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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 322 KB, 1710x856, Fn8hLw0XgAAQMiZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44399318 No.44399318 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, pandering to your audience actually works???

>> No.44399437

>pandering to chuds

>> No.44399468

A lot better than to pander to the 5%

>> No.44399484

depends on your audience

>> No.44399512

Depends what you mean by pandering since the actual definition of the word is something you do dishonestly for the sake of taking advantage of people.

>> No.44399520

Look what pandering to the twitch crowd and twitter crowd got pikamee and silvervale.

>> No.44399522

Always has.

>> No.44399529

Almost like that's what every successful content creator does.

>> No.44399566

Straight males wins again!

>> No.44399565

Don't you see the irony of posting this on 4chan?

>> No.44399582

Just look at the blasting success of Tempus

>> No.44399589

>pandering is only good when I'm the one being pandered to

>> No.44399620

well yeah, isn't that obvious?

>> No.44399624

It gives free (you)s, so that anon does not care

>> No.44399632

based retard

>> No.44399644


>> No.44399676

Pippa just recently become a 4view, but lumi has always and will always be a 3view

>> No.44399689

Nobody said it didn't work. They said it is humiliating and pathetic.

>> No.44399718

Sounds way easier than pandering to mentally ill trannies if you ask me.
Specially since the term "chud" has become so broad that it now means "everyone that isn't a trans or trans ally"

Just not caring about the subject at all is enough for being called a nazi genocider nowadays

>> No.44399756
File: 1.27 MB, 500x281, cursedpippaunsmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something about Pippa that just works. I don't know if it's the way she says things or just her relentless screaming. I like it either way.

>> No.44399801

She's more mentally unstable than Lumi which makes her funnier

>> No.44400215

>your audience
Except they're pandering to the drama tourists to get more views though?

>> No.44400226

Pandering means not hating your audience. Or having bigger numbers than the vtuber making the post.

>> No.44400244

as much as Pippa's content is outright cringe to me it is much more viral and you can see it in the numbers.
Lumi, on the other hand, has no idea what to do.

>> No.44400432

There's nothing on God's green Earth more pathetic than a man who thinks he's a woman.

>> No.44400512

>He believes its even 5%

>> No.44400521

You sound like a bigger faggot than the guy you are replying to.

>> No.44400547

>"She's just pandering, it will never work!!!"
>it works
>"Nobody said it didn't work. They said it is humiliating and pathetic!!!!"

you know the rest.

>> No.44400584

It's the desire to man handle and correct her

>> No.44401161

I wish I could watch Pippa because she's kinda funny but I tend to get overly attached to vtubers I watch that's why I can only watch GFE vtubers since they don't mind.

>> No.44401178

The 2nd model is so ugly, god damn.

>> No.44401276

Why else would anyone pander? The objection people have to pandering isn't because it doesn't work, it's because it does work.

>> No.44401349

Trump lost

>> No.44401379

Why are you assuming it's pandering and not simply their actual opinions?
I know it's hard to believe but there are real women who aren't completely retarded out there.

>> No.44401437

There’s a lot straight males in the community than trans. Faggot.

>> No.44401483

I mean keeping their boyfriends and sex life hidden works

>> No.44401510
File: 56 KB, 968x988, 0cfc1b695f6fe6b1f5a4a0105fc7864b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish..

>> No.44401528

Because it's nearly impossible that someone is that retarded and can still hold a job and function. It's far more likely she is telling you what you want to hear because you're easy like that.

>> No.44401578

You also need to keep your menhera in check

>> No.44401597

You think they're retarded for having opinions that aren't handed to them by a Kotaku article?

>> No.44401639
File: 206 KB, 591x512, pippa you are all wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you watch Pippa, you would know she doesn't actually pander.
Sometimes she will get shit from chat for an opinion but will not budge no matter how much they complain.
Hell sometimes she will still not budge when she realizes she is wrong.

>> No.44401681

Women don't talk and act like the retards here naturally, it's nearly impossible for a woman to be as pathetic as everyone here no matter how ugly they are

>> No.44401714

Can you name some of those life threateningly retarded opinions those two have?

>> No.44401716

No. Why do you think that?

>> No.44401775

I think it's because he read your post.

Do you think those are normal women? And what is your definition of "acting like the retards here"? Do you have some examples?

>> No.44401827

3views getting cocky i see

>> No.44401864

>zaion graduation
it doesn't

>> No.44401888

Anon pippa is a 4view

>> No.44401935

Just everything. If you know real women and maybe even real men in the outside world it will start to become obvious. Acting like a retard and saying stuff the permanently online and outcasts of the social rejects want to hear. Like the recent wizard game drama is obviously retarded and nothing worth any amount of time. Yet they pander and make a scene and they do it because they know you will love it and throw money at them. It's really unlikely they are a functional person and actually think or act like this in any real sense. It's not about saying that it's impossible, it's more about giving them the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.44401993

>I think it's because he read your post.
Weird because I didn't post anything of the sort. It's almost like you guys already had your talking points and strawmen ready before you started.

>> No.44402015

>hold a job and function.
they aren't
which is why they are anime girl streamers anon

>> No.44402038

You should check again, it says it right here >>44401528
Maybe you should be more careful when you spout your vague bullshit.

>> No.44402099
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Anon, Lumi is in an engineering graduate program.

>> No.44402208

>Anon Lumi is an autist
thanks for reinforcing my point?

>> No.44402221

Can you greentext the part about getting opinions from Kotaku articles? Thanks in advance.

>> No.44402285

Lumi is neurotypical compared to most of Phase

>> No.44402438

Sounds like you are just talking out of your ass, anon.
There is no way that you actually think that single tweet of her being mad over the harassment that has been happening on twitter is that outrageous. Especially since the stream itself didn't mention any of it.

>If you know real women and maybe even real men in the outside world it will start to become obvious.
You should follow your own advice, because pretty much every real person out there would feel bad for what happened to Pikamee if they knew about it. They would even be a bit mad about it.

>> No.44402515

Sell me on Kiki, what makes her special?

>> No.44402523

NTA but most would laugh in your face and tell you to stop playing with cartoons and get some real pussy.

>> No.44402551

right wing grifting doesn't last very long. Pink rabbit is just milo yiannopoulus for weebs

>> No.44402586

Pippa can't hold a job and function, you retard, that's why she's been a streamer for a decade.

>> No.44402631

But mooooooom you don't understand, it's the wizard and the antis and then she's graduating and the pink rabbit said kys and the owl and wizards and why don't you take me seriously?

>> No.44402647

This might shock you, but there is a real person behind that avatar, you autistic retard. Some cute girl who did nothing wrong getting harassed by an internet mob is the perfect sympathy bait for normalfags.

>> No.44402648

I can fix her

>> No.44402690

When will she play Hogwarts again?
She promised to do so with mods.

>> No.44402698

What right wing politics are they pushing?

>> No.44402705

>Lumi is neurotypical
>compared to most of Phase

>> No.44402720

You talked about what real people would say. I'm just being honest.

>> No.44402726

>milo yiannopoulus
gay jewish pedophile who mas molested as a child?

>> No.44402787

Why are you arguing on the internet with nerds instead of getting some real pussy then?

>> No.44402791

No you are being retarded. What threadwatchers are to vtubing you are to the real world.

>> No.44402810

Still nothing because it breaks your immersion?
I'm sorry, but how am I responsible for what delusions and hallucinations you have?
No wonder they can so easily pander and manipulate you paypig cucks. You're practically begging for it.

>> No.44402856

give it to me straight, OP how long untill Pippa gets the Vwhorejo model...

>> No.44402881

You can do both. It's about balancing it and not going off the deep end. You don't start thinking things are really like they are in 4chan threads or twitter wars.

>> No.44402887

She doesn't really need a slut tuber model to attract people imo.

>> No.44402923

Yeah, who knew giving your fans what they want would work so well? Aside from every fucking entertainer on the planet, ofcourse.

>> No.44402941

Why are you so mad about what others watch for entertainment?

>> No.44403036

I think that would actually be nasa who was busy with an actual job for most of last year

>> No.44403068

>like the recent wizard game drama is obviously retarded and nothing worth any amount of time.
the game is one of the highest-selling games and most played games of the year. Normal people want to play it and find it gross and offputting that freaks like you harass streamers for playing it. I know, because I've spoken to normal fucking people, which is something you terminally online twitteroids would never actually do despite constantly telling people to touch grass.
>You know that harry potter game?
>yeah, it's been fun. I hope they have a quidditch DLC.
>did you hear that creeps on twitter have been bullying streamers for playing it and one girl is even quitting?
>that's fucked up. Why is twitter so insane?

that's what an actual conversation about the game and about the Pikamee situation looks and sounds like with a normalfag you disingenuous retard.

>> No.44403087

Phasebros finally getting big enough to properly defend their girls in the catalog good on ya fags its a never ending war enjoy

>> No.44403149

feels like every autistic spergtuber is getting one.

>> No.44403160

Try it. See what happens, retard.

>> No.44403183

As far as I can tell, Kiki is actively filtering from her audience anyone who isn't a bottomfeeder cheerleader so yes what she's doing works by her definition

>> No.44403257

As soon as you talk about the trans stuff people are going to nope out and cut you off. The right wing nutjobs will reject you as soon as you start to try and justify being a paypig for anime whores. Can't win really, the only one that understands you is your community and your chuuba, that's why you pay.

>> No.44403361

Not everyone out there is an extremist. You're confusing /pol/ with the real world again. Worse than /r9k/ in here.

>> No.44403380

From what I've seen most of what people praise about it is the world building and accuracy to lore and Pippa said she was never a fan of the series. She also didn't seem to enjoy the game that much.
On the other hand, I actually liked the fanfic reading at the end of the stream a lot more (even if the numbers dropped).
I think it was a one off spite thing, so probably not, but who knows.

>> No.44403382

4chan vtuber. Go check out /pyon/ if you want to see what her fanbase is like.

>> No.44403384

They all yelled trans rights and waved their flags in your reality I'm sure.

>> No.44403810

normal people will bush off the conversation as some moment of autistic enthusiasm noting your opposition to modern insanity, to later confide in you whatever personal concerns they develop when they're inevitably threatened by that side of politics.

>> No.44403926

lol, you deranged psycopaths have no idea how human beings interact. They say some derivation of Rowling is a shitty person but that's no excuse to bully a streamer, and if they are politically aware libs they'll generally say something like "If they wanted to go after someone they should go after Warner Bros since they're the rights holder".
I know because I've had this conversation.
You can LARP as normal people all you like, but Real normalfags don't like bullies and you schizoaffective dipshits are bullies.

>> No.44403953

t. never watched kiki

>> No.44404030

>bla bla bla
>wait hold up
>bla bla w-w-w-w-what?
>so you paid this hoe all your savings and you didn't even get to fuck her?
>reeeeeee you don't get it the trans and the wizard game
>but at least you saw some nudes right?
Yeah they're going to put you lower than activists.

>> No.44404089

Who hurt you, anon?

>> No.44404139

>psychopath calling other people psychopath
If you really understood empathy you wouldn't involve yourself in this drama. You're so far removed from reality and just interpret everything as sides and loyalty to fake egirls. You can't even deny it, you're posting in a thread about supporting them for the sole reason they said what they knew you wanted to hear. You have negative empathy and social intelligence.

>> No.44404201

I talked with my friends about it.
Got the 'people are taking things too far' from one and an 'as a jew with a lot of lgbt friends' spiel from the other which gave me a chuckle.

>> No.44404215

I wanna fuck her so

>> No.44404228

giving people what they want works? holy shit

>> No.44404230


>> No.44404259

Is all this doubling down you're doing really happening because you're trying to salvage your "Pippa can't possibly be mad over what happened to Pikamee, she must be faking it"-argument?
Even on an anonymous image board that's a stupid hill to die on.

>> No.44404263

this is the most organic and spontaneous thread I’ve ever seen

>> No.44404273

>the right
isn't that just big Paimon?

>> No.44404299

Probably gave you the side eye too. This isn't even a controversial point. People are just reacting retarded about it because they're too invested.

>> No.44404355

Stop being so fucking stupid. You don't recruit anyone to your side or get any sympathy for this shit and projection.

>> No.44404361

>Probably gave you the side eye too.
They didn't but you're welcome to assume they did if it helps you cope.

>> No.44404395

I am so sorry if you like either of these girlfriend repellants.

Pippa is too openly racist to be accepted by vwhorejo. At least Silver is subtle about her racism.

>> No.44404462

I meant new model style

>> No.44404490

she also attacked another indie (Rindo Yuuki) when she got envious that she was getting /here/ attention until she graduated, like she's known to do

>> No.44404511

well chuds actually have money to spend look at the the LGBT+ tags on twitter and tumblr and youll see how many live by e-begging for scraps to make ends meet

>> No.44404539

>I am so sorry if you like either of these girlfriend repellants.
You're on fucking /vt/ and you're talking about girlfriend repellent? This board in your browsing history puts you on an incel watchlist.

>> No.44404569

>Pippa is too openly racist
Do you have some examples for that?

>> No.44404630

>everything I don't like = racist

>> No.44404643

>still believing this rrat

>> No.44404652


>> No.44404669

>absolutely nothing resembling an argument
>"muh projection"
I love watching you pieces of shit sputter and flounder about.

>> No.44404717

Normal people do not know about the backlash. My parents and sister talk about the game because they loved the movies and not once has Rowlings opinions been brought up. My boss's children like the books. No one discusses the author aside from her being a poorfag at one point. Your 18 year old Discord mates and algo driven news feed aren't the real walking world.

>> No.44404803

this website has become so tame and lame that people are openly mentioning they use /vt/ on twitter and any trans faggot will have retweeted a "4chan greentext meme". even tiktok users browse here.

>> No.44404820

Both Pippa and Lumi are e-whores, which means there is a 99.9% chance of them being bi, so by default they support LGBT stuff
Now what?

>> No.44405062
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>LGBT stuff
Anything but the stuff!

>> No.44405066
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Pic related.
Also, there are homo threads on almost every board outside of /pol/.
4channel in general doesn't hate the gays, but does detest trannies.

>> No.44405404

>the pick me doesnt pander

>> No.44405421

Let's not forget she was very anti discord when talking to her anti discord viewers but then had a discord account where she banted with other vtubers' viewers

>> No.44405675

Let's not forget she was very anti-youtube but now has a large youtube account!
Such betrayal...

>> No.44405712

Is it really pandering if they both have boyfriends?

>> No.44405719

Veibae Pippa when??

>> No.44405884

anyone have the squishy shit marrow clip.

>> No.44405891

Being homo or bi doesn't automatically mean you support the LGBT movement.

>> No.44406199

I just don't think Pippa will have much of a future. Being Le edgy streamer means you are locked on a cycle where you have to double down or settle down.

>> No.44406216
File: 368 KB, 1232x1232, IMG_20230302_004033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being homo or bi doesn't automatically mean you support the LGBT movement.

>> No.44406644

You're LARPing, real people dont act like that, thats your own permanently online idea of what 'normies' act like. IRL 'normies' have conflicting and personal opinions, and more than a few have atypical views on things, they just dont post it on the internet. If you actually interacted with people offline you'd realize youtube and massive AAA games are not nerdy and niche entertainment anymore and are openly discussed.

>> No.44406763

>real women
>not completely retarded

>> No.44406866

I will watch her to the end

>> No.44406899

7 billion people in the world and this nigga saying it's impossible to do a fairly common thing
Ok bud

>> No.44406906

Nepojo and Niji pander to Reddit/Twitch all day long.

>> No.44406976

what happened to watching anime girls do cute and silly things..

>> No.44407405

twitter tourists, give it a month until the next happening.

>> No.44407503

Sometime around the LGBT flag getting race DLC a lot of people began to realize being LGBT and being politically LGBT are different things.

>> No.44407527

The real herechuuba

>> No.44407566

>everyone that isn't a trans or trans ally
So basically anyone reasonable.

>> No.44407874

People in this thread being like “oh that makes Pippa better wow!” Made me realize free speech is a wet dream. If we forced all you right wingers to shut the fuck up maybe humanity would actually progress as a society instead of arguing with a group of attention seeking virgins with a neurodegenerative prefrontal cortex. Vive la trans! No more paradox tolerance!

>> No.44408388

we're at the point of traditional homosexuals

>> No.44408468

>at the point
There have been anti-communist gays forever

>> No.44408708

the jewish golem still marched as a whole to the revolutionary beat.

>> No.44408829

We were talking about LGBT not Christians

>> No.44408910

Hahahahaha really niggerfaggot. Like all the neo Nazi tranny

>> No.44408918

you have to be mentally stable at first, at least enough to function as a human being
also she's pandering to the wrong audience

>> No.44409841

I genuinely have no idea what you just said.

>> No.44409861
File: 113 KB, 1032x758, 1676520463871348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa love

>> No.44409954
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Lumi love

>> No.44410329

She's too much like me and that makes it hard for me to watch

>> No.44410338

It really makes you think because free speech as a social justice was conceived as a protection from tyranny and other serious shit for people just trying to create a modern world for an enlightened humanity. Now we're talking about the freedom for cartoon girls and their fans saying slurs and wanting to undermine and hurt people for no actual reason.

>> No.44410698

Pippa is quite literally gonna be a 5view by the end of the year, I guarantee it.

>> No.44410943

Hell of a lot more of a future than 2views and 3views, of which there are hundreds. If she continues streaming forever then her audience will follow her to whatever she does after being Pippa. Not sure what you're even trying to say with your post.

>> No.44411048

Okay, describe to me what's considered pandering to here, what do they say that supposedly panders to here? Just posting here sometimes doesn't count since there are quite a few 2views who post on /asp/ and /wvt/ yet no one says they pander to /vt/

>> No.44411128

someone who's based just acts as theirself and will then gather an audience whose interests align with theirs naturally. no pandering required! this is literally impossible for content creators though, because they're all insecure retards who are scared of having their true selves judged by randoms on the internet for some reason.

>> No.44411221

The fairytale utopia you dream of where everyone links hands and dances in a field of sunflowers will never come to pass. And no, humanity would do the opposite of progressing because transfags and leftists literally can't get anything done other than spread ideology and victimhood. They make their political beliefs their entire identity and seek only destruction and censorship. Look at how things were 20 years ago compared to now. Better or worse? I'll answer that for you, it's worse. But that's exactly the type of "progress" leftists wanted to promote.

>> No.44411272

It's elementary, dear anon. Pippa is popular and has fans, therefore she is pandering. There is no other explanation for it.

>> No.44411429

I am sorry anon but I can't stand it anymore. You disingenuous fucks are begging for dictionary definitions now. You're always going to argue and there is no reason to think you're actually engaging in discussion. You just want to shitpost and then claim you proved everyone wrong. But you didn't, nobody is changing their minds, all you accomplished is being the most unpleasant, disingenuous poster you can be.

>> No.44411663

You're wrong, not even that anon but your bias has poisoned your ability to think rationally. Not even about sides, you can be trans, gay, man, woman, whatever, and still do tremendous scientific and engineering work. You're using technology made by people you would hate. If that irks you then recognize you made it too personal. It's warping your judgement and sense of reality. Screaming idiots online isn't going to progress anything, that's a fact though. You are the problem.

>> No.44411745

You know how vshojo make their fans laugh by dunking on pc and vt? It's similar

>> No.44411819

the more i see that model the more shit it becomes...

>> No.44411954

No way this isn't bait

>> No.44412357 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 775x605, 765432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-femaleanons- add me ashen#4718

and chat about vidya and weeb stuff. creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls pokemon fate digimon smt yuuka meiling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU vtubers( and mock deadbeats).fantasy the 4 heroes of light SFM animations females from the DoA games final the rwby anime and other stuff

>> No.44412375

they don't even post here anymore, you've been used and disposed

>> No.44412437
File: 46 KB, 512x512, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish, i hope and i pray that this will get other VTubers and streamers to not be afraid to play Hogwarts Legacy and stand up to the Twitter hate mob.
But i still don't feel good. The more time passes my hopium gets replace with copium and even that's depleting.
The silence from these big agency VTubers is so deafening.

>> No.44412446

Prove it

>> No.44412513

Big agencies are already kneeling.

>> No.44412573

NijiEN is already cucked

>> No.44412589

And i hate it.
Why isn't anyone fighting against the agency bullshit?

>> No.44412701

Just let it happen. Vtubers like Pippa and Silvervale are going to win big from this and everyone else will have to play catch up

>> No.44412826

It isn't. You are using technology made by all the left-wing and right-wing, and gays, and straights, men and women. Many you would supposedly hate and think can't produce anything. If you genuinely deny that then you are the problem.

>> No.44412855

No it is best if the companies stay silent on the issue and ignore trannies altogether

>> No.44412931

Wait until they give you the finger when they don't need to pander to schizos anymore and you can seethe about yet another pink woman.

>> No.44413000

They won’t because as the op established, pandering works

>> No.44413083
File: 216 KB, 850x710, hand of midas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I'm going to do anon? I'm going to take your discord tag, your post, and put it all over, on omegle, on gay groups, on other shit so you get all the "love" and "attention" you've been craving for this entire time. I'll put it in newsletters (You) subsribed to. emails (You) sent. (You) want the hand of midas so much? Take it!

Pippa is eating up the chaos from the whole thing and getting her version of revenge while exposing the mentally ill for what they really are.

>> No.44413113

Does it really matter?
Actions > words > thoughts
You can secretly hold opinions that go contrary to what you do but if you never externalize them they might as well not exist.

>> No.44413161

If you sit out the biggest release in a while (I don't even like it, still true), that's not 'ignoring the issue' it's kowtowing
>sit, slave
>well I'm just gonna sit down right here b-but it's not like I'm doing it cause you told me to or anything... wait I'm not allowed to say that either.. yes master

>> No.44413175

>pandering to your audience
by definition pandering is the opposite of being genuine, i like genuine people. or at least people who don't lie as easy as they breathe and say stuff only bc they know you will like it.

>> No.44413194
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>lumi has always and will always be a 3view
Always is a strong word anon.

>> No.44414123

So everyone who's too afraid are just going to get punished in the long wrong?
Oh yeah, lets ignore trannies by doing exactly what they want. Great idea.

>> No.44414212

I meant let your talent play the wizard game but dont make any official stance public. That way youre not cucking out but you're also not enraging the 42%

>> No.44414698

you are retarded anon. I hate discord groups but I still have a discord.
I also hate 4chan but some boards are decent (not /vt/ though)

>> No.44414863

Wow you described the antis perfectly

>> No.44415014

>being a fake grifter is easier than being real
of course it is

>> No.44415107

>wrong audience
she's getting $500 every week for a chuuba that streams in front of 60 people

>> No.44415329

yasssssss so true sisters

>> No.44415378

Who ever said it doesn't work?
The only cautionary tale about it was the risks of fucking up
aka 1year of Vox drama in the catalog

>> No.44415636

Oh, well you should have been more specific.
Yeah i agree with this and by being silent, especially after all the Silvervale, Pikamee and Pippa stuff, will only hurt them in the long run.
Even if they do play it after all this i wonder if it'd be considered too little too late.

>> No.44415821

Compared to pandering to the 59% who don't kill yourselves I'd say she has a stable and growing market

>> No.44415828

yes the chuds won't cancel you for some dumb shit while twitter will

>> No.44416253

How are you being pandered to? That they affirm your loserness and they totally have crippling social anxiety and are totally just like you, a social reject?

>> No.44416324

Shut up Nyanners

>> No.44416331


>> No.44416394

>stable and growing market
>I took half a semester on marketing
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.44416577

Let's not get hasty

>> No.44416888

Pretty much. Hololive, Nijisanji, and VShojo are in free fall whereas Phase Connect, Production Kawaii, Idol Corporation, and indies are on the rise. Only a matter of time before the YouTube algorithm makes sense of what's actually effective VTubing as opposed to what is overrated garbage that doesn't understand what quality fan service is.

>> No.44416979

Double edged sword

>> No.44417025

When Sayu joins Phase Connect she may be the 5th fastest rising star in the industry behind Pippa, Lumi, Yuko, and Fuyo

>> No.44417106

Inclining pretty good atm. A HL stream would make her a 4view

>> No.44417144

Just look at this shit

>> No.44417170

It won't be just her. Yuko will gladly join her. Possibly Sayu as well.

>> No.44417226

>schizo trying to put Lumi on the same level as Pippa, a vtuber who cares more about Asmongold and Metokur than her genmates

>> No.44417261

You do realize that this only hurts their cause right? It's pretty much kowtowing to the troons by default and makes it a "safe option" for them.

>> No.44417301

Do you sell your consultancy? You shouldn't be giving away amazing gems like this for free. Shut up. Idiot.

>> No.44417317

Just shut the fuck up, this is why your oshi will eventually bend the knee to the alphabets. If there is silence, walk away. That's how you know they don't care about your wish for them to stay the way they are.

>> No.44417445

Do you seriously think any of these vtubers are genuinely against the LGBT community or ideology in any serious fashion? Do you?

>> No.44417572

Vtubers aren't your soapbox for your faggot culture war, moron.

>> No.44417582

Yes. Silver, Tenma, Shondo, and Pippa all came out in solidarity against the woke in recent weeks. That number will only go up as more people are tired of their shit.

>> No.44417655


>> No.44417676

You're so fucking incredibly delusional. That's really all there is to say if you genuinely believe this.

>> No.44417810

Gaslight all you want tranny, but until more people keep calling your diseased selves out, that's when you'll be forced to stay the fuck away from my VTubers.

>> No.44417831

Impressive coming from the cult that denies biology.
You people are as bad or worse than the most staunch religious cults.
Cant let entertainers do their job in peace, can oyu?.

>> No.44418083

>people finally had enough of culture war scolds that had an endless spergout over a video game
>that means they are on my side of the culture war!

>> No.44418275

Until someone gives out a firm stance on HL or the woke mafia hell bent on destroying who they are they're not worth your view. Simple as that. I want VTubers who are complicit in pandering to their audience, not outsiders. This is why you're seeing a paradigm shift for better or worse.

>> No.44418387

I'm physically cringing reading this shooter manifesto shit. Shut up.

>> No.44418458


>> No.44419587


>> No.44419709

>Your side
I just want to consoom entertainment without being bombarbed by fag propaganda you retard. I dont give a shit about your burger culture war.

>> No.44419772

What is a "pick me"?

>> No.44419794

>some fucking anime rabbit girl got to talk to IA
what a world we live in

>> No.44419876

This thread reeks of Reddit and Discordtrannies even more than its normal for the board

>> No.44419946

Chicks who bend over backwards specifically for male validation. It's a "Uncle Tom" but just for women specifically

>> No.44419982

>fucking retard doesn't understand why the ability to dissent and say shocking, offensive things without needing to inflict violence is so precious

>> No.44420048

So it's something used by whores and co opted by trannies. Got it.

>> No.44420218

Nice copy paste from Twitter, idiot.

>> No.44420526

Tell me a single time you've ever seen a faggot working with their hands. Not a desk job.

>> No.44420777

>not caving to my demands is... le soapbox!
>just let me shove my politics on you or you're being... le political!

>> No.44421060

Of course it does. It be weird to think otherwise.

>> No.44421268
File: 284 KB, 389x401, 1660940314921087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon actually good Niji/Holo members like Fauna, Selen or Pomu are keeping the same numbers for like a year now. It's only the shitters that are sinking.

>> No.44421396

There is literally nothing bad about lesbians.

>> No.44422169

Porn addiction has clouded your judgement.

>> No.44422504

Well they're certainly the most harmless of fags. You never hear about deadly diseases being created or spread by them. Apparently they do have a shockingly large amount of domestic abuse though.

>> No.44424028

I have never had a negative opinion of lesbians as a whole my entire life, did porn do that?
That was made up too, bi women who are abused tend to go to women more for obvious reasons. The stat leaves out the sex of the abuser

>> No.44424043

she is smart enough to play the youtube game like a genuine kike and tailor her persona appropriately. i'm not saying it's completely insincere, but it's not an accident.

>> No.44424206

Thought she did some worthless humanities garbage like philosophy

>> No.44424213

it's a clear example of pandering. saying what her fans wanna hear and using the platform to talk with others on her fan's back.

>> No.44424370
File: 87 KB, 1024x788, 1676300970749182m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem with that fagboy?

>> No.44424548

... except for streaming with males

>> No.44425229

The primal "I can fix her" desire inside all of us.

But with Pippa... I don't want to fix her.

>> No.44425477

Unfortunately I don't think it's gained much traction, but there is a LGB alliance is wants to drop the T from LGBT.

>> No.44426741
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>> No.44426858

I still remember that hour+ long AI tangent.

You're stupid and your father would be disappointed in you if you had one.

>> No.44427050
File: 1.29 MB, 1400x1000, 1650181265148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to continue inclining and rising in popularity and I will relish seeing retards like you impotently seethe over it.

>> No.44427059

>left: panders to trannies now
>right: panders to ntr loving fans
I guess?

>> No.44427118

Yes, but the moment you think different it’s over

>> No.44427205

I could fix her, but honestly? Whatever's wrong is way hotter.

>> No.44427403


>> No.44427439

as someone who watches Kiki i can agree, she genuinely thinks her and the champyons are dating; i get doing GFE but they do it a bit too chronically, not only that but it’s really hiveminded, if you don’t agree with her then it’s heads off for you, she also doesn’t like you watching other vtubers which i why i wouldn’t call my self any vtubers fan, im simply a viewer

>> No.44427529

So who's the one on the left?

>> No.44427530
File: 100 KB, 400x300, full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as someone who watches Kiki i can agree, she genuinely thinks her and the champyons are dating

>> No.44427583

You were saying?

>> No.44427622

made me check her twitter and now I can't stop laughing

>> No.44427630

lmao. looks like not even the bottom of the barrel agrees with phobes

>> No.44427770 [DELETED] 

all of this is funny considering she has a south american internet boyfrined

>> No.44429219

she's pretty entertaining regardless. she has edgy opinions, no shortage of people with those.

>> No.44429616

Lol dumb faggot pipgers. I hope you worthless retards shut the fuck up forever.

>> No.44429695
File: 158 KB, 666x666, 1649606002041746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threads that aged like milk

>> No.44432209

> posts that aged like milk

>> No.44432350


>> No.44432419

Nothing against Lumi.
Pippa however..

>> No.44432723

OP here, I jinxed it, I think I should stop making threads for a while

>> No.44433678

Wait, chuds fuck trannies? Sign me the fuck up!

>> No.44434623

Isn't too hard for anime girl to talk to him since IA isn't shy about revealing the fact he's a weeb and with yellow fever. Surprising how many people don't know about this.

>> No.44436100

That email was written by fishman because only canadians use the term "identities" like that

>> No.44437061

sir, you're replying to a spambot

>> No.44438253

pik ame's graduation date is at the end of march, you don't even have to wait that long for the next yab

>> No.44438569

Who is the one on the left?

>> No.44439038

baffling post

>> No.44439318

I like Lumi pandering. It feels like watching you girlfriend playing your favorite games and trying to understand why you like them.
Pippa can go fuck herself though.

>> No.44439613

You enter the thread to see what happened after this >>44427403

>> No.44440075

Thats the friend of all trans people Pippa Pipkin!

>> No.44440238

>Wait, pandering to your audience actually works???
It does

>> No.44440272

yeah me

>> No.44440622

I never trusted her for being zoomer and tryhard, i'm getting the idea that was a good call.

>> No.44441481

Look little Sally, Susan, or Sam! She even has your flags colors, isn't that neat?

>> No.44444356

This thread aged badly lol
Phase "We love LGBT+ identies" Connect

>> No.44444447

Michael Knowles is right, we have to eradicate the trannies

>> No.44444894

It's not /vt/. Nobody who panders to /vt/ lasts.

>> No.44445205

Lia was banned by management from playing Potter game today, now watch how it disapear fron panko and tenma schedule too

>> No.44445255

What is your definition of pandering? Is that the definition you would use for a different website as well?

>> No.44445424

Pippa is a genuinely funny woman. Thats rare as fuck.

>> No.44445542


>> No.44445623


>> No.44446046

All malechuubas are creeps.
You have to be stupid or actively malicious to fall for that one.

>> No.44446054

I went to high school with Mike.
Great guy. His wife was my neighbor too

>> No.44450410
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>page 10
Not yet, phasecucks need to be laughed at a bit more

>> No.44453214

Just give me a YABcast and no one get tommy hort.

>> No.44453217

aged like milk

>> No.44453264

>Nobody who panders to /vt/ lasts.
Twitter is also death

>> No.44458734

You really want to talk niji? I probably won't have to wait a week for another yab

>> No.44462348

bumpen this gemmy

>> No.44462496

What consistent stream schedule does to a nigga, without any tommy horts.

Turns out you just need to show up to work and do your job.

>> No.44462593

careful. i got banned for saying the exact thing yesterday. jannies don't like to being called out.

>> No.44462734

So what the fuck happened? Can clinically online twitter anons share the latest gossip?

>> No.44462817

Pippa herself isn't funny but she's a pretty good lolcow

>> No.44462860


>> No.44462997

Leave your fantasies out of this, rabbi

>> No.44463089

I truly don't understand why people get so angry at Pippa for it. I'm not a Pippa fan, she's not my brand of humor. But I can completely respect doing what your audience likes. Why the fuck is that considered negative?

>> No.44463887

Her audience likes backpeddaling and kneeling to twittertroons?

>> No.44464308 [DELETED] 

>pippa has been edgy since day one
>decides to stream the hogwarts game to leech off of outrage over pikamee being bullied
>makes 10k from the stream
>after the stream she releases a message telling people not to use her to invalidate trannies.
People are upset she's getting herself blacklisted and going full "turn 41% into 100%"

>> No.44464372

What the tourists expecting her to a banner don't get is that Pippa, herserlf, is a 40 year old man with voice changing software.

>> No.44464428

>pippa has been edgy since day one
>decides to stream the hogwarts game to leech off of outrage over pikamee being bullied
>makes 10k from the stream
>after the stream she releases a message telling people not to use her to invalidate trannies.
People are upset she's not getting herself blacklisted and going full "turn 41% into 100%"

>> No.44466158
File: 81 KB, 900x450, FqfvbNkWIAIEJ7Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about this? Fuck me, I thought it was something actually of substance for once.

>> No.44466259

nice downplaying, pippafaggot

>> No.44466353

There is literally nothing wrong with that message.

>> No.44466430

nice cope you got there

>> No.44466551

Well…it basically says “I don’t hate troons, I’m just giving a finger to terminally online shitheads.”
Half the people who think Pippa is based think she’s based for sticking to her principles and not trying to use sjw political talking points to pander. The other half think she’s actually some right wing nutjob who wants the blacks and the Jews and the alphabet gang to neck themselves. That second group might seethe seeing something like this.

>> No.44466566

For some reason people thought she'd be ok with them using her as an anti-trans hate symbol and now they're mad when she told them to fuck off

>> No.44466665

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.44466743

Pippa has always supported LGBT shit. Kill all vtubers

>> No.44466817

>Well…it basically says “I don’t hate troons, I’m just giving a finger to terminally online shitheads.”
In your schizo head it does. In reality it doesn't, read it again.

>> No.44466820

Hello, I'm here to reply to posts from almost a full day ago.

>> No.44466929

My wife doesn't need fixing. I love her how she is.

>> No.44466969

This is mental gymnastics.

>> No.44466986

It is known.

>> No.44467826

Only terminally online people know anything about rowling apart from the fact that she wrote harry potter and is a woman

>> No.44468932

Post tits or gtfo

>> No.44470637

Excluding yourself? YWNBAW
