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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43434179 No.43434179 [Reply] [Original]

She was born into wealth and used those resources to use high tech equipment from an early age.

By focusing on Loli bait, she appeals to the lowest common denominator fans and reaps huge rewards for doing so.

After making her millions by capitalizing on lonely pedophiles during the pandemic, she strings them along with minimal streams to keep their attention and maximize profit with minimal effort.

The worst part is that all of this works. She’s a business genius and I have no right to hate her for chasing success, but this being one of the most efficient methods towards riches disgusts me.

I could work the rest of my life in investment banking and not make close to what she has by playing into the fantasies of lonely loser men

>> No.43434228

Not reading that wall of text
This is now a Towa thread

>> No.43434232

>waiting for the cooldown so you can repost your shitty bait

>> No.43434407

she won in life, you lost

>> No.43434425


>> No.43434465

Fuck yeah, dumb ass Reddit tier moss took down my last posts cause they’re cowards. I genuinely seethe when thinking about her. She lies blatantly to her audience and she makes millions a year but people treat her like she’s a child they have to save. It genuinely makes me lose faith in humanity

>> No.43434643

Sister you just need to get pregnant so you have something to do. I can help with that.

>> No.43434700

grr those men

>> No.43434710

Stop the hate where the love?

>> No.43434719

>She was born into wealth and used those resources to use high tech equipment from an early age.
Hey, it's not a post about Calliope "I was driven to school in a Ferrari" Mori.

>> No.43434722

stop blaming some random eceleb for all your problems in life femcel, it does nothing for you, the sooner you realize this the better

>> No.43434777

Your problem is that you are an instinctual social darwinist who also believes that social darwinism is de-facto correct intellectually
Others see you and realize that that is the core of your worthlessness as a human being, but realized that you were a lost cause long ago. You will never begin to even so much as consider questioning your beliefs. It is impossible for you to truly introspect. Everyone that has ever talked to you can see "lost cause" written on your face whenever you talk.
You will read this post like everything else you read; never actually absorb the words and ponder them independently. They will immediately be devoured by the mental filter you use to keep your fragile ego intact. You will use a buzzword, a joke, a sassy reply, an insult, or avoid it, but what you will never do is learn to truly understand anybody other than yourself.

>> No.43434827

>catalog shitters seething at same-chan again

>> No.43434889

I love my shark wife.

>> No.43434916
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>> No.43434979
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>This is now a Tower thread
>Doesn't post Toyota

>> No.43435059

I’m glad you enjoy being her atm when she doesn’t even remember your name ;)

>> No.43435106
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>I'm glad
Thank you.
May joy enter your life too.

>> No.43435164

She just streams, makes a comment here and there and then logs off. Not her fault people like it. She doesn't do anything above and beyond, no overtime or anything. Stop being jealous.

>> No.43435217

>born into wealth
Based. Love my rich white girls who are down to earth

>> No.43435218

Hey, I’m not saying Mori has much of a leg to stand on either, but at least she’s honest about this shit and actually streams. She knows and acknowledges how privileged she is, gura just blatantly lies.

I’m fine with people who are successful, fuck, it honestly motivates me to better myself.

But those who have extreme success and then lie about it out of some form of shame to save face pisses me off to no end

>> No.43435343

You talk about buzzwords than immediately start with a personal attack using “social Darwinism”? Go back to your academia hellhole where that kinda verbal garbage is appreciated

>> No.43436233
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Towa posted in the Towa thread

>> No.43436434
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Towa post for the Towa thread

>> No.43436453

Gura has never ever claimed to have grown up poor.

>> No.43436892

I’m not talking about upbringing, but if you’re seriously telling me she doesn’t play into the helpless damsel role you’re insane. She’s taking thousands from mentally Ill adults who don’t have the financial freedom to be spending it. She knows this as well.

I genuinely believe doing this kind of thing should be illegal in some form, but that the law hasn’t caught up to it. It’s like when super rich beggars go on the street and make 6 figure salaries from it in very affluent parts of the world

>> No.43437030
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>She’s taking thousands from mentally Ill adults who don’t have the financial freedom to be spending it

>> No.43437582

yo he pinned you down exactly tho lol

you really didnt absorb anything he said huh

>> No.43437617

> The world is unjust.
Newsflash, kid. Nobody cares what's "right" or "wrong" to you. Instead of trying to find faults with those who understand how the world works, you should rather try to work towards a world that you want to see. But no, all that you are capable of is shitposting /here/. Seethe harder.

>> No.43437693
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Wont somebody please think of the adults!

>> No.43437770
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You forgot to mention that she gets to be a real woman.

>> No.43437773
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>deadbeats are still seething

>> No.43437790
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Here you go OP. I think this sums up your post pretty well.

>> No.43440225


>> No.43440398
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Seethe. Then look at your HRT-devastaded abomination of a body and seethe again. The hop in the rope and end it already.

>> No.43441324

>It’s like when super rich beggars go on the street and make 6 figure
That's not a thing.nwm22

>> No.43442003

Man i dunno if you intentionally fed into bait, or are truly dumb like he said you are, and my feelings say its more the later.

>> No.43442094

what's wrong with using high tech equipment from an early age, every first worlder does this

>> No.43442217

Don't care, I will enjoy being an ATM for my cute shark wife.

>> No.43442519

Chumbro, stay based.

>> No.43442730


>> No.43443306

>claim she was born into wealth
>her christmas presets were 3 pairs of crocs and some pins for them
ah yes, wealth

>> No.43444856

Using Gura for this example when the most SC-ed in the world was Rushia and all of HoloJP habitually puts member-only part after every events

>> No.43445000

cool story deadbrap
still never gonna watch the wigger whore

>> No.43445082


>> No.43448521

She was a poor kid who learned how to drive in a Ferrari. Not the same thing as being loaded.

>> No.43448664

oh daily gura thread. keep up the good work.

>> No.43449268

I fail to see the problem here.

>> No.43449445

Nice fanfiction, it really encapsulates the mentality of a seething projecting 2view niggerfaggot tranny.

>> No.43450568

Not fair, I really miss Wawa...

>> No.43450614

she's genuinely funny, one of the few that has no (or only minimal) contempt for her fans and the vtubing adjecend fandoms, most of these girls are from 1st world countries and quite a few have middle to upper class parents, you're making up shit reasons because youre mad either because your a woman and seeing a cute young girl avatar be among the most beloved ones out there is making you feel old and ugly or youre a dude and deeply uncomfortable with people lusting after young anime girls, either way youre incapable of cognitive decoupling and not worth talking to. her not streaming is the only valid point and thats already talked about all the time everywhere.

conclusion: find a rope and hang yourself

>> No.43452355

I think op may actually live in a mudhut. I'm not aware of many rich people who know and feel nostalgic about the smell of rotting things

>> No.43452356
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mucho texto

>> No.43452609

You're a degenerate

>> No.43452866

it's funny this catalogue can't leave gura alone lmao. like what she did to you ? if u feel robbed by her, go ahead protest on her account or yt comment. being anonymous is a cunt move. watch hating are a thing indeed

>> No.43453138

Hey don't blame this on us this is just what the doxx sisters get up to on the doxx site

>> No.43453324
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>> No.43453719

>mentally ill adults
That's like, more than 50% of the population. Mentally healthy people are considered the minority

>> No.43453974
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Middle class does not equal rich. Her room was small, as well as her cardboard studio. She was a better content creator as a teen than most streamers. What's amazing is that she'll wipe her old content and start over again, coming back stronger. Which is kind of worrisome that she may do it again, if must.
For now, I'm enjoying watching her accomplish her dreams.

>> No.43454012

yaaas queen, GET THE BAG QUEEEEEN!!!

>> No.43454066
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Wow, that's a whole lotta words. Too bad I'm not reading em.

>> No.43454092

>born into wealth
her parents are wealthy now, but she was only middle class/upper middle class growing up. Not saying she was bad off, but she wasn't like a trust fund kid

>> No.43454097


>> No.43454223

Also, she brings more worth into the world than an investment banker ever will, fucking leeches.

>> No.43454230

>if you’re seriously telling me she doesn’t play into the helpless damsel role you’re insane.
Among the sea of bullshit you unleashed this one really shows you have no idea what you're talking about because every shrimp of hers that's been following her as an invested fan agrees that she's an intelligent and highly competent person. Gura is the exact opposite of a "helpless damsel" in all metrics that matter. You're mistaking the emotional investment folks have in her wellbeing and the fact she is physically weak with the above mentioned.

The way Gura navigates vtubing and thus her job showcases either a high level of intelligence or shockingly developed instincts. In either case her success is well earned and inevitable. Methinks you're merely envious of someone who made it in life, which in this case is retarded because out of all possible ways of making it vtubing is possibly the least exploitative or "morally wrong" one. And on top of that, Gura seems to get her audience and appreciates us. There was never a point in which I felt like she's stringing us along.

Nice feet.

>> No.43454288
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>The world is unjust, the rich get richer, and the easiest way to get money is the best.
Yeah no shit, OP.
Gura has never said she was poor, she's a midwestern white girl who lived in a privileged household and her parents were wealthy upper-class foreigners. A girl who has achieved fame and fortune multiple times due to her internet know-how and skill to wow people consistently, even if you may consider those tactics cheap. Which, sure I'll give you that, they might be sometimes. But hey, them's the breaks. She has it easy in life, others don't. That's just how it is. Don't seethe about it, just accept the facts and try to better your own situation. Malding out in 4chan will bring you literally nowhere.

>> No.43454350
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I want to tickle twappis tummy

>> No.43454575
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>> No.43454643
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I genuinely love this woman!
She made unique and entertaining content that appealed to a variety of people.
She brought great company to many who because of the pandemic, could not enjoy it from anywhere else.
Whatever she does, I hope that she is happy and healthy for the rest of her life.
I love Gooba, OP is a envious troon who will never know any joy in life, except that which comes from a rope around his neck.

>> No.43454649
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>> No.43454802
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>> No.43454820
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>Middle class does not equal rich
I wouldn't give a fuck if she was born rich. She's still the best. What am I supposed to do, go out of my way to watch and support someone I don't like as much just because they happen to be poor? Fuck that noise. I'm gonna support who I like and everyone else should do the same.

>> No.43454836

Gura was middle class, not rich. her parents are rich now though, independent of her

>> No.43454879
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Tokyo Tower is open to the public!

>> No.43454912

Well, she's a millionaire, so probably not the best example there.

>> No.43454953
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>> No.43454969

>$5 a month is too much
>$60 on Gura a year is too much for some people

>> No.43455029

Another day, another wave of nijinignogs seething at Hololive for no reason.

>> No.43455039

Gura's parents have money now. They weren't poor when she was growing up, but they weren't rich either. Gura was pretty middle class

>> No.43455070
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I could not possibly care less. I don't support vtubers based on how much or how little money they have. This ain't the fucking welfare office. You get what you earn.

>> No.43455147

Err, I get what you mean, ]but that's not exactly the best argument. What exactly do you give to someone that's rich except very specific gifts?

>> No.43455202

Gura was a PNG-Tuber and successful, before going the vtuber route. Having more subs than the top Holo before joining them. She worked for it. It was not given to her.
You can use some life advice from Gura:

>> No.43455316
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Well if it makes you feel better OP, if society falls and our economy fails to Fallout levels of bad, Gura will just be another face in the crowd of the apocalypse.
I guess.

>> No.43455354

>gura midwestern
>gura's dad foreign
idk if her parents were even upper middle class when she was little. I think someone in her family was, hence the farm trips. Her parents are upper middle class now, independent of her streaming her dad made some decent money, but its not like exorbitant for for a boomer who is retiring to have made. Mori's family is way richer. Ina's parents are probably the same level as Guras parents. Fauan's parents are like rothchilds or something. Fauna is in one of those old money billionaire robber baron families

>> No.43455365

>I could work the rest of my life in investment banking and not make close to what she has by playing into the fantasies of lonely loser men
Gura provides more good in the world than investment bankers

>> No.43455401

wow, i had forgotten how different she sounded near debut versus now.

>> No.43455506


>> No.43455526

the investment banker thing is dumb, because Gura has only been making this money for 2 years. She has made a lot of money, don't get me wrong, but she isn't >lifetime wealth of an investment banker, rich. Her parents might have sold their house for more money than she currently has

>> No.43455573

Imagine the disgusting, jaded husk of a person you would have to be to watch that and make Gura the object of all your hatred. All she does is put positivity out into the world and trannies work themselves into a shoot because people actually respond positively to it.

>> No.43455599


>> No.43455648

>Nobody is a lost cause. They just think they are, so they don't even bother to try sometimes.
don't cry, ok.

>> No.43455667

>She was a poor kid who learned how to drive in a Ferrari. Not the same thing as being loaded.
The shit I see cuckbeats type. Sometimes I wonder if that entire fanbase isn't a collection of high effort trolls.

>> No.43455684

Oh yeah, Fauna's family is filthy rich. Just from the things she's talked about you can kind of sniff that out. That woman has genuinely never worked a blue collar job a day in her life. But hey, that's family wealth for ya.

>> No.43455735


nobody cares what you think she's a great entertainer and brightens peoples days even if she only did one stream a month.

>> No.43455752

how is this post not about Ceres "I took my daddy's private jet to california to hang out with Gura, then flew home and streamed the next day then flew back out to hang out with Bae and Mumei" Fauna
The deer is the only holoEN member whose parents have a private jet. Only other one who might be close is Reine since peacock is literally a princess

>> No.43455786

go back to do*site luxiem sister

>> No.43455825

First off: obsessed
Secondly: trannies are incapable of positivity, to them there's always an angle. They have no concept of altruism or selflessness, everything must be for some sort of gain in their mind. Trannies are evil.

>> No.43455833

Mori's mom must have some amazing pussy skills because as far as mori tells it, her step dad is the one with all the cash. Imagine being rich as fuck and then marrying mori's mother's single mother ass

>> No.43455909

to be fair she isn't really like this anymore. for instance i didn't like how she couldn't be arsed to give a slightly more heartfelt message to ina for her 3d debut, when i feel like she would've happily done that back in 2021.
>she's just keeping it real
you know full well everyone would be tearing ame/mori/kiara apart if any of them did the same. (still not as egregious as mori leaving a voice message for gura's birthday and then leaving a whole prerrecorded video for ironmouse).

>> No.43456012

You wrote all that, but I'm obsessed?

>> No.43456055
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I agree with you completely however you’re still a roody poo faggot for using methinks Unironicly.

>> No.43456083

in mori's defense, she is literally on medication for being a retarded autist

>> No.43456138
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You should fucking kill yourself. I swear to god Gura unironcially has the most delusional and retarded antis in /vt/. I'll reiterate once more: take a fucking rusty razorblade and slice your entire arm, from wrist to elbow.

>> No.43456143

Stop deflecting, Cuckbeat.

>> No.43456148
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cope and seethe faggot

>> No.43456176

Something about the tree woman has always seemed strange to me. She's way richer than anyone in EN, like to the point of belonging to some kind of lineage of oil barons or some shit. She definitely has some kind of wild ass connections that she keeps in her back pocket.

>> No.43456179

>i didn't like how she couldn't be arsed to give a slightly more heartfelt message to ina for her 3d debut
Why don't you fucking cry about it then?

>> No.43456191

Ina and Gura aren't on good terms and never have been.

>> No.43456247

why the fuck are you pissing your pants so hard over me not liking gura as she is now over gura as she was early on?
