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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 167 KB, 850x1202, 2sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45731563 No.45731563 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.


>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Channel/Socials/Merch Links

There's a Kiki /i/ thread up if you would like to participate >>>/i/723670
Kiki is a rabbit ( ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ )

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection

>/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Kiki Notifications RSS feed w/ instructions

>Stream Timestamp Tagger

>Champy Creative Corner
A Day w/ Kiki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY-2XziO8s8
Mahjong Champion: https://mega.nz/file/yeIQTJra#28qapIlcJ9kvGATq-tFgDQdjs-Yuq-LH4_Z79htQe1o
Kikiholes: https://youtu.be/jiJZpnaCzSc
Kiki RPG demo: https://kikirpg.itch.io/kiki-rpg (pass: debtdiskdeath)
Kikikore albums by Anon:
https://files.catbox.moe/p2e08j.zip – volume 1
https://files.catbox.moe/z8fzho.rar – volume 2
Kiki Koikatsu Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/Bx4XXYTb#o7L7D5bg4XverGHQ03upkQ
Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library
Kikinese: https://files.catbox.moe/yv1xre.pdf

>Recent Stream Highlights
The Norbert Arc - https://files.catbox.moe/rfrueq.mp4
Kiki Thought He Was Talking To Her - https://files.catbox.moe/thzwl5.webm
Kiki Got Scared By A Worm - https://files.catbox.moe/2bi0t8.webm
Kill All Greenies - https://files.catbox.moe/8thynx.webm
Two Options - https://youtu.be/HOv8r9XRPZg
Kiki Does It For Free - https://files.catbox.moe/r2va6g.webm
Kiki Fixed Slavery - https://files.catbox.moe/rorksn.webm
Kiki Checks The Aggie - https://files.catbox.moe/5ayg3i.webm

>Clip channel

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Last thread

>> No.45731590
File: 481 KB, 962x962, KIKI LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45731696

Kiki Love!

>> No.45731746

glad you approve, the champy bread committee had a good collaborative conversation on it

>> No.45731751

I VERY love Kiki!

>> No.45731762

Hey Kiki can you answer my question?
I really love you gigi, neva4get

>> No.45731774

Does Kiki know what Milt/Shirako is?

>> No.45731777
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1650425036087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind status: Unchanged

>> No.45731780

it's much cleaner

>> No.45731809

are we doing the lord of the board wrestling thing???

>> No.45731837
File: 50 KB, 500x451, 1661764658846683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife has the baddest biker jacket in rabbaville

>> No.45731876

Prime Stalker playing uniform

>> No.45731904

Some of you are alright, don't go to Koikatsu school central courtyard tomorrow.

>> No.45731927

my rabba wife seems to be in a great mood and that makes this champy immensely happy

>> No.45731941
File: 36 KB, 850x1133, GIGIOLVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45731954

champy will hold you tight if you get scared...

>> No.45732011

>Kiki is the coolest rabbit int he whole land of the world
- kiki 2023

>> No.45732023
File: 674 KB, 1280x720, kiki_stalked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scared gigi is cute

>> No.45732061

Creatura lost a few teef.

>> No.45732090

`Bad bunny biker mode activated (-35)

>> No.45732110

>dont come to the stream tomorrow...

>> No.45732201

Kiki is having a moment again

>> No.45732240

`Coffee drinking time (-20)

>> No.45732320

kek silly nigger

>> No.45732319

who spiked kiki's coffee with the funny juice

>> No.45732322

does Kiki song has farts?

>> No.45732404

hehe the olive has a little rabbit tail

>> No.45732422

Sorry Kiki, I might prefer the olive's toofy grin.

>> No.45732431

kiki youre in a chipper mood arent you

>> No.45732434


>> No.45732455

`Kiki has been having a good time (-15)

>> No.45732536

Come on Kiki say the N word it would be based

>> No.45732558

let's shoot them all !! just don't drink kek

is there more to this? if not no worries

>> No.45732559


>> No.45732573

Get a program that automatically mutes every time you yell racial slurs.

>> No.45732575

I love my self-restraining humble rabbit wife!
say it

>> No.45732579
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, kiki stalking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki's wacky Zone adventure!

>> No.45732601

But if you edit it the chat log will be deleted forever...

>> No.45732613


>> No.45732624

me on the right offscreen, where she's looking at

>> No.45732625


>> No.45732626


awww!! it's great!!!

>> No.45732645

good work, champ!

>> No.45732660
File: 204 KB, 468x478, 1678061990615014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cropped from an edit a champ made

>> No.45732678

"Cmon, play the guitar, do eet nao!"

>> No.45732690

`Kiki doesn't wanna say it out loud (-10)

>> No.45732701

tri poloski

>> No.45732743


>> No.45732750
File: 1.81 MB, 566x534, pee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, Kiki what are you doing in this webm?

>> No.45732755


>> No.45732763

is it the song that you aren't allowed to play in aus/nz anymore thanks to ya boy tarrant?

>> No.45732799
File: 326 KB, 438x544, what the heckity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45732808

`Kiki noticing the piss compilation (-5)

>> No.45732831


>> No.45732836


>> No.45732852
File: 22 KB, 259x224, laughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 4arm girl

>> No.45732875

so why cant she say it?

>> No.45732889

`Game start

>> No.45732908

the radiation is already out of hand...

>> No.45732954

Each of those pees? Collected, barreled and labeled by me.

>> No.45732965

Haha Kiki has forearms what a goof

>> No.45732983

the whole day feels like a drag until gigi time, then i have so much that its over before i know it ;_;

>> No.45733039

My humble (rare!) music recommendation for today

>> No.45733054
File: 241 KB, 500x451, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the original edit btw

>> No.45733132

Are you using the updog mod?

>> No.45733180

hmm.. Insecurity, past bullying maybe, probably because of current events happening in the world..
Just a few guesses. I'm sure one day Kiki will feel confident enough to speak Russian, and when she does, I'll be extremely proud of her, not that I'm not immensely proud of her already.

>> No.45733260

`Kiki got spooked by some ambush (-10)

>> No.45733340

This is not an easy game to pick back up, not remembering what clues people have told you.

>> No.45733368

i was very impressed with her when she finally told us. she seemed to be a bit taken aback by all of us champs telling her how cool she is for being bilingual. we all have much to be proud of for our kiki!

>> No.45733417

It's ok, watching you suck makes for good sufferkino

>> No.45733456

i just like hanging out regardless of what you're doing but the STALKER streams have always been extra fun, don't worry!

>> No.45733515

`Attacking the outpost (-15)

>> No.45733554

>Ukraine soldier pov

>> No.45733564

protip: shoot at the enemy until it dies

>> No.45733588

just don't miss lmao

>> No.45733686
File: 1.53 MB, 1273x904, RabAltColorsAll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black jacket is just Kiki's labcoat with the colors inverted in paint, another champ added edits to that.
If we had full body shots, someone could invert the clothing and make the rest of the jacket, etc.

>> No.45733695

it is a bit unwieldy to operate a rifle with four arms i suppose

>> No.45733705

I think Kiki is CUTE and I'm sick of pretending she's not!

>> No.45733757

why do you keep pretending every day if its making you sick just stop pretending

>> No.45733907

>cum on pussy

>> No.45734008

`Boring! (-5)

>> No.45734073

buffer deez nuts

>> No.45734094

that was permission by the way

>> No.45734098

ahhh that's actually a huge help knowing it's roughly the lab coat, thank you.

>> No.45734204

`Kiki doesn't like this place

>> No.45734287

`Admiring a pretty sunset with Kiki

>> No.45734333

You know what else is beautiful kiki?

>> No.45734352

`Kiki almost peed herself (-25)

>> No.45734375
File: 294 KB, 541x431, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45734382
File: 99 KB, 200x319, Uncork1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45734384

Yep. I'm adding this one to the piss compilation

>> No.45734403

I always feel bad killing dogs in games but those dogs are kind of ugly ngl

>> No.45734416

Kiki loves piss

>> No.45734461

`Some guy is fucking the fire (-10)

>> No.45734487

she HATES it

>> No.45734589

`Current objective: Turn off the brain scorcher

>> No.45734640
File: 139 KB, 319x414, uohbelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This badrab can fit so much piss in it.

>> No.45734670

`She just ran through

>> No.45734733

you're welcome
I hope at some point Kiki releases full body images of her outfits, but there's also this that you can do things with, it was for a dressup thing we did last christmas, in it, there's some full res pics of Kiki that you can draw outfits on
Kiki might even wear those outfits maybe

>> No.45734769

Oh shit tummy

>> No.45734812

kiki not using protection UUUOOOOH

>> No.45734824

Oh I should add those to the AI dataset maybe I'll finally be able to reproduce her "swimsuit"

>> No.45734873

Always happy to help

>> No.45734891

Also are there high res versions of the other outfits?

>> No.45735051

`Kiki is sorry

>> No.45735098

To me, Stalker always was kind of a savescum game. Take a few shots, if you hit and they didn't, go back into cover and quicksave lol.

Also bless you, snifflysnoffly Kiki ToT

>> No.45735113

`Kiki meowed like a cat, it was very cute (-5)

>> No.45735136

I think you just need to find a different path, I don't remember doing any side missions

>> No.45735175
File: 3.08 MB, 2473x1374, 1666686534786101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet I don't think
There's this but I don't know how much help it'll be.
Hey Kiki, can you release some high res pics of your outfits like you did the swimsuit for the december dressup? It'd help the AI and some champs.

>> No.45735212

May be useful, I'll cut it up and add it

>> No.45735388

kiki you can blow your nose on my arm i don't mind

>> No.45735492

Overpower it with your own musk.

>> No.45735505

I will clear your nostrils w my tongues

>> No.45735535

>gone back to 26 viewers
its over

>> No.45735628

All me

>> No.45735655

the tale of new Ip
is as old as time
it goes something like this

>faggot new ip
>faggy bait he posts
>faggy aids he has
>die a faggy death he will
the end

>> No.45735690

sispyon more like sniffpyon amirite
(cause she fucking stinks)

>> No.45735714

She's probably getting revenge on Kiki for not flushing the toilet yesterday

>> No.45735765

cute suffering

>> No.45735787

it's ok if you're sniffly you can say the N word and poosan won't know

>> No.45735793

mario sunshine?

>> No.45735845

this is kino

>> No.45735852

no its stalker shadow of chernobyl

>> No.45735868

`Kiki is sick and tired of being sniffly (-160)

>> No.45735936

Cayenne pepper tea is good for clearing the sinuses

>> No.45736016
File: 31 KB, 636x456, blyat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was only tinfoil on the windows also this is not finished yet aieeeeeeeee

>> No.45736076

`If you feel bad remember Hannah Montana eats fish eyes

>> No.45736089

me on the right

>> No.45736134

>goes to sleep
>still keeps reading the bread
How does she do it!?

>> No.45736136

so what happened, did she brap?

>> No.45736145

Kiki is reading the thread?!

>> No.45736147

stream over, see you tomorrow champs, I'm gonna leave now.
STOMP STOMP STOmp STOmp Stomp Stomp stomp sto.. st.. s..

just kidding I'm still here

>> No.45736146

i made that post

>> No.45736153

love you Kiki

>> No.45736160
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>> No.45736170

Hai Lurkiki
Can you upload some high res pics of your outfits?

>> No.45736188

reminds me when i got fired from the grocery store
boss told me "get out of here stocker"

>> No.45736194
File: 37 KB, 452x524, 278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just never sleeps EZ
please sleep and or eat something kikins

>> No.45736201

Hai Lurkiki
Can you upload some high res pics of your cunny?

>> No.45736225

Love gigi, ever stream, no matter what it is is fun because it's you/10

I will go sleep soon tho, sorry

>> No.45736232

cool new glasses
cool new shirt and jacket
fish eyes

i want to harvest kiki's eggs and have violent sex with her as she bleeds

>> No.45736239

i had a fun time stalker was interesting
now that streams over champs i need some context... does she actually pee in mugs?

>> No.45736260

kiki was alergic to the outfit/10

>> No.45736271

she was lurking for too long and slept too little

>> No.45736280
File: 784 B, 32x16, CRRT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45736304
File: 26 KB, 400x400, smug lil champy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no of course not she would never

>> No.45736315

kiki is an idol she doesn't pee

>> No.45736330

no she pees directly into my mouth

>> No.45736334
File: 242 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45736339

praying for kikikins speedy recovery

>> No.45736360
File: 105 KB, 680x680, something else.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh course not, this image was made for no reason at all..

>> No.45736374

'dead' poster, you know you can say something nice in the thread instead of bringing the mood down when it's slow

>> No.45736391

it's surprising that we've gone this long wothout getting access to them, gigi onegai

>> No.45736394

i wrote that

>> No.45736418

I was waging and just woke up so interacted less but stream was fun. Also posted in bread more. Please take good care of yourself Kiki, love you, mwah <3
rab to the bone/10

>> No.45736421

Kiki is the best stalker ever. RABBA GOIL IS VERY CUTE/10

Love you Kiki, nini

>> No.45736427
File: 14 KB, 742x447, 5a11f7f017f8cbb58a045101a099d209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting a new thing that is going to turn out horribly because it's beyond my skill level

wish me luck

>eating wife love

>> No.45736477

>implying it's not her

>> No.45736494
File: 5 KB, 161x53, Bild_2023-03-23_040744628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45736500

i like it already chanp

>> No.45736515

no, that's gross and Kiki is a fine lady

>> No.45736520

always good to push out of your comfort zone champ. best of luck!

>> No.45736531

germanchamp, in the spreadsheet it goes

>> No.45736567
File: 245 KB, 1400x2133, the-great-gatsby-9780743273565_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of the cover for the great gatsby

>> No.45736568
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tags for stream GET OUT OF HERE STALKER!!! | S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (2007)

>Intro start
>Kiki on the telly!
>Kiki updating the spreadsheet
>Kiki quotes the Inquisitor
>Kiki's opinion on cows
>Kiki doesn't want your stinky rrats
>Sleep paralysis
>Kiki would shave her head too if she got bullied for eating fish eyes
>Bad bunny biker mode activated
>Coffee drinking time
>Kiki has been having a good time
>Kiki doesn't wanna say it out loud
>Kiki noticing the piss compilation
>Game start
>Kiki got spooked by some ambush
>Attacking the outpost
>Kiki doesn't like this place
>Admiring a pretty sunset with Kiki
>Kiki almost peed herself
>Some guy is fucking the fire
>Current objective: Turn off the brain scorcher
>She just ran through
>Kiki is sorry
>Kiki meowed like a cat, it was very cute
>Kiki is sick and tired of being sniffly
>If you feel bad remember Hannah Montana eats fish eyes

>> No.45736574


>> No.45736593
File: 9 KB, 220x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me 2 kiki

>> No.45736626
File: 49 KB, 332x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some Kiki Cola

>> No.45736673
File: 3 KB, 127x35, Bild_2023-03-23_041006009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me 2 kiki

>> No.45736678

its got a hole in it

>> No.45736716

source for this story pls

>> No.45736769

I didn't want to be a negative nancy before or during the stream, but I'll say now that I don't think stalker makes for a very good streaming game, on top of not being very Kiki-esque retro game in the first place. It's kind of slow, depressive gray-and-brown and the appeal leans into immersion and atmosphere. Like if she really gets into it, okay, but just having it hang out there as something she feels like she has to finish I don't think makes it for very fun streams unless it's like your favourite game ever and want to see her go through the few good scares and events.

>> No.45736775
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>> No.45736795
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>> No.45736846
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>> No.45736854

its 4 am im going to bed guys, bye cya tomorrow

>> No.45736873

i like that game and we had lots of fun moments

>> No.45736885

hey its 4am here too, nini

>> No.45736904

champ.. it still has a hole

>> No.45736919

hey it's not 4am here it's later

>> No.45736952

kiwi champs spotted

>> No.45736983

youre thinking pm

>> No.45736991
File: 11 KB, 400x400, 1679454500929052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey its 4pm here hello otherside of the world champs

>> No.45736995


>> No.45737006

Nini champ

>> No.45737025

yeah i'm all the way across the world from kiwichamps

>> No.45737035

thanks for your input manager-kun

the streams have been fun regardless because she's having fun

obviously when she's doing something out of obligation rather than because she wants to it's not as fun and the stream is worse

not every stream needs to be a constant action high energy memefest to be enjoyable

nini yurochamps

>> No.45737070


>> No.45737093


>> No.45737112

STALKER streams best streams (as long as she continues to enjoy it), don't (You) me

>> No.45737145


>> No.45737151

i LOVE my fashionable stalker wife !!! / 10

>> No.45737164

Good stream. Rab a cute. Glad I was able to tune in for this one

>> No.45737166

hope the pumpkin soup is really tasty!

>> No.45737170

do not worry about it, it was a good dose of kikium to get me through the night, rest well i love you

>> No.45737190
File: 169 KB, 422x509, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45737211


>> No.45737224

I'll miss you but your health comes first. Eat well, sleep well, and smell ya later!

>> No.45737267

don't worry about a thing wabba labba, get your sniffles sorted :heart:

>> No.45737274

knew i was right. the episode of hannah montana where she canonically admits to eating fish eyes is season 3 episode 18 around 6 mins 40 seconds in.

>> No.45737282

she did sound a bit stuffy today come to think of it, i will never forgive sispyon for this!!

>> No.45737299

thanks for the kikium infusion!! i liked the zatsu at the start and i've never played stalker before so it's fun to experience it with you. i also really appreciate how much effort you've been putting into communicating and showing up for us. love you so much.

>> No.45737370

We should watch something in cy. She can come lurk too

>> No.45737404

Sure, I'm down. Let me know if you need help sourcing/encoding anything.

>> No.45737411

i think you can buy some better armor from this merchant kiki:

>> No.45737425

suprised i could remember this after not giving a fuck about miley cyrus for like 10 years

>> No.45737497

id like that

>> No.45737594

You got any anime you wanna watch? Or whatever, just put it on

>> No.45737820 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 383x326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does poosan kno???
The title is something about identifying nose allergies, in Russian

>> No.45737825

i put a docu on, skip it if you aren't interested

>> No.45737833


>> No.45737835

have we decided on what series/movie we want to watch next? If I can make a request, Tropic thunder would make a great watchalong one of these days

>> No.45737849

>>45737820 (me)
in kids medicine, even, lol

>> No.45737865

Sure gimme a minute

>> No.45738555
File: 169 KB, 800x600, goodluckstalker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its done now
would you?

>> No.45738562

no but we should

>> No.45738618

sure i could use some more arms

>> No.45738634

i wold

>> No.45738674

Oh, we're currently watching a doc about castle making in cy for those interested

>> No.45738761

Samurai Flamenco EP1: https://litter.catbox.moe/vfqi2m.mp4

(Rest is in progress, should be ready by the time it's needed)

>> No.45738768

protip, you can change your vote and put on a new option. voting down for whatever isnt productive

>> No.45738796

samflam sounds good!

>> No.45738845

>>45738796 (me)
i actually started watching tiger & bunny s2 today and that's similar in some ways

>> No.45738933

I put in Koufuku Graffiti, but I think thats what was deemed too moeshit yesterday, so changed to down for whatever, and that's whats going on now and I'm enjoying it

>> No.45739268

gigi come join us in cy

>> No.45739303
File: 102 KB, 469x586, slavkiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for any of your slavkiki needs

>> No.45739431
File: 396 KB, 957x1280, slavchamp transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just like me!

>> No.45739451

why does gigi have a white tail?

>> No.45739489

Always had a white tail

>> No.45739573

she was born that way

>> No.45739614

it's got a border

>> No.45739624

Samurai Flamenco EP2: https://litter.catbox.moe/2qev5l.mp4

(I'll do the rest in batches of 4 or something idk)

>> No.45740139

hehe she looks like shes pooping

>> No.45740654 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 303x87, germ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45740670

i wanna live in a castle with kiki

>> No.45740688

girls dont poop, silly

>> No.45740718

Champy castle let's go!

>> No.45740753

someone's doing it right?

>> No.45740981

Nini pyon

>> No.45740999

Sleep well, matey

>> No.45741045


>> No.45741067

nini champs, if you see a rabbit tell her sweet things

>> No.45741099 [DELETED] 

it's happening, they're gonna do most of the heavy lifting for us i think, but we do gotta fill out some form with kiki probably to decide on our wrestler configuration

>> No.45741156

it's happening, they're gonna do most of the heavy lifting for us i think, but we do gotta fill out some form with kiki probably to decide on our wrestler's configuration https://rentry.org/z7wuz

>> No.45741166


>> No.45741229 [SPOILER] 
File: 267 KB, 603x603, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45741372

you should not doxx kiki like this

>> No.45741499

Kiki and champs, check this out. There was even more support for /pyon/ in divegrass than we even thought.

>> No.45741611 [SPOILER] 

/pyon/ to the moooooon

>> No.45741649

Everyone loves Kiki!

>> No.45741757

Damn, goes to show that Underdog award is very well deserved

>> No.45741850

all me

>> No.45741881

Nini champ

>> No.45741989

Samurai Flamenco EP3-6:


>> No.45742091

so would our /pyon/ wrestler be a kiki or a champ? or something else? maybe a little man?

>> No.45742173

I think Champ, and someone seems to have made the model already. We're representing the thread not the chuuba rember.

>> No.45742176

Has to be one of those two, surely.
Both would be fun as well, even if just standing there by the ringside in matches.

>> No.45742287

oh, looks like somebody already made a good looking one

>> No.45742916
File: 78 KB, 268x1509, 1679464242341405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pyondance more than amewide? damn. also look how high we/re ranked!

>> No.45742940

oh I don't have wwe 2k22 lol this is from 2k23 someone else should do it

>> No.45742990

well we got 3rd place and ranked 6th there so that isn't very flattering. if anything that means we should be happy with the result though

>> No.45743127

ahh can't port?

>> No.45743144

to be fair look at pcg. they had a better overall team with a way better record, and they still got 15th

>> No.45743196

The formula for that is very complicated and not necessarily useful.

>> No.45743275


>> No.45743286

nini champs, nini kiki <3

>> No.45743304


>> No.45743305


>> No.45743469

Samurai Flamenco EP7-10:


>> No.45743522

Even more divegrass cy chat autism

>> No.45744127

i dont know what it means but if big number make rabba happy then i am happy

>> No.45744222

tl;dr lots of unique non champs were cheering for pyon

>> No.45744495


>> No.45744664

also pyondance was most used emote, and we used others too

>> No.45744771

I love Kiki so fucking much bros

>> No.45744821

Samurai Flamenco EP11-14:


>> No.45744875

what color power ranger would kiki be?

>> No.45745094

poo coloured because she's a poo head

>> No.45745127

love colored because i love her

>> No.45745404

when you hit gigi with a zinger and all she can muster is "you smell"

>> No.45745475

we stopped samflam after 3 eps, that one champ didn't miss any ep, rest feel free to get caught up by next watchalong

>> No.45745481

yellow because of australia jk cos she Asian

>> No.45745532

thats what I was thinking

>> No.45745537

I'll encode the rest tonight though probably no point uploading them right now since they'll expire anyway unless someone wants me to so they can keep a copy too

>> No.45745575


>> No.45745667

nini all. kiki is loved and I value her deeply

>> No.45745813

nini fren



me too

which generation? if we're talking mighty morphin then green


>> No.45745841

i think she underestimates her popularity on /vt/.

>> No.45745979


i think divegrass is great for cross-thread unity. i hope the lord of the board thing has a similar effect, just good fun for everyone supporting their threads/oshi. at heart i'm a huge unityfag though, i really do just want everyone /here/ to have fun with a chuuba and community where they feel welcome although my lolibaba rabbit wife and my champyon brothers are the best

>> No.45746316
File: 2.18 MB, 1280x720, Kiki Doesn&#039;t Want Your Rrats[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftvd008.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki Doesn't Want Your Rrats - https://files.catbox.moe/tvd008.mp4

Ahhh Kiki's voice is so nice, I could listen to it forever...

>> No.45746362


>> No.45746494

anons why do you spoiler perfectly acceptable comments

>> No.45746587

visual texture

>> No.45746758
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, Kiki Cute Coffee Sounds (KCCS)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl3r0y1.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki Cute Coffee Sounds (KCCS) - https://files.catbox.moe/nflp43.mp4
I wouldn't want to spoil anyone who hasn't watched it yet

>> No.45746825


>> No.45746942

what's updog?

>> No.45747153

HD texture upscale for the radiated dog enemies.

>> No.45747156
File: 6 KB, 296x277, Ligma&#039;d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ligma balls

>> No.45747241
File: 2.89 MB, 640x360, Kiki He&#039;s Fucking The Fire[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8xrwqt.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki He's Fucking The Fire - https://files.catbox.moe/hminnu.mp4

Hehe firefucker firefucker

>> No.45747247
File: 21 KB, 400x400, kuyashii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45747335
File: 251 KB, 1150x701, 1679526546348393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually me right now. I even missed the stream because I slept through my alarm for it I'm so tired. Seven days until my next day off and I have to start today with my Kikium reserves depleted...fml

>> No.45747359

zawa zawa

>> No.45747442


>> No.45747477
File: 24 KB, 324x192, eeEEee~!dithered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dithering, it's beautiful

>> No.45747588
File: 2.28 MB, 1280x720, Catkiki[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F15h3i4.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catkiki - https://files.catbox.moe/kyto0g.mp4

BTW I forgot how much I liked the first Samurai Flamenco OP. I'll watch it again now https://youtu.be/FEcwQA5eapc

>> No.45747916

>BTW I forgot how much I liked the first Samurai Flamenco OP. I'll watch it again now

>> No.45747949
File: 2.88 MB, 994x560, Kiki Almost Peed Herself[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2c6bvp.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki Almost Peed Herself - https://files.catbox.moe/ow902a.mp4

>> No.45747998

but champ it's now thursday

>> No.45748023

PSTchamps have 3 more minutes pls undastan

>> No.45748117

we go by KST around these parts, and says here it's Bunday

>> No.45748130
File: 609 KB, 480x600, 1646374728646.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who am i to argue

>> No.45748173

that rabbit has attained godlike levels of comfy

>> No.45748174
File: 183 KB, 473x567, Fo02A2eaIAAD8vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45748201

What greater pleasure could there be
Than lying snug in a warm bed
Counting the wrinkles on Kiki's asshole

>> No.45748223

as I was reading that I was thinking "i'm sure I can improve it somehow by mentioning kiki's butt" but I see you too are a man of culture

>> No.45748532

To be honest, visual novels and エロゲ were a big part of my life for a pretty long time and it made me a little sad when Kiki disavowed that stuff as cheater shit or likened it to cooming over another woman... For me those kinds of games were a big source of comfort and something like an escape for many years yanno? I kind of hoped it was something I could share with her but I understand she doesn't like it and won't bring it up anymore in her presence...

Well, it's natural we won't like all of the same things I guess.

>> No.45748603

i don't think you will get much pity so get used to it or stop talking about it

>> No.45748611

just type "eroge"

>> No.45748631

sry you're right it probably was not in good taste to bring it up even though it has been a while, I will drop the subject...

>> No.45748755

nah i'd rather you talk about it than there just be no post at all. i don't have much to add, yeah there's lots of stuff you would have imagined sharing with your ideal partner but you can't with kiki. such is life and you'll get used to it

>> No.45748836

I dunno, I'm not trying to start shit or anything... It's not a big deal, just something that gave me a bit of a "that's a bit of a shame' feeling but yeah, that's just life. But when she just straight up assumed I was an anti for bringing it up one time I did feel a bit hurt, but the message was clear enough from then and I have not mentioned it since.

>> No.45748868

well that's not about eroge that's specifically about ntr

>> No.45748905

I don't think I even mentioned NTR...

Well I said "H-games" but in my mind the two terms are fairly interchangeable.

>> No.45748939

well someone kept talking about ntr eroge maybe she just thought you were that same guy. thats the way i remember it at least

>> No.45748962

i loved Danganronpa and FSN, I tried playing Dies irae because it reminded me of Hellsing, but don't have much time for that stuff these days, might try the zero escape series one of these days

>> No.45749063

oh and phantom of inferno is one i also really enjoyed

>> No.45749071

i love visual novels and a lot of them are some of my favorite media of all time. then again they arent nukige coomer shit and are more about the story.

>> No.45749097

That one was fun, I wish EOPs got a version besides the janky ass interactive DVD port but I had fun with that all the same

>> No.45749134

a shame the anime was dogshit, but the ost was pretty good

>> No.45749155

early bake

>> No.45749157

anons need to realize she sometimes just says things off the cuff and not everything is to be taken seriously. she will be overly sweet to champs and overly vitriolic towards perceived antis. we all do this, she's just a human bean

>> No.45749183

Yeah, maybe, but all I can go on is what I've seen. I haven't even been here that long but I'm sure as shit not gonna bring something up I've only seen an intensely negative reaction toward in the past

>> No.45749250

that's a good heuristic and yes lurking more will get you the best first-hand answers to all questions.

>> No.45749316

true! she talks for like, 2-6 hours straight multiple times a week and she's generally just trying to have fun and make sure everyone's having a good time. not a corpo, not a professional broadcaster, just kiki hanging out with the stream

ogey, i'll put one in the oven, one sec

>> No.45749388

But only after some other idiot has stepped on the landmine so I didn't have to... That's why I've always thought "lurking more" was an inefficient strategy almost everywhere. I'll step on my own landmines, thank you very much.

>> No.45749469

i see what you mean, well true, i guess i was thinking mostly from the perspective of asking other anons. i did say "first-hand" meaning from kiki rather than second-hand from us

>> No.45749490

Yeah, I guess that's fair. I do pretty often ask around here first if I'm worried about how a certain act will be perceived by champys/Kiki

>> No.45749507
File: 2.28 MB, 480x270, kikibread[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fomf4k5.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.45749597
File: 280 KB, 381x380, croutonchamps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have no idea why. Let's stay here for awhile longer.

>> No.45749876
File: 10 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45749911

I guess it's wh40k spoilers lol so don't read it if you care about that
Lion El'Jonson figure revealed which means he'll wake up! One more primarch confirmed alive and it's a pretty cool one

>> No.45751151

kiki love
kiki lust
kiki is a rabbit

>> No.45752345

Fuck Kiki
Marry Kiki
Kill myself
