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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42035831 No.42035831 [Reply] [Original]

>"vtubers/idols lie about being virgins all the time you guys, it's easy money"
>"btw guys I'm totally a virgin myself, you have GOT to believe me!"

the doublethink on display here is laughable

>> No.42035988
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>> No.42036028

>"vtubers/idols lie about being virgins all the time you guys, it's easy money"
when did she say that?

>> No.42036061

In the le sekrit GC stream

>> No.42037312
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>> No.42037349

sasuga, AI...

>> No.42037369

it's obvious she has fucked at least 5 guys

>> No.42039433

in her case i am pretty sure she is lmao

>> No.42042450

why are /vt/sisters so obsessed with her?

>> No.42043031

I don't care whether they are virgins or not.
I just don't want to see fucking collabs, especially offcollabs, with men. Do whatever you want in your own private time without anyone knowing.

>> No.42043033

because despite of people doomposting her numbers didn't change much after fucking kyo

>> No.42043058

IPN isn't important enough to shitpost about his collab partner.

>> No.42044894

who is that guy anyway?

>> No.42045000

no fucking idea but apparently it's some pajeet iryskeks spamming threads about her
and then others falseflag and post irys threads
and there goes the cycle

>> No.42045304
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>> No.42046731

I legit think she's telling the truth.
Only a desperate man would fuck this ugly chink

>> No.42046865

I mean I'd believe it. Isn't this the same person who told her parents she didn't need to wear a bra because "they didn't give her any tits"? It's not like she's some sex goddess, she has to rely entirely on force of personality/yellow fever to hook anyone.

>> No.42047035

She pretty cute desu.
I bet she fucks like a minx too

>> No.42047918

I'm glad she permanently seethes about it as was seen in her cope stream

>> No.42048015

Are Millie and Enna just posting anti threads about each other at this point

>> No.42048048

niji bitches crave BWC

>> No.42048232

I don't think so, they have zero reasons. But whenever a new Enna post shows up it's always amusing. On the other hand after the 100th Millie post in the past couple days it's getting pretty boring

>> No.42048326

Sasuga "Millie's friend"-sama, I kneel

>> No.42048329

>daily ennaschizo thread

This cant be healthy, bro. Yes, she didnt reply to your superchat, but daily (?) threads for month. You should really seek some help.

>> No.42048365

I think it could go either way. But the thing with women is even if a woman has a lot of problems they can still get a long term boyfriend, and that will likely lead to sex at some point. Whether or not it's good sex is another story, but generally speaking it's very rare for a woman 21 or older to be a virgin unless they're not interested in dating and sex in the first place.

>> No.42048526
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>> No.42048625

"Average" and "lower-tier" women actually have a lot more sex than hot ones because they're in a sweet spot of being approachable to a higher pool of guys but still desirable enough for a lay while also having lower self esteem and being more desperate

>> No.42049271
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>> No.42050092

actively kek'd her audience yet hasn't somehow imploded

>> No.42050207

Question is, was Kyo the 5th or not?

>> No.42050655

It's not doublethink/doublespeak it just shows how stupid the viewers that can't get the hint are.

>> No.42050801

Do her viewers actually think she's a virgin unironically? I always assumed it was a Veibae situation where she straight up told them they would never find out because she would get less money, which I honestly kinda respect.

>> No.42050868

Wasn't Veibae the one who told a story about how she got railed when she was so high she couldn't even feel it? Like it was literally her talking about how her pussy felt like a pipe someone was jamming something in?

>> No.42050921

I will rip off Enna’s wings

>> No.42051011

Her numbers are high because she streams with zero overlap, right after the luxiem boys. The entire asian audience moves to watching her. Most of them are falling asleep so often her audience is high for the first hour but then rapidly declines.

Today for example she had 3.5k, but he moment Rosemi and Fulgur started, she dropped to 2.5k. When Luxiem streamed over her, she struggled to even break 2k. She blatantly appeals to the asian audience, she talks about being asian every stream and often speaks chinese on stream.

>> No.42051030

I can confirm she is virgin she only do anal

>> No.42051040

/vt/ is a place to discuss vtubers and she's one of the most popular vtubers from a major company's EN branch, so it makes sense why /vt/ would discuss her.
The better question is why is she or anyone else obsessed with /vt/sisters?

>> No.42051076

I do find it odd she streams at like 9am eastern. I watch her on the weekends sometimes. I'm surprised she gets the viewers she does

>> No.42051260

Her ccv is slightly higher than the other girls, but her views are just average unironically

>> No.42051574

>Kyo invites himself over to Enna's house based on a flimsy pretext, calling her "bitch" to assert dominance
>she agrees, and laughs when Kyo calls her fans a bunch of cucks
>during the offcollab (1v1 in her bedroom) she holds hands with him, kabedon's him
>comments about how tall he is and how big his hnds are
>Kyo supposedly leaves during the superchats to catch a 2am busride to another city, (believable)
>Enna likes a bunch of NTR comments after, even posting one on twitter saying it's the hardest she ever laughed in her life
She was deliberately shitting on her fans in a malicious way, she thought it was funny. >>42048012

>> No.42051649

Yes. Vshoujo girls are the type to literally do irl porn or only fans but they just discovered being an anime waifu / ersatz girlfriend for disgusting lonely men was way more profitable. Honestly vtubing in general only exists because there are millions of men who are straight up genetic dead ends and need to feel loved. These slut whores prey on that. It's disgusting behavior but everyone has to make money even if it means manipulating and controlling others.

>> No.42051761

Yeah pretty much, atleast I know I'm a disgusting genetic dead end. I would rather get emotional fulfillment from my Oshi since I can't actually fuck them so I don't go with the vshojo ethots

>> No.42051821

Busses don't run at 2am ennacucks

>> No.42051842

she streams at comfortable hours for EN too, she starts at 15 for me and goes on the whole afternoon until evening, for example wrestlesanji was at 3 am for me. There is a lot of time where anyone but her streams in nijiEN. Also she is asian so she has a lot of that audience as the anon said

>> No.42051982

You don't have to use an oshi though. Honestly dude if I were in your shoes I would just get a dope as job as a programmer so I can get cash and then I would take steroids and push my bodyweight up to like 240 -250 all muscle. The only downside to roids is your body won't be able to produce testosterone on its own after a point so you'll have to either blast for life and stay huge or get on trt.

Either that or move to SEA like Japan and get a gf.

>> No.42051989

If he was literally going across state lines then it's possible. I once went across the country on busses and trains that ran 24 hours a day on a schedule. You could get on them for as little as 1 stop or go the whole way to the other side of the country. That said I doubt Kyo would actually be paying the 100-200ish dollars for both trips

>> No.42052017

That’s not her stream, that’s Selen’s stream you stupid chink

>> No.42052288

you failed to realize that the example was comparing the average Enna stream schedule vs the other popular nijiEN girls schedule like Selen or Pomu

>> No.42052892

Japan isn't SEA, I can't just got a job as a programmer I gotta go to school for 4 years to get that. If I become an entry level code monkey I imagine I wouldn't make as much as I do now turning wrenches. I also have nowhere near enough money to travel to Asia. I'm also fat so I need to burn that all off before I can put on muscle. I have no idea where to find steroids but I won't want to ruin my body completely either.

>> No.42053001

Dude she's in Canada we don't have any public transport. I suppose he could have taken a sketchy greyhound but his not a homeless drug addict so I doubt he took one.
Wasn't he also in the same city the next day to have brunch with another streamer? They might not have fucked but he definitely didn't go home.

>> No.42053088

Figure out what you want. Develop a plan. Forget about everything else other than your goal. If you have to borrow 100k to do it then do it, if you have to get swole with roads do it, if you have to go to school do it. Figure something out.

>> No.42053092

He might have stayed the night but said he's catching the bus so people don't get the wrong idea. Doesn't mean anything happened

>> No.42053190

Bro who's gonna loan me 100k you?

>> No.42053359

Yeah that's what I'm saying. They might not have fucked. I'm autistic I have no idea when people "hit it off" romantically.

>> No.42053996

>Bro just destroy your body and your finances to chase some pussy
That's an incredibly stupid idea. He should just lose weight and continue watching vtubers.

>> No.42054133

Why are you on the vtuber board of 4channel dot org then?

>> No.42054172

Why insist your a virgin if you hate unicorns and parasocial type behavior? You can’t have your cake and eat it too

>> No.42054503

except she can because her fans are literal cucks

>> No.42054635

She can't stream in the afternoon cuz she naps almost everyday so she has to stream before then. She also streams at night after she gets up from her nap.

>> No.42054724
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>> No.42054803

She likes money but hates her fans

>> No.42054813

He's number 6.

>> No.42054820

Queen of Spades buff

>> No.42054912

He definitely did stay the night, she mistakenly called her house "the greatest Airbnb ever" during the stream and Kyo awkwardly changed the subject.

>> No.42054980

Many, many, many, MANY such cases.

>> No.42054995

>Average /fit mindset
I'm just gonna keep losing weight and watching chuubas. Chuubas have given me a hope I can find a chubby autistic girl like myself

>> No.42055050


Speak for yourself, Enna.

>> No.42055215

How about the fact that Kyo joined literally 100% of her streams in December? I can't think of a single stream she did when Kyo didn't appear in chat, call in directly, or wasn't referenced in some way by Enna during zatsu. She is completely obsessed with him, she doesn't even give that much attention to Millie, Elira, or any of her other friends. And yeah if you're not autistic you will see they are flirting a lot. He bullies her, which is something guys typically do to girls they like.

If you want to see what real flirting looks like, check out the "workout stream" Enna did with Luca. They are hardcore flirting that whole stream. She calls him "sir" and "boss" , even starts bragging about her ass. He invites her to visit him in Australia and she happily agrees. At the end they talk about BDSM sex and whisper like romantic schoolchildren during the outtro.

In a later stream the topic of BDSM sex comes up, and the very next topic in her mind is visiting Luca in Australia. >>41849399
She's dropping lots of hints that she's planning to visit Australia soon. She's also been flirting a lot with Hex, sending him sexual messages and asking him to choke her and stuff.

>> No.42055251
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>The only downside to roids is your body won't be able to produce testosterone on its own after a point so you'll have to either blast for life and stay huge or get on trt.

Not really, unless you are blasting + cruising. Two or three test cycles should get you to your natty limit, then you just need to do your post cycle and keep part of the gains you made so you are set for life.

It's easy, just use duckduckgo.

>> No.42055543

At the end of the day you can only shut down your hormone production so many times before it doesn't go back to normal even with pct. Also if someone was fat and out of shape and then they do 3 cycles to get massive they would be addicted to the gains and there's no way they would stop.

Honestly though if he's out of shape and dissatisfied with his life he should make a change. Getting big muscles would improve his confidence and make him more attractive at the same time. Also working out and everything would be an excellent hobby that's also productive. Steroids can improve your life depending on the circumstances and as long as you don't take liver toxic stuff like halo or tren (ok maybe one cycle) you will still live to a normal age.

>> No.42056008
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While ringleaders running the circus tent of clownworld want you to suffer and hate the development of things that involve enhancing health and performance, the field has still advanced a lot. If you are capable of doing your own research, or know someone who can hook you up with the right doc, then designer stacks for getting benefits without deleterious side effects are all possible.

>> No.42056119


>> No.42056313

Enna was a bitch the second she publicly shamed Nina for not wanting to be in her clique.

>> No.42056594

>I can't think of a single stream she did when Kyo didn't appear
yeah, I agree with that, he talked about him today too. Then in a sc someone asked her why she isn't as affectionate with her fans as before (he was referring to a zatsu dated nov 2021) and she openly said that she did those things shortly after her debut jutst to suck up on her audience to make her numbers grow. Also she added that she no longer cares for that, implying that now she can get away with her real personality because she's a well established channel. Anyone does this, but it's pretty rare for them to publicly talk about it. Of course in this case the blame goes to her fans who kept supporting the behaviour

>> No.42056842

virgin or not, I'd still fuck her

>> No.42057860

Enna dear you and your buddies had an entire stream the other day confirming you're all /here/ and read all the schizo posting.
At this point being a dedicated schizo here is the smarter way to gain your oshis attention if they're part of nijien.

>> No.42058688

Jesus Christ niji is a whole fuckin nother world

>> No.42058858

There is no way Enna is a virgin. She must have fucked at least 5 guys

>> No.42058997


>> No.42059030

The idea is that Aloupeeps are in on the joke.

>> No.42059058


Oh nonono

>> No.42059214

I lost 500 bucks trying to buy heroin on the dark web, I don't want a repeat of that

>> No.42060687

What doublethink? Are you also angry at actors when they tell you movies aren’t real and they pretend to be a character for money?

>> No.42061328

Yeah me and my 4 clones

>> No.42063495

Thats from millies discord stream, so one of them (maybe enna herself) wrote this

>> No.42063718

So are her fans actually cucks?

>> No.42067284


>> No.42067663

She mocked unicorns over a year ago and they never recovered

>> No.42069982

guess so, btw you can watch the Kyo collab this week

>> No.42074902

El keko topo

>> No.42075503
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Is 3.5k really considered high for nijisanji?

>> No.42075975

I think vei get high than them

>> No.42079661

delete this

>> No.42084699


>> No.42086446


>> No.42089478

This fucking program is a gold mine

>> No.42089826

Quite believable Enna has shoujo manko as I've seen the roommate pics and she's one ugly chink

>> No.42090677

That’s top 1% of ENvtubing retard

>> No.42093525

Listen, even if she isn't conventionally attractive she still deserves someone that will love and appreciate her.

>> No.42093579

I think they were talking about the catbox anon, unless your saying that was from the stream

>> No.42093638

Yeah, all of Luxiem. Well, Mysta is the bitch of NijiEN so he probably got a handjob at best but the others got to eat for free at the pussybar.

>> No.42096100

there are 5 guys in Luxiem...

>> No.42096250

you came to 4chan to write this?

>> No.42097925

>she still deserves someone that will love and appreciate her.
The only thing Enna deserves is someone that's as bright-eyed, positive and sincere as she is.

>> No.42098549

4-6k is max the top girls can pull for a regular stream that isn't outfit/anniversary/karaoke, etc.

>> No.42098568

ok, Enna

>> No.42098732
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>> No.42102223


>> No.42106851


>> No.42107780

>she has to rely entirely on force of personality/yellow fever to hook anyone.
Kyo seems more like the type of white guy to have jungle fever though, not yellow.

>> No.42108540
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Why do western normalfags WANT their vtubers to be in relationships? It's not just that they accept it or they're tolerant of it, they actively WISH for their oshi to have a boyfriend and seek out any shred of evidence to support their headcanon, even if they have to grasp at straws for it. They constantly post about "normalize vtubers being in relationships" and denounce "toxic incel idol culture preventing vtubers from being happy". They genuinely think Veibae is the gold standard that every vtuber should aspire to be like. It's disgusting.

>> No.42110382

If a vtuber gets married I am happy as they now get to live in virtuous matrimony. Having sex with boyfriends is bad though.

>> No.42110500

Personally I don't give a shit either way.
If she's vulgar about it then I have an issue. TMI you know?
But watching a cute couple can be nice.

>> No.42110695

Would you be happy knowing that people won't donate to her anymore and have to take 7-5 job to maintain her lifestyle

>> No.42113643

Enna did a poll and 91% of her audience wants her to get a boyfriend.

>> No.42114093

I wonder whose fanbases would approve of them getting a boyfriend/married?
I suspect Marines would be relieved if she got married. They'd mock her mercilessly for it half the time though, "F for your husband" "Someone had to jump on that grenade" etc.
But then they'd be all "At least we don't have to worry about the captain now"

>> No.42114458

Enna's audience is mostly women, married men, and cucks

>> No.42114804

It's OK when Enna does it
Simple as

>> No.42115000


>> No.42118147

rules don't apply to enna because uhhh they just don't ok

>> No.42120279

I like the way you think :)

>> No.42120485

>enna impersonates her antis to mock them
OP is a retard, as usual.

>> No.42120584

>/vt/sisters are SEA, horny, and afflicted with unicorn schizo syndrome
>enna is chinese, and hot
>chinese are the imperialists in that region
Do the math.

>> No.42120643

The """""people""""" she shat on have no claim to call themselves fans.

>> No.42120697

Lmao where do we get those obvious newfags?

>> No.42120802

>make smart scheduling decisions
>this angers the irystocrats

>> No.42120910

>I'm also fat so I need to burn that all off before I can put on muscle.
Not true, just lift the fucking weights and stop making excuses.

>> No.42121039
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Yeah strongfat is peak male aesthetic.

>> No.42121103

Millie, this is no place for (You).

>> No.42121171

>they actively WISH
You are literally imagining this.

>> No.42121329

Building muscle while fat will make you look like a whale for 6 months.
If you can hide away from society be my guest, but maybe lose the fat first?

>> No.42121379

I'm not mentally ill and realize that internet celebrities don't belong to me
This ability to enjoy an entertainer's work without turning into a deranged psycho feels like its becoming a lost art these days, irl movie stars used to have mostly sane fans and the freakshows who got mad at them dating someone were considered the weird stalkers who needed to be arrested, not the norm...

>> No.42121657

STFU these 2 anons are right

>> No.42121920

Go on chrome, right click it and search on google, select the option translate, select all text and there you go.

>> No.42121970
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It never was an art in the first place. Did you perhaps never learn of Beatlemania? Or of what Justin Bieber's and One Directions' fans did? This behaviour has been a thing ever since fans existed.

>> No.42122042

and you trust that poll? in my opinion a lot of that 91% is not sincere, I agree that she has a lot of female fans (mostly asian) but I also think that she has a lot of parasocial fans that voted that way to not look bad in the overall result, simply they didn't have the guts to go against the poll. I f she became engaged I think a bit of backlash has to be expected in this world, in my personal opinion I don't give a fuck unless she comes on stream talking about it all the time like when she does it about her virginity. In private she can do what she wants, but I would hate it if she tries to make content out of it on stream just because she's a vtuber and decided to flaunt her bf to the audience. I think it's a kind of behaviour which can be expected of her looking at how she always likes to talk about her life, which bwt is something that I like but not in that kind of context. I will probably lose interest if that happens, but it's just my personal take on it

>> No.42122084

Isn't the only holomem to claim to be virgin Matsuri?

>> No.42122117

>vtuber fans behave like women
I see...

>> No.42122171

don't worry, ai will replace these whores soon

>> No.42122239

I need a fem aloupeep how do I find one

>> No.42122315

anon in this case I think you should go to Asia

>> No.42122350

It's about ensuring the success of the talent and the brand long term.
Hololive is number 1, we want to stay number 1.
We're number 1 because we didn't produce garbage like Nijisanji did.
That's all there is to it.

>> No.42122458
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AI won't fix what's wrong with you, Henri. Only a fucking rope will.

>> No.42122484


>> No.42122590

Most people don't care if they're actually virgins, people just don't want people to lie in an attempt to manipulate them.

>> No.42122718

Hehe I fucking wish but I dont even have a passport let alone a valid new ID card

>> No.42124309

Enna claims to be a virgin, while also talking about her previous boyfriends. One of whom she was in a 2 year relationship with. Initially she lied and said it was just a "long distance relationship" but later admitted that she met up with him at hotels and stuff. In fact she broke his foot slamming the hotel door on it.

Jannies: yes she talks about her boyfriend on stream all the time, it's not dox or anything.
Also her discussions of her virginity and her past boyfriend are a huge part of her content, something she brings up all the time on stream. Here's an example. Enna claims that she's practicing abstinence "because I never have the opportunity". How can you "not have the opportunity" when you have boyfriends in the past? It doesn't make any sense

It's such an obvious lie that it's insulting to your intelligence.
It's weird because she wants to purge unicorns from her fanbase, but she continues to lie about this for some reason. Just tell the truth, that's how you get rid of the unicorns.

>> No.42124398

>Just tell the truth, that's how you get rid of the unicorns.
In this case it would be gachikoi, unicorns don't watch NIjisanji

>> No.42126710

Not to mention the general sense of suspicion her vigour evokes every time she sets out to discredit claims saying otherwise. For reasons unknown, she just can't let people be if they choose not to believe her. No, they must and shall believe her no matter how many times she must defend her chastity.

>> No.42130248

Matsuri used to say she was, but after something happened in June 2021, she said she hadn't had a boyfriend in 4 years. Then the hand thing happened, so...

Kanata has always maintained that she is and as a diehard idol otaku, she probably holds herself to that standard.
Fubuki, Subaru, and Suisei have all said they have no experience with love, so they might be as well. Towa said that she doesn't have any experience either, but that she did have a crush on a boy in high school who didn't feel the same way about her.
Lui wanted people to ask her about love advice and talking to girls, but when someone in chat said "so, you have experience?", she made a sad face with her model and moved on.

>> No.42131022

As for EN, I think the only ones that have implied they are is Bae and Gura. I'm not too familiar with Bae, but her fans say that her parents are hawkish about that kind of thing and monitor her so that she doesn't while she lives with them.
Gura said that the only people to have ever seen her naked were her parents and doctors. I'm not sure I believe that, but that's what she's said.

Keep in mind that the only Hololive member to have ever said they have an ex-boyfriend is Kobo, who said she has had multiple, though I guess sex before marriage is still extremely taboo in Indonesia, so who knows what she meant. Matsuri sayid she had an ex girlfriend, excluding the off topic stuff that happened.
Most of them don't ever bring the topic up.

>> No.42131854


>> No.42132290

Doesn't Kobo come from a muslim family?

>> No.42138525

I don't really care if she's somehow had multiple boyfriends and also no sexual experience. I really just need her to stop telling me she's a virgin. It's weird in general to listen to someone talk about their sexual experience. Lying or not.
