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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42983498 No.42983498 [Reply] [Original]

>still no english release
Cover, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.42984044

The english release is in your mind... once you learn japanese.

>> No.42986224 [DELETED] 

They will lose money. They would need to sell to anime fans that don't care about Vtuber's and Aqua to turn a profit.

>> No.42986301

Is it actually good or is it licensed galge slop?

>> No.42986408

Learn Japanese or wait for the PC release dipshit

>> No.42986653

If you're a fan of VNs then you'll probably like it even though it pulls its punches.

>> No.42986725

yo wot is this?
Aqua is in a game?

>> No.42986741

The writing is vibrant and engaging, painting a vivid picture of the world and the creatures that call it home. Aqua is a dynamic and relatable character whose personal journey will have you rooting for her from page one. The supporting cast of characters are just as richly drawn and add depth and nuance to the story.

>> No.42987301

This is really lame. There are constantly absolute garbage VNs getting released in English on the Switch and Cover can't bring us Aqua's game?

>> No.42987361

>EOPs complaining about no translation instead of learning Japanese
Never change

>> No.42987524
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>released out west
>for a fucking north american market that hates VN's
nigga please

>> No.42987641

Just say you don't understand the western market. VN market has been growing exponentially in the west. Fucking Akysys's entire company got taken over by VNs/

>> No.42987680

>Just say you don't understand the western market.
its a really small market. remember, danganrompa almost didn't get released out west. the VN is still a niche genre, and so are vtubers.

>> No.42987743

>danganrompa almost didn't get released out west.
Anon, you are literally living a decade in the pat. It's not 2013 anymore, the VN market is much larger than when Danganronpa got a western release in 2013.

>> No.42987803

I should've known they would censor the sex scenes in the Switch version. Can't wait for the PC to see Aqua's snatch in full, uncensored 4k

>> No.42988195

Thry could easily localize this on the cheap. I think there are enough western Hololive fans who would jump on an official holo Switch game that it could easily make money.

>> No.42988217

it could, but would cover allow it?

>> No.42988563

It's niche, but it's niche worth investing, since you don't need much people or money to translate VN. Digital only release would cut money needed even further.
Investing in it should be no brainer for Cover with their overseas fanbase, but they are too much stuck with Japanese mindset.

>> No.42988646

When localized, the translation is a completely different game due to Western censorship and mixed ideology.

>> No.42989006

Well it makes sense.
The majority of their revenue is from Japan and their business model only really works in Japan.

>> No.42989141

Yeah, there's probably some benign feminine line Aqua says that would be deemed demeaning by the trannylators, prompting them to replace it with some neutered line. See FE Engage.

>> No.42989205

Delusional. Westerns can barely stomach jrpgs let alone power point presentations.

>> No.42989396

Even now, only VNs from well-known manufacturers are localized because they are not profitable.
VNs that are declining even in Japan will not be reckless enough to expand overseas.
Furthermore, it is safe to say that the work will be different due to Western censorship issues.

>> No.42989589

>Even now, only VNs from well-known manufacturers are localized because they are not profitable.
This is simply not true. Skim through the Switch eshop to see countless random VNs in english.

>> No.42989690

If they were to get it released in English it would become a huge hassle with which company to go with since there's tons of fags that will attempt to edit the game for a more "general" audience or will try to force their woke bullshit translations and brag of it on twitter.

>> No.42989844

>Fate VNs and Tsukihime still not officially released in the west when all of the other Fateshit keeps getting brought over and not the VN
lmao even

>> No.42989925

lmao seethe fatefag

>> No.42990456

You have to understand anon, if they implemented everything Marine demanded than it would have gotten a much higher rating.

>> No.42990513

This, far better to just wait for the one autist currently working on a full english patch to make it.

>> No.42990833
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>Fate VNs and Tsukihime still not officially released in the west w
That's because they're shit, kino gets translated instead

>> No.42990877

However, it is limited to well-known VNs.
It should also be noted that the definition of VN differs between Japan and other countries. Adventure games that are not classified as VNs in Japan may be called VNs overseas.

>> No.42994983

why pay to retranslate two games that have functional fan patches when you could translate games that haven't been brought over

>> No.42995329

Holy based

>> No.42995740
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Once again my theory that Cover hates money is supported by another piece of evidence.

>> No.42998369

Didn't u always shit post " EN is mistake" Retard?

>> No.42999629

If I can't fuck Aqua big fats tits I don't care about this game.

>> No.42999828

garbage VN if FBK and Marine were the mains I would care

>> No.42999918

Yeah and that's stupid. Fate would sell plenty if they put it up on Steam.

>> No.43000068
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Retard take, that's a fighting game there's no reason to not release those world wide, VN are mostly a JP only genre and it's full of cliché's and typical JP humor and meme's that is just not approachable to the West

>> No.43000394

That's pretty much exclusively porn, with a side of lewdbait.
>but it's on the switch
Most of it is just porn with the porn removed (but available as a patch for the steam release)

>> No.43003464

EOP subhumans get what they deserve: Absolutely nothing. You are not the target audience. You are not relevant.

>> No.43004266

>that's a fighting game there's no reason to not release those world wide
they almost never sent TvC in 2008 though

>> No.43011304
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RTA Shukko with Maid Marine!

My plan had backfired, my teasing had initially caught Marine by surprise but now...now she had recovered and I suddenly found my throat parched and a longing desire welling up. Marine stared back at me, waiting for my answer with a mischievous glint in her eye and perhaps a desire I had never seen before. Her remark about her underwear had my eyes flicker one last time to her inviting cleavage and the long expanse of her stockinged leg before matching gazes with her once more. I knew Fubuki would be waiting for us downstairs but the last of my resistance crumbled before this salacious display laid before me.

I gave the merest of nods, “Let’s do it Marine, I’m too worked up now to present myself before my sister anyways”. Marine’s cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of red as she glanced over at the alarm, “Fubuki is used to you being a heavy sleeper so we should have enough time…for this”. In unison we pulled aside the covers and sheets, leaving them crumpled on the edge of the bed. Marine’s earnestness showed itself as I had barely lifted my hips before her hands found the waist of my pajama bottoms and pulled them down to the middle of my thighs. Overwhelmed by the moment, I laid back and watched passively as Marine shifted on the bed as she reached underneath her dress and drew her panties down her legs. Falling back onto the bed with her stocking feet thrust out in the air towards me, she pulled her panties off and stopped to examine them with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Watching in awe, I felt a familiar sensation beginning to boil in my loins as my arousal grew like a roaring inferno. In spite of my surging sensations, I found myself paralyzed and only capable of being a mere observer as I beheld this perfect manifestation of eroticism before me. Laying her panties on the bed beside her, Marine locked eyes once more as she proceeded to crawl towards and atop of me. As her figure slithered up and against me, my erection buzzed with excitement as her belly and dress fabric rubbed up against it. Sitting up Marine moaned as she clenched her legs around my waist, her stocking thigh trapping my cock underneath and causing the sensations within to reach a feverous pitch. In the back of my mind, a warning sign started too flicker, ‘too much, too soon’, but I was too foregone to pay it much mind and Marine was in full control of the tempo.

“Master, let us mark this special morning as a new beginning between us. We will need to figure things out later but for now let us savor one another.” Marine’s fingers scraped across my stomach and made their way to where her crotch had melded with me, searching eagerly for my throbbing cock. As Marine’s gloved hand found and extracted me from underneath her thigh, a pleasurable, pulsating pain shot through me as a low moan burst forth. Marine softly chuckled as she casually stroked me a few times, spreading the fluid seeping out of me.

“Marine please hurry…I’m too-ngh!” My vision flashed white and my body shuddered as I felt the initial sensations. Boom, I was too late. Boom, it was too soon. All I could manage at this stage was to just enjoy what remained of the ride. Just as Marine finished the last of her practice strokes and started to aim me towards her crotch, my cock erupted and warm cum splattered all over her thighs, stocking tops and hand. Marine let out a surprised squeal as she let my adoration for her discharge in a futile display of virility. As the last orgasmic sensations settled, I finally dared to look at Marine and find her looking back blissfully with a trace of disappointment mixed in. Wiping off the excess from her gloves onto my chest, Marine got up off of me and to the side of the bed. Carefully removing her gloves and stockings without letting any cum drip to the floor, she threw them back towards me. “Here you go Master, a trophy to mark your sexual awakening. I will need to get freshened up but I think I should still have some time before Fubuki is ready given how…early you were.”

Ashamed of my performance, I shifted my gaze down towards my chest. “I’m sorry Marine, it was all too fast and wonderful…I got so overwhelmed.” I felt a gentle hand begin to pat my head soothingly, “Don’t worry Master, you were just too excited to Shukko with your dear Marine”. She glanced back at my alarm once more, “If there is a silver lining, there is more than enough time to get up and downstairs for breakfast before your sister becomes suspicious.” Marine made her way out of my room, turning her head and giving me a wink and hip shake before exiting and closing the door behind her.

>> No.43013251

Friendly reminder someone made a fanmade CG of the game but as an eroge.
I imported it, shit's fucking golden and I'm tempted on trying to out it in the same box for the game.

>> No.43017464

>still no english release

>> No.43021064

Just have to learn Japanese

>> No.43021232

They're doing well by containing that trash to japan.
Did ChatGPT write this?

>> No.43021703

Wasn't the Tsukihime remake already confirmed for getting an official English translation at some point?
And Mahoyo just got released in the West and it's doing really well. Considering the huge amounts of Hololive fans in the west, NA specifically, even a small VN like this should do well enough.

>> No.43021954


>> No.43022018
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