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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 116 KB, 827x519, 1668130594040371-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36937084 No.36937084 [Reply] [Original]

Why does she make so many announcements

>> No.36937120

Still not the announcement I'm waiting for.

>> No.36937133

noticeme girl

>> No.36937148

Yes I want her to announce Tempus x gura collab

>> No.36937173

to grow her roomates clout. started with the rap contest to advertice those two boring zombie.

>> No.36937184

Waiting for her to announce her graduation, shit she would do everyone a favour with that

>> No.36937522

addicted to attention


>> No.36937728
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She's panicking because her UMG songs keep flopping

>> No.36937765

She has had the most projects out of EN

>> No.36937802

KEK getting beat by respective failures of their gen of all things

>> No.36937819
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Compare her superchat income in regular streams vs announcement streams.
She needs to pump out constant announcements and overhype them even when it's something completely retarded like a new merch store because announcement streams are her main source of income to finance her hedonistic lifestyle.
She can't go back to being a pleb or even upper middle class.

>> No.36937846

>vtuber makes an announcement if they have merch, music, etc.
>when Mori does it, it's bad because there's a lot of it
You people are retarded

>> No.36937905

There is a difference between announcing something actually worthwhile and Mori taking a disgusting heaping shit on your desk and trying to sell it as liquid crack

>> No.36937920

Yes, it's really bad because it's Mori

>> No.36938009

Isn't that just a matter of opinion

>> No.36938039

Ok, now graph out Mori's amount of announcements vs the entire rest of ENs announcements.
Then compare how many ENs announced song covers or other minor shit during normal streams vs tweeting out announcements to announcements and then having a whole announcement stream to milk superchats.

>> No.36938053

Didn't Iofi say recently she can completely finance her life just with 200 dedicated viewers? I feel like numberniggers are losing touch with reality more and more each day

>> No.36938093

You're mad because she's advertising herself?

>> No.36938106

Nigga, we both know Mori fucking burns through money. She fucking uses ubereats to have a single bottle of water delivered. I don't think Iofi does that.

>> No.36938144

You realize she buys massive canteens and not singular 500ml bottles
They're comically big

>> No.36938203
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Why do schizos twist their brains into pretzels every time this woman so much as breathes? Did this single tweet about nothing warrant two bait threads? Please reevaluate.

>> No.36938227 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the input cuckbeat. That totally makes having a carbon footprint 1000 times the size of a normal person's OK.

>> No.36938238

Iofi’s Indonesian. Cost of living is lower and the purchasing power of chuuba income is so good she can have good quality of life. Mori has to grind and pump out content if she wants to live expensive lifestyle in Japan or back in the states. Unless she’s okay with being an expat in Southeast Asia

>> No.36938360

Why not? Let her, we're not gonna watch it anyways.

>> No.36938378

Living cost is cheaper in Indonesia, but yeah, they should have more than enough.

>> No.36938412

God i hate this pretentious woman so much no wonder she's a Double Chinigami

>> No.36938444


>> No.36938458

She also takes a taxi for everything in Tokyo, which must be comically expensive. That and flying internationally pretty much every month. At this point she will likely end up as a wagie in a few years after her Holo career because her RM career is in the gutter and she got too privileged to act financially responsible

>> No.36938474

Why do people unironically move to Japan? Unless you're an expat working for an international company or can actually speak the language and participate in society, I don't get it. All these youtubers and vtubers (including some indies I found on twitch) move there while not even speaking the language. It's not there's such a lower cost of living there compared to the US or Canada

>> No.36938480

enjoy her announcement I guess

>> No.36938487

Do you often just make things up to fill the gaps of knowledge in your head and pass it off as fact

>> No.36938517

Do you spend your entire life on this board gaslighting to protect m'lady?

>> No.36938520

This she could be set for life if she didnt insist on that "rockstar lifestyle" with all the alcohol and drugs she can get her hands on

>> No.36938560

>That totally makes having a carbon footprint 1000 times the size of a normal person's OK
Since when did 4chan start giving a shit about that?

>> No.36938561

Trying to stay relevant while sliding into the abyss.

>> No.36938656

Since Twitter trannies joined

>> No.36938699

Sliding into obesity you mean kek , she's slowly killing herself while dragging everyone around her down with her

>> No.36938750

I mean, just let her milk the shir out of the retards, this is exactly what they choose when they decided to simp for Mori of all people

>> No.36938815

She announced a fucking announcement, again. A sensible person would first promote her teaser on twitter to gather hype and mystery and THEN after it's ready she'll announce her entire project. Announcing an announcement in a stream is anti-hype, that was the moment

>> No.36938835

This is exactly the same shit rushia did and we all know how that ended

>> No.36938837

>She announced a fucking announcement, again
Welcome to Japan.

>> No.36938875

Well Mori doesn't do GFE though.

>> No.36938935

She actually does , its retarded pick me GFE but GFE none the less

>> No.36938968


>> No.36938991

>and drugs she can get her hands on
if she were chasing the dragon she'd be skinny she's just an alcoholic

>> No.36939049

>Sliding into obesity you mean kek
checked, but she's already there anon

>> No.36939201

No idea what chasing the dragon means but she kinda talked about her purple drankies like an idiot also about getting anxiety attacks after smoking the devils lettuce sooo seeing her as a druggie is kinda legitimate

>> No.36939268

She lives rent free in their heads, pls andastand.

>> No.36939412

>getting anxiety attacks after smoking the devils lettuce
Nigga, the story goes she tried it and had panic attacks so she never smoked again.

>> No.36939482

So you're not denying her lean habit?
how the fuck can you even believe her damage control?

>> No.36939536
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I don't know but let me know when she announces she's going to make me live in a cock cage and only cum from her pegging me, thanks

>> No.36939669

Because it's retarded

>> No.36939712

Sure anon doesnt keep her from throwing drug addled rager parties where she confirmed people being on drugs , shes definetly not doing them herself...baka

>> No.36939729
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1662028529861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She announced a fucking announcement, again.
You do know other holos have done this too right? Did it anger you all those times as well or just with Mori?

>> No.36939750

what is wrong with you?

>> No.36939824

It's a Japanese company she works for, makes music and shit for, not to mention she's a Japanophile with yellow fever. Of course she'd be over there.

>> No.36939846

>That totally makes having a carbon footprint 1000 times the size of a normal person's OK.
This board has become a parody of itself.

>> No.36939851
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I didn't have a father figure growing up

>> No.36939890

Still 1st world country but with a twist.

>> No.36939914

>Has a panic attack smoking weed
What a fucking punk.

>> No.36940220

That was her sister, anon.

>> No.36940406
File: 198 KB, 491x444, 1658981117056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...is a lot of the hate towards Mori just a result of anons playing a game of telephone with information from streams that they haven't actually watched?

>> No.36940602


>> No.36941041

Except she was there for years before Hololive even existed.

>> No.36941111
File: 216 KB, 515x521, 1643189773516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeabooism is a powerful drug.

>> No.36941980

She was there chasing dick (mine).

>> No.36942335

That was her sister throwing that rager party

>> No.36942589

when she became the hardest working Vtuber

>> No.36942627

>when Mori does it, it's bad because there's a lot of it
Unironically yes.

>> No.36942645 [DELETED] 

Being a drug a drug addled hambeast runs in the family huh? Mori could definetly not have prevented this if she actually gave a fuck ? deadbrap cope

>> No.36942685

5% KEK

>> No.36942697 [DELETED] 

Get a life and then end it.

>> No.36942959

Yes that has been the status quo for some time and she makes it laughably easy to keep it by proving it right time and time again

>> No.36943012 [DELETED] 

Why are cuckbeats so easily triggered?

>> No.36943045

Pictures of Mori on your wall next to all the holes you've punched in it when "surely she'll get in trouble this time!" You petulant child. Your mother must be so proud
>Please son, get a job. Go outside and talk to people.
>But mom! I need to own the cuckbeats online! This is important!

>> No.36943108

You sound like a woman , you should stop projecting

>> No.36943131

Why are you? Cucking your oshi by focusing on Mori and thinking about the homos all day. Congrats, cuckbeat.

>> No.36943162

Original songs vs popular cover songs isn't a fair comparison and I say that as a Mori anti.

>> No.36943164

>(+1 more hole)
Oof. Patch that up before your dad comes home with the belt.

>> No.36943204

Kek, concession accepted

>> No.36943218

>carbon footprint
LOL Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.36943271

>before your dad comes home with the belt.
I said stop projecting you retard , doubling down doesnt help you with your missing father figure you're probably one of the retards calling her dad

>> No.36943273

I accept yours.

>> No.36943419

1. They're weebs and consider it Aliyah to go to Japan
2. Japan is relatively much safer where they come from. Almost no dangerous blacks or sandnogs to shoot/stab/rape/acid attack them.
3. Japan is good for introverts and streamers that want to compartmentalize their lives and get away from their pasts in their home countries.

>> No.36943453

>I said
I don't give a fuck what you said, you filthy fucking excuse of a human. If I wanted come back, I would tell your mother to spit it into a cup. As she should have done with you.
You want to keep spamming threads and crying about Mori then you can deal with a few mean words. Actually, you can't. Which is why you obsessively cry on this board looking for approval.
Now go back to Twitter, 9gag, iFunnu, or whatever shithole you came from, cuckbeat. You can cry about Mori being a bitch and get pats on the back there.

>> No.36943517

>I accept yours
but anon you shouldnt accept some dick raping you for all to see this easily , even Mori has more selfworth than this , always fun to see people flail like this when they run out of arguments and start to ignore shit kek

>> No.36943569

Kek this is a grade a Tantrum , you really dont belong here if people get under your skin this easily

>> No.36943573

>"popular" cover songs
They are fucking literalwho songs you lying, gaslighting piece of shit sociopath.
And if you want to compare Mori's trash to recent originals she gets mogged even harder,

>> No.36943622
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>you lying, gaslighting piece of shit sociopath

>> No.36943635


>> No.36943665

Took my cock down your throat and asks for more
Sorry deadbeat, that's all you get. Go back to the mori split

>> No.36943764 [DELETED] 

Kek still projecting , listen nobody will take you seriously after throwing a Tantrum like a fucking Child, why are deadcucks like this ? You're almost worse than Mori

>> No.36943785


>> No.36943874
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>> No.36944058
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Can't believe I'm laughing so hard at such a dumb interaction

>> No.36944195

Please be considerate, they don't know Japanese and like JP chuubas more only because they hate English and don't understand Nihongo.

>> No.36944558

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.36944676
File: 242 KB, 406x406, 1650336462746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the average deadbeat/Mori sympathizer.

>> No.36944691

No. She actually did 90% of the things /vt/ accuses her of.

>> No.36944851

that's Fauna not Bae

>> No.36945013

>status: cracked

>> No.36945093

The sad thing is this is actually true she dug this hole herself and deadcucks still pretend the world has it out for her

>> No.36945164
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Most blatantly butthurt post I've seen this year.

>> No.36945362

Fandead also did this until the bitter end , coincidence ? I think not!

>> No.36945479

>she dug this hole herself
I mean yeah. She knew that anons will never have any balls to actually do anything to her she can freely shit up this place.

>> No.36945570

Mori schizoposters are so mindbroken and backwards at this point I can't even tell if this is supposed to be a deadbeat or an anti.
Browsing /vt/ is like visiting the zoo nowadays.

>> No.36945582

You're talking about the holo which one troll SC made spiral into insanity for weeks kek

>> No.36945684

And that is the worst part people here do so why not try to fuck with this place?

>> No.36945777

nta bu it'st probably not that good for her mental health is she is THAT Thinskinned she should just ignore this place

>> No.36945810

And as you have seen she clearly doesn't care about her mental health.

>> No.36945826

>carbon footprint
the fuck is this Twitter garbage

>> No.36945867

You belong behind bars along with Mori schizoposters due to how stupid your post is.

>> No.36946524

>Didn't watch the original song her supposed friend made, making her cry on stream.
>Later lies to said friend about watching her King cover live on stream, proving she pays zero attention to what her supposed friend produces as the 'cover' was a rickroll april fools tweet. Presumably this lie was to avoid a repeat of the first point.
>Deadfishes in the middle of the mat during a group vr twister collab, ruining a large portion of it.
>Deliberately books her colleagues for a ttrpg session a day before her roommate similar commitments, cancels at the last minute after forcing all her colleagues up at awkward hours despite knowing she had overcommitted herself for days at least.
>Gives her sister the keys to the bnb booked for a private off collab hangout, brings her paranoid colleague and supposed friend over to find her sister throwing a 'rager' and then live on stream admits she abandoned her supposed friend while also suggesting perhaps her 'friend' is enjoying the debaucher of the raver.
These are merely the events I personally witnessed watching streams. So what is unreasonable of me greatly disliking her after all of that anon?

>> No.36946740

>Gives her sister the keys to the bnb booked for a private off collab hangout, brings her paranoid colleague and supposed friend over to find her sister throwing a 'rager' and then live on stream admits she abandoned her supposed friend while also suggesting perhaps her 'friend' is enjoying the debaucher of the raver.
This was the end of my career as a deadbeat. Forcing Gura in that situation with no warning was unforgivable.

>> No.36947067

>>Didn't watch the original song her supposed friend made, making her cry on stream.
Time stamp of this?

>> No.36947567

Mori is the only member of Holo EN with a record deal. As such she puts out a ton of music - probably more than the other members combined. Hardest worker in the game.

>> No.36947614

Thats why she only spends 5% on her fans

>> No.36947753

Lots of ancient shit here, anon.
> Kiara and Calli made fun of the King cover incident when they sang it together at karaoke later. Indeed, she's the only HoloEN member to actually visit Austria.
> Its clear the TTRPG failed when someone lost interest in it. Ever since then its been hard to get the group back together.
> Sister had a party without her knowledge.

>> No.36947957

She needs to stop paying taxes to 2 different countries if she's still doing that

>> No.36948122

Trust me, a lot of deadbeats are happy we have an entire album of music for christmas.

>> No.36948706

Their making a joke about it over a year later after patching up the friendship doesn't change the fact it was a shitty thing to do anon.
I'm well aware interest in finishing the campaign faded out. You'll notice it was abandoned entirely after the incident I mentioned. Regardless it doesn't excuse mori standing them up, that's just a shitty thing to do.
To make it clear for you the pattern with all the incidents leading up to the 'rager' is mori repeatedly showing little to no regard for anyone besides herself, even going so far as to lie on at least one occasion. Single incidents are easily excused but long consistent and established patterns are not.
Once upon a time I gave her the benefit of the doubt for the earlier things, but as these kept piling up it became impossible to do that.

>> No.36948862
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, Kek[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftyq7yt.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an anime girl causes you to seethe THIS much
I would honestly pity you if this wasn't so funny. Goddamn some of you niggas are fucking pathetic. The absolute state of Mori antis.

>> No.36948896

She's a frogposter and has an announcement to make pls understand.

>> No.36948972

>when Mori does it, it's bad
Why yes, of course!

>> No.36949003

It's likely a contractual obligation via the UMG deal to promoted her music. The fact that she now does a special announcement for every relatively mundane music release would seem to point to that.

>> No.36949040

You do have point. Pre-UMG I don't remember her doing it this much.

>> No.36949249

So she only does it for the money ? Kinda sad to see green bills being more important than her simps

>> No.36949341

I don't think she went in on that deal for money, it's for her ego. Being "signed" by a real company, not a vtuber company, means she made it.

>> No.36949434

There's no timestamp because it never happened. He's conflating multiple events into one. Either because he's a schizo or his memory has deteriorated. Quite sad either way.

>> No.36949722

kinda correct but not exactly. Mori has had tendency to overhype her stuffs since the beginning. Sure she didn't make announcement stream every other week like she does now but she constantly mentioned "exciting stuffs" on stream back when I was still watching her. Whether that kind of self promoting is good or not is subjective but personally I found them very suffocating whenever I heard about it for it's nothing new or surprising, just another song/music related stuff

>> No.36950720

You know this is not true

>> No.36951126

Playing the algorithm in an attempt to stop her free fall from 3view to 2view

>> No.36951359

Is this a Suzumori Remu reference?

>> No.36951598

Her soulless corpo overlords forcing her probably

>> No.36951678

Announcements are an easy wait to bait red akasupas.

Funny how she dunked on vtweeters and their debut meta, but now is adopting this low effort scheme.

>> No.36951827 [DELETED] 

Well, Mori is a twitch whore that lucked into Holo. She would've been happier in VShojo, but wait, she was a nobody groupie before, so no corpo would've taken her.

>> No.36951869

>To make it clear for you the pattern with all the incidents leading up to the 'rager' is mori repeatedly showing little to no regard for anyone besides herself, even going so far as to lie on at least one occasion.
it's the opposite tho?
she didn't see Kiara's release, but she didn't want her to feel bad so she said she liked it
she wanted to finish the TTRPG to get it over with, but didn't want people to have a bad experience, so she dropped two opportunities to just can it
she wanted to be nice to her sister during her bday, so she trusted her with the door code

if she didn't consider others, all of these instances have much easier solutions
>no, I didn't listen to it
>let's wrap it up guys, I just want to be done with this
>nah, fuck off, it's for work

>> No.36951887

UMG noticed it brings numbers so they make her spam it, they didn't realize that spamming it decreases its effect

>> No.36951908

>Forcing Gura in that situation with no warning was unforgivable.
Gura went there a day later, the "with no warning" part is pure conjecture, especially since they were in contact prior to that

>> No.36951983

Nice revisionism
>hey gura, wanna come to my house
>*opens door*
>gura, sorry, my sis came and crashed my house, don't worry, come in

>> No.36952007

I doubt she was watching the stream

>> No.36952009

the SC had 0 to do with it, the recent vent just proves any sort of tight deadline makes her prone to ranting

>> No.36952061

and then they all raped her and made her triple ahegao i saw the pictures on instagram

>> No.36952066

that's, once again, pure conjecture
all we know that they were in contact, the original party happened a day earlier and continued in a smaller form and that Gura joined during day 2
Gura provided no details suggesting otherwise, so all we have is Mori's account and that's all we got from it

>> No.36952114

>so no corpo would've taken her
Anon, hololive is corpo.

>> No.36952118

Money mori

>> No.36952126


>> No.36952145

this is the funniest shit I've ever read

>> No.36952154

She has a lot of stuff to announce

>> No.36952212

I dislike Mori too, but you gotta understand she was the biggest catch out of all of Myth.

>> No.36952222

I'm no Mori expert but from what I've seen from her songs and clips of her and how she behaves she has some sort of complex.
"Poor me I work so hard and I'm so talented why am I not recognized enough, haters hate,woe is me"

>> No.36952261
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Yeah, like her pregnancy and marriage to me.

>> No.36952287

you know the
>I'm working on projects!
>[no delivery]

Mori is that but without the second bit

>> No.36952384
File: 181 KB, 500x500, AD6CE406-12CD-4069-8BB8-CF290F803076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the yabs are legit but I think a lot are overblown. The party thing gets twisted into “poor little gooba got gang banged and was forced to inject heroin at gun point” type shit but the actual issue was the potential for their location to be doxed. Especially since Mori’s roommate is know to a decent amount of people.

>> No.36952412


>> No.36952505

She took Gallagher too! GODDAMN!!

>> No.36953559

watch streams

>> No.36954004

Ok if I'm wrong...go ahead and post the timestamp nigga.
>Didn't watch the original song her supposed friend made, making her cry on stream.
An incident like this should be easy to find proof of right?

>> No.36955012

>spoonfeed me !

>> No.36955728
File: 87 KB, 262x262, 1643977523213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah and there it is. The classic excuse for when an idiot doesn't have any proof. You love to see it.
Funny how there's so much proof for all the other stuff Mori has done...but no one can ever provide proof for this claim.
You guys always give me a good laugh. Hope your day is going well my man. Cheers.

>> No.36955895

dude i´m just lazy i watched it myself back then im not about to make an actual effort to find it for some random ass nigger on the internet , search for it yourself

>> No.36956059

Mori didn't watch Heart Challenger and she made Kiara cry on stream a few times. But it isn't her failure to watch Heart Challenger that made Kiara cry. Mori fucked up so many times her fuckups blend together sometimes.

>> No.36956164

grasping to relevancy because she's not attractive enough to be an OTK cock sleeve

>> No.36956443

>But it isn't her failure to watch Heart Challenger that made Kiara cry.
Exactly my point. The other guy is too dumb to realize this.
>blah blah blah
Yeah yeah yeah we get it. You're a retard. We already confirmed this. Blabbering on with more excuses accomplishes nothing.

>> No.36957370

Does Gura's quest to become japanese line up fairly well with the botched EN meetup or is it just me?

>> No.36957466

At the time, yes. Not anymore.

>> No.36957517

Wow. Stunning defense. You admit she has so many fuckups we should just forget them all because, lol, they all blend together anyway.

>> No.36957646

>My career as a deadbeat
Bitch you’re watching fucking vtubers this isn’t a fucking job.

>> No.36957711

this is cope she´s not Gura

>> No.36957728

Hi Mori!

>> No.36957737

>Speaks worst Japanese in all of EN

>> No.36957759


>> No.36957906

She spent more time making the announcements than making the music video

>> No.36957973

she is still myth's biggest money making asset, music money ain't no small thing

>> No.36958032

Because she's propped up, not because she's bringing anything herself. What's tragic is she could have brought plenty. She just chose to split her attention and do half a job.

>> No.36959020

Holy shit you didn't just take the bait you fucking deepthroated it kek go back to wherever you came from faggot

>> No.36959056

>he's still replying
Well this is getting pathetic but whatever.
>Wow. Stunning defense.
Damn you lack reading comprehension too. I guess that shouldn't surprise me since you're so stupid but damn dude.
I never defended Mori. All I said was
>There's no timestamp because it never happened. He's conflating multiple events into one.
Show me where I was defending Mori's actions. What I said is that you were conflating multiple events into one...which is factually true.
So either you're an idiot who can't read (I'm betting on this) or you're trying to save face by moving the goalposts. This is getting sad but if you want to keep on proving how much of an idiot you are, then go right ahead.

>> No.36959201

Can you read?

>> No.36959333


>> No.36959383 [DELETED] 

>responded thirty minutes later
>hE's StIlL rEpLyInG

>> No.36959520

>has to ignore the rest of my comment because he knows that he's wrong
I mean...I expected this but I thought you'd at least put in a bit more creativity into being so dumb.

>> No.36959568

You literally just talked about yourself. Why the hell would I engage in that on an ANONYMOUS image board, where you can skitter away and hide when you don't like something you said, moron?

>> No.36959909

>You literally just talked about yourself.
Aw now you're using words that you don't understand. How cute!
>where you can skitter away and hide when you don't like something you said,
Hmmm you screwed up your use of "you" partway through the sentence but uhhh good attempt?
Attaboy. Don't let me get away with mocking your intelligence so many times.

>> No.36959971

>paragraph posting out of insecurity
lmao even

>> No.36960007

man he must really have dented your ego for you to break ouit so many long words i´m impressed

>> No.36960187
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Anya please

>> No.36960229

>so many long words
Yeah "intelligence" is a pretty challenging word I know.
Hmm this was fun at first but now your responses are boring. Thanks for helping me kill some time though. Cheers.

>> No.36960290

>mass replying
>"i'm totally not responding anymore"

>> No.36960308

aaannd he´s skittering away lmao

>> No.36960643

Just playing devil's advocate here but technically he doesn't have to prove anything. You engaged and disagreed with what he said. It's your job to prove him wrong. He isn't obligated to spoonfeed you. That's just how it works, anon.

>> No.36960880

No you dumb nigger if you make a claim you’re the one who has to prove it. How the fuck do you prove something didn’t happen?

>> No.36960970


>> No.36961064

You're a dumb ass nigger. The world was flat until it wasn't. That's how it works. You want to be a big man and scream at people for being wrong then fucking prove it you adolescent toad.

>> No.36961087

Don't know, but it put me off her a while back. I was sick if midstream announcements about her changing the style of doing things and shit like that, everything is simultaneously chill and a big deal to her.

>> No.36961105

Oh you’re actually just retarded. Nevermind then.

>> No.36961112

You post evidence of it not happening.
>inb4 you can't prove a negative
"It didn't happen," is a positive claim. learn2logic

>> No.36961124

All this over some fat alcoholic weeb, geez

>> No.36961178

Prove I didn’t fuck your mother.

>> No.36961179

Ever heard of ad hominem, anon? You're becoming what you hate because of some fat slob playing anime girl

>> No.36961213

This nigger seething.

>> No.36961221

That's easy. You have no dick.

>> No.36961283
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>> No.36961296

Oh, you are so mad

>> No.36961298


>> No.36961444

You find the VOD and watch it, retard. Or skim to bits where she talks about it. It's easy if you're not a lazy idiot.

>> No.36961590

The earth is flat, anon...

>> No.36961602 [DELETED] 

you're not fooling anybody cuckbeat

>> No.36962336

holy kek anon he´s already dead

>> No.36963254

Trying to cope with her plummeting relevance.

>> No.36963412

>her plummeting relevance
>Her collab with XP the Windows is extremely popular in Japan and has had literal articles written about it in their equivalent of Rolling Stone

>> No.36963853
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>> No.36964162

>sub growth dead
>new songs dead

>> No.36964300

She doesn't have to be relevant to you for her to be making money and gaining listeners.

>> No.36965469

>relevant to me
and those 'me' are growing each day anon
>gaining listeners
subs and new songs don't really reflect that...

>> No.36965669

Ah, you think the music label actually cares about Youtube views and stream watchers.

>> No.36965884

It's no effort, easy content that milks fans for money with hype. That's it, that's her entire ball game.

"I did an announcement, aren't you excited? If you want more of my mediocre music, give me money to keep doing it!"

>> No.36966002

If they dont care that means they gave up.
Also we were talking about Mori, not her music label.

>> No.36966122

I wonder why the holo that puts out the most content (that isn't just streaming) has the most announcements. A real mystery...

>> No.36966163

she´s a streamer she should do more streams

>> No.36966329

Sure, sadly that applies to all of the holos :(

>> No.36966740

She announced in her Katamari stream that her grandma and grandpa were oven-dodgers so that's new.

>> No.36966881

>raised by single mother
>then this
Huh. More and more starts making sense.

>> No.36967126

She did not. Stop believing what you read on 4chan. She said she was part polish. That's it.

>> No.36967277

>She said she was part polish.
Holy shit, that's even WORSE. At least we could pretend before she was doing something high IQ and it just didn't pan out.
Now we've confirmed she's just a moron.

>> No.36970869


>> No.36971468

Hey, fuck you too.

>> No.36971748

deadbeats are teenagers

>> No.36971943

Glad someone's admitting they love a steaming hot shit on their desk!

>> No.36972700

Has she made an announcement that she's going to make an announcement? Because if so then she's officially reached WWE levels of excessive announcing.

>> No.36972723


>> No.36973450

lmao it looks like one of those andy warhol signatures hahaha

>> No.36974895

This is the most aggressively retarded thread I have seen in a long fucking time, is the chatbot meme actually real?

>> No.36975125

UMG contract

>> No.36975863

if she doesn't care then it's better she stop trying

>> No.36976156

not even a weeb lol

>> No.36977845

funny you think she's showing regard to herself

>> No.36977941

they're rejects in their countries anon. even if they made it big they won't be accepted in the top classes of society

>> No.36978071

anon, this is a thread about mori the virtual streamer

>> No.36979220
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>> No.36979245


>> No.36980050

Am I retarded and misinformed? A financial and legal consultant would have informed her that she can reduce the cost of those taxes by alot by filing properly due to some sanctions between the US and japan or something.

>> No.36980734

Ok I'll bite and join this shit fling. Of course she's not a blind non-compassionate person, but she is an absolute dumbass with little regard for others safety or feelings due to her some form of narcissism, dunk on haters mindset, or social inability possibly on par with this websites autists.
>she didn't want her to feel bad so she said she liked it
That's fine and all when you don't consider the personality or the type of thing and industry this is(in this case something someone worked hard on that takes a form of passion) so it was a given they would ask "what did you like about it". She could have easily responded with "I didn't have time to relax. Maybe we can watch it together right now/after stream/next time we hang out"
>she wanted the TTRPG be over with, but didn't want people to have a bad experience.
That's fair and hard to address and possible that is what they all agreed upon.
>wanted to be nice to her sister during her bday, so she trusted her with the door code
Seeing how mori is mid to late 20s and worked wage cage jobs she should have a basic understanding of how well one can trust others especially those of a more hedonistic nature. Respecting the privacy of those you are staying with is important and should be taken into careful consideration especially when one's life revolves around not showing ones identity/location, and when they are of the not very social nature. She could have easily asked her to wait a while and make her way back to the airbnb, pleaded to not invite anyone else etc. albeit doubt the latter would have done much.

>> No.36982244

for attention
