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37484515 No.37484515 [Reply] [Original]

Um unicorn bros?

>> No.37484634

Unicuck bros... not like this...

>> No.37484691

fauna spends as much time streaming as mori does eating

>> No.37484751

3d karaoke 10k LOL how funny is this Mori is so Dead

>> No.37484763

who it's top one?
another slut western vtuber?

>> No.37484781

3D > 2Dlive
In a way, we have come full circle

>> No.37484789

Its nice to see Mori getting 10k, it makes me feel nostalgic.

>> No.37484801

OH NO NO NO and they were acting all smug in the catalog too

>> No.37484810

>coomer thumbnail
>unarchived 3D karaoke
>Publicly known as THE singer of Hololive along with Suisei
Only this much ccv with those buffs?

>> No.37484839

emphasis on the full body.

>> No.37484863

You got kicked out of #fag thread?

>> No.37484867

3D vs 15 year old game
I see your point anon, unichads keep winning

>> No.37484909
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Always has been

>> No.37484914


>> No.37484923

I'm watching and love both

>> No.37484940

>3d karaoke vs 4 and a half hours gameplay
>not even a huge difference

>> No.37484941

>can't even beat Kronii's number
fucking kek

>> No.37484979

You lost....................

>> No.37484982

anyone find it kinda cringey how much Mori keeps asking people to "believe" in her?

>> No.37484988

>minecraft also a 15 year old game
>still a buff
Your point is invalid

>> No.37485014


>> No.37485038

Implying she'll do the Marine coomer dance.

>> No.37485044 [DELETED] 

Fauna doesn't have unicorns for obvious reasons

>> No.37485056

>full body tracking
>mori desperately trying to pander to coomers aka whoring herself to save her numbers
>cucks think this is some kind of victory for them

>> No.37485080 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't know
>They don't know
hilarious actually

>> No.37485114

She's also been propping it up as her "magnum opus". kek

>> No.37485353

humm tempiss gets into trouble
whores self to get validation
what did she do this time.
another forced graduation of mori's curse?

>> No.37485392

>comparing super buff content with normal stream

>> No.37485451

She’d better, or else more annoyed viewers are going to fall off the wagon. I feel like even Mori understands this, but I’ve overestimated her before…

>> No.37485550

>stack buffs like Ainz Ooal Gown
>barely break 10k
All of this for a drop of blood.

>> No.37485850

Was your goal to falseflag and make mori look worse op? You succeeded. Full 3d from the second-most subscribed vtuber in hololive and all she gets is 25 percent more live views than a girl with a third of the subscribers playing an ancient ass game.
The recline is real holy shit.

>> No.37485909

>Mori having to do an extra slutty thumbnail image

It's desperate

>> No.37486025

i smell desperation
from the leech provider to becoming the leech.

>> No.37486046

OP btfo'd

>> No.37486185
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this doesn't look like 'full body' to me

>> No.37486455

y-you killed him...

>> No.37486695

unicorn bros just wanna fuck women even it's Mori

>> No.37487379

did the voices in your head also told you that?

>> No.37488432

Is it not?
Most EN karaokes are unarchived

>> No.37488573

the way kronii defeated both with her awful singing.

>> No.37488720
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Kek, where are your golden numbers now?

>> No.37488737

It's archived, mostly singing JP songs.

>> No.37488792

Those are atrocious numbers compared to how much she was getting before the clusterfucks and the fact Fauna is at 7k playing an ancient game just drives the point home, since Mori's stream has the 3D, coomer and unarchived buff.

>> No.37488828

Anon... She's still leading the pack. What were you trying to prove here?

>> No.37488954

Ame is ahead now, but that doesn't help the unicorns.

>> No.37488955

I'm making fun of Fauna, anon.

>> No.37489022

Clearly from looking at this thread, people assume it's unarchived as well so it does have the buff regardless.

>> No.37489172
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Alright cuckbeats, let's be fair and compare it versus Fauna's latest karaoke. Keeping in mind that she didn't have the 3D full body tracking gimick, have a coomerbait thumbnail, and IS OBJECTIVELY THE WORST SINGER IN HOLO EN.
Oh no....cuckbeats....not like this.

>> No.37489438

Fauna wasn't singing JP songs anon. Obviously an EN unarchived karaoke would have more than a JP/Hololive songs archived karaoke.

>> No.37489600

We're reaching levels of COPE I didn't even think was possible.

>> No.37495629

Yikes sapkeks….

>> No.37495764

>IP count didn't change
>bumping your own shit thread when it reaches page 10

>> No.37498433

look at Mori has to do to beat fauna normal stream

>> No.37498718


kek reality hurts for them
so much for a "singer" Gura/Irys is a much better singer honestly

>> No.37498903

My guy she only pulled that off by acting like a slut with full body tracking… meanwhile fauna is just streaming like normal

>> No.37499118

oh no no no unicucks

>> No.37499253

We remembered to love our Morippi

>> No.37499288


>> No.37499816

Whori will never cease reclining. That she needs to stack all these buffs just to match some of her coworkers CCV is sweet SWEET honey in my mouth.

>> No.37499872

How much does your Whori gets on MC these days?

>> No.37499982

> no less than three buffs stacked.
> barely above part two of a 15 y/o game everyone already played and knows the plot of.
Deadcucks are mindbroken beyond repair.

>> No.37500080

Yeah, wassup, bro? You need a ride through an enchanted forest or something?

>> No.37500300

Holo vs holo timeloop
Why nijifag like this, loser like selen, and niji offcollab can't even break 10k. Just proven even the retard nijifag here wouldn't watch niji stream at all.

>> No.37500819

I'm OP and I'm a holofan

>> No.37505079


>> No.37505136

All this proves is that the downturn in viewership isn't because people are going back to work and school, but because of the content. This is what Mori had to do to get these numbers, this is how low she had to sink to continue making a living. She probably hates the hell out of it.

>> No.37508458

Mori is better than Fauna now?

>> No.37508703

mutual assured destruction of both unicucks and cuckbeats when?

>> No.37508802

Graduate Fauna already. All she can hope for is empty timeslots and this is the one number fags praise all the time.

>> No.37508817
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>> No.37512054

>play game 7k
>go full coom bait with karaoke 3d
>only 10k
that is bad deadcuck it's not even close to average gura streams

>> No.37512245

Anon, why do you believe those people are deadbeats? They are just regular shitposters.

>> No.37513396

>implying fauna hasn't been coomer baiting for months with her cowkini shit

>> No.37513430

Mori really started coomer baiting to recover her views.

>> No.37513785

activates my almonds it does

>> No.37516804

What happened to her, why so low?
