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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41426871 No.41426871 [Reply] [Original]

I actually don’t like being here. I don’t like people who substitute ad hominem for an actual argument, or are openly hypocritical about which Vtubers are allowed to be shat on and doxxed and which ones aren’t. I want a Vtuber forum that treats everyone equally, and is logically consistent with their posts, and doesn’t whine about “walls of text” when I make a post longer than a tweet. Closest site I can think of is gamefaqs, but they don’t have a Vtuber board.

>> No.41426915
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I'm not telling you because that site is still good and I don't want the monkies that use this board to use it

>> No.41426989

unironically it used to be discord... but it's getting worse and worse.

>> No.41426991

Maybe you should go fuck yourself

>> No.41427058

fan discords or general threads or the general vt sub on reddit

>> No.41427069

Sorry pal. This board is as good as it's gonna get.

>> No.41427126

Fuck off and make friends in real life. Create a community yourself if you don't want to leave your house. Do something proactive instead of bitching about what you don't like.

>> No.41427199

>muh logical fallacies
>why won't people read my walls of text
Kill yourself.

>> No.41427206

Aren’t discords full of groomers and trannies? And I have bad luck on Reddit, every post I make instantly drops to 0 score the moment I post it. Generals are fine, until they raided. I need a place totally separate from this community

Vtubers will NEVER be acceptable to talk about in real life, with ANYONE. That’s just the way the world works

>> No.41427373
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I genuinely believe that if you:
>make an irrevocably untrue statement
>make a logical fallacy
>are openly hypocritical about how you treat talents in one corpo over another
>show signs of being illiterate
Then you should get a 3-day ban. It’s harsh, but I think posters here would improve, as people, if they were forced to talk to people here with the same amount of tact that they do in real life.

>> No.41427412 [DELETED] 

This board has been ruined by a mix of an horde of shit flinging starving SEAmonkeys paid pennies and Hololive shills in positions of mods, jannies and admins
This board will never have good discussion or impartiality,

>> No.41427429

Janitor applications time

>> No.41427468

Why does she look like, if Kson and Nazuna had a baby?

>> No.41427519 [DELETED] 

Why do SEAjoggers flock to /vt/ specifically? It’s not a sitewide issue; even /v/ has more people who play and enjoy videogames than /vt/ has people who watch and enjoy Vtubers.

>> No.41427581

Just kys

>> No.41427584

>he thinks jannies get any kind of agency regarding what they should or should not delete
They're just there to do the grunt work of the mods.

>> No.41427612
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Should've been in the /jp/ threads during 2017 and 2018 for the truly fun & good times. It's been all downhill since then and is irrecoverable, unfortunately.

You boys just missed it.

>> No.41427615

Good lord you are autistic. This isn't a debate club.

>> No.41427722

>Aren’t discords full of groomers and trannies?
OP, why are you looking to get away from 4chan if you still think like a 4channer?

>> No.41427730

Kiwi Farms has a VTuber megathread.

>> No.41427778

are you retarded? what about OP's post would make you think that kiwi is greener pastures for them?

>> No.41427801

Because being overly critical of anime and video games isn't seen as socially unacceptable. If you have dumbass shit to say, you won't get ostracized by most platforms, not even twatter.
The same isn't true for vtubers, however. It just so happens that SEAs make up a majority of that crowd.

>> No.41427840

Please don't tell them I don't want /vt/ there

>> No.41427860

assume everything outside the generals is bait, anonchama

>> No.41427876

>Kiwi farms
At least there are decent people in the generals. Kiwi farms is a breeding ground for atrocious human beings

>> No.41427894

anon this is a Moldavian sheep trading board, not R*ddit

>> No.41427926

I mean, that’s why I came here, to the place that was for “autists”. But seems like there’s too many Twitter-lites browsing here now, which would explain the short attention spans of people here. I need a place that has the kind of autism this site used to have.

>> No.41427932

Dumb ass Nijisanji and Hololive released garbage indonesian branches...
I don't get the appeal, it's a poor borderline stoneage shithole that didn't even have YT monetization to begin with.
They should have released EN branches and call it a day, but they were playing market gymnastics around Asian markets for some stupid reason.

>> No.41427973

Unironically vt subreddit.
Once in a while, the mods will allow a yab to be discussed and it's some of the most decent discussions I've had on the internet.

>> No.41427978
File: 162 KB, 800x800, vt sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet /vt/ is Kiwifarms lite.
Kiwifarms is /vt/ lite at this point.

>> No.41427979

Two solutions to all the problems on this board:
>Rangeban SEA
>Permaban all IPs that have ever posted in /#/
Sadly this will never happen as many of the meidos and jannies fall into both of these categories.

>> No.41427984

wayyyyy too late faggot

>> No.41427988

Reddit doesn’t talk like real life. Using 4chanspeak IRL gets you sucker punched. Using Redditspeak IRL just makes people cringe at you.

>> No.41428013

You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.41428029

we don't have mods, that's the main problem

>> No.41428031

Everyone in this board has a Twitter and frequent the site.
Anyone who says otherwise is a liar

>> No.41428037 [DELETED] 

Reddit might be more your speed

>> No.41428067

Kiwifarms is /vt/-lite, except they double down on doxxing.

>> No.41428092

So iketog?

>> No.41428118 [DELETED] 

SEA has been a part of the vtuber community for years, they were larping as JSLs back in the vyt threads in /jp/. To explain why vt is extra shitty is pretty simple: shitposts were/are posted to Facebook, Discord, twitter by other seanigs. They see it as a place to act like retards and why shouldn’t they? The meidos let vt become a shithole with their lax and biased moderation. If you want to laugh look up Running Amok.

>> No.41428130

Maybe it's because I only go to the JRPG sub, but wtf is redditspeak?

>> No.41428161 [DELETED] 

Yes, we do.
Just call Mori a fat whore or Ina a ghosting gook or SEAniggers a bunch of third world monkey hybrids or call mods cross dressing trannies who will never be a woman, and they will appear in a heart beat.

>> No.41428159

You unironically sound like you would appreciate Reddit

>> No.41428166

/vt/ and /jp/ before it were never ever ever anything resembling what you want. It sounds like you want a version of a shitty reddit clone called TheMotte, but focused on vtubing instead of "rationalism" and culture wars.

>> No.41428171

SEA has always been one of the biggest audiences for vtubers. Why do you think the big companies made ID branches? Because they saw how many of their viewers came from that country.

>> No.41428223

If you're looking for a place where people get downvoted or banned for misinformation or shitposting, it's not /here/

>> No.41428227
File: 587 KB, 554x562, 6579EC30-D218-4CC0-AFEB-32F44ECE0E9B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sure thing, buddy
>I’m not your buddy, pal
>I’m not your pal, friendo
>I’m not your friendo, compadre
>I’m not your compadre, tomodachi
>EDIT: WOWzers, for the Gold!!!
You know, shit like that

>> No.41428262

You wouldn’t believe it but the twitter trannies once avoided vt, it wasn’t until Luxiem, noctyx, and now Tempus that they’ve made this place their home. Don’t get me wrong vt was still shit back then but it was a different more palatable flavor of dooky.

>> No.41428263

>SEA has always been one of the biggest audiences for vtubers
Ah yes, NijiID bunch of borderline 2views and HoloID bunch of borderline 3views.
"Huge" market and no money at all to superchat

>> No.41428294

That's because they prefer to watch JP vtubers, unironically

>> No.41428334

your options are
pros: actual unfiltered vtuber discussion, you can post whatever you want because mods are (usually) not retarded
cons: shitposters literally everywhere unless youre in a general
pros: people are usually positive and theres 0 shitposting
cons: its fucking reddit
pros: you arent as heavily censored as reddit, i guess?
cons: imagine reddit but worse, that is all fan discords.

>> No.41428379

I'd argue shitposting is pretty bad in the generals too. You also have to wade through the insufferably high number of meaningless ritual posts that seem to be growing by the day.

>> No.41428446

Captcha: 0M02D

>> No.41428453

>mods are (usually) not retarded
They're globalfags, though

>> No.41428466

You forgot to mention /#/'s mere existence in your cons

>> No.41428560

>his split has ritual posts
roru just have a better fanbase

>> No.41428582

A lot of posts in generals have to be fluff because the board is too fast to sustain a general 24/7 (unless there's drama)
This is a board issue instead of a general issue in my opinion.

>> No.41428606

Reddiscord is where you go to get your cock caged. Enjoy

>> No.41428615

Anon, 4chan is a funpost club and has been since its inception. I suggest you see it for what it is and go to other places if you actually wanna discuss something.

>> No.41428619

A fair point.

>> No.41428698

SEA is already in vtuber community before they open up ID branch, though. even if they open up EN first, nothing will change. in fact, its EN who bring more SEA to the community.

>> No.41428761 [DELETED] 

even you don’t know what the fuck you’re saying anon

>> No.41428828

There is a difference in funposting and actual rrat spreading, though
Think about retards like DN who talk as if they're any type of authority on vtubers when their opinions are just regurgitating catalog talking points and how many people actually think they know what they're talking about

>> No.41428875

Since when?? Again, maybe because I don't go to normie subs but I've never seen this type of attitude anywhere. What subs are you going to??

>> No.41428882 [DELETED] 

just rangeban SEA and all would be good

>> No.41428961

>Kiwi farms is a breeding ground for atrocious human beings
KF vtuber thread is /vt/ with 10x the ego

>> No.41429622

Are you trying to win the dumbest mother fucker on earth award or what? All the things you listed are literally the only things this place is for. The reddit hugbox is right over there, I'm sure they miss you.

>> No.41429656

/vt/ is one of the worst boards because of all the underage kids and third worlders.

>> No.41429864

Excuse me sir, but you have committed a logical fallacy and knowingly spread a falsehood to boot! Please take a 3 day vacation.

>> No.41429905

>JewEN fan
>Wants to ban wrongthink
Color me surprised

>> No.41429921

>worst board
Try lurking /r9k/, /pol/, /b/, /o/, and /v/ for at least a week, then try to mention how bad this place is again.

>> No.41429949 [DELETED] 

post nose kike

>> No.41429984

All of those boards have discussion, /vt/ is a weird drama zone for mentally ill flips.

>> No.41430028

Not /b/, /pol/, and /r9k/ though. Those 3 are echo chambers running on same patterns 24/7

>> No.41430051

/b/ is mostly just bros jacking off together at this point.

>> No.41430068

I've never understood what makes a "reddit hugbox" somehow worse than this fucking shithole. "Too many rules"? "I can't say muh lib-owning slurs"? "They keep calling me an incel"?
What is it?

>> No.41430102

Not really. /b/ is mostly really shitty porn, dumbest possible outrage media takes, and same scat memes nowadays for at least 5 years.

>> No.41430108

At least more people in /v/ actually enjoy their hobby in comparison to here

>> No.41430128

post nose

>> No.41430271

>really shitty porn
That's what I was referring to.

>> No.41430314

i do agree with OP in that too many retards here start posting "go back 2 twiddr" when they get BTFO but he couldn't be conveying it worse

>> No.41430491

You can't put text and an image in the same post

>> No.41430762

/vt/'s not all bad. You just need to filter out the trolls and schizos and find the people who want rational discussion, which takes time but is something you'll learn to do as you spend more time here.
There's a lot of trolls and tribalists, sure, but there are genuine posters looking for discussion. They tend to get drowned out, but they are also good at responding to you earnestly if you do find them.

>> No.41431069

Just don't look at the catalog. Stay in the designated thread for your oshi(s). Usually, the more unicorn-unfriendly the chuuba is, the better for discussion and overall thread quality. This has been my experience anyway.

>> No.41431496

Dinners at 8, we know you’ll be back.

>> No.41431732

Bad faith arguments, how lovely

>> No.41431786

>rin poster
>is awful

>> No.41432844

What makes reddit infinitely worse is that there you either agree with the hivemind or get downvoted to oblivion/reported and banned/get personal screeching threats from hundreds of people. Here, you get a few casual kys's, a few based's, and everyone goes about their day. You can actually say stupid shit and get a discussion, take this worthless thread here, for instance.

>> No.41432967

How dare you use Rin for your wall of text. tl;dr

>> No.41433049

>Stay in the designated thread for your oshi(s)
That leads to the same issue as reddit of being overly positive.
The truth is there's no place good to discuss vtubers currently. You could've used /jp/ in 2020 and the years before that. Now 4chan, Reddit, KF, Iketog, dat new vtuber site that some kiwis went, Twitter, etc are all currently shite. If you have any friends who like vtubers, just talk to them.

>> No.41436089

/vtg/ board never ever

>> No.41436245

>Rin fan
>a huge faggot
why this doesn't surprise me?

>> No.41436917

I've heard smuglo.li is very welcoming to 4chan refugees, you should try there

>> No.41437130

>ad hominem for an actual argument
grow a pair, faggot
you need to remember >>>/vt/ is not just you and one other person, there are multiple people with all sorts of opinions here
>I want a Vtuber forum that treats everyone equally, and is logically consistent with their posts, and doesn’t whine about “walls of text” when I make a post longer than a tweet
you want to write a blog where only you can open threads and reply
you can't ask people to not have favorites and to not have different opinions, what is the point of a *disscussion* board if everyone shared the same opinions on everything

>> No.41439204

just make the board show flags. you'll be surprised at how it will make this board 100x better considering its demographics.

>> No.41439277

You belong here, don't try to leave. You don't think like a normal person anymore.

>> No.41439366
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This is the only place. Reddit is a fucking joke and discord is just toxic positivity and circlejerking

>> No.41439519

It's discord sorry, but not just any discord your oshis community might not be the type your looking for they vary greatly from one to another careful which communities you offend you can't just sit up one vtubers discord or pick fights with transexuals in one discord and then go unmolested to your oshis discord like you can here, also if your wall of text posting here your probably not mentally stable enough for discords nobody wants to read your blog posts there either though they might humor you.

>> No.41439521

/pol/ is better than /vt/ imho

>> No.41439583

/vt/ is not much different to be honest, we're just on the other extreme of the spectrum. this board thrives on the "blue dorito good, pacman rainbow and pink V bad" ethos. and any attempts to think outside that is usually met with hostility. but even then, i prefer it here because being exposed to /vt/ feels like chemotherapy to me.

>> No.41439601

Just go back you fucking mongoloid

>> No.41439654

SEA was already rangebanned and it didn't improve the quality of this board one bit.
Central and South American posters are quite literally pure cancer on this board and latinos ruined /hlg/ (I personally don't care about /hlg/ but it's just an example) already so they have proven what cancer they can be.

>> No.41439660

>I actually don’t like being here.
Welcome to being a /vt/ user

>> No.41439911

>show signs of being illiterate
I don't know guys, I think we should consider this one.

>> No.41439967
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Maybe you should try making friends.

>> No.41439969

>Then you should get a 3-day ban.
People have the right to be wrong, it's upon truth seekers to show how wrong they are, under censorship that interaction ceases to exist and if you want it so much there is this website called reddit that does exactly that.

>> No.41441065

Flags just degrade any board into a watered down version of /pol/. IDs would be enough to dissuade samefags and allows idiots to be identified and called out. The real problem with this board is the rules are far too lenient, and the rules that hold any sort of weight aren't enforced enough. Also, the modding is wildly inconsistent, which leaves an impression that some of them play favorites depending on which vtuber is getting anti'd.

>> No.41441489
File: 102 KB, 450x450, 1647982543515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't find anywhere which allows for true discussion. The sad truth is this place may be the only thing that comes close, and even that is only found in a particular vtuber's split thread, and not the board as a whole.

>discord servers
Glorified zoomer chatrooms. Zero fun allowed because every mod will likely be a power hungry server celeb who is licking their lips at the chance to ban someone.

Actually enables discussion more than discord, but once again if you don't follow status quo or if you post anything slightly negative then you'll be ostracized and potentially banned. One giant hugbox.

>> No.41441556

Come to Virtual Asylum, we got blackjack and hookers

>> No.41441591

You are shitposting on a vtuber board on 4chan, you are not writing a fucking doctoral dissertation.
I sometimes accidentally leave out the last letter because I type fast, like I type "th" instead of "the" and overly pedantic retards jump on it like my whole argument is invalid just based on that.

>> No.41441633

>the more unicorn-unfriendly, the better the discussion
Then why is the NijiEN thread one of worst of them all?

>> No.41441835

Yeah, but if someone proves them wrong, then that’s considered “falling for bait”, and everyone calls you the fucking retard or correcting the guy in the first place.

Sure, a typo should be fine, but you shouldn’t have your whole argument waived off just because you typed the average length of a 6th grade essay

>> No.41441934

This place would be so much better if they banned any #s discussion outside their containment thread. Triablism in general would go way down because there isn't anything easy for people to point to to say something is better and people would actually have to discuss things. Most of the cancer that is the catalog is directly tied to # posting.

>> No.41442023 [DELETED] 

Anon, the latest tribalism post revolves around Suisei doing a song for some obscure Japanese channel, and that somehow makes her better than Niji according to Holobronies. Niggers gonna nig, numbers or not

>> No.41442087

I am in a few Discords just for bot notification purposes. Whenever i look at the chat it's all about infights, fancelebrity or spam. I like it here more.

>> No.41442198

Should've been the first post in the thread, going to fpbp you anyway

>> No.41442747
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>virgin halls of debate ledditor VS CHAD INTERNET BLOODSPORTS Anon

You already lost the fight before it started. Run home and cry for Mama, lassie.

>> No.41442792

>leaves an impression that some of them play favorites
i mean, understandable, since that's exactly what happens

>> No.41442924

you can do exactly that.

>> No.41442991

>downvotes are worse than kys
maybe stop being such a bitch?

>> No.41443071

Based Pomudachi keeping the gate closed.

>> No.41443137
File: 70 KB, 726x726, 1673401993550561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't belong here.

>> No.41443235

Jannie applications are open go for it

>> No.41443262 [DELETED] 
File: 883 KB, 904x1152, (new)dvE34re2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femaleanons add me up on discord jibunwoh#0201
and talk about interests like vidya and weeb stuff yuuka mei ling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU final fantasy the 4 heroes of light SFM animations creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls vtubers(and laugh at deadbeats.)females from the DoA games pokemon the rwby anime and other stuff

>> No.41443277

It's not about virtual Karma but that these seething retards will downvote everything that account says and after -3 or whatever the post gets hidden so no one reads it.

>> No.41443327

you are fucking based autist anon, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. You are exactly right about /vt/ being infested with zoomer/twitter-lite types; I too have been infuriated with the level of discussion on here and especially people's aversion to any kind of long form discussion or actual debate.

Honestly, it makes sense though, this board is one of the youngest on the entire site, of course of the people on here don't act like oldfags or forum-posters from back in the day and just use it the same way they use twitter and expect the same level of echo chamber treatment as the discords they crawl out of.

>> No.41443378

you have to REALLY no-life reddit before people start recognizing your username. even then, you can just make a new account. even then, you can stop being a little bitch about comments falling below threshold. people still see them, they're just collapsed by default.

>> No.41443527

The thing about this place is that yes, it is often an unpleasant place to be and you're constantly fending off bad actors, false flaggers bad faith posters, and plain old trolls. But what this barely moderated place (only doxxing and offtopic posts really get disciplined regularly) does is it puts the onus on the reader to do active critical thinking about what they see. Discord and reddit are passable until the moment when you want to express some mildly negative view because the fans running these places conflate their fandom with their personality and thus any criticism like "this karaoke wasn't as good as the last" or "I don't like this part of the rigging" or "she was pretty low energy today" becomes a direct criticism unto themselves and you get shut down by them, and then by the community as a whole as they fall into the common human trope of playing along with the group to feel included.

You can avoid all this with private forums and discords where you only bring in your known and trusted friends, but in that case often they'll never be as passionately into the vtuber or culture as you are, because your friends have their own lives and fandoms.

So you have chaos and freedom(vt), vs community and conformity(reddit), vs trusted minds and low investment(private groups).
In the end there is no perfect solution. Pick your poison.

>> No.41443548

Based blahaj poster.

>> No.41443628

I hang out in a small (<50 users) vtuber focused discord but the key is that it is not centered around any singular vtuber. The people there watch all types of vtuber from Jp to En and Indie to Corpo. We discuss freely and without discretion. The problem with most vtuber discord is that they are centered around a single fanbase, be it one chuuba or a corpo.

>> No.41445852

Stick to generals. Report bait. That's it.

>> No.41445917

based rinjoyer riling up the anons

>> No.41445990

Yeah I can't with reddit. I'm an old person who predates reddit, and I never understood why people wanted the voting system. I want everyone for better or worse to be on the same footing in the conversation.

I miss actual message board culture. But it seems like 4chan is the only thing left that is remotely like it. Even if it is just a shadow of it.

>> No.41445991

You're asking for something that doesn't exist because the """"EN""""" scene is as it turns out also all ESLs from indonesia or pakistan or whatever who can barely form sentences. They're the ones who get offended at you typing out a complete paragraph, that and twitter children. Anyone telling you you typed too much is how you can tell how many children and ESLs are lurking.

>> No.41446101

it's a link aggregator in the first place. The damn site has never ever facilitated discussion. In the first place, the previous days thread will always be buried without a sticky. i have spent some time there but its really a worthless site.I can find some of my pre 2000s posts from some old archived boards and god do they make me cringe

>> No.41446108

>I miss actual message board culture. But it seems like 4chan is the only thing left that is remotely like it.
??? are you larping and an old person or something?
"""message board culture""" is literally what 4chan went against when it was created, if anything, reddit was the direct descendant of that, since it still kept names and posting history

>> No.41446355

I am not larping. I'm 40 years old. I've been using versions of the internet since computers took floppy disks. The reason you can't say that reddit is the direct descendent of message boards is solely because of the upvoting/downvoting nonesense. Reddit actually came up towards the tale end of message boards, and I never considered it a realistic option. Like a lot of old heads. It's just not the same thing. Also the current version of 4chan is not like how it was when it started, so I don't really get why you are bringing that up.

>> No.41446438

Yeah the only usage I've found for reddit is when I want to know something that wouldn't be in a wiki or on youtube, there's probably a discussion there with the answer in it. It's like that Quora site or whatever.

Any site that doesn't put everyone on an equal footing in a conversation is by default broken for conversation.

>> No.41446625

Reddit is the shambling skinwalker corpse of digg. Basically it was supposed to be a user-ranked news aggregator and there was a comments section below each news post. The article voting feature got copied to voting on user comments too (probably also influenced by slashdot which was also in the digg style) but reddit users were able to make their own non-news posts and make their own subforums/subreddits.

>> No.41446675

>Any site that doesn't put everyone on an equal footing in a conversation is by default broken for conversation.
Pretty much yeah, it's astounding however how many people would rather have policed hugbox environments rather than experience actual conversation.

It's fine to have an aversion to things that might be critical of something you like, but it seems that going too long without your thoughts ever being provoked makes you into a shell of a person standing up for something "just because" you "can't" do otherwise. On the other hand seeing the arguments people use against something/someone allows you to know in your heart of hearts if you're really on-board with something or not, and if you still are into something a lot despite it being heavily cross-examined you are a real solid devotee to that subject. You can see that here where unicorns and anti-unicorns are both very certain and solid in their beliefs. On reddit they just start to drift into watching holoEN get rebranded and just told "accept it" under pain of death or exclusion. That just selects for weak shells of people. No surprise /vt/ is 50x the post rate of the holo reddit.

>> No.41447015

VA is just KF lite

>> No.41448024

Stop supporting Kronii

>> No.41448307

it shows up in the top 5 results when you google vtuber forum so its not exactly a secret

>> No.41448433

I think too one of the social skills that people seem to have lost post-message boards is the ability to get into a heated arguement with someone, and know when to walk away and basically just not take it personal where you need to personally destroy the life of someone else. In that respect, 4chan was ahead of its time.

>> No.41450664 [DELETED] 

I genuinely believe that if you are a kike you should get a permanent ban

>> No.41451286

>Usually, the more unicorn-unfriendly the chuuba is, the better for discussion and overall thread quality.
/ggg/, /HIRyS/, and /inf/ are the 3 worst individual splits on the board and they run the spectrum in unicorn-ness
It has nothing to do with unicorns, it's because they had shitty fanbases to begin with and still do with those 3 fanbases in particular being full of doxxfags who love shitting on the other Holo girls

>> No.41452240

>organized mob against rival companies
>numberfag website
>circlejerk website
Pick your poison anon, they're all free

>> No.41452531

I wish you fucking redditors would just stay there.

>> No.41452758
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I just wish the ratio of schizos and antis to normal posts was lower, so they would be a funny sideshow to laugh at instead of being so prevalent that they suck all the enjoyment out of using this board
After 20+ years of using the internet and nearly 15 years on this site I thought I was immune to toxicity, but this place is so overwhelmingly negative it just makes me sad and angry

>> No.41455221 [DELETED] 

Kill urself, you are here forever

>> No.41455311

reddit's been infested with 4chan lately, so i'm sure the feeling's mutual. or did you people actually think that "containment" meme was a serious thing?

>> No.41460843


>> No.41461007

>After 20+ years of using the internet and nearly 15 years on this site
>it just makes me sad and angry
I don't believe you

>> No.41461243
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Yeah, some topics are just completely shut down because the environment around them is so negative
And it's not even a matter of "Nigga it's the internet just walk away or ignore them", it shuts down conversation for everyone
Selen fans are some of the nicest people on the board but the schizos in /nijien/ basically made it so any discussion of her there is shut down
People on this board just take advantage of the relatively free speech here to derail threads and spew vitriol

>> No.41461293

mucho texto

>> No.41461699

get an old computer that no one uses and host it yourself and only invite those closest to you

>> No.41461786

vtuber bbs!

>> No.41464258

We've seen mods samefagging so it is an actual thing.

>> No.41464478
File: 999 KB, 821x885, 1644064739563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the schizos in /nijien/ basically made it so any discussion of her there is shut down
Dangerously based.

>> No.41464606 [DELETED] 

Schizos and antis are born from the girls being lazy lying whores. Hell hath no fury like anon scorned.

>> No.41464729

>take advantage of the relatively free speech
Sounds like a twitter tranny.

>> No.41464937 [DELETED] 

Because pol isn’t that bad when you take away the glowies and jews, aka >>41430028

>> No.41465027

example A and B of why this place is such a shithole

>> No.41466991
File: 418 KB, 600x600, 1612737955652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is extremely high quality.

>> No.41467200 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 2258x3491, never let them forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll argue it in a more diplomatic way - our 'cleaning crew' has wildly varying standards of moderation, so that scum-sucking schizo niggers can gorepost, samefag, and anti freely but if you say, call them SE- sorry, Maritime African Americans, you'll eat a three day ban.

In fact, as pic related indicates, the schizos and the people protecting them are likely one and the same.

>> No.41467576

There's quite clearly multiple different jannies

>> No.41468232

pretty sure a majority of selen fans want the entire company to revolve around her and won't take no for an answer. Go fuck yourself

>> No.41469514
File: 373 KB, 1147x923, 1654928817823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that you'll apply to become a janny.

>> No.41470222

Like Harry Pottet

>> No.41470531
File: 230 KB, 988x988, 1670117821519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilarious when people try to leave this place but also bring this place with them wherever they go. Ignoring and not calling out a fanbase that demands you watch only "vetted" vtubers that follows their retarded agenda only makes it worse. Doxx/past life/offtopic /pol/shit was never a part of vtuber discussion

2017 was the beginning of the end when this subgenre attracted other weebshit from other boards/sms that don't respect japanese topic boundaries
