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38850496 No.38850496 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Ina like this? "Yeah guys I'm going on break, but ill still be here and there while providing updates."

>Literally all she's done is cameo in Marine's concert, and did work on that shit mobile game that sponsored Myth.

>> No.38850539

What do you think "here and there" means, OP?

>> No.38850582


>> No.38850821
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Why would she interact with people she absolutely despises? Something tells me Ina will be making some big decisions regarding her time remaining in Hololive very soon....

>> No.38850879

>a lot of fun things down the line
>a cameo for one song and a gacha sponsorship
Welp... was that fucking it?

>> No.38850972

Watching a typical Ina stream is about as interesting and exciting as watching grass grow, so what’s the big difference, really?

>> No.38850973
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>> No.38851619

Ina fans really taking advice from Ayame cucks in defending their oshi's laziness. "She already streamed once in the past 3 months, she already appeared once on a sponsored stream, she already appeared once for another member's concert." Hell at least Ayame and several other JP members have a 2nd Twitter account that they update regularly, none of the EN girls have have one.

>> No.38851767

actually she's been doing anal widening practice so she can insert larger objects into her rectum e.g. my cock

>> No.38851851
File: 155 KB, 395x240, 20D2941E-D4E8-45A7-A08C-FD6355B6E20F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Gura died, Yuko came in to fill the void. Expect a soft-spoken NEET artist to join idol-EN soon enough

>> No.38851857

I wonder if she got scared off because of the #4thWah shit.

>> No.38852005

Turns out Ina has been playing Lost Ark these past couple months.

>> No.38852007

Not OP but
>Tweeting about the Counterside collab
>Doing a video for the Calendar
>Making a members post after a month
>Not completely ghosting even the Myth girls after a few weeks into the break

>> No.38852036

She already made those decisions, it's why she hasn't said shit.

>> No.38852089

You keep posting that but do you have proof? Everyone I know completely dropped that game so I really doubt she would play that trash that's probably months away from being shut down.

>> No.38852236

You forgot the Tempus collab.
>Called you LOSER.
>Shoved males at your face out of spite.

>> No.38852238

It's on kf

>> No.38852290

She's definitely been eyeing the door ever since Sana bailed. It could be her chink paymasters are forcing her like they did her friend, it could be general disillusionmentvwith the whole industry, it could be all sorts of things, but to me it seems she is not planning to return at all and is just waiting for any outside contracts like the gacha to run their course so she can walk out and go back to her life of being hired meat for the CCP.

>> No.38852311

>give a person whose entire lifestyle has revolved around basically being a glorified neet a free million dollars
>"wow why is she so lazy now"
Kiara streams because Kiara always wanted to get attention for being an idol. Mori streams because she wanted to be a singer/raper. Amelia streams sometimes because la creatividad is all she has going for her. Gura and Ina don't stream because they don't like streaming. Same as Kronii (who doesn't even really care about the money).

If you want streamers you need to hire people who like streaming.

>> No.38852352
File: 270 KB, 493x539, E0qC5S8XMAAr4Yq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never liked overindulging in lewd
>Fanbase think it's completely reasonable to swarm her artwork with hentai while she's going through a rough patch
I personally like the trove, but I want to strangle all those absolute fucking retards for giving Ina every reason to be disgusted when she considers coming back. Like, it takes effort to make art, it's not a rrat from a bunch of retards getting out of hand. This is probably the most malicious and sinister thing I have ever seen a fanbase do and they're not even aware of it.
Imagine you're going through the worst shit and go on break, putting up with the anxiety that brings while you handle another. Then in glimpses you see dedicated members of your community have chosen to spend hours upon hours over the course of weeks revealing a completely different side of themselves, tarnishing your image and acting jovial about it, like your own thoughts and feelings over the last 2 years never got through to them.

>> No.38852367

Contract expires in a year. 3 years at one place is pretty good for her.

>> No.38852400

Op is retarded and doesn't know how to comprehend what Ina meant here, please understand

>> No.38852405

>filling he void with animal abuser

Anyway, who needs Ina 2.0, when you have Juna?

>> No.38852407

Asians love those hardcore grinds and we already know she raided savage in ff14. She would totally grind away on Lost Ark.

>> No.38852440

She's gone after 4th Fes. I really don't expect a graduation stream either.

>> No.38852468

Yes. She's not coming back until most of the coomers leave.

>> No.38852583

Kronii has been fairly consistent with her streaming overall. The few breaks she took she explained early and the ones she didn't were short anyway.

>> No.38852623
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>you forgot the thing that didnt happen

>> No.38852643

Well said

>> No.38852763

Thats life for any sort of celebrity. Also shes using an anime girl avatar. It should be a given therecwill be lewds and hentai drawn.
Even suisei, who does do the lewds stuff either, has hentai of herself but doesnt throw a hissyfit over it.

>> No.38852871
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God is sending you a message.

>> No.38853044

I agree it's a fucking shit situation, but if Holos were any smarter, they would do the same thing Nijis do and have a tag dedicated to lewds, that way your normal art tag is not swarmed by it.

>> No.38853049
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Don't blame the fans. Blame Cover for giving a prude a coomer design

>> No.38853062

Jesus christ, that's actually pretty sad. It shows she's just actively avoiding replying to Mori for no reason.

>> No.38853107

Juna has nothing in common with Ina aside from their race

>> No.38853186

It's the 180 of the fanbase and the sheer consistency of which they've been doing it since break, not the existence of lewd in any form.
It's like if Suisei took a break for her throat surgery and the fanbase stopped talking about her style of comedy and music and instead made a fad around her being violently deep throated to fix her throat and all of her fanartists jumped on the bandwagon.

>> No.38853194

oya oya

>> No.38853211

that one banger song from The Beatles' Revolver

>> No.38853341

That's based, fuck Mori.

>> No.38853509

Did her dog die too?

>> No.38853519

There's also knack for drawing. But that's really it, Juna is just better.

>> No.38853580

Imagine not being appreciative of the glorious art that people have been making of her, lewd or otherwise.

>> No.38853792

Read nigga

>> No.38854117

Thinking Ina is bothered by the 4thWAH art is about as retarded as thinking Ina's health is so bad that she can't even check her holo phone.

>> No.38855180

>oh no I can’t handle all the hentai oh woe is me
What a baby. There’s plenty of vtubers who don’t like lewd art but manage to ignore its existence one way or another. She shouldn’t be an anime girl streamer if she can’t handle all that “pressure.” You’re expecting sympathy for something trivial, in the words of a wise man “just look away from the screen.”

>> No.38855319

I'm gonna go ahead and blame both

>> No.38855390

Extremely based

>> No.38855480

t. retard

>> No.38855483
File: 343 KB, 1280x720, 20DBAB8F-56F9-4BCC-9175-EBC673D5DC44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s pretty clear at this point she is breaking the takos conditioning and codependency so they don’t kill themselves when she leaves. Her VR chat world ‘A trip down take lane’ was both her magnum opus as an art tuner and also her tomb

>> No.38855648

You don't even watch Ina. Who do you think suggested they have a tag for that? Not to mention the constant on-stream flirting with the other girls.

>> No.38855894

>banger song
>from The Beatles
I know this board it's supposed to have shit taste but come on

>> No.38856090

Suisei still has contact and still did a stream while her throat was healing using a text to speech. Ina ghosted. No overseer no control. One girl put in effort, the other did not.
>fanbase went 180
No they didnt. Takos have always been horni little shits.

>> No.38856319

>comparing Suisei to Ina
My anon in Christ, why are you insulting Suisei like this?

>> No.38856353

I would think her doing or saying something at least once over literally 2 months would have been a now and then kind of thing.

Remember, even Sana during the dogdied arc did actually show up in an Amogus stream at one point. But people just forget that. So Ina is literally worse than Dogdied Mode Sana.

>> No.38856397
File: 12 KB, 189x189, 1659037670338608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to like Ina, and by a tiny extent I still do but I hope she graduates. She doesn't seem to care about being "Ina" anymore. Its not just now but the cracks began to show after Sana left.

>> No.38856435

call in to two birthday streams

>> No.38856504

All she needed to do was, retweet the gacha game, maybe put an emoji. Make some fake members post going "I'm doing my best and I miss you guys". Even Ayame does that shit during her massive breaks. At this point Ina is literally worse than what shitposters thing Ayame and Gura are.

>> No.38856526

>actual factual homosexual twink
Call me when she collabs one-on-one with MANgus

>> No.38856550

Why are all holos graduating? They won't find a job nearly as good for the rest of their lives.

>> No.38856681

Coco and Sana and who else? Don't say Rushia, she was shitcanned for being too menhera even for Yagoo's house for broken girls.

>> No.38856699

Which ones?

>> No.38856752

The ones she called in for. Watch more streams.

>> No.38856766

a.) egos
b.) easymode life because they can just marry a rich dude and not have to actually-care about working. it's a male gaze thing on our part to think "aren't they worried? you NEED to have a constantly growing good career lined up or you're fucked, like out on streets fucked" when no they have an escape hatch that most guys do not.

>> No.38856784

Ayame, ina, gura, mori, wattson, probably some others too

>> No.38856797

I'd be willing to bet 95% of the board doesn't know a single song from that album.

>> No.38856803

shes graduated valedictorian from the University of Ayame with a major is lazy cunt dont question her

>> No.38856826

Show me the graduation announcements.

>> No.38856885
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proof next thread of them graduating, right?

>> No.38856887

Men, and only men, have to worry about having a stable job to live a good life. Fact.

>> No.38856902

yea accept myth in 2020 alone made more then 99% of ppl on earth and some of them still make good money, you know how hard it is for a chick to find quality dudes when you are bringing 250k plus a year lmao

>> No.38856930

Don't be a smartass, they've all effectively stopped streaming and there are no signs of them coming back

>> No.38856932

dont mean to rain on your parade but she's sick of this shit lol, she's tired of pandering and faking a voice for losers and wants to play ffxiv

>> No.38857020

you need a couple mil to retire on however. like, 2-3 in the US, of which that almost all should be invested in markets/bonds to keep an income that generates out of thin air and a big blob of assets to borrow against for houses or medical emergencies and shit.

either they don't realize this (likely) or they think they're fine wherever they go "afterwards", which is at best half-true given how kson and rushia do fine still but not remotely as good as they used to have it.

>> No.38857021

I can't believe I'm saying this but Ayame does return to streaming for a few days after a month or two and shows up in collabs and 3D lives. Meanwhile the others have all been on a downward trend the past year.

>> No.38857085

She really doesn't. She just put way too much time into the game to drop it forever.

>> No.38857150

ayame streams a few days before and after her personal events to make it look less obvious that shes refilling her bank account

>> No.38857175

Ina is an artist and would know that the lewd fan art is because of her default outfit and that it won't decrease until that changes. It was garbage behavior for coomers to flood her art tag with lewd fan art when she was already depressed but I doubt that caused her to go radio silent for 9 weeks.

>> No.38857209

>easymode life because they can just marry a rich dude and not have to actually-care about working
This, but they don't even have to marry. Every one of them have millionaires lined up to give them big money for sex. They're probably making most of their money from sex already, and that's why they're not interested in streaming.

>> No.38857249

Why was 4thWAH created?

>> No.38857349

at least with the rest you can actually pretend to be retarded convincingly, but mori? seriously?

>> No.38857407

Because she bailed on cover im waiting for the eventual retirement announcement

>> No.38857616

im the first guy that likes the beatles
I have friends that also like vtubers and whenever we talk about music it feels like I'm talking to a wall lmao they consider calli the god of rap

>> No.38857633

Reminder that there are hundreds of indies who have streamed for years to very few viewers while getting no money out of it. Hololive is dying. It's time we move on to those who actually enjoy streaming.

>> No.38857644

Because children could be looking in her art tag and she wanted a separate tag.

>> No.38857769
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>> No.38857816

Ina was found dead this afternoon, after neighbors started smelling something rotten coming from her apartment.
Cover employees had been trying to contact her for a long time already, but they had yet to assume the worst had happened. Forensics are still investigating the scene, so it can not yet be confidently assume what caused her fate.

>> No.38858260
File: 76 KB, 577x505, 1651008482446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame goes on break and she makes a doodle for teamates, retweets Ame art, and promotes fellow Holo streams.
Ina's only excuse is if her condition put her in a coma.

>> No.38858335

So fake news

>> No.38858843
File: 409 KB, 692x692, 1667538442696389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame art is so cute, I wish she would do a doodle stream or something

>> No.38859079

I watch every single Ina stream religiously, which is why I know you're retarded.

>> No.38859119

Why would I? I'm a millennial and have boomer parents but I'm not white so that shit was never heard in my home.

>> No.38859138
File: 86 KB, 898x898, 1670017675513358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year small corpos just looked like a pointless meme, because why do that when if you were good you'd be fine as an indie, but between HoloEN fading into obscurity nijiEN's being for chinese/fujos/emasculated men who literally are being called cucks now "as a joke", they may actually be seeing their dawning moment.

As it turns out, trying to be Holo-like actually is an extremely good strategy when Holo itself is starting to go belly-up and fans look to brighter, less depressing pastures.

>> No.38859312

sure im just saying as a silver spoon rich fucking kid that has sisters that are also rich, they tell me all the time its damn near impossible for them to find quality dudes when the dudes find out they are breaded to the tits.

>> No.38859348


>> No.38860005
File: 252 KB, 576x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could switch place with takos, yeah Ina is taking a long break but when she returns she will actually return, the Gura roller coaster is exhausting sometimes and the worst part is that she never actually learns anything

>> No.38860022
File: 348 KB, 419x419, 22DF277B-537A-44F0-8BCB-B92FC4782A80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you nailed it, specifically with “less depressing”. EN tubing in general is tainted by this inherent Western cynicism where Vtubing is “cringe”, and you have to pretend like you hate doing it so that you can fit in with your audience. NijiEN post-Lazusydia is drowning in this sentiment, but Hololive ain’t immune. Every girl save for Kiara and maybe Fauna has shown contempt for their audience, and have slowly been less willing to hide it. It just makes for an unpleasant viewing experience unless you’re all-in on the simp mindset.

Idol-EN is kind of like old Holomyth, but they’re more like old Sankisei, where they seem to genuinely enjoy what they do, and actually have chemistry with each other and get along and talk like actual friends. That’s something you want find ANYWHERE in EN Vtubing, save for the rare Lazusydia moments, Finana notwithstanding.

>> No.38860137

Retarded cumbrains kept posting porn in her official tag

>> No.38860193

hide yo shotas, hide yo manlets

>> No.38860201

It was more so implying that he most likely wouldn't even know that song is a banger or not

>> No.38860500

No anon, if you read through the thread you'll see Ina probably isn't coming back. Now Gura, sure she disappears randomly, but try and remember how happy she seems when she finally returns. You need to focus on that.

>> No.38864362

Fuck off with your fake whores shill
