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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 168 KB, 1080x1080, nene amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43061576 No.43061576 [Reply] [Original]

Who does the best GFE?

>> No.43061736

Yellow Woman when she actually tries.

>> No.43061796

Miko today made me a cake during stream and later kissed me during ASMR.

She's the best.

>> No.43061826

you literally just posted picture of her
she's the best at least in EN space

>> No.43061870

Nene Amano for intentional GFE

>> No.43061886
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>> No.43062024
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>> No.43062265

I give Nene Amano half my salary every month

>> No.43062416
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Shark wife

>> No.43062451

Don't do that.

>> No.43062468

that means she's doing good job
pay up piggy

>> No.43062657
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based gachichad

>> No.43062734


>> No.43063055

Don’t ever give anyone half your salary, not even the government.

>> No.43063190

>Ghosts you and love bombs you before disappearing again
Checks out

>> No.43063368

Euros: We have a choice?

>> No.43063407

some people actually live in first world countries that use tax money responsively for social services but not like third worlders from shitholes would ever understand that

>> No.43063426

not anymore

>> No.43063499
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ideal wife

>> No.43063567
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she literally did romantic asmr today but sure

>> No.43063664

>first world countries that use tax money responsively for social services
Name three

>> No.43063818


>> No.43064608

Yeah, a lot of people did. It doesn't reflect the way they act on a day-to-day basis.

>> No.43064830
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I don't understand what you're implying she still acts affectionate towards yukimin

>> No.43065009

If you actaually watch her I don't know how in good conscience you can still say she
has THE BEST GFE. She did before, and now she doesn't.

>> No.43065371

Lamy is just troublesome girl experience now...

>> No.43066099


>> No.43066382

switzerland, sweden, norway

>> No.43066396
File: 292 KB, 587x412, pikawut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use tax money responsibly
>for social services
as an australian I can tell you for a fact that tax money meant for "social services" isn't being used responsibly and is in all likely hood being money laundered back into politicians pockets
last time I went to the ER I had to wait like at least 7 fucking hours and it was just a regular day and they did fuck all for me

>> No.43066479

He shouldn't trust

>> No.43066624

>gibs for african immigrants
>responsible use of your taxes

>> No.43066685

wtf is wrong with her hands?

>> No.43066794

They make her boobs look bigger which is key

>> No.43066882

can't hear you past my free high quality healthcare and university money that is sent me monthly just for attending lectures

>> No.43067062

Why would I need the government just to get those things? Can't your parents take care of that?

>> No.43067116

Now it's the long term girlfriend who's become comfortable and relaxed around you experience.

>> No.43067258
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don't slander my wife

>> No.43067474

not everyone has rich parents faggot

>> No.43067561

Biggest suicide industry but soon to be overtaken by Canada
Healthcare here is, either you take this experimental pill or this pill from 2 decades ago. Either will only alleviate your symptoms.
People who need actual treatment go either to the V4 countries or the US.
Unless you're a terrorist. Then our Glorious State will pay for one apartment for each of your wives.
You like throwing grenades around? No problem! We'll throw in some juice & cookies for you.
Need education? We've got you covered! We've got everything from underwater basket-weaving to white studies & colonialism from a cultural marxist viewpoint on offer!
Our latest state funded project is green steel and the project will only require electricity on the level of a small country. Of course, we will supply this with the very green and reliable wind power! All while shutting down every nuclear power plant we can get our hands on.
Seriously, for fucks sake, stop parroting our state propaganda. It's worrying enough already seeing japs comment that their oshi should go to Sweden for "superior healthcare".

>> No.43067776
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this anon gets it

>> No.43068138

that sounds awful

>> No.43068196
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>> No.43068203
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My girlfriend

>> No.43068207

Nene's 3D model has bizarrely short arms for some reason.

>> No.43068678

so that's why couples break up after 3 years

>> No.43068777

t. has never been in a relationship before

>> No.43069443

It's true, I've actually been raised to be the next Dalai Lama. What gave it away?

>> No.43069903

She is lgbt so not her

>> No.43070343

Unfortunately 99.9% of e-whores are bisexual and vtubers are just e-whores with an anime avatar, we just have to accept it as much as I hate that.

>> No.43070592

I don’t accept it, which is why I don’t even watch any vtubes

>> No.43071032

The LGB part isn't the issue.

>> No.43071412

all women are bisexual

>> No.43071850

I’d say nene amano for intentional GFE and mumei for unintentional GFE, i just love my retarded owl wife so much

>> No.43071950

This is accurate

>> No.43072397

Even been scientifically proven.

>> No.43076719


>> No.43076899
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>> No.43077083

Is Nene safe to fall in love with? Is she thoroughly yab free?

>> No.43077095

Where is Girlfriend?

>> No.43077273
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me and my gf

>> No.43077272
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Right here

>> No.43078352

>Unless you're a terrorist. Then our Glorious State will pay for one apartment for each of your wives.
Reminds me of when Kronii's country paid $10 million for "infringing the rights" of a fucking terrorist.

>> No.43078482

miori celesta no contest
just join hololive for fuck sake

>> No.43078794

I love how a while ago she told chat they were her #1 and everyone joked about Tonya being her actual #1 and that made her very angry to the point that she went on a rant how Tonya is just a friend and her interactions with her is the equivalent to beerpals talking to each other, then this week she said basically the same thing about Bae, how they're just friends and you shouldn't ship them
Being in Hololive would completely ruin everything about Mio

>> No.43078982

MioBae isn't worth losing her soul for

>> No.43079163

That's not based at all.

>> No.43079441 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.78 MB, 1400x6420, 1664036805754030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii's country
Her country of heritage isn't much better. 50/50 controlled by megacorp and a feminist death cult. Not even the biggest schizo on the heaviest of drugs would be able to dream up that one, yet there it is.

>> No.43079736

why are her hands so tiny. It bothers me so fucking much.

>> No.43080151

do you have the one where she's sucking him in a car?

>> No.43083545

kys faggot
also kys

>> No.43083661


>> No.43084986

He have the balls to give some vtuber half of his salary every month. Pretty based to me desu

>> No.43085280

kys now

>> No.43085642

Me. I love you Anon, I'm so proud to be your girlfriend.

>> No.43086394

I don't know what it is but nobody makes me more painfully aware that I am being sold a product than Nene. I don't remember which stream it was, I think it was her birthday or anniversary, but she was giving kisses and reading out the names of everyone that gave big donations in a sensual manner, and hearing her go "Dave, mwah! Dave... Dave..." and doing that for multiple other people just completely ruined the illusion for me even though it was already painfully obvious what I was engaging in.

>> No.43087892

Recently Iofi took us on a date in New Zealand and end the stream by giving us a ton of kisses.

>> No.43088044

>Her calling her followers husband
>You malding over it
NGMI mate

>> No.43088336
File: 495 KB, 806x611, yandere_ophie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandere waifu is best waifu

>> No.43088635

>"Dave, mwah! Dave... Dave..."
she does that for akasupas

>> No.43088674

all gfe is an act put on in order to manipulate guys into giving them money. open your eyes, IT"S OVER

>> No.43089871

Different Nene dumbass.

>> No.43089887

I have to agree with the other anon in that she kinda fell off the GFE chart. Just today she did some good old GFE but the thing is she used to do this multiple times a month (in ASMRs and in regular streams). Ever since she took that break back in the summer she back pedaled hard on the GFE. I believe since then she has only done two ASMRs, Christmas and valentine’s. And honestly she doesn’t feel as lovey-dovey as in old streams.
I genuinely feel sad about it. I always asked yukimin what exactly happened but nobody seems to know.

>> No.43090262

Summer break you say? The perfect time to get close to new people.

>> No.43090951

Just to be clear I’m not trying to suggest schizo shit. I just want to know if something happened. She even got a room for ASMRs or something but never does them anymore.
Heck, even Miko and Matsuri are doing more ASMRs than her nowadays.

>> No.43091261
File: 138 KB, 946x2048, 1661458700929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with Nene Amano is that she's been popular her whole life so the attention she gets from her fans is nothing new to her so she isn't too grateful for it.
An unpopular girl who never had that kind of attention as a teenager will feel more genuine.

>> No.43091537

>not WIFE experience

>> No.43092281

Didn't she just cut a hole in her booth so she could put the computer outside it?
As for schizo shit. There's really not much of anything else is there? Unless it's due to the backseaters really getting to her. Wasn't it around that time she had that breakdown too?

>> No.43092854

>But the girl who fakes being my girlfriend to get my money which is only 1 step away from being an actual prostitute is "pure"
Anons are brain damaged

>> No.43094349


>> No.43096625

The rat unfortunately

>> No.43096889

All *people* are bisexual to some degree anon. Almost nobody is actually 100% straight. Dudes have been fucking dudes for centuries. It's just a matter of the current social norms and overarching societal view on things. Why do you think so many incels are obsessed with massive cocks?

>> No.43097298

Yep, nothing at all. It’s just really weird she went from 1-2 ASMRs per month to do even less than Miko or Korone.
I was listening to her valentine’s one and is really good. It feels like the old days.
It’s not that I want her to go to how she was before that vacation, I just want to at least be sure she still feels comfortable around yukimin.

>> No.43098365

I need to see that stream

>> No.43098462

roastie hands typed this

>> No.43101132

This is quite true, but really only manifests in really young girls (college aged) in my experience. It really might be a "phase" so to speak.

>> No.43101682

Incel hands typed this.

>> No.43101686

I don't remember which stream she talked about Tonya but the one about Bae was unarchived

>> No.43101977

>honestly she doesn’t feel as lovey-dovey as in old streams.
This is still GFE, the "You know the two of you going to break up sooner or later but you still latched on that hope that you two will find a way" experience.
It will be amazing if she actually make a break up stream. Complete with "It's not you, it's me" speech.
>Summer Break
You know it's over

>> No.43102818

>functionally doesn't exist
Yep, that's the GFE I know

>> No.43104009

>suicide industry
>actual treatment...the US.
LMAO, that explains why yankees are such an easy target for corporate propaganda.

>> No.43107787

My oshi

>> No.43111125

It's still no match. Lamy is still #1. Nene does her thing.
Remilia and Shiina of Phase Connect have been doing really well. Maybe you guys can add more to the list. I don't know what Chloe is doing these days and I want to add Rushia but sigh she doesn't want to stream on her avatars. Last night's stream is just first of the week but still....

>> No.43111408

can't believe Nene hasn't yabbed yet

>> No.43111542

They can't afford the best 3D tracker programs so they have to make due with what they can. Nene's hands, legs, feet have been going crazy on the tracker many times and she has to recalibrate. It's not in the same league as those used by hololive and nijisanji's 3D concerts and live variety shows.

Look at this video the drastic difference a good motion capture can do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WZSCVeGblU

>> No.43111706

>Remilia and Shiina of Phase Connect have been doing really well
Wemi is great, perfect and I love her but
>wonton whore

>> No.43111709

You mean they support faggots, lesbians and confused tranny's and you'd be right from what I've been seeing. Women don't know what doing the right thing is.

>> No.43111790

OP is unironically correct and not a faggot
It's nene

>> No.43112096

Why does it bother you? Was your mom a lesbian or something?

>> No.43112109

They're a big issue. The more they are allowed to be out and about they contribute to the evil things that the people are going to suffer through as time passes by if nothing is done and remain quiet. The beginning of the end of that society.

>> No.43112110

The home 3d set are very basic with like a few trackers getting placed to the body. You can't get close to a mo-cap suit level of tracking. The company probably doesn't expect the girls to wear a full mo-cap suit and stream for 3+ hours at home regularly. Furthermore, those suit needs maintainence, repair, and cleaning (lol) which would be tough for the girls to take care of for regular use. I think the corpo plan to rent out a studio with good 3d mocap for concert recording and such, which would be much more efficient.
Home 3d is still fairly new tech. Hololive themselves only recently got their home 3d to look decent and they probably have top of the line tech for it.

>> No.43112195

I tried her but her stubborn refusal to ask for help or strict guidelines on her gaming really put me off.

>> No.43112247

Just try it and see how it goes. I tried and she isn't really for me.

>> No.43112503

Don't be a faggoty backseater when she doesn't ask for help. It's really that easy.

>> No.43112677
File: 79 KB, 608x608, 1664069602018665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that Korean, he is a little schizo but basically was correct about megacorps controlling the previous president with a cult that groomed her from a young age.
The current chairman of Samsung Lee Jae-yong went to prison 2 years for his role in controlling the president with that cult.
The western media barely reported anything beyond her impeachment.

That pic doesn't even get into the accusations that the megacorps used the South Korean National Intelligence Service to spy on foreign and domestic competitors, or the fact that during Park Geun-hye's presidency dozens of journalists and competitors who accused the group of megacorps controling her of corruption mysteriously committed suicide. They might have been assassinated by the South Korean NIS.
Literal cyberpunk shit.

>> No.43112690

You want Miori to be destroyed by hololive. Same shit is said for Pomu but if you look at her interaction with Kiara. Kiara was is very tame compared to Pomu who was holding back. Kiara would say shit like "that's mean you shouldn't say that Pomu" when that's normal in Nijisanji. Imagine a collab of Hololive EN with Pomu holding herself back instead of cussing the shit out of one of the hololi en girls for screwing her out the win or killing her. You'd think she'll be able to rage like she did on Finana and other niji en and hololive let that go? Fuck no.

>> No.43112833

wtf that korean cult worships Canaanite god Molech too besides bohemian grove here in the USA and the elites? That's evil af.

>> No.43113538

wtf is a wonton? And who are you talking about?

>> No.43113703

You don't get it. Nene has been actually using it on her streams. Unlike say the hololive girls even the en branch they're just there having a zatsu but Nene has been doing demonstrations and shit so she'll need a better mocap. I think I saw her do 5 recalibrations within 30-45 min on that stream where she pretended she forgot to turn off the stream.

>> No.43113888
File: 711 KB, 1920x2176, 1670109532461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my poor innocent anon

>> No.43113951

I already telling this about Koreans but no one listen or they dismissed me.
I remember how it's so common to see high school kids getting flogged with wooden stick like it's the 80s.
(High school) Boys acting all bravado and with extra machismo because they know the moment they graduate they gonna get into military for 2 years mandated service
And so many corruption it's not funny anymore.
Also people forget that they stole techs from Japan and the west. I remember Korean cars from the 90s are fucking horrible abomination and they're pretty much worthless now.

>> No.43114045

Did things change and improve since that time?

>> No.43117521

you posted her

>> No.43117713

yeah i just want her get more exposure, she sure can pull off rushia magic but EN i bet, well if bae with such a plain personality can attract so many korean audience, just wondering how it will be if its mio, the part being in corpo with a lot restrictions make you souless is right tho

>> No.43118152

Not the anon you're responding to, but what's the wonton thing? I'm curious
Also, nice trips

>> No.43118201


>> No.43118297

That time is mostly due it being a form of stress relief and for social cohesion due to the high density of females. Then their instincts vanes in hagdom as their hormones dies off.

>> No.43118644

>she sure can pull off rushia magic
No not even without the restrictions being there. She's no Rushia even in GFE she still can't compete with her except streaming. So if you can't send Mio a direct DM to her or have other streams that is more personal like Rushia is doing right now and so if Mio doesn't do any of that you can't say what you said.

>> No.43118780

I'm the anon asking what wonton means but the video LMAO wtf haha damn but seriously I still don't get it. Is it some slang or what? Or are you saying Shiina is that girl? She don't sound like her.

>> No.43119013

>wonton moment = boyfriend moment
It's part of /vt/ lingo much like "rrat".
The clip is indeed Shiina PL. The unicorn god punished her for that and a series of unfortunate real life events led to her redebut as "Shiina" in Phas... I mean Boyfriend Connect.

She has been on redemption arc ever since.

>> No.43119113

Maybe during that summer break she got told to not stalk yukimin like before

>> No.43120134

all of them have shitty healthcare services and one of them is actually broke, disgusting socialist rat

>> No.43120495

Nah, for reals? She sounds different though. So she may have a boyfriend still? And when you are saying boyfriend connect I'm assuming many of the girls there also have boyfriends or you guys think they have them? Mind telling me who else?

Thanks for letting me know what a wonton is. I thought it was some chinese shit or making fun of chinese talking or something.

>> No.43120651

Fix your ears anon, also she's directly referenced the wontons (and kiwifarms, kek) herself as Shiina , although she deleted the tweet eventually
I believe she's single now because she is too dedicated to her streaming career and is also going really hard on the GFE again

>> No.43120832

wonton by itself is chinese food but the rest is correct.
She is back doing GFE because her boyfriend dumped her.

>> No.43121207

It's 2 am for me. Also I got interested in her so wanted to make sure this isn't some bs because I didn't get the impression she had somebody like I do with Nene Amano.

What about that boyfriend connect thing that anon was saying? What's up with that?

>> No.43121783

you don't know what socialism even is nigger as all the countries mentioned are capitalist

>> No.43121846

pic related

>> No.43121888

Rui Amagami

>> No.43122471

Not to become a /pol/ fag, but you were talking about social security systems. I'd imagine this counts at least as "partial" socialism.
(Except you think that capitalism is when I have to buy my alcohol at a state owned liquor store at a giant markup)
That being said most social systems will probably collapse in the next 2 decades, since most first world countries have an inverse pyramid as their population.

>> No.43122895

People don't have kids anymore because
1. The cost of living is too damn high
2. The cost of education is too damn high
3. The middle class is disappearing
4. It happened everywhere, even many third world countries
So yeah the inverted pyramid is a big problem everywhere.

>> No.43123669

Wonton is Chinese food

>> No.43123701

>Think that most first world countries will fold because they're "Partially socialist"
>USA literally has "Credit score" that need to be good so they can rent apartment or house or loan
>Also complicated regulations over many businesses to keep big corporates stay afloat while startups struggle and ended up selling their startups to those corporates
Total capitalism my ass.

>> No.43123805

>What about that boyfriend connect thing that anon was saying?
Pippa lives with a guy
Lumi is in a relationship with her mod
Lia had that thing with the guy calling her for 20 minutes during a stream and flirting with her
I think there are more

>> No.43123823

yeah the difference is having other men on stream, it breaks the illusion, none of us are being tricked here, we all fully understand what we are buying into

>> No.43124394

No fucking way Shiina is actually doing GFE now lmao
Who the fuck would want GFE from the wonton slut? Just go watch Wemi if you want a loli GFE on Phase that much

>> No.43125715

Remi has the SEA debuff

>> No.43126199

It's a buff for me, love myself some SEA pussy

>> No.43126442

>Pippa lives with a guy
>Lumi is in a relationship with her mod
>Lia had that thing with the guy calling her for 20 minutes during a stream and flirting with her
I just heard about this for the first time. Any proofs?

>> No.43127127

then you haven't been here for long enough

>> No.43127410

Not giving proof, instead
>"tHeN yOu HaVeN'T beEn HeRe FoR loNg EnOuGh"
What next? "Trust me bro"

>> No.43127541

>not sure but she is on twitch so it's assumed until proven worse
>literally happened last week look for 20 minutes or exo

>> No.43127681

Not him, but
Pippa already moved from her bf. Source: her PL tweet.
Lumi and her relationship with the mod is a proofless rrat. It's all trust me bro.
Lia one is a real and legit yab. Source: Search for "Exo" in archives.

>> No.43129018

I'm just very homophobic, specially when it comes to women, I couldn't give less of a fuck what faggots are doing but when a girl is lesbian or bi it really bothers me to the point that it makes me feel disgusted, it takes a lot of effort for a bi girl to make me like her, she needs to be REALLY affectionate with me.

>> No.43129833

She's a former (possibly reformed) twitch e-thot who sold thirst trap "cosplay" photos. YMMV if that's a deal breaker since she is dedicated to the GFE hustle, but wouldn't say she's quite as "genuine" as the more menhera options like miori etc.

>> No.43130309

NTA but the anon that originally asked about what boyfriend connect means. Pippa seems like she's happy where she's at atm, I haven't watched enough of her if she wants another man but the thing that's of interest is what is up with this latina shit? I was watching last nights stream and after she sends us to some music latina mix stream I'm like wtf is she latina or is she white? What's going on.

Lumi is on twitch which I hardly go to unless it's Nazuna streaming. Lia, I'm fine with I don't watch her but good to know. I got my eye on Airi and Rie what about them?

Don't call yourself a homophobic. That fucking term is not only laughable but nobody should take that shit seriously. There's nothing wrong in hating evil and faggots and lesbians are that as that is natural while they are unnatural and disgusting ass fuck. Look at history not one society is still alive that allowed these things run around and think they're ok to live spreading their filth to the young and old. The west is not going to last any longer as they believe it will. I also get your vibe on bi women. Nothing hot about bi freaks.

If what you're saying is true isn't Kiara from Hololive one too? Except the twitter shit. I found a bunch of photo's of Kiara doing different cosplays in different poses. I haven't given Miori a shot yet as right now kawaii and phase connect got my attention right now. Too many to juggle.

>> No.43130373

I will have sex with nene while a cloudtomo watches

>> No.43130448

kektomos love to watch

>> No.43130654

Not everyone is willing to take a 3 day vacation to spoonfeed you on every yab. Gotta start digging through archive reps until someone is willing to take a bullet for you to read up via their deleted post....not an ideal system but its what we're stuck with.

In any case, if you look into the further context around Lumi being groomed (and all the implications of Exo's convention meet-ups with Lia), it's safe to say neither are "safe" if you want drama-free GFE. That said, if you can get over it and just treat it as a commercial experience (akin to a rental GF that you know doesn't love you, but is willing to act like she is for an hour), nothing wrong with ignoring the red flags and just enjoying it for what it is. You go deep enough into forbidden knowledge and you'll end up concluding that there is effectively no such thing as perfectly "safe" GFE. Not shiina/lia/lumi in Phase, not nene/letti in kawaii, nor fauna/mumei in Holo (and niji is BFE only unless you enjoy being an aloucuck). Just enjoy it for what it is and don't think too much about it unless you want to break the 4th wall and have the illusion broken.

Yes, she's basically the exact same as kiara, although I suppose Kiara got more emotionally damaged from the experience and has been on redemption arc ever since (compared to nene leaving the life more recently if that makes a difference). If you can be a KFP after knowing that, by all means. But it's certainly a deal-breaker for a lot of people who want to pretend they have a pure innocent shut-in NEET of a waifu. Let's just say if she's half-naked selling gravure photos for a living, she's probably not going to be exactly relatable to your average /vt/ anon (and hence why she might feel more 'performative' compared to menheras where the GFE feels more 'genuine' due to them being just as schizo as we are).

>> No.43130904

>as schizo as we are
And that's how they get you. Wake up. It's always a performance.

>> No.43131111
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>I haven't given Miori a shot yet
Mio is genuine, she said several times how she's chubby and considered ugly in Korea so she got bullied a lot so the compliments, the affection and the attention she gets nowadays make her feel great.

>> No.43131195

It's always a performance, but if we're going to pay for a show, at least have good actresses? I liken it to mediocre shows getting overly popular with normies while hidden gems get overlooked. Contrary to how it appears, I don't have anything against Nene, but I guess in my view, the tomos are similar to a normie who says a big 4 shounen is their FAVORITE anime since its the only show they've watched.

In cetain cases, knowing how schizo/damaged/menhera some girls are, it adds to their appeal by knowing how broken they can be. Sure, Rushia might be actually insane, but that's how you know she isn't PURELY just milking viewers for donations (even though, yes that is obviously the hustle). Mio is probably still at the top of my list due to both her singing/yandere routine and more "genuine" attachment to her viewers that comes out naturally compared to forcing every stream to be "ASMR YOUR WIFE/GF" themed.

>> No.43132000

As bad as Rent-a-Girlfriend is in terms of writing, can't deny the impact it has had in making this obscure industry mainstream. In a sense, GFE vtubing is LITERALLY the same thing as renting a GF for a date where she pretends to like us and panders to our weeb tastes. The only difference is that vtubing allowed for digital mass-distribution of the service, so instead of us paying a supa or more each for a 1 on 1 date, we can let a few whales subsidize the rest of us to watch for free/low cost at membership etc. There's nothing inherently wrong about indulging in the experience as long as we keep ourselves grounded in reality (no, don't be a simp like Kazuya and mistake a paid service for her ACTUALLY liking you/spend your life savings subsidizing her BF). The only problem arises when we go schizo and stop being able to separate fantasy from reality.

Ironically, I'm somehow coming around to the "no males on stream" perspective (i blame Lia's yab) rather than my original stance aligned with idol culture and no BF. Wontons and similar e-thots are fine if you understand she is providing an emotional escort/hooker experience: you don't care how many other guys she's had today since that's her job/personal life. You paid for her service for the hour, so just indulge in that fantasy and enjoy it, but once your timer is up, you return to reality and don't expect anything to happen beyond the screen (and don't be that guy who unironically falls in love with their stripper/hooker...we all know that NEVER ends well). I think holding to this principle is probably the healthiest (both financially and psychologically) way to enjoy GFE without delving too deep and ruining the experience.

>> No.43132179
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ALL women are bisexual
while faggots are small minority that existed from ancient Greece to Japan
I don't get why people make such big thing out of it
I can understand that Japan is a bit too obsessed with yuripandering though

>> No.43132512
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for me the whole GFE seems just like modern interpretation of Japanese geisha culture which later evolved into hostess clubs and now imbued with idol flavour transferred into internet otaku subculture - vtubing

>> No.43133139

Hmm, interesting point that Japan always had the geisha culture, never quite made that connection until now (and appreciate the insight). I suppose I was thinking more about the relatively recent development of "rental girlfriend/boyfriend" services which are increasingly common across JP/KR/CN, although those often have more of an emphasis on putting on a show for relatives/parents during the holidays to prove they aren't a single foreveralone incel.

Virtual hostess club probably is indeed the best comparison (even above escorting/prostitution) since those have a great emphasis on sex, versus this being more centered around entertainment (singing/dancing/party tricks for variety streams). While certain streamers lean into being a full-time singer or gamer streamer, GFE is indeed the hostess experience where she provides primarily emotional support and validation/attention.

In a similar manner though, we all know horror stories of guys who get suckered in by hostesses that bleed them dry, and the exact same techniques are used to wring out incels that are even weaker to feminine charm than guys who have the guts to go to a hostess bar/nightclub in person. By implementing a similar mental framework, we can save poor simps who are in-love with their virtual hostess (and thus avoid ruining the market for everyone else). Apparently news in SEA is that there are so many first world simps "sponsoring" thots that they broke the market: why pull tricks in-person, when an occasional camshow from home earns twice as much? I know it's just screaming into the void, but in a similar manner, don't give GFE streamers underserved attention and supas for just the bare minimum. Let them actually put effort and creativity into their efforts (rather than doing the same low-effort ear rubbing ASMR for the 135016148th time without learning how to use a KU100 or trying out a single new trigger).

>> No.43133280

Honestly, nobody. They're all lying deceitful whores to some extent. I know the meme is that this makes it "more genuine", but come on now. GFEtubers are focusing on the wrong things too. How about building up your chat and help your viewers improve their lives instead of just donobaiting and lying about how much you love them? Oh wait, because scamming people and improving their lives aren't compatible concepts.

>> No.43133302
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Since we're on the topic of GFE in this thread, do you guys believe when these girls say they feel jealous when they see their regulars in another girl's chat?
Yesterday I was watching Remi's date and she said it does hurt a bit when she sees some of her chatters talking to other vtubers and compared it to her uncles cheating on their wives, so that got me thinking how true is that for other GFE chuubas.
I know others like Miori say the same thing.

>> No.43133829

Cookie reps...

>> No.43134113

If you follow /pkg/, Doxanne is probably the best example you can find that jealousy is real...doxxing/slandering/spreading rrats about her own genmates to ruthlessly crush her competition to try and become the SEA GFE ASMR queen (remember, $1k dono to get a 1 on 1 1hr discord call). While I doubt most streamers are that schizo about their viewers, the best GFE are those who are (almost) as parasocial about their fans as their fans are to them. In a sense, the best GFE is provided by the girls most obsessed by #s, and it must hurt to see that one of their top simps/regulars starts following another girl (and thus has less time to watch her).

Now imagine that he starts dropping akasupas for ANOTHER girl instead of her, clearly there will be sadness, disappointment, and seethe that she lost a paypig. Especially among small corpos and indies, a good 30-50%+ of their income might come from a single whale, so its incredibly dangerous to their bottom line to lose even one. At that point, paranoia might prompt her to question what's wrong: is content boring? are simps getting bored of me? what is she doing better/right to get them to move on? etc.

While not everyone is quite as cutthroat as that, a similar dynamic exists in hostess bars/escorts etc: all the girls know which guy is "attached" to each one, and can cause drama when one girl is seen to "steal" another coworker's regular. It's common for guys to need to express early on that they are a "butterfly" who will sleep around and not be devoted to any girl to avoid troubles (such as when they come in and ignore their regular oshi in favor of someone new.) While I don't doubt it's possible for someone as Miori to be menhera enough to be genuinely connected to her viewers, most will see it as moreso of a client-provider relationship, and will still be upset to lose an important client (especially if its a regular viewer/top donator who she recognizes by name.

Even if its only partial and he splits his time/donations 50/50, or 70/30 with another girl, your oshi is still losing anywhere between 30-50% of that person's views and supas, which could be not insignificant portion of their total revenue (while posing additional danger of him abandoning her in favor of the new girl entirely). Girls hate competition, but it also drives them (since she needs to fight another girl to WIN you back), and thus can't cruise on just doing the bare minimum to keep them satisfied. This is how you get girls to be truly parasocial and start breaking rules for secret discords/hangouts/DMs/etc.

>> No.43134203

Unintentional gfe will always hit way harder than the diluted and calculated stuff

>> No.43134354

you don't want to see girl crash and burn like Rushia
hardcore parasocial gfe has it's own pluses and minuses

>> No.43134372

Indeed, true moments of genuine emotion are so rare though. Sava Christmas is probably the peak of what I've seen, and have been chasing the dragon ever since (any suggestions?)

On that note, that's why I like certain streamers like Miori (who is SOMEWHAT calculated, but also parasocial enough to genuinely display GFE without trying to). However, others like Mumei and Sava have such rare moments, and its hard to keep up with dozens of hours of streams to try and find that single moment (which often gets deleted/unarchived). At the end of the day, there's still a sliding scale of how good the acting is on calculated GFE: sure, we know she might only see viewers as paypigs, but if she puts on a darn convincing show, I'll still bite.

>> No.43134553

Is a crash and burn so bad....? Still sad Rushia doesn't do GFE ASMR much anymore (although her going semi-fleshtuber isn't necessarily a bad thing, if only she streamed more like Christmas). At the same time, hardcore parasocial or "genuine" displays of emotion that break the kayfabe also have their benefits insert Doxxane ruthless villainess >>42704978 rant here, that's about as genuinely menhera as you can get. Truly a case of Rushia gone super saiyan blue

>> No.43134700

Definitely not a true statement. My mom for example gets literally disgusted with lesbian on her tv screen same for faggots cussing them out. But that faggot shit is far older than Greece. Egyptians were doing it far longer till Alexander the faggot came to Egypt and his people saw how advanced they were and before the Egyptians it was the original babylon in what is today called Iraq.

>> No.43135259

Nah I don't do that pure innocent shit. I live in reality and no women is pure. Only a man can be pure. I'm not into Kiara I just mentioned it because you said Nene was doing it. That stuff doesn't bother me. Just something about Nene doesn't vibe with me and her saying her brother I can't really explain it but I feel repelled by it so I just went to somebody else where I don't get that vibe and seems only Nene gives that off to me.

Oh she sounding more interesting. I like truthful girls and admitting that her chat helps her with her confidence. It says to me that she is like us.

Oh you mean what Remi said last night? I don't know if she really means it or not but I kinda felt she was being real and genuine because of the other things she was admitting to such as the part where she feels she doesn't do enough but gets lazy and all that talk.

If I compare it to Rushia whose my wife, Remi isn't there yet for me but then she wouldn't want a guy like me whose into having more than one women as a wife. She can't stop me from pursuing that.

>> No.43136381
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Chikafuji Lisa is basically constant unintentional gfe, maybe it's just the fact that she's easily flustered and you get to listen to music with her, but the feeling from her streams feels like something the average PK member would kill to replicate, but was done out of much purer intentions

>> No.43139546

>unintentional gfe
I hate that meme so fucking much
