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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 113 KB, 1280x720, silver rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37866438 No.37866438 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.37867530

She even has her mannerisms and drag the s' like Rushia. Like it happens with Vei and western vtubers

>> No.37869363 [DELETED] 

does anyone have the video where people thought rushia killed herself and then it has the mario dying sound

>> No.37872865

same artist

>> No.37875029

i love watching leeches pretend they didnt copy another character

>> No.37875094

WTF is this sameposting shill thread, there is no resemblance here. I will not watch your clip, OP.

>> No.37875107

Don't see the problem if it's the same artist.

>> No.37875142

is it true that his papa is also a menhera?

>> No.37875914

She used to talk different, but adjusted her manner of speech to resemble Rushia more.
Some viewers are actually mistaking her for another Rushia alt.

>> No.37875917

it's very similar. Tell you what I wouldn't do though, rip off the style of a menhera lawsuit happy crazy lady who might not be at all flattered by you trying to look and sound like her.

>> No.37876165

Here's her latest stream, which funnily enough, is her 1st anniversary stream reacting to her debut stream.

>> No.37876261

Don't think she's ever had a problem with any of Yasuyuki's other daughters though

>> No.37876851

>menhera lawsuit happy crazy lady
Actually, I fee like I should explain something to show how retarded antis are
Orginally, they accused her of threatening to sue people without ever carrying it out, to suggest she was all talk and no bite. I'm pretty sure this was a Korekore talking point
Now, when it's clear that she is actually suing her antis, they're trying to portray her as mentally ill for suing people who harass and attack her daily.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That's why you don't get your opinions about vtubers from their antis. Hell, some of those guys are retarded enough to put "Mikeneko anti" in their Twitter profile bios

>> No.37877109

She look like Rushia but sounds more like Noel.

>> No.37877180

Don't care, she's cute and the new rushia is boring

>> No.37877263

There's always demand for loli yandere chubba. But she doesn't do death scream and rarely rage

>> No.37877373

>the suicide-baiter who got herself fired for violating her NDA isn't mentally ill
Sure thing, Anon

>> No.37877532

Impressive how you ignored almost my entire post
Also, getting legimitely butthurt over vtubers isn't how a well adjusted person acts, so, you know. Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.37877809

She's literally said herself that she is mentally ill. It's fine, she's cute and she's doing her best. But I'm just saying. She would absolutely stab this bitch. And she'd deserve it.

>> No.37878008

I assume she watches enough vtubers to be aware that Yasuyuki draws other girls, and that the other girls are inevitably going to be compared to Rushia due to the sameface.
She has far bigger issues on hand than worrying about other vtubers who look a bit like she used to

>> No.37879929

cute clip

>> No.37880223

Yeah, she didn't seem offended at all by the comparison.
I suppose people who are actually vtubers tend to have a more balanced, nuanced view of each other compared to the "fans" who shit on everything

>> No.37880951

Do not see twittard as fan. A terrible mistake

>> No.37881083

Oh god damn it, Rushia schizos are now on her as well. Fuck off, she has 2 new accounts, stay there, leave her alone.
This is as bad as the Sio schizos hounding innocent people.

>> No.37881246

Take your meds, anon. Your posts aren't being made by a normal human being

>> No.37883003

There was nothing of value there bud, keep wasting your time writing paragraphs

>> No.37883292
File: 73 KB, 178x172, 1657256525303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have so many alts that people think copycats are alts

>> No.37883366

>Now, when it's clear that she is actually suing her antis, they're trying to portray her as mentally ill for suing people who harass and attack her daily.
Oh no people talked shit on the internet, I guess Joe Bradnon and Dolan Drumpft should get their lawyers ready to sue shit talkers.

>> No.37883935
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1220, 1618902105275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda creepy but borderline based at the same time, what the hell I'll allow it, someone bring me the honorary holo badge, let's make it official right here right now.

>> No.37884916

Some of the stuff her antis have said go way beyond just trash talking. Hell, some of the shit that people say on this board is so defamatory, especially about people like Mori, that I'm not surprised that they take legal action against some of them.

I don't think you'd completely understand the position some of them are in unless you've experienced what being in their shoes is like. As pseudo-public faces with a reputation they can't just stand there and allow people to slander them for fun day in and day out. It ruins their reputation and causes major damage.

With Rushia alone, she stresses that she supposedly never hurt any of her colleagues and that the rumors about her doxxing to JP Keemstar weren't true, so it makes sense that she'd come in guns blazing and attack everyone who tries to claim that the rumors are true - otherwise her reputation as an entertainer is in shambles and nobody will trust her anymore.

>> No.37885095
File: 172 KB, 1283x1278, BE0C8010-2D36-41AB-9A2E-A1E7B57A5546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope cuckbeat

>> No.37885373

>some of the shit that people say on this board is so defamatory, especially about people like Mori
Like what?

>> No.37885403


>> No.37885435

>Rushia tweets more insane shit about lawsuits right after this stream happens
