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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37332636 No.37332636 [Reply] [Original]

>When the truth stings just a little too much
Moderation on this board is uniquely fucking terrible.

>> No.37332712

sting this

>> No.37332806

It's like that on every board now. Every Janny is a powertripping cunt ruining as much fun as they can while spreading shitposting

>> No.37332834

but he didnt delete /hag/

>> No.37332864

It is quite bad.

>> No.37332882

/hag/ is the least strange fetish out there

>> No.37332934

why are preferences called fetishes nowadays

>> No.37332971

>bans you for saying the b word
This board is doomed.

>> No.37333047

Because you are supposed to sucking tranny dicks

>> No.37333058

Fetish became "degenerate preference"
I wouldn't call hag a fetish

>> No.37333130

I take some small comfort in the fact that the janny will always be a dung-colored SEAnigger no matter how hard he power trips here, and that his beloved Mori will always be a hideous blob of alcohol-soaked fat, doomed to die by 40 from liver failure.

Nothing the janny does can ever change this, so really his efforts to shit up the board are meaningless.

>> No.37333135

The hag thread sucks ass and should be banned if the others are anyway.

>> No.37333379


>> No.37333424

>jannies being called out
Nothing more refreshing

>> No.37333449

No, I don't really care. All these threads are just vtuber flavours of older boards.
Meat and Ryona goes to /d/
Jailbait goes to /b/
Horni is /e/ so you don't have to catbox your filedumps anymore.
/vt/ is active enough as it is. Vtuber discussion means vtuber discussion. This is what Hiromoot gets for not making this general only.

>> No.37333499

The jannies for this board unironically need to be wiped and some actual vtuber enjoyers that aren't room temperature IQ retards that join for their personal agenda should replace them.
There has to be a few at least.

>> No.37333700

like clockwork, the ones that crack down so hard on "degeneracy" always turn out to be the biggest degens themselves
just accept your broken sexual functions and live your life
