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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.34 MB, 2880x2880, 1672146321938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39729016 No.39729016 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.39729112

What went wrong...

>> No.39729144

Has ina ever been enthusiastic about ANY meme involving her or ANYTHING her fans did for her?

>> No.39729201

>expecting anything from jaded korean women

>> No.39729481
File: 48 KB, 268x268, 1672147055351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they always pick the worst chuubas for these type of things? I'd bet if someone like Kiara was chosen instead, she'd be over the moon about it.

>> No.39729615
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x1536, 1672147246909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the whole pic.

>> No.39729633

I think she was pretty positive about TOMORROW at least in the stream after it got popular, I bet she hates it at this point though. Also wasn't pic on the left a glorified advert for their discord server?

>> No.39729692

Will never not be funny

>> No.39729773

The context for this photo is that he wanted her to be sad when he gives her flowers, but happy when he offers her an enderman plushie.

>> No.39729869

At least the Kronii one was a little bit more sneaky about it. I scanned their qr code at the time and I remember that it led me to a website with fan messages. I think it still had a link to their discord server tho, so make of that what you will.

>> No.39729916

>Also wasn't pic on the left a glorified advert for their discord server?
It links to a website that's connected to the holo discord server bubble, basically a webspace for them to do things similar to kudoboards, just with more design freedom. So it's kinda shilling the servers, but it's not the primary purpose.

>> No.39730036

Exactly. Dumbfucks always pick the most depressed, introverted bitches for their goddamn billboards. It's like they never learn.

>> No.39730178

They actually can't react positively about these times square stunts because it might encourage more people to do it.
Fans using the hololive branding without permission is both a legal and marketing headache, management wanted them to tell their fans off but they refused so the compromise is to just react slightly coldly towards it

>> No.39730327
File: 66 KB, 350x350, 1672148323063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Hololive started hiring Koreans in the first place.

>> No.39730429
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1763, 1672148405662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit C.

>> No.39730509
File: 233 KB, 500x500, F4CE15FB-3E59-476C-A4AA-64DCF95788CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39730528

God, "fandom" is a brain disease.

>> No.39730625

tranii fans are even more braindead than t*konigs

>> No.39730673

never give anything if you expect to get something in return

you give just because you want to
not to receive something later

thats just being an incel

>> No.39730761

Idk why you anons are complaining when none of you contributed on any of these.
You can rent it out next time for your oshis.

>> No.39730969

>I bet she hates it at this point though.
She refferenced it quite often

>> No.39731135

Imagine posting the ATMwhore trying to be smug on a tread about ingrate vtubers

>> No.39731318


>> No.39732668

Do these billboards actually help their oshis?

>> No.39732712
File: 606 KB, 1920x1280, 1653492190244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst birthday present ever. And probably the day Ina started to dislike her fans

>> No.39732818

>nousagi shirt
ENfags truly don't get it

>> No.39732893

Of course not. Especially not Ina's which just pointed to their shitty discord.

>> No.39733242

Most cringe shit i've ever seen

>> No.39733397

Imagine using your billboard to advertise your fucking discord groups. Who the fuck does that.

>> No.39733402

Surely your average /vt/ poster looks better than this right?

>> No.39733509
File: 94 KB, 1086x1085, 1661530693342511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still seething

>> No.39733783

ok tranii

>> No.39733823

the mentally ill

>> No.39733951

Imagine being proud of that

>> No.39735164


>> No.39735220
File: 3.11 MB, 2400x3100, 1660406399970323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39735243

>Time Square
I chuckled.

>> No.39735455

h..haha yeah...

>> No.39736148

Didn't Ina get mad at the retards who did that because they wasted a bunch of money on something useless?
And didn't Kronii disassociate herself from the whole project because those faggots were promoting their fan discord?

>> No.39736570

Isn't this a trend with kpop usually? Of course they'd pick the koreans to do it.

>> No.39736779

Go back to your fan trannycord nigger

>> No.39736781

>introverted bitches
Does it count as introverted when they just seem to look down on others?

>> No.39736849

Yeah, I'm more handsome than all of them combined except maybe the two twinks in the middle.

>> No.39736981

Ina doesn't like being sexualized so having her revealing outfit on the Times Square billboard was a fake smile moment. She hated it but couldn't explain that to her fans and the same thing happened again with the coomer fan art that was made from the back meme.

>> No.39737035

the #4thwah did it.

>> No.39737040

>hates and spotlight and wants to stay lowkey
>fans plaster them all over huge buildings
gee I wonder why don't appreciate it

>> No.39737122

both were discord faggotry
smart for them to stay away since you never know with discord groups

>> No.39737134

>Ina doesn't like being sexualized so having her revealing outfit on the Times Square billboard was a fake smile moment.
Jesus Christ, what is it with western Korean bitches always being so fucking prudish?

>> No.39737181

I want to reenact this but with Suisei looking at me in disgust.

>> No.39737324

>most of them look like a bunch of retarded teenagers.
Its not surprising that an almost hag didn't accept this with such fondness.

>> No.39737392
File: 137 KB, 500x486, 0096fd58a5460027271b2b1003986baf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>QR codes go into the tranny discord server instead of their oshi's channel
>Somehow expect them not to be angry or disgusted because you use their image to promote something unrelated to them

>> No.39737491

>Why do they always pick the worst chuubas for these type of things?

Because they are saviourfags

>> No.39737651

2 famous waste of money moments
I too would hate my fanbase for being attention whores instead of buying merch

>> No.39737919

Anon most western Korean women are massive whores. Ina is a man hating dyke and Kronii wishes she was a man so they don't like men sexualizing them.

>> No.39737988

I'm starting to think this has merit.

>> No.39738054

Now post the enderman one

>> No.39738138

Ina and Kronii are cold bitches to their fans but these billboards were stupid and gay and little more than an excuse to promote the fan discords who organized it.

>> No.39738466
File: 75 KB, 307x202, 1659147069062520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and who told you this?

>> No.39738534
File: 1.26 MB, 1536x2048, 1672161998688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara did get one. Her reaction was pretty cute.

>> No.39738593

>both korean

>> No.39741022

Kiara likes her fans

>> No.39741380

Getting a shit ton of sudden coomer fanart brings a lot of new stuff to your table, both good and bad stuff. Someone with a ridiculously pesimistic mindset like Ina and Kroni have will only see the bad things and ignore the good side.

>> No.39741595

Fucking with introverts is an extrovert's favorite thing to do.

Source: letroll

>> No.39742155

Love the fat retard throwing up the GIRUGAMESH

>> No.39742374

I will forever believe that is Ina.

>> No.39742842

welcome to /vt/ Ayame! you're going to fit right in.

>> No.39742943

Could Ina and Kronii be a byproduct of that feminist movement that was going on in South Korea back in the mid to late 2010, making them be so prudish?

>> No.39742945

Nah, Ina is a tall lanklet

>> No.39742988

Ayame was right

>> No.39743045

Quite possibly. Doesn't help that they live in Canada.

>> No.39743126

No one in this thread is sane

>> No.39743414

If thinking that spending millions to promote your discord rather than your oshi is retarded makes me insane then I will never take my meds

>> No.39745592
File: 94 KB, 462x433, 1672171210640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself, I worked on one of those damn things.

>> No.39745998
File: 162 KB, 894x669, 1672171578635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's surprisingly cheaper than you think. Like a few thousand bucks, more or less.

>> No.39750341

can't buy happiness just a comfier situation in which to cry
also these aren't characters they really feel ownership over

>> No.39750473

Did this discord group of disgusting creatures at least link the vtuber's channel through the QR code? I know the first time with Ina, it was a link to their discord or something

>> No.39750584

I always find it weird paying thousands to promote your Oshi in a place where they're not actually at. The only one I've seen make sense is the new Irys Bus one which is driving past the concert venue on Holofes day. It makes sense because she's actually in that area and will probably see it. I bet she'd still prefer the cash tho.

>> No.39750745

or like commissioning something to put in the stream intro
could easily get a cool animation done for the same price
and if it's a case of someone who wouldn't use that then just save it for merch

>> No.39751445

Imagine the smell..

>> No.39752209

The worst part of these is that all of the art is shit and looks like it was done by retarded children instead of just commissioning good art considering it's such a waste of money.

>> No.39753296

The point is it’s drawn by fans you retard

>> No.39753414
File: 1.09 MB, 1039x577, (5)_【Gartic_Phone】How_2_Draw_-_YouTube_-_Google_Ch - 01-51-DV5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only nice korean vtuber I've seen.

>loves her fans
>comissions nice skebs of herself
>enjoys her sex appeal model
>always happy and positive

>> No.39753544

What a difference a month can make.

>> No.39753661

The kiara one >>39738534 was nice. They did it at an intersection right outside the con she was appearing at

>> No.39753726

>I always find it weird paying thousands to promote your Oshi in a place where they're not actually at.
because these ads are just publicity stunts to promote their discords. Supporting the girls isn't even their main motivation

>> No.39753797

"Never meet your heroes"?
Never meet your fans.

>> No.39753820

You forgot unmuted humming while the stream intro plays

>> No.39753951
File: 271 KB, 480x480, ps3XXZzWBcbf-QPU16voDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time's Square
>in Times Square

>> No.39755977

I actually won't be surprised if Ina eventually graduates because she hates how much sexual fan art she gets.

>> No.39756088

No one will scan a random QR code on the streets. They just want attention from Ina.

>> No.39756091

The two fatties ruined that pic lol.

>> No.39756443

To be fair, it's pretty cringe and means nothing when shitters like Nux can get up there.

>> No.39756658


>> No.39757007

He paid for himself to be up there since nobody else would. At least these other instances were fan driven.

>> No.39757672

the awkward introverted ones are the ones with the most obsessive and pathetic fans, look at how many people love the awkward shut in girl in games like Persona or Fire Emblem. And obviously those people are also dense enough to think they'd somehow go nuts over an over the top gesture that places them in the spotlight

>> No.39758046
File: 1.23 MB, 2747x1440, Fju04ciVEAAW3_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airi. Cheerful genki airhead and over worked korean office lady hag from Phase Connect.
Despite her coombait design she's not actually sexual but she isn't bothered by horny fans either, she's shy but not no fun allowed bitter about it.
Basically perfect for teasing.

>> No.39758117

Before anyone asks, yes the QR code on Kronii's billboard did contain links to two of the bigger discord groups but they were at the very least buried at the bottom of a webpage under a lot of pieces of fanart which made the situation less tasteless than the Ina one which was just a direct link to the discord

>> No.39758237

I mean they never really asked for that. Kind of a weird gift to spring on someone.
>Happy birthday bro I spent thousands of dollars to put a picture of you up in Times Square!!
>uhh, thanks?

>> No.39758357

I seriously doubt that, in the case of Ina and just by the sound of her voice and her accent she probably is a 2nd or early 3rd generation Canadian-Korean.

>> No.39758446

stfu fag. This was done by the same discord groomer group.

>> No.39758674
File: 43 KB, 689x373, mafumafu_has_a_type.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can make a big difference when menharas are involved

>> No.39758780

Where do you think you are?

>> No.39759531

The fuck happened there? Did someone stabbed the bus?

>> No.39759761

reminder that the QR code on Ina's points to their own specific fan discord and not Ina's channel

>> No.39759952

yeah, a mafumafu fan went ham with a kitchen knife

>> No.39760255

>goes to the circus to complain about the clowns

>> No.39760443

i hate everytime i see this image. because im in it

>> No.39760640
File: 1.44 MB, 1125x1708, Ayamy_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39760730

Go ahead and make fun of me but I didn't know she was korean. I swear I just assumed she was japanese.

Well she's based as fuck so that makes two cool korean ladies.

>> No.39760748

It's not entirely about the cost. The principle matters much more. It's because they used their oshi to promote their trannycord instead of having it the other way around.

>> No.39760929

I think graduation is a possibility and she was never comfortable with the sexual attention that she got because of her main outfit. Ina would sometimes get annoyed at fans if they told her that they loved her and during the second BoTW stream she got close to saying that doesn't want fans to think of her in that way.

>> No.39761084
File: 194 KB, 662x1514, Screenshot_20221228-012636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy kinda cute NGL

>> No.39761522

Hopefully you're the dude in the back-right who's only there because he's homeless and trying to bum a smoke.

>> No.39761768

I can't tell if the pink one is a girl or a guy but why he/she wears the helmet.

>> No.39762021

t. the guy himself

>> No.39765120

How so

>> No.39765689

We all know the answer to that one Anon...

>> No.39765841

>an almost hag
That's legit everyone in Myth save for Ina and Kiara, the rest are near and already past 30.

>> No.39766869

Ina is a repressed dyke that got her ass ate by kronii until 6 AM in the morning. Not only did kronii's audio get picked up in that offcollab, but many others like kiara made reference to it "i heard kronii and ina had a lot of fun together" or something to that effect

>> No.39766983

Wait, thats a thing that happened? I'll humbly admit i am not much of a kronii or ina watcher but that seems to be an interesting piece of information

>> No.39767060

It was that FAKMI offcollab. Which, coincidentally, was what kronii yelled when ina was eating her pink kimchi

>> No.39767969
File: 87 KB, 190x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga has a soccer jersey from my hometown team. What a bizarre finding.

>> No.39768081

>K: you know your ass sways back and forth, you know when you're moving around

>(A: .....alright! we'll s-.... we'll start, I think-)
>K: back and forth, gets a smack
>K: im gonna take good care of yo- i can take good care of you
>I: no, don't look, go away.... *giggles*
>K: im gonna possess you

>(A: ALRIGHT alright we're starting. we're starting!)
>I: uuggh heeeelp, heeeelp
>K: WAH!
>I: heeeelppp
this goes in the top 3 gayest moments of hololive id say

>> No.39768163 [DELETED] 

me in the brown pants

>> No.39768450

She's mentally ill.

>> No.39768595

>kiara made reference to it "i heard kronii and ina had a lot of fun together" or something to that effect
I know I shouldn't expect any stream knowledge from bait threads but Kiara wasn't even in that collab and nobody ever said anything even close to that effect

>> No.39768631

suha is pretty cool but I guess he's a filthy MALE so he doesn't count. Niji whores are corrupting him by teaching him shit like what coochie means.

>> No.39769011

Reine’s gay orgy has got to be up there in the gayest hololive moments too

>> No.39769104

I do but I'm a pretty extreme outlier

>> No.39769150

It's the opposite, retard

>> No.39769211

Yeah nah

>> No.39769263

Lose weight and put on some muscle you doughy bitch

>> No.39771581

Has ina ever been enthusiastic about ANY meme involving her or ANYTHING her fans did for her?

>> No.39771632
File: 2.09 MB, 1600x1200, 1672206471094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nux? You mean they guy who made a billboard and somehow didn't account for the windows?

>> No.39772056


>> No.39775201


>> No.39775691

It's not a good idea to call yourself cute here

>> No.39775873

>both are koreans
Does this mean korean fans are the biggest simp fans

>> No.39775928

>not a single good looking or fit tako
I now understand why Ina never gives us GFE...

>> No.39776702
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1594744884010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was after this that Ina started making fun of her audience and telling them not to fall in love with her.
Makes you think.

>> No.39777233

I thought she is chinese
Are you sure she's Korean?

>> No.39779547


>> No.39781383

Damn he is packing

>> No.39781839

>implying they even scanned the qr code
They would have hated it even if it led to their channels. Vtubers want to imagine that their fans are normal people who watch them because they're funny, the moment that illusion is shattered they turn against you.

>> No.39781910

I don't think anyone in this thread knows just how much women hate week men.

>> No.39782296

I always find it hilarious how many sources about her drama just completely omit the fact that his fans were far crazier than hers.
Let's be realistic here for a second. There were people on Twitter spreading very unflattering pictures of Rushia's RM around this time, which were originally taken years ago, calling her ugly or a pig. Do you really think that it was men doing that and not a bunch of underaged girls

>> No.39782386

t. daylet

>> No.39782921
File: 724 KB, 593x889, Happy Rushia bus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia was very happy to see the bus, though.

>> No.39783117

It's not because they're Koreans, it's because they are Asian Americans who are universally the worst people in this industry since they are the most privileged group in NA but somehow have a persecution complex. Basically Jews on steroids.

>> No.39784972

That's because women love month men.

>> No.39785467


>> No.39785534

If I remember right, this guy was on twitter about a week after this picture dropped saying he was in a gay relationship with the person next to him.

>> No.39786053

I still remember how awkward the Kronii thing was. She could not give less of a fuck about it. So many fake, insincere "uh, wow..th..thanks, guys" type of responses. It was cringe of the highest order. Imagine if Kiara, or some broke ass 2-3 view from Idol or PC or something, got love like this. They'd probably start genuinely bawling, it would be wholesome af.

>> No.39786861

Korean domination

>> No.39787770

Damn it, I'm a twinky femboi and feel sad I missed out

>> No.39789178

No actual female can like shit like WH40K, she's going for the long grift.
Not that I mind though.

>> No.39789741

So is Gura the only one who actually cried because of her fans doing something for her?

>> No.39789965

She cried because she felt guilty for ghosting them all the time despite receiving so many naive fan gifts from them.

>> No.39790041

Nah, I'm pretty sure she didn't have any major ghosting before her first brithday

>> No.39790300

>The week before her first birthday she disappeared for 4 days without any explanation.
>2 weeks before that she also vanished for 4 days, again no warning or explanation.
>Again, a further 2 weeks before that, another 4 day "break" with no heads up.
But admittedly before her first birthday she didn't exactly go MIA like for weeks on end like she does now.

>> No.39790790

Unironically korean women, every single korean vtuber hates her fans and has mental issues
It might be because korean women feel a much stronger draw to real world fame/accomplishments, but i also notice that korean women have a very high dependency on antidepressants

>> No.39790977

Gura does not care about ghosting her fans, what she hates is people having expectations of her, she wants to just exist and sometimes maybe stream while being paid to be alive

>> No.39791263

>what she hates is people having expectations of her,
She's in the wrong job then.

>> No.39794340

I'm sticking to Japanese women only from now on

>> No.39795586

That was only Ina's board. Kronii's board QR went to a site with all the birthday stuff,

>> No.39795665

Female fanbases will always be more menhara.
Just look at the Niji that was forced to quit because of how psychotic his fans were. Or how Vox had to tard wrangle to the point he killed his own numbers to reign in his fans sending death threats to everyone.

>> No.39796562

Both birthdays were made by the same group of people. They literally used the same site retard

>> No.39797391

Perhaps I should start watching phase connect vtubers.

>> No.39797468

There's something sad about the fans of a professional artist submitting much shittier art than your average Kronie.

>> No.39797559

Everytime Takocucks SEETHE about the virgin joke, remember this image. The truth hurts even if its just a joke.

>> No.39797601

Heck, even the latter's billboard was designed better.

>> No.39797873

Of course the only two people who look decent in that photo are probably gay. I wonder if everyone was self-aware enough to have them stand in the middle to draw attention to them. Maybe emphasize the twinks so they’re the first thing you see. Too bad the fat chick was wearing hot pink and the fat guy was wearing white, so the eye gets drawn to them and not to the two who don’t make you want to gouge your eyes out.
That’s the problem with group photos. Attractive people tend to wear sensible clothes (clothes help make you look more attractive so of course that holds). Ugly people tend to wear ugly shit that stands out. So even trying to make them not stand out unusually heavily doesn’t often work.

>> No.39797960

Yeah, Kronii's one was more slickly designed desu

>> No.39798141

Keep that garbage on twitter, then. Times Square is where normalfags go. Don’t show shitty fanart to normalfags, show commissioned fanart drawn by professionals.
I keep my own art on discord where I know only people who might give a shit will see it. I don’t show it to strangers expecting them to care, and these arrogant, braindead twats for “fans” should never have had the gall to believe their art was worthy of being shown in Times Square.
I despise Ina or Kronii as vtubers and I mildly dislike them as people (because all I know about their personalities is how they act in their streams). But the reason they’re acting “bitchy” about these, if at all, is that their discords are filled with autists who don’t know these basic pieces of common sense. And vtuber viewers get angry when a vtuber tells them to get some basic social skills.
This is probably why as an autist, the more I’ve learned how to larp as a normalfag in public, the more I’ve started to hate autists. I don’t care if one does some sensory shit or plays with fidget spinners or doesn’t like certain foods because mouthfeel or the other autistic shit, but my god too many of them are just *annoying* and don’t know why they are.

>> No.39798231

It’s New York. Maybe they biked over to the meetup. Then again, I’ve heard that people who ride bicycles in large cities rarely wear helmets, so it’s probably an autistic local who actually does, who biked to the meetup.
Definitely one of the more forgivable fashion sins. Given the rest of the chaos in that photo it’s not one I’d dwell too hard on.

>> No.39798314

>fashion sins
Sometimes I forget this board is full of LGBT niggers

>> No.39798470

Moments like these make me glad I’m autistic. I’m also an Asian-American, but my autism got me way more shit, so I focused on that. For this reason I’ve never had the persecution complex. And learning to handle the autism has made me a lot more conscious of how social cues work.
If you don’t want to get stuck in the usual Asian stereotypes, don’t act like a typical Asian. If a stranger makes a bunch of assumptions about you based on what you look like, just make fun of them for being an idiot and leave the race part implied. That makes them look like a dumbass and makes you look like someone who can take the (relatively minor) slights with grace.
We don’t get nearly as much shit as the other races. Of course we do. Hell, I genuinely do think we’re a lot like the Jews, in that we get the same kind of shit they do, we do have a few things to complain about, but we tend to complain as if we get the same level of shit as the darker races. Hell, even pajeets have it worse than us.

>> No.39798648

You calling my straight, autistic ass an “lgbt nigger” is the greatest compliment I’ve ever received on this website. Thank you.
But in all seriousness, ugliness really can be improved by having half-decent clothes. Anons who mock the people who say that really need to imagine how much less bad this picture would look if everyone in it had looked like they put in even 25% effort on their clothes.

>> No.39800405
File: 78 KB, 557x550, 1672253177174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as an autist
I can tell.

>> No.39801070
File: 225 KB, 1080x730, 1672253970072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's either that or cryptofags shilling their new NFT of the week. No wonder why these DOOH companies are starting to take in fan projects from kpop stans and weebs.

>> No.39801755

Poderoso Puebla FC

>> No.39805249

The funniest part was the mafumafu thin wouldn't have nearly been as bad, but about 3 years prior mafu's fans dug through every photo they'd posted on twitter and identified a similar carpet and cat toy in both of them and there was a yab (that was entirely ignored by fandeads) they were living together. Still obsessing about that is what made mafu's freak out so much.

>> No.39805615
File: 20 KB, 960x229, DWRAknGW4AAVjxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39805672
File: 1.61 MB, 2030x2158, 1659742897048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are holofans such slobs?
so much for being "chads" aka simps

>> No.39805864

his face could be a new potential basedjak

>> No.39805972

>cherrypicked images
Typical Nijinigger

>> No.39807687

i want every cosplayer in the first image to sit on my face...

>> No.39807739


>> No.39807934

/vt/ was a mistake

>> No.39807992

>a bunch of lazy men in wigs sitting down with their phones out
Yeah, they're definitely not the chads that for sure.

>> No.39808913
File: 365 KB, 573x550, 1655787303809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but there's not a single woman (female) in that image

>> No.39809569

He looks like he murders cats desu.

>> No.39809592


>> No.39809677
File: 838 KB, 292x284, IMAGINEtheSMELL[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvcf95r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39811076

>holofags mindbroken by trannies they see women as men in wigs

>> No.39814491

I watch streams and it isn't hard to see that Ina never wanted to be a sexy vtuber despite how much Cover pushes her in that direction. There is a reason she chose modesty with all of her new outfits, used every excuse in the book to avoid ASMR, and laughed when someone asked her if she would release a birthday daki.

Ina said in her first minecraft stream that her outfit made her look very yab. She has sarcastically called it the swimsuit outfit. After 3rd Fes she did a watchalong of Mad Max Fury Road which deals with objectification which would be a relevant theme for someone that feels trapped by things that she can't change.

>> No.39814691

>not huge Kronii tits displayed

>> No.39815533


>> No.39815606

Yes it was. All it did was bring a bunch of reddit simps and cucks to 4chan.

>> No.39818904


>> No.39819773

The Ina one was funded by one guy, the Kronii one was crowdsourced.
Also of course you'd use the same site, that's how renting add space works you fucking troglodyte

>> No.39819829

Fuck off reddit

>> No.39825622

the art on the Ina times square ad is fucking hideous holy shit proportions

>> No.39828879

There is at least one jacked takodachi who posts his picture every now and then. I'm also /fit/ but I don't count since I'm short

>> No.39833220

Is he also gay?

>> No.39835637

>since they are the most privileged group in NA but somehow have a persecution complex. >Basically Jews on steroids.
no, Jews still hold that title

>> No.39836062

Kronii enjoyed hers and was excited to see it, shitposters in this thread are lying to you.

>> No.39837594

they’re both canadians

>> No.39837723

>If I spend my life savings, the anime girl online WILL love me

Both of them were lowkey cringing at this self-fellating stunt the fandom pulled. Why are Vtuber fans such faggots, hide your power levels in public and donate anonymously if at all.

>> No.39838681

she is more excited to see tempiss RN

>> No.39843228

Why dont they do a korean song collab?

>> No.39843383

Why do you keep bumping this thread?
