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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.45 MB, 1377x863, AXEL KUN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38235936 No.38235936 [Reply] [Original]

>Be Nodoka
>EN fans be like "OMG AXEL"

50 times in this clip alone people commented about him, Jesus Christ

>> No.38236026

Because he's spent his entire Holostar career so far building up that one meme, it's literally his entire personality. That and just going on and on about being a fuckboy. There's a reason he's the lowest of the four, he has literally no personality, even compared to blue boy.

>> No.38236038

Sounds like indogs. They're the one who push for the ships the most.

>> No.38236111

We warned you HomoEN would bring this, one off comment from one of these faggots branded her as a permanent ship partner so you'll always see it

>> No.38236133

The head faggot Yagoo clearly wanted this

>> No.38236198

Yup. Nodoka is now a permanent whore accessory.

>> No.38236407

>clip comments
Who cares then? It'd only be a problem if it was spammed in their chats

>> No.38236418

I feel sorry for Nodoka now. She's still a whore but jeez just being labeled as a ship partner must fucking suck.

>> No.38236750

You don’t watch him

>> No.38237182

Who does?

>> No.38237269

No one does. KEK.

>> No.38237427

>Vesper got suspended for pushing Axel x Nodoka

>> No.38237473

She's Lui's little whore now. My boy isn't getting any Nodoka pussy when he gets to japan.

>> No.38237482

Anon, literally no one does and the point stands that his autistic fanbase keeps shipping him with the hired help at his company and it's the only thing he's known for

>> No.38237963

congratulations, you've found out why shipfags are looked down in every sane community

>> No.38238309

Saying “you don’t watch him” like it’s a bad thing. What’s next? “Watch streams”? Give me a fucking break. Homobeggars are disgusting.

>> No.38238898

Makes sense since she has 0 personality and identity
She's either a-chan's accessory or the homo

>> No.38238993
File: 279 KB, 428x385, 1669836202088174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I too am shocked and apalled when people say "You know nothing about Tempus" to people who cry about Tempus every day without knowing a single thing about them

>> No.38239343

It's not just a homo problem. We had this problem with Mori and Kiara, we had this problem with Gura and Ame, and we're currently having this problem with IRyS and Bae. Shipniggers just can't keep their bullshit to themselves and feel the need to shove it into every possible situation. They are the lowest form of humanity and deserve the rope.

>> No.38239788

The faggot you just posted is infamous for crawling to BFE after he realized that his brotuber shit failed immediately after debut when we all heard his tranny voice. Axel is so unremarkable that it goes from funny, to sad, to funny again. Magni will go down as one of vtubing greatest leech. Lastly, the only one who somewhat mattered now has a looming cloud over him for the rest of his and gen’s careers.

In retrospect, Tempiss were a bunch of losers trying their absolute hardest to not end up like those JP nobodies, and the sad thing is that for one short month it worked. Until they few to close to the sun and got burnt to a crisp.

It’s over, sister. There wasn’t much of a chance. You lost. Go back to your concentration general and stay there and watch those faggots slowly rot away

>> No.38240054

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Classic homofag.

>> No.38240106

Yes, because no one watches you faggots. There is no point in being anything besides a thread reader or clip watcher when it comes to this failure gen. You and all of your homofaggot filth deserve every rat and every shitpost you get. Kill yourself.

>> No.38240128

>OP literally went to some clip video and CTRL F Axel
But Axel's the issue here, ok.

>> No.38240164

Anti's never watch, but you better believe that they'll have the people they anti living rent free.
Why go for CCV's per individual stream when you can go for CCV's in all of reality?

>> No.38240256

>He thinks shipping bullshit is exclusive to tempus
You don't watch streams.

>> No.38240288

It's not like everyone warned you niggas about males and the fujos they will bring. Gatekeep harder next time

>> No.38240304

>Watching streams

>> No.38240323

No one cares about yuri shipping you absolute buffoon.

>> No.38240605
File: 57 KB, 931x900, 1621899410570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes to a clip that has nothing to do with axel or tempus just to search for things to be angry about.
You need more meds anon, at least double your dosage.

>> No.38240610

>watch clip
>go to the comments and inmediately see a dozen comments about Axel when he has nothing to do with the clip in question
This is simply too annoying to ignore, but you can shit on OP for looking at the comments in the first place. However most places simply mirror the behaviour from other sites, if the comments are retarded there's the same kind of comments elsewhere

>> No.38240653

>This is simply too annoying to ignore
Its a clip.

>> No.38240663

It's time to stop melting down mr unicorn. We get it, you can't get women.

>> No.38240763

>Axel x Nodoka (a male x female ship)
This guy truly has no idea what a fujo is.

>> No.38240923

>No counter argument
This is just plain sad now

>> No.38240998

Why are there a dozen comments about Axel on a clip that has nothing to do with Axel?

>> No.38241070

>presented no argument
>gets no argument as a response
And you are surprised why?

>> No.38241087
File: 169 KB, 448x448, 1669002324304755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, truly a textbook example of a threadreader who knows nothing about Tempus but desperately tries to shit on them anyway.

>> No.38241131

Why are there a dozen comments about anything that is unrelated to any clip?

>> No.38241356

Why are you looking for axel comments in a clip that has nothing to do with him.
Oh fuck the fan fiction thread is back!

>> No.38241371

Because homo fans lack awareness

>> No.38241456

Those are hetshippers. Hetshippers are a fucking plague in any fandom.

>> No.38241568
File: 70 KB, 938x696, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you looking for axel comments in a clip that has nothing to do with him.
You don't have to search for shit, most of the comments mentioning Axel have 100+ upvotes, you don't have to look for anything. Hell, you can find one after five comments

>> No.38241664

/vt/ is the same thing just read this very thread

>> No.38241661

kek tempus is so rent for unicorns they need to protect the ol no one cared about before, nice bois we did it.

>> No.38242026
File: 389 KB, 2048x1442, patpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must truly suck to be you if you're still carrying this much anger around about streamers you don't watch 4 months after their debuts.

>> No.38242182
File: 26 KB, 603x222, bait ratings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38242314
File: 52 KB, 228x234, file (143).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WE care about Nodoka now

>> No.38242341


>> No.38242481

Lui is such a seductive hag that Nodoka will forget all about that faggot.

>> No.38242743

You're being mocked.

>> No.38243513

Why are "we" seething about Nodoka ? /vt/ care about her now ?

>> No.38243727

It's really funny how this gets posted every single time there's a thread about Nodoka without fail, it's like a running joke

>> No.38244111

Cope faggot.

>> No.38244244

Better than this yuribait bullshit

>> No.38244383

Dyke hags are too powerful

>> No.38244414
File: 599 KB, 1139x953, 1667969618869803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and the OP should kiss <3

>> No.38244430

And now you know why the girls that are okay with homos had to go "please don't shipp", people take guy x girl way more seriously it's not like how in hololive one girl can have 5-6 wives

>> No.38245100

Because it makes me mad when nodoka notices someone who isnt me

>> No.38245158

now go to any Calli clip and search for 'dad' or any other reddit meme associated with a hololive/stars talent

>> No.38245224

>heh ehe Lui x Nodoka
Don't see the difference at least the Axel and Nodoka fans aren't bleeding out the ass about it

>> No.38245324

There's no reason to make a comment about Axel on a clip that has no mention about him and is completely irrelevant to him

>> No.38245399

There's also no point in freaking the fuck out when there's a comment that is completely unrelated to a video too.
All you're doing is telling everyone that you're overly sensitive.

>> No.38245465

there's no reason to read comments either, or watch clips, or watch streams, or do anything at all

>> No.38245592

>"you're retarded"
>"nuh-uh, you're retarded for complaining about retards"
At least I can take solace in their complete recline, retards like this aren't long-term viewers

>> No.38245887

>Get called out for rent free behavior
>Proceed to further prove the point to being rent free
Bro...why are you conceding? All you had to do was say nothing.

>> No.38245952
File: 175 KB, 850x1100, 1661241271140812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zetaxl > Nodoshit

>> No.38246127

I'll drink to that

>> No.38246152

>Get called out for being retarded
>Proceed to further prove the point of being retarded
Sis...why are you conceding? All you had to do was say nothing.

>> No.38246359

>Get called out for being rent free
>Proceed to further the point of being rent free
Bro...why are you conceding? All you had to do was say nothing

>> No.38246585

If they had just stayed in their lane like the JP stars used to all would be well. They're realizing, just like we warned all those months ago, that Twitards cannot and will not support the people they really behind. It's why we see Hololive returning back to Unicorn pandering, as it should be.

>> No.38246730

There's no point in supporting sub humans who scream and cry because males exist. We're literally in a thread that someone made because they willingly searched for a name in a clip.
It's not going to change the fact that myth and council dont stream and they dont collab.

>> No.38246917

>There's no point in supporting sub humans who scream and cry because males exist.
He's making the completely opposite point, the girls are returning to pander to gachikoi

>> No.38249702

Keep discouraging clipwatching

>> No.38251561

Same reason Regis got fucked. He attached himself to Kobo so much that people only started spamming about Kobo or seeing him as an accessory to her and always bringing him up.

That's what they get for lying about "wanting to stand on their own two feet".
Oh also, remember how they said they'd like to collab with JP stars?
What happened with that?

>> No.38251639
File: 1.18 MB, 700x750, 1665446716390926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the clip was 2 months ago
run out of things to shitpost these days? The Vesper graduation rrats are the new fad, keep up with the times.

>> No.38252032


>> No.38252270

Oh no no he doesn't know

>> No.38252681
File: 73 KB, 178x172, FB_IMG_1656942434646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has already happened.
But you don't watch the JPStars either so you wouldn't know about it.

>> No.38252898

>During their 3 months of leeching off hologirls/ecelebs they managed to collab with their senpai once so now they are absolved of all sins
Not gonna work homobeggar

>> No.38254313

Stop watching clips

>> No.38254321


>> No.38254365

People shit on unicors, but dear god shippers are another level of retarded.

>> No.38254700
File: 20 KB, 242x191, FB_IMG_1650084210469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said it was just once, not my fault if you can't do your reps or bother to watch JPStars.

>> No.38254920

You are a homobeggar so literally everything bad in the world is your fault
You are the root of all evils

>> No.38254962

Whatever helps you sleep at night, but with all that seething, I don't think you're getting much sleep. Sorry to hear that.

>> No.38255176

Nice projection lmao
It's always funny how faglovers assume that anyone who dislikes their prized homos must be thinking about them every single second when in reality it just a momentary amusement for people to poke you with a stick and see how you inflate with delusional self-confidence.
Your kind is hilarious. Please crawl out of your /mans/ cesspit and entertain me more often.

>> No.38255197

Nice projection lmao

>> No.38255242

Zeta status?

>> No.38255340

What no blue filth this time?
Now you are just getting lazy.

>> No.38255492

because nta
you're projecting way too hard kek

>> No.38255524

Just fuck already. You two already have way more sexual tension than Zetaxel.

>> No.38255530

Discovering her cuck fetish

>> No.38255653

Homosexuality is a sin anon.
Go find the nearest temple so that your filthy mind can be cleansed of faggotry.

>> No.38255693

>have way more sexual tension than Zetaxel
literally impossible

>> No.38255766

OK anon you totally won the internet argument and defended the honor of your fagoshi
no need to cry

>> No.38255818

>projecting again

>> No.38255882

Give me one more (You) like a good little fag

>> No.38255923

He cant stop crying holy kek

>> No.38255967

Get lost homobeggar, you’re just mad cause nobody watches tempus despite the entire company shilling them for months straight, its pretty pathetic IMO

>> No.38256033

>projecting this hard
You are such a tsundere
Give me one more post now

>> No.38256041

I’m not gonna learn japanese to watch a bunch of fruit cakes with 20 total viewers, try again

>> No.38256564

It's the fault of the tempuras. You couldn't complain in /mans/ about the constant Nodoka spam, and the twitter fans were even more retarded about it. Now it's inescapable.

>> No.38256631

Literally no one gives a shit about nodoka anymore in that thread, its all redditfags

>> No.38256766

yuri is fine. even kronii agrees

>> No.38256799

Cool story anon.
/mans/ is the number 1 shipping thread on /vt/. You ship more than even the writing general.

>> No.38256859

>kills kromei in the process
didnt say it wasn't retard
its all zeta now

>> No.38256955

So how are you better than twitter/reddit in any way? You are exactly like them.

>> No.38256969

That's pretty small for a video with 72k views. Also from a while ago when tempus was more relevant

>> No.38257008

They unironically ship more than the Vshojo thread.

>> No.38257202


>> No.38257259

Yeah I know.
All they do in there is ship and whine that their fags don't get enough love and attention. Unironically the worst general. Worse than vshojoniggers and cuckbeat.
