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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39252199 No.39252199 [Reply] [Original]

Marine thinks turning 30 is not that bad


>> No.39252257

She's right

>> No.39252267

>hag copes with being childless and not married by lying to herself that's it is okay after all she's only just 30!
for women it's only okay to be 30 if you are married and have at least one kid not when you are alone,

>> No.39252269

The powerful sexuality of hags cannot be disputed.

>> No.39252289
File: 422 KB, 1488x2105, FP0Nxp0aIAI-eQ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life starts at 30 for a vtuber

>> No.39252301

39% of Japanese women aged 30-35 are single....

>> No.39252306

How's your marriage and childrearing situation going, anon?

>> No.39252309

I'm almost there

>> No.39252313

The obsession with youth is overrated. Most people don't start achieving truly great things until they're 40. It took Alphonse Mucha 18 years to make the Slav Epic and he was already in his 50s by then.

>> No.39252324

I wonder how many 30+ ladies they have in Hololive and who is the oldest? I'm guessing Kronii at around 35.

>> No.39252332

I must become Ken-sama

>> No.39252359

1/3 in HoloJP and Marine will join them in 6 days but there is not a single one in HoloEN

>> No.39252378

Korone is 37

>> No.39252418

God Marine is so hot...

>> No.39252457

Botan is over 40

>> No.39252486

30 still isn't too late. She's got maybe another 5 years to sort her life out.

>> No.39252489

muh dick

>> No.39252624 [DELETED] 

Children are horrible for the environment, housing market and your own finances. The only one benefiting from children is the government. Having children is cuck mentality.

>> No.39252841

EN get theirs in September.

>> No.39252894

not to be political on /vt/ but trying to get people to stop having kids is exactly what the government in the west wants. I had this conversation with my mother IRL, the idea of "wait until you are ready to have kids, else it is cruel" was unheard of in her time because having children was encouraged even if you were a crackhead. now you are shamed if you're poor and have kids, simply because you had kids. it's soft eugenics, literally saying wait until the government deems you worthy until you have children.

>> No.39252934

>horrible for the environment
stopped reading there, nihilist cuckold redditor. Kill yourself if you truly believe what you said, lest you be a hypocrite.

>> No.39252939

I really dont want to be mean to marine and say something like her eggs are running out.... but... I hope she frozen some eggs so she doesnt have to worry about the biological time clock...... but marine its ok to be old please just take these precautions....

>> No.39252953
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Literally no one cares about that shit, if you don't have kids then the goverment will just import niggers and chinks as replacements.

>> No.39252975

Good goyim. Let Tyrone, Lee and Ahmed do it for you.

>> No.39252985

I can save them

>> No.39253019
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>> No.39253076

30 is not bad. 30 is bad if you try to be a schoolgirl.

>> No.39253303

Abe-san, from your grave, grant me the strength to fix your country

>> No.39253362

i love coping hags. please marine if you want children just let me breed you

>> No.39253377


>> No.39253440

The absolute cope.

>> No.39253508 [DELETED] 

Cucks who will never have children and will never contribute anything useful to their society. Go back to twitter and stay there.

>> No.39253542

Next year, yeah

>> No.39253573


>> No.39253576
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How can you not like children? Also how is any of that shit important?
High level npc

>> No.39253640
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>> No.39253765

Kill yourself.

>> No.39253793


>> No.39253839

Cope and seethe

>> No.39253851

When is Marine turning 30?
I know she's been depressed about it, which is funny because I'm going to be a wizard in 3 months and I don't give a shit, yet she had relationships and had sex and she's taking it far worse.

>> No.39253871 [DELETED] 

She’s wrong

>> No.39253900

Good luck living in your 60s without anyone help and care

>> No.39253931

Tiny, weak redditor man

>> No.39253938


>> No.39253955

December 25th
>yet she had relationships and had sex
Where did you get this info from ?

>> No.39253975

Not the same anon, but it's called common sense.

>> No.39254041

It's not at all. Only a myopic teenager thinks things go downhill before even half your life is over.

>> No.39254077 [DELETED] 

It’s called she’s a woman

>> No.39254085

Anti-natalist scum.

>> No.39254128

My oshi turned 30 this year.

>> No.39254139
File: 19 KB, 480x447, 1665423155762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 30+ year old femcels on this board who are frustrated and will never have a partner

>> No.39254147

>Couples day in Japan
>Turning 30
Pretty high chance of drama NGL. I'm hoping it will go well just as an example towards other girls who are single and getting older.

>Where did you get this info from ?
Pretty sure she's talked about having boyfriends, girlfriends and sex in the past. No I don't have any links and I'm not fucking with the youtube search function to find any.

>> No.39254154

I've learned how unreliable christmas cake jokes are in Japan.

>> No.39254156

She's got the fattest of asses and was an OL. Ojisans in the office have hit that. She's also way too comfortable around men to not have experience

>> No.39254203

Malding tranny

>> No.39254230

Hey me too!

>> No.39254237

I’m confused, why would having no children be what the government wants?

>> No.39254262 [DELETED] 

Their are trannies on this board???

>> No.39254277

I'm a tranny for thinking there is nothing wrong with having kids? Retard you have lost sight of what you are even shitposting about.

>> No.39254284

Hinting that ungrateful bastards don't leave you in a shitty nursing home

>> No.39254304

>She's accepting her hag status

>> No.39254333

Die mad, childfucker

>> No.39254350

She talked about her sex experiences in her PL. This is well known. It's why people compare her to vshojo all the time.

>> No.39254362

>being comfortable around men means you have a lot of sex
Tell me you're a virgin without telling me you're a virgin.

>> No.39254394

is there any way to look for twitter user by only filename?

>> No.39254420

They all lie in those polls, anon. The actual number is a tenth of that at best.

>> No.39254433

Reverse image search, anon.

>> No.39254480 [DELETED] 

>compare her to VShojo
Like she gets raw dawg gang fucked on a regular basis?

>> No.39254483

The only benefit you can get for getting into a relationship below 30 is more sex.

as a guy who married at 30 and got a kid at 30. It's the best and right time.

>> No.39254498

Hello marineschizo

>> No.39254501

She used to but obviously can't talk about it anymore now that she's in hololive.

>> No.39254531

I'M the Marineschizo but not these guys >>39254147 >>39254156 ?

>> No.39254538

>Pretty sure she's talked about having boyfriends, girlfriends and sex in the past
>She talked about her sex experiences in her PL
Why lie on the internet ?

>> No.39254561
File: 44 KB, 499x498, 1669558648901073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before asking about kids, I need a gf first.

>> No.39254567

It's only myopic if you're talking about men. Talking about women? yep it's pretty accurate

>> No.39254972

that is so hot

>> No.39254990

Outside of common sense and she is a woman, she fucked Shion and was confirmed by both.

>> No.39255016

>Outside of common sense and she is a woman
Of course
>she fucked Shion and was confirmed by both.
Not at all

>> No.39255072

I swear Marinefags are the most delusional
>Marine is so beautiful and have the biggest ass in hololive but she's somehow an unexperienced hag who never had a boyfriend
Ichiturds really want to have their cake and eat it
Fuck off we are duplicating

>> No.39255096

You start declining physically after 30, it starts taking more effort to maintain yourself at least, that much is true, but at that point most people have the life experience and capital to make up for it in other ways, which I've found to more than balance out not being in my physical prime anymore.

>> No.39255101

Marine is an ugly obese normalfag gigastacy with no tits and no ass according to your own words.

>> No.39255405

Maybe for women because that only makes me harder but for a man it’s depressing
I’m not even 30 and I already feel old

>> No.39255557

Giv nippon hag wife now..

>> No.39255568


>> No.39255594

Shut up fuckers, I'm marineschizo

>> No.39255609

It occurs to me this stat probably interprets not married as single.

>> No.39255627

I'm 31 and I feel like my life is over. No woman wants to deal with a balding NEET

>> No.39255673

Quite a few holos lie about their age

>> No.39255710

Your problem isn’t your age

>> No.39255731

Botan lied about being 10 years older.
Yes she's based.

>> No.39255750


Work is crushingly brutal in Japan. Childcare is shite. Leaving your job basically makes you a traitor. Why any women bother raising children in this situation? To get the little shit to 17 you need to spent roughtly $310.000 (way more today with inflation).

>> No.39255766


>> No.39255765


Are you the guy who just posted a selfie in the zaion thread? >>39243950

>> No.39255782

Japan is a society obsessed with youth it would actually be based if she did add years
I always find talk about Vtubers real ages depressing because it’s something that a lot of them seem to find bothersome

>> No.39255883

does this En always talk to people like they are retarded?

>> No.39256047

That was a joke she said years before entering hololive and people still take it seriously to this day. Mio (or maybe it was Fubuki) said the only hologirl older than her is Korone.

>> No.39256156

Ouch. I got called virgin by some tranny on 4chan. I'll never recover nor cope.

>> No.39256604

Based antinatalist chad. The funniest part is that retards sperging out in responses are mostly trash that would never have a children anyway, unless they rape someone in dark valley, kidnap and force to give birth.

>> No.39256978

I think its the combination of the age and the specific day of her birthday, it probably hits Marine extra hard. I remember watching a short documentary on Japan's population problem and they had this one chick working in one of those cringe weeb service industry jobs saying how she especially hates Christmas as that is when its culturally acceptable for couples to go out and have PDA galore. She was going on how Christmas is the worst day of the year for her and every time she sees a happy couple on that day she wants them to get killed to stop reminding her of her own situation.

NTA but Marine's streams. She has talked occasionally about her past employment with black companies and has alluded to being mistreated and having her heart broken by male colleague(s) and being compared unfairly to female colleagues by male coworkers.

Ah is Christmas also known as Couples Day over there? That explains why all the PDA that other girl was talking about in that documentary and why she hates that day so much.

One of her black company stories led to her making a remark about cheating and having heart broken which alluded to Marine likely having had a brief affair at the job and being dumped. She didn't explicitly say it but she kept going on about how much she hates men who are 'cheaters'.

>> No.39257073

>NTA but Marine's streams.
Literally nothing you mentioned has anything to do with relationships. Are you like an actual autist?

>> No.39257125

Marine needs to graduate already. She has a boyfriend.

>> No.39257239

It could be how Marine views a relationship and how you define one are just different. The way she talked about it, even though it was an office fling she seemed to believe it had the potential to go places and was especially hurt when she found the coworker saw it as a 'fuck and duck' and moved on soon after from her.

>> No.39257265

Fuck, why didn’t I learn Japanese?????

>> No.39257284

well, it's not like she has much of a choice.

>> No.39257299

Your imagination is wild. She never said, implied or alluded to anything you're saying right now.

>> No.39257336

Anon, the stat is fake.

>> No.39257351

having children when you're not ready for it is a terrible idea. they most likely won't be raised well.

>> No.39257400

Yes she has, how long you been watching her?

>> No.39257438

Since 2019. She never said she had a workplace relationship.

>> No.39257555

Well that explains why you are unaware, some of what was said was in 2016 and 2017.

>> No.39257591

Yeah, you're just making shit up now. Marine did not exist in 2016 or 2017 and you definitely did not watch her past content.

>> No.39257603

>Ah is Christmas also known as Couples Day over there? That explains why all the PDA that other girl was talking about in that documentary and why she hates that day so much.
It's not called couples day, but Japanese Christmas is totally different to other countries, to us Christmas is a family event and people give gifts. To the Japanese Christmas is a lovers day where apparently women will just hook up with a guy just so they have someone for Christmas, it's also heavily tied to KFC as people reserve places to eat KFC together due to marketing. Which is probably why the nousagi complained about his cold chicken not letting him imagine he was spending Christmas with Pekora.

Marine reminds me of Choco, she keeps complaining about dates with bad guys but ignores that she's the one who selects them. Atleast she got a date, as a KHV I'm not sympathetic especially when they say it happens multiple times.

>> No.39257652

Of course Marine didn't exist that you absolute retard. Who the fuck do you think is being discussed when we are talking about black companies and relationships? The fucking character? And you're one to talk about 'not watching past content' with your 2019 newfag self.

>> No.39257703

the emphasis she puts on loyalty suggests she may have had a bad experience in that regard.

>> No.39257740

>Who the fuck do you think is being discussed when we are talking about black companies and relationships?
You said she mentioned this shit in a stream, moron. She mentioned black companies, she mentioned cheating, she mentioned gender inequality. You made up a whole lot of shit about her actually having talked about having a workplace relationship when you never ever even knew who she was before hololive.
>your 2019 newfag self.
You keep saying this, but you did not watch her in the past yourself.

>> No.39257746

she does seem to have high standards. (which isn't actually bad.)

>> No.39257760

Why are you pretending you were watching her roommate
Unlike you are Japanese it's impossible that you were watching a 2view nico liver and recall everything she said

>> No.39257761

I would like to marry Marine.

>> No.39257766 [SPOILER] 

Imagine being this brainwashed, you mind as well kill yourself immediately because it benefits the environment

>> No.39257779

but leader, i thought you hated children AIEEEEEE

>> No.39257782

>You said she mentioned this shit in a stream, moron.
I did, I didn't specify it was a Youtube stream.

>> No.39257849

Not denying that at all. The schizo over here is headcanoning all kinds of shit, WITH DETAIL, beyond just "she had a bad relationship in the past".

So what stream was it? Are you going to go with the convenient "it doesn't exist anymore" excuse? Reminder that you didn't watch her in 2016 or 2017.

>> No.39257901

How far do you want me to cross the Rule 1 line. We both know it has been toed frequently throughout this thread but to do as you request one by taking a big leap past it.

>> No.39257911

This reminds me that once some video got linked where Marine and Macoto (some asmr girl) were on skype while streaming in 2011 or 2012 and Macoto puked her guts out, shit was cash

>> No.39257950

You say you've been quoting things breaking rule 1 all this time so why not go all the way?
>some video got linked where
I take this as you admitting that you did indeed not watch her in 2016 or 2017 despite all your newfag namecalling. You were the newfag all along, How embarrassing.

>> No.39257986

Just go full blast
Marinefags have been getting really delusional lately

>> No.39258041
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>> No.39258110

There is a vast difference between vague referencing past remarks without specifying origins and outright posting direct links. The only reason I have had to go more specific than I initially wished is you been doubling down on your rejection since you don't want your perception of Marine to change. Truly head in sand, fingers in ears behavior.

>> No.39258194

She never said she had a workplace relationship. You're literally the first person on the internet making this claim.

>> No.39258226

afaik Luna is the oldest at 35-36

>> No.39258279

Marine knowing macoto that well implies a lot of things about her as a person... and those implications are not good

>> No.39258286
File: 68 KB, 463x453, 1653795909624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30.

It's not that bad.
It's not that bad. It's not that bad. It's not that bad.
It's not that bad. It's not that bad. It's not that bad.
It's not that bad. It's not that bad. It's not that bad.

>> No.39258343

You're not old yet. I'm 27 and I'm looking forward to my thirties.

>> No.39258403

The age requirement for professional Vtubers should be 30.
They are passionate, create less drama and respect their fans.

>> No.39258423

>have children because you want servants
i hate people who think like this so much

>> No.39258484

Anon, Luna is 40+

>> No.39258522

I'm 31 and i just want to die already. If only i have balls to kms.

>> No.39258570

(besides an hero.)

>> No.39258644

Because retards assume that the government somehow controls the mind of all the women in their country. The reality is, it's the women that don't want children anymore.

>> No.39258656

This post made from a broken home.

>> No.39258796

None of those are her age. Stop repeating crap from matome like mindless parrots. The 5ch post everyone got that age from doesn’t even get the day of her birthday right.

>> No.39258807

40+ as in 67 years old yes

>> No.39258822

My sister is single and under thirty and got her tubes tied recently. Obviously not my choice, but it kinda bummed me out. I would have loved to be an uncle.

>> No.39258860

Can't believe you used a clip caption instead of the kino image from the actual stream

>> No.39258899

You got sauce, buddy?

>> No.39258933

haha, this idiot doesn't seem to know the fact that the working environment in Japan is already better than in the U.S..
To be precise, it is not so much that the working environment in Japan has improved, but rather that that of U.S. has become worse.

>> No.39259011

One of the many reasons I'm leaving this country for that one before the end of this decade.

>> No.39259031

nvm found it in archives not linking here cuz this seems like something holojannies really like nuking.

>> No.39259243

The original video got deleted, I think you can still have access to it through web.archives but it's really slow. Maybe one day I'll upload it on youtube

>> No.39259522

So, in conclusion.. Marine is a whore I guess.

>> No.39259552

Counterpoint: I don't care either way and I want to marry her before either of us turn forty.

>> No.39259759

>search "macoto marine" in the archive
>find dozens of threads with the same marineschizo noelschizo war with exactly the same arguments
This place really seems like a timeloop huh

>> No.39259824

The dedication some of the posters here on /vt/ have to their craft frightens me. I'm pretty sure I've also typed this post already, ironically.

>> No.39260021

Who is Macoto and what does it imply?

I have decided my 30th will be spent watching Logan's Run. Get on my level Marine.

>> No.39260164

Macoto was an ASMR livestreamer, and this implies that the anon you're replying to is a big dumb fag for implying things.
Also, excellent movie choice.

>> No.39260178

Only for shots cock.
>fantasized about her coworkers’ shota kids and tried to groom them with with expensive presents and volunteering to watch them for the coworker

>> No.39260279

People who had a boyfriend should be fired

>> No.39260331

macoto ia not just some innocent ASMR girl. She an actual whore.

>> No.39260597

Why are you upset? Aren't you proud of your strong independent sister? You aren't a misogynist are you?

>> No.39260769

Nope, just worried that my sister sees herself as someone incapable of raising children or having a husband. She's been single for a few years, and her ex did a number on her self-esteem.
I shared my concerns with her before the surgery and she told me she really just got it done because the process of childbirth horrifies her, which I don't entirely buy but whatever.

>> No.39261108

the hags are all mine

>> No.39261584


>> No.39261596

I'm sorry Abe-sama
I failed you ...

>> No.39261883

Never happened, it's just the Marineschizo hearing voices in his putrid head again

>> No.39262191

She flicks her bean every night to the thought of her viewers stroking one out to her daily. She knows her viewers would wreck that pussy no matter how old she is. It must feel amazing for a pervert streamer like marine going to sleep every night knowing. That thousands of men want to pump you with they're baby juice.

>> No.39262348

ITT: 30 year old boomers cooping, alongside Marine

>> No.39262376

I am coping but not that old
Also had a girl give me a compliment last week. MY GAINS FINALY PAID OFF

>> No.39262412

She is literally waiting for one of these horny viewers to actually step up and take responsibility and, no, I will not take my meds.

>> No.39262441

meds bad amen brother

>> No.39262463

>Children are horrible for the environment, housing market and your own finances.
um yeah how am I gonna afford more Funkos if I have kids??

>> No.39262515

One day, you will too, brother.

>> No.39262538

I've said this many times before already, but antinatalists are just walking, talking examples of natural selection at work.

>> No.39262587

You bet. That's why Marine's my favorite.

>> No.39262609

Congrats brah, you’re gonna make it.

>> No.39262645

>Biggest ass in hololive
>Bigger tits than Lamy
>Witty and experienced
>Pure-blooded Japanese
I will make it my life's mission to marry and impregnate this hag. I already have a plan

>> No.39262668

You could have saved her.

>> No.39262709

no one wanted your inferior gen, seanig

>> No.39262719

She isn’t 17 anymore?

>> No.39262794

I don't think she's hopeless by any means but I get what you mean, and I definitely did try to convince her not to have it done. I talked with her about this for a while and didn't mince any words; basically told her what I typed in my last post.

>> No.39262882

>wishing death on happy couples because you’re a lonely piece of shit
Maybe that’s why you’re single psycho.

>> No.39263251

38% when I get there

>> No.39263554

I made this post

>> No.39263839
File: 637 KB, 985x597, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

??? But I didn't say that? Here's the screencap from the documentary with the girl you're referencing.

>> No.39263958

I'm losing half an inch of hairline every year since turning 30. I'm literally transmogrifying into the fat ugly bastard ojisan.

>> No.39264101

It's really not, everyone including me acts like it's the end of the world until it happens, then you realize nothing has really changed. Apparently when polled, the average age most people wished they could stay forever at was 36 because that was the perfect age in terms of both feeling young and having good financial stability.

>> No.39264227

Just drop the fat part and you can probably still make it.

>> No.39264315

This. Macoto also told horrid lies about Patra's roommate

>> No.39264389 [DELETED] 

>yet she had relationships and had sex

>> No.39264458

>Macoto also told horrid lies about Patra's roommate
>Macoto is close with Marine
>Patra is close with Flare
...Wonder if that has ever led to awkward conversations.

>> No.39264532

>and she told me she really just got it done because the process of childbirth horrifies her
Yeah I've noticed that, all the women who say that childbirth is the most horrible thing ever, have themselves never given birth.
In fairness it's not like people on this site don't constantly feel assured in something they themselves have never experienced but feel like they know what they're talking about.

>> No.39264617

Macoto is also close to Noel

>> No.39264671

Just let it go
I don't know why people think you need to grow a beard when you're bald, beards are there to hide a weak jawline, if you don't have that you don't need a beard.

>> No.39264682

>Work is crushingly brutal in Japan
If you've spent any amount of your life at work you'd know that most people simply have dogshit work ethic. Just look at all the NEETs that hover around /jp/. Those people that are so lazy they won't work any job in the first place are the same ones telling you that working in Japan is awful. Do you really trust their judgement?

>> No.39264755

Probably not. They steer clear of each other completely.
There's no reason to ever randomly ask about why someone knows some other person unless you want to be the complete bitch in the situation.
Marine doesn't know or interact with Patra and Flare doesn't do it with macoto.

>Macoto is also close to Noel
macoto hates Noel.

>> No.39264761

True, and one could also easily argue that my concerns over her possibly regretting this choice in the future are invalid since I, a man, could never experience childbirth or motherhood for myself.
Still, it sucks. I worry about my sister.

>> No.39264766

>Work is crushingly brutal in Japan.
Only because of the hours. In terms of the actual work being done, odds are you aren't doing that much, but Japan has a very backwards mindset in terms of efficiency so unless you're working on something that requires real crunch, you're mostly just looking like you're working.

>> No.39264848

>Just look at all the NEETs that hover around /jp/. Those people that are so lazy they won't work any job in the first place are the same ones telling you that working in Japan is awful. Do you really trust their judgement?
Thanks for writing a good post on the internet today, anon. This shit drives me completely up the wall every time I encounter it online. Unemployed experts on the Japanese workforce that have themselves never set foot in Japan.

>> No.39264877

Nobody is quoting NEETs from /jp/ when they talk about Japanese work environment.

>> No.39264958

Also, when you ask the people on /jp/ that actually live in Japan, when asked about what it's like working their the answer is mostly "eh, could be better"

>> No.39265005


>> No.39265297

It's not bad at all

>> No.39265430

Noel is closer to Patra. Patra wished Noel a happy birthday Macoto didn't

>> No.39265634
File: 99 KB, 685x710, 1639448075230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a natural loner has its merits I guess. I never feel the need to have a relationship. It's also much cheaper.

>> No.39265906


anon, your monitor is not facing mecca, you have displeased allah

>> No.39267517

Kronii is a zoomer. Do your reps.

>> No.39267867

I'm pretty sure she's in her mid-20s which makes her a millenial, just a very young one

>> No.39267939

>31 year old NEET
But why, retardchamma?

>> No.39268426

32 year old and bald. All you need is a job and go full bald.

I look like the typical bald semi muscular semi dark skin ugly bastard in the hentai doujins and I get laid at least twice or thrice a month with my crazy bitch of an ex. Enough to keep my horny at bay. I suggest you do the same brother. Godspeed.

>> No.39268594

Anon, the start of Gen Z is usually put somewhere around 1995 to 1997. So even a 27 year old can be a Zoomer, and a 25 year old by almost all. That is mid-20s.
Time is slipping away from you.

>> No.39268734

And they're virgins, right?

>> No.39270114
File: 43 KB, 640x360, ugly_bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based ugly bastard pilled anon

>> No.39270203

We've done it

>> No.39270363

You will never be a zoomer. Gen Y goes to 1997, millennial goes to the early 2000s. They are not the same thing.

>> No.39270568

The best vtubers are all hags, they run this hobby.

>> No.39270612

>Now you can breed her endlessly without the fear of retard babies
What are you, gay?

>> No.39270708

They are absolutely the same thing.

>> No.39270813

How so?

>> No.39271897

Got laid off during covid and never went back to the workforce

>> No.39272261
File: 520 KB, 890x653, sad rosemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine if you have your shit together... but I... being this old on paper with my work history (nothing) is a death sentence

>> No.39272496

I'll give it a shot, what's your ex's number?

>> No.39272630

It's fine bro you're doing better than me.
>Fall for STEM meme
>Student loans
>No job
>Employers all want people trained up, never offer training

I literally would have been better off just working in McDonalds for a few years. Atleast you aren't in debt.

>> No.39272789

I'm almost 27 with zero kids and I have no complaints about it. I have a good career and I'll be married before I'm 30.

>> No.39272815
File: 313 KB, 2048x1770, 1659803053709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually just afraid of getting to 30 at this point. christ its worrisome.

>> No.39274308

Holy cope, gen Y and millenial are the same thing. Just accept you are getting old.

>> No.39274412

I'm going to go to Japan to become a male whore for all of these pent up Japanese hags!

>> No.39274709

Look, if you had a halfway decent GPA with your STEM degree you should have had no problem getting a job, and training was probably offered in the form of paid internships back in college.
If you fucked around in college, had a GPA below 3, and didn't do internships, don't blame the STEM meme for your own failure.

>> No.39274744

>the start of Gen Z is usually put somewhere around 1995 to 1997
I've literally never heard that, every definition of Gen Z starts at 2000 from what I've read.

>> No.39274784

>You will never be a zoomer
Never said I was, I’m right toward the middle of millennials.
>They are not the same thing.
Gen Y and Millennial are the same thing, look it up. The most common end date for millennial in the US is 1996, meaning 1997 is the start of the next gen, Gen Z, which puts the oldest zoomers at 25… so mid-20’s.

>> No.39274822

Apparently 1996 is now the last birth year for millenials after years of people saying otherwise.

>> No.39274823


If you're going to obsess over stupid bullshit at least learn what stupid bullshit you're talking about. Millennial is part of the Strauss-Howe generational theory, Gen Y and Gen Z are different things.

>> No.39274865

Because generations are social science and millennials are all homosexuals who think they should be their own special "gen me". So you have people who are almost 30 claiming to be in the same generation as 10 year olds, because they are fucking shameless.

>> No.39274984

Never went to college and work in a niche field in the construction industry and earn the equivalent of $350 a day for a boring job sitting on my ass all day. Find a skill in demand and stop making excuses.

>> No.39274996

>Marine thinks turning 30 is not that bad



>> No.39275051

She's not a zoomer, Gen Z and Zoomer despite being related are 2 very different things. Gen Z is just an age bracket, Zoomer is a very specific mindset known for its hyper ADHD-style low attention span humor, inability to imagine a world without being on the internet at all times, being hilariously oversensitive (they think cyberbullying is real), etc. Zoomers are an entire generation that acts like spoiled 16 year old white girls. Kronii is not that, she reminds me more of a Gen X'er despite being half the age of one.

>> No.39275077

Nana Mizuki had her first child at 41, there's still time. Unless you're Botan.

>> No.39275239

Hey look at that, it links to millennial which says in the first paragraph:
> Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Gen Y, are the Western demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with the generation typically being defined as people born from 1981 to 1996.
So Millennial and Gen Y are synonymous, like how Gen Z and Zoomer are synonymous.
And while some people push the date out further, such as how, the common timing of it is 1981 to 1996. Meaning Zoomers start from 1997 which puts their normal oldest at 25… mid twenties.
Or are you really arguing you believe someone is both a Millennial and a Zoomer?

>> No.39275298

>someone is both a Millennial and a Zoomer
Logan Paul is both a millenial in age and a zoomer in mindset so yes, it can happen.

>> No.39275350

You mistakingly conflate denotative definition with your connotative stereotypes.
If a Baby Boomer acted like Kronii, would they stop being a baby boomer? No.

>> No.39275355

>Uncontrollable desire to find labels to attach to things because it's easier than actually using your brain
Pigeon holes are for pigeons.

>> No.39275702

Pigeon is itself a label for certain birds. Should it not be used then because labels are bad? Just because something is a label doesn’t mean it has no meaning, though you might say it lacks value. Saying a penguin is a pigeon would be incorrect. Saying a Bird is a Dinosaur would be accurate, even though a bird may not be what someone thinks of when they imagine a Dinosaur.
Trans-generational is not the kind of trans you should be worried about with Kronii.

>> No.39275772

This must be a bot post, because a human couldn't miss the point that hard.

>> No.39275872

>You mistakingly conflate denotative definition with your connotative stereotypes.
Definitions are built on stereotypes, we wouldn't define them as a different generation if they acted exactly like us because the whole point of generational changes is a change in cultural mindset from the people of the new generation from those before.

>> No.39275923
File: 37 KB, 530x561, EhyZ36_UYAEDwK7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I married a 35 years old woman and I'm 29

>> No.39275925

Age is a number. It doesnt dictate anything about you and who you are. Sure, time inevitably degrades your body and brings you closer to death, but that doesnt need to affect yoy as a person. Thats a seperate consideration.

>> No.39276051

If it's true then why the more she closed to the age of 30 the more she was depressed ?

>> No.39276070

femcels do not exist. a woman could go out tomorrow and have sex if she wanted

>> No.39276086

SHe's right. It is only bad for primitive 3rd worlders like op

>> No.39276267

Then what was the point? Zoomer has a denotative meaning in regard to age brackets. You can say that the idea of she brackets is arbitrary and stupid (someone born in 1980 and 1981 likely have much more shared experience than someone born 1981 with 1996) but that was never the topic at hand, just the facts of the matter in regard to that arbitrary categorization. I am not suggesting one should posit behavioral expectation and judgment from Kronii being a Zoomer and in fact that other anon’s difficulty accepting it shows why doing that can be a stupid idea.
Green is a color but it is also a rather arbitrary label for categorization of mental depiction most commonly associated with the signals received from our eyes for certain wavelengths of light. There are patterns accepted as green but where green ends and other colors begin is rather arbitrary. Still, I can tell the difference between Green and Red so as to drive safely, those labels have meanings and even purpose. And yet for others their eyes have faults so as to fail that distinction that is obvious to me despite the labels themselves being Arbitrary.>>39275772

>> No.39276473

What's the japanese equivalent to eharmony?

>> No.39276551

>tfw trans-greatest generation
Hate japs and jigsboos.

>> No.39276643

The issue with generation groupings is the windows seem obtusely wide. A young millennial would have way more in common with zoomers than the older millennials.

>> No.39277020


>> No.39277068

Meant to reply to >>39276473

>> No.39277127

Yeah, there's a reason there's a big gap in millenial views on socialism based pretty much around whether or not you were alive and had some of your childhood before the Soviet Union dissolved, because something is a lot easier to understand outside of the theoretical when it's right there to point at.

>> No.39277326

I dated a 42 year old woman and I'm 30

>> No.39277456

Whats up with people thinking 30 is old?

>> No.39277629

Always confuses me when vtubers talk about stuff like this. Majority of vtubers are younger than 30 (including Marine), and a bunch of the big ones (like Marine) have been active for multiple years now. There is simply no way in hell these people have actually worked more than ~1 OL job ever in their life at best. Almost none of them actually have meaningful life experience to draw from, nor do they really know what getting old means socially beyond maybe their parents badgering them.

>> No.39277704

There's a neighborhood filled with old couples who had their kids at +35 because of business and there's an absurd amount of retarded children/teenagers there.

>> No.39277762

Actually retarded or just they're dipshits?

>> No.39277804

>almost a wizard myself
what the fuck do I do? I"m not gonna make it, bros

>> No.39277816

There's something about 10 year markers that make people feel like it's a bigger deal than it is.

>> No.39277885

I’m just gonna off myself after blowing my money in Vegas if I’m still a virgin at 30

>> No.39277907

Unsurprising. If more people had seen the stats on age vs rate of birth defects they would be out fucking as we speak

>> No.39278028

If it worries you that much pay for a prostitute to discover sex doesn't feel as good as a wank

>> No.39278062

The kind that can barely speak and sperg out/have fits when they hear loud noises.

>> No.39278137

Think of it this way, it took this long for you to reach 30, and with modern medicine that might not even be a third of your life. You've got a long way to go.

You'll live, as a wizard myself the more I realize the sex isn't what matters, it's feeling loved. If all I wanted was sex I could just pay for it, problem solved

>> No.39278210
File: 113 KB, 736x1094, 1671489481763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace it, it really isn't that bad.

>> No.39278286

Fuck I remember when my family actually had a pc kinda like that.

>> No.39278346

why the fuck would you want to live longer, are you insane?

>> No.39278397

More things to experience in life? Last week I climbed a mountain. I didn't have anyone to share the experience with or talk to about, but I climbed it.

>> No.39278428

What about IRyS?

>> No.39278446

there are ugly women.

>> No.39278486

Do you remember the tone for dial up internet?

>> No.39278510

Knowledge. Become a math wizard, there arent enough of them.

>> No.39278522


>> No.39278533

Yes but we didn't have dialup for very long, by the time we got it cable internet was just starting to be a thing

>> No.39278539


>> No.39278574

Ugly still get laid very easily. Sauce: I have made many mistakes

>> No.39278584

Because children are a burden on the economy until they come of age. You have to feed, clothe, and school them, the government pays for up to all three of those depending on who has kids. It's way more profitable for them tax-wise to bring in immigrants, even if they don't earn anything tax-wise from them, because they didn't spend the money to create them in the first place.

they don't need the government to control the mind of all the women in the country, they have a smartphone and TV for that.

>> No.39278721
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, NEWLY_FRIEND_GAME_A_pirate_and_a_rat_20-39_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of 30 is in demand

>> No.39278736

It's more that they don't want to. I trawl Cr*st*l C*fe and L*lc*w sometimes. Some of them genuinely hate men like how some men hate women.

>> No.39278743

the economy isn't real and TV and social media are a symptom of roasties, not the cause.

>> No.39278884

>Because children are a burden on the economy until they come of age.
That's made up for in taxable income down the line, the only people who are a genuine burden on the system are those who will never be able to pay into it. It's not a burden to ensure that those who come later will be able to pay in, that's called an investment.
More importantly, the job of the government is to do things that aren't profitable. Running the government like a business is the last thing that should be done.

>> No.39279598


>> No.39279639
File: 336 KB, 1632x1860, Satomi Scroll Stitch (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 is prime. Low T zoomers will never know the unscaliable sex drive and desire of a 30 year old experienced mature women.

>> No.39279847

experienced mature women AKA used up roastie

>> No.39280094
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>> No.39280740

Unironically tinder

>> No.39280833

Of course they won't.
Zoomers aren't having sex, like this virgin,
So, when they get to 30, they'll still have 0 experience.

>> No.39280890

who the fuck cares

>> No.39280941

must go to Japan and breed them then
inb4 we fucking CAN'T
fuck visas and fuck migration
fuck this world

>> No.39281019

retard she is not even saying that

>> No.39281080

find a blabla fuck off shill
be born to a lucky place first then

>> No.39281203

>inb4 we fucking CAN'T
Actually you can, they finally opened back up

>> No.39281428

stay mad hole

>> No.39281432

If you have a bit of money to spend and you aren't TOO picky it's literally the easiest shit in the world. I am the most average looking white guy ever. Balding, not overweight but not skinny, soi glasses, wear cargo shorts, come from a basic middle class family, autism etc and I get 0 hits on tinder here in the US. I went to the Philippinnes to visit a flip friend who moved back there and said I could stay at his place for a week, I said "fuck it" and turned on tinder, literally hundreds of hits without exaggeration to the point that I had to start filtering just to see them all. People say JBW is a meme but in some SEA countries it's 100% real. I'm not gonna say they were exactly what you'd call the most attractive girls but they weren't ugly.

>> No.39281475

Her boyfriends? The casual sex she's having? All me.

>> No.39281558

I'm overweight and I fuck
I got money though

>> No.39282157

負け犬 (makeinu) is a japanese term used as slang to describe a women 30> who is unmarried and without children. It's derogatory because the original, non-slang meaning is about being a dog that has lost and flees with it's tail between it's legs. The etymology of the slang usage is from the 70's-80's when Japan's average age was right around 30, so to be beyond this age without having a man (and therefore plans to have a children) must be because they failed as a woman. Of course times change, there's a large realization that having children isn't for everyone, the average age has skyrocketed, etc. But since these terms had a lot of weight back then, that age of 30 sticks to some people as a big cut off.

>> No.39282339

Just 2 more inches on my arms, three more inches on my quads, four more inches on my chest and I'll save one of them.

>> No.39282473
File: 284 KB, 500x500, 1668312285981152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm asian american :/

>> No.39282687

Then you can bag a weeb girl.
Just play your youthful effeminate looks up. Loads of women love boyish, cute guys

>> No.39282906

There's a lot more testing that can be done as early as the first trimester for major markers of low functioning autism, down syndrome, and other detectable diseases. There's no reason not to try having a child as late as 40 as long as you're not a christcuck and willing to go for abortion for everyone's sake.

>> No.39283020

Dude, your body start breaking down. You look older, your spine rattle, you feel your metabolism become weaker, your body become fat more quickly, youngsters look at you like an old person - no longer romantic interest.
This is worse for women since the prime age of pregnancy have gone. They feel inferior to younger girls cuz they no longer the center of attention. They either become jealous roasties or silent hags.

>> No.39283291

No, people think it's alright to extort young people because most of them start with nothing. That's stupid

>> No.39283384

You're talking about your late 40, not your early 30s

>> No.39283449

Yeah. Globalism encourage slave trading, leading to lower living standard

>> No.39283473
File: 84 KB, 310x289, Marine Meme 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true anon

>> No.39283663

I've always thought it's stupid to think about children when your stable life is just beginning. Even more if we talk about Japan, why would you waste your life with a child and more importantly a man as pathetic as a Japanese?
she is rich, so the "man supports you financially" is out of line. The heck woman, enjoy your life better.

>> No.39284089

Don't tell me your co workers didn't look at you differently when you become 30. People in the same age may have no issue but younger ones will think you're a bit too old for them

>> No.39284192

30 is scientifically when the body starts to weaken. Also for a woman it's where you SERIOUSLY need to consider having a kid unless you want them retarded enough to be in special ed, or worse autistic enough to think Minecraft is fun

>> No.39284983

it's not even about sex, it's just so damn lonely beign a wizard

>> No.39285055

On the bright side, you're probably growing up in the best era to be a wizard in the history of humanity so far

>> No.39286106

>Don't tell me your co workers didn't look at you differently when you become 30.
Not really because even at 36 I barely look any different from how I did at 25.

>> No.39289667

I'll marry and put a child in her

>> No.39290232

she didnt even say what the subtitles implied lol
imagine wasting your time editing this for just 4 (you) LMAO

>> No.39290466

Based. Mating press those 30 year olds, anon.

>> No.39291361

Zoomers always started from 96 or 97
