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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 132 KB, 1280x720, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40231475 No.40231475 [Reply] [Original]

If these sluts really are so lonely and desperate why not just host a boyfriend application stream or something?
Surely they should have at least SOME decent looking fans, right?

>> No.40231629
File: 88 KB, 610x377, 6ey77854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aloupeeps abandoned her

>> No.40231696

Why does she keep doing this shit? Beyond embarassing at this point

>> No.40231767

It’s not about getting a boyfriend, but projecting the idea that YOU could be her boyfriend if you give enough money.

>> No.40231866 [DELETED] 

She's the hottest nijiEN irl btw.

>> No.40231891

I've been banned numerous times for posting my face, you know who I am.

>> No.40231929

if you're so lonely and desperate why don't you just groom a fujo from this board

>> No.40231944

Why do you keep watching clips of her

>> No.40231965

Not even close, but it's great you prioritise more than just looks.

>> No.40232160

Teach us how please. I'm good looking enough to have gotten a few girls IRL before, i'm sure i can get some online lonely girls

>> No.40232221


>> No.40232272

fucking retarded vtuber

>> No.40232290


>> No.40232353

because viewers and fans are literally subhuman to them. how do you not know this?

>> No.40232417

Gotta Bait more cucks before she becomes 3 views like Finana

>> No.40232483

I honestly don't know how I could prove this. Most of them are girls I made out in random parties and never saw again.

>> No.40232537

What is this even suppose to mean?

>> No.40232627

She's literally doing it. She wants to get married within the next year or two and she's actively searching for a husband right now. Reimu told her that a great place to find a husband is a wedding, so she's doing a "wedding stream" where she officiates a wedding of one of her fans. She hopes to meet someone there.

If you're an aloupeep at this point you better be ready for the day when she announces her pregnancy. Because she said she would definitely announce it when it happens. If you're not ready for that, you better drop her now. She also had conversations with Reimu and Millie who said that she has to have children before she turns 30 or she jeapordizes her health, that means the next year or two she is planning to marry someone and have children with them. It might even happen later this year.

>> No.40232712

Unironically teach me how

>> No.40232726 [DELETED] 

No she isn't. Even if you're the biggest yellow fever motherfucker alive Finana is better looking and debatably Petra too.

>> No.40232993

I wish i knew as well. Probably the best way is joining some Discord server full of women vtuber fans (maybe male vtubers, specially the coomers ones are full of women?) and do normal human flirting? I never understood people that can make friends on Discord, let alonne a girlfriend, but maybe just because i have not try it.

>> No.40233216

No, I mean prove to us just how attractive you claim to be. I'll show myself if you do the same.

>> No.40233274

Yeah, me

>> No.40233618

Join vox discord then

>> No.40233631
File: 303 KB, 426x591, 1668226650340226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A femcel? She probably ugly.

>> No.40233690

Only problem is that most of them are gonna be underage prolly

>> No.40233695

Is she taking her stream arcs out of a book on the cycles of domestic abuse?

>> No.40233819


>> No.40234027

Because if she did that or if she even implied that she wanted anything with a non-ficticious person, you would cry about it and call her a whore, along with the rest of this board and her fanbase in general

>> No.40234096

she openly embraces being a whore though

>> No.40234196

All you guys here are whores

>> No.40234217

Its almost like some irl shit shouldn't be used as content.
If you're a vtuber that wants to have their relationship be content collab with a male or make shit up.

>> No.40234269

>I wouldn’t fuck a girl
Huh, I thought she was bisexual like 99% of e-thots, I respect her a tiny bit more now

>> No.40234600
File: 34 KB, 620x418, was married the whole time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the great thing about guys is that they always fucking fall for this shit hook line and sinker, then they get burned by one they go looking for another using the exact same playbook
>I'm lonely, I'm literally a virgin lol, I dont like male vtubers you dont need to worry about one of them stealing me, is there really a guy willing to date someone as damaged as me? :_( siiigh another lonely friday night, wish someone was here to cuddle with

>> No.40235292

Oh, i don't think i'm actractive, i actually have a lot of insecurities about it (specially in the last years where i didn't have half as much luck as 5 years ago), but if i was able to pull normal looking (or even good looking) women, I must be able to pull deranged 0 success girls in a ds room, right?

>> No.40235431

True, sad but true. Fuck unicorns

>> No.40235453

I see hot bitches who only post lewds and cosplay images posting shit like "sigh looking for a weeaboo gamer boyfriend right now, so alone" and get like 8,204,030 replies because some people are actually that gullible. Even if she doesn't have a man, she's obviously click baiting attraction.

>> No.40235481


>> No.40235503

>why not just host a boyfriend application stream or something
I know you anons here are dumb af but I didn't know you're actually this retarded.

>> No.40235540

When women are alone it's because they fucked up hard. When men are alone it's just the norm.

>> No.40235599

>the great thing about guys
not all. Just way to lonely guys. Anyone with a sane mind knows he has no shot with amouranth a literal self-made multi-millionaire famous porn hot girl.

That being said, if you are actually a girl... Hi UwU :)

>> No.40235697

If that guy who decapitated his 4chan girlfriend and shared the pictures online can do it, I think you can too.

>> No.40235737

>the norm
Don't justify your lack of dating with "being the norm". That being said, if you are alone as a women and you are 30+ and have not good excuse fpr it (nto long term relantionship that just ended or something like that), it is a red flag. Not neccessarilly something ad, but not a good sing

>> No.40235777

It's retarded, but not unfounded.

>> No.40235896

>not a good sing
Are you even a real person kek.

>> No.40236050

she want a boyfriend, but not (You) or any of her viewers

>> No.40236125

Thanks bro.

It's dark out here.
We've pulled a bunch of fuckups
and we're really quite confused
and alone
and frankly scared.
But we hope to enjoy the privilege of being a semicolon in history
rather than a full stop.
So on behalf of the hundred and fifty billion who came before us
and our human cousins who didn't make it
we just hope we can find a hot girlfriend

>> No.40236176

Wanna snapchat and together maybe we could improve our insecurity together?

>> No.40236188

Yes, hurt much?

>> No.40236319

Isn't that just a room review stream with extra steps?

>> No.40236355

I'm not horny honestly, if that's the reason you were writing. I don't mind chatting for while if you want tho.

>> No.40236452

a woman? on 4chan? please madam post a picture of your bosom.

>> No.40236451

She's pulling a Shirara and is actually making wontons for that blue wigger

>> No.40236599

I apoligise to inform you, I'm not a women sir. I'm not surprise you are propense to confuse men and women, but even from anon i expected more

>> No.40236644

Just chatting is the only thing I need, and perhaps we could even become real friends?

>> No.40236700


>> No.40236724

she hates her fans

>> No.40236780

I hate myself

>> No.40236779

Sure, like i said im willing to chat.

>> No.40236794

>deliberately terrible spelling 'for the lols'
>heh I date girls... actually just make out with drunk chicks who never call me back
>I'm not a grill, u madzors
Hard to tell if taking the piss or actual retard.

>> No.40236835

you type like a faggot only women say "hurt much"

>> No.40236852

I don't think you are fully grasping just how terrible 95% of men and women but that's not the point here are.

>> No.40236914

Alright then, allow me just a sec to log-in and check my name to make sure I give you correct info.

Anyone else here is also welcome.

>> No.40236921

The difference is that enna is kind of a cunt so you'd have to be a fag to believe this shit. Actually amouranth was also a whore and probably a tranny. Actually everything about the post-2016 e-celeb streamer simp culture just confuses me. It was easier when I could just dismiss it as "zoomer kids watching pewdiepie play minecraft".

>> No.40237143

>deliberately terrible spelling 'for the lols'
English is not my first languege. I'm honestly just too tired to check for misspelling or wrong gramatic, i trust my english enough to know it is understandable regardless.
>heh I date girls... actually just make out with drunk chicks who never call me back
I never officially dated a girl, i have "being in something" (idk if that's a thing that is said in english honestly), i. e., be in a firtly friends with benefits type relantionships a couple of times (althought for short periods of time). I only made out with one drunk girl in my life for like 3 seconds before felling bad and pulling out, all the rest weren't drunk or anywhere close to it.

>> No.40237192


>> No.40237198

Never in long, long time. I had actually, but i feel it has expired by now

>> No.40237332

ok, send you a friend request. It is a random account i made with a temp mail, is not my real name

>> No.40238133

She's so based, the only good EN chuuba

>> No.40238160

I know who pink wigger is but who the hells blue?

>> No.40238504
File: 924 KB, 903x750, 1672460654588172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not invite a psychopath from the internet to rape and murder you?
This very board is pretty much living proof the danger isn't imaginary.

>> No.40238688

no you

>> No.40239325

You may also join me on snapchat
Reach me by searching Flavourfracture

>> No.40239789

women do it every day on tinder

>> No.40240146

The point is that she'll never date a fan. Ever.
If you want to fuck Enna you just have to apply to niji and get in. Coworkers are on the table for her

>> No.40240241
File: 1.47 MB, 2348x4096, 1671683355872948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that isn't what Gura tried
>implying she wasn't beaten to death by one of her chumbies

>> No.40240379

You guys have memory of a bird.
Its already in her past.

>> No.40241039

I mean look at what happened to the husband, a person who feeds off of miserable people and lies as a profession isn't going to be a nice person off stream - they're going to be someone well practiced at lying and desensitized to manipulating people.
What I'm trying to say is just enjoy the illusion if you want, keep your hand out of your wallet, and realize most of these women would make your life hell if you actually got what you wanted.

>> No.40241143

why does she shit on unicorns and still do this shit? its ridiculous. nobody cares about her not having a boyfriend besides people who want to be her boyfriend

>> No.40241474

Either her standards are too high or she's too ugly.

>> No.40241594

i really fucking hate this chick now, so fucking obnoxious. sisters really enable her.
my opinion of irys also dropped with her 2.0 but at least she felt remorseful about the *igger yab.
enna is unapologetic about everything she does and she gets paid for it.

>> No.40241686
File: 125 KB, 1284x939, 20221020_214108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.

>> No.40241729

>Surely they should have at least SOME decent looking fans, right?

I live in Japan. Niji fans are mostly normal looking as far as guys are concerned, but the women run the gamut from "wouldn't look at twice" fujo to "holy fuck you're so hot what are you doing in an anime goods store?" stacy. Holofans are mostly male and about 80% of them are chigyus.

>> No.40241934

does anybody actually give a shit about this spineless woman outside of these bait threads?

>> No.40242023

what happened to Ky? or is she just that desperate to get her gachikoi's back and swears she didnt fuck him that night

>> No.40242996

Sasuga Queen of Spades

>> No.40243611 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 738x441, (new)1665738259043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female anons add me up on discord Unrimited#2398

and talk about interests like vidya and weeb stuff yuuka mei ling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU final fantasy the 4 heroes of light SFM animations creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls vtubers (and laugh at deadbeats) females from the DoA games pokemon the rwby anime and other stuff

>> No.40244054

What is a chigyu and would you accept me as a friend on snapchat?

>> No.40247528

Dating a fan never ends well. It's 100% an awful idea to even attempt.
