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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 184 KB, 1280x720, deja vu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43460637 No.43460637 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.43460780

Winning Son!

>> No.43460964

Why do you have to use the cute rat to try and promote the slag of a mouse?

>> No.43462092

>Winning Son!
we winning?

>> No.43462282
File: 46 KB, 802x1284, 1676334838707246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive pic to bait me into clicking on vshitshow content
not today jew

>> No.43462425

Hey man
Stop bait posting with my son and rat
Not cool

>> No.43462436


>> No.43462495

This cancerrat already ruined her life, so of course she's jaded as fuck over shit she will never have or didn't get to have in her youth

>> No.43462521

i dont even know what this means anymore

>> No.43462614

>wanted to date mouse
>always around when she first started streaming

>> No.43463056

>hololive pic to bait me into clicking on vshitshow content
is not bait is just a way to said that Robert is not a nice guy

>> No.43463096

Nice guys always finish last...

>> No.43463129

Kindness and empathy are forms of weakness. Women hate that shit. Masculine men dominate and put themselves first and don’t have cucked shit like “compassion” and “sensitivity”.

>> No.43463272

Based, empahhy is for cucks. Real men just do what they want whenever they feel like it.

>> No.43463363


>> No.43463381


don't forget killing for Sport (includes your Bitch)

>> No.43463424

>Women hate that shit.
if you knew what women wanted you wouldnt be here

>> No.43463457

Most of the time when dudes describe themselves as a “nice guy” in reality they were sucking up to the girl so much they came across as desperate and cringe without. Women like to be teased and won’t date simps. Simple as

>> No.43463460

Good to know bitches are bitches even when they are fucking dying lol

>> No.43464808

why is the music in this clip so sinister?

>> No.43464850

That's fine. I hate vtubers.
I don't think of myself as a particularly nice person, though, so my opionion isn't relevant.

>> No.43464980

Im a nice guy.

And im winning.

>> No.43465000


>> No.43465002

Im a nice guy
I didnt click the link
Im 101% winning

>> No.43465018

I also hate kindness and empathy, but I'm not a woman.
Am I gay?

>> No.43465036

vtubers hate women?

>> No.43465041

>nice guy
>not bae fan
>not homofag fan
>didnt click the link
Absolutely winning

>> No.43465046

based ironlung

>> No.43465086

>hover mouse
>not picrel

>> No.43465108

Add on to that, most women learned a long time ago to distinguish between guys being nice because they just are and guys being nice because they want to get laid

>> No.43465152

I'm a moralfag and overly-polite/nice in general. I do it because that's what I value. Whether girls find it attractive or not is unimportant to me. I just want to do what's right.

Didn't watch your video though so not sure if what I said is even relevant

>> No.43465159
File: 198 KB, 463x453, 1654631975425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women love all personality types.
They love jocks, nerds, nice guys, bad boys, long hair, short hair.

Just be tall and attractive while doing it.

>> No.43465318

That's why your best bet is always to present a good well-rounded personality and not just try to make her pity-fuck you for being around all the time. A lot of women will gladly hang around and even date you as long as you're not boring and can function on your own.

>> No.43465368
File: 531 KB, 2593x2076, 1662577117499489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read your superchat eh?

>> No.43465442

Same, based. Funnily enough when I'm drunk, my niceness turns into cordial but stingy banter, some girls like it and some are put off by it

>> No.43465464

Women are retards that constantly date violent psychopaths. Their radar ain't worth shit.

>> No.43465494

The problem people have is they confuse niceness and kindness
Nice is the really polite and pleasant guy that won't hesitate to fuck you over to get ahead
Kind is someone that's kind of an asshole but he'll stop to help if your car broke down
Which would you rather have around?

>> No.43465569

nice is code for ugly, everyone acts in self interest. fuck off with this man hating shit

>> No.43465603

Sorry you live in a soulless big city

>> No.43465702

women are self contradicting and shallow as a puddle
stop wasting time with this vague bullshit
bitches like muscle
work out and hoard money

>> No.43465757

soulless husk

>> No.43465766

They are playing you. Nice guy is female code for ugly recessed chin guy. Hoes ONLY care about superficial looks and money.

>> No.43465922

Jesus, both of you are so wrong it's creepy.
No, your hippy dippy southern / country values aren't unique. There are good people in most places. And the definitions of the words "nice" and "kind" aren't whatever you want them to be either. You described a tsundere ffs.
Women are just as genuine and deep as most people. What youre doing right now is coping with the fact that you haven't had the opportunity to form a deep, meaningful relationship with one yet.

Both of you should stop thinking and talking in such black-and-white frameworks. It's exhausting.

>> No.43465927
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1651626619494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better have the face and height to back it up.
No point building a cathedral on a slag heap.

>> No.43465965

>Women are just as genuine and deep as most people. What youre doing right now is coping with the fact that you haven't had the opportunity to form a deep, meaningful relationship with one yet.
No, they're not. Ask any woman about her ex and she will describe a psychopathic asshole. They are attracted to violence.

>> No.43466070

>You described a tsundere ffs.
I described about 5 different people I've met over the past couple years
And I'm not even rural, I live in a small city

>> No.43466109

You're almost there in figuring out all women are horrible. The final step in your journey is realizing no woman is capable of love and going your own solitary way.

>> No.43466302

>Women are just as genuine and deep as most people. What youre doing right now is coping with the fact that you haven't had the opportunity to form a deep, meaningful relationship with one yet.
100% true. It's just that most people in general are genuine as a cubic zirconia and deep as Tupperware. People are self serving and always are on the lookout to make themselves seem better than they are to society and to their friend groups. People follow status and power. They virtue signal without real conviction. They tell the acceptable lies and the acceptable truths. They're not particularly deep or meaningful and the relationships they form are out of convenience or because they desire recognition. Men, women, me, you, it's all the same.

>> No.43466871

No, you're just a Sigma male who hates genetic weakness. Never apologise for being based

>> No.43466895

the image and the video are connected Why can't people see that?

>> No.43466925

>Supercharging the ironlung
Hard pass.

>> No.43467052

>believing a habitual liar
Women will tell all sorts of lies about their ex, to lower his social standing and to cope if he was the one who broke up with her. If she says her current boyfriend is a psychopath though, you can believe her.

>> No.43467157

Iron lung
Rapid breathes
Stay alive
Every inhalation is broken glass
But you cannot pass, you dare not pass
Iron maiden
Little mouse
Not over now
Boot up your box
Overclock yourself
Supercharged the iron lung

>> No.43467422

Why would an iron lung require 2 forms of forced induction?

>> No.43467667

One for normal air one for blowing smoke up her ass

>> No.43468234

>slandering roberu like this
Eat shit and die.

>> No.43469985

>Women are just as genuine and deep as most people
>Would you still love me if I was a worm/I was fat/I didn't exist/I was a man/I had cancer/we never met/I was my sister?

>> No.43470136

Women don't hate kindness. The problem is you are over promising which makes it obvious you are lying.

>> No.43475090

I'm not nice

>> No.43475536


>> No.43477832

Also strong, masculine, patient to women's bullshit, and rich

>> No.43477843
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 9304D357-2314-45DD-BC95-669325C63369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 29 years old virgin

>> No.43478136
File: 349 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 25 yo virgin and never had interest in sex and women, only in vidya and weightlifting
feels good

>> No.43478618
File: 83 KB, 660x743, 0DE056FD-B43B-4903-8168-804CAD059E34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw single
>doesn’t care about wanting a relationship
>fucks escorts once a year
>has hobbies and dreams
>doesn’t need a women to tell me what I can do with my money
>I am nice to seem extended but I grow colder throughout the year since I stop fucking caring about women as a whole
>wants to improve
The single life is far better than being with someone. Fuck women.

>> No.43478859

>Just be yourself
Got it…

>> No.43479464

Well, I am kind. I would rather not change the tire for you even though I know how to change it myself. So, fuck you.
