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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 149 KB, 739x415, guraespanol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42387043 No.42387043 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive ES when?

>> No.42387325

as soon as one of the girls panders to latinx and gets a taste of that cartel money

>> No.42387426

When Nijisanji gets an ES branch Hololive will """coincidentally""" get one 6 months later.

>> No.42387525

Canceled in 1 week for doing a racist joke about her country by the white girls of twiiter

>> No.42387544

Once Kyoresu joins

>> No.42387699

both Niji and Holo can't even keep up with their EN branches. Days since last drama:0

>> No.42387746

hopefully never
hispanics are, somehow, more retarded than americans
>t. argie

>> No.42388070
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they should hire jose roberto

>> No.42388085

no gracias

>> No.42388172

Well we've had a spic survive in holostars long enough for memberships to open.
Soooo it's possible.

>> No.42388289

Cover is in business to make money and those countries/people are... you know... poor as shit. ID got lucky because their country is full of weebs and Japan already had strong business ties.

>> No.42388436

Yes but also no.
These countries have extreme income disparity. So those able and willing to drop cash on streamers drop a LOT on streamers.

>> No.42388549

>white girls of twitter
my biggest, the girls that would apply would be whitexican/chicana feminazis from twatter
>>ID got lucky because their country is full of weebs
>he doesn't know

>> No.42388568

You've got Hakka, you've got Reimu and you've got Wactor. That's about all you spics deserve.

>> No.42388590

I can't wait for my future Oshi called Puta Gasolina.

>> No.42388665

Take a good look at Wactor and NijiEN for why that will never happen

>> No.42389480

Once WACTOR shuts down, they will make one

>> No.42390359

HoloEN drama? Which HoloEN drama? Lol.

>> No.42391652

I still remember when Korone said "Buenos dias" and the consequent strems full of spansih comments and stupid memes that she didn't understand.

>> No.42391737

Fucking fake latinas.

>> No.42391859

it's about time Cover Corp succumbs to the evil capitalist expansion and domination over third world countries like every company that goes international.

>> No.42392530

Why? So we can get a bunch of spaniard white girls on the verge of being woke or already are run their god damn mouth in spanish pretending their latina and shit? Fuck that. Put a legit black or brown latina and I'm up for it I accept no imitation.

>> No.42392622

You don't know much about latin america do you retard?

>> No.42392857

Poach ironmouse from vshoujo

>> No.42393749

Ironmouse is too tainted by the western white woman. Need some more Reimu and Nyaru's.

>> No.42393791

Both sudacas and 1 of them is a massive faggot.

>> No.42393886

>Put a legit black or brown latina
Will never happen because brownskins cant go 2 seconds without being unironicaly racist

>> No.42393930

Spaniards are cringe no thanks

>> No.42394273

You sure you're not confusing it with white folks? You're on /vt/ and not see the constant barrages of the n word flying around?

I'm with you. Fuck spaniards.

>> No.42394410

One Mexican, one Colombian, one Argentine, one Brazilian

>> No.42394608 [DELETED] 

>sees "nigger"
>imeddiately assumes its white people saying it
brownskin logic

>> No.42394613

you have one homo faggot already, take it or leave

>> No.42394687

>one Argentine
Majority of people in that area are spaniards then native and even smaller blacks and they're disgustingly racists af if you look at this years past world cup as an example.

>> No.42394944

so what?

>> No.42395178

Pretty sure they won't add any more third worlders after indog branch fiasco

>> No.42395638

no thanks

>> No.42395714

Reimu constantly shit on her culture and gets away with it. Nijisanji EN has more SJW twitter troons watching them. See Enna fried chicken yab.

>> No.42395788

>t. Taco

>> No.42395845

*my biggest fear
my bad

>> No.42396456
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>> No.42396778

>Reimu constantly shit on her culture and gets away with it.
And she should because it's the fucking spaniards ruining the country and making the people poorer and a hell hole like Columbia. When they allow some token native or black man or woman to get on the big seat he or she better be a good slave or the country will be in need of some democracy with US backing like they tried to do with Venezuela and failed but succeeded in other areas like Bolivia, Peru, et al.

Right now they trying to screw what was it? El Salvador or some central american country because it's being ran by a native who gives a shit about the people. Do you even know there are other races becoming leaders in latin america too? A fucking Japanese man became President of Peru and to this very day has stronghold there and some fucking Palestinian is President running Guatemala. You don't see this strange shit elsewhere but there. The people would boil over having some other race ruling over them.

>> No.42396925
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Damn, that sounds like a (You) problem, anon.

>> No.42397050


>> No.42397110
File: 216 KB, 400x400, 20230105_230226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have HoloES anon, why aren't you watching him? Isn't this what you wanted?... PLEASE SOMEONE WATCH HIM I BEG YOU

>> No.42397360
File: 61 KB, 199x223, 1652258890138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive NL when?

>> No.42397400

HoloEuro would be nice.

>> No.42397691
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Sure! I hope nothing happens to m...

>> No.42398144

I gave to agree with the yuro, Kiara isn't enough to cover their timezones and nobody likes to be a vodfag

>> No.42398672

They don't even have the internet. Why would they make it?

>> No.42398796

It'll only work if they hire Japanese girls that can speak Spanish.

>> No.42398852

PeruANO here
That Japanese who became president of Peru was named ALBERTO Fujimori, Peru is a mess of many cultures living together so don't fucking say that some guy flew from Japan and became president, he was born here, that fucking dude took the commie terrorists and fucked them raw in the ass so hard they stopped blowing up electrical centers, putting bombs on cars and killing cops with AK-47s in the streets. Then the fucking congress started accussing him of stuff with no proof along with the already bought media, even when there were many channels showing videos proving that the media condeming Alberto were being fucking bought they fucking dictated life in prison and he fled to Japan.

You sound like a fucking gringo with a savior complex, shut the fuck up.

>> No.42398854

Holostars isnt hololive

>> No.42399547

Fuck you piece of shit. I'm an actual native and black unlike you. You don't see us going to Japan to be prime minister and shit so don't kid yourself boy. He can be born in the middle of the fucking ocean for all I care he's not a native. That asshole is a evil corrupt mf. I don't care at all what spaniards were doing to him. It's a fact he and his family has a stronghold in Peru you mf don't think I don't know what you bitches done recently in Peru.

>> No.42399733

You contradict yourself so fucking much is embarrassing, gringo, next time learn a little bit of history and not from fucking youtube.

>> No.42399809

I volunteer for holostars euro.
My smooth bong voice shall arouse and entice you all

>> No.42399866

Post vocaroo

>> No.42400081

I hope never, Mejinegros y Argensimios ruin everything

>> No.42400088

Do you even know what contradict means stupid fuck? I'm sure a worthless piece of shit such as yourself will excuse this mf who helped sterilize indigenous woman.

>> No.42400136

*Spikes your coke*

>> No.42400157

Gura already is the Holo ES vtuber.

>> No.42400341

sure sure, now please remember to thank that ''corrupt mf'' that your ass can write this much bullshit on the internet without abimael sending his harem after you, keep seething boy ;)

>> No.42400556
File: 66 KB, 183x178, 1663353637195079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoloES chuuba "Juanita Calaverita" debut stream
>"Dude, DBZ, Ranma 1/2 and telenovelas lmao!"
>"Yes I'm 100% mexican. No, I was born and raised in Wyoming but my mom is from Tijuana!"
>"Dude, these facebook memes are so wacky and funny! XD"
>"I looove [male] from [male branch]!"
>"Saquenme de latam amirite? lol!"

>> No.42400609


Yeah it won't. My voice is not good in the slightest. Too high pitched.

>> No.42400697

Got it. An uneducated japanese retard doesn't know what contradict means while calling a native a gringo. It's like the white man in the US calling a mexican an illegal alien when he or she is on their own ancestrial land. It's like you bitches took a page out of their book. Be sure to thank your father the spaniard white man for making it possible you and you demons got to live in Peru in the first place. When people go to Peru they're not thinking about you mf's their thinking about my people and our culture which is far superior than yours.

>> No.42400775
File: 154 KB, 739x415, garwguraespanol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
forgot to put the maracas, is it ok this way?

>> No.42400833

sounds good to me

>> No.42400838

>Complaints about white men

>> No.42400932

Doesn't matter. That mustache though comes from spaniards not actual mexicans but I get you're just doing the meme.

>> No.42400965


>> No.42401127

You'll grab anything to excuse that you're a piece of shit mf who defends a evil corrupt man who tried to commit genocide on my people through my sisters using their womb which is what white folks have been doing to us for generations which is why I made the comment that you people took a page out of their book dumb fuck.

>> No.42401233



>> No.42401505

If you tell me they're anything that the majority aren't white I'll be the one laughing my ass off at how fucking stupid you are.

>> No.42401937

Ok, you're not a gringo, my mistake, you are just a zoomer who never lived the bad days of sendero like I did and watched too many youtube videos on the matter, sigh, I really hoped the american retardation would never get to us.... guess I was wrong.

>> No.42402681

You fucking moron questioning american retardation? How fucking stupid are you? You're on 4chan. And shut your bitch ass up talking like you fucking survived some bad event mf. Try growing up as a black or brown man in the america's you will never know how it's like to live in our shoes. Take your ass back to Japan and let your people know that you support the genocide of indigenous women of Peru through one of their own people whose also very corrupt and wicked.

>> No.42403409

>And shut your bitch ass up talking like you fucking survived some bad event mf. Try growing up as a black or brown man in the america's
You.... you don't even know what Sendero Luminoso was...... ok I applaud you, I fell for a fucking larper, my bad.

>> No.42404441

Bitching about american retardation yet thinks the sendero rebellion is something to magnify as a good thing because it was against communist rule which is very american in thinking while over in Cuba my native cousins there under Castro and after has been doing very well under under a communist party and a socilist government which america is highly against. There's a reason Cuba is known for having great doctors and more. What did that piece of shit do for my people again besides trying to murder us on our own land? Drop dead mf or go back to Japan and leave your women. They'll at least be romanced, loved and fucked better than your men.

>> No.42404804


Here's your preview of what HoloES would be like, gringos.

>> No.42405025

You know some of those comments come from that japanese asshole. And you're an idiot if you think that's how holo es would be like.

>> No.42405204

Not asian, nor white, but come on keep seething and being an embarrassement for peruvian blacks.

>> No.42405576

Do you know how to read retard? Some of those comment come from the japanese asshole not from me. You don't speak for any peruvian native or black fucking bitch thinking they'll ever side with you but once they hear from me on what you actually have said and believe you can be sure you're ass if grass mf.

>> No.42406225

>Being assblasted about white people like a twitter troon
>Thinking sendero was just mild shit and america had it harder
As i said, I ain't japanese nor white, but your seething is just fucking pathetic, zoomer-chama.

>> No.42407566

Don't project your homosexual tendencies on me fucking sick fuck. Don't put words in my mouth that I never said god damn mf and don't make light of actual oppression of blacks and brown you low life and him being around during sendero don't mean a god damn thing to me because if he was back in his homeland him and his family and people wouldn't of had to go through any of that. Last thing boy, if your father isn't native or black you ain't one of us either and should stay out of this as you'd be no better than that eugenic supporter.

>> No.42411831

So awful he killed himself after hearing it

>> No.42412218

There's money to be made anywhere there's a fanbase, a dollar off of poor hispanic weebs is still a dollar

>> No.42414170
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, nyaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyaru of ShirayuriPro

【ASMR】 Bedtime Pillow Zatsu 【Nyaru ShirayuriPro】

>> No.42416359

The best ES Vtubers are the ones who either speak it as a second language or the ones who's first language is spanish and purposefully avoid speaking it most of the time

>> No.42416739

Hololive succeeds where others have failed. Looking forward to HoloES, HoloKR, HoloEU, etc. Open auditions for ID4. Securing that market. While it seems they are neglecting EN, they are actually holding up well on their own, even without Gura. EN3, Gura's return, and upcoming events will make it clear who's dominant. Hints of KR branch here and there. Aniplex collab shows KR's huge support for Hololive. I'd love to see a HoloTW for a big FU. Getting Chinese support without West Taiwan. Their upcoming collab there may be testing the waters. While Stars isn't as successful, it's not a failure. They will keep supporting them with Yagoo personally getting involved. Shows that Hololive doesn't half-ass things. Canceling a HoloFes due to covid is unimaginable ;)

>> No.42416917

You'll get TEMPUS 3 instead and you will watch them to avoid 3view status

>> No.42417004

I do expect a Tempus 3 as wells as EN3. They may go the accel approach with Stars. It's their testing branch.

>> No.42417057
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Comfy thread

>> No.42417356
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Sudaca here
Just dont hire a mexican

>> No.42417435
File: 367 KB, 960x778, 1674178531937800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would kill to join tempus 3

>> No.42417517

Con suerte nunca, los fans latinos son un montón de normies insoportables, peor que cualquier Redditor que jamas hayas visto. Fuck those apes, they should learn some basic english before using a fucking computer.
>t. peruvian

>> No.42417682

Your average peruANO senhoras e senhores

>> No.42417867

Es genial compa

>> No.42418141

Reading this entire thread (specially the anti-Fujimori niggeranon part) just proves my point.

>> No.42419270


>> No.42419418
File: 91 KB, 726x648, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a man who played dota...Your people made me violently racist.

Thankyou for acknowledging my racism.
