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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42010590 No.42010590 [Reply] [Original]

>Made a stream to "owned" the haters
>everyone cringed
>throw her "family" under the bus to save her ass
>got owned without the "haters" lifting a finger
Kek the absolute state

>> No.42010784

absolutely shameless

>> No.42010873

epic! this calls for another thread

>> No.42010966

Sure. I was getting tired of the low effort Gura thread spam anyway.

>> No.42011239

This is so fucking delicious. Another nail in the coffin for that whore factory hahahahahaha

>> No.42011470

Seriously though grow a fucking pair and take responsibility for your shitty stream idea. Have the balls to stick by what you've done even if it's a mistake. And if you're going to apologize actually apologize instead of being a shitty weasel.

>> No.42011488

Anyone keeping a tally for how many times this exact thread is posted?

>> No.42011841

Until they surpass the amount of Vesper spam I'm not worrying about it.

>> No.42011945

now the other livers are getting spammed and harassed with gc questions. brilliant fucking idea millie

>> No.42013265

I don't think it was much of a cringefest and more of them went too seriously shitting on each other and stopped emulating vt.
For example, Pomu 3D is... Okay, I guess, nijigeneral thinks it's good, /#/ thinks it's within the acceptable number. So, them shitting on pomu, where is it coming from?

>> No.42013530

They should turn it into a general at this point.

>> No.42013820

>/#/ thinks it's within the acceptable number
not really, even they predicted 40k+ at the very least

>> No.42014117

bobo mo millie gago

>> No.42014205

Because the only ones being bothered by all of this is her audience of normies.
>wait 30 minutes for something to happen on stream
>"Hi 4channers!"
>and hour or so of bitchy comments

>> No.42014401


>> No.42014553

Pomu backed out on the stream at some point, so they were probably salty.

>> No.42015358

You backstabbed her. You backstabbed my Pommers. No, no. Your punishment must be more severe.

>> No.42015464

Wheres the mega? Any stand out moments?
I missed this yet it seems everyone else didnt.

>> No.42015533


>> No.42015587

Yeah, I noticed someone else posted it.
Im... very confused. What the fuck am I looking at exactly? Who is using the chat?

>> No.42015627

>Millie not taking any responsibility for what she did
Not surprising given thats what her family also did due to cronyism escaping to the west after marcos sr. fell.

>> No.42015671

The only thing that upsets me about all this is she called those weak ass anons' first shitpost tier replies "hot takes".

>> No.42015680

>Any stand out moments?
Every time Enna seethes about something specifically her cuck shit, Luca(presumably) ONLY posting about Pomu, the entire branch being painfully aware of how the industry mocks them with them pumping out waves every 2 months

>> No.42015698

The nijien livers are using the chat anonymously

>> No.42015717

To shit talk each other?

>> No.42015743

Great oshi you have there nijikeks

>> No.42015747

The livers are using a discord chatroom under pseudonyms

>> No.42015809

yes, they did it to "own the haters™"

>> No.42015825

They're mimicking the anti posts they've seen in here and other places

>> No.42016001

thats just a funny cope to say that they are shitting on their co-workers especially iluna and soliel
not surprsing since if i remember correctly even selen didnt like them

>> No.42016422

>>Made a stream to "owned" the haters
ESL thread, disregarding

>> No.42016598

/vt/rannies love talking about how this whole "stream" ment they live rent-free in Millie's head, but seems to me Millie is living rent-free 5 star hotel inside /vt/'s head with how many catalog threads they keep making. C'mon Catalogniggers, make another one like a good predictable monkey you are.

>> No.42016650

Hey millie
Also your ancestral house in pampanga is nice

>> No.42016742

>Seething this hard
This is why people are making more threads, Millie.

>> No.42016830

Doesn't work after how hard this backfired. Doubly so after that half-assed "apology". It's almost a shame because you would be right otherwise.

>> No.42016980
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>> No.42017019


>> No.42017779

Hi Millie. Enjoy your suspensi- I mean, "vacation" kek

>> No.42017836


>> No.42017960

Millie get the gwelu treatment, and nobody see it coming, thx enna

>> No.42018312

i wonder if his quitting rant in his rm account means that he's gonna get yugo/axia treatmet

>> No.42018401

This will surely make the others love her

>> No.42018797

>joint company statement against antis
>not a week later, cover a Pekora anti song live on air
Some people are too dumb to live I guess.

>> No.42019068
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Hey Millie, use this for your next collab.

>> No.42019319

Like seriously, what are these livers even thinking?

>> No.42019594

These people build their careers off doing stupid shit and it never causes an issue, so they start thinking they can get away with anything
And that's always when you fuck up, complacency is killer

>> No.42020146

They dont think. It probably didnt occur to them that now they really need to watch their ass now that Anykara is a publicly traded company. Some shit can very well and easily bite them in the ass.

>> No.42020948

He always a dumbass messing with other liver but they tolerated him, this jab was toward another company which make him a retard for not see it coming. Also he costing fuwa sponsorship on that day which pissed his fan.

>> No.42021904

Classic bullysanji harassing coworkers

>> No.42023074

What happened?

>> No.42023190

Thats a bit of an overstatement of their relationship dont you think?

>> No.42023213

How do they manage to find streamers this retarded? When has directly addressing people who hate you ever worked out for the best? I honestly don't get how Millie has still yet to figure out that she doesn't have to reply to everything she sees in /vt/ or twitter

>> No.42023296

I tend to forget she qualifies as SEA-tier bitch sometimes.

>> No.42023306

Holy kek, are you seeing this Millie?

>> No.42023398

You gonna get graduated mah girl, better pray to your CEO for a half-year suspension instead.
You are never going to get a position this high on this industry ever again without having to whore yourself on-stream.
I hope you find a good IRL job instead, I wouldn't want to see you, degraded and begging like those Twitch hoes.
See ya.

>> No.42023545
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I love my family!!!! <3

>> No.42023691

>no selen
After learning that she and Mumei thought they applied to the same company, I wonder if there's some underhanded embarrassment that keeps her up at night about it.

>> No.42024024

Selen defo would have fit better in Hololive.

>> No.42024164

Yeah no, go fuck yourself.
Talking shit about pomu's surgery calling her flat isn't going to be forgotten, this was definitely nina pulling out the "dead dying channel" venom against pomu again

>> No.42024189

i think the reason why this backfired so badly was because not only it was poorly planned and executed, but also because essentially Millie is fighting a formless enemy, that is there's no way to understand this schizo chamber and much less grasp how to attack it. As long as 4chan's anonimity remains, it will remain being a formless foe, otherwise it'll be laughed off

>> No.42024418

Stop complainig and make a better one i enjoy it,it is not every day that i get an hour long stream dedicated to my shitposting

>> No.42024728

Don't care

>> No.42024854

Is any vtuber's power level high enough to defeat /vt/?

>> No.42025140

>check nyfco
>sisters are also making fun of millie
Fucking kek

>> No.42025176

All of vwhorejo the fuck every anon and than wait to let them die from all the stds

>> No.42025194

No. They all lack the kind of ultra menhera necessary.

It’s over...

>> No.42025231

That's the site she was referencing. They were calling you fags idiots for thinking it was solely about 4chan.

>> No.42025265 [DELETED] 



>> No.42025344

Anon they started with hi 4chan

>> No.42025373

So all 3 of us hate each other, hahaha

>> No.42025399

Anon, check the VOD or the log, they literally start with greeting 4chan and saying /here/

>> No.42025525

This is a nothingburger. Stop talking about it.

>> No.42025586

I said solely anon. They referenced both here and the doxxsite. "The Owner is dead" and a couple other lines were desd giveaways.

>> No.42025591

>hi 4channers

>> No.42025595

Shut the fuck up millie.

The next time you go cutting yourself, don't go side to side, go all the way down.

>> No.42025600

absolute god tier bait if true

>> No.42026528
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>> No.42027301
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Millie doesnt realize but she just flipped the first piece of the domino that might end up with her own graduation or in the worst case scenario, multiple talents graduation. The strain and cliques among the NijiEN branch will intensify, that is for sure.

Of course they'll play it off and either ignore when this topic is brought up or say it's not a big deal. But internally it IS a big deal, why? because some talents have voiced their inner honest thoughts about their coworkers when /vt/ has been the exact opposite to how they've portrayed it. This is big, this is what causes in-fighting and the cliques and creates a hostile environment.

Millie or any nijiEN managers that read this post, there is a way to solve this before it escalates to that point, but it also depends if the talents are willing to being honest and humble enough to accept they fucked up. If they are too prideful then it will only make things harder. The talents involved need to come clean with each other and apologize. It's natural to not like everyone and certainly there will be jealousy feelings or even rivalry among coworkers, their opinions based on those feelings are valid but it's not correct, and much less in this industry, to make public those things. I reckon not everyone will be forgiven and it might sour relationships among coworkers but it is better than being hypocritical, and for the sake of anycolor they need to show they can at least keep a coworker relationship at an arm-lenght. Time can only heal or rebuild those friendships, starting from zero again.

>TL;DR stop being fags, admit you fucked up, if you can patch things up then that's great, if not keep a coworker-relationship, just interacting when necessary.

>> No.42027361

>to "owned"

>> No.42027513

Certainly not. She is one of the least-fitting, not cute at all.
Also, she would definitely collab with the homos, so thank fuck she applied for niji.

>> No.42028777

Fakkingo monkii desu ! ! !

>> No.42029110

Nope, boards like this live rent free in their heads especially if they are viewed negatively here. Streamers are unable to ignore negative comments, they can get millions of positive comments but all it takes is one negative comment to ruin their day. And the worst part is they will go out of their way to read that negative comment that has been downvoted into oblivion, which in this case is coming into this board and reading the hate.

>> No.42029141

>Doesn't work after how hard this backfired. Doubly so after that half-assed "apology". It's almost a shame because you would be right otherwise.
epic! this calls for another thread

>> No.42029192

guys I've been under a rock for a while, can someone link/name the stream everyone's talking about?

>> No.42029195




>> No.42029255

>mimicking the anti posts
there isn't a single place in the internet who anti'd pomus 3D
which ever liver wrote that did so on their own

>> No.42029399

>Is any vtuber's power level high enough to defeat /vt/?
Nyanners does it daily

>> No.42029426

It's really easy to defeat /vt/, just completely ignore it. If you engage with what's being said here you've already lost.

>> No.42029453

I liked "with females" more desu

>> No.42029504

kek get out hoe you got yourself in shit now eat it

>> No.42029595

This is the bane of any online trolls in general.

>> No.42029996

your just a hater yourself, touch grass

>> No.42030433

It's like a black hole. You cannot defeat it. At best you can harness its power at your own risk.

>> No.42030516
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the sisters are still mad about it

>> No.42030585
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to anyone who might have missed what happened:
>Millie has a brilliant idea to "own the haters" in 4chan and a specific dox website by doing a stream where they "show the hate they get"
>invite 12 dramaqueens from NijiEN to falseflag as anons in a fake discord group for an hour, larping as "4channers" and posting retarded rrats that you would see in threads here
>they talk shit about their co-workers even ones that didn't know that the stream was even happening like Mysta, calling the latest wave flop, saying the ACCELERATE meme and how they shit out vtubers like a 2cent toy factory, calling Enna a lying whore etc
>stream ends and its immediately deleted, nijien fans start the backlash against everyone in NijiEN since nobody can tell who typed what, the only one that was known is Millie
>Millie instantly damage controlling saying its not her fault, throwing everyone else under the bus claiming "i told them the rules and they didnt follow it"
>a witchhunt begins on who the other 12 members who talked shit are
>Millie cancels all streams for the week, likely suspension from Anycolor staff
Yab is still developing

and transcript

>> No.42030876

This shit is so forced and cringe. Glad someone is sabotaging it honestly.

>> No.42031115

Which one was millie?

>> No.42031123

kek nijien is rapidly becoming as bad as vwhorejo

>> No.42031222

lmao very nice

>> No.42031337

PepperyCanary, that's the only one we know for sure because of how discord works.

>> No.42031455

She did this to deflect /vt/ from the fact one of her best friends just got married

>> No.42031463

>and posting retarded rrats that you would see in threads here
excuse me, but my rrats have quality standards that i strictly follow

>> No.42031594

>Streaming the day after getting married
No, but I might have believed it if I knew for a fact Niji isn't smart enough for optics like this.
Millie has been bedridden and seething doing nothing but egosearching rather than thinking about how she can be a good streamer because all of her content depends on collaborations now and she's stopped putting effort in.

>> No.42031840

wtf I love Millie now!

also, thank you for your service o7

>> No.42031955

The only posts they were missing was:
>tfw no belly selen gf

>> No.42032191

>>Millie cancels all streams for the week, likely suspension from Anycolor staff
This literally didn't happened

>> No.42032383

Next time take clues from kronii and mori on how to trigger 4chan incels. This was just embarassing to watch lol nijikeks why are your oshi like this.

>> No.42032482

I missed the stream but considering that all I see people making a fuss over are the "pomu has no ass" and "pomu sang too much on her 3d debut" I'm going to assume this is just another nothingburger

>> No.42032528
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follow them

>> No.42032696

Suspending Millie would be the only sign to show that Nijisanji still care. Not to punish Millie, but to show that they're smart enough to let this die down.

>> No.42032797

They're missing alot of things, could've mentioned pagpag when they mentioned MIllie being Filipino. Could've added the "Come home" with the knight guy. Could've used the popular reaction images, Millie coming face, Finana Hmongus, Trap Rosebud, any of the copypastas, etc. I think we should give more feedback so she does this kind of stream more often.

>> No.42032814

Millie, if you want outrage, you need to build up a strong parasocial connection with your viewers first, and THEN betray them for maximum pain.

>> No.42032949

Slumsaint and ExternalHollow are the only ones even close to how people type on here. Obviously they're not gonna say shit that's real over the top, but I'd really like to know who those two were in the company.
Most of that is pretty milquetoast, so if this is the 'juiciest' out of that stream I kinda get why people are calling it a nothingburger.

>> No.42033034

it seems most anons assume slumsaint was Enna, but the only one we know for sure is canary (Millie). Some anons guessed ExternalHollow could be Pomu or Luca.

>> No.42033370

>honorary Holo

>> No.42033433

Why Pomu? Wasn't this during her 3d or something?

>> No.42033475

I feel owned now.

>> No.42033503

Millie I kneel! You truly are the god of /vt/!

>> No.42033544

nah she was in the chat but we don't know if she actually posted something (she claims she didn't), she had an unscheduled mc stream right afterwards.

>> No.42033654

She noped out when she realised what it was actually going to be used for from it's original context. She's smart enough to know prodding 4chan accomplishes nothing

>> No.42033895

Suspending her would be the opposite of letting it die, it would be admitting that this was in fact a big fucking deal which required management to take action

>> No.42033907

She mentioned in her earlier stream she would be playing Minecraft that night, so not completely unscheduled.

>> No.42033977

you took advise right out of millies book ey?
Haters PWNED!!1!

>> No.42034025

pomudachi pls. We don't know if she posted something but it was an unscheduled stream and she was chatting during the discord stream. The frame was created after they started posting shit.

>> No.42034227

>pomu/vox talk millie into doing it
>she is too dumb to realize the yabei potential
>at least does some rules
>everybody "agrees" to follow the rules
>nobody does
>they completly throw her under the bus

NijiEn sure is machiavellian. You basically need to pull an Ina/Selen and not interact with anybody.

>> No.42034236

so which niji were confirmed to be in the GC?
I know selen and mysta didn't. Shu and Ike wouldn't participate in shit like that. Elira?

>> No.42034238

nijisanji doesn't "suspend" people, they just go on break for a while, like Millie this week

>> No.42034288

from the transcript:
Members busy during the stream:
>shu (mental illness break)

Likely participants:

Pomu claimed she wasn't involved in her minecraft, but her stream was unscheduled and started right after.

Vtubers mentioned:
>Elira X
>Selen X

>> No.42034294

Fact doesnt care about your feeling, millie. Everything you write < >>42030585

>> No.42034419

cool, but she's not on break either, she just confirmed the collab with Luca tomorrow

>> No.42034565

I don't see the announcement

>> No.42034626

Except Millie is still streaming this week.

>> No.42034706

schedule next thread?

>> No.42034717
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She also has a tentative schedule up for members and the only announcement is that the times will change a little

>> No.42034855

I love that this happened since the moment this drama dies down i can now sc xsoliel and iluna and ask them how they feel about letting their senpais down and being failures

>> No.42034937

I don't understand, what's the yab?

>> No.42035009

They called the new wave flops and made their fanbase mad

>> No.42035066

But it's in the context of /r/shit4chansays, right?

>> No.42035128

Give them each $10 and they'll read it

>> No.42035130

so why hasn't why trying to own the haters now? Just say she was not suspended like the rrat that's been going on here. Did she finally learn her lesson? KEK

>> No.42035187

it's implying that they are regulars of this shit hole, and also doing the same as anons does. for example, calling someone the Nword.

>> No.42035261

>But it's in the context of /r/shit4chansays, right?
I dont think so considering they also talked shit about pomus 3d whereas /vt/ was positive/neutral about it.
It seemed like the stream was more of a venting stream rather than a parody stream narrative that they are trying to push.

>> No.42035279

Who the fuck announces something that didn't happened? Sorry your rrat was slayed so hard

>> No.42035357

>cucks you

>> No.42035377

>in the context of /r/shit4chansays
anon... Do you see some kids say nigger too when you watch some drama where they role play some niggers? KEK

>> No.42035424

>implying NijiEN announces suspensions

>> No.42035479

ah yes because they announced axia and yugos suspension instead of using the break approach.

>> No.42035484

Millie you're an unlikeable cunt and you should feel bad about what you did. Fuck you, the people you roped into it, and your entire EN branch. Except Pomu. Shes an angel.

>> No.42035563

but how do people found out that the 12 "anons" were all nijiEN members?

>> No.42035567

she's not on break you retards

>> No.42035668

You may be are right. Imagine a streamer that calls out the pest hive that is /vt. Turns into their mother and gives them the real talk to wake them up from their misery. All the pest is livid because someone with success calls them for what they are and start circle jerking each other buzzing the same pointless points again and again. She really is living rent free in a 5star hotel suite inside their heads.

>> No.42035683

The yab is minor compared to us having direct proof that these faggots have brain space reserved for us

>> No.42035718

I refuse to think 1 stream is "brain-space reserved" why is it not okay to shit on /vt/ rrats every once in a while?

>> No.42035725

If it's in any way related then it's Millie seething extra hard

>> No.42035762

Based Milliepeed.

>> No.42035766

you need reading comprehension, SEA sister. KEK

>> No.42035817

Only a bunch of incel losers could get mad at a girl

>> No.42035840

I wonder if this was some way of millie trying to get even with /vt/ after the whole family got doxxed as marcos sr. cronies thing

>> No.42035842

>why is it not okay to shit on /vt/ rrats every once in a while?
you see what's happening now? The multiple deleted tweets by them? Some of their chuubas need to address the situation. The privated VOD? Uhmmm, I wonder why the term don't feed the troll exists.

>> No.42035900

Anon, to even think about venting stream like this they need to be constantly thinking about us

>> No.42035989

That's retarded. The stream was clearly based around that other shitty gc leak drama, they probably just used /vt/ because that's where they get the most criticism

>> No.42036177

Based advice Kronii

>> No.42036234

>The stream was clearly based around that other shitty gc leak drama
Nah its pretty clear by now the stream was just a vent stream disguised as a satire stream.

>> No.42036378

>you may be are right

Learn to english faggot

>> No.42036402

so it had nothing to do with the normalfag gc leak drama that happened earlier that day? Nothing at all? just a coincidence?

>> No.42036453

So is she suspended yet or is this another nothingburger?
I don't care about what happened, just the end result.

>> No.42036486

Is he really dead?

>> No.42036658

it might have influenced it but it wasnt based around it

>> No.42036748

I'm sure they're were already planning a different vent about hate stream, for sure

>> No.42036756

I like how you keep bumping this thread from page 10 over and over agian, hoping more people will care.
Look at ye life and despair, because you made it what it is.

>> No.42036817

I just want to know who the heck shat on Pomu

>> No.42036953

Forget the whole mancollabing thing (which is true and bad enough), how the fuck does anyone watch nijiEN?
It's such a train wreck. Might as well watch vshojo.

>> No.42037092

Vshojo are too easy, they're the actual group of people just fucking about and doing what they think is fun. NijiEN wants to come across like that, but it's like a company made up entirely of Mori and they try and snap at everything that bothers them and have to make a sorry statement after. It's a trainwreck and the easiest company to laugh at

>> No.42037330

I'm sure that's how they look for someone who only follows them through the dramabait threads about nothingburgers

>> No.42037355

Vshojo's are pretty much as all successful and/or pretty. Nijisanji members are generally not to the most attractive people.
Pretty people can certainly be shitty but it's not really something they hide because their attractiveness makes up for it. However, when someone goes through life being "undesirable", it generally leads them to be more inwardly conniving and mean in private.

>> No.42037504

I just watch Kotoka, I don't care.
Stinky gyaru all the way.

>> No.42037586

Is it me or are some people here under the impression that this was a leak?

>> No.42037609

What does this even mean

>> No.42038199
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>> No.42038435

You know 4chanX lets you know when a new IP is posting, and thus when someone has commented in the thread before, right?

>> No.42039415

They should have hammered on the Pomu Luca thing harder but they have no balls.

>> No.42039717

And? The only post I made before that was pointing out that she was't suspended

>> No.42040494

Please somebody save Rosemi

>> No.42040635

>externalhollow = Hex Haywire
>> the name is an anagram for Hex
I dont think you know what anagram means

>> No.42040646

All these retarded 2view - 3view streamers constantly referencing this place has just caused the most annoying people to spam it.
All non-JP threads should just be nuked permanently.

>> No.42041157

It was always too late, anon.

>> No.42041295

i still don't know

>> No.42041425

The only reason i watch corporates over indies is because of the restriction they are imposed by management. Theres no "its a hobby" get out free of jail card, its their job and certain behavior is expected, one being "not antagonizing your audience". Instead of making something for the people who are there for them on every stream, the ones who donate, make art for them, they decided to come up and take part on this silly punch down stream. We know all vtubers have contempt for certain part of their fanbase but they are better not the playing the odds and keeping it to themselves on their closed Discord.

>> No.42041426

I don’t know why they are using a dicksword template and still saying “anon”, but it probably helps autists to better parallel the names with the Nijis because of their general demeanors. The names coinciding with likenesses in speech/expression are just supposition, but it’s not exactly wild to assume the “NijiEN family(tm)” are going to act similarly to the posts and handles in question. Or perhaps I enjoy penis.

>> No.42041446

You're on the wrong board if you're going to seethe about ENs

>> No.42041530

This is so fucking retarded lol.

>> No.42041774

Yeah. Even in NijiEN there's talents that can beat us no problem. The easiest way to beat /vt/ is to embrace the positives that /vt/ has to offer while acknowledging that every idiot on the internet isn't worth listening to. Just a week ago we had a massive hype train over Wrestlesanji because over half the fan-made wrestlers were from /here/. There were anons talking about what inspired them to make specific CAW design decisions, and talking about stream content that gave them that inspiration. It was a good time, and the kind of positive experience you can have on /vt/.
But that's not what these idiots focused on. They focused on the antis to the point where they were inventing new antis to seethe about. That's not how you beat /vt/. That's how you become a schizo that everyone makes fun of. And that's what's happening. We're making fun of schizoposting, it's just that the schizoposting was officially released this time by the talents.

>> No.42041958

Gura beat this cesspool of a site every time by not acknowledging its existence

>> No.42042052

>collab with man before luxiem
>likes to stream
he most unfit for holoffline

>> No.42042118

>and transcript
why even bother? jesus, Millie x VT love is war spin-off ffs

>> No.42042125

Based post. This is precisely how Selen does it, and mind you, Selen gets as much, if not more shit than Millie and Enna, and has been getting it for a longer time.

>> No.42042488

you dont just make a stream about someone or something if it's not constantly on the back of your head, so yeah there's a reserved spot for us in many chuuba's minds.

>> No.42042612

Feels good that we can make Pippa incline while making these idiots recline.

>> No.42045286

