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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 101 KB, 312x360, nnsm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39439550 No.39439550 [Reply] [Original]

She's not particularly girly nor is she mommy type, but she fills an archetype my heart clearly knows. Maybe it's the girl next door type?
She's the only vtuber that appeared in one of my dreams and even though it wasn't lewd (just a short little convo) I woke up blushing and feeling like a teenager who talked to his crush.
It's so interesting to me because I don't even consider her GFE yet it's like her personality somehow bypasses everything and directly hits that part of my brain.
I hope I fall in love with an autistic girl next door in a future life... I'm already past 30 so it's too late.

>> No.39439601

Fuck you it isn’t too late. Go and find that retarded girl you dream of. She’s out there anon!

>> No.39440090

She's very girly though. Maybe not in the same way as someone like Fauna but she's still very feminine. She's just a little strange and on the shy side. She definitely has an alluring nature to her where you want to find out more.

>> No.39440257

It's over

Yeah I didn't mean to say she's not feminine. I probably should have said that she's not girly in typical ways. And yeah she does. She fucks with my head effortlessly and makes my brain revert to being an unjaded hormonal 15 year old. It's fascinating to me.

>> No.39440323

Imagine thinking 20's define your life lmao

>> No.39440684

>Girl next door
Definite this. Everyone has different neighbors

>> No.39440797

No, it's more like hitting 30s redefines your life. Especially when your preferred type is like how I described. It seems to me like the older people get, less unique their personalities become. And I think it's partly a good thing, otherwise we'd see too many freaks on the streets.

Did you mean "define this"? Girl next door is a trope.

>> No.39440847

More like the dead air type
HEYO lmao high fives anyone?

>> No.39440904

give sauce

>> No.39440967

Today I learned I'm into the girl next door trope even though I don't have one in real life

>> No.39441149

She has the strongest personality on Council. And I so badly want to sexually bully her.

>> No.39441233

Who is this?

>> No.39441331

She's boring

>> No.39441411

>past 30
>too late
You're in your prime age retard.

>> No.39441592

Not him, but I'm a 30 year old skill-less NEET. It's definitely over for me.

>> No.39444319

>Maybe it's the girl next door type?

>> No.39446165

Shes like the girl who feels obligated to hang out with you and has to pretend to enjoy your company because otherwise you'll be embarrassed but you figured that out already and are already embarrassed and that's hot

>> No.39448908

just like you favorite chuuba anon.

>> No.39452764 [DELETED] 


>> No.39452777

Where's the full image

>> No.39452801

Shes your basic lolsorandumb white girl

>> No.39453498

she isn't explicitly GFE but she is really close and intimate with chat which is probably what activates your brain chemicals. recently she has been impossible to not love so i understand very well what you mean

>> No.39453548

>It seems to me like the older people get, less unique their personalities become.
Bullshit. Its more that they got better at hiding it in an attempt to seem like a normal adult. Combined with the fact they realized nobody actually gives a shit and opening up gets you canceled. Why open up to random strangers? Just say something bland and get that shit over with so you can go on about your day.

>> No.39454165

Her "I'm not like the other girls" act is cringe. I do like her real orcschizo persona that is genuinely unhinged though.

>> No.39454231 [DELETED] 
File: 795 KB, 1000x1000, moomoomooom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe it's the girl next door type
More like, right outside your window type girl. Peering in and admiring your furniture.

>> No.39454298
File: 39 KB, 640x443, 1668895919887683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her hooters

>> No.39454300 [DELETED] 

She's boring and self-absorbed. Her singing is not good. She has a boyfriend. Is this thread a joke?

>> No.39454385

She is my girlfriend.

>> No.39454568

plain jane with some menhera sprinkled in

>> No.39454602

I'm slowly (and kinda unintentionally) dropping vtubers over these past months, but Mumei is one of the few that still clicks me. She's very endearing thanks to the reasons already mentioned, and at least to me her streams feel like a safe place. Hoping nothing but the best for her, and for you too, anon.

>> No.39454905

retards here will get mad at this but the reality is that any type of content that involves a girl being cute and in some way intimate with its viewers should count as GFE, that is how the brain of a single male works.

>> No.39454985

Just Be Nice theory

>> No.39455230

>She has a boyfriend

>> No.39456016

Surprisingly big boobs.

>> No.39456123

what does that mean

>> No.39456243

Perhaps she took the "there is no dere" really personally.

>> No.39456519

these kind of images are from AI, leaked model or edits?

>> No.39456632

Is it possible to turn your life around in late 20´s?
t. Depressed autist with a uni degree but working parttime in a factory because can´t get a decent job

>> No.39456664

drop electronics and move to the woods

>> No.39456851
File: 1.62 MB, 312x498, Dad died [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxrdo9t.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39458734

Might depend on what the degree is in.

>> No.39459004

The archetype is that of a child. You are actually a pedophile, as are all men. Your sub-Chad genetics prevented you from experiencing uninhibited, unconditional teenage love(pedophilia), like attractive people do automaticly. You will be forever trapped in this loop of so called 'mental illness' which is actually just sexual and genetic repression, coping trough life with 2D imagery of little girls, which is based.

>> No.39459362

You can but it's not gonna be easy.

>> No.39460759 [DELETED] 

>Your sub-Chad genetics prevented you from experiencing uninhibited, unconditional teenage love(pedophilia), like attractive people do automaticly. You will be forever trapped in this loop of so called 'mental illness' which is actually just sexual and genetic repression
Is that really what it is? Because that actually makes sense. Fits and explains it well

>> No.39460837

Either be twink-Chad or obscenely rich.
Beyond that, youre stuck with us subhumans on the plantation. Nobody is reality is waiting for generic sub-normie guy. Sorry fren, the gods wanted this for you.

>> No.39461192

Yez but dont dwell on it too long. The upside is that it sparked this superior 2D artform, superior too filthy 3D, as a worthy cope during our time in the subhuman sewers of normiedom.

>> No.39462068

possible but incredibly hard requiring a bit of luck on top of that.

>> No.39462106

Yeah the turd edgy retard. Literal sht vtuber.

>> No.39462381

no shit its called being a fucking adult you drooling ape, when ur 17 and you and your gf can just fuck all day and text eachother 16 hours a day thats not the real world, also mumei is autistic as fuck literally, shes absolutely terrible at reading the room, and its pretty clear shes was sheltered as fuck, how is this your type?

>> No.39462639
File: 38 KB, 472x645, 02f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mumei is autistic as fuck literally, shes absolutely terrible at reading the room, and its pretty clear shes was sheltered as fuck

>> No.39467805

Stoned middle schooler pseudo-edgelord type

>> No.39467982

feminine, shy, strange, bursts of violent passion, cute as a button, extremely soft and fuckable. she has this 'must protecc' vibe, cause she's kind of innocent, yet precocious.

I get what you mean, anon.

>> No.39467985 [DELETED] 

Yeah the cuckold experience archetype

>> No.39468030

>how is this your type?
She's not "my type" but I do enjoy her streams. The thing that's nice about excessively retarded or spergy people is their sincerity. There's no guile, they're just vibing.

>> No.39468311

I wanted the thread to die but since it got bumped I'll respond to some ppl

For finding someone with a personality similar to hers? Yeah no, it's over and I've come to accept it.

I think this is the most stable and reliable formula for a vtuber. Borderline GFE.

That's exactly my situation. I wasn't here for Coco times but did get attracted to vtubers after. Now it seems like the magic is mostly gone so I feel myself distancing away from it but Mumei keeps living in my head somehow.

>experiencing uninhibited, unconditional teenage love(pedophilia), like attractive people do automaticly

>no shit its called being a fucking adult you drooling ape, when ur 17 and you and your gf can just fuck all day and text eachother 16 hours a day
If you had that growing up, good for you. I didn't. So there's a vacancy in my heart and her personality speaks to it. That's all I'm really saying.

Yeah good point. Maybe it's sincerity that bypasses my defenses and hits the GFE part of my brain. Not sure.

>> No.39469386

tard wife archetype

>> No.39470818

She’s the little sister experience.

>> No.39471534
File: 34 KB, 680x679, 1666587594982764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want to fuck his little sister

>> No.39474479
File: 897 KB, 1500x1200, 1670098015950803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes a tomboy

>> No.39474982

Mumei is more like a small animal who followed you home

>> No.39477337

She wants to be a dog.
She can be my pet.

>> No.39480167
File: 219 KB, 341x593, 1671767116048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're all at wits end and you really want to experience love with a cute autistic girl, consider getting a tulpa.

>> No.39485947

>I don't even consider her GFE yet it's like her personality somehow bypasses everything and directly hits that part of my brain.
You can do better

>> No.39486362
File: 1.14 MB, 1650x2475, 1663769422782906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want anything else

>> No.39486990

what the fuck is that

>> No.39487103
File: 105 KB, 417x230, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so where are these topless default pose chuuba images coming from?

>> No.39487138

She's like the cheeky little sister I never asked for.

>> No.39487195

Figure out what you want
Figure out how to get that
Go do it.

It'll be rough, and it may take a long time but you can make it happen. Luck has nothing to do with it.

>> No.39487197

>She's not particularly girly
Nigga, I will fight you.

>> No.39487223


>> No.39487692

A method to make your very own Mumei!

>> No.39487956
File: 255 KB, 768x1024, 1587361220287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, the Katawa Shoujo anons tried this a decade ago (almost to the day actually) and they either accrued permanent psychological damage or outright disappeared.

>> No.39490729

Mumei is my girlfriend

>> No.39490756

>or outright disappeared.
So it worked, right? They disappeared cause it worked, right??

>> No.39490786

get the fuck out of /vt/ and start fucking her again. she took a break so you can have unprotected sex for the holidays.

>> No.39490998

I made this post.

>> No.39491612


>> No.39493180


>> No.39494655
File: 451 KB, 1073x652, tulpamei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right! The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll meet her!

>> No.39494873

>easily the highest IQ of all the holo en girls

>> No.39495020
File: 144 KB, 900x900, chikafujilisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Lisa
