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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37431497 No.37431497 [Reply] [Original]

>find new vtuber
>Pippa is a funny and relatable white trash waifu
>join Phase discord
>get into arguments with her fans who are Elon dickriders that think microwaving food gives you radiation poisoning and that 5g towers are trying to mind control them
>binge streams and start hearing sus shit
>talks about glowies a little too much but its funny so w/e
>makes fun of George Floyd being killed by police
>unironically believes and talks with chat about the Jewish Question
>talks about kiwifarms and how good it is, calls them 'kiwi bros'
>one of these bros is her mod
>mfw my oshi is a crypto-fascist /pol/tard

Why do you fucking retards ruin everything

>> No.37431543

You know Alices adventures in wonderland? Yeah

>> No.37431578

this is a stealth shill thread, why are phase connect hiring indians to shill to our board 24-7? i will anti all of your vtubers, especially this one you grifting fuckers

>> No.37431597

WTF I love Pippa now.

>> No.37431605

I see what you're doing, nice shill tactic
still not watching her

>> No.37431946

>funny and relatable
oh no he fell for it...

>> No.37432382

I should've known with her 'pick me' girl personality

>> No.37434211

Too old and too crypto-fascist.

>> No.37436193
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You made most of that up, anon. Especially the part where you pretended to like Pippa.
Very rude.

>> No.37436238
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I think it's a stealth anti thread with all the exaggerated and completely made up shit. Trying to get her into trouble.

>> No.37436303

>makes fun of George Floyd being killed by police
Technically he died from a fentanyl overdose
Very true. Also

>> No.37436873

i'd like pippa more if she wasn't a toothless mold-infested furry with a boyfriend. now it's hard to watch her

>> No.37438416

that explains it

>> No.37442257

You deserved it

>> No.37442462

The only interesting thing about this shitpost is that I can't tell if you're a Pippa fan trying to get people to watch her or a Pippa anti trying to get people to shit on her. In this day and age, the two are basically indistinguishable.

>> No.37442639

She is definitely not

>> No.37446614

Pippa isn't remotely GFE though? Is this sentiment something only HKVs understand?

>> No.37446666

>he thinks the mold was real
>he thinks the tooth was real
How many times you have to be lied to?

>> No.37446730

She saw a market, anon. She's still a woman at the end of the day.

>> No.37447154

well, why wouldn't the mold be real?

>> No.37447222
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I feel you anon. I was enjoying the ride until I realized she was basically a /pol/tard. No idea why Phase Connect is tolerating it unless they're just ok with whoever shows up as long as they have an audience.

>> No.37447285

I used to really like Pippa too till I realized she literally just takes whatever position is most controversial instead of having actual opinions. Like,she legit might be the least intelligent vtuber I've ever seen, which is saying something.

>> No.37447353

Basically you found out they're a grifter

>> No.37447358

>I was enjoying the ride until I realized she
I used to really like Pippa too till I realized she
You're not even trying.

>> No.37447424

>and that 5g towers are trying to mind control them
The mindcontrol rrat is astroturf to keep people ignorant to the fact that the high powered EMF from 5g are harmful and damage cells and dna.
Even that is being treated as a rrat now even though you can see the damage from 5g towers on nearby trees and birds avoid the towers like the plague.

>> No.37447443

She's not a legitimate /pol/tard. She's an ironic /pol/tard. She's the Colbert Show of /pol/tards. It's literally a big joke and she's making fun of you.

>> No.37447452

a lot of us watch vtubers to specifically escape politics and dumb psuedo-nazi shit. I don't need to see an autistic brony rabbit welcoming it for views.

>> No.37447457

I watched Pippa get seriously heated debating that killing a worm makes someone a psychopath and that it's just as bad as killing a child, she's dumb as bricks.

>> No.37447483

I didn't know she was philosophically trained.
Fuck, I really need to watch her.
Can you refute her?

>> No.37447496

I was referring to your frantic samefagging. That aside, your "problem" is easily solved by watching literally anyone else.

>> No.37447509

If you tell jokes that /pol/ thinks would be funny, even ironically, you're going to get /pol/tards showing up and few others.

>> No.37447512

>ShE'S JuST IrOnIcALLy AnNoyinG!!!

>> No.37447560

Yes, anon. That's how the grift works. And then she makes money off of them simping by telling fake sob stories to make them want to "save" her.

>> No.37447577
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>> No.37447595

Yeah, a worm is not a child it is an insect with a very limited range of intelligence, they literally can't process the sensation of pain.

>> No.37447637

She knows and thats the whole grift. Shes going after the twitter anime avatar users.
>Shes a stinky messy disgusting ugly unwanted unsuccessful schizo right-wing neet, shes literally me!
Shes a lolcow farmer tending her cattle.

>> No.37447640

>constantly posts about loving guns and shooting up Walmarts

>has been complaining on Twitter for days about shootings happening where she lives

why are americans like this?

>> No.37447712


By eating meat you're are no better than any human murderer by the way. Pigs, chicken and even cows to an extent are capable of higher processing and functioning. Denying their capability of experiencing loss and pain is illogical and just cope to protect your ego.

Oh, and one more thing:
worms aren't actually insects

Have a nice day, brainlet!

>> No.37447767

Cool story dude, doesn't stop Pippa from being a developmentally stunted autist with a fanbase of incels and weirdos

>> No.37447778

Oh nyo

>> No.37447837

It's crazy that Pippa kicked of her whole popularity boom by leaching off a Hololive fan game and no one has realized she's just a grifter who will do anything for popularity.

>> No.37447845

>they literally can't process the sensation of pain.
They can. The question is if that pain can be considered significantly meaningful to warrant an ethical quandary.

>with a fanbase of incels and weirdos
Just like every other vtuber. The only difference with Pippa is a lack of moderation.

>> No.37447866

I don't understand why this is bad.

>> No.37447881

>Shes a lolcow farmer tending her cattle.
But now you need to understand that all vtubers are the exact same way. They're all cultivating their own target groups of cattle to harvest for profit. This entire "hobby" is an industrialized slaughterhouse for lonely men.

>Oh you don't like right wing lolcows? Don't worry, we have 666 other flavors of anime avatar to choose from.

>> No.37447908

>Cool story dude, doesn't stop Pippa from being a developmentally stunted autist

Yeah, being surrounded your whole life by brainlets does that to a bright, young girl (assuming they're a real human bean and not a psychopath who's just able to roll with it).
Pippas success is undeniable and speaks for itself. It is very rare for someone not backed by the big three to reach this amount of success.

I agree half of her fanbase are just edgelords who'll tell leddit about how they totes were radicalized by the rabbit girl in their youth but are no way better off because they found breadtube and were brainwashed by another bunch of grifters.

>> No.37447928

I just don't get why she has to interact with vtubers I actually like, ffs stop interjecting yourself into Tenma and Lumi streams Pippa.

>> No.37447951

*[...] are - now - way better off because they found breadtube and were brainwashed by another bunch of grifters.

>> No.37447960

Getting desperate, aren't you

>> No.37447972


>> No.37448169
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>> No.37448309

you make a strong case for why i should start watching her

>> No.37448543

Niggas still simping for the /here/tuber pink egirls after the nyanners arc
Nobody learns anything ever

>> No.37448592

Shes already starting to move in that direction because shes getting too big and the swarm of schizo parasocials are getting to her.

>> No.37448659

>my oshi
sounds like a simp issue, go throw your money elsewhere noseberg, oshi's rim belongs to the nords

>> No.37449050

there are other vtubers anon, quite a few of them in fact

>> No.37449167
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Stop watching vtubers.
Do not subscribe to vtubers.
Do not give money to vtubers.

>> No.37449424

You realise the capipi channel is the only place on the discord where it's allowed, it's a containment channel for a reason.

The more spicier stuff can be found in the NotPippa server, or Kirsche's. You'll find a lot of Pippa watchers in there.

>> No.37449508

this is like walking into marlboro hq and telling people to stop smoking, good luck faggot

>> No.37449520

>The more spicier stuff can be found in the NotPippa server
lol no. it's completely dead

>> No.37449606

Well it used to be better. That owl needs to start streaming again.

>> No.37449787
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What choice do I have? I cannot bear to see my people farmed like this.

>> No.37450647

If this is about stopping people from using vtubers as substitute girlfriends then godspeed, but I don't personally have that problem.

>> No.37450872

>I'm not being farmed
says local cow being herded into the train car

>> No.37452039


>> No.37452106

I dont really it's particularly antis or fans making these threads. I think its culture warriors with an axe to grind.

>> No.37452544

>the least intelligent vtuber I've ever seen
You don't watch gura? Who the fuck keeps subbing to her then? Bots?

>> No.37452577

You're a troon, no one cares what you think or what you like. Stick to dilation guide videos.

>> No.37452629

>>get into arguments with her fans who are Elon dickriders that think microwaving food gives you radiation poisoning and that 5g towers are trying to mind control them
Microwaving food is objectively bad for you in the long run though. Elon wants to sell me a beachfront condo on the Tharsis continent on Mars, that's based.

>> No.37452654

>Microwaving food is objectively bad for you in the long run though

>> No.37452671

No one is saying that. The authenticity of the insufferable autism is ironically the whole appeal. It is a spectacle.

>> No.37452698

fucking retard

>> No.37452783

All of that sounds awesome, therefore you are a shill. Fuck off.

>> No.37452892

Maybe those opinions are legit hers?

>> No.37452926

on a board like this I get why you'd say that but I literally got introduced to this hobby through my girlfriend.

>> No.37452935

Wait until he finds out that sometimes vtubers don't actually enjoy games that they stream.

>> No.37452943
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>> No.37452954
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So does this explain why Pekora owns a FUCKING MONKEY?

>> No.37453009

The experts will tell you in 30 years when you develop colon cancer and society has mostly switched to meal pellets instead of actual food, don't sweat it.

>> No.37453440 [DELETED] 

How do you watch pippa after bf drama? I still can forget it

>> No.37453469

I'm not attracted to her romantically, so I don't care.

>> No.37453911

I'm desensitised to all the pippa cuckposting when Ks*n cucked me in the most spectacular manner possible

>> No.37453921

The psychopath part wasn't the action.
It was the justification.
Lumi wanted a creature to die for her curiousity, so she did it. Didn't even fucking blink.

>> No.37456067

People have the most retarded explanations for Pippa's growth. Do you actually believe that? Do you think streaming some random game is all that it takes?
Does it make you question yourself that there was no significant spike in her growth around her playing Holocure a couple of times?

>> No.37456125

Not gonna lie, former Pippa supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Pippa crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this rabbit get the nuclear codes.

>> No.37456206
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You've been trying this shit for over a year now. It's time to stop.

>> No.37456326

Walmart is a joke, the actual street shooting is done by spics and niggers, retard.

>> No.37457872

>watching Pippa crash and burn
To success

>> No.37458261
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>> No.37458394

Imagine being such a bitter, cynical faggot while also unquestioningly think (((they))) are guilt free, what a pathetic combo

>> No.37458567

The bf is real then, and there's audio of she getting manhandled by him...

>> No.37458680

I enjoy being farmed.
Enjoy the hedonistic life.

>> No.37459465

don't blame Anon for the fact that retards before him also used "worm" to refer to insect larvae. it's a physiognomical descriptor, not a taxonomical one.

>> No.37459544

>joined a discord
Found your problem

>> No.37462934 [DELETED] 


>> No.37463044

Pippa is a grifter liar scamming racist simps, don't worry about it.
