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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 982 KB, 1724x2818, 1645984414343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38199192 No.38199192 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.38199326

Buying day 2 ticket

>> No.38199395

Buying ticket for day with polka in it.

>> No.38199407

Jesus, 2x the price. Guess I’ll just have to close my eyes when I press order. Can’t miss the magic

>> No.38199432

>My preferred EN/ID in Day 2
>My preferred JPs in Day 1
Fucking yagoo

>> No.38199461
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Where's polka

>> No.38199474

Just going to watch my oshi on day 1 and nothing more
I don't give a shit about hololive anymore, just my oshi

>> No.38199502

just don't be blind. day 1

>> No.38199531
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Just as planned

>> No.38199590

Reminder that every time people say one day is more stacked then the other in terms of talent. Both days ends up being amazing in terms of performances, who is on what day doesn't really matter in the objective sense. Though supporting your oshi obviously takes priority.

>> No.38199599

>mumei and polka both alone on day 1
damn did they made that much money with them that they put them alone in there?

>> No.38199781

Yagoo has just successfully convinced me to buy basically tickets for 2 concerts

>> No.38199870

Paying for boxchad several streams (aka nothing)

>> No.38199900
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>> No.38199919

>Gura Korone FBK Pekora Marine Day 2
Holy shit Yagoo...

>> No.38200210

Everyone you just mentioned isn't even the best singer nor performer in their own Gen, let alone amongst the talents.

>> No.38200283

I'll be watching the re stream

>> No.38200451

why yagoo hate day 1 so much

>> No.38200655

Marine has the best orisong, Gura has the second best orisong, Pekora is the most popular Vtuber in CCV, Friend is very popular and Korone is the greatest entertainer in the history of our species.

>> No.38200681

>Subaru, Lui, Kiara, Mumei on Day 1
>Reine on Day 2
We were THIS close for a holobirds song.

>> No.38200730

Holy based and correct opinion.

>> No.38200784

>Risu not in Holo*27
what were they thinking?

>> No.38200820

They KNOW.

I'm buying both day because they separated Risu and Moona AGAIN.

>> No.38200840

waiting for the torrents this year, I don't even have the motivation to shitpost with the holofags live on a pirate stream

>> No.38200877

I'm confused, is holo*27 free, or part of either day ticket?

>> No.38200892

Deco*27 probably the one choosing the singer. This will be a new album after all.

I mean, out of Holoro, Ollie is the one picked. She's ok, but Reine is there too.

>> No.38200897
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oh shit

>> No.38200929

Separate ticket, 6,500JPYx3

>> No.38200949

nope, it’s another ticket
3 tickets in total

>> No.38200950


>> No.38200952

it's a seperate event taking place at noon on the second day

>> No.38200953

What a bad post.

>> No.38200969

bruh put irys in day one, insta balanced

>> No.38200977

I'm more offended Polka isn't in it, especially with how many deco Covers she has.

>> No.38200982
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just buy a ticket man

>> No.38201005

how the fuck do tickets work this year? seems like theyre using lawson tickets smartphone app but it's linked to your phone number which wont work in japan

>> No.38201007

That's not how it works.

>> No.38201014

Well day 1 have AZKI, Sora, Miko, Risu, Ina, and Mumei. For 3D, Subaru and Polka are also one of the most top-tier in Holo for performance. Need to spread the allure.

>> No.38201069

Deco*27 did the Zombies song so that's probably for Ollie. And also the original song has Ollie's voice sampled in it

>> No.38201075

So ¥19,500 for the whole thing?
About $150, pretty affordable for a 2 day concert

>> No.38201123

use spwn, the official site hasn't linked it yet for some reason

>> No.38201210

Mamma Mia. Last year was 4500 per day I think. What a price hike for what is mostly low-middle tier acts if you take off the parasocial aspect.

>> No.38201232

I meant the in-person tickets rather than streaming

>> No.38201240


>> No.38201253

it's because of yen being really weak right now

>> No.38201315

Does this mean Council, IRyS, and ID2 will have their 3D by then?

>> No.38201326

You mean thanks to the yen having stronger inflation you don't have to pay 200 dollars for all 3 concerts.

>> No.38201345

Yeah, just like this year’s fes with myth

>> No.38201346

Quite possible
Roru, rumao even

>> No.38201385

are you retarded?

>> No.38201411

It’s 2 days worth of salary for me… I fucking hate the Philippines

>> No.38201435

So there's two streaming options?
SPWN - usual option
eplus.jp - never heard of this before

>> No.38201476

Shiraken minus Suzy in Day 1.

>> No.38201486


>> No.38201505

The question was "by then". In my mind "by then" means if they'll have their 3D debuts before the 4th fes. and not if they'll have their 3D models during the the event because that's fucking obvious.

>> No.38201555

oic I think only spwn has the english tickets >>38201123

>> No.38201599

just day 2 for me then

>> No.38201652

worth pirating not buying / 10

>> No.38201712

Day 1 has most of my favorite JP members, so I'll probably go with that. Although I'll be a little sad to miss day 2.

>> No.38201773
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Is the ticket site working on your end?

>> No.38201787

Not missing day 1.

>> No.38201789

like 16k people are trying to buy tickets right now, give it some time

>> No.38201795


>> No.38201807

I guess i'm buying both days because my owlshi is on day one but all my other favorites are in day 2...
you got me, yagoo...

>> No.38201881

Can't blame cover
her omocat and birthday merch sold insanely well compared to council members. Yagoo probably wants to suck the hoomans dry kek. Good business choice

>> No.38202088

I swear Sora always headlines the day with the weaker holos

>> No.38202242

Moom: which day is Ame performing on?
Staff: on day 1, but the rest of the council is day 2
Moom: day 1 it is

>> No.38202296

tempiss doko?

>> No.38202310

Its clearly a business decision. I respect it.

>> No.38202358

lol imagine having 2 oshis who are on the same gen and branch

>> No.38202416

Most of the time, people don't buy tickets to idol concerts / performances because of their singing or dancing skills, anon

>> No.38202608

No Faunya on Holo27, why even live??? Guess it's exclusively for singers? But it got the whole HoloX, so I don't know...

>> No.38202651

open your eyes, Polka day1, Anya day2

>> No.38202657

Well last fes I bought the ticket for ame. No need for this fes I guess.

>> No.38202687

>Exclusive for singers
Poor IRyS....

>> No.38202727

Well she probably wants her 3D reveal to be with her orisong so

>> No.38202749


>> No.38202751


>> No.38202779

do you guys get your shitposts from the same discord or someshit

>> No.38202816

You're fucked without an active Japanese phone number and also a valid payment method, which is either a Japanese-issued credit card or a Lawson conbini 72 hours after the email confirming your successful lottery application.

>> No.38202856

rrat is Deco picked those himself.

>> No.38202881

Enjoying the "Golden Age" yet kabayan?

>> No.38202884

deco has good tastes ngl

>> No.38202948

>deco picked choco
based taste

>> No.38202982

Pretty good selection. I would throw in polka for the jps, risu for the IDs and irys for the ENs

>> No.38202986

I do, much better than if Lenikeks and kakampinks had won

>> No.38202988

day 1 sucks, Sora, Subaru, Azki, Polka, Watame, Miko, Risu, and Kiara


day 2 FBK, Aqua, Shion, Okayu, Korone, Suisei, Pekora, Marine, Kanata, Towa, Moona, Reine, Mori, Gura, Irys, Fauna, Kronii, Bae

the fuck is this?

>> No.38203075

Wait till we find the tallano gold and make our country the richest in the world

>> No.38203084

>listed fauna and kronii, but not Ame

>> No.38203121


>> No.38203136


>> No.38203239

I'm probably buying 5 full tickets to support them I might do a Youtube giveaway later if I'm feeling generous with you tards

>> No.38203267


>> No.38203324

yeah that seems to be the image right now...I was hoping they'd have measures in place for foreign fans like Miku does but I guess they're too dumb to do that. I could apply via proxy but cos it's an eticket with SMS verification it's gonna be meaningless. I'm wondering if an esim would work, and apparently AMEX somehow works as payment

>> No.38203526

Everyone saying day 2 is the best when mori is there lmao no thanks

>> No.38203683

So the leaker was a SPWN dev right?

>> No.38203770

There’s a reason she gets fewer SCs.

>> No.38203796

Leak anon forgot Polka and Anya

>> No.38203848

That's a good thing.
By getting more people to buy her merch instead she gets more profits. Holos get a much larger cut from merch than SCs.

>> No.38203890

This. Probably also why Ina and Ame are on day1, #2 and #3 merch sellers.

>> No.38203896

Only truths here.

>> No.38203959

Sorry I'm retarded, can someone break down what all the different ticket prices and dates/performances are?

>> No.38203963

Based dog fucker

>> No.38204006

Based post

>> No.38204027

wtf I agree with this

>> No.38204030

March 18 and 19, 2023
¥6,500 per concert and ¥19,500 for all days.

>> No.38204032
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>noesuba day 1

>> No.38204034

>I was hoping they'd have measures in place for foreign fans like Miku does

I can confirm it is almost specifically designed to completely fuck over anyone not resident in Japan. An esim would only work if you can get it to work outside of Japan, but I'm not sure any 070, 080 or 090 numbers do. You can't get a JP sim with data + phone (i.e. one that can receive SMS texts) functionality without legal identification due to legislation in Japan. Lawson and other e-ticket providers also tie your full name and SIM to the ticket. Some tickets even require you to have the SIM in your phone at the time of the download. You have to pay within 48-72 hours after winning the lottery, but can only download the ticket 1-3 days before the event. None of these events ever say gaijins aren't allowed, but the way it's set up makes it feel very intentional.

I woke up today to a Comiket ticket in my inbox and managed to get tickets to other live concerts for my trip to Japan this month, but it was roadblock after roadblock to make it all work. Had to call in favors with friends, work colleagues in Tokyo and basically pay for an active SIM in my name to be kept up and running and sent to Japan for 2 months before I arrive.

>> No.38204036

>Gura has the second best orisong,

>> No.38204069

Thanks, honestly helped a lot.

>> No.38204103

i'll just wait for a good samaritan posted 'that' link in /here/ again

>> No.38204115

What a chad

>> No.38204209

isnt that a good thing since they get bigger cuts in merch because susan doesnt get a cut unlike sc.

>> No.38204354

Yeah even if I get an esim it probably wouldnt work outside japan. At least in the past tickets were physical and they didn't check names so I could proxy those but it's getting harder and harder now
Might have to just cancel my hololive plans and go somewhere else in Japan. Someone said there'd be tickets on the day but given there's no info about that anywhere it sounds made up

>> No.38204396
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>preferred EN/ID

>> No.38204428
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>3d reveal

>> No.38204460

Day 2 of course, anyone who's seen every Holofes know that the lineup there is stacked as fuck. The only weak links are Pekora and Botan, as for the IDs and ENs not enough 3Ds yet to determine how they will actually perform.

>> No.38204484

Based opinion desu

>> No.38204500

What a shit fucking take

>> No.38204517

i don't understand why they use shitty default pose for pre-3d holos. why can't they at least make them make a special face or pose that can be their default instead of what it is now

>> No.38204596

First time trying for the ticket lottery, all three concerts are separate? Well fuck that not gonna fly to Chiba just to attend only one of them.

>> No.38204705

> IRyS
> Fauna
Yeah I know which day I'm buying

>> No.38204763

So long as you can get past the SMS verification to make your account, you can probably have a proxy (service) pay at a conbini if you need them to. But each account needs its own phone number, so usually proxies won't lend you a number and any contacts in Japan you have may well have made their own account already using their number. In other words you need your own SIM.

Since they're all e-tickets I really doubt there will be tickets on the day. There's a first come first served period after the lottery for general sales but I suspect that is to sell off any tickets people won but didn't pay for in the lottery.

>> No.38204862

Reflect is good but second best orisong in Holo? Not really.
I agree with the rest of your post.

>> No.38204884

How do I buy streaming tickets as a kraut? Their fucking english site only allows burgers. Do I have to make a spwn acc. and fire up my translator and credit card?

>> No.38204931

day 1?

>> No.38205030


>> No.38205073

The website says there's an SMS verification for the account, so you'd still need access to your own SIM once in Japan to download the ticket
I'm kinda tempted to see if a proxy would use an ESIM i buy to help me buy the tickets, but it'd mean I'd have to pay for the ESIM to be active for 4 months

>> No.38205077

Can't afford 200 burger dollars for a 2-day event with 3 different stages??? seriously? are anons here hobos?

>> No.38205111

It's actually closer to 150 burger dollars

>> No.38205362

>Good/consistent/actively improving singers, not held back by their natural or character voice
>Day 1: Sora, AZKi, Mel, Watame, La+, Lui, Risu, Ina
>Day 2: Aki, Matsuri, Aqua, Shion, Mio, Okayu, Suisei, Marine, Kanata, Towa, Nene, Moona, HOLY SHIT STOP THE COUNT, Reine, Gura, IRyS, Bae

>Good dancers
>Day 1: Subaru, La+, Kiara, arguably Iroha... that's it..?
>Day 2: Aki, Matsuri, Korone, Nene, Moona I guess, Bae (?)

>Good performers overall (people who are held back by something but put a lot of effort in big events and can be surprisingly good) not mentioned above
>Day 1: Roboco, Miko, Flare
>Day 2: Ayame, Pekora, Lamy, Botan

I think it will be pretty fair split in terms of overall performances but Day 2 certainly has more people who can actually sing.

>> No.38205376

And that's not even to buy tickets, it's just to enter a lottery for the chance to buy tickets. For gaijins the entire system is bullshit.

>> No.38205411

It cost me $144 all the pack damn. The yen is really fucked

>> No.38205431

top kek

>> No.38205490

>no MiComet
marketing failure

>> No.38205647

Haachama can sing just as good as anyone you mentioned in day 1, and she's a great energetic dancer.

>> No.38205693

It's better so that foreigners who may not end up coming don't take a seat from someone who is going for sure.

>> No.38205698

haachama polka was the best performance of holofes3 change my mind

>> No.38205770

>change my mind
This is a fact not an opinion so there's no debate here

>> No.38205796

It's better so that Japanese who may not end up coming don't take a seat from foreigners who are going for sure.

>> No.38205932

Will they ever come up with a new outfit for this type of event? They have been using the same skirt design for years.
The most they have done is to put a black/white t-shirt on them.
Are they so useless in Cover?

>> No.38205997

ESLchama, they already announced that everyone is getting new idol outfits.

>> No.38206017

>but it got the whole holox
they're all good singers tho?

>> No.38206028

even Councilrys?

>> No.38206062


>> No.38206071


>> No.38206130

>*insert rushia Manga meme

>> No.38206167

How much for the SPWN live stream tickets?

>> No.38206220

So day 1 is like AEW Dark? Seriously what a bad line-up, the company put all the unpopular ones together, I guess as a warm-up to day 2?

>> No.38206226

I don't get it

>> No.38206363

6500 yen each, 19500 for the entire package
you do your own conversions

>> No.38206415

You have to pay¥19,500 to watch it online or is it a ticket to attend in person?

>> No.38206422

fans who spends more on merch, spends less on donations. It's usually the way things are, samples are Gura, Ina, and Ame are top 3 on merch, Mori and Kiara are top 2 on superchats... Very rarely a talent got both

>> No.38206534

How does that work logically? If you're rich, you should be able to afford both.

>> No.38206539

>Day 1
>Ollie , HoloX , Kiara , Haato , Polka , Lofi,AZKi
Lmao who the fuck make this shit

>> No.38206551

What is Holo 27? How come certain people appear twice on Day 2?

Also, how come HoloX shows up on both days? That's actually worrying because it's reminescent of Holofes2 where Gen4 also shows up on both days but are relegated to opening acts and you dont see any of them outside of it.

>> No.38206568

>only day 2.....
JP Management hates her for sure!

>> No.38206667
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>> No.38206721

Not saying it’s bad, just pointing out the priorities.
Mumei gets fewer superchats relative to the rest of the branch, but her merchs sells like hotcakes. Limited edition birthday set sold out twice as fast as Gura’s.

>> No.38206731

What's wrong with it?

>> No.38206774

The ones that sent supas regularly most likely also buy merch. So instead most non-regular SCers buy merch and pay for events like this instead.

>> No.38206838

only paypigs and whales do both anon for the regulars its usually one or the other

>> No.38206941
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>omg day 1 bad!
>omg day 2 bad!
i don't care which day is better since i will pirate both

>> No.38206972

I'm blind. It's not just HoloX who appears on both days. Miko, Mel, Choco, Luna, Flare, Iofi, Mumei, and Ollie too.

>> No.38207039

Hmm. I guess that means hoomans are quieter than the rest? Or maybe moom needs to up her SC game. Good to know she's earning more though.

>> No.38207140
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It's it's own thing taking place on the noon of the second day, it's probably an MV or something

>> No.38207185

Ok, pagpag. Very insightful comment.

>> No.38207223

You can buy also buy the 3 individual tickets (day 1, holo*27, day 2) each for ¥6,500

>> No.38207253

this is true sadly
i rarely send sc, but i have all my oshis merch
i wish i had more to give

>> No.38207266

Didnt most holos stop relying on sc baiting compared to the earlier years? im guessing they want to push it into the merch area since its a big money earner for them.

>> No.38207278

I really want see Bae dancing on stage. She did hint had dancing experience before, right?

>> No.38207341

she is still part of a dance club so yes

>> No.38207350

Literally takes 5 seconds of lurking holy shit. It's their project with Deco*27, he will make 27 new songs and holomems will cover them.

>> No.38207376


>> No.38207431

day 2 is too stacked, a lot of the top dogs are at day 2

>> No.38207453

The link is in the fucking OP post. The format is pretty obvious already too because the first song is out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUzjJ1mNRRQ

>> No.38207456

>Limited edition birthday set sold out twice as fast as Gura’s.
no contextfag. Gura has double the stocks of Mumei, 2mins vs 3mins.

Mumei bday 2022 950/50 (Holoshop/GJ) - $80,000 (sold out under 2 minutes)

Gura bday 2022 1900/100 (Holoshop/GJ) - $166,000 (sold out under 3 minutes)

>> No.38207499

Iluna mog them both in SC

>> No.38207539

>only 1k stock
lazy owl doesn't want to sign merch huh

>> No.38207543

You just want something in return for your money. On the other hand, donators wants whatever they're saying be read.

>> No.38207664

Mumei freaks out and worries about how much people send as is, I don’t think she’s concerned about that. Also, there’s a chunk of people who don’t have her as their oshi who buy her merch because they like the way it looks.
According to the Lamy tax returns thread, superchats make a very low proportion of her income, and she’s been a high earner on that front.

>> No.38207690

>everyone's getting new idol outfits
That's odd that they just went through last week's traditional rigamarole in giving Gen6 the standard idol outfit.
If they were going to showcase a new dress then last week would've been the prime moment to do so.
My guess is that they've got jack shit right now.

>> No.38207720


>> No.38207837

they have too anon since they dont get paid unlike in hololive.

>> No.38207844

People could buy 10 of Gura’s sets, but only 5 of Mumei’s, so that might balance it out a bit. Plus that’s setting aside the success of the Dino Gura plushie on its own. Didn’t know how much Gura had stocked, so thanks for that info.
She would have done more, but her manager talked her down. She has to redo all the signatures already as is.

>> No.38207882

new dresses are for the fes anon

>> No.38208288
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>this placement

>> No.38208299

>Korone is the greatest entertainer in the history of our species.
god take

>> No.38208491
File: 330 KB, 453x545, listen, mongrels corona (meaning 'crown' in Latin derived from Ancient Greek 'κορώνη' (korōnè, “garland, wreath”)).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying day 2 just for korone's performance

>> No.38208868

I hope they don't suck.

>> No.38208911

i rather they do no dresses for the fes

>> No.38209086


>> No.38209423

Same. No offense to the Miko or Ollie but Polka should have been in one of their spots.

>> No.38209486

If it turned out Polka was Grand MC for the event, how would you feel about it?

>> No.38209843

Stoked. I was concerned when the leak came out and she wasn't listed, but since she's got a spot on Day 1 I'm satisfied. Anything else is icing on the cake.

>> No.38209883
File: 2.45 MB, 384x216, HaaPol[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4volkf.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based taste

>> No.38210430

I wonder if they're still gonna restrict cheering, singing, and other shows of audience support because of COVID again. The audience was barely holding it in for some talents (notably Marine) in the last Hololive Concert.

>> No.38210482

Wamei love

>> No.38210533

>isn't even the best singer nor performer in their own Gen
if you unironically think anyone in her Gen is better than Gura then your are either shitposting or absolutely fucking delusional

>> No.38210605

japan already lifted most of the covid restrictions and by the time holofes rolls in im guessing the remaining ones will be gone.

>> No.38211233

Is anyone considering going to Japan to actually attend the event this year? I really want to, but getting tickets to the actual event is probably going to be a pain.

>> No.38211568


>> No.38212038

Watame did her dance reps. I'd put her in good for that as well.

>> No.38212679

I already booked my flight tickets thinking cover wouldn't be dumb enough to refuse foreigners, now I'm waiting to see if they come out with more details else I'll fuck off to Hokkaido or something during that time

>> No.38212978

All I would say is, make sure you plan a fulfilling trip for yourself irrespective of Holofes. I booked my flight in September aiming for Comiket and I didn't know I was even going until today. The uncertainty you have to sit with for ages is just unnecessary stress.

>> No.38213154

We're staying for 3 weeks so we're doing a bunch of other stuff besides Holofes so even if it doesn't work out we'll just do something else. Anime Japan is at the end of March so we're staying for that which should be good, we'll also be doing some other shit like visiting USJ and maybe go visit the k-on school. There's also the generic cherry blossom shit around that time too

>> No.38213158

>now I'm waiting to see if they come out with more details else I'll fuck off to Hokkaido or something during that time
Hololive brothel is a thing, anon. Rent one Lamy = trip worth it

>> No.38213264

Will the ENs and IDs be present at the event? Is it gonna be a recorded thing like last year?

>> No.38213313

Yea don't give me hope. Just don't.

>> No.38213340

anon??? It was always prerecorded...

>> No.38213438
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Mumei also raised us to be pirates

>> No.38213998

You can look into a ticket proxy. But it's going to be a lottery either way.

>> No.38214057

A proxy wouldn't work because all tickets are e-tickets so you need a Lawson Ticket account. If it was the normal physical ticket you could print at Lawson then I'd definitely go the proxy route

>> No.38214374

Kanata should be in good dancers. This past year her dancing has been really good imo.

>> No.38214487

Marine is the best in her gen, sorry Flare.

>> No.38214531

Mumei hates compliments because of how self conscious she is, so it's genuinely hard to SC her

>> No.38214609

Someone mentioned this when Suisei concert was announced, but there is a chance the crowd might get to cheer this time

>> No.38214617

There's no way Deco chose Iofi and Ollie over Risu. Risu was probably being weird again and declined.

>> No.38214890

She's the third most popular EN in Japan and she can sing. This shouldn't be surprising.

>> No.38215470

And she’s also shocked by how empty the aka shows she does get are usually empty or ridiculously short compared to the essays that other girls get.

>> No.38215686

>Day 2 - Mori
Ruined will not watch, or pirate.

>> No.38215858

What do you need for a Lawson ticket account? A Japanese credit card, or a Japanese address?

>> No.38215938

Japanese number and address I think.

>> No.38215975

Japanese credit card, japanese address (although this can be faked I think) and a Japanese phone number. The webpage says the app uses SMS verification so I dunno if that means it'll do a sort of 2FA when you login to the app via a text message

>> No.38216145

Just a Japanese Phone number that supports SMS
I used a US credit card and it worked, now just praying for raffle gacha

>> No.38216205

I think it technically said foreign cards wouldn't work but it's random if they actually work, some people reported it did and didn't
Guessing you have some contact in Japan or are in Japan to have a phone number?

>> No.38216255

How did you get a Japanese phone number?

>> No.38216602

There is little chance of Council getting idol outfits. Cover is weird about hololive talents having to use their default outfit for their first holofes and that even happened with Flare. Myth should get idol outfits but Cover has been cutting costs with the EN branch so even that is a maybe.

>> No.38217029
File: 317 KB, 1566x1046, EPDCsQFVUAADkZ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover is weird about hololive talents having to use their default outfit for their first holofes and that even happened with Flare
The fuck you're talking about? Flare, Marine and I believe Suisei all debuted their 3D idol outfits before their actual 3D models. It was only during the 2nd fes. where 4th Gen used their base models because Luna's idol one was bugged. Even 5th Gen used their idol outfits during 3rd fes.

>> No.38217606

Foreign cards are flaky sometimes, but they generally do work. I see test charges from Lawson ticket on my CC statement, so it's likely good enough for them

I held on to a b-mobile sim that I signed up for a few years back when I went to Japan
It's somehow able to get Japanese SMS even in the US

>> No.38218601

You think it would work if I put the phone number of a Japanese friend and ask them for the verification code that they will receive?

>> No.38218614

Okay anons, I'm fucking stupid. Where can I check the prices for the tickets to the livestream concert?

>> No.38218701

Flare hated her default outfit but Cover still made her use it during the 1st holofes. It wasn't even necessary since she had 3D models for both the default outfit and idol outfit.

>> No.38218890

Anon, look at the image I posted. Flare is there using her idol outfit.

>> No.38219564

In the end it's just a QR code, so you can likely have them send a picture of it and it'll work

>> No.38220853
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, 1604229254802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh bros
My H and my K just touched

>> No.38221080

Not really sure why they felt they needed to put Mumei on Day 1 without any other Council when the entirety of holoX is together. Weird.

Also, reminder that ID killed it at 3rd Fes (yes, even Iofi) - don't sleep on anybody.

>> No.38221136

Sana was Day 1 and was planned to sing duo with Ina... at least that was the original plan...

>> No.38221350

Yes, she used both 3D outfits during the 1st holofes. The point was that Cover did make Flare use her 3D default outfit. If Council does get idol outfits for 4th fes the same thing might happen with Kronii.

>> No.38221470

All I ask is that CouncilRyS and ID2 get their Idol outfits as well. Please don't make them wait til 5th Fes Cover.

>> No.38221939

Please give Council ID2 showcases before Holofes

>> No.38222021

Refer to >>38201346

>> No.38225381

So... couldn't a ticket proxy do the same? I thought they were basically just "the Japanese friend" that you pay money for.

>> No.38226507

Locking Gura and suisei behind day 2, the only two I am interested in watching

Thank you cover for the goated groupings

>> No.38226730

How come some of them appear twice and some just once?

>> No.38226765

If you think any EN let alone myth are better singers than Gura you’re just delusional. Only one I’d say is closely tied with her is Irys.

Mumei lacks control, but I’d even put her in the top 3 for EN.

>> No.38228889

i'm only buying day 2 i guess since idk what *27 is

>> No.38229177

It's tied to an SMS capable phone number, so essentially one pair of tickets per cellular plan
They might be able to do it, but probably not in bulk unless they specialize in ticket sales and have a bunch of cell plans

>> No.38229211

Deco*27 collaboration, he makes new songs for members he collaborated with and they will perform it in separate stage

>> No.38229261

Special Deco*27 collaboration stage, new songs for members who participated

>> No.38229571

Okay, I think shes great and the best council member but Fauna can't sing for shit.
I hope she does her best and is working on it behind the scenes
worked out for ame I suppose

>> No.38229670

I don't know anything about Deco*27 ( since i rarely read the song credits)
thank you

>> No.38229994

Day 2 is extra stacked with the Holo27 stage.

>> No.38230046

>Gura has the second best orisong
>Marine has the best orisong
I’ll give you the other points though.

>> No.38230136

Right. I'm also concerned about whether there is a way to do it and not get kicked out at the concert for not having a ticket under my own name.

>> No.38230251

Holo27 is the collaborative project with DECO27 producer of songs like Vampire and Q.

>> No.38230364

Ollie’s worked with him before. She had lines in Zombies.

>> No.38230403


>> No.38230516

Chloe also had lines in his newest song, Poison Apple

>> No.38231175

its time for you to understand that risus voice are not that special, also ollie and iofi had that typical voice that deco preferred for their music production

>> No.38231184

I think what they want to prevent are ticket scalpers rather than trying to ban people
On event day, they probably won't care if there's a mismatch, and if there is, you can probably explain your way in

>> No.38232118

I don't know, I'm not feeling very good about it, but I'll probably at least try reaching out to some proxy services and see how it goes.
I really hope that Hololive can do more kaigainiki friendly events in the future.

>> No.38232750


>> No.38233475

Question: is the ticket for concert only? Like you can go to the venue to buy merch without a ticket.

>> No.38233910

That is unknown, but generally the live goods can be purchased online at a later date

>> No.38234585

There are separate tickets for the expo.

>> No.38234816


>> No.38235014

You have a problem with your eye, anon.
Normal section everyone use their ori outfit and Idol outfit, Everyone.

>> No.38236854


>> No.38240972


>> No.38243619

>Gura the same day as Shion, Okayu, Matsuri, and Aqua
I know it's not fucking happening but I want a duo trio of any of them with her

>> No.38243944
File: 1.56 MB, 2000x2000, 1662365914760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna in day 1 and day 2

>> No.38244154


>> No.38248049

The default outfit gets used in merch and sponsorships so there is money tied into it and the talents sometimes have to fight for years to get it changed. With some hololive talents you don't know until their redesign get announced or unless they say something on their RM account. Flare was careful with what she said but after getting her new outfits she used them most of the time until she was able to get a redesign.

>> No.38249427

this dude doesn't even remember the Bulbasaur face

>> No.38251709

Whats the most hype part of this?

>> No.38253183

Your favorites performed twice

>> No.38253633

AZKi has so many models...

>> No.38254807

I will fucking send pipe bomb to the prime minister office if they did that. We got a world cup for fuck sake

>> No.38254852

Now I hope Cover learned their lesson so they will tie the members on a leash in case of Rushia happened again

>> No.38258986

Why cant it already be March?

>> No.38260071

I'm seeing scattered references to a general ticket sale in late Jan.
Will probably still have this lawnog filter shit though because cover hates non-japs and are very short sighted.

>> No.38263793


>> No.38265986


>> No.38267598

>all those literal whos get to go twice
>all those good ones only get to go once

>> No.38267712
File: 21 KB, 599x337, its the bald meme guy haha xd lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone is the greatest entertainer in the history of our species

>> No.38269975


>> No.38270824

Why didn't they split up the deco collab in two days as well? Kind of seems unfair to the day 1 performers and ticket holders.

>> No.38273331
File: 279 KB, 2000x2000, 1670085935971557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo specifically hates hoomans

>> No.38277641

Probably money reasons

>> No.38278606

buy your tickets now

>> No.38281184

But I can't buy venue tickets.
So no.

>> No.38284803

I disagree
