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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42377977 No.42377977 [Reply] [Original]

Have you forgave her yet, /vt/?

>> No.42378064

I never watched her but damn did I feel bad for her fans
Did she ever say anything after the fact?

>> No.42378106


>> No.42378136


>> No.42378163

Basically just made a tweet telling people to shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.42378186
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>> No.42378274
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>> No.42378292

She said people that were upset weren’t her real fans.

>> No.42378349

Well hopefully her CCV and super goes straight into the shitter

>> No.42378412

is she the wonton girl?

>> No.42378753

holy ESL

dumb catalogue faggot aside, it's easy to see her streams have the same numbers they previously had and her regular Likers are still in the chat. I'm sure OP will choke on dicks in perpetuity however.

>> No.42379104

What happened?

>> No.42382005

She is an NTRtuber now so this is fine.

>> No.42382484

I'm not a cuck, so no

>> No.42382799
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>> No.42382968

Yeah, what happened?
I mostly stopped watching her because she's doing extreme content for the sake of being extreme. (React content of some sub-human playing with other people's dirty shitty diapers taken from the trash? Really??)
And also because 99% of her on-stream personality is due to her meds, which I don't like.
What big yab did I miss?

>> No.42385261

seriously, what did she do?

>> No.42385426

No. Betrayal is unforgivable.

>> No.42385471

She apologized on steam and said she doesn't blame people for not being mad

>> No.42385916

I fucking hate her trying to force herself into being Pippa 2 for numbers. The 41% clip shows she just does not have an understanding of what she's doing or the culture she's commenting on and it's eventually going to be disastrous for the company. It doesn't even result in good content since she just watches videos. Who actually wants somebody doing remedial lolcow 101 in 2023?

>> No.42386224

Lia did a donathon and was doing a gfe ASMR towards the end only for it to get interrupted by a random male "friend" who called in and flirted with her for 30 minutes. Doubled down on Twitter and said she didn't need fans who complain about that sort of thing. Probably the biggest cuckolding incident i've seen on stream.

>> No.42386405

No, not at all, I'm still disgusted

>> No.42386478 [DELETED] 

I'm a Liker but I skipped her donathon AND gfe stint entirely because I dislike that kind of content.
But now I want to go back and watch it!
Does that answers your question, ESL OP?

>> No.42386525

Nothing to forgive necessarily, I just have zero respect for her and think she's a garbage streamer.

>> No.42386584
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unmembered, unsubbed, unfollowed.

>> No.42386603
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>Does that answers your question

>> No.42386639

Your oshi will never have sex with you. Also, hope she sees this bro.

>> No.42386773
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cuckshit slut

>> No.42387229


>> No.42390122

Forgive her
Do not forgive Kronii/Ame

>> No.42390191

Not really. Her CCV didn't go down.

>> No.42390202

She's a dumb slut, of course I forgive her

>> No.42390273

I love sluts

>> No.42390339
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She had a donation marathon with a GFE reward at the end and then some dude from the voice acting industry joined and they started flirting. Unironically very NTR stream.

>> No.42390468

Really? That's fucking awful, to double down on it even more so. Also, what a great "friend" that must be to put her into that position in the first place. Like what kind of retard thinks calling in would be a good idea?

>> No.42390515

I was always a lurker and didn't care for her stunt, but I didn't like the way she handled the fallout.
I no longer watch her streams.

>> No.42390583

No and I'm angry again now that you've reminded me

>> No.42390662

I'm not a real Liacon, so my opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.42390690

wtf is wrong with EN vtubers? Why do people enable being treated like garbage like this?

>> No.42390713

The whole incident and the aftermath was just funny to me.

>> No.42390763

You should become an English teacher. Your expertise is wasted here.
We need more passionate individuals like yourself in education.

>> No.42390920

He called her precisely because she was doing GFE for her audience and he was jealous.
The exact string of events was
>creepy guy calls her multiple times while she's doing asmr to end her shameless donathon
>he calls her out for screening his calls in the stream chat
>she answers his next call and they talk for 30 min
Apparently he's some super low-tier voice actor and so people think she took the call out of fear that she might lose a connection to the industry, but he was flirting with her hard. To her credit she wasn't really flirting with him back very much during the call iirc, but it was still awkward as fuck to do in front of her supporters, and her doubling down on twitter instead of swallowing her ego and just saying sorry was a shitty thing to do.

>> No.42390927


>> No.42391067

This sort of hostility-towards-your-own-customers marketing came out of Zogmuttistan a decade ago. EN vtubers didn't come up with it. They saw that big companies and individual entertainers alike actively shit on their own core fanbases and rake in record profits as a result, so they emulate it.

>> No.42391108
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I really don't give a shit about GFE/male on stream shit, but I do care that an anon who did care killed himself over it. Fucking hate seeing anons go that way. That guy's still dead, and to my knowledge not a single soul in PC said a word addressing that. That's just cold.

>> No.42391119

I mean after the call she was depressed for the rest of the stream and apologized while crying at the end for ruining everything. I don't really get where people are getting she was wasn't remorseful from.

>> No.42391195

>but I do care that an anon who did care killed himself over it.

>> No.42391307

>expecting /vt/ users to watch streams
This place hates vtubers more than /v/ hates games

>> No.42391335
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what the fuck

>> No.42391436

explain twitter meltdown then

>> No.42391676

proof btw

>> No.42391727

Don't really care about whatever she did.
Only about how fucking based Tenma was during that stream.

>> No.42391769

Someone that sad and fragile to an hero over his imaginary internet girlfriend was going down one way or another tbhdesu

>> No.42391846
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One badly worded tweet that people continue to misunderstand on purpose. She never told fans to fuck off if they don't like it. People just made that up. I hate even defending this whore after what she did but I hate seeing made up bullshit even more.

>> No.42391855

True though

>> No.42391869
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tenma is a gift from the gods

>> No.42391943

elaborate on Tenma

>> No.42391949

that's the thing that amazes me most about the west, this entire "if you don't like it dont buy it" or "we dont want x, y, z people using our products" attitude

>> No.42392079

it's interesting how even Holo ENs tend to fall into that behaviour pattern

>> No.42392121

Right. So she said I want her real fan the I guess I'm not. So I unfollowed her everywhere and unsubbed and cancelled my membership.

>> No.42392171

If I recall correctly she told Lia to stop, banned him, and scolded her a bit. She saw the yab happening and did what she could to stop it from continuing. Did her best to protect Lia

>> No.42392201

I don't think what she did was that big of a deal, but I'm also sure she's a whore, because...c'mon.

>> No.42392220

I never saw this, Holy based

>> No.42392244

That's copium and you know it. If it was Pippa, you'd give a shit and you know it.

>> No.42392382

It's somewhat ironic too that she did it right after having just reached $10k in donations. What a way to cuck your audience

>> No.42392545

>Why do people enable being treated like garbage like this?
Like what? Unironically how did she do anything wrong?

>> No.42392623

You aren't getting a (You) from me

>> No.42392664

you have to go back or improve reading comprehension

>> No.42392728

how are Japanese hags always most based

>> No.42393069

>>42392244 (me)
I fucked up my post, gomen. Meant to reply to >>42391769

>> No.42393151

She said on her return stream she was sorry and she doesn't blame people who were mad. She poorly communicated that she's trying to ignore antis and not fans who were upset hence why she deleted the tweet.

>> No.42393216

Yeah, you can go check the archives for it.

>> No.42393476

do you have a timestamp?
I thought she said management forbade her from talking about it and then dropped the subject

>> No.42394023

ah the kronii defense

>> No.42394323

I don't even follow her and she made me want to anti her lmao

>> No.42394451

if I needed proof that Americans are obsessed with projecting their cuckholdy fantasies this thread is it.

>> No.42394520

Its like women have zero foresight and only think things theough in hindsight

>> No.42394980
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The last time I felt so sickened was when retarded aloecucks donated huge condom money to a random dude on discord who claimed to be her so she had to abruptly end her hiatus just to call it out.
Reaction(cope) was also disturbing. Provided great posting material and ammo for when they raid my home-general again.

>> No.42394986

I tried watching that 22 minute video and I couldn't make it past the minute

>"I don't get internet men"

>> No.42395020


>> No.42395199

>The last time I felt so sickened was when retarded aloecucks donated huge condom money to a random dude on discord who claimed to be her so she had to abruptly end her hiatus just to call it out.
What the fuck are you talking about here? An aloupeep here. You're making some shit up here idiot. She said herself she does not go on anybody's discord except official Nijisanji for their talents as it's against the rules. Hiatus? What hiatus? What are you talking about?

>> No.42395374

quality post

>> No.42395405

You're probably baiting but I'll still give you your (You)

>> No.42396763

>Killing yourself because a virtual anime girl talked to another dude
Lia probably saved at least two people from this future serial killer.

>> No.42396861

Just answer my question. I bet you won't.

>> No.42396935

Equivalent exchange. I'll answer your question if you let me peep your alou.

>> No.42397203


>> No.42400204

>Proudly announcing you're apart of a group of cuckolds
What do you hope to gain?

>> No.42406179

i never hated her i love her to much

>> No.42406327

apology 1 https://youtu.be/OjBso-5f6us?t=382
apology 2 https://youtu.be/OjBso-5f6us?t=3049
response to fan apology https://youtu.be/OjBso-5f6us?t=6504

>> No.42406350

plump cat hands typed this post

>> No.42406537

Did she really?
I thought it was an innocent fuckup given that she's a retard and that guy was really manipulative.
That much I didn't mind.
But actually doing the "educate yourselves, improve, dont you have female friends" bullshit is where I draw the line.
If she had just shut up I wouldn't care.
But she's the one that fucked up, she's the one that should apologize to her fans.

>> No.42406747

I forgive her. She's just a dumbass, and I can't hold that against her.

>> No.42406821

Does she really want to play that game

>> No.42406904

He should’ve murdered her instead

>> No.42407277

She's technically right, since she's the streamer she gets to decide what are "real" fans.
Maybe she considers "real fans" those who will stick with her no matter what she does. In that case she's right.
There are some fans that flatout said 'I don't care I will always like Lia" acter this happened.
Maybe those are who she considers real fans.
Unconditional love like a dog. White women in the end.

>> No.42407454

theyre fucking irl and he got jealous

>> No.42407642

women cry as a weapon to get weak men to forgive them for things. she didnt actually care about you

>> No.42408091

killing yourself over a sexual black box

actually fucking retarded, bro, he was never going to score if he's that fucking rarted

>> No.42413528


>> No.42413571

>Kawaii thread

>> No.42414632

People keep saying it, but it really is true that any guys trying to associate with vtubers and the industry are almost exclusively in it to try and get their broken weeb gf/pussy. Autistic flirting or jealously marking his territory, the end goal was the same.

The funniest part is that she started her donothon off with a tangent of her shutting down and avoiding autists who tried to confess to/flirt with her before in the past and joked about turning them into incels, and immediately given the opportunity to do so again she instead chose to cuck her own chat.
Crying does not equal remorse.
"I really don't understand internet men."

>> No.42415120

No, that's another chuuba.

>> No.42415327

Meh. I'm just not interested anymore after her initial tweet. If she had just acknowledged that answering that SEA monkey and making some of her fans uncomfortable was a valid point. I would have supported her. But that initial educate yourself like tweet saying people who didn't like that part of the streams were not her reals fans, rubbed me the wrong way. As much as she tried to apologize that fucking SEA orc needed to dogeza all the way on the floor to her and her fans for doing something so fucking shitty. I'm just done with her at this point and I pity her if she is actually into that hideous SEA baboon. Super low standards.

>> No.42415355

She apologized for not being able to say anything because Fishmen told her not to thats a big fucking difference from "I'm sorry I cucked you in 1080p with my fat flip groomer"

>> No.42415399

>educate yourself like tweet
are you talking about "I don't understand internet men"? source?

>> No.42415417

She had known the dude for two months and had been actively telling him to get in her Dm's on twitter

>> No.42415480

for me, its the fact it was an indog

>> No.42415569

I have no reason to doubt you but I have no reason to believe you either.
If that's true it kinda makes her letting him in more understandable from her point of view, it was finally a chance she wanted.
But it also makes him a much worse piece of shit, because he took advantage of her at that time when it was obvious she was finishing a donothon with a special moment with her fans and he chose to ruin it.
People have been saying that she wants to get into that voice actor social circle so her actions have at least one possible motivation.
But it's very sad to see her used and fucked with that way by that guy. I thought Lia was more aware of groomer bullshit and wouldn't be this easy to play.

>> No.42415577

Before that she wrote a tweet Saying that people who didn't like that interaction were not her real fans. I didn't save the tweet. She deleted it a bit afterwards.

>> No.42415676
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I will forgive when she brings back the ending screen.

>> No.42415685

You can fact check it through archives screen shots and links where posted in /pcg/ during Idk if they are still there on her Twitter a lot of stuff got fucking scrubbed by Fishman doing damage control including maro tweets where she apologized to one fan and said she understood why he was angry

>> No.42415812

buddy I'm gonna need to see an archive before I believe she had a Finana level tweet. I saw them as they were happening. She said "im stronger than the haters think I am" and "I don't understand internet men" but I never saw her say "you aren't my fan" or "educate yourself". Plus she broke down in tears on her return stream from her fuck up.

>> No.42415948
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not an archive link but here's the screencap, do your archive reps if you don't think that's enough

>> No.42416077

that is not even remotely what you are pretending it is. she is ackowledging that her fanbase will stick around after the schizos leave. but keep pretending it's an epic own, fag

>> No.42416125

honestly this sounds less like an EDUCATE YOURSELVES and more like a legit cope for her
she's convincing herself her "real" fans weren't bothered by what her did so she can believe she did nothing wrong
just giving up
"can't please everyone I guess"
it easily absolves of all her mistakes and makes her innocent and she no longer has to feel guilty or own up to her actions

>> No.42416569

holy fucking based

>> No.42416699


>> No.42417458

It is a textbook example of the classic routine of making a bunch of people angry, drawing focus to the inevitable couple of retards who take it too far, conflating everyone who is mad with the retards, and using them as an example to brush away any criticism and (especially with her other tweets) call a hugbox of white knights into action. Even if you go out of your way to give it a charitable interpretation, it was obviously enough of a fuck up that she or a manager ended up deleting it.

>> No.42417578

>doesn’t really matter since the viewers are all horny doormat coomer brains or retarded zoomers
Why is it worth discussing since I doubt her numbers changed

>> No.42417582

Spell behavior properly next time nibba

>> No.42418391

Is this something they did more than that one time?

>> No.42418514

No, but she said during the stream that they had only known each other for like a week (that tweet being months older).

>> No.42420049

I never watched her before the yab, I just find it funny that a low 3 view provided a NTR experience so raw and shameless that the entire board descended on /pcg/ for days to shitpost. It had more IP's than hlgg for multiple threads. Out of interest I looked back in her vods and saw a lot of pippa style content. Was she ever GFE or was it just the unfortunate timing of flirtatious male on stream talking about meeting up irl right after her fans had emptied their wallets that got her the backlash?

Either way it will probably never be topped for ntr content that doesn't rely on doxxfaggotry

>> No.42420245

Went to check the gofile of it and its gone lmao

>> No.42420275
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pic related was her entire schtick

>> No.42420406
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>"I taught her well"

>> No.42420448

gofile deletes files if they have been inactive for 10 days.

>> No.42420466

Uh oh, guess she needs to lean into the internet trivia style content from now on because surely nobody can take possessive gf rp from her seriously anymore?

>> No.42420540

At about ~4:59
There was some preamble where she squeals over him showing up in chat.
>downloaded 1500 times

>> No.42420604

she’s doing an ASMR tomorrow so I guess we’ll see.

>> No.42420748

does anyone have a clip of the event on stream? i tried looking it up but couldn't find anything

>> No.42420833

This anon just gave you it, around the 5 hour mark for when she picks up the phone call (he had entered chat and embarassed her out of doing a lewd asmr before this point) they talk for about 20 minutes or so and then around the 5:30 mark she starts breaking down as she reads marshmallows and notices some of her regulars left the stream to "go for a walk"

>> No.42420938

considering it’s right above your fucking post you didn’t look very hard, mongoloid

>> No.42420997

tf do you mean proof? this entire fucking thread is talking about it dipshit... this thread existing is proof

>> No.42421096

she’s given up gfe, sorry anon.

>> No.42421133


>> No.42421172

i didn't read through a 100 post thread and therefore i didn't try that hard? you know 4chan posts start at the top and you scroll down right?

>> No.42421251

>i didn't read through a 100 post thread and therefore i didn't try that hard?

>> No.42421294

I want to save (and correct) her. Lia please understand that guy is a fucking GROOMER.

>> No.42421428

Women will cross the road when they see me but then accept the advances of obvious groomers.

>> No.42421457

Worst thing was chat siding with him at first just so they wouldn't fall into the 'MALE ON STREAM' meme.

>> No.42421544

I want her to admit the call was cringe and bad content

>> No.42421552

ever since I heard her say she wanted to dissect a human and something about liking blood I knew she was fucked in the head and best to unsub and ignore but I never thought she would cuck her fans lol. This girl is the embodiment of red flags for anyone with half a braincell and is going to end up a single cat lady.

>> No.42421581

She admitted that already.

>> No.42421617

It was in the stream immediately after the donothon where she apologized, not once, but twice within a two hour stream span. She even wrote an apology letter which she read out.

>> No.42421672

then when the stream ended she laughed about it with her boyfriend, who cares?

>> No.42421794

Stop projecting your cuck fantasies.

>> No.42421895

Mostly because he is a (wannabe) VA. And he does the 'uwu im so beta and fragile' persona that groomers love to do.

>> No.42421957

This is the worst part of this drama. THIS should be enough to fucking blacklist that bastard from this hobby, but we prefer to yell "KEK, KEK" and get mad at the girls.

>> No.42422049

Have you got more accurate time stamps? I've been sifting through the footage so I can join in the laughter but it's just been hours of a generic anime girl deep throating her mic. I'll give you credit a guy does join at one point and shows off his deepthroat skills but then it's just more retarded anime girl does nothing (and half an hour of wait screen while she presumably takes a shit).

>> No.42422115

I will become Lia's own Hero of Justice.

>> No.42422431

it is correct spelling you fat burger mutt

>> No.42422621

she's gobbling on that groomer's dick right as we speak

>> No.42422756

God I hate the catalog faggots who have gone apeshit over this.
Let me vent a little, as a long time Lia Liker. There's a lot of context you're missing.
>For about a year, Lia was struggling with the lowest numbers in a very small corpo
>Pippa takes off like a rocket, saving the company but also giving Lia even more numbers anxiety
>Lia re-debuts with a new model and basically a new character
>the new character was explicitly designed after the character from Needy Streamer Overdose, reflecting her own very real struggles with suicidal thoughts and numbers anxiety
>She takes serious anti-depression meds and has had several crazy streams when she either stopped taking them or mixed them with alcohol. One in particular got her suspended because too many fans were worried that she might die
>She leans into her strength as "the girl who will say anything," doing a lot of edge shock humor to appeal to /here/ types
>At the same time she also knows that a lot of us /here/ are sad lonely broken people so she tries to appeal to unicorns a bit too (and phase connect is explicitly girls-only, so it's a bit unicorn friendly, even though they never really lean into GFE much)
>She occasionally does some GFE, but it's usually mixed with layers of irony and followed up by making fun of her chat
>Somehow this works, and she develops a small but devoted following that slowly grows over time, turning her into a successful 3view vtuber
>This fulfills her lifelong dream of being somehow a pro in the anime industry, which she has also tried to break into via cosplay and voice acting (she's talked about this on stream)
>She's just so greatful to her fans that she does a 48 hour donothon to raise funds for a ton of fanservice-type streams
>Fans blow through all the goals the first 24 hours, Lia is deliriously happy
>Also very sleep deprived, off her meds, and drunk
>Starts doing lewd ASMR (she's done it before, but not to this extreme)
>Some guy calls her up out of nowhere, it's a guy she knew from her old days trying to break into the cosplay-and-VA scene
>Yes they've exchanged some twitter messages and apparently met up at a con once. No there's no evidence of anything beyond that. Yes he seems like a creepy groomer, but Lia has said she knows how to handle people like that, and even joked about it earlier in the stream
>He keeps calling and pestering her in chat until she finally answers her call (bear in mind she's out of her mind right now)
>The guy does his creepy groomer act. She politely goes along with it at first, then mostly just says nothing, before she finally gets the nerve to end the call because the guy just wouldn't shut up
>Tenma kicks the guy from chat
>Lia instantly realizes she fucked up by having a guy like that on stream at the worst possible stream. She pauses, goes to check maros and maybe /here/, sees some extremely unhinged messages from psychos.
>she comes back obviously shaken and holding back tears
>she forces herself to power on through and finish the stream with karaoke
>writes a bunch of crazy stuff on her twitter, and some even more crazy stuff on her roommate twitter that sounds suicidal
>She knows she fucked up but she's also trying to not give in to suicidal thoughts or cater to the most schizo fans (and some of her fans are seriously schizo, because she has jokingly encouraged that through a year of schizo jokes)
>endless circlejerk of catalog fags talking about "the drama" who don't watch her streams, don't know the rapport she has with her audience, and are just looking for drama
TLDR yes she fucked up, but it's not nearly as bad as all the drama-fags are making it out to be. Go watch the rest of her donothon, it was awesome.

>> No.42422815

You faggots are still circlejerking about this?

>> No.42422984

>The guy does his creepy groomer act. She politely goes along with it
RUMAO. Don't listen to this cuck's piss-poor attempt at downplaying what really happened.
Her reaction was just from seeing him in her chat. In what world is that just "politely going along with it"?

>> No.42423243

>cutting out the context of the clip

>> No.42423252

How the hell he does it being uglier than any of us?

>> No.42423293

She was talking about her unironic petplay fetish right before this and noticed that someone she vaguely knew IRL was in her chat and was understandably embarrassed.

>> No.42423337

You're being very generous to her in your interpretation of some of those events.
Particularly when he showed up, her state, how she reacted and how it played out.

>> No.42423348

Liakek roru rumao

>> No.42423405

Legit. That guy is fucking hideous. I don't know if Lia is into him or not. But my god, even if she is doing it just to try to get into the VA scene. It's just not worth it. VAs don't get paid that well or recognized in the western scene anyways.

>> No.42423535

Chances are she is just easily impressionable like most young girls tend to be because he is a (bottom of the barrel tier) VA. God, that segment was only unbearable because of him. The forced shounen protagonist voice, the obvious advances, the blatant sexuality, his obvious jealousy and feeling he is better than her viewers, the innofensive persona that predators tend to put to conceal their true intentions. The guy is just scum through and through.

I am a tourist but I feel so bad for Lia. It's so sad how women don't respect themselves anymore. They don't understand they are destroying themselves. I just hope all this drama made her cut contact with him.

>> No.42423598

She's unfollowed him on everything and apologized to her fans multiple times, even going so far as to say that they were right to be upset.

>> No.42423621


>> No.42423665

The context doesn't make things better.

>vaguely knew
They knew each other for months and had intimate discussions on Twitter. They had also talked about her petplay fetish on Twitter before.

>> No.42423710

I need time

>> No.42423769

>They had also talked about her petplay fetish on Twitter before.
Surely you have a screenshot to back up this wild claim.

>> No.42423791

The Cuckening

>> No.42423799

Did she give a genuine apology like going over what exactly pissed off her general fans, what she did wrong, how she grouped all the people complaining as one group of weird internet men, etc. etc.

Or was it, "I'm sorry if you're upset, let's move on". I was never her biggest fan but her behavior afterwards kinda made me lose all interest.

>> No.42423812

Why are you just now bringing it up?
I see this topic discussed often and no one mentions this.
If she really had gone that far I think it would be the first thing people would bring up whenever this topic pops up again and would eventually kill the drama out of it.

>> No.42423946

I might be my own head cannon, but I don't feel sincerity from the apology she made. It feels like well management told me I fucked up so "Sorry". Also read up somewhere on the thread that it was Fishman who had her delete all the tweets she made attacking people and made her stay silent for a few days. Some Anon a few messages up says we are all psychos for reacting the way we did. But Tenma had to ban the guy from her chat. She realized how fucking cringe it was and how bad the situation was going to get. I feel like that validates the people who didn't like the dude showing up on stream. Everybody defending that interaction at this point is just fucking willfully ignorant.

>> No.42423998
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There are many other interactions, until they met at a convention on Jan 9, Nyaru the obese brown girl was also there.

>> No.42424163

>she was embarrassed because an IRL friend caught her talking about her petplay kink... that he already knew about
Lol. She was excited to see her friend, not embarrassed that she was found out. Thanks for the screenshot.

>> No.42424198

Because that knowledge requires actually keeping up with the 3view streamer instead of just circlejerking the same information people had when this drama started 2 weeks ago.

>> No.42424263

Forgiven her for what? Her yab seems just about par for the wontons and cookies corp

>> No.42424296

this is way worse

>> No.42424345

There’s no way you can unironically think that having some random groomer on stream for 20 minutes and then cutting ties with him afterwards is worse than actual boyfriend yabs.

>> No.42424388

>ignores chat for 20 minutes to talk to some fat mutt after making 10k in donos
This is worse because you don't have to be a unicorn to be pissed.

>> No.42424401

something becoming canonical content versus a slip up that you self graduate over

>> No.42424427

You’re certainly some sort of unicorn if you’re still pissed about it 2 weeks and multiple apologies later

>> No.42424430

I think i saw one where she reply to him with spongebob with dick picture

>> No.42424450

Okay, you caught me. I'm in love with Lia.

>> No.42424460
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>> No.42424514
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>> No.42424520

old yab is old, people already know it and it was a PL so there's nothing for her to apologize now
those who had an issue with it just don't watch her
it was an accidental slip and she knew she fucked up
I bet at the time it was a big yab for her fans but for me right now it's just a distant event

what Lia did is a current yab within the Lia character so it is actually relevant
and an apology is due because it was the result of her own fuck up, her own actions and choices
she made the choice to have him on stream in that particular stream, the end of the donothon where she got all that support, the asmr part where she was giving her fans some intimacy
it was a literal live NTR for them and it was intentional, even besides that, she chose to end the donothon with this fucking groomer for 20 minutes ruining a good content streak
allegedly she apologized for it but people argue whether the apology has any real remorse or not

>> No.42424532

>an accidental slip
lol lmao

>> No.42424675

you would have to be a retard to have taken it seriously in the first place. Bottom feeding catalogue faggots don't even remotely understand her regular audience, they just fall back on their cuck projections like they do with all 'yabs'.

>> No.42424756

almost like you should watch fucking streams instead of getting your news from the fucking catalogue, retard.

>> No.42424936

Do you watch every stream of every vtuber?
Because I don't. But someone out there has.
I've caught parts of her recent streams but not 100% of them and it's like 7 hours of content without counting any potentially deleted streams.
When she did the yab there were uploads of the whole stream, backups, clips of the 20 minutes with him, someone even made a PDF with her chat and whatever she was saying just to make it easier to follow everything that happened that day.
And apparently she apologized but there are no records or evidence of it, no one is able to provide it, it takes over a hundred posts for someone to even mention it?
Yeah sorry but this alleged apology doesn't hold much weight.

>> No.42424944

>her regular audience
>cuck projections
Even with out cuck projection that whole interaction was cringey as fuck and hard to watch. Unless "her regular audience" as you say is into that kind of shit. You don't have to be unicorn to feel uncomfortable seeing and hearing a guy try to flirt badly with a girl. Most people don't watch vtubers for that kind of content I would think. Since you are implying that it wasn't a 'yab' as you had put it. Then why did she remove his part from the VoD? Why did Tenma end up banning the guy and telling him to quit it if it wasn't a yab?

>> No.42425725

Maros full of backlash, she nearly crying after realizing what happened, for almost a whole week the Phase Connect general was full of this topic.
It's a legit yab.
I also find it funny that her fans are now reacting like the NijiEN fans they used to mock.
Waiting for the stream where Lia does handcam with that guy and they make a heart together.
Likers will cope with it somehow.

>> No.42425772

>they make a heart together
do handholding too

>> No.42425793

>Waiting for the stream where Lia does handcam with that guy and they make a heart together.
Is this a reference to something?

>> No.42425834

Enna and Kyou

>> No.42425902

How the fuck did you miss this, it was half the catalog for days.

>> No.42425969

I rarely watch the catalog I usually stick to the threads I'm interested in.
I also don't watch much NijiEN, just Pomu, Selen and Rosemi sometimes.

>> No.42426349

So many "I won't believe it unless I see some evidence" and it takes like 5 minutes to look through the archive. Are most people here just that low IQ?

>> No.42426399

>As we can see here the Cuck coddles the woman as a self-defense mechanism
>If he believes that she didn't choose prioritizing another man because she's incapable of it then he didn't make a mistake in choosing to devote time and resources to her
>The cuck, terrified of being without the attention of his chosen female, will rapidly begin to cope with the situation by any means necessary and continue to support her regardless of any past, current, or future transgressions
>This cycle will continue with the cuck choosing to ignore any problematic behavior from the female or will forgive that which he cannot ignore
I'd love to see a documentary about these guys. There's plenty of material in the archives with kronies and liacucks already. Probably more I'm forgetting about too

>> No.42426573

>Is probably still dming him on an alternate account
Even if that wasn't the case that just makes her a double bitch. She already ruined the fantasy for a lot of people she might as well embrace the clout chasing and not ignore her "groomers" too. That's just double self sabatoge at the expense of everyone else. If I was talking up a vtuber girl for months and we clearly had a thing going and then I got dumped because her chat finally realized the obvious I'd be heartbroken

>> No.42426677

Phase Cuckadoonect

>> No.42426925

You could literally just watch her first stream back after the donothon, but you’d clearly rather just seethe about vtubers you don’t know anything about.

>> No.42426969

No they're just falseflaggers. Each one either has a speech written out as a response that they're baiting a setup for or they're a downplaying liacuck asking for evidence which they can then deboonk by posting that one image with the godzilla and barney or the same tired "that's all it is" or "you just don't understand Lia like I do" or " this is what /vt/ calls a yab" or something else like that. It's dishonest that they try to pretend like this hasn't been shitting up the board for weeks

>> No.42426989

What seething.

>> No.42427036

You’re sitting in a bait thread about a vtuber you don’t even watch acting like her apology doesn’t exist because you’re too lazy to go watch it.

>> No.42427075

if you were talking up a vtuber girl for months and decided to force your way onto her stream in the middle of asmr, you deserve whatever you get coming to you

>> No.42427177

This stupid bitch is dead to me now, just like Kronii. Only Lia's yab was far worse.

>> No.42427246

seriously, which vshojo is this, they change models so often that I actually can't keep up

>> No.42427286

I do watch Lia.
And I'm not saying her apology doesn't exist I'm just saying that if it existed it's pretty odd that it's barely brought up.

>> No.42427341
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in addition to >>42386224
dramafags dug up her '1 like' tweets which indicated that she was either banging or attempting to bang the dude, which was promptly forgotten by the likers drinking barrels full of copium

>> No.42427373

>I’m not saying that it doesn’t exist
>I’m just saying that I don’t think it exists
Go watch it, faggot. I already told you which stream it was in. You don’t even have to watch the whole fucking thing, she apologized 3 separate times during the 2 hour stream.

>> No.42427440

Are you really that surprised that people circlejerking 2 week old drama about a 3view they don’t watch don’t have the latest information?

>> No.42427468

Liaschizo and Flakes are already coping with it. Likers are beyond help by now.

>> No.42427536
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They always talk big but come crawling back at the first opportunity. I will never understand internet men

>> No.42427616

I've already seen people making fun of Phase Connect the same way they made fun of Nijisanji.
The mother fucking Nijisanji.
I never thought Phase Connect would sink that low.

>> No.42427667

Phase was always low. They hardcore pandered to /here/ and the farms only to throw them under the bus

>> No.42427704

/PCG/ were some of the most obnoxious posters on the board always posting about "muh superior small corpo" and they'd post it in every single yab bait thread. Well now they're finally getting yabs on the same level if not worse than Nijis and their response is to become the Nijicucks

>> No.42427762

no, and i moved on, fuck that cunt

>> No.42427927
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You mean the fake discord gayop you made to trick lia into thinking someone killed themselves? You keep pushing this whatever chance you get.
Please see pic related, just another discord gayop.

>> No.42427979

i think you straight up misread. or more likely you're a newfag
aloe mano, aka the first member to properly graduate holo after two weeks of debutting due to major antis

>> No.42428039

>Well now they're finally getting yabs on the same level if not worse than Nijis
Come on that's going too far.
Likers are downplaying this but you are exaggerating it.
Finana and Pomu had a hyped up girls off collab on a hotel, and had a guy show up.
Enna and Kyou held hands and made hearts on stream and made fun of her fans while she called herself queen of spades.
Reimu and Vox flirted on stream so much it drove his fangirls insane.
Finana made a secret groomercord.
Nina fucked all of Luxiem.
The list can go on and on. A key part of all this is that NijiEN fans actually celebrate all of this bullshit and react very aggressively to anyone that has any objections to it.
All Phase has is one girl who let her twitter con buddy goomer hit on her for 20 minutes in the middle of the ASMR sendoff to a great donothin, subjecting her fans to 20 minutes of torture, putting this guy above them and exposing their relationship to everyone.
Some of her likers are on full copium minimizing the event but overall this is still nowhere near real Nijisanji levels and not everyone on Phase Connect's audience supports this bullshit, in fact most people dislike it.

>> No.42428377

>lists all the female nijiEN members that're infatuated with Luca
lmao, you're outting yourself as a certified cuck

>> No.42428619

Seriously Rosemi?
I dropped NijiEN when Luxiem debuted but she always seemed like the pure shy type.

>> No.42429521

Bold of you to assume that the shitposters in /vt/ actually watch streams and aren't just looking for excuses to shit up the board even more. All the retards ITT hyper-fixating on her twitter posts should tell you the type of people that post in these type of threads.

>> No.42430283
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>Yes they've exchanged some twitter messages and apparently met up at a con once. No there's no evidence of anything beyond that.

>> No.42430384

The guy who's behind the twitter account bannedvtmemes is a phasefag btw

>> No.42431848
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>does shitty thing
>gets caught
>lmao suck it losers
>acts like she cared all along and releases crocodile tears
>dickless simps drink up the tears
>Mah kween did nuffin rong!
Never change, likers

>> No.42431867

You mean phasefags?

>> No.42436103

I feel bad for her now. I forgive her.

>> No.42436463

I will now watch and subscribe and member Tenma

>> No.42436563

copium levels off the charts
are likers the deadbeats of phase connect?

>> No.42437039


>> No.42437139

>It's ok when a girl flirts with her though :^)
I will never understand yuri fags. If anything, your oshi being anything resembling a lesbian or even bisexual should've been a giant red flag for you unicorn fags because it means you personally are completely outclassed and not anywhere in their league.
I've seen so many fat disgusting dykes pull 10/10 bisexual girls it's unbelievable. Literal rule 63 ugly bastard NTR, and I'm the only one who seems to notice.
AND EVEN THEN it's not like you got wonton'd. AND EVEN THEN the wonton girl's new life is fun entertainment with good taste in games, relaxing art, and a great singing voice, and I enjoy watching her (though I admit, I only found her post wontoning)

>> No.42437142

I think he was shit posting.
That's what I tell myself atleast

>> No.42437314

Yeah, textbook example of that here:
Actual catalogposters just spam QRD? and go oh wow whore lolololol.

>> No.42437482

she is clearly taking some very bad decisions, why should I feel pity for someone like that.

>> No.42437535

A continuation. Look, I get it, I'm a lonely fuck too. You want my advice? Find a small comfy cozy Vtuber on twitch or YouTube. I'm talking 2-20 view streams. Lot of nice streamers out there. Your view will go so much farther for them, they will likely appreciate you infinitely more. They have a chance at bringing some peace to your life. And if you're the type to drop expendable cash, every dollar you spend for them is like ten for every bigger streamer you could follow. They'll remember your name just for showing up.
Plus Lia is... Well she's Lia. I personally still enjoy her streams, but if you were going into it with this threads mindset, buddy, you were cruising for a bruising the whole time.

>> No.42437727
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>both are the laughing stocks of their corpo
>both will jump through endless hoops to defend their oshi
>both are cucks
>both are brapfags

>> No.42437747

Even if everyone in this thread calls you a fag, I appreciate you and your level headedness. Don't bother arguing too much with the mental ward, you won't get anywhere. Personally I liked her old model days better, but I've come around to the idea of watching a no filter manic dead wing dork. Plus she's damn funny.

>> No.42437927

They didn't flirt by the way. They were just talking, but for some people, when a male and female talk, it's always flirting. The talk was long and boring, that's what people didn't like.
It's a nothinburger if I've ever seen one.

>> No.42438367

they have a lot of interactions back and forth on twitter. people convinced me he was grooming her, but looking through their interactions it's often lia starting them so it seemed like a genuine back and forth, which again is bad from a cuck angle. he has also deleted a bunch of them now, like this one.

>> No.42438399


>> No.42438414

Is that pre- or post donothon?

>> No.42438422

>They didn't flirt by the way
the vod was already posted. everyone can see you're lying

>> No.42438448

I also appreciate how levelheaded people who write an entire article defending their pretend internet girlfriend on 4chan are.

>> No.42439208

Tell the voices inside your head that I said hi.>>42437314

>> No.42439936

I love watching all you freaks frothing at the mouth over internet anime girls. It makes me feel normal and well adjusted by comparison.

>> No.42440169
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The whole thing wouldn't be as bad if the guy wasn't some nguyen that looks like this.

>> No.42440330

>They didn't flirt by the way.
Is he lying or just retarded /vt/?

>> No.42440392

lmao based and hating your simps pilled, unicucks btfo

>> No.42440495

Normal woman behaviour. It’s like you all forgot there is one behind the avatar - some are just better at hiding it than others .

>> No.42442025

pre of course

>> No.42442143

we know, we know, you don't have to remind us you like to watch cucklord.

>> No.42442364

oh it belongs to a collective of discordtroons, naruhodo.

>> No.42442410
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>it's okay when niji do it

>> No.42442456

Who said that? Enna is a retarded malicious bitch too.

>> No.42443933

As someone who has never watched a single Lia stream and is only here for the drama, I found your breakdown of events interesting until I read further replies and realised it's actually super embarrassing and now suspect you of being a paid shill trying to salvage the situation, or maybe Lia fans enjoy the cuckold experience. Just wanted you to know.

>> No.42445994

Anon, dramafags don't care about apologies, they just want drama to continue as long as possible. Of course they will never mention it.

>> No.42446346

>This is what virtual vagina does to a man
Have some respect for yourself, that creepy groomer probably gets to hang out with her off stream while her “fans” are walking ATMs

>> No.42446412

cool, feel free to continue not watching streams
I think they had to balance apologizing for the incident, but not going too far because the donothon itself was still a huge success, and they don't want to let one stupid thing blow out of proportion. Better to just move on.

>> No.42446469

>fan apology
Literally apologizing for getting cucked lmao. Why are Likers like this?

>> No.42446570
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If you're a chuuba who does GFE and/or fanservice shit, just ignore men. You're basically a geisha and your job is to entertain your clients (audience), not flirt with some unrelated asshole you know. Why is it so hard?

>> No.42446628

>ITT understimulated dramafags
Go read East Touch or US Weekly, jfc

>> No.42446879

It's not really a cope. It's a fact. There was an overwhelming amount of people telling her to kill herself or pretending to be betrayed that clearly didn't watch her or even have basic knowledge of who she was or what type of content she normally does/

>> No.42447073

This example is her tweeting to the internet and him replying tho.

>> No.42447167

Is Enna a black man?

>> No.42447318

She was giggling throughout at all of his flirting

>> No.42447450

yeah? it's still an example of a tweet he deleted.

>> No.42447562
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>> No.42447785

This was posted by a notorious ugly overweight liker that regularly antis vtubers and other livers on Twitter such as Lumi for not acknowledging him, these posts between his regular tweets crying about Desantis not being as popular as he should be and how trannies have infiltrated every industry like jews. The only reason he hasn't been blocked by Pippa and Lia is because be obsessively defends them at every opportunity available.

>> No.42447877

unironically yes, aloupeeps were 100% fine with that stream and being called cucks multiple times by Kyo

>> No.42448136

Cuckholds still in denial and seething ITT lmaooooooooooooo

>> No.42448478

There's no such thing as "groomers" and being suicidal isn't an excuse for what people perceive as bad behavior.

>> No.42448833

nah, likers are more like KFP
deadbeats are more like Kanpainiki (tenma fans)
>drinks a lot
>says cringy stuff in her second language
>openly lusts over actual 3D men, and rages at "haters" who criticize her
>gets weirdly obsessive over certain games, like trying to set a speedrun record
Pippa is Gura, obviously
and I guess Uruka would be Irys

>> No.42448878

take my (You) and kys faggot

>> No.42448900
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>> No.42449470

Tenma fans don't lust over tenma, they know she's a walking red flag.

>> No.42449714

I don't think most Mori fans lust over either, do they? That was another point of my comparison
Tenma's roommate is a 10/10 babe though

>> No.42449912

It helps her that her open taste is heavily roided out men so her fans don't get any delusions.

>> No.42450142

It also helps that she's genuinely entertaining, which I honestly can't say about mori

>> No.42450168

>he thinks they actually cut ties
You're so dense

>> No.42450308
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lol that post isnt mine lmfao
Nice try though. I still love lia.

>> No.42450435

what happened?

>> No.42450442

No, I stopped watching her. I don't watch chuubas who collab with males.

>> No.42450660

Lia killed a man on 5th in broad daylight.

>> No.42450732

She only gave him a little death.

>> No.42450783


>> No.42450981

Your oshi will never fuck you.

>> No.42451011


>> No.42451086

>pretending you've seen her roommate

>> No.42451517

But isn’t Tenma great and intelligent while Mori is not?
I don’t watch Tenma much but she seemed good from what I have seen, perhaps her being in phase just provides a different behavior expectation.

>> No.42451736

>Lia has said she knows how to handle people like that
I've got a bridge to sell you, anon.

>> No.42452820

is the vod still up?

>> No.42453364

This post reeks of clipfag and catalogfag, legitimately kill yourself and/or never post again

>> No.42453838

>There's no such thing as "groomers"
gaslighting in favor of groomers is disgusting.

>> No.42453861

grooming does not exist on the internet.

>> No.42453978

found the discord groomer

>> No.42454020

there are litterally hundreds of cases of known grooming going on, discord specially is a breeding ground for groomers
there are even groups where groomers convince kids to become femboys or "content creators" get closer to their underage fans
like holy fuck please be a troll or ironically retarded
I can't believe in the year of our lord 2023 someone can actually say "there are no groomers online"
hell this shit has been a thing for decades even on the oldest web there were cases of grooming online

>> No.42454087

women being whores or kids being fags on discord does not equal grooming. turn off ur pc little bitch

>> No.42454093

>don't want to let one stupid thing blow out of proportion.
>one stupid thing
lol, lmao even. this is called minimization, labeling it as one stupid mistake regardless of the scale of the fuckup. you are either knowingly shilling or lying to yourself anon

>> No.42454178

please be ironically retarded please
I don't want to believe people like you are real and browsing this board right now

>> No.42454186

I'm not saying there aren't manipulative people out there, I'm saying you don't need a special word for it. So some manipulative guy talks to you and persuades you to do something dangerous or gross. Is that "grooming"? No, it's just him being an asshole and you being a fucking idiot. The word was created as yet another way of letting women avoid responsibility for their actions.
>What? I sucked three guys dick at once?
>Oh, uh...you don't understand! I was GROOMED!
She thought it was a good idea when it was happening, she only doesn't now because of the consequences. You don't get to play the victim here, you're just a dumb whore.

>> No.42454188

it basically means persuading something to do something but frames that as some kind of evil
works when we're talking about children but now people apply it to grown women who don't want to take accountability for their choices

>> No.42454266

If she's of age then it isn't grooming--she's just dumb.

>> No.42454296

>wahhhh why aren’t I allowed to act like a retard and take 0 responsibility for any of my actions without blaming it on an imaginary groomer
stop acting like a woman

>> No.42454360

>kids being fags is normal on discord
what a deracinating kike

>> No.42454411

oh I get it, you just hate women

>> No.42454416

It wasn't a big mistake.

>> No.42454454

Discordtrannies know some big words.

>> No.42454560

Funnily enough he treats her more like functioning autonomous adult than you do.

>> No.42454632

If you would like me to actually be serious, then yes I do believe grooming exists (IRL and the internet) but it’s just a massively overused excuse for adults,
often times women, to behave poorly and then get sympathy for it.

>> No.42454720

ok fair enough I can agree to this
just like harassment and other shit, it's real, but women use it for sympathy and ironically act manipulative themselves when claiming to have been manipulated

>> No.42454765

alright this shit doesnt matter though
all that matters is if did it affect her fans at all? maybe they did like it
you niggas keep spouting nonsense about kroni and ame but nothing has happened at all

>> No.42454837

Yes she did it on purpose.

>> No.42454871

Common Phasefag behavior is to act superior until the girls fuck up and then it's excuse after excuse. They are probably the biggest hypocrites on the board.

>> No.42454875

Grooming is very real. Happens all the time.
The thing I find hilarious about grooming accusations though is that grooming behaviors are basically the socially acceptable way for women to approach men since they tend to not be forward about it. More women groom than anyone else.

>> No.42455055


>> No.42455113

her fans did care, for a couple days. Then she apologized and had women tears so her and her fans are mostly back to normal now.
Catalog threads unsurprisingly don’t have many real liafags

>> No.42455295

Vtubers groom their paypigs. Lia is the real groomer, she has just gotten pigs to pay her thousands before she accidentally let her mask slip.
Her mistake that she was so upset about wasn’t that she was flirting with the guy, shad been doing that for months. She was upset she let people find out about it and that they were upset.

>> No.42455543
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Imagine getting this upset over a 19-year-old girl. Kinda sad desu.

>> No.42455558

Grooming's not real, you're just talking about people being manipulative and attaching this gay, zoomer word to it.

>> No.42455873

She apologized on a twitter mallow

>> No.42455964
File: 104 KB, 1200x797, 1652644490140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean to the apparently 10/10 eceleb, she has the sads so its ok if she acts like a vshojo after baiting more money she'd make in months! She even cried so you know she regrets getting caught! Stop bullying her on the internet, or she'll totally cut her wrists and then tweet about it later fr fr!
Please notice me Lia I know you're here I love you and will protect you from teh 4chan!

>> No.42456054

She also met with him irl at a convention.

>> No.42457238

Grooming is a real thing but 95% of the time you hear it it's being used incorrectly, ever since fully grown e-girls tried to co-opt it to absolve themselves of any responsibility in online drama.

>> No.42457829

I would prefer being a cuck before needing to act like this to get some coochie

>> No.42457952
File: 102 KB, 687x687, Beta[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fftt4a3.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42458123

There's nothing wrong with these tweets unless you view all women as your property.
