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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41129158 No.41129158 [Reply] [Original]

How does one get over parasocial feelings for their oshi? I'm not gonna make it

>> No.41129215

Take a break from streams and find a real hobby

>> No.41129243

is your oshi mumei?
then you made a bad choice seeing as her goal is to be parasocial with her fans

>> No.41129270

Do you even watch her streams?

>> No.41129309

Why do you tell such lies?

>> No.41129316

You don’t, you simply try not to get too carried away by it.

>> No.41129374

am I in bizarro world?

>> No.41129474

No, they’re probably just stuck in November 2021.

>> No.41129758

For moom? You don't.

>> No.41129888
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Learn the truth, it will hurt you for about two weeks and it will make you not want to watch the streams, you will make threads/comments about her being a whore, weeks will pass and you will get over it and start seeing her a just a streamer. It happened to me with Fauna but I did what I just told you and those feelings disappeared. I'm now a very happy sapling with no parasocial feelings and can enjoy watching her streams once again. That was me like one year ago.

>> No.41130510

Assume every woman you find desirable has a boyfriend.

>> No.41130544

That boyfriend? Me.

>> No.41130639

Mumei is probably the 2nd most parasocial in EN behind Kiara. 90% of what she talks about on stream these days is her mumbling about personal life with college and how she's been feeling. If you're already feeling parasocial for her it's too late

>> No.41130729

Except for that doesn't work too well with Mumei since unlike Fauna she'll talk on stream about how she doesn't have irl friends, how she lives, alone, how no one cooks for her etc.
I know people always like to talk about others coping but the bitch literally spent thanksgiving alone. You gotta be a special kind of lonely for that

>implying most of Fauna's aren't literally in love with her and just cope since it's been so long since her debut

>> No.41130781

self improvement reps until you are confident you could talk well with a girl like your oshi in real life

>> No.41130930

I'm already there unironically. I'm fit, normal looking dude with a career in tech. I'm just a little autistic when it comes to chicks. You don't have to believe me

>> No.41131323
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This is the catalog, they don't watch her

>> No.41131409

Then you're not there. If you can't hide your 'tism well enough to attract a mate, you haven't improved enough.

>> No.41131558

t. Doesn’t watch moom

>> No.41131588

you drop her.
you've been warned.
>already there
no you aren't. that's why you're blogposting here

>> No.41131602

Oh so kinda like Ame but slightly worse? Then there is no salvation for their souls

>> No.41131609
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>> No.41131759

You dont get over them easily depending on how deep in the hole you dug yourself. Stop watching and do other things keep your mind always preoccupied and for the love of fucking god quit coming to vt. If youre real deep in youll probably feel like shit emotionally but if you end up replacing your old habits of stream watching and looking at this shithole you should eventually grow out of it.

>> No.41131824

At least Ame culls the weak gachis. Mumei practically drives a cult.

>> No.41131911

Simple. You just need to fall in love to at least two oshis. Then, you will realize that the feelings are fake, but then you will start to enjoy them. Source: Me. I have fallen in love with at least 4 girls atm.

>> No.41131924

>culls the weak gachis
Is this what the kids call cucking nowadays?

>> No.41132005
File: 27 KB, 641x362, Not a cult I swear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mumei practically drives a cult
Only natural for birds to do so.

>> No.41132043

If you hope to end up with a girl that has never so much as breathed in the direction of a man you should probably off yourself now since you're a genetic dead end.

>> No.41132063
File: 400 KB, 1084x1426, 1669995166264045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No other girl is good enough for me now. Mumei is perfect

>> No.41132249

This didn't work on me. I know every fucking thing but I'm still in love with her.

>> No.41132385

Cope cuckmate

>> No.41132460

i have a really short term memory and possibly suspected early age dementia so thats never a problem for me! who is that btw?

>> No.41132534


>> No.41132611

There are only 2 surefire options
>realize that her online persona is an unreachable irl ideal that you seek. After separating the person from the ideal you can strive to become the man worthy of your ideal, not the person. Being on a path of self-improvement will clear your head and improve your life.
>Doxx her and call her a whore.

>> No.41132750

I'm already on the path of the first option, I just want an autistic gf like moom. But then again she could just be playing that character and not actually be like that

>> No.41132870

I guess being built different should also be considered a factor... I need to make more calculations now, thanks

>> No.41132885


>> No.41132922

Find a girl and mold her into Mumei

>> No.41132925

Been lifting for almost 2 years. I've literally just never been romantically involved with anyone. I've had gfs before but never serious, no sex

>> No.41133092

I lift for her

>> No.41133310

Le parasocial Boogeyman. People will always be "parasocial" to an extent, people have been since stories and legends were told. Girls did it with Marilyn Monroe back in the 50s and k-pop now, Ptolemaic boys probably had these feelings back when Cleopatra was around and fat nasty weebs now with vtubers. Why do you think they have models to begin with? People grow more attached to something with a face, and using models copies twitch streamers with webcams who are to some degree aware of the fact. The medium of entertainment itself relies largely on the fact that it lands closer to a reciprocal relationship than traditional forms of media. It's a part of our social world and it's only genuinely bad when you stake out your oshis home for 3 weeks to abduct and rape her, even the whole "platonically" meme still implies a level of a parasocial relation, just not one where you're simping hard for a cute voice and png. I don't understand the red scare level of freaking out over this when it's 80% of the game. End blogpost.

>> No.41133569

You don't. Never stop Moomin

>> No.41133842

I learned more about her Animals pooping habits than I ever wanted to know.

>> No.41134081

Mumei is parasocial with us so that makes it okay for us to be parasocial in return

>> No.41136380

Me but about Taiga

>> No.41139125 [DELETED] 

having a girl known, even before debuting, to be currently in a relationship as my oshi? couldn't be me

>> No.41139212

but muh easy to apply label

>> No.41139406

The one she’s in a relationship with? Me.

>> No.41139540

Worship her as a god.

>> No.41140650

How do I cope with the fact that I will never cum inside Mumei? I can’t take it anymore, I just want to cum inside Mumei

>> No.41140896

2 ways, either go all in, use the passion and love to elevate and better yourself until you get bored (yes you will) or just cut everything off, by that I mean like zero contacts, not your life.

>> No.41141143

why so weak?

>> No.41143110 [DELETED] 

Just remember she has a boyfriend

>> No.41147316

If you're being serious then it's time, complete seperation forever.
Really though

>> No.41148165


>> No.41148298

It's similar to having an anime waifu. People have been able to navigate that. You should be fine.

>> No.41148316

You don't cause all of (you) are anyway parasocial with both your oshi and every streamer you watch, every social media you are in and more and more. So either you become the exeption and kill yourself, good luck in this parasocial world.

>> No.41148496


>> No.41148667


>> No.41148933


>> No.41149390


>> No.41149394

I truly cannot fathom how people become so parasocial. Same with unicorns, I just don't understand.

>> No.41149588

It's natural to love

>> No.41149686

I can agree, but there's a line that needs to be drawn.

>> No.41149694

wow perfect song

>> No.41149761

Stop watching vtubers

>> No.41149930
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This, or if your oshi collabs with males. In my case I stopped watching my oshi entirely when she couldn't stop sucking Tempus dick.

>> No.41150054


>> No.41150177

It's a very silly girl. Best to stay away.

>> No.41150767

Moom soon

>> No.41156882
File: 102 KB, 1200x675, KoiPippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont if you keep posting cute

>> No.41157561
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Cope with a tulpa

>> No.41157623

why do you want to get over it? just enjoy yourself. mumei is a good girl so you should dedicate your entire life to her and be happy.

>> No.41157721
File: 219 KB, 1536x2048, 20230113_032234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt fall in love with everyone who gives him love and attention

>> No.41158916

lol mumei is just an en version of jp, this is what literally 95% of JP is, but i assume you are eop so you dont understand that.

>> No.41162337

Studies have shown suicide to be effective.

>> No.41162575

I never understood the whole 'parasocial' meme.
Like, you've got Mori's
and then you've got Kronii who basically uses her members streams as her personal therapy session (to be fair, she probably does BADLY does need therapy)
But... those are kind of opposite ends of the horseshoe. I'd think there'd be a middle ground option.

>> No.41162755

"parasoical relationships" are similar to worship. for example, religious people believe that god loves them and hoomans believe that mumei loves them. religion is seen as a good thing since it gives people purpose and meaning so why should watching your oshi be any different?

>> No.41162787
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The Katawa Shoujo anons tried this 10 years ago and most of their tulpas tried to murder them.

>> No.41163082

If you find out how feel free to let me know because im completely in love with my oshi and cant fix myself. Its both extremely motivating and has helped me better myself for her, but also extremely depressing and makes me wanna die because ill never get to feel her actual love. Falling for a girl you can never have just sucks on all levels

>> No.41163614

my case is slightly different. My oshi is Fauna but I'm parasocial for Mumei

I don't even know how did I end up here.

>> No.41164081

>I stopped watching my oshi entirely when she couldn't stop sucking Tempus dick.
See you next stream.

>> No.41164183

Force yourself to skip a few streams

>> No.41164403
File: 79 KB, 353x279, 1673671143601673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what definition of 'parasocial' is in play here. Mumei certainly doesn't bait herself as a girlfriend-experience. She's not stupid and knows it's basic statistics that at least a couple of her fans are psychopaths who'd rape and murder her given the chance, so she maintains the right boundaries. Still, she clearly cares and works hard for her fans, who do seem to make her genuinely happy.

I think she likes the notion of having her fans as a collectively-formed friend she can keep at a safe distance because she's an anxiety-ridden wreck who's point-blank admitted to feeling a guilty annoyance from seeing people daring to be friends in public. She's not really that different from most other shut-ins. That's admittedly just the impression I get, but there shouldn't really be any problem with that degree of relationship unless you're one of the 'friendzoned' anons on /adv/ basically saying that a girl's companionship is worthless and shouldn't dare share your company if she's not going to let you fuck her.

>> No.41164480

>Mumei certainly doesn't bait herself as a girlfriend-experience
Most female streamers don't but just by virtue of being a girl and most stream viewers being male, she will give that girlfriend-experience whether she intended to or not. This is one of the reasons girls can have an easier start at streaming compared to guys but have a much lower ceiling because being girls, they cannot fully become a "friend" for these male viewers.

>> No.41164996 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 499x160, 1668305176707093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i get to know that my oshi is fake as fuck?
pic related
