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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41353452 No.41353452 [Reply] [Original]

Move along, there's definitely nothing wrong with EN, nothing to see...

>> No.41353489

I guess that's one way to motivate management dumping her so she can finally go to Vshojo.

>> No.41353499
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>> No.41353543

>How come no one is discussing Ame wanting to turn off her superchats permanently?
Because no one watches EN anymore.

>> No.41353585

As if people care about that anon. They want Mori to see it and possibly interact with them.

>> No.41353604

>pay 28$ tax out of 35$

>> No.41353626

They’re basing that on Mori’s explanation of her taxes that was all fucked up. I really hope she has a better accountant these days.

>> No.41353655

This is outdated btw, one of the Trash Taste dudes insinuated that they get to keep a lot more of a superchat than they did in the past.

>> No.41353680

pretty normal
you should see music industry contracts

>> No.41353695

Both japanese and american taxes cap out pretty quickly at around 40%, which would make a $100 akasupa amount to a pitiful 21 dollars.

>> No.41353704

>Ame wanting to turn off her superchats permanently
Because she doesn't want to read mean ones?

>> No.41353733

Trash Taste ≠ Hololive.
However, I do agree with you that its likely outdated, she likely still only makes $20-25 per $100 SC. Which again, just goes to show that SCs arent their main source of income.

>> No.41353736

Now imagine mifu mifu and his thousands of 100 ARS superchats. He is probably costing Ame money by superchatting.

>> No.41353796

She reads all the comments though.

>> No.41353803

Mori explained it. You get a $100 superchat and have to pay $28 in taxes. Youtube takes 30% cut from the $100 and Cover takes 35%. The math adds up.

>> No.41353883

Im not a huge Kiara fan, but she was based AF for calling out people akasupa'ing in low performing currency just to get attention. Its fucking cringe and makes me kinda wish they would just force all currencies to either USD or JPY.

>> No.41353921

Is there something to discuss? She had them off for the longest time anyways

>> No.41353928 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 542x305, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fake, because Mori also has to pay the Connor Condom Tax. So in reality, for each $100 superchat Mori loses $10.

>> No.41353948

if she wants to quit why wouldn't she just quit you brainless goon

>> No.41353959

Connor has access to young east asian pussy, why would he settle for an alcoholic mess like Mori?

>> No.41353996

Yea, that was because she was a dumbass and had her taxes wrong, which she got clarified when she talked to her accountant.
Japan and the US have tax treaties specifically to avoid that level of taxation, but it doesn't diminish the fact that an awful lot of a superchat does get cut by YT and Cover cuts.

>> No.41354000
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>> No.41354039

>Turning off SC.

>> No.41354097

Because does things Ameway, which is the path of most resistance. She's a fucking retard who absolutely would go out of her way to agitate others. Simple as.
She's not against the money, she's against the cut and I have a feeling the cut is far better at Vshojo.

>> No.41354177

>She doesn't want little payment, so she cut it off entirely.
Schizo logic.

>> No.41354205

YouTube pays tax (lol) on their cut and cover should be paying the tax on their own cut. If mori is declaring her income as 100 dollars instead of 35 she is actually retarded. You'd think she could afford a fucking accountant.

>> No.41354227

the hassle of engaging with her teamates is more costly than the pitiful value she gets from the SC. which are largely is ARS

>> No.41354239

We're you at the Olympics? Because that's some impressive mental gymnastics

>> No.41354284

Honestly, despite all the shit she's pulled, I would kneel. Supas are cringe and people should be using that money to buy ME things.

>> No.41354288

Teamates already said she doesn't need to read them.

>> No.41354300

ame's schizos are impressively bad people. only they could claim that the act of turning off superchats is actually greedy.

>> No.41354326

It adds up if she's a fucking idiot. Why would she pay taxes for Youtube and Cover?

>> No.41354431

Because it never happened?

>> No.41354472

Why am I not surprised that a bunch of autistic NEETs have no fucking clue how income tax works?

>> No.41354848

how much more pathetic can teamates get.

>> No.41355217

as if you ever needed proof that the EN audience are braindead

>> No.41355227

Isn't it known he has a fetish for asian chicks?

>> No.41355439

>Urg she doesn't want to read supas teamates must be so mad!
>Nobody cares
>Teamates are so pathetic
If you really care so much leave a comment, or I guess you can't since you don't even sc

>> No.41355496
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Sorry rocky, how bout you send a super sticker instead lol

>> No.41355650

Actual retard.

>> No.41355853 [DELETED] 
File: 609 KB, 869x871, 1674173312471366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"SC will always be turned off going forward"
>"No, I don't wanna keep them open and ignore them like some girls do, I'd feel bad."
>"I'll continue reading all VOD comments like always, don't spend money."

>> No.41355944

>No, I don't wanna keep them open and ignore them like some girls do, I'd feel bad."
did she actually says this word for word?
she really does hate gura
why is she like this?

>> No.41355990 [DELETED] 

She didn't say "like some girls do", he's making that up but yeah basically, she doesn't wanna keep it open if she's not gonna read them like Gura/Ina do

>> No.41356038 [DELETED] 

Ina ignores 99% of superchat no? She only reads birthday ones most of the time
And Gura its like 30-70% these days, 30% chance to read, 70% chance to ignore

>> No.41356050

Yeah, this is not something new but what would newfags know.

>> No.41356067

Really depends what the reason would be.

>doesn't wanna give cover the money
Kinda understandable

>doesn't wanna talk to fans
Some kind of shitty mental hangup or is truly that fucking lazy that she doesn't wanna do a basic part of the job

>wants a hugbox where nobody can even say anything at all
Truly pathetic for hurting her own income over the notion she isn't all-wise/knowing

So for 2/3 reasons that at least I can think up, it wouldn't be for an actually-good reason. She could just be like Ina and not read the SCs if she doesn't feel like doing that. And I'm sure Cover would really appreciate her turning off her income stream to them, just -really- appreciate it so much that they'd get her to turn them back on.

>> No.41356070
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Don't forget.
>You guys already supported me enough with membership.
She is truly an angel.

>> No.41356111

>Yeah, this is not something new but what would newfags know.
Teacucks getting too cocky. You openly watched Ame, sit down bitch.

>> No.41356115

>"No, I don't wanna keep them open and ignore them like some girls do, I'd feel bad."
Literally calling out Ina. She's the only one who does that in EN at least.

>> No.41356125

You can just chat normally & comment for free. The point is she doesn't want you to spend money to talk with her.

>> No.41356140 [DELETED] 

Gura too, its rare for her to read

>> No.41356184

Why EN doesn't use streamlabs? They can get higher cuts with that. Even ID use streamlabs, except ID3

>> No.41356218

Are there any based Vtubers who don't have chat on at all? Or better yet... We need to return to the roots, edited videos and none of this live streaming bullshit.

>> No.41356262

Imagine paying income taxes in both countries instead of just the one the income was earned in.

>> No.41356288

>live in two countries
>get taxed double since you live in two countries
>reeeee this isn't fair

>> No.41356293

Why are so many EN holos afraid of their viewers and/or fighting with them?

>> No.41356308

She only pays taxes on the amount she receives as income. So if her tax bracket is 28%, and prior to that Cover takes 35%, and prior to that YouTube takes 30%, it's strictly multiplication:
$100.00 * 0.7 * 0.65 * 0.72 = $32.76
If Cover's cut isn't 35% or her taxes aren't 28%, just update the numbers accordingly. It's not difficult in the slightest.

>> No.41356367 [DELETED] 

She does read all VOD comments though, you'd be surprised at how many like she leaves at obscure comments with 1 or zero likes
She just wants to play a game or stream something else instead of reading SC

>> No.41356426

Rare, yes but she did make an effort. Ina stopped trying almost right away.

>> No.41356632

Not anymore (its is not a LOT more tho but is more)

>> No.41356739

You really begin to realize the kind of contempt holo en fans are treated with when you start watching other smaller corpos

>> No.41356818

Haachama turned off her SC for months

>> No.41356843

Wait what? Why would cover allow that?

>> No.41356897

WatChama sisters together strong.

>> No.41356916

Most countries have tax exemptions for citizens who work in other countries.

>> No.41356962

>pulling numbers out of your ass when she explicitly said how it works
Fuck off anti nigger.

>> No.41357017
File: 336 KB, 680x332, E7Llza3WQAUCz2Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori and Kiara, the two most hardworking members in the gen have no problem reading sc
>the other 3 lazy whores can't be bothered

>> No.41357023

Yeah, only in hololive I can find someone who spent thousands of dollars on 3D equipment so she can give her fans a 3D concert.
Then refuses monetary support because she already has enough support & doesn't want to burden her fans more.
What an angel.

>> No.41357090

>Won't read blue SC.
>Now give me orange at least or scram.

>> No.41357336

I wonder about this as well. Going by the archives, ID uses it because Indonesians couldn't donate using superchats at some point. For the other branches, Coco was pushing for it but management said no. It would make sense if Cover had some kind of arrangement with Youtube, but I don't think they do. Another reason is that it's "easier" to donate using superchats with google pay than via streamlabs, thus people are more likely to give money, but it's not like the two ways can't co-exist. It might just be Japanese autism and they consider streamlabs to be "cheating" and are scared of getting shadowbanned/demonetized (again), but is it really worth 30% of every superchat, especially when Youtube is kind of a shitty product and doesn't care about its users ? That goes double since they're a startup which are usually cash-strapped. I can't imagine seriously presenting to potential outside investors a business model which has that much revenue going to a service, when streamlabs does basically the same thing for free.

>> No.41357448

He meant youtube/cover profit sharing you dumbass, you don't need to take his word literally like a moron.

>> No.41357492

ENfags should be treated with contempt on principle
The ones who attempt to venture outside of the Holobubble however deserve a little bit better

>> No.41357523

Ina already said she won't read, if you still a retard, it not her problem. And no, they don't need to turn off SC.

>> No.41357619


>> No.41357678

Ew, it replied

>> No.41357740

Even her admitted she was wrong cuckbeat

>> No.41357796

when you are this level of stupid
to pay taxes twice.

>> No.41357864 [DELETED] 

boyfriend guilt..

>> No.41358030

But others asked for MORE support if they have a boyfriend.

>> No.41358164

Schrödinger's boyfriend

>> No.41358203

Very good English

>> No.41358202

WTF? Schrödinger is a whore!

>> No.41358269

and you sound like underage SEA retard, you probably don't even have a chair to sit down in rofl

>> No.41361369

ah ok

>> No.41362645

>No argument

>> No.41362879

Can’t forget how hard they push dor the outside collabs we ALL lovs so much…

>> No.41365206

Ame wouldn't call out Ina over superchat readings and there is some huge disagreement going on behind the scenes with management. This isn't the first time that Ame said something that was relevant to Ina. A few months ago she talked about how the talents have to obey the hololive rules or they would have to pay the consequences which was in the middle of Ina's 2 months of radio silence.

>> No.41365756


>> No.41366010

She didn't have an accountant like a moron. She got one and now she pays proper taxes--a lot less.

>> No.41366066

reminder that you're retarded because it's a percentage of a percentage, it's not like cover takes 30 percent of everything, they take 30 percent of what's left after youtube takes a cut, which is about 30 percent of 70 percent, which is actually 21 percent, and then tax wise, that is also taken after everybody get's a cut of the money, so it's 30 percent of the 50 percent left over by youtube and cover, which is about 15 percent, so she actually keeps about 35 percent or 1/3rd of the money because people take a percentage of what is left over, not of the total amount earned

>> No.41366186

The US sucks.

>> No.41366220

Paying money to have the attention of being read is pathetic

>> No.41366253

Your Math is wrong
>Youtube gets $30
>Then $70 splits to Cover and Mori
>Then Moris $35 will get Taxed
>Covers $35 will also get Taxed
Your assuming that Cover is Taxed proofed and Mori will Pay for it

>> No.41366254

I'm sorry, her 3d model isn't just bad.. it is nightmare material.

>> No.41366261

the math absolutely does not add up, think of it like this. youtube takes a 30 percent cut of 100 dollars, so she is left with 70 dollars, then cover takes a 30 percent cut of that 70 dollars, which leaves her with 49 dollars (lets say 50 for simplicity) , then she pays tax, she's high income so we'll assume her average tax rate is 32%, which translates to about 16/50 dollars, which leaves her with 34 dollars, or 1/3rd of the money... people don't get to take a cut of the full amount once someone has already taken a cut of it, they can only take an cut of whatever is left over, that should be common sense but appararently it isn't

>> No.41366275

>capitalism is... LE GOOD!

>> No.41366291

The "Ame wants to go to Vshojo" has no basis in reality what so ever.


Vshojo only takes a portion of the sales of the merch they arrange for their talents and a portion of the sponsorships they arrange for their talents. 100% of the chats/bits/messages and subscriptions go to the talents, in addition to any other income streams like Patreon or privately produced merch.

>> No.41366375

Would you rather have
>50% of $1000 that an entire corpo will back your merch up?
>100% of $300 that you do alone?

>> No.41366394
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Are stuck in early 2022?

>> No.41366447

off topic... i don't care how drunk she was... on what planet is it a good idea for a professional to tweet out a picture of them getting fucked by someone because the fans dislike them... she unironically deserves every bit of hate that came to her as a result of that, hell ignore the fact that people hate him, tweeting a picture of you getting fucked by a drawing of a real person is inherently a little creepy, connor isn't a vtuber, that's a drawing of a real person fucking her... which is fucking weird to post

>> No.41366457

Most of her uploads just have around 70-100 comments, and she occasionally leaves likes on some comments. Skimming most Ame comment sections in several minutes is certainly not unrealistic.

>> No.41366493

Anon it's been over a year since that happened. Let it go.

>> No.41366519

Idc if I'm still considered mentally in 2021, I still can't stand to watch Kiara. Most stuck up personality I've seen from a vtuber, let alone a streamer.

>> No.41366529

Actually turning off SC is something VShojo would never do willingly

>> No.41366558

Hi, Calli!

>> No.41366684
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Friendly reminder to support your oshi by purchasing merch. It's what they push the hardest when the time comes for it for a reason. They get a considerable amount of money for it and you get a product.

>> No.41366779

>claims to gghhggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.41366809


>> No.41366827

I'm actually shocked how stupid you faggots are that you failed to understand his post. Like. It's not even meant to be a riddle or a brainteaser. You're just stupid.

>> No.41366841

I watched some of her last 3d and stopped.

>> No.41366857

Vshojo doesn't take any money from the talents SCs, just from merch and sponsorship.

That's entirely on the talents.

>> No.41366952

Yeah, in 2022 when she used the low poly model.

>> No.41366970

She's not doing it because she doesn't want the money, but she earns so little with SC it's not worth having to endure more interactions with her "fans"

>> No.41367036

Teamates already said she doesn't need to read it, just like Ina or Gura.

>> No.41367161

>she earns so little with SC
>ID would celebrate getting Red ArgSupas

>> No.41367230

I am not going to look it up, but it was like 2 months ago max.

>> No.41367271

Probably planning to organize a bunch of homo x whores collab and don't want to go through the >>41353928 like Mori.

>> No.41367270

ID reads like $1 SC. Pippa flooded with $2 donations she reads realtime.

>> No.41367308

It's already been off since last year.

>> No.41367346

I gained a lot of respect for her doing that. She is starting to redeem herself

>> No.41367388

I have to say, out of all the stupid bullshit and made up drama you guys constantly parade out as yabs, this one was the one instance where it was truly fucked up.

>> No.41367614

Unironically yes

>> No.41367616

Japs don't have tits. He wants something to suck on. Mori has to big suckable tits and a big suckable belly.

>> No.41367672

It's better than feudalism I geuss. It's just a tool for creation and distribution of goods. I'm sure something better will come after like capitalism came after feudalism

>> No.41367712

Do any Vshojo girls even stream on YouTube?

>> No.41367762

Capitalism is the best system because it has no victims.
If anyone is suffering under capitalism it's their own fault for not pulling on their bootstraps hard enough.

>> No.41367985

I can't tell if this is ironic or not

>> No.41368038 [DELETED] 

le incels who never pay taxes made this, holly fuck why so retarded

>> No.41368088

Is it because you agreed with it until you hit the word boostraps?

>> No.41368122

You sound like actual teenage boys. Let me guess, high school drop outs?

>> No.41368318

>making enough off memberships and membership gifting that she doesn’t need the extra SC money

>> No.41368361 [DELETED] 

What's your stance on capitalism?

>> No.41368478

Go back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.41368932
File: 158 KB, 463x453, 1347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping to open this thread to read something decent even in the pile of garbage but I always forget the catalog of vt is no better than a highschool girls gossip corner but I guess ill toss my opinion piece too.

Her turning superchats off felt like a long time coming and its not like she didn't just have them off on half her streams anyways so there isn't much of a difference. She just has not enjoyed reading superchats as content for well over a year now since its an obligation to her after doing it as a 'super sunday' or variants of it for it so long and she felt wrong if she just 180'd on her superchat stance especially after having those stream slots dedicated to it before. She has a clear membership favoritism anyways and posts on her membership wall every 2-4 days as it stands for fan interaction at this point if thats what youre seeking. She was never a golden goose of superchat earnings anyways.

tldr: disliked obligatory sc reading for awhile, rather than take money and ignore which is opposite what she been doing for 2 years shes just turn off. if you want fan interaction just be a member.

>> No.41369065

so annoying unicorns can't superchat bypass chat to send her annoying messages

>> No.41369512

That’s why they pay them a salary. That is the majority of their income, it’s fixed and negotiated yearly, presumably based on the previous years performance. You need a stable source of income to claim on leases and rental agreements. The SC money is just extra. They do get the largest cut from merchandise sales, because it’s a preorder and they use your money to pay for manufacturing and then keep the remainder.

>> No.41369647
File: 586 KB, 1600x900, ninomae-inanis-hololive-vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's better her doing that than keeping em on and not reading them.

>> No.41369873

Would cover allow her to do that? Given that cover takes a cut out of it, I would be surprised if they let her do that permanently.

>> No.41369925

Is there a timestamp for when she said this?

>> No.41370037

shes probably going to keep superstickers on like she has been which have no messages she'd feel obligated to read attached so Cover will be sated by any cut from people who are donating for the sole purpose of donating.

>> No.41370102

she makes massive profit from her merch sales

>> No.41370176

Ame doesn’t have paypigs nor anyone that sends her anything of value in superchats anyway

>> No.41370311

So what? There's no reason to give up a revenue stream just because you have another.

>> No.41370390

Nobody ever sends anything of substance or value in superchats anyway. Maybe you'll get a funny one once in a blue moon but that's it

>> No.41370431


>> No.41370512

She's not greedy & Yagoo's oshi.

>> No.41370723

I wish there was a good looking infographic like this to show how stupid mori is with taxes and luckily its this exact chart too

>> No.41370947

wtf would you take literally anything at face value from someone from something called trash taste

>> No.41371104

thing about the bootstaps thing is that it really shows the hypocrisy of anticapitalists
"just because it worked for this person doesnt mean its fair"
and also
"it didnt work for that person so it isnt fair"

>> No.41371176

Well, kson still does pretty regularly

>> No.41371212

wow a relatively reasonable response about why a streamer would want to stop doing something
on 4chan
get out of here nerd
take an absolute simp stance for a flawless supreme leader unicorn oshi or a complete blind dissecting hatred for everything they do and say

>> No.41371307

>turning off superchats so that she doesn't need to read a single SC about tempiss ever again
Based? Might watch her now

>> No.41371375
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1673943866744832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 links
>1 is broken
>neither is from an official source
>neither cites any kind of legal clause
>the numbers cited in video 2 don't in any way match the shitty pie-chart
I know you (wrongly) think that because the links in an image can't be copypasted, people won't check them, but if you tried to back up any kind of official report with these 'sources' you'd be failed immediately.

>> No.41371448
File: 131 KB, 351x355, nhq6bb0itjt51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Keeps memberships running on her channel for the 3 months she leaves and only comes back a day or two before her channel memberships gets automatically turned off by Youtube*

>> No.41371544

>Would cover allow her to do that?
No, they would never allow a hololive talent to permanently turn off superchats but Ame is clearly sending a message to management. Ina said that she really doesn't like revealing outfits, went on an indefinite health break that lasted 3 months, and after she announces her return you see Gura take an indefinite health break. It doesn't take a genius to see what they are trying to get Cover to change.

>> No.41371861

She posts regularly to members?? How dare she. Once every couple of months is the norm.

>> No.41371885

It was hilarious because, in a typical drunken stupor, she forget she was Mori and thought she was shitposting on /vt/ as an anti.

>> No.41371951


>> No.41371968

She's so dumb but I love her.

>> No.41372307

You are very optimistic anon.
The actual number is 0%.

>> No.41372451

Based gullible retard. Go read the actual Youtube documentation instead of believing other retards here.

>> No.41372610

>who is nyanners

>> No.41372725

She's still a fucking cunt no matter how hard you cover for her

>> No.41372931

taxation is theft

>> No.41373001

This is factually wrong. While the split is indeed 30/35/35, no one has to pay 80% of their income in taxes. Mori was mistaken when she said that or she outright lied. The US and Japan have treaties and a tax credit system in place specifically so that anyone working in the other country isn't taxed twice.

>> No.41373127

>called out for blatantly wrong post
>i-it doesn't matter, she's a cunt
ogey retard

>> No.41373231

You sound like a woman. Post your tits

>> No.41373393

Ok, I’ve become more and more convinced the girls hate management, but I don’t exactly get *what* they’re trying to get management to change. Did you mean to say “that” instead of “what”, or am I a retard who hasn’t figured out the missing link? Both are perfectly plausible answers to me.

>> No.41373449

Mori isnt asian anon

>> No.41373543

But... but... SEAchads told me she was a whore that was only in it for the money...

>> No.41373614

>Expected at least some information regarding why Ame is doing this
>Its just tribalfagging, reviving the long dead TT shit and people dont know anything about taxes
I dont know what I expected.

>> No.41373784


Imagine being in so high a tax bracket that you lose 80% of new income to taxes

>> No.41375313

I mean if you're high enough you lose 0%

>> No.41375829

Thanks for the explanation anon, I'm surprised management is OK with her turning off superchats considering they get money from those, too. Personally I hope my oshi keeps doing superchat readings because they usually make for good zatsu content but sometimes I do worry about her feeling pressure to read them all.

>> No.41375870

No one pays that much. You reach a bracket where you hire an accountant and the % begins to go down as you earn more.

>> No.41376145

I was just gonna type "Based if I were Ame I wouldn't want to interact with my audience either." This is better though.

>> No.41376630

Nobody is talking about this because nobody knew because nobody watches her because nobody cares about Ame

>> No.41376679

how about you put dick between triggers and squeeze

>> No.41376760

Didn't haachama turn off her SCs for a while?
Cover is insanely lenient on their talents with regard to streaming and revenue
Plenty of them are part timers or stream really infrequently
Cover's only really anal on the type of content they can produce
Anyway, SCs are a minor source of income, so it doesn't really matter

>> No.41376805


>> No.41378153

Haachama has been working at hololive since 2018 and the longer a talent stays the less leverage management has over them. It isn't just an issue of Japanese seniority but that they have made enough money that they could easily walk out the door. Flare didn't get a redesign because Cover suddenly decided to be nice to her it was because if she dislikes her job than graduation becomes more likely with each passing year.

>> No.41378733

Haachama played around trying to get demonetized. She got 'mad' that it didn't work.

>> No.41379130

I'll never get the mentality of screwing over your own success because of your own holier-than-thou complex.
Yes, idol culture exists. Just fucking play by the rules and you're set for life.

>> No.41379231

Because then she'd have to wait a year.

>> No.41381078

Japs that are willing to fuck gaijin aren't looking for fags.
Japs looking for fags aren't willing to fuck gaijin. It's the classic trap a lot of skinny weebs get in when they come to Japan to fuck women. The ones who are into western men also like western standards

>> No.41381181

they wanna fuck tyrone

>> No.41383662

You're right, communism is better since instead of her getting a 7% cut, the state would take 100% of the cut and put it to better use than anything a dumb w*man would use it on.

>> No.41385491

>the state
The state would put it towards even more retarded shit than Cover currently is. Have you seen how retarded governments across the world are?

>> No.41386073

American education on display right here

>> No.41386108

Haachama had them off for like half a year.

>> No.41386262

You just aren't going to magically get a hot japanese girl. If you score low in the US, you will score low in Japan.

>> No.41386306

I want my communist vtubers. That would be awesome.

>> No.41386396

literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.41386453

This probably has more to do with management than viewers.

>> No.41387089

So, this is all over their idol/singer outfits with Ina and probably Kronii being prudes and giving management headaches?

>> No.41391139

I don't buy the "Ina hates her outfit" nonsense you keep regurgitating but I'm pretty well convinced that the EN girls hate management. Hell I suspect the Tempus lads are also running into management issues of their own now, so I think the problem lies where management is high enough to have authority over both of those groups.

>> No.41391306

kek poor haachama, most youtubers are terrified of getting demonetized meanwhile haachama was trying to do it on purpose

>> No.41391559

>rule-abiding youtubers are afraid of being demonetized
>youtubers purposely trying to get demonetized can't get it to happen
Almost like demonetization is a completely arbitrary process

>> No.41391722

Wow, Cover and HoloEN are doing so well, Ame doesn't even need Superchat revenue at all. That's great news.

>> No.41392217

Superchats are only a small part of youtubes monetization. Anons here keep downplaying ad revenue.

>> No.41392234

>No, they would never allow a hololive talent to permanently turn off superchats
Do you really think the Cover contracts says "you aren't allowed to permanently turn off superchats"? There's probably fucking nothing Cover can do to stop Ame from shutting off superchats because there's no rule in the contract she signed that states she can't.

>> No.41392353

>Anons here keep downplaying ad revenue
Because ad revenue barely pays shit and people use adblock

>> No.41392463

We have Nijileaks that tell another story.

>> No.41392786

there's nothing in any work contract that says you can't take a huge shit in the middle of your boss' office

>> No.41392875

Teacucks..why does your oshi constantly shoot herself in the foot? It's almost like Mori levels at this point.

>> No.41393313

Most internet users now are mobileniggers so ad revenue is relevant. Ad money from desktops isn't because so many use adblockers.

>> No.41393532

The girls hating management has been an open secret since forever, Ame has even politely said that upper management are a bunch of retards ("upper management has no direction"). Not to mention every Myth girl openly mocked Omega when he was a thing.

>> No.41393895
File: 97 KB, 1179x1359, 20221211_185200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could honestly be worse

>> No.41394080

Remember the rust ramp? That might have been the icing on the cake

>> No.41394377

Several ENs seem subtly fed up with Gura but this isn't something unique to her, you might as well add Ina and a ton of JPs to this.

>> No.41394485

But that would legitimately trouble the people in those places like Argentina, who really don't make much money

>> No.41394737

You're assuming cover takes 30% off the 70 and not the 100, which is incorrect

>> No.41394781

She specifically called out people using VPN for akasupas (she was specifically singling out one guy who is well known for doing it within KFP).
She said that it's fine if you're from that country

>> No.41396928

It's just Ame's way of coping. She has a hugely defeatist attitude of "if I don't try, I can't fail". See her "meme" playthrough of games like Elden Ring. She is afraid of trying and failing, so just just eliminates that as an option.

>> No.41397679

Oh, that's Kakkun right? He sends a lot of supas, and they're always in ARS?

>> No.41397862

why would cover take 30% of the 100? Thats not how accounting works. Youtube takes the 30% the revenue which leaves $70. Cover takes 35% of the profits. Cover is not going to use a superchat pdf excel from youtube and put it on their books. They instead take what youtube pays out, the $70. Doing anything else makes things unnecessarily complicated and is illogical

>> No.41397907

I’m not paying 5.99 for a membership when it’s 30 cents in ARS. Suck my dick Kiara

>> No.41398065

Continued, $70 is COVERs revenue. As in YT pays out $70 to cover. YT is not going to pay Cover $100 then ask for $30 dollars back.

>> No.41398185

She also just sits there and plays video games for a living while making Shrek and Adam Sandler jokes. Easy shit.

>> No.41398211

Why is Kiara such a greedy cunt?

>> No.41398691

>have to obey the hololive rules or they would have to pay the consequences
wow, so they just find out how employment works, did they never work irl before? even part-time?
