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36785231 No.36785231 [Reply] [Original]

Why do western vtuber fans tend to hate parasocial relationships and criticize vtubers who endorse them?

>> No.36785300

I think they're great.
They're helping to keep Japan's birthrates in the negatives.

>> No.36785596

Because it's not something most vtuber fans want or understand and western culture has this annoying habit of encouraging attacking anything you don't like or understand, especially where it concerns lonely men getting any kind of comfort

>> No.36785668
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Western "fans" are like >>36785596 says, people who came from outside and are like "funny anime streamer, I watched dubbed DBZ it was good" and then shit all over the place.

Plus, the West has become a fucking joke in a really short span of time.

>> No.36785761

Because normalfags are just bandwagoners who hop onto popular things to stroke their ego, seem more in depth than they actually are and make easy money

>> No.36785931

because its mentally unhealthy for every participant and unless your only goal from vtubing is siphoning up money from your dipshit fans its very exploitative and not something anyone upstanding would engage in

>> No.36786228

Know what else is being mentally unhealthy? Everything women did and still do that made parasocial behavior a thing in the first place, but I don't see a huge uproar about that.

>> No.36786298 [DELETED] 

Because parasocial relationships are objectively unhealthy. Japan also glorifies smoking, alcoholism, ignoring mental health, and overworking, not exactly a model society beyond the fact that they keep niggers out.

>> No.36786432

Genuine question why does every retard in the west think their shit take is worth farting into the public sphere?
Is it the same in other cultures
>THE TRUTH why popmovie 1034728283 is racist
>Here is why the dicksucking scene in Disney's young kids and old jews was actually epic
>why you shouldn't like kpop girls from a vegan communist perspective

>> No.36786963

Because they understand that prostitutes are predatory.

>> No.36787024

Most times it's harmless "oh! she acknowledged my funny message/artwork!" stuff but the crap where fans start getting crazy stalker-like is obviously bad, and has been in other media long before vtubers and streaming.

I don't know about individual vtubers who endorse it but it's shitty when corpos force it on their streamers with that "the customer is always right" idea. Like vtubers having to make public apologies because viewers heard a guy in the background or they do something that "breaks the illusion" that there's a real person before the character. Indies at least have the freedom to tell those type of fans to grow the fuck up.

>> No.36787213

>Japan keeps niggers out
braindead post

>> No.36787696

Nah, westerner are just retarded, they blame vtuber are parasocial yet they watch twitchfag that air their life and relationship in the open.

They not hypocrite, they just retarded and in denial.

>> No.36787898

>they blame vtuber are parasocial yet they watch twitchfag that air their life and relationship in the open.
Those aren't the same thing.

>> No.36788314

Because the sexual revolution was a mistake: it left a massive power imbalance and broke the asymmetrical alliance of woman and man.

Men still have all their responsibilities but don't have the power that came with it.
"Independent" women have social power advantages that used to be righfully given to men added to female social powers, and yet they don't have the female responsibilities.

That, at the core, is why western vtubers are so trashy and why their western fans are always on the defense, no matter what they do. They're broken men.

>> No.36788377
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Little do they know they're already in a parasocial relationship if they follow any chuuba, which makes me cackle at those morons all day long

>> No.36788463

They are retards, Zea explains how parasocial is not bad or good by nature, it depends on how it works for each community.

>> No.36788519

They're in a parasocial relationship if they're a fan of any content creator. That's literally what it fucking means, but for some retarded reason it became a synonym to romantic/sexual attraction in the west after vtubers became more popular so mouthbreathers believe only incels fall into it when they're literally doing the same shit when they donate to their favorite streamer, or when they waste their time watching some cunt eating their dinner while "reacting" to a random youtube video.

>> No.36788589

Because those bandwagoning western vtubing faggots have no clue what parasocial even means just like they don't know what idol culture means

>> No.36788675

Watching literally any Twitch streamer is parasocial. There is nothing more hilarious than stream-watching lifers losing their minds over GFE or something

>> No.36788820

Sauce on video?

>> No.36788929

It's just that westoid twitterfag have the desesperate need to be better than someone else or else they will be forced to face their own uncomming and no religion, drugs or social help will prevent them to chose suicide due to how attrociously ininteresting and incapable they are. That's why they hunt everything in a desesperate atempt to matter, when their whole existence is nothing but a bad joke.

>> No.36789204

They're just a bunch of brainlets that parrot what everyone else says even if they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. There's a reason why people want to gatekeep their hobbies and it's because they want to ward off morons like them.

>> No.36789312

holy shit ahmed why are you still awake?

>> No.36789320

And it gets worse when there are vtubers (some even from big agencies) who antagonize the "parasocials" while crying and thanking their fans for their "overwhelming support" or the other cliché phrases they tend to use. This shit is textbook parasocial, has been a thing since literally forever and I wonder if those who do that are braindead retarded or actually malicious.

>> No.36789756

They don’t even know what parasocial means, they probably think it’s people so obsessed with a vtuber they start stalking her

>> No.36790783

>criticize vtubers who endorse them
I never see them actually blame the vtuber, they just act like the parasocial relationships started for no reason at all and the vtuber is just a victim of it

>> No.36790881

Terumi? Turbo menhera though, don’t take her that seriously

>> No.36790899

it's just the western mindset at work
they can't just enjoy roleplay relationship with anime girl they have to question it and criticize it and deconstruct it

>> No.36790989

This. Also the people they work for don't really help it when they punish the vtuber over insane viewer complaints.

>> No.36791242

Not long ago a GFE vtuber that I really love got an essay from an anonymous sender telling her she should stop being so friendly and flirty with her chat because her fans might get too parasocial and that made her sad because she herself enjoys doing it

>> No.36791358

what a faggot the one who made that essay.

>> No.36791412

>People donate to a girl who pretends to be needy and single
"Lol you parasocial losers she's just an entertainer, stop focusing on her real life"
>People donate to a guy who pretends to be disabled
"What the fuck cancel this asshole what a piece of shit"

>> No.36791737

A few reasons. The target audience is considered one of the few remaining acceptable targets for public scorn, and it tends to blow up in the faces of those who cater to it. At the same time, its benefits are too good to resist, and there’s a genuine argument about it being exploitative coming over from fleshstreamers. So now you have girls who pander to parasocial viewers to wring them dry, then blame them when the girls fail to keep up their end of the unspoken deal. In addition to the actively exploitative, there’s girls who don’t realize what sort of feelings they’re cultivating in their audiences. Girls who genuinely want it get accused of being the predatory type, while the oblivious type get confused for the former initially, and the latter when they do something to piss off gachikoi.

>> No.36793575

All streamers inherently parasocial. They should upload prerecorded and edited for entertainment video series if it is a problem for them

>> No.36794931

Yeah man, that's literally how life works. Females live on easymode, and NOBODY gives a FUCK about males.

>> No.36795726

The vast majority of people don't even know what parasocial means.

>> No.36796889

it's the thing that incels like
incel means males I don't like btw

>> No.36797602


>> No.36797700

Because it's psychologically unhealthy and never leads to positive outcomes. It is objectively better to discourage them from forming in the first place.

>the West has become a fucking joke in a really short span of time.
Ching chong ning nong go back to your shithole Agent Chang

>> No.36797887

The tradeoff is that whores who whine about parasocial relationships being unhealthy eventually hit the wall and male attention from quality men goes to zero.

>> No.36797935

the western streamers they are in parasocial relationships with told them they were bad

>> No.36798150

Let me put it this way: How do you spend time here, watching mentally ill people get worse day by day, and continue to believe that they’re anything but harmful?

>> No.36798224

>vtuber audience
>quality men

>> No.36798379

All these paypigs have hundreds of thousands to spend, they're better quality than you at least.

>> No.36798832

Then donating to a streamer to watch them read your message is bad. Subscribing/buying membership is bad. Commenting on chat hoping the streamer will read it is bad. I can go on and on about actual parasocial interactions who nobody really see it as negative, but you fuckers keep hammering on the idea that this shit only comprises of romantic-oriented feelings. If a streamer wants to discourages parasocial relationships then they shouldn't be streaming in the first place because literally ANY interaction is parasocial, but apparently this is way too hard for people to understand.

>> No.36799047

Girls don't want creeps having crushes on them, despite prostituting their intimacy to them

>> No.36799069
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western vtubers;
>can't do humour because they'll be kahncelled by twittrannies
>can't be entertaining in fear of being deplatformed
>can't do edgy shit in fear of being censored by their fucking government
>even the fucking indies act corporate to keep the cashflow in or else Visa Mastercard will cut off their revenue
EOPs don't know how much they're missing out.

>> No.36799668

>watching streams
pretty clear the mental illness here is caused by something else

>> No.36800467

Because they're so retarded that they don't realize they're even more parasocial than the people who watch them.

>> No.36800498
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Jesus christ I actually almost started crying reading this. Hatari hatari.

>> No.36800546

Because Henri exists.

>> No.36800693


>> No.36800712

Because they're roasties who are afraid that men would rather develop parasocial relationships with vtubers than touch their disgusting roastie hides. Also whiteknight defenders of said disgusting roasties.

>> No.36800806

Because a big western youtuber came up with the term to describe something he didn't like, and the sheep took to the term

>> No.36801025

Because they want to pretend that they aren't parasocial

>> No.36801851

As someone who lost a friend to heroin (I don't think he's dead but I haven't spoken to him for years and likely never will again) I consider a parasocial relationship on par with a drug addiction. It may make you feel good, it may be fun and make life seem worth living but ultimately it'll fuck you up mentally or physically and when it does I don't give a shit. If you do meth don't complain when your teeth rot out of your mouth and if you're 'in a relationship' with a streamer you've never met don't complain about getting cucked or whatever nonsense unicorns gripe about. This board is awash with fools who brag about their emotional dependency on cartoon women and it's both hilarious and sad when one of those women suddenly cross a line they didn't even know existed and their deluded paypigs either declare them a whore or scramble for damage control. A parasocial relationship is a voluntary mental illness and those who partake will eventually destroy themselves.

>> No.36802067

We just going to ignore the fact that Terumi herself made this post

>> No.36803155

If it's that bad than literally everyone should stop watching streamers and streamers should stop streaming.

>> No.36803407

I mean low-key, yeah. They should. What these women are doing is preying on vulnerable, lonely, sad men for money; and the men are receiving unhealthy addictions and delusions that only make it more difficult for them to actually obtain the real human relationships they need.

>> No.36803722

What "these women" are doing are no different than literally any other streamer. You shouldn't find it normal when XQC or that fucking turk cunt have 40k+ people watching them eat their dinner while they sit emotionless watching some random dumb youtube video and then say they do it because it "reminds them of when they do it with their friends". As already said in this thread the basis of streaming is parasocial relationships, so if they're so bad streaming should end as a whole.

>> No.36803832

You know it's possible to watch streamers without being emotionally dependent on them right? Same way you can watch a film or read a book without obsessing over them like a schizo? Ultimately people need perspective and need to treat streamers like any other form of media - if you like it, consider throwing them some money so they can continue/improve and if not then move the fuck on. If you need an emotional relationship it should be with an equal - this can be a person irl or a random stranger online. Someone who's talking to hundreds or even thousands of people all at once is not your equal, they are not your friend and most definitely not your partner.

>> No.36804472
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I don't think it is very healthy and may mess with emotional development and coping skills. I think some people who have enough autonomy to navigate them are ok but a lot of people don't. It is a lot like spiritual bypassing with religions. It can be a bit dehumanizing and addicting for some people.

>> No.36804684

No, if the waitress is nice to me she's a whore reee

>> No.36804993

Health has absolutely nothing about it.
The only thing westerners care about is being desperate for clout online and being afraid of being "uncool".
Its like, its ok to watch anime now, but only if you have that shitty ironic "yeah anime is trash and so am i" attitude about it.
The western voices you hear online are always 100% hypocrites who don't actually think about or understand the concepts the espouse, they just parot what cool people on twitter say (just look at the retarded fish, prime example)
lsf will talk about parasocial L's but then the whole week is nothing but threads about how happy they are that xqc found some british whore or something. Yeah this incredibly wealthy famous decent looking guy was really gonna struggle to find some puss, wtf is this shit

>> No.36805218

>it's possible to not be emotionally dependent on anything unhealthy
I guess some people are oblivious the truism of "pick your poison"
everybody is in a cage of their own making
if you leave one, you will find another
men were built to live in cages

>> No.36805400

Yes it is. If these Twitch personalities are nothing more than casual entertainment then why do we need to peer into their personal lives? We are not their friends.

It's the same shit celebrities pull when they post tweets and pictures of them not being on and just being normal people, you know just like you guys.

>> No.36805586
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You can think of parasocial relationships as being one-sided relationships without the functioning emotional parts in relationships. Both the affective and signaling component. There is nothing ruling out it being from the streamer side but not the viewer.

>> No.36805646

I'd say it's just people bandwagoning.

Idol culture parasocial relationships in Japan is kinda gross and I think people get afraid of the real horror stories that crop up like delusional stalkers and people who harass those kinds of vtubers after the news inevitably comes out that they're in a relationship IRL.

This kind of thing isn't really as much of a problem in the Indie/Western scene as I see it.

>> No.36805841

I think this is true minus the bandwagoning claim. People used to do a good job self-policing that type of behavior. I remember seeing people get shut down in English while the streamer spoke Japanese. However, there was especially when the first English focused vtubers, a type of contestation of what was acceptable and it did happen a bit more. I think now, there are more vtubers and some want to carve a niche with these type of relationships.

>> No.36805963

I think you may have confused emotional attachment with emotional dependency. I like vtubers, their streams make me happy and I'm sad when they graduate I'm not an unfeeling sociopath; but what I don't do is use them as the bedrock of my emotional well-being, if there are no streams I won't sink into depression or become an anti if they do a collab I don't want to watch. If you feel like you're in a cage you should try and broaden your horizons, you might find the doors unlocked.

>> No.36806016

This is the single worst OP you could've chosen too.

>> No.36806497

Being a hypocrite doesn't necessarily make the point wrong, it just make you a hypocrite.
No doubt many anti-parasocial viewers are grifting, but they're still not wrong.

>> No.36806660
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Terumi is based

>> No.36806817

This would make sense only if you assume the baseline is the parasocial relationship in the first place rather than the date, assuming that is the relationship. This also assumes the emotional development is really partite too between the two relationships.

>> No.36806863

So yes we are going to ignore that Terumi made this post

>> No.36806933

It's not called a poison for nothing, retard.
The truism is "pick your poison".

>> No.36806943

Isn't this the one who got ass blasted over Nyaru?

>> No.36806965
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>> No.36806997

Parasocial relationships tend to spiral out of control to the point of stalking and other undesirable things

>> No.36807059

I think the other anon is implying that "pick your poison" tends to imply you have no choice in the matter. That emotional attachment and emotional dependency are not really comparable in sense of harm or some other feature like loss autonomy or something.

>> No.36811979

She's still ass blasted over nyaru but yes

>> No.36812765

No the point is that you will always be addicted to a poison because to be as such is the natural state of man. If you escape one, you will quickly fall to another. Because even though poison kills us, we cannot live without imbibing some kind of poison.

>> No.36815737

>western vtuber fans

>> No.36815848

Because many assume "parasocial" automatically means schizo fans stalking their oshii and sending hate to anyone who gets in their way.

>> No.36815894

Seeing how Amouranth exists, it's just that they're pots, also anime cringe.

>> No.36816201

They want your money, but they don't want to provide anything of value in return.

>> No.36816312

>especially where it concerns lonely men getting any kind of comfort
Only comfort genetic dead ends cumming into their bodypilows deserve is the comfort of the grave.

>> No.36817359

>they do something that "breaks the illusion" that there's a real person before the character.
This is the part that's really fucking stupid. "Oh no they showed a bit of skin, better end they're career!!" Yes, we already know they aren't a 400 year old demon back from hell. Just let me watch my oshii shit on other players while playing Overwatch.

>> No.36817399

>Japan also glorifies smoking, alcoholism, ignoring mental health, and overworking, not exactly a model society
Hey so does America, and yet people still wants to live here.

>> No.36819265

>parasocial is bad because its very unhealthy and quite predatory, unless if you're parasocially inlove with me and become my walet, baby <<<33333 its not bad I'm not gonna stop you. I want both of the worlds, anon, and these men don't understand Im not like other vt

>> No.36822632

Sounds like an excuse to blame ones lack of agency and bad habits on everything but themselves

>> No.36822681

Yours is shitposting here. Watch as your immediate response is to justify your continued presence here.

>> No.36822861

Because they hate what they themselves are. Everyone of these western faggots has a parasocial relationship themselves with twitter.

>> No.36823191

Is this the ESL thread?

>> No.36823316


>> No.36823527

Because it's "anime characters" and the target audience are lonely men, that's practically all there is to it.

Did the "parasocial" buzzword become big for regular streamers, despite that issue existing there x1000 for ages before vtubers were a thing. Is there a lot of criticism for it in that regard now? Or any consistent effort to "fix it", like they want to often do with vtubers? Of course not, because it's mainstream normie entertainment. But as soon as they discover the same thing in a niche it's a big problem and need to be changed, because it isn't targeted at them and they don't like if not everything is for their mild taste.

Consider for a second how actually laughable it is, when you compare regular streamers with vtubers. Who are you more likely to establish a "parasocial relationship" with, this unrealistic anime character streamer with probably a bit of kayfabe or this actual real girl that you could possibly meet on the street as that same person?

But with vtubers it's suddenly so problematic, imagine some lonely dude feeling a connection to this cute anime girl streamer, the horror! He should just donate to and stalk the socials of real twitch thot 2432526# like a normal person!

>> No.36823625

its just money. shit like that gets views so thats what people do and every motherfucker and his long suffering mother is trying to be a internet faggot

>> No.36823831

Yeah this is what they’re doing. It’s another form of “I’m not like those others girls”. It’s all so boring.

>> No.36823985

No. "pick your poison" is a truism for a reason.
You can always improve. But you will ALWAYS have a poison. Often, people aren't even aware of their poison, even as they quaff it. Often, the poison will help you excel in all other parts of your life.
But it has always been the case that no man lives without poison. We all drink deep. Because it is impossible not to.

>> No.36825782

Ogey, it seems like you've decided your subjective opinion in objective fact but it's pretty clear neither of us will convince the other

>> No.36828286

Terumi is an ESL so yes

>> No.36828613

>Who are you more likely to establish a "parasocial relationship" with, this unrealistic anime character streamer with probably a bit of kayfabe or this actual real girl that you could possibly meet on the street as that same person?
My dude you've missed the plot, that's the entire point. Autistic, lonely weeaboos don't sit around pining after 3DPD. They've already given their lives over to 2D anime waifus. That's why vtubers are so powerful here, because it specifically and intentionally targets people who want 2D waifus and not 3DPD.

>But with vtubers it's suddenly so problematic
Fuck you, it's ALWAYS been problematic. Whether it's vtubers, or 3DPD streamers, GFE or friend simulators, onlyfans or straight up pornography, all of these things are trying to fill in the void created by a disconnected society where more and more people are isolated and alone. People are not having their social and intimacy needs met, so they seek out anything that can artificially numb the pain or make them forget. It's not just happening to 30 year old virgins either. It's happening to children. Children are growing up without making IRL friends, and they end up having surrogate friendships by proxy when they watch streamers or reaction videos on youtube. These kids are gonna be fucked up so much worse than you or I.

>> No.36828686

>These kids are gonna be fucked up so much worse than you or I.
Can't wait to see how their kids turn out

>> No.36828715

If they even have any.

>> No.36828723

Some will by pure accident

>> No.36829262

>Did the "parasocial" buzzword become big for regular streamers, despite that issue existing there x1000 for ages before vtubers were a thing. Is there a lot of criticism for it in that regard now? Or any consistent effort to "fix it", like they want to often do with vtubers? Of course not, because it's mainstream normie entertainment.
You hit the nail on the head. Iirc there was some dude streamer on rooster teeth who leveraged his parasocial relationship with his audience to fuck teens behind his wife's back. "Regular" streamers do so much more egregious and crazy shit than some GFE vtuber but normies just look past it since it's the entertainment they're used to consuming.

>> No.36829502

>autistic weebs who struggle every day with inner and social turmoil are more self-aware and attuned to the things they consume than brainless normalfags

>> No.36829754

>Fuck you, it's ALWAYS been problematic.
Not to this degree. We didn't saw the actual fucking streamers talking shit about parasocial fans in the past. Stop trying to fucking rewrite history because the people who complained about ethots were mocked, called chauvinist and sexist and ignored while those streamers kept draining money from children. Amouranth had that whole stupid sob story set-up with her husband and instantly went back to acting like a whore on Twitch and pretty much nobody questioned this except the minority that already called her out in the past. "Parasocial" was barely in the public lexicon before vtubers exploded in popularity and the only places I saw discussing about it were sociology circles, but now everyone and their mothers got a degree in that shit and acts like they've been studying it since the start of the internet.

>> No.36829813

>Fuck you, it's ALWAYS been problematic.
So much for reading comprehension. I obviously didn't mean that it's "not problematic", I even wrote that its 1000x worse with regular streamers (and obviously some other stuff too). So much terrible shit happend in that regard already long before vtubers. And my entire point was, that despite all that, "parasocial relationships" as a general topic and specifically called that in problematic cases, was never a big thing until the cute anime girls started playing video games.

>> No.36831279


>> No.36831318

They get their morality from Twitter Reddit and Tumblr

>> No.36834265


>> No.36834958

I liked Terumi's lecture video, first time I saw her, was shocked to see that 90% of her content is hardcore GFE.

>> No.36835607


It's basically the same as meeting a character/princess at Disney World. It's a cute anime character who acknowledges your presence in a friendly way. Some people get to attached, of course.

>> No.36836259

The daily intimacy thing is creepy

>> No.36836510

Honestly I don't see it as creepy, but I think it was unhealthy for her and unhealthy for her viewers. She admitted in a recent stream that she started going to therapy and is re-thinking her relationship with vtubers and trying to come to a healthy perspective.

>> No.36836928

I can’t save her…

>> No.36836946

I'm fine with parasocial relationships, they're what make streamers worth watching at all. On the other hand explicitly making "I am the parasocial Vtuber. I am your virtual girlfriend and am here to simulate intimacy with you" your brand is kind of tacky

>> No.36837537

The world needs some GFE vtubers, it’s literally all some girls know how to do

>> No.36837684

It's too dangerous. To do it well the girl has to BELIEVE it, otherwise it's disingenuous and artificial. Down that path lies the menhera.

>> No.36837735

Because western vtubers want to have their cake and eat it too.
They want all the money "parasocial relationships" bring but dont want to put in any kind of effort.

A good example of that is Veibae she went from: I like when viewers sent me dickpics to making fun of a viewer for 15 minutes for doing it now that she has money and a boyfriend with fuck you money.

>> No.36838366

>subjective opinion
I didn't create the phrase "pick your poison."
Your ancestors did.

>> No.36838601

Henri is just retarded. He is not a fan of Pippa/Kson, he is a fan of his own idiotic messianic image he created around them.

>> No.36839195

Reminds me of most religious leaders.

>> No.36839215
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>> No.36839635

Because they don't realize they themselves are in a parasocial relationship
It's similar to how the most vocal "anti-racist" people are incredibly racist

>> No.36841692
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>> No.36842033

They are complexly fine with parasocial relationships as long as they don't end up romantic.
The real question is why so many men are incapable of being in a relationship with a person without wanting to fuck them, or at least keeping that part to themselves when they know it's not going to happen.

>> No.36842318 [DELETED] 

Not sure. People online are surprisingly picky with what self destructive habit they choose to call out

>> No.36842504

>The real question is why so many men are incapable of being in a relationship with a person without wanting to fuck them
Because human beings have needs, and one of those needs is the need for close intimate physical connection, and the large majority of men go their entire lives being completely starved of it and that trend is only getting more and more common as we isolate ourselves into digital lives.

So they're a little obsessed with it.

>> No.36842789

from kpop fans to bieber, even back to mj and beatles, bitch this shits been forever, just progressive brainrotten westoids' worthless nothingburger issues. people are free ruin their lives or kill themselves however they want

>> No.36842977

or kill their oshis

>> No.36843012

Can't they just masturbate like normal people?

>> No.36843228

What part of "close intimate physical connection" does masturbation fulfill?

>> No.36843276

>She admitted in a recent stream that she started going to therapy and is re-thinking her relationship with vtubers and trying to come to a healthy perspective.
Jesus if even Terumi won't do heavy GFE for people then EOP have 0 hope.

>> No.36843605
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There is nothing more parasocial than an academic who studies the works of a dead historical figure, collects newspaper articles and books talking about them, and pores through their letters and diaries as well as those of their acquaintances to build a complete picture of the person for their upcoming biography to be published by respected University Press. Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't.

>> No.36844365

The physical and close part.

>> No.36845545

I once read the introduction to Don Quixote that detailed the translator's 20 year project to translate Don Quixote from Spanish to English. 20 years dedicated to translating a single book. The introduction was so long I never actually got around to reading the actual book.

>> No.36845673

It's an illness, get proper mental help

>> No.36845711

I chose to kill you, that's more fun

>> No.36845777

They simply don't understand them or what a parasocial relationship even is.

>> No.36845807

Weird take.

>> No.36845958

I bet he didn't even pick the Menard version.

>> No.36846822

Because parasocial relationships are inherently unhealthy and what "endorsing parasocial relationship" really amounts to is targeting lonely, vulnerable people and milking them for cash. If the connection is genuine, why are you expected to pay? Your oshi is no better than one of the Indian scammers who pretend to be handsome foreigners looking to marry to fool grandma into transferring money into their accounts.

>> No.36846910

I thank god every day that Indians are incapable of speaking English without their accents giving them away, and therefore can't be vtubers.

>> No.36847725
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>They don't know what it means!
Whatever you call it, being creepy obsessives and demanding others to support your delusions, isn't a good look. Being in a group of like-minded idiots doesn't suddenly make it acceptable either.

>> No.36847943
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She's right.

>> No.36848072

bc they are too retarded to realize all streming is parasocial, especially if you actually are a regular viewer you are a drooling ape if you think otherwise

>> No.36848892

It's a degrees thing. Just because all viewer/streamer interaction is technically parasocial doesn't excuse the lunatics

>> No.36849051

This was a topic of debate back when late's plays first started up. The idea was that only long plays were seen as the usual and other forms with humor were seen as parasocial. This was back when people still did them with cameras too.

>> No.36849141

The phrase was developed in the 19th century and originally referred to alcohol. Back when alcohol was also used in the form of spirits and usually also as medicine.

>> No.36849201

Considering they don't expect the dead historical figure, or articles to have emotional commitments to them, I don't think that is likely.

>> No.36849234

sure but at wont point does the fault lie on the streamer for incubating that type of behavior, you cant just be a streamer and say fuck parasocial incels and do everything in your power to foster that type of audience, this is why i despise a shitload of modern indies.

>> No.36849376

Lol, look at this guy's story: >>>/wsg/4821784

I don't doubt there are girls that just go straight for the jugular like that, literally actually seducing viewers into the Discord servers to start grooming them into simps. This shit is like agriculture to them.

>> No.36849513

>nope the fuck out

>> No.36851198

she can save (you)

>> No.36852137

Unironically I crave a relationship where we're both equally broken but also treat eachother as equals that work to save one another while sharing the experience of life.

>> No.36852396

Maybe when she has another menhera episode and quits therapy.

>> No.36854371

While true, the concept I discuss is literally at least as old as the notion of original sin.
People have known for a long time that there's no such thing as a person who doesn't fuck themselves up somehow.

>> No.36857222

sounds interesting, i want it that way too

>> No.36859726
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Yeah I don't really like the idea of one person in the relationship "saving" the other one. It's like a power imbalance. It's hard to explain because I don't mean
>only mentally ill people should be with mentally ill people
but rather you need to respect one another on the same "level", with all the good parts and all the bad parts. And then what happens when the "saving" is done anyways? Does the relationship end? Was it just some vehicle for the "hero" to play pretend? That's not right at all! There isn't some goal to a relationship, I just want to share life with someone.

I bought some apples this weekend. They came in a little bag, and they were all really small. They're so small and cute and just the perfect size for a snack, and every time I'm in the kitchen cutting one of these apples I'm standing there talking about how cute they are and how "this is the ideal size for an apple, isn't it?" and I did that like 5 times this week and it's like WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO? THERE'S NOBODY HERE. YOU LIVE ALONE! THERE'S NOBODY THERE.

I wanna hear about the little things that make them happy or sad, and I wanna tell them about the little things that make me happy or sad, and show them things, and be shown things by them, and not feel like I'm stranded on a deserted island every day.

>> No.36859874

vtuber fans? only a very tiny fraction of the vtubers can actually deliver that kind of content, that include the jp ones, they usually run away as soon the fans goes actually parasocial.

>> No.36859884

because there's no direct way to translate the word "Hikikomori" to English

>> No.36860400

Having a "bro" streamer is parasocial

>> No.36863148

>Did the "parasocial" buzzword become big for regular streamers, despite that issue existing there x1000 for ages before vtubers were a thing.
I honestly think this "parasocial" shit started popping up because vtubers came from Japan and their celebrity "idol" culture is pure shit. Where famous actors having to hide their relationships from the pubic to keep their image of being "pure" intact, either at will or by force from their agencies. So that shit in turn leap to vtubers with people for their for their waifus being only for them and no one else. Why else do you think people gave Rushia shit for that accidental discord notification?

>> No.36863291

>a power imbalance
>same "level"
wise words, don't put yourself or your partner on a pedestal.
it's not gonna end well because the higher one will abuse the lower one.

>> No.36863591

Also, the reason why you don't hear this shit from regular streamers is because everyone already knows they're degenerates with a few skeletons in their closets. Like who the fuck wants to be "parasocial" with someone like DSPgaming or Boogie?

>> No.36868358


>> No.36868515
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Subtle, Teru. Very subtle

>> No.36869088

They say it's bad but only because they are doing something that will end their "career" because it's betraying their community. They want to be popular and loved unconditionally but also be able to ignore their community and be free to do whatever. They'll do what they can to build up a fake relationship and when they know they are doing something that will cause backlash if it's found out, they'll pump the brakes and try to do damage control before it leaks.

You can guarantee it that if they knew there would be zero repercussions, they'd go heavily into creating parasocial relationships and lean heavily into GFE to get easy money

>> No.36871715

This. If they truly wanted to do whatever they want, they would simply do it and ignore critique, but they know that parasocials make or break a vtuber, and they don't like the idea of having to pander to the. If they don't, their career is effectively dead in the water, if they do, they lose "talent freedom". So they naturally want to browbeat parasocials into continuing to give them money while allowing them to get away with whatever they want. It's very entitled behaviour.

Obviously if it gets to the point that they're getting harassed for doing things, that's bad, but if that were the primary issue, they would be saying that harassment is bad, and that is not the case here. Parasocials are getting told off for not letting their oshi do whatever they want without consequences, even consequences as mild as silently withdrawing their support.

>> No.36871795

That's a good point. /vt/ has by far the most schizophrenics per capita on 4chan. The proof is in the pudding

>> No.36872209

>They say it's bad but only because they are doing something that will end their "career" because it's betraying their community.
What does "betraying their community" even mean?
>They want to be popular and loved unconditionally but also be able to ignore their community and be free to do whatever
But isn't that how it should be? They're real people with real lives too, you know?

>> No.36872385

>They're real people with real lives too, you know?
Vtubers provide a service, if the service no longer satisfies, then the viewers are within their rights to not support them. Viewers are real people with real lives too, you know?

Don't tell me you continue to pay for subscriptions even when the service has turned to shit?

>> No.36872536

it's always funny to watch parasocialfags and non parasocialfags fight each other. like bro you watch an girl pretend to be an anime girl, like hop off your high horse. it's the same with retarded holo vs niji fights. Everyone not in this sphere considers you a loser.

>> No.36872612

Ask me how I know you only use this board.

>> No.36872746
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>Vtubers provide a service, if the service no longer satisfies, then the viewers are within their rights to not support them
Only schizos fans believe this shit, and they are often shit on for going on unhinged tirades.
>Viewers are real people with real lives too, you know?
Are those viewers understanding when a vtuber has to cancel a stream anytime life gets in the way? Or when they go on break to prevent fatigue? If they aren't, then they aren't "real people".

>> No.36872753

They were talking about parasociality on Twitch long before vtubers were there. Normal streamers are parasocial.

>> No.36872827

Your brain supplied you with incorrect information

>> No.36872978

>Only schizos fans believe this shit, and they are often shit on for going on unhinged tirades.
Findom cuck take, but go off. Vtubers are not entitled to the money of viewers who no longer care about them and have moved on.
>Are those viewers understanding when a vtuber has to cancel a stream anytime life gets in the way? Or when they go on break to prevent fatigue? If they aren't, then they aren't "real people".
That's not the issue here. The issue that's being complained about is parasocials as a whole, not vtuber harrassment specifically. Harassment is bad, sure, I'm not saying it isn't, but even the parasocials who do little more than lurk are being attacked for not being slavishly devoted cuckolds.

>> No.36873021

These guys are obsessed they love us

>> No.36873505

>Findom cuck take, but go off.
>realizing that vtubers are actual people with lives behind their avatars makes me a cuck
You are braindead, as well as a shit person.
>The issue that's being complained about is parasocials as a whole, not vtuber harrassment specifically. Harassment is bad, sure, I'm not saying it isn't,
I'm not saying that either. I'm talking seeing vtubers having actual lives outside of streaming and not automated robots who only exist to serve you.

>> No.36874011

why do you care so much what others do with their lives?

>> No.36874295

There's also the cultural disconnect.
Japanese folks LOVE their anonymity, very few people use their real names online, even famous artists and riggers use pseudonyms.
The west lost that old fear of the internet long ago when Facebook normalized using real names (remember the time they banned all accounts that used pseudonyms?).
Americans also have short term memory thanks to all the drugs in their water, so they always forget their own celebrities who were stabbed by fans or had "accidents".

>> No.36874326

stop pretending that the restrictions put on japanese entertainers are in any way more lax than what's normal in the west. Even indies in japan have a pretty strict code of guidelines (spoken or not) they need to follow. Don't act like women being censored is a bad thing, that is the thing that makes japanese vtubers so much better

>> No.36874397

this reeks of cope

>> No.36874407

Yeah, the dude eating food paid for by YOUR money while he fucks the brains out of your oshi is the cuck!!!! It's not cope!

>> No.36874448

Ask people why ludwig made this video if parasocial only means girlfriend

>> No.36874471

You call it poison
I call it "anchor"
The mindset of calling something that you enjoy as "poison" will ensure that you fail in every attempt at self improvement.

>> No.36874945

>I'm talking seeing vtubers having actual lives outside of streaming and not automated robots who only exist to serve you.
Read the OP again you stupid fucking retard. The issue is parasocialism and its consequences. If you pander to parasocials for money and to build your popularity, then turn around and do something they don't like, you're not going to keep those fans anymore than you'd keep fans who are uncomfortable with GFE when it's 90% of your fucking content.

The ideal fan shouldn't give a single solitary fuck about a vtuber's roommate, but if that roommate leaks into streams, then that's on the vtuber for not doing their opsec reps and the consequences are nobody's fault but their own for not taking this shit seriously. Shitting on doxxniggers and harassers is 100% fine and nobody here will argue with that, but claiming all parasocial fans are like that is asinine.

It's also worth mentioning that nobody is forcing these people into this line of work. They aren't being forced to do GFE or male collabs at gunpoint. The power to gain and retain a living in this line of work is, ironically, completely in their hands. What they hate is that the market for vtubers is mostly people who are into GFE and parasocialism to some degree, and they desperately wish the market was different. Yet instead of working to build an audience that wants content that isn't based on getting parasocial fans, like a fucking child, they're throwing a tantrum and trying to browbeat the existing market into changing. That's just not going to happen. That isn't how markets work. You cannot tap the lucrative parasocial market AND do whatever you want, you cannot have it both ways. Vtubers and their white knights need to understand that.

>> No.36875918

Because they are not real social relationships. They are unhealthy attachments people make in their heads which may actually impede them from forming actual social attachments.

>> No.36875986

>Plus, the West has become a fucking joke in a really short span of time.
I mean yeah, they think that men can become women. That's how much of a joke they are.

>> No.36876137

The only reason parasocial relations exist are the unhealthy and unrealistic expectations people have about relationships nowadays. Women are not , never were and will probably will not be like anime girls. Thinking you can substitute them with anime girls is precisely the pipeline that leads to inceldom and eventually suicide.

>> No.36878087

I think they're great, they are the only thing that has stopped me from going full supreme gentleman

>> No.36878427

Is there any chuubas that actually GET it and embrace it? I want to immerse myself in a parasocial and just absolutely drown in it and get obsessed with a vutber that obesesses over her fans and doesn't give a flying fuck about what armchair psychologist thinks.

>> No.36878854

hi guys

>> No.36878928

>But isn't that how it should be? They're real people with real lives too, you know?
"Unconditional" love is an awful thing, anon. It's abusive 99% of the time.

>> No.36879209
File: 380 KB, 510x520, peach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that art...

>> No.36881085

terumi, get the fuck out of here. I know it's you

>> No.36881663
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>> No.36883393

Its only evil for men, its ok for women

>> No.36887024

