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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 242 KB, 1207x759, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3656550 No.3656550 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to their subs???

>> No.3656574
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>> No.3656593
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Youtube bugs? no such thing!

>> No.3656595

what happened to your life?

>> No.3656599

>they made fun of the fish numbers
well, who's laughing now?

>> No.3656622


>> No.3656639

How many did they have before?

>> No.3656650

What were they like before? Last I saw them yesterday they only had a few thousand each

>> No.3656658

They're dropping too, all except for Mermaid coin. What in the goddamn fuck

>> No.3656667

About 15K.

>> No.3656671

This is going to be a complete shitshow. A really fun ride is awaiting anons.

>> No.3656673
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>> No.3656677

Pajeet programmers at it again

>> No.3656680

Probably just a bug with YouTube and accounts with no videos?

>> No.3656685

YouTube has been fucking with VTubers. Even their live views. Maybe the AI thought some were bots.

>> No.3656694

Can't even beat the tutorial boss...

>> No.3656702

From 5ch

Niji characters are good at recycling.

January 2020 Nijisanji IN (India) makes a spectacular debut.
June 2020 Nijisanji IN renamed to Nijisanji EN because they all speak English. Nijisanji IN disappears.
November 27, 2020 Nijisanji EN renamed to Nijisanji IN, reason undisclosed at time of renaming
December 1, 2020 Auditions for the first term of NijiSanji EN begin.
April 30, 2021 All Niji Sanji IN members were dismissed, but only IN members were dismissed, so no EN members were dismissed.
May 12, 2021 Nijisanji EN's first student made a spectacular debut, Nijisanji's first English-speaking debut.
Channel is reused from old EN channel, Indian videos removed. 80,000 subscribers before debut announcement.

>> No.3656710
File: 299 KB, 1548x1048, subs growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second picture was taken an hour before the strike

>> No.3656720

>fish numbers weren’t bots
Probably, who knows. Or it’s YouTube being stupid.

>> No.3656728

stop typing and suck me off Risu

>> No.3656731

I love that NijiEN even filtered the Nijiniggers. They could have pandered to the Nijiniggers to even have a small chance of being successful but some retard from their company probably thought, "We want the Vshoujo market".

>> No.3656755

Except that is bullshit, the 80k sub channel has been used for a long time for JP clips.

>> No.3656756

is that a fucking question you retarded redditor?

>> No.3656766

>if it’s not for kids, that means it’s VShojo

>> No.3656772

>Chinese bots try to make their accounts surge with numbers cuz fuck non-shills
>Get OBLITERATED by YouTube bot doing it's job smashing bugs
>NIJIKEKS blaming everyone but themselves for sub count reduction.
How can they ever recover from this???

>> No.3656794 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 391x388, 1601814039376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love that NijiEN even filtered the Nijiniggers. They could have pandered to the Nijiniggers to even have a small chance of being successful but some retard from their company probably thought, "We want the Vshoujo market".

>> No.3656879

Why did they only do that for Elira and Pomu then?

>> No.3656912

Finana's subcount rate must have been lower than Elira and Pomu. Who really knows, Youtube often makes no sense

>> No.3656914

I know Elira had about 16k and Pomu somewhere in 15k. Probably a youtube thing though it should've affected Finana as well and she's still at around where she was before. Those 2 must have done something different to trigger it that Finana avoided it somehow.

>> No.3656917

Also I want to put my dick between Rin's tits and finana is a disgusting whoret and i would not have sex with her

>> No.3656921

>Rips unholy ass
>Subs protected
Her masterplan worked.

>> No.3656942

It was all pretty much the same

>> No.3656958

Weird. It didn't unsub me to any of them, probably just a display issue. We'll see if it persists until the premier.

>> No.3656984

Fin's rate was very very slightly lower.

>> No.3656993

It’s not about you

>> No.3657003

You are probably part of the 6k then anon

>> No.3657028

I suscribed again, weird

>> No.3657030

If it was actively unsubbing people like Youtube sometimes does that would explain the issue.

>> No.3657048

>If it was actively unsubbing people
It was most likely removing bots.

>> No.3657055

Their twitter followers profiles looks legit so i doubt theres any botting involved

>> No.3657081

>I suscribed again, weird
Did it unsub you?

>> No.3657085 [DELETED] 
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>>If it was actively unsubbing people
>It was most likely removing bots.

>> No.3657145

Why would two of them have their subs exactly halved and the other not effected? Might be like Kiara had when she was trying to get 900k and they won't get the subs back for like 3 weeks.

>> No.3657171

>unsubbing people who bot

>> No.3657192

>do not interact with wojakposters

>> No.3657203

I dont think Kiara ever got them back

>> No.3657226 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 680x680, b4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>do not interact with wojakposters

>> No.3657228

Yes, has happened to me in the past, I don't know why they don't fix it

>> No.3657253

She did, and she was in the lead over ina for a bit, before the moving break fucked her over

>> No.3657284

She did, she got a big burst of subs several weeks later (like 6k in one day) and mentioning getting a notification from youtube about the issue being resolved. I'm not sure if she sent in a specific complaint ticket or if it was a generic messages to all creators.

>> No.3657948

I see the chinks are still here spamming this shit. Its what happen when you make a ching chong thread and invite in all the bugs. Might have to fumigate the entire board. Thanks alot, retards.

>> No.3657988

YouTube unsubbed me from everyone. I guess it kinda makes sense since they're rapidly gaining subs while having zero videos so YouTube-kun is confused

>> No.3657990

Jewtube being retarded as usual.

>> No.3658002
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>> No.3658008 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 646x731, 1618163987564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >3657085
> I see the chinks are still here spamming this shit. Its what happen when you make a ching chong thread and invite in all the bugs. Might have to fumigate the entire board. Thanks alot, retards

>> No.3658028

the channel was used for clips in general, not just IN dumb gook

>> No.3658033

Sounds like bullshit to me. I subbed to someone who announced their debut a month ago, who gained about 80k during debut, and had not a single video for the entire duration. It was even moving at 3-4k subs a day.

>> No.3658068

should have invested into fishcoin.

>> No.3658082

Nah, happens to Hololive too whenever they debut a new gen. It's known Youtube fuckery

>> No.3658091

scatfish can't stop winning

>> No.3658125

Must be more of a company related thing since mine was technically an indie. They do have the logo and everything and youtube might be flagging them as dupe or alternative channels to Nijisanji.

>> No.3658136
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>> No.3658158


official tweet from our favorite fishwhore, hopefully youtube stops being retarded

>> No.3658161

Based, I hope you eventually get your paizuri anon.

>> No.3658162

it's real

>> No.3658192
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Pomf is /ourgirl/

>> No.3658199


>> No.3658213

Sorry these numbers are so small I'm not seeing what the difference is

>> No.3658230

It’ll be funny if this was all done on purpose to create attention for the branch. I have said before that Niji needs some sort of controversy, albeit not entirely destructive for the entire company, to spark some ways so their talents will make the news. This is a small one but it’s close enough to get a good handful of people to look at them and even saviorfag.

>> No.3658295

Why are Fishes so strong

>> No.3658305

>Fishcoin is actually the most stable

>Dragoncoin and Fairycoin was just botters



>> No.3658317

>2/3 confirmed shitposters
what's dragon's thing again?

>> No.3658363
File: 510 KB, 1700x2000, E1M_oXzUYAUUMQ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care about numbers, I love her and I'll watch her even if she has less than 10k subs.

>> No.3658386

anon, i think you and most of people here are severely underestimating how popular these 3 will get. i'm unironically expecting ollie-levels of growth.

>> No.3658398

>fishcunt now has twice the viewers on debut than the rest

>> No.3658400


>> No.3658441
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I wanna know if she is canonically fairy sized so i can fantasize about using her as an onahole

>> No.3658453

>ollie-levels of growth
I'd probably go for Pavolia, but ID2 is what I would expect of them as well and of HoloEN2

>> No.3658501

She can change her size, makes it even hotter

>> No.3658516

She looks human sized in the promo art, but then anything is possible with the powers of fanart.

>> No.3658558
File: 87 KB, 666x302, 1594609787511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the price to pay to not subscribe to HoloReject then that's a price I'm willing to pay

>> No.3658564
File: 350 KB, 619x545, 1620378068331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Okay. Hands up. Was me. Click farm. We just like to do a little bit of trolling.

>> No.3658594 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 646x731, 1618163987564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If that's the price to pay to not subscribe to HoloReject then that's a price I'm willing to pay

>> No.3658614


>> No.3658620

Why the fuck isn't this wojak-spamming retard banned yet?

>> No.3658632

Got a new VPN already, bugman? Hope you get your 10c worth. I know that’s worth alot in your shithole.

>> No.3658639

If they get 200k subs each before 2022 I will eat my hat.

>> No.3658650

Doesn't matter how many Twitter followers you have if no one watches your shit.

>> No.3658652 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 600x678, 1618161249940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck isn't this wojak-spamming retard banned yet?

>> No.3658667

rhombus girl BTFO.

>> No.3658684

He’s a zhang, probably so he’s using VPNs. Notice how he’s got deleted and comes back like 20 minutes later.

>> No.3658727

and it's everywhere jesas

>> No.3658738

Its standard youtube, some big channels can lose and gain up to 500k subs daily

>> No.3658801

We’re being raided. Some retard started a theead talking about the ching chongs and pretty much like flies to shit they all buzzed in and is now shitting up the place. It’s probably something to do with NijiEN too. I wouldn’t be surprise if they’re hoping to use NijEN as a way to start shit with Hololive. It might also explain the massive deletion of Subs from the girls’ channel cause they might be spam accounts.

>> No.3658803

I would be willing to believe some mentally low IQ zhang would have cheese pizza in their HD, because of course they would. They're subhuman.

>> No.3658854 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 708x800, 1618950327330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We’re being raided. Some retard started a theead talking about the ching chongs and pretty much like flies to shit they all buzzed in and is now shitting up the place. It’s probably something to do with NijiEN too. I wouldn’t be surprise if they’re hoping to use NijEN as a way to start shit with Hololive. It might also explain the massive deletion of Subs from the girls’ channel cause they might be spam accounts.

>> No.3658855

Fart fetishists are super dedicated.

>> No.3658863

Not real. Fish still has 14k. At least for me.

>> No.3658874

>banana ragoo has twice as many subs as the others
Why? What is her a peel?

>> No.3658880

Jesus there are too many mentally ill, deranged faggots who can't help but want to shit up any discussion related to Nijisanji. I like hololive but I fucking hate what it's done to the English vtuber fanbase.

>> No.3658964

I’m not saying anything against the new EN. Just saying how I’m seeing it. Its not exactly a non possibility but I hope it is just some stupid rrat.

>> No.3658998

I assume it’s tribalism. I think they aren’t truly offended when they complain over something insignificant about the new girls, but rather are hoping it means you won’t watch them because of it.

>> No.3659004
File: 230 KB, 512x251, 1398713795067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mermaid vtuber
I want to kidnap her and rape her for several weeks on end, force feeding her the eggs she lays so it's barely enough for her to live on. I will allow some eggs to pass and grow, become merdegenerates while I continue raping her. When a year, 4 months, 2 weeks, 5 hours, and 15 minutes pass from continuous rape and force feeding her eggs, I will drag her will broken body to the desert somewhere in the middle of fucking nowhere USA to dry out into a raisin. Then I will buy a boat and tie her sun dried corpse to the front for all to gaze at her face that's been frozen in mix of pleasure, pain, and hopelessness.

>> No.3659040

You okay dude?

>> No.3659048

Making half assed riggings

>> No.3659119

Removed subs or no 15k is fucking low when they're debuting so soon

>> No.3659215

That doesn't happen.

>> No.3659231

The average EOP doesnt know what Niji is. HoloEN probably wouldnt be where it was if it wasnt for Korone clips

>> No.3659241

Imagine wasting VPN IPs and ruining the fun for other people

>> No.3659285

It's much above indies or any other agency outside of hololive. Y'all should know at this point that nijisanji is niche in here.

>> No.3659301

unlike holo where i autosub, i'm waiting for the debut to see them if i sub or not

>> No.3659303

Take off your myopic glasses. These numbers are decent. This used to be normal for hololive subs but of course you weren't around back then so you wouldn't know.

>> No.3659337

These designs are super mediocre, holy shit.

>> No.3659340

sure but people that got dragged in probably know a lot more now.
people here love to doompost but end of the day if the girls have a good debut they have a shot at making it big.
if they don't, they'll probably still have hundreds of views per stream, like other small niji tubers.

>> No.3659343

it's working as intended, that's what Google does when its system suspects an account of gaining subs too quickly. it even hits tiny indies with that during milestone endurance streams

>> No.3659347

Graduation RTA lets fucking go

>> No.3659566

Gotta treat Nijisanji as a small company anon - no one is going to ever get the same amount of predebut subs Hololive does

Prism Project had their Gen 2 debut with about 2k and 4-5k subs

>> No.3659614

This is what generally happens to companies who enter an already claimed market late into the game. People who are new to the hobby will be told by their peers not to buy from that copycat company.

This is the reality they face. No matter how much they get shilled, they'll always be V-shojo at home.

>> No.3659671

Is Vshojo really that bad if we use a reference point? The matter is that they’re trying to establish a foothold and if they were even able to get Vshojo levels of foothold that’s still consider good. I believe the vshits can go fuck off but for Nijisanji to be able to have some presence, rather than thrown into obscurity like with the KR branch and debuts, is better than nothing. At least it’ll be known that they can reach triple digits average.

>> No.3659720

NijiEN faces the same problem that saturday morning cartoon animal shows faced in the 80's and 90's.
HololiveEN is to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as NijiEN is to Street Sharks or Swat Cats.
And then Vshojo is trying to be the super mario super show.

>> No.3659756

>Street Sharks or Swat Cats.
Disappointed that you didn’t use Biker Mouse from Mars, which even had the same syllables.

>> No.3659783

I forgot all about Biker Mice from Mars. But you get the same premise.

>> No.3659794

>as NijiEN is to Street Sharks or Swat Cats.

But HoloEN is the one with the shark and cats.

>> No.3659818

In the West, brand loyalty is King. They're out of luck once Cover decides to show their hand. They came in too late. Just imagine the stigma Digimon fans got after they get tribalism'd hard. That's going to happen en masse.

>> No.3659827

NijiEN will be forced to stream on bilibili. They already have been set up as streamers.

>> No.3659855

>Is Vshojo really that bad if we use a reference point
Is it VShojo? If anything sexual = VShojo, then VShojo is what it means when they want to fuck a girl. They are VSojoing/fucking her. In other words, they are oversimplifying everything. It’s completely dishonest.

>> No.3659885
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>> No.3659887
File: 516 KB, 552x739, 1617749706861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking her while she slowly shrinks until she's a living cocksleeve

>> No.3660020

NijiEN feels like Brain Powerd to Holomyth's Eva and VShojo's Raxephon.

>> No.3660075


>they'll always be V-shojo at home.

there are plenty of V-shoujo who get more views than many holos you know.

>> No.3660105


>> No.3660115

Only because they’re on twitch and therefore unchallenged at home territory. If we bring Holos to twitch then Vshojo might one up them sonce they’ve long been established there, although Miko did make a dent in their fort, and if Vshojo move to YT they would be mobbed. At this point its apple and oranges with the two group.

>> No.3660122

Yeah, that isn't changing NijiEN's trajectory back to the trash.

>> No.3660138

this means nijiEN will be the massively underrated gem right?

/m/ told me tomino is a genius after all

>> No.3660157

Unless Hololive manages to massively fuck up, Taiwan levels, they're pretty much gonna stay as top dog in the west.
Depending on when Cover announces Vsinger, it could kill any momentum NijiEN builds after debut.
Miko got 15-17k on a guerilla MC on twitch. This is generally why some anons here argue that Youtube hides live viewership since 100% transfer rate of an audience to another platform on short notice is pretty unheard of.

>> No.3660163

Brain Powerd is Tomino's second-worst work next to Garzey's Wing.

>> No.3660175


Normal Nijis average 1k ~ 2k views, if NijiEN reaches that then its success enough for them, hell, that is even the average of indies and low-tier holos too, holoEN is the only exception and im starting to get tired of people on this board using it as the standard when its the exception.

>> No.3660191

Brand loyalty is fucking garbage. Brands don’t truly care about you at the end of the day don’t let anime avatars fool you. As a consumer you should look for the best product

>> No.3660214

Then they literally prove that they are dollar-store rejects

>> No.3660216

Unfortunately marketing is a very powerful tool you should not underestimate.

>> No.3660285

This but Nui

>> No.3660418


most of my favorite vtubers average around those numbers (Patra, Himawari, Yorumi Rena, Nui Sociere) it seems 1k ~ 2k is the standard of success for them, and that is fine enough? I dont get where you are trying to get here besides fellating numbers like it would make their content better in any sort of way.

>> No.3660500

At this rate, if the EN get even 3 digits it should be consider a huge success. Ignoring numberfags who think the standard is over 10k at any given time, you’ll find yourself just enjoying your oshi and can have even more fun being there for them when they reach a new milestone.

>> No.3660561

Not really numberfags but people who hate Nijisanji fans and want to shit on them.

>> No.3660579

nui gets much more than that lol

>> No.3660611
File: 93 KB, 724x705, baddude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be JP EN and ID Holofag
> loved the shit out of the old Legend of Zelda cartoon as a kid, was the highlight of my week when it came on
> mfw

>> No.3660641

this but unironically

>> No.3660643

It’s to be expected. This shit is even worse over at 5ch where its the opposite for Holofags and Niji. The bullying to Nijifags tend to remind me of bullying for KFPs, although to a lesser extent.

>> No.3660662

They're better than ID brach if you talked about subscriber grow
Normally id brach only got 4-5k subs before debut

>> No.3660712

Nui, Himawari and Rena get 3k-6k. This is the average in NijiJP

you're not wrong in your reasoning though, getting 1k or heck, even more than 100 viewers is above the average for indies or s

>> No.3660717

Anons, i keep seeing their sub keeping down as soon as it recovers...

>> No.3660768

>As a consumer you should look for the best product
I agree 100%, but let me ask you--what does NijiEN offer that's better than the competition? I am unironically not seeing anything.

>> No.3660818


guess it depends of what game they stream, since my memory from nui was when she streamed FF9, chronno trigger and grandia, and himawari had around 2.5k recently that I have been seeing her RE8 stream live, rena also was around 1.9k during earthbound yesterday.

>> No.3660844

Nothing. These are just normal Nijinigger numbers

>> No.3660873
File: 17 KB, 424x272, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that's wrong, I remember them being easily at 60k+ before debut, Ollie even got to 200K one day right after debut.

>> No.3660876

They haven't even debuted yet, anon

>> No.3660891


hes talking about NIJI ID branch bruh

>> No.3660908

Just from their twitter interactions I know I'm not giving the fish a single glance, just having read her tweets is a time I wish I could get back. Probably lost some braincells in the way.

>> No.3660917

Think he means NijiID not HoloID

>> No.3660927

Then sure, but that's not really something you wanna be compared to.

>> No.3660984

Something that's been interesting to me is how Ichikara seems to be pulling all the stops to promote their EN branch (super popular artist producing their song, buy ads all over YouTube, having JP talents shill them) compared to the others.
I know the bar for success is pretty low for them but I wonder how long they're gonna keep up this promotion post debut.

>> No.3660986
File: 58 KB, 346x482, glue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I supposed to numberfag to this?

>> No.3661084

Why are you defending poos. They refused vtuber culture themselves

>> No.3661173

I'm talking about their prior activities under their former personas, which I'm sure you know about too. I also want the best product possible regardless of company, which is why I'm asking what can I get from any of these three that I can't get from somewhere else to a higher level of quality?

>> No.3661226

Its probably more important to promote initially, so that it can create a big splash at the start then do nothing and fumble to promote later once the ship has already sunk underwater. If the EN can at least get their names out on debut it will be easier and not as needed when they get a good foothold. Otherwise we end up with NijiKR debut 2, electric boogaloo burger edition.

>> No.3661307

It was me. I dropped all my dragon and fairy coins.

>> No.3661439

>Kfp making it a competition


>> No.3661549

If whatever she eats shrinks with her wouldn't your dick shrink too

>> No.3661600

Inform us when she does that to an actual loli design

>> No.3661658

I agree that the designs are super mediocre. I didn't think much about holoEN design at first (and I even thought Gura had the simplest design, no way she will be popular) but now I realize they're so much more unique than... whatever these are.

>> No.3661919

Numberfag their growth rate

>> No.3662250

I don't even care much about Hololive but I don't get how anybody can think Ina's design wasn't a standout.

>> No.3662332
File: 179 KB, 938x1621, 210301221603826031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm completely fucking serious, youtube unsubscribed me from their channels. What the hell?

>> No.3662368

Its probably youtube thinking you're a spam sub usually Hololive buys enough bots that it doesn't look as bad.

>> No.3662400

Its probably their manager forcing them to spam this shit to get Gura popular. Just ignore it till they debut.

>> No.3662410

you good?

>> No.3662543

It depends on the time, no jap will watch them during the day or during the time when CR cup happens

>> No.3662586

How retarded are they then? If they were going to tryhard for EN they shouldn't have been so damn late to the party. Hololive is basically synonymous with vtubing in the west and has been for months.

>> No.3662593

I love how you idiots do this but the current situation you're in is probably because of botting, not sure it seems you haven't learned but whataboutism hasn't been effective for a long time

>> No.3662595

Gura barely even tweeted much before debut, it was Kiara who was the most prolific tweeter.

>> No.3662636

Better late then never. Don’t forget they still have a chance to scoop up those that might not like Holo or indies. Right now, they are closer to Vshojo but on YT so that’s also a selling point. Their chuubas acts reminds me of Ollie, who many people liked because she was so loud and outgoing.

>> No.3662690

I remembered that 3 days ago on Sora's minecraft stream she mentioned the abandoned Ankimo Ch.
After she said that it was abandoned after giving one weird video, Ankimo Ch got about 200 subscribers.

>> No.3662712

it's gone

>> No.3662759

>These numbers are decent.
they aren't, given they're backed by the largest vtubing company in japan.

>> No.3662803

Hololive always wins baby.

>> No.3662837


>> No.3662885

Funny how the largest vtubing company can't beat hololive.

>> No.3662940

So large they dont even need to pay their employees.

>> No.3663066

They do in Japan which matters the most.

>> No.3663068

This is what you expect me to believe is going to usurp Hololive?

>> No.3663081

Coco herself beats all of nijisanji.

>> No.3663104


>> No.3663244

You will shart on the designated beach with the mermaid and you will like it.

>> No.3663349

What was it?

>> No.3663408

Her tweet about bonking Youtube for unsubbing people from Pomu and Elira. Management probably told her to pull it while they get things sorted.

>> No.3663451

Management was probably more like
>No, no shut up don't call attention to the sub bots we used

>> No.3663462

Funny how holofags always brag about numbers but then bitch and moan about EOP's and stuff that happens because they're popular. have with with SOP's as well!!

>> No.3663533

Fishchads can't stop winning

>> No.3663628

Scenes when the 3m subs shitpost turns to reality

>> No.3663672

LMAO this cope

>> No.3663794

Youtube fucking unsubbed me while I was asleep. Fuck off Google.

>> No.3663915

Coco don't beat even half of nijijp

>> No.3663954

Hololive is bigger than nijisanji since 2020

>> No.3664024

>This shit is even worse over at 5ch where its the opposite for Holofags and Niji
How? Holofags are shitting on Niji all day every day that it's sad to see Nijifags cope. It's the same everywhere.

>> No.3664043

He's talking about japan

>> No.3664078

Susan did the same when ID2 channels went up

>> No.3664093

And I'm talking about 5ch. It's literally the same cope too like this one >>3663066 for example.

>> No.3664382

Imagine simping for niji.

>> No.3664406 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 2878x1763, 1620526468668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meds now

>> No.3664467
File: 1.02 MB, 2878x1763, 1620526468668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds now

>> No.3664498

>Holofags are shitting on Niji all day every day that it's sad to see Nijifags cope
Karma hits like a bitch.

>> No.3664551

Nijisanji should just dissolve already and let hololive pick up any actual talent from there which is none.

>> No.3664593

YouTube definitely actually unsubs you randomly, it happens on every channel that suddenly starts getting subscribers from scratch

this is why sometimes you stop getting notifications etc

>> No.3664698

I'm pretty sure the more bots a channel has the more suspicious it would look.

>> No.3664714

Let's just say I've been unsubbed from Korone before.

>> No.3664747

Inui Toko, Chigusa and Chima are top-notch singers.

>> No.3665830

Only Finana gained instead of going down. Hands down the strongest NijiEN

>> No.3665892

More like it's the opposite with holofags crying about how it's more popular overseas.

>> No.3665910

Fiana did get hit, just not as badly. She only lost about a thousand subs instead of 7 or so thousand the others lost.
