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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.4310184 [Reply] [Original]

>birthday stream
>1.3k viewers
It's over.

>> No.4310428

she said in a stream before she has a gf now and doesnt really care about vtubing. I am not surprised nobody here heard it because I clicked it randomly and thats what she said in the 3 minute that I watched it. probably was just in it to validate her mtf transition, who knows.
in her entire career she has put basically no effort into growth, she said many times too she hates that she got popular at the start and regrets pushing for that. I started feeling bad for her desu.

>> No.4310436
File: 233 KB, 1063x1500, 59F43D9E-C80C-4B0E-BCF1-1786ADDBA0FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loser, the 41% are waiting.

>> No.4310457


>> No.4310469


>> No.4310472


>> No.4310489

yes anon she literally had the penis removal surgery this year. sorry but she is canon now.

>> No.4310492

It was over the day he debuted. Anything else and you were kidding yourself.

>> No.4310510

All based

>> No.4310529

XY chromosome begs to differ.

>> No.4310614

Just because you have a few extra ones doesn't make you a chromosome expert.

>> No.4310710

Born a man die a man.

>> No.4310759

Just for today, I won't shitalk about the shark

>> No.4310761

Why are you all so obsessed with gender politics?

>> No.4310764


>> No.4310767

Go back faggot.

>> No.4310791

Still not a woman

>> No.4310807

Artemis is
1. cute
2. valid
3. talented
4. entertaining
5. top-tier character design

I wish her the best

>> No.4310839

Reddit niggers go back to your shithole.

>> No.4310970

Anon that's not how that works. If i surgically get a horn implanted it doesn't make me a unicorn.

>> No.4310977

Then she should quit. There's nothing more pathetic than seeing a streamer struggle to maintain interest.

>> No.4311054

the funniest thing about sheposters is the fact that she is actually a she, but with a femcel voice.
most trannies have easily passable voices, thats the easy part. it only takes about 2 weeks of voice training. if it was really a he, they would not be confident with that voice at all, and would definitely not choose to be a vtuber where literally everything relies on their voice.
>they dont know her past life

>> No.4311070


>> No.4311086

>his past life

>> No.4311145

>he wasn't there for hid debut
lol get your ears checked

>> No.4311144

Is it the funniest? It’s a man. No joke, it’s just a dude. Why does it matter so much what anyone says? No matter what you say or do it will always be a man.

>> No.4311164

If you chop off your arms and eat dirt you don't become an earthworm.

>> No.4311201

the coping is just right bros....

>> No.4311235

She was 2,5 hours into the stream. She had 2k watchers most o the time.

Anyway, keep being a numberfag that can't deal with the fact that a woman has a deep voice

>> No.4311240

>most trannies have easily passable voices
I've watched enough shemale porn to know that's false

>> No.4311329

Artemis isn't even deep.

>> No.4311345
File: 251 KB, 1242x431, E0CB87B7-E0F1-401A-B3E5-D60084047251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually got a jannie to remove a post for saying
Troons are pathetic.

>> No.4311398

>calls someone retarded
>doesn't understand how genetics work
The absolute state of trannies

>> No.4311452

>they don't know her past life
give us the rrat anon onegai

>> No.4311463

not cope, I have been on the she ride since the beginning until some doxfag shown me the truth. I dont watch her

because its shemale porn and being half male is the whole point, the actual trannies unless they transition past 20 assimilate successfully, you have probably stared at one or two on the bus in your life

no anon the jannies arent here right now. why did you delete your own post?

>> No.4311480

Pfft, who am I kidding?

>> No.4311714
File: 398 KB, 800x800, now41percentoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as people look back and cringe at shit like the Salem witch trials, Lysenkoism and the mouthbreathers who unironically believed it, and ancient Egyptian contraception people will look back and cringe at people who sincerely believed this. They are to the present day what flat earthers were to antiquity.

>> No.4311745


>> No.4311838

I didn’t post the original but you can’t delete shit after so many minutes have passed.

I just tested it and you also have to wait about minute before you can delete it.

>> No.4311921

Chopping his dick off doesn't make him a female, it makes him a mentally ill freak of nature.

>> No.4312005


>> No.4312051

>most trannies have easily passable voices, thats the easy part
No they fucking don't
Confirmed for never having actually known or been around trannies in real life

>> No.4312086
File: 182 KB, 400x400, 1620222915984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4312121


No they don't retard, you can smell the testosterone a mile away

>> No.4312159

Dont worry these types of people never live long anyways.

>> No.4312182
File: 176 KB, 368x360, 1622042070174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody seems to have proof for anything they say. there is no source for anything.
in this thread it has been claimed that he is trans by her fans AND her anti's, and also claimed she is female with a deep weird voice, but also claimed she is female with a completely normal voice. the threads are pure schizobait. he, she, whatever there is no proof for anything and it causes the schizos to meltdown. jannies need to shut this thread down before one of them does something to hurt themselves or others. these artemis threads a serious public health risk.

>> No.4312230

>No sauce for anything

Feel free to get yourself banned retard

>> No.4312404
File: 26 KB, 399x369, australia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things if Art is a troon or not. Easy living (from a relative standpoint) across swaths of the world have allowed something ugly to resurge that hasn't been this delusional, venomous and widespread since chicken bones, entrails, and wearing a bone in your nose were a common thing. I'd like to keep my electricity and indoor plumbing.

>> No.4312696
File: 103 KB, 639x578, 1621265319301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm typically that asshole who bags on Artemis for having crap viewcount but hey 1.3k is better than her like 900 concurrents during the six month anniversary.

She should still hurry up and quit though especially if she doesn't give a shit. Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.4312791


>> No.4312879


>> No.4312988

It was me, fuck jannies.

>> No.4313060

check the archive, mr sir jannie has already fired warning shots ITT please understand. but its true

>> No.4313173


>> No.4313188

peak was 2.1k
>numberfagging an indie

>> No.4313243

For a small-time, irrelevant indie, the fact /vt/ is obsessed over Artemis' junk and can't stop making threads to talk about it is the only thing giving her a presence here.

Kinda gay, bro.

>> No.4313313

Uhhhh, are there other indies getting 2K? Seems like a win.

>> No.4313386
File: 304 KB, 340x453, 1620312205354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4313613

I hope he gifts the avatar to someone more deserving then, or it was a huge and pointless money sink.

>> No.4313624


>> No.4313683

>most trannies have easily passable voices, thats the easy part.
>thats the easy part.
Voice training is one of the hardest parts. If you spend even a few moment in any tranny community you'll find endless droves bitching about the impossibility of voice training.

>> No.4313836

Sad because the Artemis avatar is really cute too. I hope someone else gets it or at least mimics it closely but puts real effort into streaming.
The dead fish attitude given by Artemis I think is what killed their viewership the most.

>> No.4314051

Also, no. No pity for this rotting shark carcass. If 'she' is bored then 'she' should either quit or an hero.

>> No.4314153

i think less people would even care about artemis being a tranny if he/she was actually entertaining

>> No.4314169

>Sad because the Artemis avatar is really cute too.
Yeah it's a huge shame. Artemis's avatar was so fucking good. It could've gone to someone who actually gives a shit about vtubing goddamn it.
>The dead fish attitude given by Artemis I think is what killed their viewership the most.
Sounds about right. The few times I entered Artemis's streams I got bored really quickly. The streams weren't even comfy.

>> No.4314411

I think the biggest sign of him being a he is the game choices.
what female do you know that plays cities skylines, civ 5, minesweeper, randomized pokemon, etc? all pure male autism games.
the voice to me doesnt really sound male, but maybe I am good at suspending my disbelief.
I like watching him/her every now and again. but generally the streams are very boring, I think he/she needs adderall or something. its not normal to be so dull.
im always surprised too how the antis dont fuck up the chat or streamsnipe at least from what I have seen.
btw, one of him/her close friends is probably in holoen gen 2. artemis holo collab is extremely unlikely but possible. what do you think would happen if it were to occur?

>> No.4314473

oh, forgot the biggest giveaway of all.
>path of exile

>> No.4314500

tfw I has banned for saying pisstemis was a man for the reason of "not talking about the real person behind the avatar" so pretty much jannies confirmed it for me

>> No.4314549
File: 842 KB, 3035x2150, EukIbacVIAAhVSt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. No one cares about trannies if they actually try to be entertaining. Pic related.

>> No.4314570

Voice training is the hardest fucking part you god damn faggot. Just because you were already a lispy faggot doesnt mean your lispy faggot voice is passable for a girl. Takes 5 fucking years on average to get a passing voice, and you gotta try for it. I would fucking know.

>> No.4314628

dropping everything for a partner is literally setting yourself up for failure

>> No.4314680

I dislike Artemis, but literally talk to women. I knew girls in my college classes who played every single thing you mentioned. Sure, they were fat and smelly, but they were biological women.

>> No.4314720

Sour grapes cope after reclining so hard. GF is probably some other discord tranny too.

>> No.4314817

Tranny dick rider, nothing of value was lost.

>> No.4314833

if you say so. sorry that people are mean on your birthday by the way. you're brave and you will do well just keep going on the path you're on artie (I mean it, not being smug).

>> No.4314860

nah, his gf is that schizo dyke rin.
It's hillarious that with all the anti-men posting she does on twitter, she ended up dating one.

>> No.4314892

She's cute and the people here who get mad just make me want to watch her more.

>> No.4315776

>I'm typically that asshole who bags on Artemis
Sure troon

>> No.4317016

>It's over.
it never began

>> No.4317245
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1599092669799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally dont understand why some anons even like her when she was pretty much hard carried by her design alone. I dont give a shit if she/he/xe/it is a faggot or not, all faggots are the same, but she is not even a good entertainer she is boring as fuck it feels like damn chore watching any of her streams and im honestly pretty fucking sure not the only one who feels like this. it was expectable to see her career decline the moment she debuted just by the fact that she was carried by her design alone

>> No.4317824
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, SoThisIsThePowerOfAPocketJannie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, Fuck shartemis and fuck Shartemis' pocket jannie.

>> No.4318092


>> No.4318288

Makes the noggin joggin ain't it

>> No.4318431

I hate tranny jannies, they are so fucking gross

>> No.4318514

Artemis, suck my dick

>> No.4321861
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 2D041DF7-88A7-4E01-82E9-8A0F1B54BAFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After what happened with OL I can’t trust any Vtuber who sounds even remotely like a dude Mori could be a dude for all I know.

>> No.4322020

Girls can sound like anything. Here's a (confirmed) woman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynlHTzJ8cP0

>> No.4322111

Maybe fucking up an amazing start Artemis never warranted would lead to career death.

>> No.4322163

>she, her

>> No.4322212

that chick just sounds fat

>> No.4323130

Did you just link Motherbasements whore?
