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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.83 MB, 1200x1786, N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44548170 No.44548170 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

/uoh/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/can2cy5H

Previous: >>44453685

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.

>> No.44548357 [DELETED] 

>She isn't related to the drama.
Then what's the point of blocking them? I'll tell you what the point is. Because you're too weak to deal with seeing the opinions of people who disagree with you. Because you need to do it for your precious fee-fees.

>> No.44548387
File: 1.24 MB, 850x1601, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread, fuck off with your gay twitter drama talk

>> No.44548400

We don't need to a soulless list of hellos
Why do I get the feeling it was some autist from here complaining

>> No.44548459
File: 1.08 MB, 850x1539, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to crying about it in chat, its much more effective there than here

>> No.44548498 [DELETED] 
File: 663 KB, 2000x2500, Crumbles - 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up and post cunny, you retards.

>> No.44548537 [DELETED] 

this rational ends when you involve automated tooling. If I see a tranny harassing my friends and I block all 1000 of their orbiters with the click of a single button and remove them all from my feed forever, all 1000 of the blocked aren't even going to notice or care. It also means that if you follow and give them attention in anyway, you're also blocked. Which means you should carefully scrutinize who you're giving attention to

>> No.44548540

If you want your name read be interesting

>> No.44548551

Would you say then that it is cowardly behavior for a moralist Twitter freak to block people who disagree with them? I want to hear you be consistent in your moral philosophy and say yes.

>> No.44548581
File: 1.78 MB, 2894x2480, 104135446_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares. Go make a thread about your twitter bullshit

>> No.44548591

there's a balance, you shouldn't get so upset you waste so much time out of your life manually blocking, but there's really nothing wrong with it
>you'll give them the satisfaction
what's it matter, they're pathetic for reveling in being blocked, you get to move on with your life while they claim victory through gritted teeth
the way to win is not to play, so the party that actually escapes is the one who came out on top

>> No.44548605

The drama isn’t coming here, it’s just fun to laugh at it

>> No.44548620

yes they should isolate and quarantine and eventually neck themselves, and all the people who give them attention should too

>> No.44548647

Would you protect your imouto wife from this groomer?

>> No.44548715
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>> No.44548724 [DELETED] 

If someone is harassing your friend, shouldn't you defend your friend? It's okay to not want to defend your friends. It's called being a coward.

>> No.44548735
File: 1001 KB, 3000x4000, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about just a 5k redeem to have your name read, like "anon daisuki"
if you really need your name read you can redeem it once every few streams, or just send a few bits like a normal person if not

>> No.44548818
File: 125 KB, 1089x1195, 1665546211781426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44548865

Isn't that "shondo will fix eveything"?

>> No.44549005

The point is that I can move on with my life without needing to stick my head in the sand. I don't NEED to use some tool because I can't deal with seeing other opinions. If you can't deal, then why the fuck are you on this website? Go back to Twitter. Pussy.

>> No.44549047


>> No.44549055

Who is shondo watching that made her pick this up

>> No.44549059
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>> No.44549105

Think of it as prevemptive action. The sooner you block the looney troons, the better. You ensure your tweets reaches your target audience, and the trannies won't ever see it. Less chance for them to start some shit on you. For a content creator it's a win-win.

>> No.44549189
File: 22 KB, 945x285, 1678218234863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44549293

I don't deny that it might be beneficial towards a content creation goal. I don't deny that scheming and treachery and deceit might be beneficial towards a content creation goal, either. But that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's cowardly. It's dishonorable. Maybe mass blocking is less dishonorable than scheming and treachery, but it's still dishonorable.

If you play a dishonest game, it takes some of your soul away.

>> No.44549337
File: 1.06 MB, 1446x2048, 1678218458151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44549342

>Blocking someone takes some of your soul away
Grow up

>> No.44549395

It is you who needs to grow up, my friend from Twitter

>> No.44549436
File: 441 KB, 1660x2048, 1665532264894479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44549445

Just stop replying to him, jesus christ

>> No.44549448

Shondo is haveing an illegal amount of fun with this game.

>> No.44549513
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>> No.44549524
File: 27 KB, 712x690, 1678218661379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day without the ells is hell

>> No.44549553
File: 111 KB, 375x223, rurujar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44549655
File: 267 KB, 451x508, shonded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I think Shondo is getting permanent emotional damage from this game.

>> No.44549674

I genuinely believe you have a severe case of austim

>> No.44549691

>Shondo had to watch this creep rub his dick for no reason

>> No.44549720
File: 328 KB, 628x996, good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's anything I've learned about this thread today, it's that none of you have any balls.

>> No.44549781 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 1214x1720, FRst9Q6WQAAtyaH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna breed this fox grandma

>> No.44549961
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not bothering prolonging this after this post, but anon you're headed towards a miserable life of your own design
There's no reward in heaven stored for those who braved every opinion they disagree with, there's really nobody at all that cares you were the "bigger man". It serves nobody, least so yourself. There's no reward for being right on the internet, focus on relationships instead. There's a time and place for debate and stating your beliefs, and it should be with people who are there to respect and engage with them. Underage twitter retards aren't that.

>> No.44550032

I second this.

>> No.44550038

Shondo will never recover from this

>> No.44550068

I can understand why you'd think it's cowardly, but then again, i think that depends on each person. I certainly dont like to block people, i just mute and ignore them. There's this feeling of 'having the last laugh' to being the one getting blocked instead. But you know, in the grand scheme of things, having that stance on bird app is ultimately dumb, personally i think it's giving empowerment to a website over how you should feel and think. So blocking because the other retard is being annoying and could potentially get you suspended is better than just muting and ignoring, and in the long run is better.

>> No.44550072
File: 225 KB, 376x497, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this stream is already a trip

>> No.44550092
File: 186 KB, 440x440, Fm2ZQ6iXwBQ2UX3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the fairest rebuttal I've seen to my arguments and I have to give this to you. Good one.

>> No.44550284
File: 313 KB, 449x642, shondoshriek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I feel is pain

>> No.44550298
File: 395 KB, 544x544, 1677966201133628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I can watch this. Too creepy to watch.

>> No.44550600
File: 363 KB, 550x534, rape is active.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chat trying to make this the continual outcome

>> No.44550830

Thats the point. Its to make you realize you'll never get away with acting like a alpha like in your animu before you embarrass yourself or get put on a sex offender list

>> No.44550909

Shondo crazy for playing this

>> No.44551119

British BTFO

>> No.44551147


>> No.44551180

>this is fine
>but talking about his dick earlier was too much
Truly the white woman moment

>> No.44551241

25% who don't right

>> No.44551707

>Yuko ASMR overlapping Shondo
Fuck, I wish I could focus on both

>> No.44551789

Gonna try the strawberry test on Shondo

>> No.44551851
File: 80 KB, 639x639, forcing shondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hates strawberries... and the fence is too high for her to climb...
I guess rape is the solution

>> No.44551879

alright lets do a psychology test so you see a field of raspberries, how many do you eat?

>> No.44551916

All of them

>> No.44551972

>How long does sex last 5 minutes?
Man she really had a bad experience huh

>> No.44551976

all of the ones that aren't fully grown

>> No.44551983

She is defenseless, after all.

>> No.44551993


>> No.44552078

so the raspberries represent the female youth, you want to peg a lot of lolis
you're a toddlercon

>> No.44552079

none, stealing is wrong

>> No.44552177

you only take things that are your own, your daughter is in for some hardship.

>> No.44552198

Never heard about this but before looking it up I'm going to say I would eat until I'm full.

>> No.44552315

I'd like to walk through the field and look at them, and then leave and buy raspberries at the store instead.

>> No.44552356

You know what makes me horny? (Oh, fuck)
Manipulatin' bitches from a "no" to a "yes" (Uhh)

>> No.44552436
File: 566 KB, 850x452, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is the tastiest strawberry?

>> No.44552501


>> No.44552648

One time you find green raspberries at the supermarket and the cashier gives you a funny look when you go to buy at the register

>> No.44552742

OP isn't cunny enough

>> No.44552913

no alcohol or drug, only cuncun chads

>> No.44553374

Yuko broke her asmr mic...

>> No.44553717

>you want to peg a lot of lolis
Guilty as charged

>> No.44553773

Telling Shondo I'm gay so I can feel her up

>> No.44553843
File: 57 KB, 332x271, 1678223814470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have YouTube videos of it
dangerously based

>> No.44553877


>> No.44553993
File: 525 KB, 564x760, 1677965883634310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never act as bold as this dude, and I mean even the "nice" options. I will probably never have sex.

>> No.44554006

>put something in her drink
This game has already left its mark on Shondo

>> No.44554272

>cuck posters in Shondo's chat
I changed my mind, this game sucks

>> No.44554639

Depends if the field is wild i might have a few and take some with me, if its near or on a farmers field i wouldn't touch them because they could be sprayed

>> No.44554664

Stick to picking up girls in the park

>> No.44554797

Thats why cunny is so good, they are way more nervous and inexperienced, you look confident to them. If you get one going she'll melt in ur hands without even understanding why

>> No.44554798

this dude is sussy
>send me videos of your ballerina class
>haha so you teach sex, they need to know SEX

>> No.44554988

That's extremely creepy considering that the comment you replied to was talking about real life. Reconsider.

>> No.44555025

I just want a cute small girl who's into the same things as me so I can skip all that weird normalfag shit and go straight to a friend I can have sex with

>> No.44555092

You can't just skip to sex unless you buy a hooker, even if a girl is into the same things.

>> No.44555151

That's why she also needs to be a huge lolicon pervert.

>> No.44555243

It's rare but you can

>> No.44555268

because you're not old enough to be posting here and she's a lolicon?

>> No.44555358
File: 327 KB, 1831x1215, sex the shondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she is that then she wouldn't be bothering with you.

>> No.44555371

No as in we share lolicon doujins and she self-inserts into them and clearly that leads into lots of sex.

>> No.44555403

Oh, did he finish this?

>> No.44555440
File: 63 KB, 480x524, 1674420774245145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, Shondo is actually an idiot.

>> No.44555451

have you ever considered that you like loli because you self insert as the loli?

>> No.44555486


>> No.44555545

And how exactly do you expect to get to that point without the "normalfag shit"? Do you plan on shoving loli porn in the face of every short girl you see and wait for one to reciprocate?

>> No.44555573


>> No.44555688 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x900, lily shondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just shows that we need a lolicon only dating/hookup app. I've dated enough trans women who are really in to jerking off to loli/shota porn together that I know there's a market for it.

>> No.44555737

there's a market for men who make them feel young again

>> No.44555745

She thinks that across hundreds of years, no culture worth talking about developed in America. She probably still thinks of the US as a British colony.

>> No.44555805

well a good way to get there is to desperately wish for your childhood back in a different context

>> No.44555820

I cannot think of a bigger honeypot

>> No.44555947

Kill yourself

>> No.44556037


>> No.44556063

No need to be jealous anon, if you work on your shit personality you might be able to date some too

>> No.44556621

>no culture worth talking about developed in America

>> No.44556659

This website alone disproves that

>> No.44556685

OK let's do a psychological test. You walk into a public park, how long is your shadow?

>> No.44556711

There, American culture

>> No.44556753

what tweet is ribbon-tan referring to when she said "it" was reported?

>> No.44556781

>Goal: Sex
That's a soundpost

>> No.44556818

the penetration one

>> No.44556837

see >>44545913
It was the spear tweet

>> No.44556946
File: 148 KB, 292x418, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did this game leak my goal with shondo

>> No.44556950

Pretty long, since I'll usually be there in the afternoon

>> No.44556952

the spear is symbolic, because the spear is impaling the lpli it means that shondo wants to have several kids with you. Women love little tests like this

>> No.44556985

This game on shondos stream feels like an AI conversation. Do normalfags really talk like this on first dates?

>> No.44557319

I don't want this Shondo stream to ever end

>> No.44557381

So was I

>> No.44557416

137cm, 140 with shoes

>> No.44557520

About 11 years old

>> No.44557571

I expect the Shondo cheerleader art on my desk by tomorrow

>> No.44557582 [DELETED] 

You dont date cunny, you fuck cunny. Lolis dont understand dating, you just show them a good time

>> No.44557772

you're all into cat necrophilia, since cats laze around during the day

>> No.44557831

fuck how did he know

>> No.44557910

Speaking of cats. Marin is playing some shitty capybara facebook game while cardcaptor sakura OPs play in the background
If only I knew br... prime grooming target

>> No.44557909

I do like cat girls and nerco so your not wrong

>> No.44557930

This version of Nazuna isn't a loli unfortunately, she's JC at best.

>> No.44558334
File: 81 KB, 1080x1350, 20230307_174727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatoba Tsugu.

>> No.44558403

The best age

>> No.44558402

I just saw my ex in the chat, we're both hikki weebs ToT

>> No.44558671

Shondo faggots have unironically ruined this thread beyond repair

>> No.44558751

the redebut thread was much better than /uoh/ ever was

>> No.44558753

Don't tickle Shondo.

>> No.44558812

I need to tickle Shondo

>> No.44559226

she's horny so she's ending the stream

>> No.44559283

I'll take care of her don't worry

>> No.44559478

I can't believe Shondo actually died of cringe...

>> No.44559492

sorry guys I gotta go, I gotta take my dog around the block

>> No.44560145

did she really say that?

>> No.44560172

only to me, I was getting impatient waiting outside her door

>> No.44560359

would be a pretty out of character thing for her to say considering that she's admitted she basically has no sex drive

>> No.44561793
File: 151 KB, 473x439, shondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she say she hated the stream? I thought she wanted to harass women

>> No.44561890

It was extremely cringe and she can't wait to play again

>> No.44561985

She's a masochist. She did hate it. Which is why she liked it so much.

>> No.44562266

Lily is collabing with someone without negative charisma this time, nice

>> No.44562868

this is the shondo general, it would not exist in the catalog without her.
shondofags let other people leech from their thread out of lolicon charity

>> No.44563027
File: 324 KB, 858x1200, FqgeemVaYAkhcaI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a falseflag bait

>> No.44563276

Do you even watch
Maybe if you did you would know the context

>> No.44563508

it's not, i don't give a fuck about shondo, don't watch her and wouldn't care if there was a split. but the thread would die.

>> No.44563780

the thread died because shondo niggers annoyed everyone out of it
and the fucking pastebin fag picking and choosing who he likes in his list like a retard and crying about "problematic" lolis

>> No.44563793

Even better. Its catalogniggers which would explain the state of the last thread near the end

>> No.44563840
File: 294 KB, 475x1000, chibiloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44563900
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, lmaoingatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like clockwork.

>> No.44563953 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 2000x2770, 1677528684181875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It revels in the attention

>> No.44563963

you guys are losers i'm going to the tits thread

>> No.44564020
File: 579 KB, 2215x3210, CD906CAA-B4A5-4964-A93F-7731E26DA4ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatoba Tsugu

>> No.44564047

Bye, haglover

>> No.44564138

Link me, I'm going with you.

>> No.44564530

Guys... check out the new /wvt/ OP image. It wasn't me, I swear.

>> No.44564895

Now she is getting groomed by 3 guys...

>> No.44565001

Chibidoki sex

>> No.44565100
File: 3.49 MB, 2697x1643, FqoiNcQakAIUIiE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatobring Tsugre

>> No.44565359

I refuse to believe shondo is real. There's just no way a woman can reach her level of understanding of what a man truly wants. Not even most men break that barrier. In time it will be too late for most men, but I hope you all get your daughterwifes in the future.

>> No.44565776


>> No.44567810
File: 3.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1647728670699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44568850

That was fast

>> No.44572043

Procreation with little vtubers

>> No.44572211
File: 264 KB, 1577x1947, pits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44572401

horny Korean loli tiger is live

>> No.44572682

What is it with everyone playing dark souls recently all of a sudden

>> No.44573150

I cant wait to fuck my daughter

>> No.44573353

cunnytiger got cursed.... when i played that part for the first time i panicked a lot due to the sheer amount of basilisks

>> No.44573565

Horny how?

>> No.44575135
File: 468 KB, 794x867, no uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marin has the exact same hairstyle as her model

>> No.44575846
File: 170 KB, 1550x1807, 20230307_231149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44576281

You can just tell she's into the most degenerate DDLG stuff imaginable.

>> No.44576950

God thats hot

>> No.44577486
File: 316 KB, 1845x1293, 1677941696749205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my lolibabba neet wife

>> No.44577495

Not when your balls are aching after she's drained you 5 times in one day and she's throwing a temper tantrum demanding more. That girl is a total nympho FREAK, you'd never be able to sexually satisfy her.

>> No.44578194

Don't underestimate me

>> No.44578406

What is DDLG?

>> No.44578421 [DELETED] 
File: 832 KB, 1400x1600, 1666654011757531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 inches. Just the tip

>> No.44578488
File: 646 KB, 601x867, e0360fe64a1e43acd3d483d8a9984dba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolibaba love

>> No.44578517

>on /uoh/ but doesn't know DDLG
daddy dom little girl, it's a roleplay where the girl pretend to be a little girl and the guy her father

>> No.44578570

Imouto is streaming... something? Seems like Zatsudan for now.
I need to find a image for her.

>> No.44578618

You might be right, but fuck man id love to test that out

>> No.44579244

that shit's cringe unlike loli

>> No.44579849
File: 102 KB, 1071x578, who raised you like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44580016

Its basically a legal way to simulate what you really want, if the girls small and cute enough its really nice. Especially if you get a nice 18 year old

>> No.44580951

ok normie, not interested in grown girls acting like children unless it's a character

>> No.44581003

Fingers too long looks hag

>> No.44581043

>Marin has a lewd face toggle now too
I'll miss how cute and simple the old one looked but I can get used to this

>> No.44581123
File: 1.54 MB, 1304x837, 16734231684873285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunny should not be allowed to do handcams unless the hands believably belong to the model. There's a reason Gura only showed the ends of her fingers

>> No.44581175

anon learns how shadows work

>> No.44581817

She can also get naked which is what she will use on next weeks pomf stream

>> No.44581833

based, i want a woman lg to do all sorts of dirty stuff like suck on a binky that's just been in her kitty or have a stuffed toy and fidget date to turn into vigorous dry humping or a mud play date

>> No.44581986

Can't wait.

>> No.44581995

Look we all know what you want, but the prison time isnt worth it

>> No.44582613

no, we're not doing the "ironic lolicon" shit again
real children are disgusting, women imitating them are disgusting, 2d is good and a blessing in that you don't need to think of the fact the voice actor is a grown woman

>> No.44583721

Who's the artist?

>> No.44583883

Who's this?

>> No.44584270
File: 639 KB, 1518x2150, FqrW3hKXwAIgc7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44584482
File: 90 KB, 212x225, dry hump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching a full Rangyi stream I want her to give me the sloppiest toppy ever. Her model is so sex.

>> No.44585051


>> No.44585271

I'm not surprised. Still wish she had something more loli like instead of a more accurate self-insert.

>> No.44586328

Shondo's so easy to push down ToT

>> No.44587283
File: 449 KB, 800x1250, illust_104383377_20230307_153057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44588660
File: 1009 KB, 1302x1842, 1652826970581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44588731

That's chromu chromu

>> No.44589726
File: 1.28 MB, 1461x1974, 1667397866246906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44590751
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>> No.44591502
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>> No.44592289
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>> No.44593847
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>> No.44594081
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>Virgil and Kiki flirting on stream
>Marin and Emi flirting on stream

>> No.44595335
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Guys how okay is it to mention dead characters when talking about their new characters
Is it like a dick move or something that should be kept secret?
I just kinda wanna know more about this shondo/fauna lore

>> No.44595462
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Anyone knows the source?

>> No.44595544

It is a dick move

>> No.44595574

Dont refer to them as their PL/reincarnation

>> No.44595637

Shondo and Lily literally regularly talk to each other it just isn’t on stream

>> No.44595707

anon your reading comprehension reps

>> No.44595768

You dont call her Fauna just like the dont call the one in the OP Rushia

>> No.44595783

Why do people STILL sexualize Gura despite her being the most covered up vtuber? And she's a mascot character, she's not like a Marine or a Veibae. She doesn't have that sexual vibe.

>> No.44595873

Gura is currently the only one in hololive to appear naked in official works

>> No.44596178

But it's unripe.

>> No.44596469

They wanted to make her completely naked with only environmental censorship, but Cover pussied out and made them add lighting.

>> No.44597824

what happened?

>> No.44597900

Some retarded anti came to the thread calling Aruru a pussy for blocking him on twitter and started shitting it up

>> No.44598045

Oh I see. Thank you for the explanation anon.

>> No.44598108

Very cute design

>> No.44598202

Cute AND slutty. That's how you know she's an incorrigible lolicon.

>> No.44599312

Big tits on a little girl

>> No.44599728

Booo. Wide hips and crotch gap what matters. No boobs

>> No.44601062

>Big hips
Fuck outta here with your shortstacks!
Lolis are flat, and have sexy petite thighs.

>> No.44601522

Big dicks in a little girl

>> No.44601554
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Objectively correct

>> No.44602077
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Your sister in law gives you this look

>> No.44602110

if your life revolves around watching this shit you are a hopeless man.

>> No.44602239
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>if your life revolves around watching this shit you are a hopeless man.

>> No.44602330
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Loveta has been streaming for 3 hours
save her, anons


>> No.44602622

Not cunny, dont give a fuck.

>> No.44603258

Project all you want if it makes you sleep better at night buddy

>> No.44603288

Shondo wasn't kidding when she said she posts lewds of herself on fanbox...

>> No.44603354

kek you're on /vt/ buddy

>> No.44603432

>Posts petite thighs
Thanks for proving my point

>> No.44603544
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>Thanks for proving my point
That's kinda the point of agreeing with you, retardchama

>> No.44604555
File: 242 KB, 1342x1592, 20230308_043904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I read "incorrect". I think the brain rot started to set.
Take my apology and a smug correctable loli for the inconvenience

>> No.44604573
File: 491 KB, 715x1280, image_2023-03-08_190313660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Have you seen Gura? Look at how her thighs are positioned. Shows how wide her hips are.

>> No.44605246
File: 425 KB, 2048x2047, FqmP6uLXsAEnObQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was rewatching Shondo's redebut intro (the music is so good), goddamn the chat was so fast and a lot of her VTuber friends were there, literally "Everyone is here!", except Silvi lmao
Do not. Dick move, very tourist thing to do.

>> No.44605361
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>> No.44605492

I’m convinced Shondo’s recent tweet about letting go is about Silvi, she removed her from her host list. But yeah so many new friends were there, I saw Lilyhops, Basedapoya, Nina and Vivi of course, big chuubas like Layna (who bought her daki and said it will be her first ever) and Saruei (who said her little sister was very cute). She has so many nice new friends, she definitely doesn’t need someone toxic like that. I’m glad she can move on.

>> No.44605611

how many subs has marin gotten so far?

>> No.44605625
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>> No.44605764

Wonder if it really is that. Silvi is still in her new endscreen, but that's probably because it's not worth the time and money just to remove her or just Shondo being too nice as always. I was also expecting for her to raid Silvi after the redebut stream, which did not happen so who knows.

>> No.44605907
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Last I checked yesterday she got 150

>> No.44605976
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And another thing, Silvi is still VIP in shadow's channel.

>> No.44606197

Silvi can be scummy but I wouldn't go that far. Mehera to menhera, they are good friends and Shondo accepts her with all her flaws and quirks.

>> No.44606277

she sure loves her NTRtubers. interesting bit of cognitive dissonance going on there.

>> No.44606304

Silvi was too busy with her own subathon

>> No.44606603
File: 408 KB, 2048x1152, FpwDT7vaMAAJQZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looked through silvi's subathon goals and i think she massively fucked up something. day 6 and she's at 1427 subs, which is definitely nothing to sneeze at considering she's barely a 3view, but her fucking chart goes up to 20k, lol. it makes the subathon look like a massive failure, no?

>> No.44606746
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Seems to be doing fine for someone her size. Still plenty of time to go.

>> No.44606955

I also saw Alice(who was gushing over her), Rimaeri(who gifted me sub so thank you), Henemimi, Rurumi, Aruru and Milky.
My wife has so many good friends

>> No.44607036

don't :)

>> No.44607337
File: 217 KB, 1446x2048, Fp1dkFXaEAE03Vq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it makes the subathon look like a massive failure, no?
Why do you retards keep repeating this? Subathon goals are supposed to be unrealistic
Shondo even said herself she set unrealistic goals, she just fucked up and severely underestimated how big she was
That being said, she should have had more goals instead of them being so spread out

>> No.44607716

It really doesn't help that all of these goals fucking suck considering the last one would cost $100,000

>> No.44607817

i think it's better to underestimate as it feels better for everyone if "every goal is crushed". it's about the psychology.

>> No.44607846

And how did that work out for her?

>> No.44607879

awful, as i said.

>> No.44607972
File: 264 KB, 378x840, 1677203467576924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think subathons are more about supporting the streamer than you patting yourself in the back

>> No.44608024 [DELETED] 

>The only man I know is my forest tree
Did she forget all about her past bf?

>> No.44608051

They're entertainers. They make that money by being entertaining.
"Completing all goals feels nice psychologically" is something to consider.

>> No.44608362
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If Shondo set her sub goals to 500 and got 2000 it would feel so nice "psychologically"
Would you consider that a much bigger success because she quadrupled her goal?
>They're entertainers. They make that money by being entertaining.
I don't understand what you mean with this, subathons are meant to be entertaining and fun for the viewers, but their main purpose is to support the streamer
Are you implying Silvi's subathon isn't fun and entertaining? If so just say that instead of pretending to be retarded

>> No.44608819

i really don't understand how you can be this autistic. 25% completion feels worse than 125%. it's not rocket science, lol.

>> No.44608963 [DELETED] 

Shhh. She needs to keep up the kayfabe.

>> No.44609013

Even if her 25% completion is 500% of what people usually get?

>> No.44609068 [DELETED] 
File: 790 KB, 1200x804, 1674711828020362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not rocket science, lol.
It really isn't, which is why I'm confused as to why you're struggling so much with it
Let me put it in simpler terms
more bigger number more better
25% of 20k more better than 125% of 2k

>> No.44609113

but those aren't even the same numbers, you fucking retard. do you not understand math?

>> No.44609372

striped blue panties look so good on gura she shouldn't be allowed to use anything else unless shes nude

>> No.44609447
File: 1.55 MB, 2282x1816, 1668679972448313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you not understand math?
You're the one that thinks "bigger number" means "same number", apparently
So I guess not, I don't understand retard math
I'm not sure if you're pretending to be mentally challenged or actually are, but I don't really care to keep engaging
Feel free to keep going on about how streamers should make less money during subathons because otherwise it hurts your feelings

>> No.44609746

I'm not reading any of this but the anon who posts cunny is objectively the correct one.

>> No.44609918
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>> No.44609982

>I don't wanna be based
Incredibly based

>> No.44610010
File: 95 KB, 730x1200, hatoba 27 so-bin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies jannies keep deleting posts even though they are SFW and on-topic.
Which reminds me, i wonder if there's any way to automatically compile ctuber's stream schedule and to post along with the OP, that'd way we'd be aware of who's straming what on which day. It should be easy to do but im not a codefag.

>> No.44610171
File: 192 KB, 1193x1913, 1659855993266447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I planned on doing something like that alongside the website to replace the pastebin following the pastebinfag incident, but the threads went to shit so I stopped caring

>> No.44610488

You can do that yourself on holodex

>> No.44610688

Ah, a shame but I guess I can understand that.
but isnt holodex just for youtube streams?

>> No.44610944

Please do, it would be nice to actually find streams of who people are talking about

>> No.44611398

>the g-word
aand banned

>> No.44611438
File: 3.54 MB, 3840x2160, 94977153_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1hr 30min
>hasn't booted up the game
Is this normal for a shondo stream? I don't really mind it, just asking.

>> No.44611507


>> No.44611572

Yeah? Who cares about twitch? All you can get out of a stream on twitch is a link to their channel meanwhile on youtube the waiting room/stream itself shows: exact time and date when it happens, the thumbnail of what the stream is and the title of what the stream is about
If you want to make schedules like this for twitch streams you would have to manually update it for every single one of them
Meanwhile on twitch

>> No.44611653

zatsus can go up to 3 hours

>> No.44611798

Ah alright, I came late and thought I missed it or something.

>> No.44611797

It's normal and zatsu is the best part of the stream.

>> No.44611870

there once was a point where it was trending to over 2hrs each stream and she made a deliberate effort to cut zatsu off at an hour so she can actually progress in games
now here we are again

>> No.44611958

Why is the sexism tag still there?

>> No.44611984

Sexist towards men today

>> No.44612090

>against brexit
It's over...

>> No.44612155

I want shondo to choke on my spit

>> No.44612211

I want her to choke on my blood

>> No.44612287

so you're unironically saying that 25% of 20k = 125% of 2k? i don't really know what to even say at this point.

>> No.44612616
File: 552 KB, 894x1032, Irinamybeloved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Irina so much you wouldn't believe me!

>> No.44612871

I'll be sure to tell her once she's done sucking my dick.

>> No.44612908

Call her Ursa, trust me bro

>> No.44613023

so a normal relationship?

>> No.44613096

dangerously based

>> No.44613178

maybe in alabama

>> No.44613833


>> No.44614714

>we must murder more women
As you command, my imouto wife.

>> No.44614882

brown cunny streaming https://www.twitch.tv/nightmairu

>> No.44616351

i thought she hates being lewded
also stop selfposting mairu

>> No.44616824

>>44616351 (me)
i guess she changed her mind about being lewded, she's still a grifter though

>> No.44616986

Not everyone who has a change of opinion is a grifter

>> No.44617014


>> No.44617242

She's a grifter because she constantly redesigns to copy other people, she's definitely only loli now because she thinks she can use lolicons for popularity

>> No.44618209

Which Hitman game is Shondo playing? There is a bunch of them

>> No.44618273

Playing the first one in 3

>> No.44618796

She's playing Hitman World of Assassination, it contains all missions from the recent reboot Hitman 1 to 3.

>> No.44619062
File: 29 KB, 900x1200, 1399845783427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Shondo for the first time(the GTA stream).
What am I in for?

>> No.44619118

Cute and funny and insane

>> No.44619343

Hijinks ensue

>> No.44619734

women are filthy lolicons. If you look at the history, it was all started by female artists. That's why its natural for female uohchubas to subjugate men

>> No.44619776

I don't think this child is smart enough to play Hitman

>> No.44620240

as a female yes yes they are

>> No.44620244

I didn't tune in today did she really spend another few hours not understanding the basic premise and just randomly snapping necks

>> No.44620341
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>> No.44620389

This time she returned to monke, but no, she did not finish the first mission.

>> No.44620422

lately I'm starting to feel like I don't need to worry so much that every woman would be disgusted with me so that's cool

>> No.44620431

She did better today, still lots of necks snapped though.

>> No.44620709

Grimmi isn't a loli right , still cute.

>> No.44620799

you shouldnt sometimes girls like nasty weird shit

>> No.44620832

No shes just flat

>> No.44620846

No but with how small and flat she is I don't blame you for mistaking her for one

>> No.44620910

Unrelated but
>Go check out her streams for when she acts as Gaspar
>She uses a sexy deep female voice
>On a shota model
She isn't a real voice actor is she

>> No.44620915

loli in training

>> No.44621097

just listen to these

>> No.44621178

I cant wait to fuck my cute little daughter with my wife. You can raise the perfect fuck doll for both you and her to enjoy. Imagine that...

>> No.44621383

link please

>> No.44621403

Whoa. That's nice. Followed.

>> No.44621454

She doesn't do lewd stuff anymore

>> No.44621524

oh I'm aware they often are but I've seen my share of total hypocrites on this front
lately though I'm noticing more women just casually into loli or who at least aren't judgmental knowing they like some fucked stuff too

>> No.44621525

That's fine. She's a nice VA either way.

>> No.44621595

especially with female vtubers alot go from sexy too loli its nice

>> No.44621602

Willing to accept Grimmi as a hebe, she's about the same as chuubas like the new Kiki but a little less loli than other lolibabas like Alice Sawyer.

>> No.44621894

are grimmi's junji ito readings unarchived?
I looked through her youtube vod channel and there aren't any on there

>> No.44621984

this girl's lore is something else, the short of it being
>mom's dumped all their money on cults, is severely mentally disturbed, grimmi has had to wrangle her in the past before mom fucked off to another country and is now institutionalized in another country suffering severe delusions
>grimmi was forced into a raw vegan diet so there's very little food she can physically digest even if she wanted to
>dad's also really mentally ill and fucked off awhile ago
her parallels to shondo are kinda funny since her family was such a burden and she was forced into becoming an adult all on her own accord, whereas shondo was a burden to her family and ultimately ends up coddled and never needing to grow up

>> No.44622278
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>> No.44622427

just no

>> No.44622480

come on, don't you just want to drop into chibi's stream and sexualize her

>> No.44623292

I loathe hypocrites so no
