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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37171308 No.37171308 [Reply] [Original]

What makes female vtubers so much more popular than male ones when the reverse is true for fleshtubers?

What is your personal criteria for accepting a male vtuber on his own? What about collabing with female vtubers?

I like Roberu, for example, but I think maybe that has something to do with him being bullied a bit?

I like Kanda too, and I hope he's banging the hell out of Mirei off stream.

>> No.37171487

The majority of people who watch streams are men. However they have been trained by a lifetime to put up anti-thot defenses when they see a woman streaming.
The vtuber avatar is like a trojan horse that bypasses these defenses making female vtubers highly successful.
There is no need to bypass any defenses for men watching men so the vtuber avatar doesn't have benefit for male streamers and is more likely to be detrimental. It may be a better idea to have no cam at all.

>> No.37171603

I wonder how many vtubers that backfires though.

Until Pippa, I never donated to female vtubers because if I've giving a gift to a woman it has to be, like, a whole deer that I personally slew with my own two hands and maybe a rock.

Men are used to getting scraps, so they're grateful for whatever.

>> No.37171916

bobs and vagene

>> No.37171956

There are an exception for:
-Those who wanna larp as anime characters.
-Those who don´t wanna show their RL faces in the camera.
-Those who do it for money.

Overall, a charismatic enough male vtuber, one that doesn´t have the personality of a papper toilet, and decent voice should be able to attract males as well.
But you know, most male vtuber I have seen tend to cather to girls, with their effeminate and soft models that looks from Manhwas of BL and such(Which I believe is the easiest way to make money and viewership)
Also, I´m surprised I haven´t found many male vtubers that take aesthetics and mannerism of Western Cartoons from the 90s. I have found at least 3, which are just funny to listen. I ain´t gonna show who they are because this place doesn´t deserve them.

>> No.37172045

Cute anime girls > cute anime boys
That's literally it. Sex appeal.
For fleshtubing it's about entertainment and hopefully not be a hideous monstrosity and at least look somewhat presenting.

>> No.37172087

I sexually attracted to woman more than man

>> No.37172096

Beatani said it best when she said that males should just drop the pretense female avatars because female anime women are inherently better than anime men

>> No.37172129

In fact, I could go on and say that Pippa also has these mannerisms and charisma. Like, she behaves as if she was some deranged cartoon rabbit girl from a black comedy of the 90´s thrown in the internet.

>> No.37172166

The avatar lets women play into their personas a lot more. That's why all the biggest ones are "characters" and the smaller ones feel like average streamers, because they are.
The most popular male fleshtubers also play characters and ironically men are more guarded with avatars because their audience is much more specific about their tastes.

>> No.37172173

This, a male can just be a regular streamer

>> No.37172191

>What makes female vtubers so much more popular than male ones when the reverse is true for fleshtubers?
The reverse is not true. Stop looking at the top 1% of fleshstreamers, who are predominantly male. Look at the hordes of fleshstreamer 3views and you’ll finds plenty of women with onlyfans.

>> No.37172531

I literally prefer fleshtubers. The only reason I watch vtubers is because all the attractive Thots have terrible taste in videogames.

>> No.37172645
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A fleshtuber I watch (jerma985) does facecam every stream now and it totally changes the whole feeling and tone of the stream in a way I don't like. Maybe what attracted me to vtubers is that there isn't that element. I'd rather have 1). Nothing but gameplay like the Somethingawful days 2). Vtuber

>> No.37172777

Anime titties. Men are also more forgiving of a woman when she has an anime avatar compared to a female flesh streamer. See the Kronii situation for a perfect situation.

>> No.37172990

Think of it this way, most fleshtuber females are only relatable to female audience male fleshtubers are relatable across the board vtuber females are relatable in the same way fleshtuber males are but they are also cute, male vtubers are just fleshtubers but with an avatar only attracting the dorky female audience, some faggots and the few people that really like vtubers.

>> No.37173486

You don't need a guy to have an avatar for him to be entertaining (if you're not a woman or a faggot)
For women it allows them to not reveal their appearance with avatar being hypothetically even more visually pleasing (and in this case it's important) and shift your focus to their other traits as streamers (voice, entertaining abilities and such)

>> No.37173594

Oh my god I would follow the fuck out of an 80s/90s action cartoon hero vtuber.

>> No.37173650

That brings up the question of why there are so many attractive female vtubers.

I get that there are a lot of uggos too, but...

>> No.37174015

For safety reasons
>to shift your focus to their other traits as streamers (voice, entertaining abilities and such)
Another thing is that for beautiful women, insecurity is very common. (the general rule: the prettier the girl the more insecure she is) So unless they are self-centered flesh whores, they just feel more comfortable behind the avatar.

>> No.37174143
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How can i watch a male over this?

>> No.37175854

Male Vtubers are incompatible. Males and Vtubing are incompatible.

Idol Culture is the true essence of Vtuber. Males can never be Idols.

There is no entertainment with males pulling idol card. Femanons watch males chuubas not for the same qualities males anons watch female chuubas.

And for I am not tranny, and filthy person with a dick
I'd rather watch thots vtubers over thots fleshtubers
I'd rather watch men fleshtubers over wannabe cringe boys band gay ass men chuubas.

>> No.37175915

I mean, people say "idol culture this, japan culture that" but look at what happened with Asmongold or... that other dude.

They got significant others and their fanbases went wild.

>> No.37176484

Why is all-girl anime more popular than all-boy anime? It's literally the same obvious reason.

>> No.37176546

"Misogyny" "Male privilege" "Heteronormativity" (despite lesbians being a thing), "Insert Buzzword Here"

>> No.37178197

holo girls still dominate numberwise but male vtubers aren't unpopular, or else they'd all be 3views which isn't the case at all.
Not all vtubers are idols and male idols irl are really popular so everything you said is fucking retarded

>> No.37178330

anime girls are cute

>> No.37179877


>> No.37179949

Women are naturally social compared to men, so they have social lives.

>> No.37181535

Lmao even

>> No.37181808

Most women are insufferable, but animated women are idealized versions of women...that's what anime has wired our brains to believe anyways....so they'll get a pass whereas fleshtuber women will be held to much more scrutiny.

Male Vtubers are just gay and only faggots enjoy it. There's nothing more to it than that.

>> No.37182371

would you watch a male vtuber who espoused the glory, perfection, and religion of the Waifu?

>> No.37182724
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Are you not forgetting about someone?

>> No.37183558

N... no?

>> No.37183783

males can't into vtubing, they always do it wrong
they say Vesper is great but I don't see it, Magni is overrated as fuck too, I already watch Jerma, what else do I need
I understand females who like Kuzuha or Izuru I guess, they know how to be anime boys, but other than that I don't understand the concept of a male vtuber

>> No.37183950

There are male idols in Japan, and many women see male voice actors as idols.
Male vtubers who are gaining popularity are like streamers with avatars. I think Kanae and Kuzuha are basically the top male vtubers. They are popular mainly due to their idolism, but also because of their long hours of streaming. And then there are vtubers like Maimoto whose viewers are mostly male. Men certainly have a harder time gaining popularity, but in the end it's just a matter of whether they are funny or not.
Holostars is not growing because it is simply not interesting. Only Robel is well known because he often streams with interesting groups (Inaba Haneru, Kagura Mea, Maimoto, etc.).

>> No.37184494

Women have resting bitch face, Anime guys look like stiff planks of wood.

>> No.37185005

And then we got BTS and the whole male Kpop scene. Can make kpop idols be Vtubers?

>> No.37186060

Nijisanji definitely puts alot of emphasis in marketing their male vtuber unit like ChroNoir, ROF-MAO,VΔLZ, Luxiem and Voltaction. They have a denser following some of the Hololive Corpo lead units like NEGIU, ORIO, or UMISEA. Some of the Niji male units can compete in viewership with likes of MiComet, DEATHSTAR, and PekoMiko.When the demographic shift is notably present with male vtuber units it becomes very viable for different types of ventures for the vtubers companies to take.

>> No.37186244

This post reeks of ignorance. Jesus christ. I know /vt/ is a holoboard, but damn. . .

>> No.37186300

At least men can have smoking hot babi designs

>> No.37186330

>What makes female vtubers so much more popular than male
Because vtubing is about cute girls doing cute things. This means male vtubers are abnormal paradoxes that shouldn't exist, so naturally, they're less popular.

>> No.37186515

Look up Roberu, particularly his interactions with female Vtubers.

Or Kanda's interactions with Gundou Mirei.

>> No.37186935

Vox is the most popular Vtuber though?

>> No.37189435

I don't know why anons here are still this fucking dumb. nijiguys are as popular, if not more than their female counterpart. They never had a problem with getting an audience. And male indies or males from small corpos are also doing fine.
Retards like this just live in a bubble of ignorance

>> No.37189626

Numbers please. I'm curious.

>> No.37190357
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Because the demographic for stream watchers are males. To pull off a male vtuber with a high CCV without coomerbaiting, the corpos need a male vtuber who's acceptable for male watchers. No, not meme-ed to become brotubers like Tempus.
This is the trickiest part:
From my experience, scouting "brotuber" vtubers is a lot harder than an idol/singer type males and coomerbait males. I could make a vtuber list that might work as an idol group, but I couldn't find "brotubers" they might be great as a solo streamer, but can they get along with each other to have a chemistry full of banters? And looking from the responses here, male anon suggestions are too niche.
It would be great if they upload montage type videos when playing with their bros like the Milyhya (Kobo's Collab partner with 50k CCV premiere)
Sadly most low views male vtubers are not doing it.
as for me, i like the idol journey Hololive sell to me. I would oshi someone of my own gender if they're ambitious or talented, bonus if they don't act like a whore in front of males especially to my male oshis. I dunno if this also apply to male watchers.

>> No.37190783

Is it weird that I legit want Roberu to bang all of Animare (and their moms)?

>> No.37191333

【Pentiment】medieval peasant simulator

>> No.37192955

Psychologically, Why do you want that?
Some anons have said my male oshi is "based" because female vtubers want him, even though he remained single after all those awkward "wingman" bullshits his corpo mate pulled for him. In my POV it's so strange and shocking.
Are you guys real cucks? Self-inserts?

>> No.37193484

she admited to be a vtuber parody

>> No.37193708
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There are still popular male vtubers, but /vt/ isn't the intended audience for them for the most part. And why should it be? People here bitch and cry about wanting a ''brotuber'' but even if there was a male vtuber that somehow counted as a proper brotuber by this board's definiton, they'd drop him the moment he did a minor thing they didn't like or they found a female vtuber to watch instead. Brotuber watchers wouldn't stay loyal.

>> No.37195162

Neither. I actually dislike NTR unless I can project onto the guy doing the mate poaching (so Netori). I just wish the best for my guy.

>> No.37195279

Agreed, fake anime women are more tolerable to look at then fake flesh women

>> No.37195496

He's right, men are more solo

>> No.37196365

A lot of times male vtuber avatars look like twinks or faggots so that filters me from the get go, have a model that doesnt look ripped from a otome and actually looks like a man and its okay for me. Personality wise just dont be a fujobait, stream good games and have a non cardboard personality, i dont ask much.
idgaf about female collabs or collabs as a thing to begin with, for me, over reliance on collabing means you are boring as fuck solo and are more of an accessory to a whole. Have some self personality goddamn it.

>> No.37196554

Men don’t have to overcome a looks/beauty barrier that women do.
Women also get stalked/doxxed a lot, so having a pen name and chuuba face works for them.

>> No.37196679

Lol, only chink watch him.

>> No.37201366

Idk how banging a lot of women = the best for your broshi. Unless the person himself wanted it
I certainly don't want to push my female oshis into harem hetships against their will. I couldn't imagine them getting banged by a bunch of guys, or thinking it would be a "based" thing to do

>> No.37202875

So are we just going to pretend Nijisanji does not exist, and that NijiENs face is not a man who belongs to a wave that put NijiEN on the map? Male chuubas can exist, if they appeal to women.

>> No.37203850

>What is your personal criteria for accepting a male vtuber
i reject them totally and categorically. there are no circumstances under which i would accept one.

>> No.37204380

"cute anime girl" is just more popular than male anime anything. It fucking sucks because I grew up as a shounen fag and NO WAY FAG in terms of giving woman money and so I've always wanted games and shit about cool anime chads but now the market is flooded with anime girls, this applies to vtubers as well. It's just the way shit is. Just because I fap to anime girls doesn't mean I want my entire entertainment bubble to revolve around them.

>> No.37206549

>Male chuubas can exist, if they appeal to women

>> No.37206816

Bro... the anime industry was all about harems with a male protag dominating all the girls while beating up the evil male villain with intense rivalry.
>entire entertainment bubble to revolve around anime girls

>> No.37210130

>What makes female vtubers so much more popular than male ones when the reverse is true for fleshtubers?
Anime girls are cute

>> No.37210208

Because men hiding behind anime avatar is lame as fuck
Might as well watch average anons from here if I want to watch losers

>> No.37214370

1. Not wanting to collan with males
2. Not being a fuccboi model
3. Sounding like a casual well-mannered YouTuber, perhaps with prior video essayist experience unrelated to VTubing drama

>> No.37214422

I meant collab with females*, I might be a wee drunk
