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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42869263 No.42869263 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.42869370

Ina might be THE most boring Vtuber of all time.

>> No.42869441

No, that's Kronii.

>> No.42869452


>> No.42869461

I can't believe Ina officially is the new mascot of Hololive

>> No.42869542

>Do nothing for 2-3 months
>Get 8-10k
Why are Holofans so anti-merit?

>> No.42869573

Pretty sure it's Amelia

>> No.42869624

What went wrong...

>> No.42869646

Smaller numbers from the shark than I expected, actually
Maybe 2020fags really are moving on

>> No.42869797

Chumbuds save all their money to buy merch.

>> No.42869893
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>> No.42869979

Gura is more boring than Ina. At least Ina make you laugh sometimes.
Gura sense of humor:

>> No.42870063

I love all of them.
Myth bros are winning.

>> No.42870079

Time and time again, Connor's statement always rings true.

>> No.42870166


>> No.42870265

Gura comes close nowadays. Had to turn off the zatsu after she spent an hour straight talking about food and her cleaning habits.

>> No.42870303

Turns out ghosting your fans for weeks and months at a time leads to people getting sick of the bullshit and leaving

>> No.42870331

God i hate chumsharts with a passion

>> No.42870631


>> No.42870665

fr fr
Ina is chill and sometimes boring, but she is 10x more real than whatever persona Gura puts on during streams.

>> No.42871606
File: 35 KB, 447x447, 1658416172837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe cumshart

>> No.42871723

no normalfags

>> No.42871846

Takos are more parasocial?

>> No.42871933

>still seething

>> No.42871941

Many people thought that Ina was going to announce her graduation and she has been slowly burning out since early 2022. After her return Ina does seem happier so her issues with her default outfit might finally be resolved later this year. While Gura might be getting into fights with management she does seem to like being Gura and Cover was unlikely to fire her since that would damage the holoEN brand.

>> No.42871965

Also older, and more likely to be employed full time.

>> No.42872031

why do you fuckers always post responses that are sp fucking reddit/twitter

>> No.42872102

Older? They put her in Times Square, which is an infantile idea

>> No.42872109

Ame is not boring! You are!

>> No.42872411

It easy, people love holo and connor is shit.

>> No.42872551

>has publicly said that corpo vtubers are grifters in cute and colorful clothing
>still close with Vwhorejo
How does the Welshman do it?

>> No.42872558

>442,000K live viewers

>> No.42872597

Ah yes teacucks falseflagging as takos again

>> No.42872698

>leddit twitter boogeyman
i accept your concession

>> No.42872783

She hit 49k dummy.

>> No.42872844

>i accept your concession
nta but this is the new concession

>> No.42873006

>Ghost fans for 2 months for ????
>Go to Japan barely tell anyone not even genmates or JP
>still don't stream or offcollab
>make a late ass i'll be back for V-day tweet get your wallets ready 0_~


>Legit 4+ month hiatus
>Go to Japan tell everyone, hug everyone off colalb
>doesn't shill Valentine's day for easy money
>come home ACTUALLY stream to make up for lost time and please fans


>> No.42873271

2 more streams before another break
maybe she'll do better next time

>> No.42873333

Queen of dead subs

>> No.42873541

Omg. I love that song. Giga based.

>> No.42873580

But that's in

>> No.42874881

By being a retarded grifter

>> No.42876440
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For the retards
>Gura Comeback CCV
>Ina Comeback CCV

>> No.42876806

I like how all the poorfag chumbuds were talking about how they'd donate a bunch to her every time someone in these threads called them ATMs or whatever other insult and it resulted in fucking nothing lmao. Don't think there was even a single rainbow during that stream.

>> No.42876861

Ina is giving us almost daily updates on her JP adventures in her membership posts. She's been giving 110% and laying on the love ever since her return.

>> No.42876882

I didn't superchat, but I spent $5 in both streams to renew my membership. (I always turn off auto-renew so I can manually renew it when I feel like it.)

>> No.42876939
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Those are small numbers for welcome back streams

>> No.42877348

imagine caring about sc numbers in 2023

>> No.42877367
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You don't need those meager SCs when you're the greatest merch seller machine of all time
Gura even beats Attack on Titan and Spy x Family

>> No.42878140

Turns out you can't send superchats on food stamps

>> No.42878201

Isn't that big enough for Gura? I mean most people won't donate to the biggest one. Just like Pewdiepie, nobody superchats him.

>> No.42878519

4 million subscribers and biggest vtuber ever
Gaming streams are getting more than this return stream

>> No.42878823

Fauna easily wins that award

>> No.42878839

Ina is very boring. I have no idea how she gets the numbers she does. Probably her design

>> No.42879159

No one wants to acknowledge this as the truth anon.

>> No.42879464

>people enjoy streamer
>people watch streamer
Imagine not understanding something this simple.

>> No.42879474
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>4.27m subs vs 1.5m subs
the absolute state

>> No.42879557

It's 440k views and views is different to CCV
Retarded Samefagging ESL can't even math LMAO

>> No.42879640

he's plain retarded wrong. Even Holo still have shitter like Roboco and Anya

>> No.42879678

She is. Cuckodachis can only deflect.

>> No.42879809

Superchat is nothing compared to actual money from real vtuber jobs from Cover and sponsorships. CCV and subs are way more important than donation.

>> No.42879828

This thread screams insecurity, we’re back in the golden age if /vt/ is seething this hard Kek

>> No.42879911

How? She is so fucking annoying.
I hate en so much

>> No.42880248

How many thread about Gura today?

>> No.42880415

At least 30

>> No.42880433

Why yes Gura doesn't have to say a word and we understand that whaling for Homostars is stupid

Valentines Member stream soon
Daki soon
2023 BD merch soon

>> No.42880502

Feels good, the seethe is delicious

>> No.42880749

>purposefully hiding the fact that Gura was on a medical break too

>> No.42881386

Gura made this thread.
She tries to get more CCV and superchats to top Ina's.

>> No.42881643

The numbers are clearly edited.

>> No.42882135

The forced feet meme is too much zoomer brain rot for me. I don't get how people here love her so much when she is PEAK ironic weeb.

>> No.42882275

Yeah, her doctor diagnosed her with "Lazy cunt" syndrome. Poor poor darling guwa has the sad medical huuwties.

>> No.42882381

so what happened? did she come back to collect her piggybanks monthly money and leave again?

>> No.42882413

unironically cunny
let's face it, she wouldn't be as big as she is now if she had kiara's model for example
the "uwu random xd" spiel just wouldn't work as well

>> No.42883584

Actually it had something to do with sudden fainting and the only way she can do her job again is by wearing a silly helmet all day.

>> No.42883827

the least believable excuse in existence
of all the reasons she could come up with, it's this one

>> No.42884734

Gura has lost all of her charm. The only thing she has going is that she hasn't collabed with male.

>> No.42884737
File: 1.41 MB, 1645x2618, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_opossumachine__5b512fdec254ed6d2a523651c644232a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she got abducted by ayys and was forced to sign an NDA by the feds.? Did you ever think of that huh, smart guy? Just look around it's happening. The helmet was an obvious way to tell us.

>> No.42884815

Oh, they stream to 15 viewers or less?

>> No.42885448


>> No.42885521

are you done shitting yourself?

>> No.42885709
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Gura doesn't need to whore herself for superchats.

>> No.42885727


You're enabling the Pedo-chumbies, the funnier thing is the Elephant in the Room everyone forgot to mention apart from most of EN being Social Rejects/Grifters to an extent

>> No.42885813
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>> No.42885814


>Forgetting the co-worker orgies because Female Nature

shiggy' dig

>> No.42885912
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Why are nijinigs trying to pit hololive fanbases against each other again?

>> No.42886434

Why is Ina doing a 1930s German greeting?

>> No.42887391

Shes comparing her height to guras via the illustration of the hand over sharks head.
Hope that clears up your inaccurate observation.

>> No.42887795

Might be? takokeks "chill" is the biggest reddit cope, they put on her stream as background NOISE HAHAHAHA

>> No.42888446

at the jeweler

>> No.42889402
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That's funny cause most people like Gura just for her design and nothing more. Most people out of that 4mil don't even watch her. I had this conversation with some indie chuuba not so long ago:
>mentioned that Gura doesn't stream
>"How could you say that?"
>"last stream 2 months ago"
>"Really? Well I don't watch her so I don't know for sure.. But she deserves the praise!"

She's literally a mascot and normies doesn't even know that she exist as the real human.

>> No.42891530

This but with Gura

>> No.42893397

I love it when /vt/ seethes over Ina, high CCV, almost completely seiso, mostly free of male collabs, yet she's somehow too 'boring'. Well cope - if /vt/ irrationally hates her, it may as well be an endorsement to know she has a low schizo percentage watching

>> No.42893486

>i had this conversation with-
Sure you did, seething 2view

>> No.42893560

That’s his point though. Even people like Anya who have absolutely no merit as a streamer can be carried to success by the branding.

>> No.42893605

Don't do my girls Roboco and Anya dirty, they're mid-tier and their designs are kawaii af

>> No.42893613

>VOD has almost 600k views in 10 hours
>not on trending
As if I needed more proof that holoEN got deliberately fucked out of appearing anywhere on Youtube spotlights, but still

>> No.42893873

Dogwhistling that she's /ourgirl/

>> No.42894768

>a month old VOD vs a live stream
>oh wow, i wonder why the older video has more views than the one that just started
>oh wow, i wonder why a finished stream has more accumulated sc money than the one that just started

why is /vt/ always falling for the same bait?

>> No.42894975

stop posting facts on /vt/, we don´t do that around here

>> No.42895410

If you do that over their respective sub counts, Ina got 207% more viewers than Gura.

>> No.42895792

this is the way

>> No.42895907

>i have to do mental gymnastics to justify my claim that Ina gets more viewers

and guess what, i saw livestream with one sub and 3 people watched. that person has 8000000000000% more viewers than Gura if you compare ccv to subs
this is such a retarded take, holy shit

>> No.42896002

What is about her outfit that she hates so much? She isn't the sexiest and she literally chose to accept becoming Inanis Ina

>> No.42896010

by this metric i am more successful than pewdiepie
time to quit my job and do youtube fulltime

>> No.42896182

People donate after the stream is over? You can do that? Why?

>> No.42896403

no idea why youtube is like this, but accurate numbers only come in after a few days, maybe something about payment method?
see for yourself and make screenshots on playboard and then look at the same streams a week later

>> No.42896407
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did i hit a nerve?

>> No.42896436

Lol, now post the updated vod views. Gura's is now at 545K in 12 hours. Obliterating what Ina collected in a month.

>> No.42896558

They are on the same team.

>> No.42896590

she got a japanese boyfriend. it's over.

>> No.42896641

I genuinely have no idea why people talk about her so much

>> No.42896724

It doesn't matter. Cover is going to spend all that money on HomoEN. It's fucking bullshit. 17 months since the last girl gen and Cover releases 2 groups of males within 6 months. Yagoo is a faggot

>> No.42896806

Why do you need new girls? What's wrong with the ones we have?

>> No.42896821

If you pay attention, most vtubers just talk about food 80% of the time. They literally dont have anything else to talk about.

>> No.42896891
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How did you retards even fall for this niji deflect bait thread

>> No.42896969

17 months. I need an EN hag who plays retro games.

>> No.42896988

Honestly fair.

>> No.42897079

I mean act like a retard get called out for being a retard. The ccv to subs thing was always a massive cope

>> No.42897498

Trying to handwave the fact that one has over twice the number of subs ignoring her existence than the other by playing the retard card, now THAT's a cope.

>> No.42897669

she's boring but the most boring is a long stretch

>> No.42897672

Still coping about the subs?

>> No.42898616

I want a chuuba to play a retro game like Skyrim or GTA IV
