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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43618221 No.43618221 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】

Previous thread >>43568930

Where are they now edition.


Lia Mitsurugi


Himea D'Almaria

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.43618306

You had one job

>> No.43618351

Retard tourist. Generals have a consistent name for a reason.

>> No.43618411


>> No.43618473

Tick tock

>> No.43618492

>Wanting people to find this shithole.
Why do you love this general so much?

>> No.43618598

Why do you so desperately want to belong to some sort of secret club? Anons want to have some place where they can talk about the girls. I make threads when MiutomoOP is not around.

>> No.43619138

>Anons want to have some place where they can talk about the girls
LOL! This place was a mistake and you refuse to let it die.

>> No.43619433

what are you doing here?

>> No.43619549

It's called internet, people can get and share things with it.

>> No.43619636

Good afternoon, I don't watch choripaneras

>> No.43619697
File: 36 KB, 541x528, Kazuhoincoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Akira thinking?

>> No.43619729

Sure loyalcucktomo now go back to your dead Discord

>> No.43619786

Hina Misora™...
Rurine Luna™...
Kuroyuri Neon™...

>> No.43619857

is PR san is moving to improve the brand

>> No.43620064


>> No.43620346

How old is the Hina explainer? that child has been looking for information all day long for weeks.

>> No.43620388

Is he still at it? What is he even looking for?

>> No.43621011


>> No.43621176

>Attentionwhore larping as Neon
i hate Twitter trannies

>> No.43621223


>> No.43621305

>Not even an explicador...

>> No.43621317

I guess info on what really happened but his sources are bullshit he was who thought Hina was 15-16 and that Akira only hired girls (he does not know the age of the other wactorets).

>> No.43621623

Please tell me Eru is going to choose eru-ditos as her fanname.

>> No.43621690

brilliant..., already better than bruh-tecitos

>> No.43622157
File: 7 KB, 363x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43622456

To Ayato or Himea?

>> No.43622489

Ayato as usual

>> No.43622867


>> No.43622933


>> No.43623456

>Simpatico clipping Poli

>> No.43623521

I love it

>> No.43623544

He lost sopita, he needed another flagship for easy clickbaits and juicy views

>> No.43623566

Putiglota has the easiest job in the world and her spoiled ass can't even handle that.

>> No.43623634

>Cuando viví en Africa

>> No.43623689

>t. Entitled spic

>> No.43623880

I'm convinced her father is some sort of diplomat.

>> No.43623974

She is angry because she can't get more BBC, please understand

>> No.43624024

>t. self hating prieto

>> No.43624282

watching simpatico and the other COCKTOR mods lose relevance and the ability to groom more girls is so satisfying

keep spreading the word, until they are shunned by all the vtubers

>> No.43624679

I'm so proud of never following her. When zona discovered her I knew her fanbase would be shit.

>> No.43624881

Wife is working hard.

>> No.43625168

Ah this was the one who was making 20 videos of hana a day hahaha the lack of judgment of this man is impressive Hana is going to be pissed x1000

>> No.43625290
File: 23 KB, 833x168, 684679785454297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile yumichad

>> No.43625396

>Tranypatico has not made a single clip of meica spaces

>a) He is butthurt at her
>b) He won't clip her to not risk his mod status

What do you think?

>> No.43625500

He's doing it with ill intentions. He doesn't clip Hana anymore but decided to clip just that bit.

>> No.43625505

gotta keep her 100ccv as hard as she can even at the cost of being a clown for 14 y/o kids, man Wactor is really fucked, poor girl.

>> No.43625549

I thought that was a Sonic pfp

>> No.43625612
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>> No.43625615

100% B

but he has an alt clip channel in case the main one ever gets nuked, he would probably use that one for meica clips

>> No.43625737

I told you but I noticed something... you think he uploaded all those clips in a row and then the drama one to get more views? if so he's a nasty bastard.

>> No.43625859

Speaking of which, who is the one that has like 3 channels that are uwuclips and similar names?

>> No.43625907

Spot the threadwatcher

>> No.43625986
File: 385 KB, 1257x848, tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's pretty clear how he feels after his mod role was removed from Misora's channel

>> No.43625988

Horos new name

>> No.43626045

Worst thing of all is that Trannypatico isn't even a real tranny, he just pretended to be a girl to get close to Misora.

>> No.43626291

Trannypatico doesn't follow Meica, Nisha nor even Eru on twitter, the fag still using that Neon pic tho. What a piece of shit subhuman

>> No.43626342

Why do you faggots care so much about those literally whos, all the fucking threads are the same, the half of the fucking post are about facebookfags, discordfags or twitterfaggots. You know their names, the people they talk to, what subject they talk about and where they talk. at least use your time on a woman that you can save.

>> No.43626401

But anons are my oshis, and I can't save them...

>> No.43626527

Kys Trannypatico

>> No.43626537

He was removed of his position for avoid future conflicts of interest by not being punished his channel.

>> No.43626633

because meica hate them and cuckcitos are parrots that follow the will of their whore

>> No.43626696

half the posters are /vt/ sisters, just look at the last ones from the previous thread

>> No.43626832

fuck off apologist dickslobber
not resting until the reputation of these fags is in the shitter and all the girls are free

>> No.43626878

>t.Don't talk about me anons it annoys me angyyy

>> No.43627052

It's funny to imagine all those times I called someone "a retarded faggot" here and it was probably a girl.

>> No.43627090

faggots tease and hurt girls

>> No.43627101

>That one fag who called Beatani a nigger

>> No.43628363

now that Meica no longer has a cousin, a neighbor or her boss to blame for her mental problems
what do you think her future menhera episodes will be like?

>> No.43628558

Akira this is not an anti thread

>> No.43628706
File: 47 KB, 598x476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this has something to do with poli's shitstorm...

>> No.43628935

Hana is being a dramanigger.

>> No.43629045
File: 51 KB, 1080x1920, 332142886_148298871426040_7079556272237076537_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Countdown for debut?

>> No.43629070

I just realized that Meica is jealous of Himea for being argie kek

>> No.43629112

they got along pretty well

>> No.43629111

I can assure you there are no people on this world who are jealous of Argentinians.

>> No.43629162

>the number 4 is associated with death in japanese culture
wactor bros?

>> No.43629178

dont make me post ñoquis

>> No.43629209

I don't know why I remembered this, but isn't the program they use to detect the face supposed to protect the face from being seen? Why did the accident happen to Pal? Now that I think about it, it's the first time I see it happen (at least in recent versions of the program).

>> No.43629273

She probably added the webcam source in OBS, idk.

It's more likely to be a countdown until saturday/sunday, you overdramatic fag.

>> No.43629276

Stop smoking that shit retard

>> No.43629467

argiesimian hands typed this

>> No.43629655

Cala a boca

>> No.43629820

and Himea wants to be mona china Hatsune Miku

>> No.43629865

When Himea was exposed on twitter, the first photo shared to Meica from Himea in her new discord grommers group was that of Miku's cosplay, then later the first photo Meica shared of herself with nothing covering her face was another Miku cosplay
one of the first pics you see when you enter Himea's instagram is the bunny cosplay and Meica the first thing she asked for after revealing herself was fan arts of her new png a bunny cosplay
looks like we have a new envidiosita

>> No.43629928


>> No.43630021
File: 26 KB, 1023x662, 2023-02-22_16-32-45_pythonw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Eru playing these games? I didn't know she was into this sort of thing.

>> No.43630129

Do you think Hina doesn't realize that the other girls were really jealous of her when she was a child? that story where she said they put her head in a backpack and told her to stop being cute because of her nasal voice is evident that there was jealousy and when she told it there was a hint of sadness in her voice as if she was going to cry, I wonder if she doesn't see herself as attractive

>> No.43630223

....Su puta madre

>> No.43630260

My guess is her theme is going to be an AI or a robot who became self aware or something like that.

>> No.43630306


>> No.43630308


>> No.43630327

low quality posts

>> No.43630429

slow thread

>> No.43630478

Are you afraid reminds me of “be not afraid” you know, the phrase associated with biblical angels

>> No.43630541

>exposed on twitter

>> No.43630559

Do you think nisha will be a cat? Or do you think she just changed her pp because of cat day?

>> No.43630992

I hope something related to the night.
I have never seen a vtuber based on a will o' the wisp (fuego fatuo) so that would be cool

>> No.43631056

fuuuuck Nisha why can't you be fine you make my head ache since last month

>> No.43631132

she likes to be on 4.

>> No.43631214

With me

>> No.43631224

Your oshi is chocking on argie dick

>> No.43631232

a clear example that Hana is fighting with the Mexican public . "Cosecha lo que siembras "

>> No.43631301

with us ;)

>> No.43631320

I doubt that Chileans watch more vtubers than argies or mexicans

>> No.43631358

Trannyentinos and mexisimios are so delusional

>> No.43631380

reminded me of the contrast between Miu and Merun (beginnings)kyvs28

>> No.43631407

pero el anon told me that empanadadejamon era Sezia, he lied to me?

>> No.43631503

Not our fault that noboy cares about your grayname country, keep being irrelevant

>> No.43631504


>> No.43631633

we don't and that's a good thing

>> No.43631636

It's very clearly an accessory account where she posts cryptic shit.

>> No.43631655

She wants to leave space for Meica to attract more attention with the aim of surpassing the numbers he had when he went with Misora. Don't be surprised that putiglota returns and changes her way of being

>> No.43631744

Is your country relevant like being the Venezuela 2.0 with legal abortion o relevant like find bodies hanging from the bridge?

>> No.43632049

anon your country doesn't even exist

>> No.43632170


>> No.43632223

This shit is more cryptic than Eru's tweets.

>> No.43632233

Don't be like that with Paraguayan anon...

>> No.43632256

Hana to Misora

>> No.43632617

What does she mean by this post

>> No.43632618

>e jealous of Arg
Only a bolivian would want to be argie

>> No.43632888

No, lol.

>> No.43632924

I don't know anything about Latin America but I always thought that Colombia is not so bad if you have money, well I thought that about Argentina until the anons said that everything is expensive.

>> No.43632928


>> No.43633141

Meica rape

>> No.43633217

Akira hate

>> No.43633514

Akira rape

>> No.43633516

Lia love

>> No.43633596


>> No.43633646

bold akira

>> No.43633716

Hi Lunaria

>> No.43633841


>> No.43633857

Lia marriage

>> No.43634015

hi Meica, envidiosita?
she can have the argie penis she wants when she wants and you can only imagine it

>> No.43634031


>> No.43634066

and breeding

>> No.43634082 [DELETED] 

Muy oscura para eso

>> No.43634148

Sup Akira but fix your damned company first retard

>> No.43634403

English or gtfo

>> No.43634806 [DELETED] 

Himea is very brown, dark, tanned negaaaaaaa she will never be what she wants to be.

>> No.43635363

Natsoc isn't exclusive to aryans

>> No.43635419

What an annoying shitter

>> No.43635611
File: 2.56 MB, 2326x2150, LunaSOVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't forgot, right?

>> No.43636080

How does sex feel like?

>> No.43636117

Is not the Big thing desu

>> No.43636177

Unless you have an emotional connection with your partner it's worse than masturbation.

>> No.43636215

sex with charo

>> No.43636429

Scammer apologist

>> No.43636445

I miss the old days

>> No.43636726

Oh, I do know. Jimena, you are so beautiful...

>> No.43636807

fuck off roastie

>> No.43636814

Friendly reminder. This general isn't even a shadow of what it used to be.

>> No.43636842

Himea music

>> No.43636896

>Friendly reminder
My /here/ girl...

>> No.43637296

The other day she used an AI art as thumbnail, she doesn't even try to hide it anymore.

>> No.43637317 [DELETED] 

Meica la más negrita envidiosita will never be jap or latina

>> No.43637335


>> No.43637573

>>43637317 Himea anon the evidence proves that she is the blackest one.

>> No.43638593

Good evening, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.43638917
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>> No.43639231
File: 11 KB, 141x182, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, it's the first time I notice this drawing.

>> No.43639235


i wonder if she sees Himea as a child

>> No.43639601

wasn't she on a break?

>> No.43639717

my sweet workaholic...

>> No.43639719

she is just resting from streaming and said she was going to be around on social media

>> No.43639819

>filipinos are a white race
have you seen a photo of Meica without filters? her skin tone before she started using whitening cream is similar to or the same as Himea's

>> No.43639849

On her rm her bio says "trying to keep my dreams alive" and she added a :D smiley face.

>> No.43640020


>> No.43640079

i really think she's negotiating this week

>> No.43640233

>September 2022
Ok, now fags can stop saying the blue Himeas are borderline doxx

>> No.43640237

she is back on friday already?

>> No.43640240
File: 148 KB, 1170x2080, 332382392_906322874035602_3832167621892024263_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43640430

I only know the one that says
>I’m not me, you’re not you, don’t watch

>> No.43640562

Yeah that's IG, I meant Twitter. Also Sezia in Himea's chat right now.

>> No.43640724

so you're telling me then that meica's tan has faded but Himea's hasn't? uuuu anon

>> No.43641376

She had already discussed that in a collab with Hana.

>> No.43641462

>nooo himea cuidado con la abuela

>> No.43641655
File: 146 KB, 1170x2080, 332646514_591126219540422_2033908793003677175_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43641674

I think Himea cured my argiehate.

>> No.43641921

I love seeing her so happy...

>> No.43642010

She sounds so different when she's not in "shitpost mode".

>> No.43642024

Isn't sonic too old for Himea?

>> No.43642111


>> No.43642148

she sounds like an excited wojak

>> No.43642157

mods being attention whores in chat, fucking cringe

>> No.43642243


>> No.43642330

>He pays attention to chat

>> No.43642478

Let's be honest here for a second.
Mario > Sonic

>> No.43642554

Why nobody told me Sonic games were this fun.
Brings me back to the days I played Jazz Jackrabbit 2 on my dad's PC

>> No.43642642

Nah, Mario is kinda boring.

>> No.43642737

babby games

>> No.43642780

i miss my sega 500 with broken games...

>> No.43642788

sonic is boring too is just nostalgia

>> No.43642852

I don't understand the Sonic games though. If the point of the game is gotta go fast, why make maps you can explore?

>> No.43643110

Himea is so excited... Cute...

>> No.43643247


>> No.43643382

>Poli explaining why she's upset
>Chat: Chinita no quelel!
Jesus Christ, guys.

>> No.43643582

Based. Someone should have sent a supachat saying "saka mokito".

>> No.43643594

uwooooooooo jajajaja

>> No.43643662


>> No.43643696

Go to sleep Jaimito

>> No.43643857

I've never played a Sonic game but watching Himea the controls seem to be very slippery.

>> No.43643922

And she's playing without a controller with her long ass claws.

>> No.43644201

What rank do you think Himea is in LoL?

>> No.43644304

You can literally go ans see it by yourself, thread watcher-kun.

>> No.43644506

I don't usually watch Himea. I'm a new watcher (in her channel).

>> No.43644603

If you are going to follow the REAL irl accounts of the girls with a ghost profile at least put it on private and don't use your youtube well known user, retards

>> No.43644640

my autistic wife made an account on LAN instead of LAS lmao.

>> No.43644683

Gathering intel, anon?

>> No.43644732 [DELETED] 


>> No.43644816

>don't use your youtube well known user, retards
That's kinda creepy, and will make her uncomfortable, specially if the girl haven't announced it publicly.

>> No.43645014

>looking at you Gonza

>> No.43645041


>> No.43645185

She's really struggling in this map.

>> No.43645230

This is probably the millenial in me, but I love watching streamers struggle with old games. Himea warms my heart right now.

>> No.43645322
File: 306 KB, 7184x2080, SonicTheHedgehog-MarbleZone-Act3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she be able to pass this?

>> No.43645338


>> No.43645420

She's not that far from the end but that part with the two weights is the bane of her existence.

>> No.43645470

I am not well know anywere so I just use my real account

>> No.43645718

Yeah I was watching Pekora the other day and she struggled for 2 hours or so in the last stage of Super Mario Land 2. But Pekora, along with Miko and possibly Korone, are the type of autists who will beat a game no matter how hard.

>> No.43645776

Fuck I meant to quote >>43645230

>> No.43645945

Kek who did?

>> No.43646005


>> No.43646034
File: 52 KB, 763x543, 2023-02-22_21-01-03_firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate this jump.

>> No.43646141

I have no idea anon, I just enjoy watching this cute girl play it.

>> No.43646161

>Gracias maldito!
Made me hard
>Le decía al murciélago, no a ti
She's cute when angry

>> No.43646378

She's too impatient.

>> No.43646712

The music is kinda nice not gonna lie

>> No.43647013

Is she going to ragequit?

>> No.43647294


>> No.43647335


>> No.43647412
File: 292 KB, 9584x1312, SonicTheHedgehog-SpringYardZone-Act1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43647682
File: 39 KB, 595x409, 2023-02-22_21-27-06_firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao why is this on the map

>> No.43647723


>> No.43647728 [DELETED] 

stop watching mediocre choripaNEGRAS

>> No.43647856 [DELETED] 

Say hi to merun pls


>> No.43647942

I see her because she is just as brown as me. Thank you for understanding.

>> No.43647941

Would be pretty nice if she plays all of them

>> No.43647947

Thanks for this stuff anon, I'm enjoying watching it and following where she is.

>> No.43648131

lmao I love maps. I once spent an entire afternoon mapping an old game (taking screenshots and splicing them together) only to find out there were sites which already host them.

4chan won't let me upload this image because of the resolution but she's currently at this stage

>> No.43648455
File: 2.58 MB, 10000x1429, SonicTheHedgehog-SpringYardZone-Act3(SonED2Dump)-fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing resizing the image to 10,000 pixels wide.

>> No.43648513

Miku game? Didn't know they were a thing.

>> No.43648602

She's kinda lost right now...

>> No.43648689

>akira's faggot doesn't say anything for yue anniversary
>3 days to ito anniversary and she doesn't seem to give any sign of life
>babu has been inactive for 4 days
>Mimi: R.I.P
it seems that gen 4 is only for one year and himea only signed because argie but we will have to wait until babu's anniversary to check it

>> No.43648789

This is relaxing

>> No.43648913

This is what it feels like when you try to run in your dreams.

>> No.43649015

>Hola Sonic cómo estás

>> No.43649077
File: 785 KB, 853x480, ダルマリアヒメア Himea D'Almaria【WACTOR】 - ¡QUE COMIENCE LA AVENTURA! ♡ SONIC ORIGINS【Himea D'Almaria WACTOR ES】 [_ppv6m9l5po - 853x480 - 2h38m19s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43649114

Remember how lunita told an anon that he got close to the truth? that anon said that himea had stayed out of trouble, so she did it for money...Oh Himea you are a traitor.

>> No.43649189

himea is that kind of girl who gives you a nice wet kiss on your cheeks when greeting you

>> No.43649232

She's so feminine...

>> No.43649261

>les gustaria verme con el cabello azul?

>> No.43649302

This boss fight is kinda bs though

>> No.43649307

>"¿les gustaría verme con cabello azul?"
>"¿O con mechones azules?"

>> No.43649335

iuuu That sounds like she had a sweaty face.

>> No.43649454

no, some girls instead of putting their cheeks on yours when greeting, they give you a straight kiss on the cheeks with saliva

>> No.43649459

From my kisses btw

>> No.43649540

>Necesito un diseño de pixel
Pixel bros?

>> No.43649594

What would happen if you reach him with invulnerability?

>> No.43649641

>Pixelated chibi Himea with a Sonic costume.
I'm seeing it.

>> No.43649766

I think she did it once and she scored a hit on Eggman before it disappeared. But the boss fight is kinda bs because you start losing ground where you can stand.

>> No.43649784


>> No.43649826

She's on a chink reeducation camp

>> No.43649881

The ground where you can stand shouldn't disappear unless you score a hit on Eggman, IMO. The way it is right now you could lose the entire floor without hitting him once.

>> No.43649909

Himea is not gen Z ? as I remember the sonic games were of the segas saturn, genesis etc , how the fuck did she play them? or is it something from argentina?

>> No.43649910

How many hits to defeat him?

>> No.43649960

>is it something from argentina?

>> No.43649978

hi goki

>> No.43649985

Girl OMG stand on the fucking EDGE so you don't make holes in the ground aaaahhh,

>> No.43650011

She did it!

>> No.43650015

most people on their 20s played on sega, and some even on the family console

>> No.43650040
File: 303 KB, 8192x2048, SonicTheHedgehog-LabyrinthZone-Act1(SonED2Dump).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43650206

The Saturn is as old as the Playstation 1 right? Not that old for someone in their 20s

>> No.43650234

e? i really thought that those who had 20 somethings had played more on game cube,playstation and xbox at least that is my case

>> No.43650253

Sonic can drown?

>> No.43650304

a lot of people had those consoles because of their older siblings, they were pretty durable especially the sega (i have one and probably still works even if its gathering dust for years)

>> No.43650347

He's a terrestrial mammal

>> No.43650407

Probably has to do with the Argie crisis from 2001 so families couldn't buy the newer consoles and stick with the pre 2000 ones until the economy "recovered"

>> No.43650466

Noooo she was so close to the checkpoint

>> No.43650473

theres also the sega games burned into a cd and sold in stores so she probably played those on pc

>> No.43650618

>Anons doing commentary on the stream.
I feel home again.

>> No.43650672

whens the casino stage

>> No.43650833
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, toki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldnt mind himea playing more of these nostalgia fuel games

>> No.43650871
File: 253 KB, 4864x2048, SonicTheHedgehog-LabyrinthZone-Act2(SonED2Dump).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> toki
That would be based.

>> No.43650920

>pará pará pará

>> No.43650931

Her desperation made her forget to hide her accent and she said "¡Pará, pará!"

>> No.43650954

It could be, but she's also a big fangirl of games she never played, like Detroit Becomes Human

>> No.43650965

my wife is so dumb...

>> No.43650980

The sega genesis was very popular and then buying the cd with the emulator with +1000 games was very popular too.
I played rock and roll racing with friends a ton of times.

>> No.43651136

>leg locking

>> No.43651300

Kinda nice actually, we stopped because trolls
>Talk about Hina, shitters come to the thread
>Luna either plays or comments, she can't do both
>Himea just plays and talks like a retard

>> No.43651327

Well there you have it, probably her brother had those consoles.

>> No.43651348

are you holding your breath on the underwater parts too right anon?...

>> No.43651377

how interesting i am an old man and my first console was a 64 i didn't even know there were pirated cd's for the sega

>> No.43651432

yes anon, don't worry, you are not the only autist.

>> No.43651444

The problem were misopitas and lomitos

>> No.43651488

Cant wait for luna to comeback as whatever she becomes and play games.
Same for himea with horror games

>> No.43651503

But her brother is even younger than her.

>> No.43651564
File: 442 KB, 8960x2048, SonicTheHedgehog-LabyrinthZone-Act3(SonED2Dump).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's making good progress.

>> No.43651590

i dont like water levels or anything with a timer... It always gave me anxiety

>> No.43651607

Something that surprises me about Himea is her geeky knowledge of memes,internet and games, something tells me that she was terrible at school because it sounds like she spent all her time on other things.

>> No.43651672

By the way she said he took the controller from her it sounds like he was the older one. (I used to do the same with my lil bro)

>> No.43651699

she was good at school

>> No.43651713

Luna is gameplays are kinda boring unless she has something interesting to comment about the game like the walking dead one, her best content is idol stuff

>> No.43651728

What? I thought he was the one with the children and her nieces were his.

>> No.43651770

i like her horror streams

>> No.43651781

Remember to only mention stuff said on streams

>> No.43651813

so she was the second player? she is just like me...

>> No.43651853

I see you are enjoying it anons
Too bad that I don't watch choripaneras

>> No.43651868

I don't believe that the parents of anyone who is good at school would send them to university.

>> No.43651930

anon Himea has told us all about her life, literally it's info from her streams.

>> No.43651943


>> No.43652068

I don't believe that the parents of anyone who is good at school wouldn't send them to college

>> No.43652145

Just in case.

>> No.43652156
File: 242 KB, 8704x2048, SonicTheHedgehog-StarLightZone-Act1(SonED2Dump).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43652195

aaaaaaaaa her English sucks she's so cute

>> No.43652206

Horror games a kinda cheating since is all about streamer's reaction, unless you are playing Soma like games

>> No.43652213

What she means is that the background has parallax. Too bad I don't like commenting on streams...

>> No.43652250

She tried to study medicine, she said that on stream,

>> No.43652263

She did say she was studying something that the first year shares stuff with veterinary.

>> No.43652414
File: 234 KB, 8704x1792, SonicTheHedgehog-StarLightZone-Act2(SonED2Dump).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she be able to finish the game?

>> No.43652485

How many levels are still left?

>> No.43652486

As someone who comes from a long lineage of doctors, I know that any monkey can study medicine, especially nowadays never believe anyone who tells you it's hard

>> No.43652533

I believe this act + 4 more acts.

>> No.43652544

12hours stream

>> No.43652554

i really liked them tho.

>> No.43652607

I'll be with my wife until 9am...

>> No.43652662

New thread


>> No.43652883

Luna best streams for me at least are her charla libre, I miss Lolibaba story hour

>> No.43653549

last message


>> No.43653626

She mentioned having an older sister and a younger brother, I don't know if she also has an older bro.

>> No.43653665


>> No.43653904

