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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44018487 No.44018487 [Reply] [Original]

La criada lo ha vuelto a hacer.

PREVIOUS >>43986967

>> No.44018538

Fuck I was about to make the thread. Lazy shit, what kind of OP is that.

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】

Previous thread >>43986967

Survivor wife edition.


Himea D'Almaria

Miu Hizuki

Yumi Nekomiya

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.44018581

Jajaja negocio negro

>> No.44018598


>> No.44018626

just like latam

>> No.44018646

Meido has gone insane.
Doxxing Meica out of spite

>> No.44018692

Next luna and neon

>> No.44018820

I'm surprised no one made a proper thread with all the shitfest going on rn.

>> No.44018888

I'm on Akira's side just because Sopa is fucking annoying and a whore.

>> No.44018901

Serious question
Why Akira is so retard?

>> No.44018925

Wait, Lia is also graduating? What the fuck is going on?
I guess Lea and Yue are still missing with no news from the manlet?

>> No.44018971

Who is the spic Meido doxxed for "defamation"?

>> No.44018998

Lia is going indie, keeping her name and model, proving once again she has some sort of preferential treatment over the rest of the talents.

>> No.44019001


>> No.44019016 [DELETED] 
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Things to consider
>Paraguayan ID
>She had paper problems in Japan
>She recently insinuated of being kicked off from her house
>She follows PC stores from Paraguay
>Terrible internet speed when months ago she had a good connection
Possible scenario
>She was born in Paraguay and was living in Japan while she was underage.
>Japanese laws don't give nationality easily
>Once she reached 21yo she wasn't protected anymore as a minor and since she couldn't get the JP nationality she was forced to leave the country
There are two variables
>She got that ID from birth and was just born in that province
>She didn't have a nationality until now and recently got it, she's living in that province.

>Pic rel, that province population by smaller administrative sectores.
She's living or was born in a place in the middle of nowhere, probably one of those nip colonies.
Remembering one old rrat, do you know if there's a car factory near there?

>> No.44019029

so the other ones will get the same treatment or will be like rose and hana

>> No.44019034
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>> No.44019061 [DELETED] 


>> No.44019106

based anti-hafu chad

>> No.44019109

Maybe I'm being too positive here, but what if Himea made a deal with the manlet to stay another year, in exchange of letting her keep her name and model after graduation like Lia?

>> No.44019112

dios mio la paraguaya

>> No.44019131


Show them these the next time you see a retard saying Lia left with everything unlike everybody else because she had her model before joining Wactor

>> No.44019135

She can't anon, we already told him several times, that it ends well, nothing more.

>> No.44019144

Well, if Lia was able to do it, then the midget should let Himea too, if he doesn't want the favoritism to be even more obvious...

>> No.44019193

in the end piyoko and rui left just at the right time

>> No.44019202 [DELETED] 
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>Has demostrado que eres un descerebrado. ¿Esto me hace renunciar a mis sueños? Creo en mí mismo al máximo, no me detendré.

>> No.44019203

My wife Himarin too, I'm happy.

>> No.44019237

Akira's onaholes are running out of narratives

>> No.44019290

Akira is a shitposter and does it for the dopamine hits.

>> No.44019300 [DELETED] 

>Pirapó se ubica en el departamento de Itapua a 70 km de Encarnación, donde el 90% de su población es de descendencia Japonesa. Migraron a latino-américa en los años 50′ y conservan su cultura, sus costumbres y su idioma … Aunque nos pareció muy simpático escuchar a varios hablar en español con acento paraguayo.

>> No.44019337 [DELETED] 

We made him that way...

>> No.44019359

Black company? More like nigger company. Colonizers should have genocided every native tribe to the last junglenigger.

>> No.44019402

ladies and gentlemen her "saviours" kek

>> No.44019407


>> No.44019428


>> No.44019435

shakira tier reply

>> No.44019439 [DELETED] 

He hired a nip lawyer who lives in paraguay. Yoshinori Hirano is his name.

>> No.44019483 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44019488

>el doxxeo
Why can't mexicans just say dox like the rest of us.

>> No.44019513

Sopa herself mentioned her grandma was Paraguayan. She also said that her "mom" told her she regretted adopting her when they where arguing once.

>> No.44019522


>> No.44019534

because mexiniggers are retarded anon

>> No.44019541

post meant for >>44019202

>> No.44019553

No jodas WACTOR ya perece una mafia, para cuando empezaran a hacer lenvantones jaja

>> No.44019569 [DELETED] 

I have savings, friend, if you have his address, I will send him to disappear.

>> No.44019583

return to facebook

>> No.44019591

everything seemed to be so fine on june of 2021...

>> No.44019594
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>i'm saving myself for a pure blood japanese girl

>> No.44019599

A traitor like every Chilean.
It is in their blood.

>> No.44019610 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44019613
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lel, even the paid shills are third-rate

>> No.44019647

Based Latinx hater

>> No.44019673

>mtf was akira all along

>> No.44019692

Typical qlo roto

>> No.44019696

Now her twitter makes it look like she died eating cereal or something kek

>> No.44019838

>Lia: Akira my beloved I will fuck off from your shitty company right now, I don't give a fuck about contracts or whatever, give me my name, my channel and all my shit
>Akira: Yes my darling

>Misora, Luna, Neon and friends: Akira I don't feel comfortable in Wactor and I want to leave

>> No.44019842

WTF I just woke up!!! Akira you fucking retard what you've done!!!!!!!!

>> No.44019859

So the manlet will give us any news about Lea, or should I start checking the obituary?

>> No.44019894

Himea, what's happening? You are the only one I trust.

>> No.44019905

I wasn't kidding when I said latinos are fucking obsessed with asian or white women. And when I say asian I mean 100% either Japanese or Korean, maybe a Chinese one if she us super hot. And when I say white I mean 100% Nordic, blonde blue eyes. Half the people considered white in the US would not be white in a hispanic country.

>> No.44020019

maybe in mexico or some mainly brown country. argentina isn't like that.

>> No.44020040 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44020054

>deleted video YouTube
Based misopitas

>> No.44020073

How could himea and sezia keep working for that piece of shit, did they sell their soul for money or they never cared about others?

>> No.44020148


Sezia needs a second job to live. I don't know about Himea situation.

>> No.44020168


>> No.44020175

Sopa is not the saint you think she is.

>> No.44020210

Are you retarded? Do you want them to get doxxed too?
All contracts since gen4 are for two years.
Don't expect any news from Ito, Lea or Yue or a reincarnation for another year btw.

>> No.44020219

Women stab their actual friends in the back for lesser things all the time. They could care less about co-workers

>> No.44020220

Hey Sezia/Himea/Nana

>> No.44020247

fuck off schizo

>> No.44020258

>anon has just seen how Wactor doxxed and is threatening a lawsuit just because the girls decides not to work for them anymore
>"bUt wHy aRe tHeY sTiLl wOrKiNg fOr tHeM?"

>> No.44020257

>its ok to sox sopa because she had segs
Why are latinx like this

>> No.44020263

Hi Akira!

>> No.44020285

You're trying to cause a rift between different fandoms but you're not very good. We know at least Neon and Nisha follow Sezia's account so they must be on good terms, possibly even being food friends with each other.

Fuck off with your stupid rrats.

>> No.44020384

Well Ayumi is a cute name desu

>> No.44020399

Anon, it's not a secret she's a clinical liar that will step over and use and trow anyone like a dirty rag to to get what she wants.

>> No.44020402

so they get doxxed? lol

>> No.44020407

Probably loyalcucktomo trying to do damage control
It wouldn't be the first time

>> No.44020447

Dude A.H. was known for more than a year now. The rest of her name is new to us, I think.

>> No.44020462

gm anons!!! :)

>> No.44020503

Good morning sweetheart!

>> No.44020518
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>> No.44020532

I'm starting to believe that Miu is the real mastermind behind all this shit, the doxxing of Hina and Laila have the smell of a jealous woman rather than manlet fury.

>> No.44020563

you are retarded

>> No.44020621
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>> No.44020636

Good, now the twitter one too, here's how to do it

>> No.44020688

I'm not gonna support the other girls anymore. Nothing personal, I just can't leave things like nothing is happening.

>> No.44020689

Tell all the dramatubers, and don't forget to tell them she debuts tomorrow
Contact Falseeyed, Zona, Nara, the two spic girl dramatubers

>> No.44020708

Why is Akira such a niño rata? Just ignore them, dude. You are like thirty.

>> No.44020727


>> No.44020730

manlet rage

>> No.44020838

Chilean blood making him evil as a passive racial ability

>> No.44020868

Don't tell me ranita...

>> No.44020922


>> No.44020943
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Yumi having talks about the OTAN

>> No.44020998

>Organización Terrorista Anti Negros

>> No.44021004

What the hell is wrong with this company

>> No.44021071

>me paso con las siglas lgtb pense que era una marca de televisores

>> No.44021081


>> No.44021098

This girl is great

>> No.44021105

even on debut people guessed right, lol

>> No.44021120

Just woke up and found out that WACTOR is trending.
What the fuck is Akira doing?

>> No.44021145

So the midget now threw her info in the about section of the channel. What a spiteful little being. I hope he ends homeless and bitchless

>> No.44021148

It was not a guess, she said it herself.

>> No.44021198

im talking about something more specific

>> No.44021200

*keeps watching*

fuck off.

>> No.44021205

The most groomed /here/ chuuba?
She talks everyday with those fans of hers, of course she is a traitor.

>> No.44021223

I'm happy people aren't annoying Yumi.
>inb4 no one watches her.

>> No.44021244

You had her channel archived right? Akira is deleting everything.

>> No.44021336

Actually where she lives most people dont talk spanish, have a friend from another japanese colony and he barely could talk spanish aswell, mostly knew a bit of portuguese

>> No.44021354

Yumi streams are interesting, I enjoy watching her talks about trivia.

>> No.44021376

I mean, is it really doxxing? Are voice actors doxxed since their real identities are public? I don't really know if that's actually harrassement when it's a company sending a notice about one of their ex-workers...

>> No.44021397

exactly, i just stopped watching as soon as i knew they were a black company a long tiem ago, by giving them views they are allowing this to happen but of course they prefer to complain

>> No.44021413

They are Wirtual Actors

>> No.44021425

He published not only her name but her ID too, so it is doxxing.

>> No.44021432

Is someone in the Wactor discord? Who mod is still there?

>> No.44021453

huh, you are right. he could have censored that. what a retard.

>> No.44021483

She's getting Yen and HK superchats. Nice for her.

>> No.44021488
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Yeah and you can report it too!

>> No.44021490

Surge comprar yerba en pirapo

>> No.44021552

why are people that actually live in south america saying that is not doxxing because IDs are public to the people? if that's the case then they didn't do nothing against the law

>> No.44021570

kek he uploaded it again

>> No.44021592

>Así mismo se hará efectivo en lo que respecta lo establecido en el punto cuatro del contrato, que hace referencia al pago de la multa respectiva.-

Meica in poverty

>> No.44021626

I am from South America and this is unacceptable. I am not defending shit, dropped Wactor a long time ago too

>> No.44021629

They aren't public. Doing it is a violation of privacy. Probably the manlet made his lawsuit void by publishing it.
If you want the lawyer to completely drop it go after him and make him realize it's too much trouble.

>> No.44021656

Jesus Christ what the FUCK is happening holy SHIT

>> No.44021672

taking a plane to paraguay tomorrow

>> No.44021739

>La Jhenny

>> No.44021769

Wactor hijos de puta, el karma le va a volver a mierda ese. Maldito.

>> No.44021770

It's not public.

>> No.44021774

I can't believe how much Paraguay is underpopulated, I thought they had 15M or so inhabitants they they only have 6.7M

>> No.44021797

that's loyalmiutomo doing damage control

>> No.44021930

Wactor is pandering to spics even with the telenovela culture. Based.

>> No.44021932

Everything began to crumble when they opened that damn discord. Place for groomers and unworthy people.

>> No.44021941

Already did, anon. Thx

Most actors and idols use a screen name, only a few go with their actual name. This happens because their career may take a lot of different paths and/or some contracts decide which identity they can work under. ID plus place of birth and full name is inexcusable

>> No.44021945

The biggest town in her province has less than 140k people.

>> No.44022099

It's more endearing to think that a japanese chuuba learnt spanish rather than knowing that she is just a paisa. it may sound dumb but they going out of their way to understand your native language makes you feel appreciated in a way. Would I stop watching a chuuba I already like after finding out she learnt it the "easy way" by having one of their parents speak the language? of course not, it's just less special.

>> No.44022125

why weren't sopa's measures and pantsu color on the doxx too, Akira?

>> No.44022145


>> No.44022300

>203 rt for the Twitter doxx
Really spics?

>> No.44022398


>> No.44022400
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That monkey simpatico showing his true colors with his alt

>> No.44022418

A lot of people didn't like Misora and this information dump just justifies their hate

>> No.44022438

All /Wactor/'s fault.

>> No.44022474

I used to watch sopita but after this shitshow I'm glad I stopped giving a fuck about wactor, I'll keep an eye on the former gen2 girls, but that's about it

>> No.44022484

What is wrong with conjugating it as a verb or noun?

>> No.44022510
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Ozuni did this, he got so far into her menhera's mind that she couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.44022578


said the the burger

>> No.44022655

we need an Ozuni but for Akira, I'm schizo but not dedicated enough to ruin his life

>> No.44022660

She was the beginning, she will be the end. The prophecy is happening

>> No.44022662

Nothing, really.
They themselves got the newly created noun dox or doxx and made a verb out of it, doxxing doxxed.
The first known use is in 2009
You can do the same and import it to spanish

>> No.44022671

Honestly many south americans after the initial dramas preferred to watch people outside of their own continent, also as you said someone learning your language is a better headcanon.
Now honestly I doubt it will be a problem for her anymore since she has already some fans who won't care

>> No.44022672

Akira did this, he made her go to keep her safe from the shitstorm
The manlet was expecting that people would attack the rest of the talents, that why he put lia out of the scene

>> No.44022716

So what was Sopa going to say about Lia?

>> No.44022719
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No Lia, no Wactor.

>> No.44022722

>still makes twittards seethe
she is pretty based

>> No.44022776

>55 posters this early

>> No.44022794


>> No.44022844

he's right

>> No.44022869

I had sex with your oshi

>> No.44022892

CEO of WACTOR just doxxed the girl formerly known as Hina Misora out of spite.

>> No.44022941
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>la más bonita talking about how she was forced to hide her accent and to stream at fucked up hours

>> No.44023023

That's what colonizing spaniards deserve Based chadkira.

>> No.44023026

Did people really think she was a pure jap living in japland speaking spanish fluently?

>> No.44023029

Akira needs to fucking hang.

>> No.44023040

I was pulled in by some mysterious force just so i could read and laugh at this post

>> No.44023080

Everyone knew she was at most hafu. She said so multiple times in her streams.

>> No.44023127

Are you telling me that the stories about la amiga that made no sense since there were contradictions everytime she told them were false?

>> No.44023152

They didn't even watch her, or at least not her early days, she even admitted herself she was a weird mix of genes.

>> No.44023175


not everyone apparently

>> No.44023193

So Hina was in japan, then in paraguay, then in japan again, and is now in paraguay?

>> No.44023199 [DELETED] 

Chances that shes the village bicicleta

>> No.44023205
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I love you so much Babu, this is why I'm gonna stop watching you, the best I can do for You right now is not giving any kind of numbers to your piece of garbage boss so you can be free of this black company as soon as possible. I promise I'll find you in your next life... forgive for now...

>> No.44023227

I have a bad feeling.

>> No.44023255

I have a good feeling.

>> No.44023276

god, i'm so worried about her

>> No.44023295

So that funny reaction to the price of fruit was fake?

>> No.44023392

> anon realizes voice actress plays a character on screen. 2023, colorized.jpg

>> No.44023394

Vtubers are 90% fake anyway

>> No.44023420

this is really sad, honestly. all i wanted was to see cute anime girls reacting to shitty discord memes and terribly playing videgames. why can't wactor just spend 5 minutes without fucking something up?
anyways is this the end for sopita? does this mean shes 100% gone from wactor?

>> No.44023458
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>> No.44023466

Gone from Wactor? Yes
Gone for good? You can look that up with minimal searching

>> No.44023489

there is someone missing there ahahahaha©

>> No.44023501 [DELETED] 

Mods asking for pity on twitter HAHAHAHA

>> No.44023526

People think that himea and luna are japanese

>> No.44023527

> does this mean shes 100% gone from wactor?
I'm sorry, are you completely new here? She has a new identity with over 45k followers on twitter and she's set to redebut tomorrow.

>> No.44023543

Wactor office is currently playing Komm Susser Todd in repeat.

>> No.44023556


>> No.44023576

This needs an update

>> No.44023594

Hi, I'm a tourist.
What the actual fuck has been going on?

>> No.44023603

Let me show you the light my fellow internet explorer misopita (now brotecito)

>> No.44023623

Desvription hahaha look there

>> No.44023636

Please somebody contact that english youtuber who covered the laila shitstorm

>> No.44023659

So Faka actually could have won?

>> No.44023684

kek, why is it so funny seeing the enano spam that everywhere.

>> No.44023705

It's clear he's doing it out of spite.

>> No.44023706

CEO doxxes his ex talent out of spite and is threatening with doxxing 4 more ex talents
Also, one year ago he already doxxed somebody and sued another talent, the sued talent was winning the lawsuit but the asshole changed the legal identity of the company so wactor doesn't exist anymore

>> No.44023749

stfu that doesn't matter

>> No.44023750

The midget was the biggest /here/ shitposter all this time. What a fucking manchild

>> No.44023751

put it here too, akira!!

>> No.44023804

Butthurt sore loser
If you think about it, he is not different from any other shitter in this thread

>> No.44023809

Whats sopa's reincarnation

>> No.44023837

Wouldn't surprise me if a future lawsuit leads to this guy just up and trying to fuck off out of the country.

>> No.44023853


>> No.44023861

Is not rare Paraguay and Japan has great relation is easier to go to Japan from Paraguay by being a halfu compare to being native. Also Misora is in one of the richer rural zone

>> No.44023865


>> No.44023872

She's Paraguayan by birth but lived most of her life in Japan.
Her dad married a paraguayan girl, her biological mom, who died. Then she took Hina with him to Japan where he married her current mom. Since her mom wasn't Japanese and she wasn't born in Japan she couldn't get Japanese nationality. She was allowed to stay under an special regiment while she was underage, those documents she tried so hard to get where the Japanese nationality, which she couldn't get. So she was forced to leave the country, hence her recent implications of being forced to leave her house.
She had no option but to go to Paraguay with her biological mom family, her cousins. Her adoptive mom was with her the first weeks but she later went back to Japan, she's now there by herself.

>> No.44023887

ai uehara

>> No.44023897

Good luck Mr. Hirano trying to get your bill paid by a bankrupt company.

>> No.44023943

>all i wanted was to see cute anime girls reacting to shitty discord memes
>reacting to shitty discord memes
You deserve it for being a low iq retard with shit taste who enjoys low quality content.

>> No.44023951

she was talking with her mom during the twitter space

>> No.44023954

Remember, one year ago, Miu posted this hours before Laila were terminated and Rose suspended

>> No.44023981

That wasn't Sopa mom, anon... compare her voice with the previous time she talked a year ago.

>> No.44024003

then she lied? i remember her saying it was her mom

>> No.44024012
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Sorry, i forgot to post

>> No.44024059

Doesnt add up to me, japanese have the nationality for 3 generations https://discovernikkei.org/es/interviews/clips/1155/

>> No.44024095

He's busy with another company anon...

>> No.44024109

I lost all respect i had for Miu

>> No.44024111

didn't she say her mom and grandmother hated her? add to that she's retarded and she probably didn't know

>> No.44024113

>then she lied
That won't be the first time.

>> No.44024119

She was Laila, they have that play. You didn't get the joke

>> No.44024132

It's complicated, you have to decide a nationality after turning 18

>> No.44024167

Dont know, but i dont think that matters, the japanese colonies in paraguay were stablished post ww2 around 1950, so she is most likely third generation jap at least.

>> No.44024182

Time to invest into air companies that have travels to Paraguay

>> No.44024184

Nateyo also said this, she had to give up Japanese nationality.

>> No.44024185

Boring old meme. Nothing original or new.

>> No.44024212

What's wrong with him?

>> No.44024216

Maybe her biological family are the last ones to have nationality and she's out of the scope?

>> No.44024232

Weird she would pick paraguayan, barely any advantages, but that is a posibility then

>> No.44024248
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>> No.44024263

She hates japanese culture but who knows at this point what real and what is not

>> No.44024299

Lia is a fucking idiot for leaving without milking the manlet for more costumes and 3D models.

>> No.44024304

Does it apply to hafus born abroad?
Her biological mom had a Spaniard surname, probably not a little bit japanese.

>> No.44024352

Remember she once said. "No se que hacer, me quedo en Japón o me voy a LATAM" whem talking about her future.

>> No.44024357

Also she said she prefers latin american society to japanese one

>> No.44024368

inb4 akira sue hiro moot

>> No.44024394

>Her reputation is also damaged in blbl

>> No.44024411

surnames means nothing in Paraguay when it comes to pinpoint your family origin
t. Carlos Mengele

>> No.44024421

I dont see why it wouldnt apply, maybe if the father was paraguayan, but as you said the father is japanese so being a patriarchal culture i think she would be allowed to keep it

>> No.44024492 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44024511

Literally ditching one of the best visas haha
You can event get an ID which says your nationality in paraguay so i dont think she would have any disadvantage having japanese nationality.

>> No.44024522

Reading those threads, seems more she's more liked than any nonchinesespeaker of the company, most of the messages are something like: Lia, run you too, that maid is trash

>> No.44024530

>la criatura

>> No.44024543

My love...
I hope Akira and his black company burns to the ground

>> No.44024555 [DELETED] 

Linda linda kuñatai much better than Asuncenas puercas

>> No.44024595

too skinny

>> No.44024601

I fucking love her, she is so bonita

>> No.44024644



>> No.44024678

Luna, it doesn' matter If the midget doxxes you I fapped to your pics dozens of times at this point anyways

>> No.44024694

made for argies

>> No.44024711

has subrugi said anything about this mess

>> No.44024722

This pic is worth an edit to that selfie on a grave meme

>> No.44024752

>goblin looking bitch
lol spics have no standards, lia is way cuter anyways

>> No.44024774


>> No.44024808

dogshit corp

>> No.44024823

Lia? That anorexic whore? HAHAHA

>> No.44024829


I already fapped to her voice several times.

>> No.44024912

I had wet dreams with her, and she's not even my oshi.

>> No.44024955

>completely new here
not really but i mostly browse /a/.
i got banned off twitter for racism, i do have another account but im apathetic towards that site so i only go there to look at cunny artists now

>> No.44024959

Sup Akira

>> No.44024965

Her arms look so thin, not puni puni at all.

>> No.44025002

yes, 100% real jap beauty

>> No.44025013

que plaga kek

>> No.44025032

Looks like one of those paraguas who sell fruit juice at the park

>> No.44025043 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 720x1224, Screenshot_20230228-131649~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found his lawyer information, and i'm paraguayan so i can do something if they actually want to do something to my amorcito meica negrita flakita de mi corazon

btw the lawyer information is public, not a dox

>> No.44025070

>69 ips

>> No.44025099

You lied to me, you've said she was fat!!!!

>> No.44025111 [DELETED] 


How old is she? according to her ID number. I am going to jerk off.

>> No.44025120
File: 255 KB, 992x573, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed this nugget in the debut thread. Lia a snake from start to finish

Danke Herr Doktor

>> No.44025154

japanese society is shit, almost all population is mentally ill

>> No.44025173

kys newfag

>> No.44025174
File: 41 KB, 472x500, akirasonahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that eating disorder freak? Sure thing my anon.

>> No.44025202

>la mbogue mba'erendy

>> No.44025204

It is the second time that I say:

wactor is bigger than his problems, vtubers are not

>> No.44025220

Where is she posting that?

>> No.44025224

Just a few hour after leaving Mitsurugi Lia leave Wactor despite contract times and let her keep her name and all of her shit, Akira doxx hard Meica in all the places he could
The midget has no shame

>> No.44025228

And this is the second time I tell you to learn English because your sentence doesn't make sense.

>> No.44025232

8M has to be early 20s but some people specially foreign people tend to register their children late just for school paperwork. but her on-stream humour and musical tastes are like people 10 years older than that so I'd say mid 20s

>> No.44025243


>> No.44025248

wow meica looks nice there

>> No.44025261 [DELETED] 

I mean Akira's Lawyer information, if you want to know more about meica with her ID, you also need to know her birth date

>> No.44025305

hot, source?

>> No.44025313

If she gets a certificate telling she's 14yo mentality could make her unable to sign a contract under japanese law and become void.

>> No.44025330

you are a cynic, you understood it and you say that for fucking

>> No.44025396

>get doxxed
>too fucking retarded to sue them for it

>> No.44025442 [DELETED] 


>> No.44025447


>> No.44025450

>Paraguayan lawyer
The most useless profesion in this country bet he don't really care and will just steal Akira money kek.

>> No.44025472

Why do you think the manlet doxxed her or laila, they can't do shit because they are not in japan
In the other hand he didn't doxx rose because she could have sued the crap out of him, but he got away again

>> No.44025496

The lawsuit is in Paraguay under Paraguayan law, Akira confirmed Hina is in there.

>> No.44025513

she ran away from home because she was spoiled and moved away from Akira to live alone and independently, it will bring her consequences

>> No.44025523

>you cinikuare fucking is for
Yoda is that you? kek

>> No.44025524

and he changed misora channel location lol, now it paraguay

>> No.44025555

Okay that is kinda funny because I hate twitter retards but I'm going to side with this retard this one time because my burning hatred for Akira trumps anything else.

>> No.44025561

>Doesn't even read the thread.

>> No.44025569

>meica was the real choripanera all along

>> No.44025572


>> No.44025577

Can you still enforce a void contract?

>> No.44025584

yeah she's with me here under the shade of my mango tree

>> No.44025603


>> No.44025629

brownoid cope
t. Ur Gayan

>> No.44025638

Wow, that announcement is in the whole page, like 4 times, no talents, nothing, just rage

>> No.44025654

This midget is something else kek i can how mad he is like he is in front of me, Meica really break him.

>> No.44025685

That's literally not how it works, being in a different country doesn't protect him. These girls are just useless retards and/or can't afford a lawyer.

>> No.44025690

That was exactly what I thought when I saw this. Miu and Lia joined the company before it become a company legally right? So I think both may have this "special treatment" and some power into the agency to do stuff that other members can't like getting better equipment, new models or maybe hiring better people to do stuff for them

>> No.44025692 [DELETED] 

True, Akira's lawyer is 100% taking his money and not doing anything, he knows Akira is not coming to Paraguay for a lawsuit, Akira is so fucking stupid

>> No.44025701

I am Mexican, I've met a Chinese woman once, since that day I have become totally racist towards China in a non-ironic way.

>> No.44025722

Now theres a chick that knows how to suck dick

>> No.44025736

akira is shitposting kek

>> No.44025783

He's been hidding from their lawyers for a time by now.

>> No.44025790


>> No.44025814

Feels more like it's going to hit the rock bottom very soon

>> No.44025827

t. Peruasno

>> No.44025932

Typical mindbroken spic, result of realizing he's too poor and ugly to date non goblin nip women

>> No.44025938

tards think models and song are the only preferential treatment Akira could offer at the same time ignoring all those thing Miu got and bragged about it

>> No.44025959

Ardido chilecano

>> No.44025969

Congratulations Paraguayans, you are not longer a greayname contruntry /here/

>> No.44025977 [DELETED] 

both true, disgusting

>> No.44026076

I understand you, asian social culture is shit

>> No.44026181

So uhhh, is there a sextape leak?

>> No.44026203

I'm working on it.

>> No.44026234

Unironically I was searching for it in the orange yt

>> No.44026268

Lia had been in wactor for 3 years, her contract for the third year must have been different so it could be the appropriation of her avatar, channel, etc.

>> No.44026276
File: 1.21 MB, 500x500, pKhMVNyvdeOCSOKZVb4oyA_r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relevant one last time

>> No.44026300

yeah, with me

>> No.44026307

okay lgtv+

>> No.44026369

stfu Nico, you disgusting lousy chilote creep.

>> No.44026384

Akira is so mindbroken, he lost his girl and his golden eggs geese. Chances of him becoming an hero?

>> No.44026414

Another thing with that money and the low taxes here she doesnt have to worry about anything, she can probaly buy Akira lawyer without a problem kek.

>> No.44026443

Keep pushing his sanity, he'll crack and release the nudes soon enough

>> No.44026459
File: 50 KB, 901x528, 46334753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miu is deleting everything about WACTOR

>> No.44026475 [DELETED] 

who tf care about Lia anymore, i hope that bitch just fucking fuck off.
The only thing i want to know is how good are those blowjobs, maybe she couldn't even suck anything, just lick that Akira nanopenis

>> No.44026511
File: 45 KB, 640x492, IMG_20211101_013757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to get my italian citizenship for the last 3 years just so I can get out of this shithole
>mfw this paraguaya outright rejected her japanese citizenship

she had a golden ticket and she burned it on her face, is this woman fucking retarded?

>> No.44026539

What happen to get this butthurt?

>> No.44026545


>> No.44026609

she hates japan

>> No.44026674

Too many herbivore men in Japan. She needs SEX

>> No.44026694

everyone is

>> No.44026730


>> No.44026824

She implied being forced to leave her house in a IG story.
Most probably was denied the Japanese citizenship.

>> No.44026863
File: 61 KB, 478x250, 85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about your Wactor boys, are they okay stuck in this hellhole of a company? Can they still quit or do they need to pay a fine if they want out?

>> No.44026868

No other man is more horny than Paraguayan man, after the war every man had around 10 woman to chose and that have affected the woman-man relation in the country till this day.

>> No.44026889

We only care about the girls here.

>> No.44026891

I don't believe the Miu and Lia independent bullshit, I think both are still linked to the midget, but since the Wactor brand is burned into the oblivion they just won't use it anymore

>> No.44026907


>> No.44026926

We don't know, they don't have the WACTOR brand anymore. Anything could happen.

>> No.44026943

They are valexia something now and they are in a company that doxx you out of spice, they fine if they dont really car about getting doxxed or just behave well until contract ends.

>> No.44026994

Akira doesn't has the money to maintain them anymore.

>> No.44027138

I only know that Leo will have a good future as an independent . the girls will harass him in private . something that neither Nijisanji nor Hololive have allowed

>> No.44027185
File: 19 KB, 410x225, 163201245212023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking about valnexia, care to explain this?

>> No.44027199

Is Wactor rebranding or disbanding?

>> No.44027306

renaming the branches and hiding the actual name

>> No.44027320

Check Ayato's, they're playing.

>> No.44027329

Her and Ayato exchanged unit names for a while

>> No.44027370
File: 43 KB, 667x606, Akira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too soon to know. Pic unrel.

>> No.44027403

Why is that bitch so obsessed with that fag?

>> No.44027412

Ay los tortolitos www

>> No.44027432

What a shitty move, well, I get why.

>> No.44027436

Someone share the midget info so friendly people can visit him ;^)

>> No.44027437


>> No.44027451

Since Ayato couldn't groom anyone else he settled for the girl that doesn't has gachis so no one gets in his way.

>> No.44027510

Probably rebranding because they're so fucked up they don't want the name Wactor to be linked to them anymore

>> No.44027531

You can visit Doñita facebook

>> No.44027627

Don't get ahead of yourselves. Gather intel before everything goes dark.

>> No.44027664

I don't watch her, what did she bragged about?

>> No.44027674

Wasn't he grooming babu?

>> No.44027680

Reminder that Sopamom once said "I wish I gave you into adoption" once, then apologized while crying.

>> No.44027694

Miu is still part of Wactor but now in the META-MUSIC division, only Lia is independent.

>> No.44027719

That was before Sezia debut. He dropped babu like a rock.

>> No.44027741

wait, really?

>> No.44027791


>> No.44027864

>daughter cucked her fans with a fag
>got cucked back by the fag

>> No.44027925

I still don't believe the Lia being independent from the midget at all

>> No.44027937

Time will tell.

>> No.44027982

>E-Stella because you know, ES

What a pathetic branding LMAO

>> No.44027992

It's painfully obvious they know each other IRL

>> No.44028018

New thread doko

>> No.44028062

Never WACTOR is dead as from today. Make MeicaX for her debut.

>> No.44028073

tanos de mierda arruinaron el pais

>> No.44028130

Holy shit it's happening.

>> No.44028151

what an obnoxious nigger

>> No.44028202

Am I wrong? WACTOR as a brand doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.44028214

>Wake up
>the retarded subhuman midget did it again
wew the mongoloid is literally crazy

>> No.44028267


>> No.44028355

Jokes aside, where is the Meica's thread?, I'm fucking done with the midget's billshit

>> No.44028370


>> No.44028413

Tomorrow for the debut, or do you want it right now?

>> No.44028438

new thread when????

>> No.44028477

Wait for tomorrow

>> No.44028486

I let you decide it then

>> No.44028688

I wonder what Miutomo OP thinkd of all this mess.

>> No.44028692

It still Wactor corp, just that the talents were split into groups with different names for obvious reasons

>> No.44028759

I don't see people having a Cover general or an Anycolor general.

>> No.44028847

New thread


>> No.44028867

cover is not an exclusive vtuber thing, hololive is

>> No.44028874

(S)he only thinks in my dick

>> No.44028893

/Doxxer/ for the new op

>> No.44030345

final message: I love you Jimena. Marry me.

>> No.44030524

Too late, she's already married to me.

>> No.44030777

alma mater: universidad columbia del Paraguay

maybe some paraguayan anon can confirm but this seems like an ultra old man, aparently he wanted to work in el consejo de la magistratura in the 2020

>> No.44030810

He graduated uni in 2015

>> No.44030993

He hid from laila's lawyers
Merun was winning the lawsuit but akira changed the social name of the company so now she is suing a non existing company

>> No.44031071

Not enough money for the ahahaha tm since the company is in red numbers
