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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37565202 No.37565202 [Reply] [Original]


tl;dr her redesign is awful and she said she did it because nobody wants to clip her and the clipfags only do lewdtubers

Last thread when people bitched about it: >>37466856

Their tweets in response to the backlash:

>> No.37565319

don't care about the reason, the sooner these whores expose themselves the better
if you're a whore just act like a whore from the start

>> No.37565391

Has a male vtuber done this yet?

>> No.37565429

erm, totally wrong, most of the clips are about funny shit, only a few are lewds, if nobody clip her its because her content is not that good or she is just lazy (some vtubers actually clip themselfs at youtube)

>> No.37565574

>I'm not growing, what do I do?
>I know, sex sells
tale as old as time

>> No.37565630

A lot of the youtube clippers only do lewdtubers or vshojo + orbiters.

She will still not pick up clips when clipfags only care about the likes of pink cat and veibae anyway.

>> No.37566088

Checked out her current stream.
She's right her voice doesn't fit her loli model.
She should just graduate and give that model to someone more deserving with a good voice.

>> No.37566094
File: 98 KB, 300x300, 8c1b3e29-4068-4c63-afeb-3e098cde8239-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also said on this stream other reasons why she changed the model:
>Her original artist barely gets in contact
>She still says her voice doesn't fit with the loli model
>She likes lolis and tells people to watch shondo if they want lolis

Her content is fine, the issue is she can't get clipped, but that's literally happening with everyone.

>> No.37566128

She doesn't want to sell the model. And to be fair I could see why, she used it for years and was doing a lot on bilibili. If she was just a 2view with barely any awareness selling the model would have been fine.

>> No.37566170

Wrong. Popular clips are either stupid coomer shit or Hololive.

>> No.37566340

I had to unsub from so many clip channels because all they were uploading was silvervale saying some nasty shit

>> No.37566360
File: 314 KB, 611x839, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the safe / bilibili version.

Yeah I had to do the same. Literally clipping the same shit over and over again.

>> No.37566418

So she's going full coombait in hopes to attract clippers that will then funnel the coom crowd to her, who will then hopefully spend some money on her impulsively. I get it, I just don't respect it.
It's also hard to say anything about her motives as I don't know her, but it's hard to look at her original model and think this was the direction she wanted to go in when she started streaming. I don't know, it's just kind of sad that indies feel they have to debase themselves to get any traction.

>> No.37566524

I seems that without coombaiting or leeching off indies more or less plateau at 500 ccv. There's few examples that succeed in spite of this, like Shondo.

>> No.37566551

Difference is Shondo has a decent clip account a fan made that gained traction. Shizukou doesn't have anything.

>> No.37566554

>tells people to watch Shondo
based based based

>> No.37566640

Loli sells better tho.
Pekora. Gura. Kobo.
All lolis.
Maybe she should focues less on the model and work on her content and charisma.
Vesper Noir is the highest earner of HoloStarsEN and has the ugliest model.
But sure. Keep blaming the model you stale, unfunny fool.

>> No.37566686

>wants viewers
>Redesigns into a whore model
>Enjoys a bit of Fame
>Gets her oh so wanted clips
>Slowly starts to realize her old fanbase is trickling
>Is now only attracting coomers and the worst viewers out there
>"Muh stop being sexual and objectifying me" tweet
>Possible drama?

Oldest tale in the vtuber world

>> No.37566727

Like if she just wanted popularity she should have just applied to nijisanji, she's been in collabs with them.

>"Muh stop being sexual and objectifying me" tweet
She posts thighs on twitter as well....

>> No.37566733

>Vesper Noir is the highest earner of HoloStarsEN
haha yeah how's that working out for him right now?

>> No.37566762

Fleshtuber thighs?

>> No.37566776

>so butthurt they make nonstop threads about it
The redesign is worth it for this alone. Stay mad.

>> No.37566835

being a sex pest off screen is a different matter entirely

>> No.37566857


>> No.37566861


>> No.37566872

Shoulda gone lewd loli for free schizotwitter exposure.

>> No.37566907

Holy based!

>> No.37566927

Ok coomer

>> No.37566933
File: 1.22 MB, 498x224, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an issue if you won't tap that and paint those thighs in goo, just saying.

>> No.37567002

Loli erasure is always hilarious due to the insecurity of pedophiles, they piss and cry like.. children.. how interesting..

>> No.37567008

>British panda bear
I thought you were talking about the boring one from the collapsed prostitute agency. Odd there would be more than one.

>> No.37567021

Don't care about changing the whole model.
Don't care about coomerbait.
But does it have to be this tasteless? Another "H RPG Maker's character" in the pile along with a horrible new Nyanners' model and Vei.

Also about panda herself. Not her first bad decision in pursuing of numbers with a previous being streaming on both twitch and YT. I don't see her booming in the near future unless she's gonna went full lewdtuber I dunno. Her personality is a being brit and cardboard so it's probably the only choice for her.

>> No.37567046

>Who's that one?

>> No.37567050

Well, you gotta keep in mind the following: Because we live in a society the supply of sexy or attractive kids has been severely curtailed across vast regions of the world, outside of a few chosen circles. Since these traits are artificially kept in short supply despite a healthy adult male psyche being predisposed to find them attractive, lolitubers are tapping into a much less saturated market than the average adult coomtuber. Adult coomtubers not only have to compete with a market that is already saturated by their virtual competition, but also non-virtual streamers. Lolitubers don't have to compete with real life 10yo letsplayers so both the full blown pedos and pedos in denial(lolicons) are funneled towards them. If you want to make money being an idol or vtuber, there's no reason outside of your inability to mimic a childish voice to use an adult avatar.

>> No.37567078

I don't understand why her new model isn't still a panda and it's just generic lewd demon. You'd think that she'd at least try to keep some sort of brand image.

>> No.37567085

>healthy adult male psyche being predisposed to find them attractive
Nice try, pedo.

>> No.37567086

Be back in 10 min

>> No.37567091

Aaaaannnnd dropped. What a shame

>> No.37567162

To be fair, it's supposed to be man-o'-war
But yeah, making her model older and tastefully lewd would be so much better

>> No.37567183
File: 1.27 MB, 2460x3484, 2013_Tromovitch_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to tell you man.

>> No.37567187

Honestly if she just kept the OG outfit it wouldn't be nearly as bad.

>> No.37567381

Her content is being a spastic and showing her panties in vrchat my dude
Her default model isnt loli or there wouldnt have been any need for her to get an actual loli model

>> No.37567397

>those twitter posts
How much would it cost to get my name written on her ass cheeks while she wears a g-string/thong, I wonder.

>> No.37567411

Oh, okay, and just a casual scroll through her twitter shows that this isn't something new for the rebrand, she collabs with the usual suspects too. She was always a thot she just didn't have the model for it. That makes me feel better.

>> No.37567524

yes fidiot, most of that coomer shit its just funny, not even lewd, her content is not that good thats all, and i can see why thanks to her tweets, she is just a brat that cant even see the joke in anything, she focuses more on defending herself, she doesn't know how to entertain, even if that model attracts some audience, she will lose it because of her personality, i cant even say that she will be successful as a whore, her voice is not sexual at all.

>> No.37567571

She would 100% get it, if I were in the UK I'd offpako her.

>> No.37567633

I think I can get a good idea of how the rest of the face looks from the part of the eyelid the phone couldn't cover. Why not just post selfies at this point.
But yeah, she definitely doesn't belong with the pedos. Move on to Shondo, she is your treasure, you can see that from hands alone.
This girl is just an attention whore who doesn't have the ability to get the attention she wants with her rectangular body and, as far as I understand, not particularly attractive face. This tiny vt controversy is probably the most attention she will ever get.

>> No.37567640

>Using comas instead of periods
Holy ESL! Your opinion is as shit as your English.

>> No.37567653

Nah clippers are niggers who only clip Hololive for noombers. They won't clip indies because it fucks the algorithm.

>> No.37567681 [DELETED] 

Shondo has a bf though. Thats a hard pass for me. You keep being a cuck though and paying for condoms.

>> No.37567727

Pekora is pettan, Filian is just short (though I'll give you lil' fil).
I agree with you overall though. Filian has made a $5 default model work for her cause she just went out there and busted her butt instead of sweating over the design.
Gura had some of the worst rigging in the industry up until recently.
You kinda just gotta go at it. I'd throw in Pomu as an example too. Her model is painfully generic, but she's made it absolutely iconic by cultivating her kayfabe and making a name for herself.

>> No.37567739

she's basically telling you 'stfu you're wrong'

>> No.37567770

thanks for proving my point genius lol

>> No.37567830

Looooots of vtuber clips are coomerbait.
You don't see them as much because youtube has been trained by your habits and put you in your own personalized bubble where you only mostly see things you like.
try to search for vtuber on a fresh anonymous device (incognito mode works a little bit but browser fingerprinting is really powerful these days) and you'll see lots of lewd thumbnail clips

>> No.37568089

How is this not just reincarnation at this point

>> No.37568245
File: 872 KB, 1100x1508, 1641478977728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick tentacles
>no hat
>not white/blue
what is wrong with women

>> No.37568256

Unfollowed and unscuscribed on YouTube. And yes, I'm someone who actually did watch her somewhat regularly. I don't care what she says, the old model was fine and suited her voice. But shifting to posting pictures of your 3dpd body on twitter and now admitting that you're entirely changing your look so you can bait more clips and attract coomer money does not sit well with me at all. Now she's just another EUchuuba with a slut model, a la Veibei and Shylily.


>> No.37568288

Okay but in an actual arousal study women at about 14-15 caused the highest percentage of a sample of men to be aroused. The fall was quite extreme beyond the falls after 17-18 but the rise was also quite steep to 14-15.
Also I don’t know how physically developed a 16 year old is, but most ‘Lolis’ have most physical traits of physical maturity that women have, like most have shapely legs, soft but defined face, and a shapely figure (body), although some do have much more rounded features, and don’t have a well define shapeliness - maybe 15-16 year olds share this physical maturity with lolis and that’s why they’re attractive, I don’t know, but point is most lolis don’t look like 10 year olds, and that’s not why people find them attractive, most lolis are drawn with physical mature features that make them naturally attractive you just want to fuck 10 year olds and toddler anime girls freak.

>> No.37568319

Is it? She just looks like a hypersexualized version of Pochimaru.

>> No.37568348

It's mental how young women develop secondary sexual characteristics now, you look at a 13yo and she has the body of an adult.

>> No.37568407

She has a very low voice, why would you want her as a loli anyway?

>> No.37568417

Im gonna start watching her just to counteract you. Your sacrifice was for nothing lol.


>> No.37568482

I can’t say that I can relate, anon. 13 year olds look like thirteen year olds.

>> No.37568564

You can have an adult model without a womb tattoo and a tiny heart sticker covering your flaps, my guy.

>> No.37568587

Ppl are mostly bitching about how shit and tasteless her new coom model is, not about dropping loli

>> No.37568626

I suppose some minority and african women would by that age, (since smarter mental development is correlated with a longer physical development) but most girls finish puberty at 14 not 13, and so it’s not surprising that 15-16 is involuntarily arousing to men.

>> No.37568638

Ok but those are good? I mean if that shit was on a loli model people would be okay with it.

>> No.37568659

I love how you faggots never posted her here, but now you retards are seething like bitches over this redesign. Never change SEA nigger tourists holobronies, never change.

>> No.37568675

This is the first reference sheet I’ve seen that so brazenly highlights the vtuber’s cooter. The vcooter

>> No.37568719

I'm supporting her just to spite you faggots

>> No.37568738

Im sure you will sweetie

>> No.37568747
File: 320 KB, 1540x2048, FSb6wx_acAEgRuP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the chuuba queen of masturbating streams. Kinda wild that literal sex worker chuubas have more modesty than a western twitch whore

>> No.37568786

>Kinda wild that literal sex worker chuubas have more modesty than a western twitch whore
Twitch is a camgirl site
Theres no distinction

>> No.37568850
File: 33 KB, 591x238, 1662781067989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just wants the coomer crowd. Typical of western women.

>> No.37568855

Is there not enough porn in the world for you coomer? Must you destroy everything for the sake of that right hand of yours?

>> No.37568864

Twitch does not allow masturbation and lesbian sex, kinda shitty camgirl site

>> No.37568886

She's not fooling anyone, it's supposed to be cum. Manowars don't look like the two tailed sperm cells on the picture. It would be funny if she didn't deny it.

>> No.37568952

The second one is the biggest offender.

>> No.37568979

Calm down shizukou. You've finally got what you always wanted. An environment where you can stream yourself swaying your cleavage around while reacting to youtube videos.

>> No.37569009

fuck, I didn't want to fap right now

>> No.37569053

they're friends too

>> No.37569121

Those tweets really show how entitled and whiny she is, she blames people not clipping her on them being lazy, not her content being dogshit. You know what Sava from kawaii did when she wanted people to clip her? She took initiative and fucking hired them as a paid position because she’s not an entitled cunt.

>> No.37569181

>Twitch is a camgirl
kinda, its a pretty bad one like youtube, but unlike asian camgirls at youtube they are not smart enough to stream a sfw version at twitch with a nsfw at the same time going in other platform, western whores are fucking stupid.

>> No.37569204
File: 161 KB, 1279x918, 1641211501690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually complaining about this
Now I'm fully convinced this board is full of faggots and women

>> No.37569205

I dare argue her model isn't even particularly slutty. Her behaviour is a different story, but the model is actually tame.

>> No.37569218

Its a camgirl site that tries its hardest to not be 18+
So its just softcore garbage

>> No.37569258
File: 1.06 MB, 1804x2781, 33a53ff69ae333a6d5f10aa3467eb2c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kinda bad for not watching Sava and I do not know why I don't watch her lately. I hope that her clipper does an asmongold style clipping where they condense streams to like 30 minutes while also serving up regular clips because I would watch the shit out of 30 mins of a condensed Sava

>> No.37569308

I don’t even particularly care about the model change, it’s generic loli to generic bimbo, both are fine. Her reaction to the backlash and retarded reasoning is what annoyed me

>> No.37569338

Her model isn't a loli to begin with.

>> No.37569445

>we gotta make bread even if it means chasing trends
>why didn't you make clips for me
>stop policing me with your preferences
Not that I care any way or another but my god what kind of genius debuts with the announcement that you don't care about your fans tastes, dismiss them and will do whatever for money?
Optics you bitch.

>> No.37569447

Nina's statement is correct from a technical standpoint but it also sounds like she approves the model itself which is slightly disappointing coming from her. I hate the vtuber cabal, the shitty ones influence the others around them.

>> No.37569500

The womb tatoo gimmick is so overdorne now it's just a sign of desperation.
You'll just be added to the pile of coombaiters chuuba only good for thumbnail clips

>> No.37569527

Learn a minimum of subtlety. She looks made of Chinesium.

>> No.37569622

I feel like everyone's lies through their teeth when it comes to new models because they know how expensive they are. You don't want to tell someone they just dropped thousands on trash.

>> No.37569640

you can tell shes ugly just from the shape of her hairline

>> No.37569706

oh, i was wondering why she has both purple and pink hair when it clashes so terribly. makes more sense. doesn't make the model good though

>> No.37569708

Her face might be, but I'd absolutely that body.

>> No.37569733

The model isn't the issue, Anon. It's the reason for changing and the attitude taken while doing it.

>> No.37569780
File: 127 KB, 372x234, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The model is ugly too. You can't tell me this looks good.

>> No.37569797

It's not quirky or interesting to have pornography brainrot. Read a book you waste of oxygen.

>> No.37569796

you sound like a redditor

>> No.37569804

There literally was no backlash other than faggots on this board and a couple of twittoid tards though, she probably just responded to those.

>> No.37569907

Show me the twittoid tards, because the reactions on Twitter were nothing but praise. She 100% reacted to the previous thread.

>> No.37569928

You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.37569971

>the vtuber getting steadily more coomer models approves of a coomer model
Why would you expect anything else of her?

>> No.37569978

oh yes we are supposed to cheer for coombait that looks exactly the same like all the recent vshoujo outfits

>> No.37570042

aside from the model design just being bad, the art style also kinda looks like trash. old model art was perfect.

>> No.37570375

She's a rectangle bro. She has a male body shape. The average anon could make pictures like these.

>> No.37570639

my man you google big boobs 1 trillion results
no need to simp for a british whore over it

>> No.37570703
File: 486 KB, 640x639, extremely smug gozaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has 0 personality
>people only pay attention to you on twitch if you are a literal whore

>> No.37570760 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 794x480, nigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually very easy to find them now, just scroll to the bottom and they are all there. She definitely did that and fell for the bait, I doubt she's /here/. Either way, it was literally not backlash. This fucking board if full of holobronies faggots and retards, we are irrelevant anon, the SEAniggers and the tribalfags ruined us, this design has literally zero problems unless you are an idol faggot.

>> No.37570871

> this design has literally zero problems
Holy cope
>I doubt she's /here/
I'm actually curious whether someone have sent her the link already

>> No.37570896

Those timestamps don't exactly help your case, they came after her tweets.

>> No.37570954

Weak bait

>> No.37570979

>unless you are an idol faggot


>> No.37571036

This made me sad, I've been following shizukou on twitter and twitch for a year or so. This is a big downgrade, so I unfollowed.
But to be fair, I didn't really watch her, so maybe she's right to coombait

>> No.37571114

>retarded roastie realizes that copying whorejo doesn't work
I'm shocked.

>> No.37571167

hey don't lump Karin into this mess, her model suits her soothing and sweet voice, and she's an honest and wholesome whore as most of the AV / R18 ASMR chuubas out there.

The problem with western chuubas is they don't know how to market themselves and properly elaborate and evolve their initial idea or design, and this is goes for even popular western chuubas. Just take a look at Ironmouse, some of her models are so different may as well be different chuubas, another example is Zentreya, I don't need to mention how much the model changed.
The isn't a clear direction they just throw things until something sticks...

How is this girl jumping for a normal loli to a sci-fi whore with tentacles... didn't even bother to use the original loli design but aged... the problem is clearly a lack of direction and she can't stick to her original idea.

>> No.37571186

Sava was fun but I can't bring myself to watch her anymore, her "content" and style gets old fast.

>> No.37571185

Checked her out for the first time and wow her voice really doesn't fit the loli aesthetic at all. In fact she sounds like a british slag so she should go with a gyaru model instead.

>> No.37571270

nobody watches Eroha

>> No.37571284

That last one is a phase cuck, why are pippiggers like this?

>> No.37571287

Why not both?

>> No.37571325
File: 201 KB, 1791x1071, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i found the comments that set her off. they were on reddit and got highly upvoted lmao

>> No.37571357

Fans reflect their oshi - also Pippa openly encourages this sort of dogshit behavior. She's a festering sore on the Vtuber community (which, to be fair, is a writhing cancerous mass for the most part) that is actively harmful to other vtubers.

>> No.37571371

the shading on her vagina bones made it look like she's a hag on her 60's

>> No.37571380

Got a link to the reddit page? Not seen it.

>> No.37571429
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x1600, suisex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile Suisex and Ina don't coom bait at all and still get the most dedicated coomers
Just have a personality that isn't being a prostitute and people just might like you.

>> No.37571471

Pippa hasn't talked about this whatsoever. Big surprise, a lot of Pippa watchers also watch others.

>> No.37571535


>> No.37571543

Yes, Pippa watchers are unfaithful among other things.

>> No.37571593
File: 84 KB, 1024x488, remember lia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not Lia Likers. Lia keeps a spreadsheet of her viewers who get caught watching other streamers.

>> No.37571594

Wasn't expecting any good take from holobronies, but you retards went even further below expectations. You fags should just end yourselves already

>> No.37571651

>instantly proving the point

>> No.37571656

>she's one of the chuubas who will retain their viewership
All of her regulars that I'm in direct contact with are all pissed off by the change.

>> No.37571664

>Her content is fine, the issue is she can't get clipped, but that's literally happening with everyone.
Literally this. There's only money in clipping Nijisanji and Hololive, so you shouldn't expect any clips.

>> No.37571669

Lia is a thousand times better than Pippa can ever hope to be.

>> No.37571713

Nijichad actually but die mad, even the worst Holo talent & fanbase is better than Pippa's turds.

>> No.37571729
File: 76 KB, 840x862, chu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did a drunk fanfic reading after her oil barons threw money at her to do it.

She's going to do another reading in the future of her own Genshin yaoi writings.


Lia is a must watch. A real life menhera sad girl.

>> No.37571747

>All of her regulars that I'm in direct contact with
I'm sure you are anon. And I'm sure those are regulars too. Faggots /here/ doesn't watch indies

>> No.37571765

who the fuck asked?

>> No.37571774

The price is only going to get cheaper at this rate

>> No.37571803

>Faggots /here/ doesn't watch indies
Step outside of /hlgg/ every now and then I beg you.

>> No.37571806

God she's actually perfect I don't know how she isn't in a bigger corpo like Nijisanji. I'd say I hope they poach her but not sure her model can be improved.

>> No.37571819

>Phase cuck sees random irrelevant to phase thread
>Goes in to shill his irrelevant 2views
also pipgger:
>Why does nobody like us?

>> No.37571924

Go for it. You may effectively double her active viewers, retard.

>> No.37573208

VOD where she talks about it all (at the start) if anyone cares:

>> No.37573511
File: 282 KB, 1360x2048, ca50baaac8c4408b3d77014ae8e0acfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I care about what she says, she is not cunny anymore

>> No.37575015

This, who's gonna tell her changing model ain't gonna bring her clippers. They only clip Holo / niji or indies if they pay a fat stack case in point shylily it's called marketing 101 either have actually good content or a deep wallet or some mix of both

>> No.37575927

Vwhorejo poisoned the well for twitch vtubers

>> No.37576173

Holy shit. I never considered that.
Vtubers can technically do 2 streams at the same time, one SFW, one NSFW, without much complications with regards to webcam visuals.
Literally just spin up 2 L2D panels, one with a different model.

>> No.37576651

Jesus... Doing that to herself because people aren't paying enough attention to her is just sad...

>> No.37576767
File: 772 KB, 2887x4096, you will never this vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only more people would realise that.

We need something like FlaVR to parody vshitshow.

>> No.37576896

>posting a whore that fucked her paypigs

>> No.37576908

Nah, vwhorejo just did what was already popular on twitch, acting like a whore.

>> No.37577096

Hey she'd be perfect for a vshitshow parody then.

>> No.37577295

Chronically case of woman. Sad, likely never to recover.

>> No.37580209

Is this the new discord target, why do you hate her specifically OP

>> No.37580628

I agree, she should change her model. Her new model is shit. She needs to change it again. I still wouldn't watch her because I don't like her voice.

>> No.37580868

It's just so jarring. Like if she just wanted an older look, at least resemble the panda bear. That way she wouldn't have had much backlash going on. She wasn't catering to lolis, hell she told people to watch Shondo if they want lolis.

I feel bad if it backfires massively and she realises it's not giving her the clippers or anything. Saying that she'd be a good pickup for a corpo but it'd give people a sour taste realising she only went corpo after a model fuckup.

>> No.37581164

Read the thread

>> No.37582554

this should be her fate, to endlessly chase whatever the next hater says because only they would be frank with her, who cares about fans

>> No.37583092

based pedo disabler, might watch

>> No.37583347

A whore in disguise is still a whore, so I don't think this is worth getting worked up about. The drastic rebranding was obviously all just for attention and it's seemingly worked.
Every shizuku stream I watched she couldn't stop talking about her discord and all her stream mods. No doubt she's been groomed and pampered to high hell and back, like every other western indie cunt.

>> No.37583395

Last time I checked her discord she had a rule that you weren't allowed to link other vtubers unless they belonged to a big corpo. Which is hilarious when her collabs are generally other indies, only recently she got to do stuff with nijisanji or their regulars.

>> No.37583697

>No doubt she's been groomed and pampered to high hell and back
I watched the first hour or so of >>37573208 and it seems like she was groomed by other indies into believing that whore = mature. Se said that she used to be seiso and didn't really understand lewd things but that other vtubers helped her "come out of her shell".
She also wants to get a emote of jerking off a fucking sausage.
