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39132736 No.39132736 [Reply] [Original]

try making your rigging less obvious, towa

>> No.39132844

Genuine question.
For who you believe it's rigged?

>> No.39132983

Rigged my ass, your oshi should just play better Op.

>> No.39132996

There is so many good players in group A
But I think it will be

>> No.39133052
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How is this rigged? There's good and bad players in every group. No group seems too easy or too hard.

>> No.39133074
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I hope Mio doesn't get screwed over again.

>> No.39133083

its a lot more spread out this year. the final will be interesting(for people that care)
while i will enjoy the zaku cup with my wife

>> No.39133115

Rui-nee and Pekora will roll on everyone in group C.

>> No.39133133

>not rigged
the top 4 in each and every single group is already predetermined

>> No.39133220

moona got fucked, zako ikuze mooner

>> No.39133271
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>> No.39133306

>all the good players are in one group
>all the good players are split up
man fuck you, dumb rigger

>> No.39133427

B Team for the win.

>> No.39133497

id and en got new costume, nice

>> No.39133524

Mio exist

>> No.39133528

You forgot Lui, she's really good at Marika.

>> No.39133560

Mio will win group C.

>> No.39133601

Nah. It's gonna be Iroha in her place.

>> No.39133619

Waiting for ela to become OP by the time the tournament starts.

>> No.39133782


A: Okayu, Marine, Towa, Chloe go to finals - Iroha, Kronii, Fubuki, Matsuri miss out - Ame, Anya, Nene, Moona go to Zako Cup

B: Suisei, Gura, Watame, Miko go to finals - Luna, Kaela, Ayame, Roboco miss out - Mel, Haachama, Kobo, Lamy go to Zako Cup

C: Subaru, Pekora, Mio, Lui go to finals - Reine, Ollie, Aki, Zeta miss out - Koyori, Sora, Noel, Choco go to Zako Cup

A is the absolute group of death, as it has 4 out of 5 of my predicted 5 favorites. Other than that, B and C are pretty equally distributed, though I was advocating for a pot-based from the beginning.

Suisei to win it all, and Koyori for the Zako Cup.

>> No.39133825

B for Blue

>> No.39133842

Pot-based draw*, like the ones in professional sports, of course.

>> No.39133850

>Chloe go to finals

>> No.39133879

depends on how well Suisei does in the finals
she lost against Miko in the training rounds recently

>> No.39133888

B for Blue and Blonde

>> No.39133897

Why is this so much better than Nijishit's one?

>> No.39133907

yeah, only JPs will win this
based twaps

>> No.39133992

Yeah... like she did last time, member? She's no pushover even if you think she may not make it now.

>> No.39134212

I genuinely think people are sleeping on haachama.
While it's true that she finished last in the last time they played a couple of days ago, if you've watched her pov you'd see that she HAS the ability but doesn't know how to play the game, for example she got surprised by the fact that she can look to her rear just when she played with others a couple of days ago, during the times she was at 1st or 2nd, she got messed up because she doesn't know that she can put her bananas or shells to her back for protection, or she doesn't know where the course goes, or what even most of the fucking items do... If she trains, I'm expecting an upset

>> No.39134606

You're right, I forgot.

>> No.39135031

Lol they leaked ID3 new year outfit?

>> No.39135276

Pretty sure they used these drawings last year.

>> No.39135652

She would have to play a lot to prepare and there is no telling what her ceiling would be. She's just not a gamer and I don't expect her to bother either.

>> No.39135699

Suisei will choke again

>> No.39135839

The drawings are new.

>> No.39135910

this, I don't think she'll do more than one...MAYBE two streams "practicing"
she has good sense but is unironically directionally challenged too.
though she's more than welcome to surprise me, she absolutely blew me out of the waters with her holocure streams after all

>> No.39136542

ID3 didn't exist last year.

>> No.39138500

Tier ranking them based on probable expectations:

Finals spot is theirs to lose: Okayu, Suisei, Marine, Towa

Not advancing would be a slight surprise: Gura, Watame, Miko, Subaru, Pekora

Here to fight for the finals: Chloe, Iroha, Luna, Kaela, Lui, Reine, Mio, Kronii, Ollie, Fubuki

Wildcards in either direction: Ayame, Matsuri, Zeta, Koyori, Roboco, Aki, Mel, Sora

Here to avoid Zako Cup (or perhaps win it): Ame, Nene, Anya, Moona, Haachama, Kobo, Lamy, Noel, Choco

This is also taken into account relative to their group strength. Even if I'm off some, I'm doing this exactly to come back and see who proved folks wrong and exceeded expectations. Last time some of them were Reine, Kronii and Gura. I'd love to see a newcomer or an underdog in the finals, or even as the winner of it all.

>> No.39139948

has Lui played in a MK tourney yet?

>> No.39140254

Nobody myself, but Suisei avoided pretty much all serious challengers for her group. Very lucky to save her from any blunders.

>> No.39140294
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The entirety of HoloX was in last year's tourney. Lui placed fourth in her group, being marginally beaten by Reine while Subaru and Marine overwhelmingly took first and second. She's in a very similar group this time but with four players advancing it's more statistically likely for her to survive this time.

Though again this is Mario Kart, so bullshit can happen. Not only that but we've got more tracks and the top tier builds were marginally nerfed in the last update.

>> No.39140470
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If only Bae had won the Zako Cup instead of being cucked by Mio's DC, maybe my aussie oshi rat would've been here to play in this one as well

>> No.39140789

You’re forgetting Kaela. I don’t think there is anything she is bad at.

>> No.39140956

I dumb I just realize they spoiled the ID3 kimono outfits

>> No.39140972

irokuro teetee
Thank you, twap.

>> No.39141103

Iroha will get to the final just so she can sacrifice herself to ensure Suisei gold. Trust the plan.

>> No.39141119

Watch Luna destroy everyone in her group

>> No.39141211

Gura: Last year 4th place
Miko: Last year 5th place.
Watame: Last year ex aequo 6th place with Towa

It's more that people in group A are unlucky ones since that group is a real bloodbath. Group C is easiest one.

>> No.39145087

A team is full of monsters, it's going to be tough for Kronii to finish in the top 4, but it's possible, since she did beat Fubuki last year and finished ahead of Chloe in the finals.

>> No.39145128

Top 4 advances, it should be Kronii, Chloe or Fubuki in the 4th spot.

>> No.39145182

>watame next to the music note
Towa knows…

>> No.39145269

only for id, en already got that new year outfit

>> No.39145328

Mel is really good at Mario Kart she might miss-out on the finals, but she's definitely not zako tier.

>> No.39145393

Prediction: Lamy does NOT get last place overall!

>> No.39145401

Congratulations, you just learned how seeding works. You think having the best team and the worst team play each other first during playoffs is rigged too? They’re trying to give the good players a stronger chance of making it to the finals on purpose. Because having boring and predictable beat downs in the early round and then exciting finals is way better than the other way around.

>> No.39145444

There's a chance. She made it last year but finished last in the finals group. I think people are sleeping on Fubuki, her missing the finals last year was a fluke.

>> No.39145606

Luna didn't make the finals last year.

>> No.39145831

Who do you have moving on?

Group A: Okayu Marine Towa ???

Group B: Suisei Miko Gura ???

Group C: Pekora Subaru ??? ???

>> No.39146100

As a chumbud, I have no confidence in my oshi after a long break from streaming/playing anything at all. For Group C, I remember Ollie/Reine dominating in ID so you can bump off Pekora, wait actually, Mio is there too

>> No.39146258

I know Peko has fell off a bit, but she's still the top seed in C imo.
Yeah both Miko and Gura are gonna be interesting
They both have the ability to make it, but are capable of throwing too

>> No.39146376

>7 out of 9 IDs
>3 out of 11 ENs

>> No.39146587

I watched Okayu's MK8D stream today, everyone must be really shit if she managed to win last year because she plays like my little sister

>> No.39146596

More relevant branch has more representatives, big surprise

>> No.39147160

Most of them touch the game twice a year outside of tournament prep.

>> No.39147815

Subaru, Pekora, Reine and Mio should be the top 4 in that group, but anything can happen.

>> No.39148831

Is anyone in ID3 a good contender? ID 2 has Reine while all of ID1 are zakos.

>> No.39148959

I don't really understand what OP is getting at with this being rigged. But these little chibi drawings of the girls are really cute.

>> No.39149523

Pekora is not the top seed with Mio in the C group as well.

>> No.39149773

Okayu biggest strength is being a fatto cat. Her play style is pretty level headed and unruffled; something that other arguably "skilled" players like Suisei lack.

>> No.39149788

Suisei was a shoe-in to win last year, but crumbled under pressure in the finals. I wouldn't get too cocky.

>> No.39149983

I feel she isn't good at it yet, but will grind non-stop to be beating staff ghosts comfortably by the time the tournament rolls around, only to get tilted because she's been practicing time trials and didn't consider the item RNG element.

>> No.39150087

>La+ is on an eternal hiatus, so won't get to continue her feud for last place with Choco
These are sad times we live in.

>> No.39150258

Oh yeah, Mio smurfing the Zako cup happened. That was pretty funny.

>> No.39150779

In case no one watched her POV in the recent collab, she clearly hadn't even played some of the new maps and had forgotten shortcuts on some of the older ones. Sure, she was also experimenting with them and still got plenty of wins, but I can see her get unlucky on the tracks and choke to the point of being disqualified altogether. With an album and a concert coming up in January, I doubt she has that much time to train either.

>> No.39151042

Group C has so many hags, I love it!

>> No.39152828

>Including ENs
Wasted slots.

>> No.39155791

Will all the ENs actually stream their POVs this time?

>> No.39157472

She has to beat solid players Luna, Kaela, and Ayame for that spot, which is not too likely, as well as the motivated Roboco, new blood in Kobo, and wildcards in Haachama and Lamy. She can avoid Zako, sure, and it wouldn't be some surprise, but it's going to be far from a walk in the park to achieve that. Good group.

>> No.39157571

Gura at least knows how to play the game and can be competitive with the JPs
And they've thankfully not dragged along THE SHERRIF to "intentionally" tank solely to try and win the Zako Cup

>> No.39157637

Can't really see her being a favorite to finish over anyone in her group but maybe the debutant Kobo and the nutty Haachama. It's not impossible to avoid Zako, but it's a tough group for her.

>> No.39158028

The problem is the draw was literally random. I argued for pots like in sports competitions, but we actually ended up with perhaps 4 of the top 5 strongest players in the same group A. Group C is the group you wanna be in if you have a wish to advance further despite being far from the overall favorite. Some "pot 7 or pot 8" competitor or even lower would have an opportunity to fight for there.

>> No.39158049

>waah the players that are good a mario kart are gonna win
shut the fuck up you catty cunts and watch the cute girls. i swear if you all just rubbed one out instead of clicking start thread this literal 4chan board could actually be a decent board for images.

>> No.39158360

The question is, will Gura stream her perspective?

>> No.39158382

Mate, I had to predict someone, and this cup being a rat race between Okayu and Suisei wih Marine and Towa also lurking as contenders in the background sounds like the most milquetoast prediction. Of course Okayu is also there to fight to retain her hard-fought title. We will see if she's the most motivated competitor even as a reigning champion and win it again.

>> No.39158527

It's a rule of the thumb that the ones you want to watch the most will not stream. But I'm actually glad Mumei didn't stream herself coming in last in the prelims and third from last in the Zako the last time around.

>> No.39158634

the fact that they paired Gura and Suisei against that means it’s an easy W. Last year she really had to fight for that spot

My overall top win picks are gonna be okayu, Marine, Suisei, Gura, Towa, Pekora, Mio

But all depends on who’s actually practicing on and/or off screen.

>> No.39158736

Kronii only progressed because of pure luck, she did horrible in the finals.

>> No.39161970

Kronii actually won a podium in the finals, finishing 2nd on Dragon Driftway, which is more than Towa, Miko or Chloe can say about their finals performance. She underperformed in the finals races but that's not a clear indicator she shithoused her way and couldn't do it again. Well... you're right, she likely can't do it again, though that's a given considering she's got Okayu, Marine, Towa, Chloe and Iroha in her group. Scenes if she ends up in the Zako this year...

>> No.39164603

To much Blue cunny in group B

>> No.39167253

Allocating odds for each member advancing to finals:

Group A: Okayu 85%, Marine 80%, Towa 80%, Chloe 45%, Iroha 45%, Kronii 20%, Fubuki 15%, Matsuri 10%, Ame 5%, Anya 5%, Moona 5%, Nene 5%

Group B: Suisei 90%, Gura 65%, Watame 65%, Miko 60%, Luna 40%, Kaela 40%, Ayame 15%, Roboco 5%, Mel 5%, Kobo 5%, Haachama 5%, Lamy 5%

Group C: Pekora 85%, Subaru 85%, Mio 50%, Lui 50%, Reine 50%, Ollie 30%, Zeta 10%, Aki 10%, Koyori 10%, Sora 10%, Noel 5%, Choco 5%

I gave everyone at least 5%, because the game is a godsend for flukes and potential tummy hort absences. The numbers add up to 400% per group, matching with four spots advancing.

If you agree or disagree on some odds, lemme hear it

>> No.39167454

chibi sexo

>> No.39167489 [SPOILER] 
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the goat

>> No.39167566

That's a weird looking Choco, sir

>> No.39168979

Best candidates
A: FBK, Okayu, Towa, Marin, Chloe, no doubt the toughest group this year
B: Migo, Sui, Shark. Watame may makes it this year
C: Reine, Noel, Suba, Peco. Easiest group but anything can happen

>> No.39169049

Soda of course. Pretty much everyone in C somewhat afraid of her. No top player also

>> No.39169245

Migo spent a lot of time practice off stream

>> No.39169373

A too hard, C too easy. Assuming top 4 players will be chosen. But in reality it's always the top 1 of each group fighting each other.

>> No.39169556

Kronii can't beat Chloe or FBK, forget it
Reine may lose to Noel, she often has bad luck in real tournament

>> No.39169727

She's not good at games required quick reflexes. But Botan sucked at this so it may not be true

>> No.39169799

Will she streams this time? I know people would like to see her rage

>> No.39169873
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>Kronii can't beat Chloe or Fubuki
>except when she beat Fubuki in qualifiers and beat out Chloe by a point in the Tsuyou Cup last year

They really need a middle-ground race since it feels weird to have 1/3 of their streams just get cut off because they didn't win big but they also didn't perform as badly as Choco or Noel

>> No.39169951

Shark practiced nothing. New races will destroy her. Too bad Ina and Irys won't come

>> No.39170073

Yes she's better than Nene. Zako champion would be Ame cuz she's shit

>> No.39170146

towa has no budget, please andastando

>> No.39170239

Where are you getting Noel being great at this? 11th place Zako Cup last year. Lui, Mio, Ollie are all way likelier to beat Reine to the finals slot if she lucks out.

>> No.39170263

Okayu made very little mistake, and she won't panic if others get past her. Stress broke top players easily but Okayu is very hard to crack

>> No.39170339

Ame will be there so yeah

>> No.39170495

>No Kanada
It's rigged for sure

>> No.39170658

I might bump Miko up to 65% and Goomba down to 60% in B

>> No.39172111

Aqua is a spiritual EN in that she's a lazy cunt that can't handle getting flamed a bit or losing, hence the absence.

>> No.39173458

You guys can debate all you want about which team is the strongest, but team B is certainly the most fun. Miko, Suisei, Luna, Gura, Kaela, and Kobo in one team? Fuck yeah

>> No.39174090

I don't think Aqua will be in any competitions anymore, she was pretty mentally damaged in the Apex competition and is not suited for competitions in the first place.

>> No.39176151

No she's afraid of streaming in general. She no longer do anything not related to idol or shilling

>> No.39177396


>> No.39178834


>> No.39179021

wouldnt you? if you got flamed by autistic chinklets?

>> No.39179157

I'm betting everything on Marine getting 3rd place again

>> No.39179407

I just want to see Pekora blue shell Mio.
I don't care what happens after that.

>> No.39179726
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choco sensei is a real contender this year

>> No.39179976
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>> No.39180825

Just play autistic jrpg series (debuff games) for a few week, they'll get bored and left

>> No.39183873

Looks pretty balanced

>> No.39184887

this will be towa's year

>> No.39184892

Group C is obviously the easiest, while the other two are debatable, having the finalists.
Suisei bests her group by far, being the most consistent. Kaela will be the dark horse. She just started it recently, but her grindset is second to none. Gura has shown that she can learn new tracks quickly. I hope she has the same determination as before.

The competition will be fiercer overall, when you have less, "At least I'm not last". "Well, maybe not last the next round."

>> No.39185126

why is haachama rubbing her face against a mushroom?

>> No.39188140

Suisei domination

>> No.39189917

This. She's taking the zako cup championship from Choco this year

>> No.39192238

Anyone hyped for this?

>> No.39192986
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>> No.39195783

Can Zeta pull an upset?

>> No.39196230

>kronii and ame on team A
well I guess i know which team i'm rooting against

>> No.39198037

Fuck you

>> No.39200267

Yeah b and c

>> No.39200900
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They are not team but group and group A is the hardest
I hope they will both be between 4th and 8th so they won't participate to zako cup

>> No.39201084

Reine said she's not gonna tryhard this time since she already made her goal of joining tsuyocup last year. So she'll probably get knocked off

>> No.39206153


>> No.39207920

Nigga, what? The last time Noel made any advancements in a MK tournament was back in the 2021 one because most of Hololive was still garbage at the game.
