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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 252 KB, 1080x1037, Oh nonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42813455 No.42813455 [Reply] [Original]

Oh nonono

>> No.42813561

What did he sing? Disney songs?

>> No.42813620

I thought you guys said Vesper was one of the smarter Holostars?

>> No.42813640

the most socially anxious

>> No.42813651

he did not sing anything yet, the karaoke is going to happen soon on his birthday

>> No.42813684

>literal yab machine

>> No.42813691

Not like this sisters...

>> No.42813718

Wait what’s the yab here

>> No.42813729
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1612038908295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand.
I used to have literal nightmares about singing on stage.

>> No.42813766

Kronii will suck his dick to cheer him up

>> No.42813770

Management has really been up his arse since the xcom thing huh

>> No.42813860

>implying she needs a reason to start sucking dick

>> No.42813862

The worst moment of my life was one of those very situations. I still get flashbacks fifteen years later. An on-stage freeze up during a show for all of your peers.

>> No.42814396

I wonder how Vesper's interview with Cover would have gone if he actually told the truth
>"So we like what we see so far, how do you feel about collabs?"
>>"Yeah I can do those, good fun. Takes about a month to recharge my social battery though"
>"I'm sorry... a MONTH to recuperate from collabing??"
>>"My bad, I think a good 2 months is what I need. Cant force it, y'know."
^^ 2 months are his own words btw from his latest zatsu. Fucking ridiculous. I swear he didnt disclose this shit in the interview.

>> No.42814447

Didn't seem that notable until he just straight up said he will not do another karaoke for at least several months. That's kind of an oof.

>> No.42814499

he wasnt like this when he first started though? he did collabs pretty often

>> No.42814630

>couple of months
>get courage and mental energy
the fuck is wrong with this faggot? couple of months? The dude next to me would literally kill himself if you laughed behind his back and i bet he would be ready to do shit like that in a few weeks at most.
this faggot is unironically the reason why people tell mentally ill to man up. And he should man the fuck up.
t. someone writing this from a psych ward

>> No.42814740

the best part is
>lived with at least 2 roommates
>party animal
>went to pubs daily
>non stop social interaction stories

but needs 2 months to recharge his battery? cool

>> No.42814757

i have social anxiety to an extreme, im literally afraid of physical intimacy, but this guy's self loathing and shit is so fucking annoying that i'd be someone to call him a pussy who needs to get a grip

>> No.42814813

>I can't rebroadcast this particular unarchived karaoke
>It's a yab
You guys were on a roll with the Nijiyabs and Altare = Omega rrats and you blew it with this one. Absolutely disappointed.

>> No.42815008

It's almost like he lies about himself a lot. Good opsec, bad for trust.

>> No.42815056

He just doesn't want or can't to collab with the tranny that is Altare and isn't allowed to say it

>> No.42815080

vox deflection thread

>> No.42815148

>the mental energy and courage
Bro it's karaoke, not a concert. Drunk/bad singing is the whole point, it's part of the fun.

>> No.42815192

Weird, didn't seem like a problem when he was doing multiple weekly collabs in the first few months after debut

>> No.42815261

vox inflection post

>> No.42815301

My guess, something traumatic happened to him the last 10 or years

>> No.42815572

>literal schizo
One day you or someone else will get your whole asylum rangebanned from 4chan. Only a matter of time.

>> No.42815630

Probably is, since that's a no issue

>> No.42815653


does the rrat of him arguing with altare hold weight

>> No.42815656

Vesper is a drama queen, and he invites the drama there I said it and I won't take it back.

>> No.42815679

maybe that collab spam burned him out?

>> No.42815720

>people think this is drama worthy

>> No.42815725

Is this the worst nijifags have? "Look at that holo his karaoke is unarchived" fucking kek.

>> No.42815733

youre not wrong, the guy has the mental levels of a teenage girl on tumblr, and he's the elder of the entire branch
i dont wanna hear people shit talk any zoomers in tempus, they have a sense of camaraderie and arent bordering on a mental breakdown every second

>> No.42815844

Isn't he attending Ollie's APEX collab?

>> No.42816291

Yes, it will be his first collab after dodging his genmates for months

>> No.42816418

Holy shit, is he like, related to Mori?

>> No.42816495

i hate collabs. i don't watch vesper but...based

>> No.42816654

Dude was able to lie enough about himself to get into Hololive and now gets to farm pity donations.

>> No.42817025

>this is what qualifies as a yab these days
I hate the drama-starved teens we get wandering in here.

>> No.42817102

it's weird. if they want drama they should go to nijisanji en.

>> No.42817175

As other anons pointed out, it wasn't a problem early on. I 100% believe the theory that Vesper is fighting with Altare. That all the social battery and going off meds stuff is a lie so the wider audience doesn't ask why he's missing every important collab that involves Altare.

>> No.42817220

What the fuck is going on with this thread? With /vt/ in general?

He can’t rebroadcast an unarchived karaoke (something only a few EN girls do, for special ones) because of permission issues. That’s it.

>oh how hard could a karaoke be
He said he’s going to try again. That’s better than some talents that don’t even fucking do karaokes.

>> No.42817370

Blue troon is clearly punishing him.

>> No.42817518

Isn't this a GOOD DEAL? he already said he was going to do a karaoke once per year, but to make up for other fans he's going to do another karaoke. And It's unarchived karaoke so chances of not being rebroadcast is already very high. So what's with the OH NO?

>> No.42817772

He has the chance to thirst over women in that collab anon, his anxiety "miraculously" heals as a result.

>> No.42818432

hey anon, i am gonna level with you here. i used to be just like that. i used to have roommates because i had no choice, i would hole up in my own room 24/7 and only interact with them when i felt they were getting too weirded out by my anti-social behaviour. because it was expected of me, i went to parties almost every week and because i was fortunate enough to be entertaining with my autism, people still interacted with me there. this was maybe 10+ years ago.

nowadays, i live by myself, i don't party, and i get exhausted doing social activities at a much faster level than when i was younger. when you are younger you just have more leftover energy in general, that all dies when you hit 25, for some more than others. i can no longer live the same way because it drains the fuck out of me.

sorry for the blogpost, but tldr; young = more energy, old = tired and worn

>> No.42818477

his dad literally stabbed him and hes had a lot of trauma, as he has said in members and chatting


>> No.42818708

How did he even get in in the first place if thats the case. I imagine there were tons of applicants for tempus. What made him special that he got picked

>> No.42819484

ok mong, let me spell it out for you since you didn't read the thread.
Nobody is saying doing another karaoke is a bad thing, i'll admit its great for his fans, but his constant complaining about "mental energy" and "social battery" is borderline psychotic at this point. I won't comment on other collabs, but saying that you need several months to recuperate from singing is such fucking bullshit. He is starting to sound like those 2010's tumblerinas with made up and exaggerated mental issues, just waiting for the "literally shaking" tweet when someone looks at him in public.

>> No.42819521

lying on the internet

>> No.42819561

people like cute shy girls so why not cute shy old guys

Well, I think he's cute.

>> No.42819578

He's fine when he wants to leech off the girls. There are people with actual mental issues, this fag is just lying.

>> No.42819619

>Girls will be there

>> No.42819733

its just a fucking karaoke stream... he's a bad singer so what?

>> No.42819903

just to point out one thing so that people don't get swayed. Depression meds aren't a magical pill that makes the world all the brighter and all sunshine and rainbows. It usually takes 2 weeks for them to kick in and even then, the change is slow and requires a lot of work. Anxiety meds are things like xanax. You pop one and mellow the fuck out. Don't get the 2 mixed up.

>> No.42819914

Is Altare actually Omega? What the fuck why does that schizo tier rrat keep making sense?

>> No.42820007

he is really bad

>> No.42820076

Is it intentional that "Vesties" sounds like slang for transvestites?

>> No.42820083

>h-he's not shit, he has SOVL
they're in denial that it's shit, sugarcoating it will help them cope albeit a little

>> No.42820372

so wait, he can't sing, can't draw, gaming skills well below average. How the fuck did he get hired? Aren't there like, standards?

>> No.42820415

He's old and cute.

>> No.42820443

Zatsu king
There's a reason he's #1 Holostar

>> No.42820462

this dude is a joke and a true disgrace to this community. at this point, graduation would be the lesser evil thing to do.

>> No.42820502

these people are fucking retarded

>> No.42820546

So he legit needs a "few months" to "work up mental energy" for an unarchived karaoke!?

What in the actual fuck, how much of a snowflake fragile 14yo girl is he mentally?!

>> No.42820575

>perms for karaoke that is unarchived
The fuck?

It is extremely obvious he pissed off jap management so they're trying to freeze him out of the game like they did to Coco.

>> No.42820603

Management doesn't care about collabs though what kind of actual schizo shit is this? All that matters is that they stream, which he does.

>> No.42820634

>/vt/ has actual mental patients from indonesia
At last it all makes sense.

>> No.42820692

It probably doesn't apply here but I also imagine it'd be kind of weird for a guy in his late 20s/30s to show up unannounced to a frat party full of vaping underage 18 year olds, even if I was friends with all the frat guys back then. I don't agree with people being like "over 25 is really old bro" memes because that's retarded, but obviously the time and place to party changes venue once you aren't a college retard anymore.

>> No.42820770

I don’t believe this can’t rebroadcast shit.

>> No.42820783

And the yab is?
>Vox doxx deflection thread
Makes sense

>> No.42820836

I had roommates I never saw because they stayed locked in the room.
And seemed like he could only be sociable when drunk.

>> No.42820921

Roundabout way of calling his manager an incompetent nigger.

>> No.42821391

>rebroadcast drama
you people are seriously bored kek

>> No.42821445

that too, i've been invited to parties held by zoomers and i am 32, and there's no fucking way i am going to go, we just do not have anything in common and i am way too old at this point. i understand and know my own boundaries and comfort zones now, so i don't feel like doing shit i don't actually want to anymore. and i am guessing it's the same for vesper.

>> No.42822131
File: 42 KB, 822x802, 1646022588517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is clearly going on behind the curtain.
Management, Altare, Vesper is clearly not able to give his best for some reason.

>> No.42822346

They may not agree on the cause.

>> No.42822415

we need a "final solution"

>> No.42822489

Probably, but not this one.
This was just a timezone thing since it was sheduled when he was in jp so he misstake the time.

>> No.42822493

ngl, oldfag here, this shit is real and relatable
sometimes you really can't keep up and relate anymore. your energy and time is limited so you don't party/socialize as much anymore

then everyone else your age starts having families and jobs (hopefully you do too, anons) and they just kinda drift apart

>> No.42822541

>Aren't there like, standards?
holo's standards to get in is based on the fame they got on their PL
there's barely any quality control, why bother?

>> No.42824204

>trying to trap other people in the legal and financial drain of marriage
Naw dawg I think not.

>> No.42824999

Great observation

>> No.42825180

where the fuck have you been nigga? since the didney and eurobeat cull, irys and co were the first ones to confirm about the new karaoke perms
there's a reason why every single unarchived karaoke has the same stupid songs now

>> No.42825430
File: 145 KB, 305x298, 1659426643802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stars having families and jobs (hopefully you do too, anons)
one day i hope

>> No.42825747

not even the worst and stars and better than oga before he got his idol training arc finished

>> No.42826067

Did he really say it was his dad though. I heard that he said in a Twitter Space that it was a family member but didn't specify who. Do you have a timestamp?

>> No.42826148

Yes, something traumatic enough to make him do therapy for years and take anxiety meds.

>> No.42826185

He got all those "life stories" from the Visual Novels he reads.

>> No.42826462
File: 71 KB, 640x640, nao_tomori_cosplay_1510377409_a08560d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, seriously Fuck Vesper, just graduate already you useless old retard.
Yeah he really hyped up being a super impulsive weird dude who could collab just fine before he went psycho on Manager-san for Xcom perms.
It's truly possible. He's just making it worse the longer he stays away. Even Axel joined in on various collabs, tho obviously not as much as Altare and especially Magni.VG boys have been putting in overtime and everyone seems to get along. But Vesper is the real outlier.
I bet he'll retire before he hits his 1 year anniversary, just like Sana.

>> No.42826702

Unarchived no longer means "sing whatever you want", you need perms to sing anything. The reason it's unarchived is because western music companies are somehow worse than japanese ones and will strike your archive even if you have permissions. They can clear it out because Cover always works with written permission, but it's not worth the trouble of doing it so frequently. Best to save that for individual cases of game companies issuing strikes and just unarchive western music karaoke.

>> No.42826799

I wouldn't call this a "yab" but it is fucking weird to say it's going to take him "a few months" to do another karaoke because that's how long it'll take to work up the mental energy.

I get he likes doing solo stuff but completely avoiding every single collab within tempus for the past 2 months is bizarre especially avoiding the new boys completely.

>> No.42827329

rrat time, but I think he's avoiding doing Tempus collabs because it'll be obvious how much he hates Altare if he does them, because then we'll notice that he actively avoids Altare specifically.

>> No.42827530

In less than 6 months he was the most profitable Holostar last year. It was a risky choice, but it was worth it.

>> No.42831184

What about unarchived karaokes on Twitch?

>> No.42832233

>Karaoke Performance – Singing or performing with a karaoke recording unless you own or are licensed to share that music on Twitch.
in practice DMCA never seems to happen
>Despite this, I keep seeing a LOT of big streamers, especially VTubers, ignoring this and having huge 7k+ viewer karaoke streams with seemingly no repercussions, at least none in the last 10 months.
>I do karaoke streams about once a week. I bought a bunch of karaoke games for PS2, Wii, and Switch after Twitch Sings died and use those. Make sure to set your category to the particular game. I’ve had some audio muted in VOD for a Beatles song but never received a copyright strike.

>> No.42832987

people change. I was a social animal in highschool too, then something broke in me and I went entire weeks without opening my mouth for any reason other than eating in college. I have not spoken to anybody outside of my family in almost a year. My WFH is entirely over text.

>> No.42833130

A.I.D.S. by M.O.D.

>> No.42833222

Vesper Noir is the George Santos of vtubing

>> No.42836491

I think vesties are annoying and his Japan arc was... something, but this is hardly yab material. The old geezer seems to have real anxiety about his singing for whatever reason and it is odd that he can't seem to suck it up enough to do a normal collab but his fans don't care about that to begin with.

>> No.42836663

He's still doing the karaoke, but he can't rebroadcast it like other members have done presumably because he's on management's shitlist

>> No.42836892
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The honest truth is this old number fag is scared shitless of being mogged by Gura. Because Gura loves to shit over every big event the homos stream when she's present just because she can because she's a based shork. Seethe troons

>> No.42836894

Im confused, can't they just sing whatever and basically delete the VOD? I understand they'd get killed immediately if they were to reupload it, but whats the problem with streaming and then deleting it?

>> No.42836989

he want us to forget his birthday doesnt exist

>> No.42837610

I think it's cause they can get copyright claimed live now, but don't quote me on that

>> No.42839538

Why the fuck do fans keep begging for brainless karaoke when there are a multitude of games to play

>> No.42839787

Vesper reminds me of ben simmons.
Ben Simmons is an Australian basketball player that finesed the Philadelphia organization out of 30 million dollars by sitting out a whole year because of mental "illness".

>> No.42839869

If thats true then that sucks... No one sings Disney anymore then?

>> No.42839914

nope, it's always a no-no for big corpo chuubas

>> No.42839960
File: 96 KB, 1578x453, C73F0639-1D3C-4EB1-AC40-0D71AFF48CCB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods keep taking this down, for some reason, this rrat in particular is too much for them , if they took down every rrat that might be one thing… but they only take down this one which is incredibly suspicious

>> No.42840020

Explain Axel then, he was a literal 0-1 view

>> No.42840037

Vesper collab with your own branch
>can't muh social battery issues
Vesper play better games
>can't muh autism and social battery. you know how it goes!
Vesper will you please put the spear down and take out the fucking garbage!
>can't muh social battery! how dare you make me go outside fuck you, mom!
Vesper I heard Cali and Kronii are interested in a collab

>> No.42840166

i don't know about his PL but it's not like there's a lot of great candidates for males to begin with and i think they just want to see experience that you can even create content and know how to work OBS to begin with

>> No.42840607

well shit, this is making me reconsider applying

>> No.42840687

Stop collab begging.

>> No.42840762

Gura truly looks disgusting

>> No.42840801

He simply has more fun with the girls just like kronii has more fun with the boys

>> No.42841796

shame his dad didn't finish the job

>> No.42842305

No one watches holopro for video games that arent western f2p live service microtransaction trash.

>> No.42842722

No, its a play on word with "Besties"

>> No.42842922

I think he is just really insecure about singing.

>> No.42843136

Where did you any collab begging there? There's nothing but facts written there. The old fag always has the same excuse for everything else except when it comes to women.

>> No.42847571

None of that was true in his PL Though. He did them all the time.

>> No.42847769
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Charming, old, cute, and a fucking dweeb.

Reminder that all the standards and "qualifications" you hear about on this board are nonsense that people simply assume and retards just believe even though 98% of this board has little to no inside knowledge.

>> No.42847940

Incredibly based and people make up shit about him to make him seem cringe?

>> No.42848023

The biggest streamers in the world are male, the only trick is they're largely happy as facecam streamers because they're not relying on looks

>> No.42848082

Why don’t they fire his ass then

>> No.42848491

Wait so you guys want them to collab more with the girls now is what you're saying?

>> No.42848564

I mean his company COULD do their job and actually seek correct permissions from musicians instead of being retards who rather have streams about nothing that get out-watched by the literal AI Seinfeld show.

And if that fails, he could just sing public domain songs, there are thousands out there. Here's a good one now:

>> No.42848674

I think that's part of why. Vox was one of the bigger males to become a Vtuber and shtick was slowly dying since all he did was Undertale stuff, and his options to extend his longevity as a content creator were either ASMR channel or corporate tuber ASMR channel. You'd have to find a male that's not successful enough to just keep going on their own, has an interest in joining in the first place, and who is willing to basically abandon their old persona.

>> No.42849109
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, popular streamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also don't have to follow the streamer laws of a backwards, retarded country ran by media mobsters (literal mobsters in most cases)
Which means they can outright take content and re-stream it for huge number boosts and claim it's all OK because they put their picture in the corner. Popular videos, music, even entire movies they can stream to thousands of people but it's fine because there's their picture. It's transformative, you see.

That's why they can't compete like normal streamers. Picture being told to compete with this guy restreaming a 1M+ view video but you can only compete with stone-age tools.

>> No.42850596

He’s exclusively talking about tempus retard

>> No.42851158

By your own rrat Omega can't be Altare. Altare quit FFXIV during midway of Stormblood. His current streams are his first time playing Shadowbringers. Management was trying to push FFXIV because it was during a time where all the big content creators were bandwagoning it. They wanted the numbers Pekora pulled when she streamed it.

Ina is still a current player. Well probably. She did raiding for last tier.

>> No.42851251

Considering trannyjanny overreaction in here the past 72hrs? Resounding yes.

>> No.42851516

It's vesties deflecting since their oshi is a menhera. Altare has been on a pretty big Holostars unity push and the fact that no one else in the branch has problems with him shows that Vesper is simply a menhera.

>> No.42854505

>Altare has been on a pretty big Holostars unity push
Fuck that faggot.

>> No.42855001

Just curious when did they stop being able to sing disney songs? Don't need an exact date

>> No.42855055

meant for >>42825180

>> No.42859070

This guy just keeps disappointing me. When you do go ask /mans/ if this faggot will ever collab they’d call you a baiter. Lol. They’re just as disappointing as their oshii. ‘I don’t feel like it’ is such a faggot/feminine speak. Do these faggots think that the rest of tempus always feel like collabing? No, they probably don’t but I don’t see the other members complaining about social anxiety or burn out. You raise this shit in /mans/ and they’d call you a dramafag. Fucking trannies.

>> No.42863267

he is cocoed it's too obvious at this point
