is only a male collab".

>> No.45814928

I forget, when has Hololive suspended and dragged out a chubba in the mud for a male collab?

>> No.45814991

>more baseball talk on /vt/ than /sp/
feels bad baseball bros

>> No.45815061


>> No.45815083

We do and we still claim it. It is embedded in our culture and history.

>> No.45815088

No one gives a fuck about baseball in the west. It's a boring meme sport dying everywhere besides japan that autistically love it for some unknown reason.

>> No.45815089

Well, it features baseball, but only as an auxiliary plus theres still like a week till the real opening day.

>> No.45815203

You can say the same with American football

>> No.45815295

That is wrong comparison. Baseball is incomparable from no male unicorn shit. The best comparison is if some European actress asked if Muhammad is pedophile for marrying Aisha. And that actress is half-berber.

>> No.45815550

And we should believe this bullshit why?

>> No.45815971

Thanks for the context anon
But you need to understand that most anons just want to shit on Nijisanji at every single opportunity
The suspension aside, I still dislike the fact they write
>this is not the first time this talent has made such remarks

>> No.45816112

This is reality.

>> No.45816209

Tell us more about Gundo being beheaded.

>> No.45816216

Of all the NijiJPs that the EOPs choose to white knight they choose... *flips through flash cards* Gundou...

I'm living in a bizarro dimension. You fags used to hate her guts. Why the sudden insurgency?

>> No.45816256

Don't bother
These retards just want to dunk on Anycolor for any reason
A talent of Anycolor can kill someone and these retards will still dunk on Anycolor for shitting on that talent
Management shouldn't have added the list though
Unless they are tired of her shit and wants to fire her

>> No.45816287

They will always say that. It's so they have an excuse if anyone calls them out on their bullshit.

>> No.45816319

>What she said it totally equalvent to murder guys!
And you accuse us of being delusional?

>> No.45816321

it's just anime girls anon

>> No.45816361

Inshallah, that whore will be beheaded. Ohtani Ackbar!

>> No.45816431

My bad, I mean the statement saying she has been making troublesome statements several times

>> No.45816546

>When a strong player come to bat, can't the dude throwing the ball, like, throw it to his head or body, and get them to stop playing ~ ?
Well, can they? Will they get away with it? Are there rules about it?

>> No.45816625
File: 861 KB, 1920x1808, ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Typically you'd think a suspension like this would be handled similar to how nippleman was, in that he "voluntarily took a break from streaming to reflect on his actions".
That would be understandable, just getting the guy out of the spotlight while feelings cooled down.
And even in this case, just apologizing for her bad remarks and suspending her would have been enough, but the fact that they added this line, it feels a lot more vindictive somehow.
You don't get the feeling that Anycolor really gives much of a shit whether Gundou gets dunked on or not.
It could just be them trying to kick her out due to pic rel though.

>> No.45816711

>I can't see it therefore it doesn't exist
I suppose being a tribalfag can make you blind

>> No.45816712

>What she said it totally equalvent to murder guy
That is what nip believe. I'm not kidding.

>The tweet was met with a number of comments from the county road, "That's a statement that can't be dismissed as ignorance. People are going to die." "It's an unbelievable statement, even if it's a quip," "It doesn't matter if you don't know anything about baseball anymore. It's not a matter of not knowing anything about baseball anymore. This comment is out. Stop watching baseball," and the situation went up in flames.

>> No.45816742

>are there rules about throwing an object at someone's head instead of playing the game
Anon, do you need medical assistance?

>> No.45816809

Holobronies really memoryholed this didn't they. Miko and Marine got a reaction far worse than Gundou did yet Gundou is the one that got suspended. Priorities lmao

>> No.45816826

>implying EOPniggers can read Japanese in the first place

>> No.45817059

I'm not a tribal nigger like you faggots, I watch Holo Talents, Niji Talents, Phase Connect Talents, Idol Talents, even VS from time to time. I view Color in the same league as Wactor.

>> No.45817093

Let me change the sport.
If a soccer player kicks a ball to a guy's crotch, will he get away with it?
Are there any rules about it? Will it be seen as an accident?

>> No.45817152

Extreme false equivalence. For starters a football doesnt travel 90+ mph

>> No.45817163

It didn't start a war you stupid nigger. Stop trying to force the false equivalency.

>> No.45817230

This just makes jp bros look even worse. Imagine letting a bitch get you in your feelings over her hating baseball

>> No.45817232

There are rules about it but its also a strategy some pitchers will use (rarely). However if you bean someone and it looks deliberate, or even worse you do it again, then players are gonna rush the field and start punching

>> No.45817406

>en shit, en shit. More en shit.
We can tell.
>view Color in the same league as Wactor.
In what way? You clearly doesn't know how real black company look like. The fact you compared Nijisanji with fucking Wactor proof you are just grasping the straw.

>> No.45817441

Holy fuck! It's a question! Just give it an answer!
She's tweeting as if she didn't know shit about the game, let alone how fast the ball is.

See >>45817232
That's not so hard, right?

>> No.45817500

>I view Color in the same league as Wactor.
Ah yes pretend to be impartial while being an obvious holobrony at the same time. Niji/Anycolor hasn't done anything as bad as Cover did in the past yet, let alone Wactor. They have more recent drama but it's still nothing on the level of something like the Mel scandal.

>> No.45817515

She knows. Everyone with a brain knows. And you know. Throwing essentially a rock at someone's head isnt allowed. Why the fuck would it be?

>> No.45817598

>The only people allowed to hate Color is Holofags.
God Nijiniggers are pathetic.

>> No.45817774

It's a ball, not a rock.
Sometimes people don't throw the balls straight.
Sometimes people mess up.

>> No.45817827

I mean its kind of allowed, you can only really do it once per game though or else you'll probably get suspended. Whats more common is a pitcher will adopt a tactic called headhunting, where you just get the ball close to the head in a attempt to scare batters. That's when most beans happen, not deliberately but as a result of trying to intimidate a batter via a close call

>> No.45817845

This time it feels like they want to get rid of her, like this anon >>45816625 said
Sometimes I wonder if Gundou has a strong backer or something, she always survived despite her history of saying things that shouldn't be said out loud

>> No.45817912

I don't know what else to call you if you think firing Zaion or suspending someone because of a tweet which generated a huge shitstorm within the country is on the same level as the Mel scandal. Unless you're ignorant about it of course.

>> No.45818041

Of course, it's not the same but you faggots will pretend that unless Color is literally doxxing and then murdering all their talents they can't be a black company.

>> No.45818068

Because only Holokike hate Nijisanji for absolutely dumb reason when more company including Cover already did worse shit than them.

>> No.45818104

>You don't get the feeling that Anycolor really gives much of a shit whether Gundou gets dunked on or not.
At least this is confirmation that the Zaion termination was not limited to NijiEN management being vindictive cunts, that this is how all of Niji management is going to go from now on. You piss them off and you will get put into an online struggle session to atone for your ideological sins. Must be the Chinese influence at work.

>> No.45818120

Football is more difficult to aim than baseball, and in this case, is more similar to the situation where the player intentionally kicks directly at the opponent's leg or body which will result in a red card and severe punishment from the Football Committee

>> No.45818193

Niji actively seems to hate its talents.

>> No.45818235

She framed it as a tactic in her own tweet. Just stop.
See above. Now while I get your point, we also both know most beans end up in the side or back.

>> No.45818250

I see a shit ton of people didn't watch One Outs and couldn't handle the banter sasuga baseball bug people lmao

>> No.45818274

>Mel scandal.
Do you see Holofags saying
>Mel was actually in the wrong here, management did nothing wrong at all.
Like you sistersare now trained to always do for your black company? No? Then stop with the false equivalency..

>> No.45818289


>> No.45818302

We hate both but Holofags are too loyal to their chink overlords to see otherwise.

Sensei did nothing wrong.

>> No.45818404

>It's become extremely clear to me that saying they'd done other things as well is just so they can shield themselves from criticism by implying we don't have the whole picture.
Yeah, very sleazy tactic.

>> No.45818412

Any MireiRoi stream. Take me fucking back please.

>> No.45818452


>> No.45818496

I'm convinced that if Color did become just like Wactor they will still defend Color.

>> No.45818495

Did Nijisanji ignored their talent when she got sexual harrassed by her manager? Did Nijisanji suspended their talents over discord? Did Nijisanji put their talent on the bin when she got harassed by group of foreigner in disguise of protecting others? Did Nijisanji deleted the whole VODs because they don't do their only job? Did Nijisanji fired the whole group and replace them with new VA? Did Nijisanji fired 2 talent because they ask for more idol activity and go into hiding when the fire rise? Did Nijisanji ghosted their talent and put them on limbo?

>> No.45818523

Fuck off. You're part of the problem. Most of us think this is absolutely heinous and baseball shouldn't be this much of a big fucking deal. Gundou is one of the trademark livers in NijiJP. We're all suffering as a result of this.

>> No.45818533

Shouldn't they defend their talent from harassment?

>> No.45818545

Never fuck with trains or baseballfags

>> No.45818552

Zhang, learn English before posting please.

>> No.45818572

Holy shit faggot. Shut then fuck up. Yes, Koshien is Nijisanji's biggest draw, but this shit is far from a big deal.

>> No.45818576

>She framed it as a tactic in her own tweet.
Yeah sure, schizo.
>Just stop.
Make the voices in your head stop first.

>> No.45818579

With how well they're currently defending their talents they sure are on that path.

>> No.45818591


>> No.45818596
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>> No.45818625

Don't forget Miko and Marine getting suspended and nearly fired for upsetting a doujin artist

>> No.45818640

>Gundou is one of the trademark livers in NijiJP.
More like shitstain.

>> No.45818682

Already happened with Mori, Ame, and Kronii, your point?
Towa and Laplus. Reps, now newfaggot.

>> No.45818703

Only Nijiniggers will defend the company above the talents.

>> No.45818739

Who in the goddamned FUCK cares about baseball in this world? It's not popular in America, not popular in Japan, it's an irrelevant shit sport and you Reddit faggots wouldn't stop spamming /spuh/ with muh WBC shit despite the fact most of the threads were dunking on burgers for shilling this """sport."""

Sensei unironically did nothing wrong.

>> No.45818759

Nijisanji fans on this board have no original thoughts. They basically take a look at what Holofans on this board are doing and just do the complete opposite without understanding why people got to the conclusion they did.
> Holofans defending Zaion? DOXX HER! BURN HER! WRECK HER SHIT!

Then again it could just be actual bots as well, considering how they're replying as if programmed.

>> No.45818776

She didn't even break a rule is the funniest thing about all this. They needed to include a bit about how she is "bad woman long time" to even justify this extreme of an action.

>> No.45818785

Read it yourself. It's been posted 20 times in this thread.

>> No.45818805

Watch as the Nijinigger does the the usual pulling long-debunked dramatuber narrative about Mel in a vain attempt to deflect with whataboutism.

(spoilers: Mel's manager was fired almost immediately and the legal squabble between her and Cover was about Cover originally refusing to pay for her relocation expenses because she was considered just a hired talent, but hey feel free to bring up those wild stories about Mel's manager not getting fired and only being re-assigned to someone else or Mel getting sexually assaulted in the office and Cover trying to cover it up (heh), because parroting Narukami is OK as long as he's making shit up about Hololive and not Niji, amirite?)

>> No.45818817

kek that would be hilarious and most countries would just see that as cheeky bantz

>> No.45818827

>Is just a ball!
That was a pretty stupid question that anyone with half a brain knows the answer.

>> No.45818828

what's the point of doing that? are they shareholders or something?

>> No.45818860

No shit look at Towa suspension, Laplus suspension, Haato/Coco suspension, Miko/Marine suspension list go on and on.

>> No.45818913

I still to this day do not understand why Mel did not leave that black company when she is least popular Holo and have very low SC number. Also her ex-manager is now higher up in Cover.

>> No.45818947

And, ultimately, Mel still works at Cover after all these years. And Coco could also still be working there if she wanted to. Meaning Cover is not as unreasonable as sisters wish they were. Meanwhile, when Niji management wants you gone, they REALLY want you gone and pull out all the stops to make it happen.

>> No.45818959

im just here to laugh at cucks that defend a black company

>> No.45818967

Oh no no Holokeks
Your response???

>> No.45818994

I have a theory. They are Ex-Holofags who latched onto Niji as a company instead of their talents.
Only you niggers think that no Holofags weren't in uproar over most of that shit.

>> No.45819032

She has more members than any low tier Holo though and is one of high CCV livers. Nijisanji cannot afford to lose her over a fucking non-sport.

>> No.45819067

This is the kind of shit that happens when a private company goes public btw

>> No.45819073

Laplus and Miko/Marine weren't suspended

>> No.45819081

No. It's Holofags defending Anycolor here. Niji fans are rightfully upset over this.
Exactly, which is why they are being met with scorn from most Niji fans.

>> No.45819095

Like someone posted above, this is similar to pissing unicorns at the time of HoloFes and not wanting consequences. Baseball fans are a big market for Nijisanji, the correct course of action is not antagonize them.
If only HoloEN could learn something from that. Maybe someday they would get that fabled 3rd Gen.

>> No.45819112

>holoNPC who know nothings beyond Niji bad call other people bots.
Look at mirror first.

>> No.45819127

Too bad her former manager is now higher up at COVER

Mel is only in it for money let's be honest here. She is worst performing Holo in SC

>> No.45819178

Nigger check JP Twitter they were defending the doujin artist
>he doesn't know
That happened 3 times already in HoloEN alone dumbass but they didn't get suspended. Tell me who the retard company is

>> No.45819201

>Towa suspension
Do you mean when Towa was a huge retard on stream or do you mean when she took a "vacation" because she was fighting with management? Either way, they resolved it.
>Laplus suspension
You realize Laplus is simply building a legal case against her antis and she needs to be gone for months to do so, right retard?
>Haato/Coco suspension, Miko/Marine suspension
Broke rules and got slaps on the wrist, literally the most minimum suspensions they could give out. This the best you got?

>> No.45819208

I think it's a subsect of the niji fan base.
I didn't know Color was a baseball company.

>> No.45819266

>actually believes Cover PR

>> No.45819288
File: 11 KB, 197x218, bot04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Keywords : Holofans, Nijifans
> Output : HoloNPC

>> No.45819330

Yes we establish Holofag are bootlicker who worship company over talent

That's why they are attacking Gundou for no reason when it's clear she did nothing wrong

>> No.45819335

Yes. I did. I read it multiple times.
It's still just a question. That means it needed an answer.
She ended the sentence with ~んじゃないの?(Yes, complete with a question mark), not ~すべきだ or ~の方が良い or ~を提案する.
It's not a statement. It's also not a suggestion.

>> No.45819339

Now, you are just baiting very poorly at this point (I seriously hope)

>> No.45819371

>Broke rules and got slaps on the wrist,
Oh so when Nijisanji did it they are black company? When Hololive did it it was a rule?

>> No.45819405

If u believe Cover PR after throwing multiple talent under the bus in 2019-20 alone then you are new and do not know the extent of shit they covered up.

>> No.45819443

> question mark = question
> in Japanese
mate... if you don't know Japanese just keep quiet about it instead of making yourself look like a tard

>> No.45819452

>not popular in Japan
65 million of people watched the final, half of the country. The most viewed direct of Nijisanji is the Nijisanji Koshien.

>> No.45819453

Yes Holofag are bootlicking SCUM
So of course they defend Holo tactic in Niji management

>> No.45819462

What rule did Gundo broke?

>> No.45819502

Go to /sp/ and they'll tell you the opposite is true based on the few people living in Nipland
Japan is a football country.

>> No.45819551

Upset the Holo style management

>> No.45819573

pathetic nijinogs running defense by deflection to Holo
you guys are the biggest corpo bootlickers around

>> No.45819630

>That happened 3 times already in HoloEN alone dumbass but they didn't get suspended. Tell me who the retard company is
And Holo EN views are in the gutter, that is something that Anycolor don't want. Or do you prefer them to bend the knee to the talents instead of the fans?

>> No.45819640

She put Riku's new yatch fund at risk

>> No.45819641

Look who talking Holofaggot
Just because Niji management use Holo style management to get one of their most popular liver doesn't mean they are aloud to get away with it

>> No.45819677

It's funny how Holofags are trying to push 'justice for Gundou' thing. Think about it, you people would be outraged too if she made fun of Holomems instead of baseball pitchers, she wouldn't have broken any rule for making fun of Holomems either, like that elf guy got suspended for making fun of Pekora, it's basically the same thing.

>> No.45819698

Fan always come first, tourist
And HoloEN losing to Phase Connect

>> No.45819748

I'm a Day 1 Usachan Club fag and I'm pissed.

>> No.45819751

she got away scoot free after taking a dump on holomems saying that they're desperate for money
kys bootlicker

>> No.45819765

She could call Hololive a bunch of troons for all I care this isn't a valid reason to suspend her.

>> No.45819769

not nijisanji's, apparently she insulted the pride of the japanese people this time. I don't know if this is at the same level as nipplegate but it's bad
what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.45819801

It's just banter, la

>> No.45819859

Because Niji management suspended Gundou for doing nothing wrong it's copying Holoshit suspending Haato and Coco dumbass

>> No.45819863

yeah and we didn't witch hunt her for that so the claim that we'd hate her for making fun of holomems is false

>> No.45819872

in other words: baseball fans being hug bitches as usual.

>> No.45819875

Okay, so where the fuck were you when Gwelu called nousagis a bunch of cucks? Where's justice for my boy?

>> No.45819876

Except the fact that it's still a question, even if there's no question mark, because it ended with a ~の.
That's why I said "complete with a question mark". It's just an emphasis.

>> No.45819894

I would believe to the facts, instead of some gaijin working as an english teacher. Soccer fans are just rowdy and boisterous. But Baseball is a tradition in Japan. When any high school soccer tournament have the coverage of the Koshien that would be the day that soccer is in the same table of baseball.

>> No.45819942

>don't know if this is at the same level as nipplegate
It's actually worse. Don't be surprised if she gets Coco treatment

>> No.45819943

Except Holofags did just that on 5ch, mate.

>> No.45819973

I honestly couldn't give less of a shit what happens to Gundou, but it's entertaining watching all the nijikeks one-sidedly going
> h-holofans are s-seething
while crying into their keyboards

>> No.45819979

kys nijinogs
those are clearly other nijifaggots like you

>> No.45819993

>she gets Coco treatment
Anycolor is bad here but they are not Holo tier bad at disowning their talents

>> No.45820037

It is Holofag defending ANYCOLOR when actual Niji fans are pissed at this and know it's a big deal

>> No.45820062

>it's fine when we falseflag as holofans to shit on rushia/aloe
>nooo those are holofans that attacked Gundou
pathetic nijinogs
your only moves are deflection

>> No.45820064

I assure you, I watched several anime episodes about Mahjong and I have no blasted idea how it plays

>> No.45820066

>they are not Holo tier bad at disowning their talents
what about Zaion?

>> No.45820092

Probably Omega's friend made that post

>> No.45820104

>unironically comparing Gwelu singing a song based on a 5ch greentext about Pekora having sex behind her paypig's backs 2 weeks after Anycolor made a statement about working together with Cover to deal with 5ch antis to Gundou getting suspended indefinitely notice for pissing off baseball autists with her twitter LARP

>> No.45820132

>HoloEn management somehow got their fingers on NijiEn
I'm impressed

>> No.45820142

>noooooooo don't insult my whores they're different!!!
No wonder Holofags are pooftahs who can't take a little bantz.

>> No.45820178

>suspend zaion for it
I think you nijinogs are the one who can't take a bantz

>> No.45820188

I fought for Gwelu but he pussied out and apologized, Holofag

Now I'm fighting for Gundou because I fucking hate baseball autists and the nip subhumans that worship that pathetic game.

>> No.45820200

You give enough shit to reply though. Her getting suspended is understandable because they can't risk pissing off baseballfags, just like how Gwelu got suspended because they can't risk pissing off Holofags, though it's not because of money in the latter case.

>> No.45820234

Zaion was too based for Nijisanji
Just like Gundou is too based for Nijisanji as well
Only the true hardliners will fight to their last breath on behalf of Holofags infiltrating Niji management just to get all of their good livers fired for no reason.

>> No.45820237

This schizo is kind of funny, I hope this thread takes a while to hit the bump limit.

>> No.45820276

nevermind it already did damn

>> No.45820287

>What rule did Gundo broke?
She was too uppity and Niji management hates uppity women.

>> No.45820289

she's a bitch but getting suspended over this is really funny and sad
Anykara can do something else that are infinitely better

>> No.45820319

Hey moron. I like them all. Holo, Niji, indies, VShoujo, full mocap VR girls.

You know what you'll never catch me dead watching: something boring and repetitive like baseball.

>> No.45820352

No shit. I pray to God she doesn't get the Coco treatment. If Nijisanji repeats the same reason why I left Hololive I may just be a full time Phasefag and Indiefag now.

>> No.45820382

>You know what you'll never catch me dead watching: something boring and repetitive like baseball.
So you are not watching Nijisanji Koshien? kek

>> No.45820420

Fuck no. I'd rather watch them seethe at Mario Kart

>> No.45820449

This. I'm a Nijisanji fan but fuck me if I tell you that baseball is boring as fuck and they should do PES instead.

>> No.45820488

If they had any sense they would so a whole entire arc of her going through baseball training camp with the eventual climax being experiencing what it's like to get hit with a baseball going 80mph to the head with a helmet on

>> No.45820911

>Nijisanji cannot afford
Yes they can
Livers are a dime a dozen and only a couple like Kuzuha and Mito are irreplaceable

>> No.45820963
File: 277 KB, 422x422, pikamee df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What's the baseball stream?"

>> No.45820965

Gundou is one of the most clipped Niji though newfaggot. Ever since MireiRoa days

>> No.45821542

Why are you guys dunking on Niji so much so for the past few months when Cover has drama as well yearly? Just this December there was drama that a lot of their EN talents weren't streaming right? They only started streaming after the New Years? That's drama.

>> No.45821635

Not recently apparently
I rarely see her chart at all in clip views
