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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 156 KB, 719x1002, Screenshot_20221115-155640_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37179988 No.37179988 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being this guy. just fucking imagine.

>> No.37180027

seems based to me

>> No.37180034

but i don't want to imagine it

>> No.37180058

based timestamper

>> No.37180108

no this is fucking sad. you should see how fucking long they are.

>> No.37180109

Based. Timestampers keep me from having to be a clipfaggot when I'm too busy to catch up on full stream archives.

>> No.37180117

there used to be a guy for miko that would timestamp every fucking thing and translate it too

>> No.37180203

is this OP's first time seeing a dedicated timestamper?
even JP have them

>> No.37180204
File: 261 KB, 1080x1427, Screenshot_20221115-155902_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say?

>> No.37180294

Timestampers are great. Even when I watch the whole stream I usually want to go back to specific moments.

>> No.37180297

This is how you put autism to good societal use.

You could learn a thing or two from him.

>> No.37180300

Impressive considering the amount of streams he'll timestamp. Reminds me of the guy that timestamped for Moona for a few weeks, and how Reine has had a frequent timestamper for her streams for probably over a year now.

>> No.37180336

wow, a dedicated fan, you don't want that for a holo right? So, you cry here, hoping that some niggers with bad intentions will attack it with you? is what I'm getting here

>> No.37180343 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 299x237, gura average chumbud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found him

>> No.37180350

I respect this guy a lot.

>> No.37180417

Seems based to me. Rather watch the vods directly with timestamps than rely on clips. Cant remember any of the timestampers heart but I respect all of them

>> No.37180510
File: 1.51 MB, 666x666, 1649721650517.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based actual fan. More people like him and less garbage tourist trash like OP.

>> No.37180548

I can't even imagine being this based.

>> No.37180562

Timestampers are the unsung heroes of the community. Seems like you're just seething over being in the presence of a superior man.

>> No.37180589

If your chewber doesn't have a dedicated timestamper she's not loved.

>> No.37180613

>be useful for community while enjoying your hobbies
That is why we don't have a nice things. I bet you don't even have a job

>> No.37180704

>channel your autism into something good and beneficial to the community
>get criticized by other lazier and less useful autists

>> No.37180801

Why are you stalking random chumbuds, and further, making topics about it? IMAGINE being OP

>> No.37180802

I respect the shit out of timestampers.

>> No.37180825

My knees are going down on their own.

>> No.37180867

As a clipper myself this guy's doing a really impressive job to do the timestamp.

>> No.37180875

basically for each girld there is a discord with a bot that transcribes and marks the times. then someone copies or adjusts it for the timestamp comment. i prefer to see it in the comments than to enter those discords.

>> No.37180974

Have you considered slicing your throat?

>> No.37181053

he is more dedicated to Gura than the girl that personifies Gura

>> No.37181095

Based stream watcher sharing his timestamps
Seething thread reader

>> No.37181107


>> No.37181110

You sure about that? I've read that Kiara's does it solo. I feel like some of the EN girls have stupid accurate stamps too and they come out almost immediately after the stream ends

>> No.37181120

>complaining about somebody putting in effort into their hobby instead of being some ironic faggot
I fucking hate normalfags

>> No.37181211

Timestampers are based. Clipniggers get the rope.

>> No.37181243

Lazy cunt. Do something useful for your oshi rather than shitpost on here, retard.

>> No.37181276

now works for cover
another L for OP

>> No.37181326

wat you can track people's youtube comments now?

>> No.37181483

on mobile yes, just click their names

>> No.37181499

i'd laugh at anyone who sticks with gura that long but you don't shit at timestampers nigger

>> No.37181591
File: 1.28 MB, 300x198, smh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on a board about virtual youtubers, and you expect us to commiserate in your seething regarding someone who makes timestamps for virtual youtuber videos.

Rethink your life.

>> No.37181653

I don't need to imagine.

>> No.37181714

yeah imagine being of use to people. how horrible. much more based to sit on /vt/ and argue about made up rrats all day.

>> No.37182076
File: 148 KB, 1451x720, 1645794865213469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.37182078

srry no source. i saw 1 screenshot one time.

>> No.37182249

I also like when people timestamp when the stream starts
says the one posting on vt
get a job you useless retard

>> No.37183005

>watching hundreds of streams of garbage games for 2 or 3 good streams
>autistically writing down every moment so your name appears at the top of the comments
>Your oshi doesn't even remember your name

He's a loser and a simp. If you think i'ts "based" to waste hundred of hours of your time just for scraps of recognition from a woman, you are a simp too.

I haven't seen more than 5 complete streams of any vtuber, most of them are very low quality.

>> No.37183088

watching some fugly girl play mediocre games pretending to be an anime girl is as much of a hobby as watching porn or watching goyslop tv.

>> No.37183091

seems like a pretty useful service he's doing

>> No.37183126

>I haven't seen more than 5 complete streams of any vtuber
ironyc fans and normalfags fuck off

>> No.37183138

what are you doing on this board exactly?

>> No.37183189

>he said, on /vt/
>while reddit spacing
wherever you came from, you need to go back

>> No.37183229
File: 906 KB, 1017x667, 1660278329143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timestampers are fine. They watch watch the entire stream and segment it for people that may not have time to watch the whole thing. Which is a million times better than chopping it up into individual clips and presenting them as clickbait or any other such nonsense which can be misunderstood without the rest of the context.

>> No.37183244

Timestampers use their time to do something that benefits the community they're a part of where as you just act like a faggot and belittle someone on 4chan for actually trying to do something for the benefit of other people. Your existence is far, far sadder and more pathetic than this guy

>> No.37183284

or complaining on an imageboard dedicated to fugly girls that play mediocre games pretending to be anime girls about people who watch fugly girls that play mediocre games pretending to be anime girls

>> No.37183285

they also make it easy for normalfags to skip the boring parts and for clippers too.

>> No.37183379

>the "community"
lol, lmao. The community is absolute gargabe. Have you seen the state of this board? Have you seen how cringey the comments below every stream and every clip are. The community is easily the worst part of vtubing, it would be better if the vtubers played the game and completly ignored "chat" and their dumb unfunny comments.

>> No.37183381

That is really cool of him.

>> No.37183385

No, it's definitely more of a hobby than that, because at least you can pretend to enjoy things.

>> No.37183542

I 100% agree but timestamping is still way less pathetic than OP even if the timestamping is for the most cringeworthy fanbase in existence

>> No.37183584

Someone has to do it.

>> No.37183611

even discord raids ain't this retarded

>> No.37183646

You are just bitter. Keep the tears coming.

>> No.37183667

Paypig chumbud here.
He's the GOAT
I prefer timestamps than clippers anyways, screw clippers

>> No.37183820

>comparing timestamping with clips
OP you lost at like the first reply
give up already

>> No.37183861

>the community is shit! just look at how hard I'm shitting it up!

>> No.37183888

guy popped up shortly after Mori's split had discussions about lacking a proper timestamper once she started having long streams
then he started timestamping other members too (I know of Gura and IRyS)

>> No.37183978

I wish I could have guy's dedication and commitment. Just not on Vtubers.

>> No.37183985

>n-no HE is pathetic not me, h-he puts effort into his hobbies and is not an ironicfag like me
you are one sad and useless bastard

>> No.37184020

Based and extremely useful for soundposters

>> No.37184081

Imagine being mad at a guy who is providing a free and helpful service to the community, while all you are doing is posting screenshots on vt. Examine your life son, reflect on the choices you have made

>> No.37184085

>and for clippers too
This part I agree with. They inadvertently facilitate clipfag channels, which is in my opinion the biggest downside.

>> No.37184092

Based deadbeat

>> No.37184162

More useful than 99% of fans that don't donate or support their oshis. Truly the unsung heroes of the community

>> No.37184220
File: 54 KB, 225x234, 1663624584290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine liking something
>Just fucking imagine
Couldn't be me, that's for certain

>> No.37184343

These are "haha funni" timestamps , they are very easy to come by from Gura. The best timestamps are the ones that make people realize something rather interesting about your oshi, and of course they are not for sharing.

>> No.37184376

You must be jealous of his power.

>> No.37184450

Who are the best timestampers for Holo girls anyways? I just know they exist but I think some do a better job than others

>> No.37184478

>The best timestamps are the ones that make people realize something rather interesting about your oshi,
What do you actually mean by this?

>> No.37184549

timestampers are based

>> No.37184559

Based behavior
Literal faggot behavior

>> No.37184768

Timestampers are one of the few good people in this community.

>> No.37185102

>Crying over literally nothing

>> No.37185474

He contributes to the community unlike the faggot OP

>> No.37185509

It'd be fine if he gets paid for it
Alot of redditors mad about this post

>> No.37185694

Neck yourself, OP.

>> No.37185817
File: 100 KB, 587x503, 1000pages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy. He also does EN/JP and EN/DE live translations when necessary.

>> No.37185914

Watching streams is a low-effort, low-iq hobby. It doesn't require any intellectual capacity, sporting ability or even social interaction.

What's wrong with acknowledging this? I enjoy McDonald's but I don't pretend it's a three star restaurant.

What's wrong with ironicfags feeling embarrassed of their hobby?

>> No.37185919

Fuck off. Timestampers are more useful than most everyone on this board. I cannot even conceive one reason why you would shit on someone doing something helpful for every Vtuber fan. In short, kill yourself.

>> No.37185951

damn, if only have that sort of dedication to something.

>> No.37186032

Anon, you misspelled “commitment, focus, and sheer fucking will.”
Modernity is marked by a loss of heroes and figures to look up to. We need new people to turn to for guidance and inspiration. This man is one of them.
I kneel.

>> No.37186283

Timestampers are KINGS
