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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 386 KB, 1477x2048, minorititsjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44940655 No.44940655 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to the discussion of all things related to R18G and alternative vtubers. All vtubers that produce or discuss R18G /alternative content are welcomed! Discussing non-R18G vtubers in fanfiction and fantasies is also welcomed!

List of Vtubers

Disclaimer: We don't encourage the actions portrayed in the thread outside of personal fictional fantasies.

>> No.44940826
File: 600 KB, 650x917, 1647560774879215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump here for an order of Ikura sushi!

>> No.44940986
File: 67 KB, 710x798, 1632767204798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey! Okaeri!

>> No.44941615

Mitsuro being cute

>> No.44942779
File: 3.11 MB, 2100x2512, 1661577249253711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup, hope you get to stay for abit

>> No.44944445

Mmmm... caviar

>> No.44948301

I'll take one!

>> No.44951307

Oishi ~

>> No.44952694

Very cute!

>> No.44953353

Mitsuro and Gashi collab

>> No.44954048
File: 382 KB, 1460x1880, tsubaki24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, i didn't see this thread in the gurochan thread, should we add it? also, i feel like i haven't heard much from you guys over there. are you guys still busy?

>> No.44954273
File: 735 KB, 1070x720, 1622887891566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not as troubled as before, friend.

>> No.44954339

Oh fuck, i thought you guys were dead. I missed browsing /meat/ and reading all your crazy stories. Do you guys exist somewhere else? Would like to get into these chuubas

>> No.44954433

We still exist. Like Poland in 1941

>> No.44954514
File: 331 KB, 1920x1920, erika17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's good to hear. did you see any of the recent streams? i personally am finding erika to be pretty fun.
we have a thread on gurochan. we've all been pretty busy, and the jannies kill us pretty fast, so we've just been laying low over there for a while.

>> No.44954970

so, this timezone is frequently inconvenient for me, i suppose. i'll be away for a while, and hopefully when i get back the thread will still be alive, but as i have said many times before, please feel free to post a thread to gurochan if this one happens to die. sorry, and good luck. please don't let this be the last post on the thread before it get's deleted.

>> No.44955108
File: 530 KB, 2048x1365, Fcc7lYmaAAAF8yY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Mitsuro

>> No.44956410


>> No.44956530

thank you

>> No.44958519


>> No.44958760

Erika in 2 hours

>> No.44958926

this bitch literally got mating pressed on camera the other day

>> No.44959017
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Based roach

>> No.44960713

>meat in the catalog
>none of you can bump it
Do you even WANT a general?

>> No.44960903
File: 421 KB, 1445x2048, nitobunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us arent online all the time

>> No.44962111
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>> No.44965331

that's a lot of meat

>> No.44965501

Gotta feed an entire family

>> No.44966608

you can't just say that and not post a link

>> No.44967518

she deleted the picture

>> No.44967537

Has Minori done any ejaculation control periods since Christmas?

>> No.44969589

Not yet so far

>> No.44970355

Oh shit it's back!
I thought you guys died after that one /meat/ vtuber got raped.
I'm trying to find out who that's supposed to be but instead found links to asmr's of this girl doing anal for the first time.

>> No.44971019

Akira? She's getting better. Just recovered from hospital stay.
And she's planning on hiring a lawyer against her ex-husband/caretaker/abuser/drug dealer/rape enabler

>> No.44971145

Comma and her stapler was the peak of /meat/
I miss her...

>> No.44972007

She fucked one of her followers or what

>> No.44973025

Ah so that really was her? I kinda feel bad for fapping at her now.

>> No.44973962

she pretty much whored herself for 600 bucks, she took ojii-san's dick though

>> No.44976509

It's okay. Her fantasy stuffs are meant for that, she still makes them

>> No.44978921

order up!!

>> No.44981475

that's a pretty good deal

>> No.44984011


>> No.44986906


>> No.44987822
File: 500 KB, 500x500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh, hey. I just went live! <3 gonna be exploring some random films from Takahisa Zeze's filmography. He's known for his sexual explorations of fringe societies within japan and the countercultural experience of these cuties!! Come join if you like light hearted softcore or Japanese subculture nonsense.

I'll prob also talk about my random life and stuff too. It'll be fun! <3

>> No.44988379

hope someone can save a vid of it, i won’t be free for another hour or so.

>> No.44988564

I think I have everything but the first ten streams saved on my PC. OBS records them

>> No.44989093

that’s good to hear. could you post them in the gurochan thread?

>> No.44991605


>> No.44993760


>> No.44995964


>> No.44996040

interesting movie so far. ty for the stream.

>> No.44997576

I just found out that Goomi was live yesterday

>> No.44999612
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>> No.44999817

Yea but I still feel bad for her given at times she was forced and I'm guessing she didn't enjoy it.
I'm the kind of person that if do that stuff you should at least enjoy it not be forced into it.
Hell, I found this chick who has sick abs and enjoys getting her gut punched because she's soo hard it doesn't hurt her much plus she's into some kinky shit.

>> No.45000821


>> No.45001384

My pleasure; I'm definitely more of a fan of his earlier artiser work. I think once he finds his "slow" style for the 90s, his work gets a little too barren in terms of thematic weight and reference hehe

>> No.45003463

I'd still hit it

>> No.45004176


>> No.45004367

good stream.

>> No.45004501

Thank you anon!

I hope you enjoyed my politics rambling. Thought I'd experiment and try something new hehehehe ><

>> No.45004850

idk, politics isn't as interesting for me, generally, but it was fun hearing your opinions on it for a bit.

>> No.45005910

film and taboo are my interests, otherwise I don't keep up with politics or popular culture as much

>> No.45006172 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.02 MB, 1920x1080, ewbogc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love, btw can ringo be considered as /meat/?

>> No.45006352

guro means 'anything grotesque'
So yeah

>> No.45007837

it would be fun if apollyon had a stream on the origins of that word. "ero guro" and "ero guro nansensu" was an art movement during early industrial japan where they fixated on the erotically grotesque. did you know that tentacle hentai used to be considered guro? now it is common enough in japan that it isn't strictly considered all that much more grotesque than normal kinky behavior. i especially like the art they did. what's the movie with the circus girl, again?

>> No.45008857


That's not a bad idea, actually.

I'm not sure if I would call it an art movement, more of a genre that stemmed out of ukiyo-e buyer's interest. I'll have to do research on the commercialization because these were sold more like collector's items and their "shocking" nature would often invite interest. Kinda like saying you have a cooler pokemon card because it has people getting ripped apart. This grew out and alongside Shunga, or pornographic ukiyo-e. The popularization of it as mainstream culture within Japan wasn't until perhaps two centuries later in the 1920's. Japan has always had an appreciation for the macabre as a high-art, or elevated position of nihilistic appreciation for things. Given the Buddhist ideology of transient life and our current failing moral era of degenerative dharma permeating the academic writing and perspective of Late Middle Age Japan into the Edo period.

The whole tentacle thing is related more specifically to nautical shunga, many other images and genres relate to this, but the tentacle piece is the only one recognized in the west, regardless of its cultural popularity at the time of its production. The whole diver girl theme is still present within Pinku films of the 70s-80s. There's even classic ukiyo-e of men fucking rays, you know, those flat guys that killed steve Irwin?

You're thinking of the Camellia Girl film adaptation of Suehiro Maruo's work, which wasn't published until 1984, well into the erotic boom of Japan's commercial decadence.

The original story was rather vile and nihilistic, but that was the common style of Showa-era japan, as mentioned above. Told in traveling street performances (which also has roots in a similar Buddhist missionary practice).

>> No.45009171

that's an interesting way of interpreting it, and i didn't know all of that. thanks for the info. i would definitely be interested in a stream about that.

>> No.45009377

I remember reading somewhere that tentacle porn had a boom because it was a way to avoid the Censorship Laws made in the Meji Restauration that prohibited all kind of erotic art but it was considered erotic only if there was a dick penetrating

>> No.45009430


That genuinely isn't a bad idea. I'll need to get better at planning things out in advance ><

I'm kinda mentally drifting these days, but I really appreciate the suggestions!

I love rambling about Japanese porn culture the, I'm known for it in my classes ><

One issue though, is that it can be difficult for me to get English sources or accessible examples, like the importance of binibon in Japan is something I have little in terms of physical texts. Magazines are harder to transmit and access than a film, yk?

>> No.45009582

Yeah, exactly. Not specifically only tentacle stuff, but general suppression of shunga moved a lot of it underground, therefore for you to get better sales and shit you'd have to find discreet ways of doing it. Most of the best artists of the time did porn tho, including the disciple and son of that guy who cut The Great Wave Off Kanagawa

>> No.45009874

How about on the 'soft' side of guro like pastel guro and gurokawa? like gloomy bear

>> No.45010733
File: 406 KB, 776x504, ryona&#039;dBotan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any tag for punching or asphyxiating while penetrating ?

>> No.45013537


God, I'm obsessed with Gloomy Bear. My room is decorated in Gloomy Bear stuff, like, I'm even using a Gloomy Bear mousepad. I'm easily recognizable on campus because I always carry a Gloomy around with me. They're the best!

There's much less academic documentation on these things, but I wouldn't be against the idea of working to ease that!~ <3

>> No.45013952

was there any new info on what happened to comma?

>> No.45015683 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 200x200, Botan the witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i figure it would just be called "punching or asphyxiating sex" or something like that. not sure if there is a specific name for it. there is a specific name for when you punch someone in the gut, though. harapan.

>> No.45015949

They come in pairs

>> No.45016343

I'm an ojisan, it should've been me!

>> No.45017136

How much endurance would Botan have?

>> No.45017502

she would either have all of the endurance, or absolutely none of it.

>> No.45019787
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>> No.45021554
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>> No.45021996
File: 686 KB, 650x908, eggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider egg...

>> No.45022127

Chuubas cooking with stuff that came from their bodies is really hot

>> No.45023147 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 981x1073, 198220-new-dagashi-kashi-wallpaper-1920x1080-macbook (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No trannies and sjws allowed like the other /vt/cords

>> No.45023375

but there's nothing /meat/ on it though

>> No.45023611
File: 399 KB, 800x600, brended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are you, nigga?

>> No.45023826

go hang out with your tranny friends

>> No.45023976
File: 1.31 MB, 1637x2265, eatsquirrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45024028

/vt/ is the new newfagboard so a lot are twitter escapades, look at /mans/ and generally any /vt/cord and you'll see he has a point

>> No.45024211
File: 167 KB, 1100x810, capybara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't founder want to murder all trannies or something? akira-posters were around before /vt/ was formed, so /vt/ being a tranny board doesn't reflect on us, right?

>> No.45024294

I think he said 'trannies and effeminate men are food caste'

>> No.45024339
File: 529 KB, 2068x1193, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind he's from the autism general lmao

>> No.45024503

Oh hey it's me! Would you like to read our lore?

>> No.45024626

no I just found out you're a SEAnig, you can keep your fantasy soccer autism

>> No.45025065

>inmense autismposts
why is it always SEAs

>> No.45025228

At least they're just write/divegrassfags

>> No.45025516
File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, 1658764917108448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No trannies and sjws allowed like the other /vt/cords

>> No.45026005
File: 54 KB, 1052x744, korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avatar fagging
Posting a picture you like several times isn't avatarfagging
>Inmense autismposts
Do you know where you are?

>> No.45026283

ok autistic SEAvatarfag, go write about your hollow life somewhere else

>> No.45026622

you say this while complaining about autism on 4chan. go complain about it in your discord server, faggot.

>> No.45026808

What? I was expecting /meat/ not /soc/lite

>> No.45026944

aw did I hurt your feelings seafag

>> No.45027342

i am not the guy you are talking to, and i guess you could argue that being embarrassed for some election tourist faggot mucking up my basket weaving forum by making a retard out of himself could be considered hurt feelings. it's more apathy with a side of tired annoyance. if you want to play the clown then by all means, continue bumping the thread, but are you honestly not aware of how dumb it makes you look here?

>> No.45027350

I'm not the anon who you're calling SEAnigger. But how new are you? The writeautism you're crying about is literally from the /vtwbg/ the only place in /vt/ where meatchads could posts when Jannies banned this general.

>> No.45027511

Oh hi pg, haven't seen you in a while.

>> No.45027752

i've been in the gurochan thread. i haven't seen you guys over there in a while. i thought you were busy so i didn't ask too much.

>> No.45027816
File: 3.23 MB, 1920x1024, guraryona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizos are going after /meat/
/vt/ is healing

>> No.45027860

love to see it

>> No.45027920

You bite way too fast on the whole namefag thing

>> No.45027930
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, cannibalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do schizos taste good?

>> No.45027995

they taste best, the cortisol act like spice

>> No.45028015

what do you mean?

>> No.45028218

>e-e-election tourists
whatever lets you sleep at night vtwitterfag, now go jack off your seafag boyfriend in your tranny discord

>> No.45028232

Akira's throat is healed!!

>> No.45028358

that's good to hear. hopefully she'll start streaming again soon.

>> No.45028372

[Good News]!

>> No.45028554

In what did the rape thing ended? Did she talked to the cops at least?

>> No.45028682

She's hiring a lawyer so it's looking like progress

>> No.45028713

great to hear

>> No.45028854

Haruna is streaming

>> No.45028979

is this that wii fit game?

>> No.45029262

Yeah. Ringfit adventure

>> No.45030378
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>> No.45031694
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>> No.45032290

can someone make this pose with yuko yurei?

>> No.45033507

I think someone requested Yuko Yurei stuff.
I had them saved on my home pc

>> No.45034230

Damn i missed it

>> No.45034703

>That Disclaimer
Did something happen? Or is just so Jannies don't attack us?

>> No.45035278

They have a vendetta against us and I don't know why.
I'm sure if they reach out we can work out some terms and conditions, or perhaps even some sort of a compromise so that we can continue our threads without hassle.

>> No.45035320

Yami is live

>> No.45035330

someone decided to try it once, and jannies were asleep so the thread lasted a while without getting killed, so someone figured it was a good way to prevent jannies from killing us. idk why they thought that, since we always get a grace period when we return after a long hiatus, this one being proof, but i guess they figured even if it didn't serve the purpose, it was good to have it. meanwhile, my suggestion to add the fact that we have a coordination thread in gurochan to the op did not stick for some reason.

>> No.45035345

did anyone archive comma's website or her streams/videos?

>> No.45035356

someone got the html, but we don't know where he went.

>> No.45036207
File: 228 KB, 1500x900, chokesheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45036227

I see, what did that anon try to do?
>my suggestion to add the fact that we have a coordination thread in gurochan to the op did not stick for some reason.
It's against the rules to promote another chan I guess

>> No.45036259

i never heard that. is that really true?

>> No.45036327

I mean discords links get insta deleted, I'd say that posting a thread from another chan in the OP is giving them a reason to delete the thread

>> No.45036536

he tried putting that disclaimer in the op to prevent jannies from deleting our thread, which had absolutely 0 effect. i suggested to other /meat/anons to add the fact that gurochan was a coordination thread to the op, but none of the /meat/anons responded to or used my suggested change to the op. all i said was "lets put 'we have a coordination thread in gurochan' right aftrer the part where it says discussing non-r18g vtubers is welcome" but it didn't stick in that nobody started using it.
deleting discord links makes sense, nobody likes them. plus, we absolutely 100% should not give the link to the gurochan thread, just vaguely hint at it's existence so the jannies and schizos have to scour through an entire chan dedicated to guro just to find out what we are doing.

>> No.45037698


>> No.45039039


>> No.45039233

Opinion on Lia?

>> No.45039373

fun. i've watched a few of her streams since she was recommended to us (the cannibalism stream, which was fun, too.) not sure if she counts as /meat/ though.

>> No.45040303

It's fun seeing you guys getting creative. Just don't hide meat too well like you did last time tho.

>> No.45040608

having an offsite thread for coordination means we can do even more than hide our threads without any sign in the op. we can coordinate an "occupation" of bait threads.

>> No.45040729

its on her patreon
someone online offered to pay hundreds of dollars for a video of her having sex
the only guy she knew was an uber driver in his 30s that had asked her for sex

>> No.45040762

Please someone tell me they have it archived

>> No.45040834

go to bed marco

>> No.45041088

It was a picture 80% man asshole, I have it but you don't want to see it.

>> No.45041532

I know it's probably a garbage image and that most porn on the Internet is objectively better, It's more the curiosity of it and the concept of having seen it that attracts me.

>> No.45041867

who is marco?

>> No.45041925

does anyone still have the images of her naked?

>> No.45042353

Fair, I just wanted to warn you.

Half of the nude pictures were from when she was ~15 so I personally deleted them. The rest are still up on her main twitter if you scroll back to the beginning.

>> No.45042778

>when she was ~15
was that confirmed? how old is she now?

>> No.45043036

She's 19. She was fat when she was 18 and uploading them so any pictures where she's skinnier is when she was underage. She has talked about how she sells her underage photos before on stream because she is fat now.

>> No.45043075


>> No.45043217

zonbko love!!!
i don't think i need to worry then.

>> No.45043699

I love you, meat

>> No.45043748

Zonbko streaming soon?

>> No.45045315

Love you too!! ^w^

>> No.45046807

kek this pic made me laugh

>> No.45047725


>> No.45050130


>> No.45052079
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>> No.45052201
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>> No.45053718


>> No.45054578

i want to become a grotesque vtuber with tons of bruises and cuts on my non human face and body but also look super cute... but i dont know any artists or people that can bring that image to life. am i doomed?

>> No.45054769

we have an /asp/ie with a cool model, and a few of our chuubas are model riggers, but all the riggers are japanese and don't know who we are. that should be enough to give you a running start compared to others. also, /vt/ has an /asp/ thread, so you can ask them, too.

>> No.45055933

imagine being an asocial loser whose only friend is an ubereats driver, that's some straight Joker movie shit

>> No.45055985

just browse skeb for r18g comms

>> No.45056045

Speaking of fellow /asp/ies, what ever happened to wannabe Parasect-anon? Did they just get bored and drop it? (-)

>> No.45056448

she also had sex with a cute girl as well she has many friends actually im not lonely at all

>> No.45057256

>/meat/ has more whores than /vsj/

>> No.45059186

lying roach

>> No.45059224
File: 423 KB, 735x735, kimoko5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ou mean picrel? idk. it's unfortunate but i hope they egt back to us on it.

>> No.45061335

Cut the belly~

>> No.45062888

53 posters over the course of a day is pretty good. this is likely what we would have more commonly if not for janny interference. hope any of you who are interested in us goes to the coordination thread thread when this one dies so we can keep our thread alive.

>> No.45064930

Any vtubers who like to talk about cannibalism? Particularly if it's about themselves being eaten by the viewer but I'm not picky

>> No.45068155

my oshi is oishi
