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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44122017 No.44122017 [Reply] [Original]

All vtubers are taking sides
All out war incoming

>> No.44122128

Fauna come get your girl. To be fair, I don't disagree with her. Bad trannies are just bad people.

>> No.44122168 [DELETED] 

trannies are an abomination. An insult to the very concept of humanity.

>> No.44122236 [DELETED] 

Trannies need to go now, they try to destroy everything just like they destroyed their bodies.


>> No.44122257

>trannies are just bad people.

>> No.44122288

Oooh, so THIS is the final Yab.

Kinda crazy this is actually the firsr time that's unironically true.

>> No.44122310 [DELETED] 

all trannies are bad

>> No.44122318

More like Shondo is a pickme vtweeter who can't help herself but leech off the drama. She never streams.

>> No.44122339

Never thought I'd be siding with the mentally ill women against the mentally ill men that think they're women

>> No.44122366 [DELETED] 

all trannies are bad people, they all have a horrible amount of narcissism to the point that they want the world to revolve around them and their deluded vision of reality
that's why mtf trannys hate actual women and why most people targetted for this harry potter shit were just actual women

>> No.44122374 [DELETED] 

kill all trannies

>> No.44122378

The most anti-pikamee take i'm seeing rn is "fuck I hope trans people don't get bullied over this."

>> No.44122398

what happened and why? (just facts, I'll draw my conclusion, but I don't know anything).

>> No.44122417 [DELETED] 

Trannies are not "bad people". They cannot even be considered to be "people".

>> No.44122445

Fauna? QRD?

>> No.44122468

Gonna need a pickme edit for that, hoss

>> No.44122477

>She never streams.
Her channel seems pretty consistently active

>> No.44122509
File: 561 KB, 600x830, stfutwitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44122552 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 500x624, 1676846751880605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44122631


>> No.44122642

Will someone please nuke crystalcafe already?

>> No.44122663 [DELETED] 

You are all wrong in saying that trannies are bad people. They are not people. All trannies are bad and enabling them and the very small minority that genuinely supports them is both immoral and wrong.

>> No.44122674


>> No.44122755 [DELETED] 

>Bad trannies are just bad people.
Trannies can't be bad people. They'd have to be people in the first place for that to be possible.

>> No.44122766

They’re modern day skinwalkers.

>> No.44122797 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 629x809, 1658613379544317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill trannies. Behead trannies. Roundhouse kick a tranny into the concrete. Slam dunk a tranny baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy trannies. Defecate in a troon's food. Launch trannies into the sun. Stir fry trannies in a wok. Toss trannies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a trannies gas tank. Judo throw troons into a wood chipper. Twist trannies heads off. Report trannies to the IRS. Karate chop trannies in half. Curb stomp pregnant trannies. Trap trannies in quicksand. Crush trannies in the trash compactor. Liquefy trannies in a vat of acid. Eat trannies. Dissect trannies. Exterminate trannies in the gas chamber. Stomp tranny skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate trannies in the oven. Lobotomize trannies. Mandatory abortions for trannies. Grind tranny fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown trannies in fried chicken grease. Vaporize trannies with a ray gun. Kick old trannies down the stairs. Feed trannies to alligators. Slice trannies with a katana. Toss trannies into a huge meat grinder. Rip trannies in half with a chainsaw. Grind tranny baby fetuses into blenders. Feed trannies to bloodthirsty cheetahs. Skin trannies alive. Char trannies with a flamethrower

>> No.44122836

Which vtubers do "people" like you watch? Is it tempiss or nijien attracting you here?

>> No.44122893

kinda weird because shondo essentially made it sound like she was on the trannies' side when she started playing the game, even including the disclaimer about how much she dislikes JK because she's evil etc. the whole tranny shebang.

>> No.44122976

>Streams about 3 times a week, sometimes more
Mind actually checking anything before making dumb claims?
It's just a few clicks away.

>> No.44123057

There are a ton of trans people who are absolutely shitting on twitter freaks, it's literally a civil war

>> No.44123090 [DELETED] 

it wasnt even trannies, it was a bunch of tards on reddit from GCJ

>> No.44123107 [DELETED] 

Janny? Are you okay?

>> No.44123108 [DELETED] 


>> No.44123127

name some. i unironically want to see what they say about this.

>> No.44123139 [DELETED] 

tranny janny working overtime lmao

>> No.44123163


>> No.44123190

