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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40403603 No.40403603 [Reply] [Original]

In a few days, Gura is going to get showered with several thousands of $$$ and the return stream buff will compensate for all her steady losing viewership she had from not streaming weeks apart through the past year.
In this world, some people just get away with everything.

>> No.40403826

>A few days
I wish I had this much faith

>> No.40403947

I have never watched a stream of hers, is she funny?

>> No.40404012

>In a few days

>> No.40404067

And Omega will still put all of his resources and time and marketing into Homostars with 1k views.

>> No.40404110


>> No.40405127

She's fun but it was worth watching HoloEN until 2021.

>> No.40405241 [DELETED] 

She's been out longer than this. She was out for two months last time she went house hunting.

>> No.40409066

This but ina

>> No.40409367
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they sure do

>> No.40409446
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The EN scene already has enough Ayames. Funny to see that Myth now has two.

>> No.40409650

In 2020 yes.
Now? Nope

>> No.40409744

Good. Can't wait until she comes back and reminds Cover of who's their golden goose and who they should cater to instead of desperately trying to go after China's money.

>> No.40410057

i have sent gura plenty of superchats, and i will be happy to do it again after she posts streaming schedules six weeks in a row

>> No.40410108

she's doing it right
she stays in her lane and when she does things she focuses on her fans
this should be no surprise or revelation, she just looked at her JP senpai
it's baffling that some people still don't understand this

>> No.40410216
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She's cute AND funny

>> No.40412270

>after she posts streaming schedules six weeks in a row

>> No.40413285

you uh...you guys think these vtubers might be in it for the money?

>> No.40413414

Yes, she has good rapport.

>> No.40413462

Why do you care? Kill yourself.

>> No.40413545

Nah that's Ina. Gura's return Ayame scam is in another month. You have to space out these scams
t. HoloEN manager

>> No.40413563

>In a few days, Gura is going to get showered with several thousands of $$$ and the return stream buff
whats hilarious is all that $$$ is just going to pay for her next vacation/haitus

>> No.40413619

offer stands!

>> No.40413825

no way she's coming back within days, gonna take at least 2-3 months off

>> No.40413847
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Your wish is granted. She posts the same schedule six times.

>> No.40414436

And all of them are re-broadcast.

>> No.40414628

Anon, Gura graduated. Cover is just trying to figure out when is a good time to let people know. Most likely, they're not doing it before valentine's or holofes.

>> No.40414673

birthday stream

>> No.40414696

Truly the easiest job in existence

>> No.40415010


>> No.40415336

>In a few days, Gura is going to get showered
Yeah, by me.

>> No.40418224

Why would you graduate from free money?

>> No.40419804

HoloEN makes most of their money outside of streams.
You think they would stop streaming if most of their money came from streaming?

>> No.40420899

>she's doing it right
Yeah, the best thing a streamer can do is...not stream!

>> No.40421067

And that's what makes you seethe, isn't it? 10 DURR WHY THE SHARK NO STREAM threads a day, while she's on an announced break, and you seethe it doesn't really make anyone hate her

>> No.40424199

Chumcuck seethe.
Breaks are deserved after putting hard work

>> No.40426898

I dunno man, she seems to be getting less and less engagement on every platform as time goes back. It is totally possible she becomes a 10k average ccv streamer when she comes back.

>> No.40427222

Eventually your dream gig just becomes another job. I blame the simps who still donate.

>> No.40431055
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anon your hopium overdose..

>> No.40434579

I don't see that happening

>> No.40434883

Imagine crying after only a couple of weeks. You anons don't know what it's like to wait.

>> No.40435951

you can do a lot more to piss people off than not stream, as you should be aware

>> No.40436426

That is what baffles me. Why do some here seem to have such hatred for Gura? Is it really as simple as jealousy because she outshines all the other girls so easily?

>> No.40436779

tourists here for the culture war hate anyone who doesn't bend the knee to cultural destruction
and yes, they hate to see powerful, successful women

>> No.40436869
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>Hardly streams at all, and even if she did, they are short
>Takes indefinite hiatus to recover from streaming, which she hardly does in the first place.

>> No.40436903

>13-15K average now
>Game skills degraded to shit from not streaming

If she even streams in 2023, I will grudgepost this here anon so hard on the eventual sub 10k stream.

>> No.40437174

Idols are supposed to be inspirational but Gura is a cautionary tale

>> No.40437489

Why do you care about someone you don't care about? There are plenty of people who find her incredibly inspiring.

>> No.40441055

Ayame's case is criminal. At least Chumkeks will never be the most cucked audience as long Nakiri-cuckis exist.

>> No.40447129

she is not returning

>> No.40455799

she'll come back, it'll be cunny I kneel for a couple days (chumbuds will be lucky to get 3 streams), and she'll go dark again for who knows how long

>> No.40455954

I predict this'll happen 3 or 4 more times until she graduates

>> No.40456168

No. She used to be funny.

>> No.40456291
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>> No.40456407

People were already fed up with her inconsistency and lack of communication before the official break, to the point that a pile of day 1 members were revolting in her own comment section. The drop in quantity and quality of content was dramatic, and only the vaguest of explanations given.

>> No.40456522

you will stay silent forever, sorry

>> No.40456636

>has not streamed in over a month
>one thread made about her after another

>> No.40456716

sorry chumbuds she's streaming in my bed right now

>> No.40456773

why do you ignore that she is on break because of sickness?

>> No.40456921

It's true my bad. I too would be sick of having to deal with chumpedos.

>> No.40457194

We can do a lot more than shitpost on 4chan too.

>> No.40457400

You can't even see your dick

>> No.40457503

I going to buy 2 of her Daki's when she comes back and annouces them.

>> No.40462240

