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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 749 KB, 1000x1000, Machina_X_Flayon_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41902640 No.41902640 [Reply] [Original]

Im a unityfag chud until the day I die, but this has to be the first time I've been compelled to unsub from a holo.
He is everything /vt/keks think Nijimales are like. Not even Aster gets me feeling this way, and he (was) my least favorite EN chuuba.

>> No.41903262

There’s a reason why someone like him never blew up to begin with.

>> No.41903374

Does he have a gay voice like Aster?

>> No.41903617

He sticks to his character, he has a good voice, he's cute, and he plays good games.
His only mistake was joining a company with a primarily male audience.

>> No.41903655

He's not so bad.
Funnier in group collabs tho.

>> No.41903735

Nowhere near as bad as Aster, he's like 10% more watchable

>> No.41909393

cute girl

>> No.41909703

I feel bad for spandex lad to a degree, but Cover's shotgun approach to just try everything and see what sticks set him up to fail.
I mean this guy does this for a job now. He has to see and handle being the runt of a group that's not very appealing to the wider audience to begin with.
If I were spandex lad I would demand a second outfit with a mecha suit. That's the only way he's going to stand a chance. Shota in spandex is fucking gross.

>> No.41909796

>unityfag chud
nobody says this unironically

>> No.41910889

At least someone else understands me

>> No.41911076

If only Cover would hire people based off of how well their auditions were instead of how popular their PLs were. Their updated recruitment section gave me some hope but it amounted to nothing.

>> No.41911241

It really sucks for people that can entertain a room in real life but have little online presence outside of the chans that would want to do something like this.
Reap what you sow I guess.

>> No.41911431

What's wrong with him? He is just kinda boring i guess but i feel like he is just still nervous and not being himself.

>> No.41911579

>*cringy girl voice for no reason*
>*sudden fujo baiting*

>> No.41911650

Literally just opened his stream and he's talking about whom to marry in Tempus.

>> No.41911666

Flayon is unironically better than Aster. He actually listens to feedback and improves while Aster gets salty and doubles down on his shit behavior. Fuck off.

>> No.41911703

You are quite literally, in every sense of the word, autistic.

>> No.41911710

Not only because it's gay, but because well, look at Tempus.

>> No.41911849

Cope. I watched the Pummel Party, 6 month anniversary, and Minecraft collabs. He's so autistic that I had to mute the stream.

>> No.41911962

ill trade him for aster any day

>> No.41912052

Vesper was right, nu-tempus was a mistake

>> No.41912162

I'm cool with him he's never gonna cuck us like vesper did.

>> No.41912241

his rm is good friends with shoto so you are justified

>> No.41912383

Vesper needs to do something about that bettel guy. Hes literally poaching Nowas viewers. He should regress to a 3 view like the rest of that new trash

>> No.41913151

You're unityfag till you finish middle school, get bored of the hot neww trend and quit shitting the board and ruining the hobby, shart

>> No.41913570

>be Vesper
>see new competition
>buy spear
>buy 4 more spears in secret
>vanguard is still here
>anxiety through the roof
>no meds
>buy 40 spears instead of upgrading stream equipment
>yell at peppers
>coat tip of favorite spear in pepper juice
>strip down to your shoes and boxes
>run out the front door with spear in hand, screaming until you hit the side of your neighbors house and pierce their air conditioning unit
>roll around in the dirt
>look up at the sky
>take a deep breath
>pass out

>> No.41914310
File: 239 KB, 1390x2048, Fmnm7a0aUAADkBP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Him so much!
I don't know why but His streams make me feel warm in a nice way :3
I imagine this is how it feels like to have an older brother!

>> No.41914530

>worse than aster
Powerful words anon. But sometimes the numbers do reflect the streamer

>> No.41914942

Bettel is the only one I can objectively watch as a non-homosexual male. The Spanish guy plays MegaMan, but is pretty cringe since he sounds so young. The shota plays a brat almost TOO well and is growing more gay. The big guy is kinda cool but puts me to sleep.

>> No.41917141

He randomly starts spewing woke drivel, so I don't like him.

>> No.41919178

Bettel is fine

>> No.41919635

I can see him sitting around, getting crazier and crazier like Lawrence Fishburne in Predators. One day he's just gonna snap and start hunting holomems with his dick.

>> No.41919702

>If only Cover would hire people based off of how well their auditions were instead of how popular their PLs were
That's literally what they do though, weren't some of the homos literal 1views?

>> No.41919838

Every single Tempus member (including the recent debuts) apart from Vespe are colossal faggots.

Don't polute the board with your shitty threads, sister.

>> No.41920239

I think he broke into two digits sometimes.

>> No.41920504

>Unityfag chud
As if such thing exist

>> No.41920755
File: 180 KB, 597x397, 1670785545238954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. That must be the secret.
You know what blows though as an outsider looking in? Making connections is easy if you're already Asia adjacent. Easier to get noticed.
If you're not, you're on your own. Then if you succeed, you're on your own and working with a foreign people.
You see things that make you think you can break through the insulation (picrel) but I think I can say I have officially beaten Nene on the applications.
Must be the soldier blood in me, but these guys are getting easy jobs playing video games with a network already in place. I just wanna see a world locked off to me. Would be surreal to finally get over there, tell my story and have people cheering for you on landing just by playing some video games.
...oh yeah. I guess I'd get to bully spandex lad and the rest of Tempus but that's more sprinkles in the ice cream, really.
