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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37179517 No.37179517 [Reply] [Original]

>visits /lit/ once

>> No.37179905

Remember when she kept rambling about fitness just because she visited the gym once or twice?

>> No.37179992

just like me fr

>> No.37180367

>girl displays some amount of intelligence
>immediately starts calling her a pseud
you guys will never be happy

>> No.37181487

Let me guess op, her words are too complicated?

>> No.37181520

>Tries to act like an expert on a topic they literally just discovered
she is quite literally me

>> No.37182118

literally like every person on /fit/ and /lit/ fauna is the real /here/tuber

>> No.37182346

>fauna is the real /here/tuber
Has anyone else come up with a reasonable explanation for the .webm folder?
Reddit and Twitter use .mp4

>> No.37182417

She is just fishing for gimmicks. If one lands then she can try to propagate it, like the cow thing.

>> No.37182449

Are you the same retard who made the thread complaining about her using words with more than two syllables because they filtered you?

>> No.37185305

The words didn't filter me, it's just that it makes her seem extremely pretentious.

>> No.37185516
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t. Filtered ESL

>> No.37185570

>watches a Fauna clip 1 (one) time

>> No.37185573

Does she talk about rightwing german philosophers in her streams?

>> No.37185601

>Reddit and Twitter use .mp4
Really? For what purpose.

>> No.37185715

I don't even know why this is a thread.
Literally every other female vtuber either reads young adult novels. The only exception I can think of is Ame mentioning she read the fountainhead but I assume /lit/fags will shit on that too. So if anything Fauna is miles beyond the other Female vtubers.

>> No.37185751
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Trust me, lit calls everyone a psued. If you're a writer you can't really talk about your own books, and if you're a reader you just get recommended to read Infinite Jest.
Not that there's anything wrong with Infinite Jest
Actually now that I think about it /vt/ would gain a lot from reading Infinite Jest.
I do find it funny that Fauna is the one that ended up being the smart girl. I thought for sure at first it was going to be Kronii.

>> No.37186068

Kronii won Gura's little competition.
Fauna refused to participate.

>> No.37186180

>I do find it funny that Fauna is the one that ended up being the smart girl
why? soft spoken asian girls are always the smart one

>> No.37186201

Answer me honestly, are people not allowed to express themselves more eloquently? Are people supposed to appeal to your peabrain ego to not make you feel stupid?

>> No.37186336
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I expected Fauna to talk about gardening and growing flowers and how crystals have healing energy. I'm happy that Fauna is who she is but I was prepared for some hardcore alternative medicine from our Kirin.

>> No.37186338

All Vtubers have autism. This is just one of the ways Fauna's autism manifests.

Hyperfixations before quickly losing interest.

>> No.37186360

stop using words with more than 3 syllabes, you are scaring him

>> No.37186418

Really the best proof that she's the most intelligent girl in the branch. Gura ended up proving herself to be the dumbest in her own competition afterall.

>> No.37186426

I can't fucking believe there are people who fall for Fauna's "acting smart". She is so afraid of coming off as dumb she didn't even take part in Gura's big brain stream. That should tell you all about Fauna and how insecure she is.

>> No.37186455

i like that she doesn't pretend to be a retard like every other vtuber

>> No.37186469

She's much more aware of things than people assumed on hearing "lol vegan", I mean she herself tried to hide that fact at first actually and considered it a dark secret of hers because she knows how much vegans are hated. That's the opposite of the "abrasive preachy person looking for things to lord over other people" mentality people associate with them.

So yes she's way more cool than she seems, you hear that soft voice with that druid-kirin model and hear she's a vegan and assume she's a complete naive creampuff but actually, no that's not quite it. She's super girly yes but I mean, so what.

>> No.37186511

why can you write /vt/ properly but not /lit/?

>> No.37186521

yea, she pretends to be smart instead

>> No.37186535

More like she didn't wanna spoil the stream by getting everything right, because it's way funnier seeing Irys go "whassa leGOOM" and "I didn't know what the Amazon is" than to tryhard the thing. It was hosted by Gura, did you really think it was gonna be serious etc. Fauna would have to purposefully throw and play dumb to help make it work actually.

>> No.37186625

People get mad at her when she takes things seriously
Example, the ender dragon stream

>> No.37186662

are you saying she's pretentious >:(

>> No.37186665

That's probably what Fauna coped with when she didn't join. Funny how saplings are just like her trying to act and look smart.

>> No.37186731


>> No.37186775

Iphone user

>> No.37186835

>She's much more aware of things than people assumed on hearing "lol vegan"
>That's the opposite of the "abrasive preachy person looking for things to lord over other people" mentality people associate with them
She's obviously intelligent in many ways, and that's why I love her so much.
I dunno why people are claiming she's faking it or not as smart as she seems though. Obviously she's not the designated World's Most Intelligent Person or anything. She's a girl who likes to read books and has many interests

>> No.37186947

people hate when she takes things too seriously, which she probably would take the big brain game too seriously
example, see the ender dragon fight stream and this board's reaction to her trying to tardwrangle all the idiots in EN who still don't understand minecraft after 10+ fucking years

>> No.37186962
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I've spent a long time on /lit/ and gotten too casual with it. You're right though, even if it's just funposting I shouldn't let myself fall into the habit of not writing properly.

>> No.37186969

As far as we can tell Fauna seems to have had some STEM background (bio or biochemistry) and at least I've heard it said she was a lab tech somewhere at one point. So, while I wouldn't call her a mega-genius she's probably not a highschool dropout or basketweaving women's studies college degree either.

The thing is even just being of normal intellect in EN already makes her several rungs above some of the other specimens there, she and a couple others need to sandbag basically to not make some of the other girls feel awkward. I reiterate Fauna isn't a supergenius, she's probably just normal.. but normal is still above some of the ENs who seem legit dense. Irys I can't really tell because it might just be in-character to be THAT dumb (she should have fallen down a manhole or drowned looking up at rain or something by now otherwise), and Bae I don't think is dumb but she knows not much about things either which makes her sound dumb by proxy. Gura is legit dumb as a box of rocks as we saw in the Sonic puzzle the other day (that or it's another sandbag but it's very convincing).

>> No.37186991
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you ever read someone like dickens? fuck no. this board probably has never read something like dostoyevsky or bronte or nietzsche.

>> No.37187011

> Be Fauna
> Have no big major yabs
> Slow and steady incline
>Generally loved by everyone
/vt/: This bitch thinks she’s better than me REEEEEE.
Peak insecure teenage girl mentality. Never change /vt/

>> No.37187029

her being smart just adds to her charm idk what to tell you. you can be a dumbass like me and still like her. youre probably just insecure desu

>> No.37187031

>thinking somebody needs to cope because they know incredibly basic shit that the other mouth breathers don't
Do chumbuds really?

>> No.37187066

Well probably like 10-20% of /vt/ are in fact teenage girls by the sound of things, I mean the NijiENs and the male threads actually get some substantial traffic and it can't all be gay dudes.

>> No.37187162
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Completely forgot itoddlers still cant play webms

>> No.37187187
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i tried to read infinite jest once, but it's absurdly boring. he spends 20 pages discussing a fucking chair or bed or something so trivial. you have a better shot at reading "brief interviews with hideous men" or something else.

too bad this board probably will never look or read david foster wallace, who's arguably one of the better writers to actually read and hear before he committed suicide.

>> No.37187194

>tardwrangle all the idiots in EN who still don't understand minecraft after 10+ fucking years
I don't understand why everyone is so bad at Minecraft. Did some of them really never play the game before join hololive? I haven't even played the game in a couple years or any of the new updates and still frustrates me to hell and back when they make obvious mistakes or fuck up on easy to understand things. I'm glad played the game in hits heyday before they baby-fied, like making the recipes built into the crafting table now.

>> No.37187302

So what are the excuses for Fauna's halloween writing? That was something someone with an IQ of 50 would come up with.

>> No.37187340

Cute faunene

>> No.37187345

Polka's the only one I can think of that seems to spend a lot of her time reading. Maybe nijisanji Fungus, or maybe that was just a character thing that he dropped.

>> No.37187401

>tfw my 2view oshi does a book club on d*scord
Feels good man

>> No.37187442

She referenced Guenon on stream?!

>> No.37187497

the reality is that most of EN either has been a mediocre student, or is a piece of shit theater kid

>> No.37187502

>excuses for Fauna's halloween writing
last minute project
had to be adapted to a manga format
voice-actability had to be taken into consideration
>That was something someone with an IQ of 50 would come up with
rly nigga? why didn't your 50 iq ass write it then

>> No.37187541
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Yeah that's the writer's curse. You can do everything right but good luck getting your name out there. I've written several books and I think discoverability was better when Christian monks were manually copying books for preservation than now. All people do nowadays is read walls of text but the minute it's on actual paper their brain glazes over.
It's like our obituaries are the best advertisement we'll ever get.
So on that front I wish Fauna was the /lit/ girl. God knows the world would be a better place if the medium got more attention. Go Fauna go!

>> No.37187624

I feel the opposite way, I'll sit and read a book for hours but if I see a comparable amount of text on the computer my eyes glaze over and I just close the window.

>> No.37187855

Well q was her kamioshi

>> No.37187869

There are two types of people who use big words and do things most people connect to "looking smart". Those are the types to purposefully use big words in order to make themselves look smart consciously, and the type who just unconsciously use those to describe their thoughts and feelings in finer, more properly communicated detail. Only one of the two is actually smart, but most just make fun of both of them like they're the first.

>> No.37187940

using big words is always a matter of using them in the correct manner as well. you can't just drop one word in just to say "i'm smart, look at me I know what the word Kafkaesque is!", while not knowing the meaning of this word. in many ways, i can just summarize a good chunk of /vt/ in this bucket.

>> No.37188011

butt burglers extraordinaire

>> No.37188062

big word hurt my brain :(

>> No.37188074


>> No.37188306

The number of anons who call my oshi (Lumi) a pseud because she’s actually smart is baffling. I couldn’t get how people could unironically think that until I realized a bunch of anons are genuinely retarded. Even now, I still hold back because I still have to make sure I didn’t misinterpret them (yes, showing courtesy towards people on /vt/, real cringe, I know)

>> No.37188478

The fun and joy of knowing what words like “Kafkaesque” mean is having a new way to express yourself and the ability to call some Kafkaesque should it actually resemble a Kafka story.
Using the word when it doesn’t fit gives no joy to actually intelligent people. To actual smart people, the thought makes them slightly sick, because genuinely intelligent people hate being told they’re smart when they actually did something dumb.

>> No.37188572

and the fun and joy of using that big word makes you have more enjoyment on this revolting shithole of a board.

>> No.37188884

>I realized a bunch of anons are genuinely retarded
>Even now, I still hold back because I still have to make sure I didn’t misinterpret them
Or always having to clarify every single minute detail as to not get misinterpreted because everyone here is running on emotions at all times and will constantly try to read their own desires into every post

>> No.37189067

Why does the illiterate ESL Fauna schizo keep making threads about her using 'big' words?

>> No.37189091

Many words bad. Big words bad. I would bet OP is the type of brainlet who unironically only uses the word "woke" to describe anything he hates.

>> No.37189137

>fauna 'so white she glows in the dark' ceres
>fauna 'used to make grown men cry in DOTA2 comms' ceres
>soft spoken asian girl
Did you mix her up with Ina?

>> No.37189683

>so white she glows in the dark
thats shondo, pretty clever to use a double
>used to make grown men cry in DOTA2
ah yes, dota, a game white girls love to play....

>> No.37189910


>> No.37190049

How does this relate to the topic of this thread at all?

>> No.37190063

>a piece of shit theater kid
Not necessarily, a twitch chuuba I'm following participates in small-time modelling contests but is a retarded good girl that gets mad when she doesn't win a game.

>> No.37190731

>ah yes, dota, a game white girls love to play
Regardless, Fauna is still white
She's an anomaly in every way

>> No.37190963

believe what you want
no skin off my nose

>> No.37191242

You're believing what you want to believe, I'm just dispensing factual information
Rm information aside, just going by voice alone she doesn't have the Asian-American accent, her voice is White-American through and through

>> No.37191507

>You're believing what you want to believe
it was actually a gut intuition and ive been finding shit to justify it ever since
>just going by voice alone she doesn't have the Asian-American accent
do you think the firebird is japanese then?

>> No.37191745

fauna is a jew

>> No.37191838

EN as in holoEN, stupid

>> No.37192105

>gut intuition
Ah, so you don't actually consistently listen to Fauna or know much of anything about her, then. You just saw a few clips and made your headcanon based on that
I wonder what else you found to "justify it ever since"
>do you think the firebird is japanese then?
I assume you're talking about Kiara? Not a relevant point.
What I'm talking about is Fauna's accent when speaking English, which is literally a White American accent. Compare it to Ina's or Kronii's accent(s) if you want counter examples
There's also Fauna's music taste and the topics she talks about, like pumpkin spice and all that shit
I mean, this idea you have can be destroyed in a second very easily, but I think it's fine if you choose to interpret her that way. It's a VTuber anyways

>> No.37192714
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>so you don't actually consistently listen to Fauna
how else would i find reasons why i think shes asian?
>you had an idea about a subject and delved into it almost akin to an obsession? YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE SUBJECT!
what is this logic?
>Not a relevant point
ok, so according to you this is a white scottish girl which if you didnt see her face you would think, using your logic
its okay anon we live in a multicultural world now, this shit happens

>> No.37192751

Everyone's talking this shit up and down and I know that if I actually bother looking into what you're referring to I'm just going to find out Fauna referenced some books or something which is both unimpressive to seething nerds in NA and a feat of strength for losers in SEA who don't receive basic education.

>> No.37192862

Why would you visit more than once? You can get better discussion on /v/ for god's sake.

>> No.37193373

uneducated brown hands made this post.

>> No.37193531

It's a universal law that you always get better discussion outside of the intended board.

>> No.37193716

Fauna is Pakastani. How the fuck do you not know this?

>> No.37194385

>how else would i find reasons why i think shes asian?
I don't know, 'cause you're just another delusional 4chan idiot who thinks he knows something? But good on you, at least you actually listen to Fauna
>ok, so according to you this is a white scottish girl which if you didnt see her face you would think
I'm sure if I was Scottish and knew the Scottish dialect like the back of my hand, I could easily tell the difference in an instant between native Scots and someone like Katie Leung. There are very small subtleties that give it away in an instant for a native speaker even if the mixed race person or immigrant grew up his/her whole life exposed to the dialect, just like how I know for a fact Fauna is a White American and not Asian American.
I have very little exposure to Scottish accents anyway. In fact, I'm sure if I just familiarized myself with Scottish accents more often I could definitely hear the difference between that harry potter girl and some white Scottish lad. I'm more familiar with English accents and I can definitely tell when it's a foreigner speaking in a London accent even though I didn't actually grow up in the UK. It's all patterns
I'm an American, so I grew up around other Americans. I know what a White American accent sounds like, since I'm white and primarily around other white people and have been for the vast majority of my life. I'm also exposed to other American accents and can easily tell the difference between them, often times to the exact state or even city. I know what I'm hearing in Fauna's voice is a White American accent, which is just a side point in addition to Rm information, which you seem to be ignoring. I don't like using her Rm prominently as an argument because I hate doxxfags but it's just blatantly obvious and I feel like it doesn't need pointing out because, iykyk

>> No.37194517

Arguing pointlessly is my favorite hobby.

>> No.37194774
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>I don't like using her Rm prominently as an argument
and yet here we are

>> No.37195026

I could have just used it as my argument from the beginning but I'm getting bored with this shit now so who cares

>> No.37195221

This pretty much, Ina was exactly the same way during her first year so all they could come up was "uh... boring?"
Then they got the one clip about her telling deadbeats to back off and they've been reusing that ever since

>> No.37195346

better than
also i already beat that one here>>37189683

>> No.37195492

It's not "muh american ears", but the fact that if you grow up with a certain accent you become accustomed to it and can easily identify it just by hearing it as well as distinguish slight differences or completely different accents

>> No.37195639

unless youve lived in all 50 states this is bullshit also she sounds nothing like the white americans ive met

>> No.37195715

Has she ever explained why she heavily enunciates her Ts?

>> No.37195861

Such a well written post about my oshi. She actually is too clever for most retards /here/ and on YouTube to appreciate.

>> No.37195871

How come saplings get so upset over this?

>> No.37195965

>she sounds nothing like the white americans ive met
How many have you met? One or two?
Fauna has a unique voice in general, like I said before she's an anomaly in every way. But her accent is still characteristically white all the way. Again this is just one minor point and you still haven't said anything that has disproved the Rm shit

>> No.37196044

Not that I know of, but a possible explanation is how slacked the pronunciation of Ts has become over the last few decades in the States. “Butter” is not “Budder”, but they are essentially spoken identically throughout the belt and western portions.

>> No.37196131

She may have had speech classes as a kid, which taught her to do that.

>> No.37196283

>How many have you met
enough to know a white american when i hear their accent
shes ESL please understand

>> No.37196289

She enunciates her T's like an American most of the time (whadever, bedder, budder etc etc. and the 'd' is actually more like a rolled 'r'), she just sometimes tends to enunciate them more "properly" in some words. I think it might have to do with practicing ASMR to get a more precise pronunciation.

>> No.37196435

>enough to know a white american when i hear their accent
>enough to know
So like one or two then?
OK so you're not actually an American then. So that's settled

If anything, I think you're the ESL if this is something you can't just distinguish immediately. Because it's pretty blatantly obvious she's just a white American girl

>> No.37196592

she does everything in her power to restrain her inner dota player

>> No.37196625

>So like one or two then
like im gonna count them all for some random fuck
>I think you're the ESL
makes sense, you are terrible at placing nationalities

>> No.37197099

>like im gonna count them all for some random fuck
It shouldn't take long to count to two, ESLanon
>you are terrible at placing nationalities
My nigger, you cannot even tell that Fauna is a white American girl who speaks English as her native language despite all the evidence. If I'm "terrible at placing nationalities" then that must make you the worst in the world at it

>> No.37197482

>It shouldn't take long to count to two
i guess that american family of four i knew as a kid were actually just two
who knew, man, numbers how do they work
>despite all the evidence
lmao your shitty ears arent evidence

>> No.37197720

>ESL anon who knew one american family of four as a kid
>anon who is actually american and innately knows the nuances of the various accents and dialects

>blatantly ignoring any other evidence like a retard
So at this point we're just arguing for argument's sake, then?

>> No.37198136

>anon who knew one american family of four as a kid
i said i wasnt gonna count them all you retard, im starting to think youre the esl
>nuances of the various accents and dialects
lol lmao even
>blatantly ignoring any other evidence
evidence is actually provable your
>well they sound DIFFERENT to ME
is meaningless feelings over facts shit
the nerve to call what you posted evidence, honestly

>> No.37198338

>meaningless feelings over facts shit
...is your persistent assertion that Fauna is somehow asian because of a "gut feeling" and in the trying to "find shit to justify" that feeling

>> No.37199568

>shes ESL please understand
What the ACTUAL fuck.

>> No.37199632


>> No.37199653

Fauna is a Canadian Korean. Gura is half Filipino. The only white girl in HoloEN is Mumei (also Canadian).

>> No.37199990

what about mori and kiara

>> No.37200495

all of EN are african americans.

>> No.37200564
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nyo cap fr

>> No.37200592

Based adhd mommy.

Probably because she's also clearly a pathological liar. The only way she gets away with it is because cyberlive and pippasquad are full of other insane whores so she seems okay by comparison.

>> No.37200650

I wanna lick that chocolate gura...

>> No.37200741
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evryone but me is a pseud. i am the main character, like kirito but irl

>> No.37200857

Hey fuck you bitch, I've read Bronte! Its on a sign at my local train station

>> No.37204408

Unironically improved.

>> No.37204440

Stream you dumb onion maid.

>> No.37206722

Holy fuck you are a delusional retard that thinks Fauna is ESL even though reality points at her not being ESL at all

>> No.37209378

>even though reality points at her not being ESL at all
does it really?

>> No.37209789

she might do it again

>> No.37209856

"The whitest girl in Hololive" title is shared between her, Gura and Mumei.

>> No.37209887

everybody on this fucking site has read nietzsche anon

>> No.37209889

at least its not /vt/…

>> No.37209929

Being self-aware enough to understand why she doesn't want to participate and being secure enough to admit so on-stream just makes her seem all the more smart and mature.
You're like one of those drooling retards who think admitting you don't know is worse than just guessing.

>> No.37210185

My personal favorite rrat is that she had a speech impediment as a kid and took lessons. That made her hyper-aware of her own enunciation, which led to her current speech patterns.
