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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39142977 No.39142977 [Reply] [Original]

>hag vtuber
>plays games for 8+ hours a session
Why is this so common?

>> No.39143027

They know how to do their job.

>> No.39143037

they need longer thicker streams to feel the same feelings that younger vtubers do.

>> No.39143051

hags no longer get fucked so much so they have time for vidya
korone is a single mother whose husband left her for example

>> No.39143066
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They're from a time when gamers just played games forever.
They didn't tweet or tiktok dance every 6 minutes.

>> No.39143130

For the young on s streaming is a chore. The old ones know how much better it is than wageslaving.

>> No.39143141 [DELETED] 

Unlike the zoomers, they had real jobs and know full well that playing video games for a few hours a day in exchange for thousands of dollars is worth it.

>> No.39143289

They have nothing to lose.

>> No.39143337
File: 451 KB, 498x566, 1651576654872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever is in charge of EN's scouting should understand this by now and hopefully will scout a hag chuuba for EN3

>> No.39143469

Just doing their job

>> No.39143594

Unfortunately EN hags wind up being bitches like Mori.

>> No.39143745

Just go with the Niji strat and hire a JP hag capable of speaking English.

>> No.39143881

Mori was a failure because she has zero respect for Hololive's culture. They need to find people that are genuine fans of the Hololive product.

>> No.39144015

Actual 80+ year old when?

>> No.39144175


There you go

>> No.39144202

Yeah good fucking luck, Japan has the worst English Fluency rating of any major country.

>> No.39144205

Feels good to have elira pomu and selen. How did holo fuck this up?

>> No.39144218

calli is one of the youngest ENs

>> No.39144248

Not hololive

>> No.39144256

I used to love hags as a meme but I don't know if I'm joking anymore

>> No.39144321


>> No.39144330

It's the combination of having real jobs before (some at pretty bad conditions), and being appreciative of how easy they have it now, and just being from a time when people actually enjoyed videogames. They're not forcing themselves through it.

>> No.39144951
File: 191 KB, 900x628, koropeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, she doesn't have custody so she's not a single mother.

>> No.39145071
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i gotchu bro

>> No.39145738

She's a gypsy haafu, anon.

>> No.39146121


>> No.39146240


>> No.39146302

It still amazes me that Niji managed to get Pomu, Elira, Selen, Rosemi, Millie and Enna while Hololive had complete market dominance of the EN scene. What the actual fuck were the HoloEN scouting department doing?

>> No.39146510

Millie and Enna were dead set on Niji because of Elira, so they're an exception.

>> No.39146561

Holo EN should have debuted another five people 6 months after Myth. By doing this they can
>Use new debut hype for constant interest
>Nab good talents sooner
>If the generation is a dud they still have another 6 months to scout for another so after a year of Holo ENs conception they could inject fresh blood if needed
>Takes the burden off of streaming from Myth sooner so they hopefully don't burn out
>Completly establish themselves in the EN scene with many vtubers to watch with more hours relegated to Holo EN streaming hours

>> No.39146577

With MYTH they were thinking about talent. Their crystal ball didn't show how fucking lazy/fragile they are. They are putting EN3 through stress test right now, if they break, GTFO.

>> No.39146579

>being appreciative of how easy they have it now
>clip with Miko talking about night shift at onigiri factory
>outright told viewers to not worry because her current job is easy compared to passing out on in bathroom

>> No.39150214

I don't think they have gypsies in japan.
Also with gypsies do you mean real gypsies....

>> No.39153724

As others have mentioned. Hags have been through the retarded Japanese hierarchical system and so know what how it feels to work a dead end OL job for years, so they actually put their all into it, unlike younger vtubers in their teens/very early 20s who had it handed to them. They also know how to act professional since it's been drilled into them for the past 10+ years.

>> No.39153823

they are past their prime so they don't leave home to go picking up guys like younger talents do because no guys want to fuck them anymore

>> No.39154734

They've worked real jobs before so they know that getting paid to play games all day is an opportunity only a retard would try to screw up.

>> No.39154777

No dick no life.

>> No.39154815

No she isn't but fine, bitches like Ina.

>> No.39154860

they actually like video games, has little to do with their “job”

>> No.39154892

They've been alive long enough to understand what actually makes vidya good.

>> No.39154948
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they also know to not take it for granted

>> No.39154963

Only like two of these are good enough for holo

>> No.39155032


even though holo has a good amount of work behind the scenes, they all seem to say its easier than their former soul crushing gigs

>> No.39155075
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Korone is honestly from a Famicom generation and these people just enjoyed games differently
like no joke no game was too hard and sitting in sweat all night and day untill you completed it was experience people actually enjoyed

>> No.39155114

reminder korone was doing let’s plays of random RPGs on niconico like 6 years ago

>> No.39155275

They completely skept on the hype, it’s beyond me. They should’ve moved mountains just to give gura her 3D debut at the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021 when the hype was at its peak, but nothing

>> No.39155318


>> No.39159196

They’re not hags.

>> No.39159207

but i have a dick

>> No.39159493
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>> No.39159908

Dying meant restarting and couldn't even turn off the console because you lost your progress. The anger and frustration meant nothing after a while and you just enjoyed the ride while it lasted.

>> No.39160103
File: 443 KB, 1920x1080, Real Idol Korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> They need to find people that are genuine fans of the Hololive product.
The person needs to respect their audience over their own ego.

>> No.39161373

Because there is a God that loves us

>> No.39161804

Unlike the current generation of zoomer Vtubers, they actually had real jobs at some point and know that vtubing is a way better gig than what they were doing before, so they want to make sure they keep their jobs.

>> No.39162163

Why is it that ENvtubers like JPHugs do not appear, even though western companies now have a more hierarchical system and worse working conditions than Nips?

>> No.39162881
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>> No.39163071
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That's not true. Picrel is a seiso hag who loves idols.

>> No.39164855

I hope you mean Pomu and Rosemi.

>> No.39166975

Cover had no idea how well EN would perform so the people they hired for the branch's staff were just there to make sure things wouldn't go exceptionally bad. Myth debuted, became THE face of western vtubing, and those same losers who were there to make sure things would work let the success go over their heads and started believing they were the reason HoloEN was a success. Then come Council almost a year later, hyped beyond any reasonable degree and after the first gen became the first HoloPro group where all members had more than a million subs, with Gura having 3 times that amount, and after an entire month of Cover releasing weekly lore videos to build even more hype for their debut they end up completely underwhelming, even compared to IRyS. Not their fault mind you, at that point anything short of an actual unicorn (as in mythical being) who was somehow both extremely talented at everything and also charismatic would be a disappointment, and not even the Myth girls were anywhere close to that level. And now Cover made an even worse decision to wait it out for EN3, indirectly building the same amount of hype for them but with a negative spin, with people not looking forward to the sequel to Myth but for girls that can bring back the excitement the branch lost in 2022, and I feel sorry for the poor schmucks that will have to carry HoloEN in their backs with more and more of the current roster taking breaks for whatever reason. But hey, "quality over quantity" amirite?

>> No.39172368

Mori, Bae, Kiara and Fauna still stream. Among them Mori and Kiara are the busiest, and next is Bae but it's for schoolwork. Fauna is working on stuff too but I can't comment on them because there's still no tangible result of them, but at least she streams.

EN3 just needs at least 1-2 streamers and we're good.

>> No.39172942

4 out of 10 is still most of the branch not streaming. Even if people love to use members like Manjigumi as and example of the worst offender of HoloJP you will not find 17/18 members who either have highly inconsistent schedules or just don't stream for months. HoloEN needs way more than 1-2 streamers to make the absence of the others not feels as bad as it currently does, and the longer EN3 takes to debut the more likely the net growth the branch will have with a new gen will be less than 5.

>> No.39173348

They are showing that they got enough stamina for many hours of continuous unprotected sex.

>> No.39173482

Lui is not a hag, she's a cake. She's 29.

>> No.39173803

Ina hired her friends and they hate it. Imagine HoloEn Gen two being Pomu, Fauna, Pippa and Bae

>> No.39174579


>> No.39174588

Thanks for the nightmare fuel.

>> No.39174754
File: 259 KB, 397x471, 1670735267314402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fpbp

>> No.39182756

Work ethic

>> No.39182840

Everyone who's not a zoomer is a hag to you fuckers

>> No.39182977

Correct. A woman is either young and stupid or old and barren.

>> No.39185563

Chaos.. Is a ladder..

>> No.39189037

It's all they can do

>> No.39189390

You answered your own question. It's because the west can never compete with the irrational hierarchical bullshit that asians have come up with.

>> No.39189438

They have work ethic from actually having worked real jobs.

>> No.39189686

If you're acting like a kid then you're a hag pretty early

>> No.39190257

only rosemi and selen lack the singing talent for hololive (even tho they let in ppl like noel and fauna). Pomu elira millie enna and reimu are all superior singers to myth and council.

>> No.39192309


>> No.39192844

I went back and watched some last week. Honestly they are sad, she was so lonely.

>> No.39193117

Doesn't that mean she's not a mother by Japanese law?

>> No.39195389

Zoomers dont know how good they have it

>> No.39195666

That wouldve been fun as fuck

>> No.39195802
File: 799 KB, 828x1286, C110DE44-EB06-4D3C-8628-656EF6AF1B0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, but its based

>> No.39195870

We have forgor how based she is.

>> No.39195977

One of the OG hag endurance streamers... I kneel.

>> No.39199494

That would be a dream come true

>> No.39200418

>you need to have a work ethic to play kiddy video game for 8 hours

>> No.39200542

you people are so dumb
vtubers have no work ethic that's why they finished as vtubers
those that weren't lazy and didn't fail school end up in comfy ol jobs and don't have to beg for superchats for a living

>> No.39200693

that bitch only does 5 hours and NEVER goes over
she fucking hates video games and it's obvious to anyone with a brain
great example of work ethic

>> No.39204305

But do you have sex?

>> No.39208396

>and don't have to beg for superchats for a living
yeah they have to suck their bosses old dick instead

>> No.39209556


>> No.39214832

It's funny she lost the custody in fucking Japan

>> No.39214887

Because hags are just that fucking good

>> No.39218349

based fpbp

>> No.39223538

Hag love

>> No.39223542


>> No.39229071

I refuse to bel;ieve that Calli has 30 now

>> No.39229263

Her mind is forever 15 if that's of any consolation.

>> No.39232714


>> No.39233126

true, I believe the reason is because when an eastern woman isn't married by 30 she think's it's her own fault but when western women aren't married by 30 they think it's men's fault
