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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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34065026 No.34065026 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZC
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg (embed)

Hololive auditions are permanently open!

Phase connect auditions are now open!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>33966725

>> No.34065200

Remember to keep your pet babi well groomed and free of ticks!

>> No.34065364

Remember that not everyone is gonna make it, but some will. What everyone will do is develop social skills, make friends and grow as a person by playing their hands on the arena, transcending viewerdom.

>> No.34065530
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Remember that males deserve to look cute too. Babi or femboy. Or just regular guy with an eclectic taste in clothing.

>> No.34065642
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This is what I'm hoping to get out of this all in the first place, because I feel like I wasted a good portion of my life after graduating high school

>> No.34066491
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5th for eating crabs! Yummy!

>> No.34066528

crabs worry too much about discord drama when they should be making content

>> No.34066553

Remember that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself

>> No.34066634

True, but there's no real point in dwelling on it.

>> No.34066640
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The aspcord where all the successful aspies come from

>> No.34066819

Remember that Jeremy Elbertson DID kill himself.

>> No.34067403

Where champions are made

>> No.34067471

imagine being one of the fools that falls for the cord traps

>> No.34068162

Daily reminder that he has no motivation!

>> No.34068313

He was doing so well before viewerfags and unironic groomers swooped in and forced him out of the community

>> No.34068402

whats the difference between a vtuber and a streamer using a greenscreen

>> No.34068405

Care to name and shame any of them? I worry about that guy.

>> No.34068423


>> No.34068511

Remember, and keep this well in mind, especially if you're an American:

Most hospitals in America are non-profits which means they have to have a finical assistance or charity care policy. That means that if you make under a certain amount of money the hospital legally has to forgive your medical bills, in part or in some cases in full. To see if you qualify go to your favorite search engine and type in the hospital name with financial assistance in the search bar. It's typically the top link. Then look for financial assistance applications and policies. From there look for the scale of benefits. Use the scale of your gross annual income to determine where you fall, if you fall under the poverty scale then they will typically forgive 100% of your medical bills. Contact the hospital and go forward. Any hospital that is a non-profit will have opportunities for you to have medical forgiveness at least a sliding scale, as mandated by the Affordable Care Act. Contact the hospital social worker to learn more.

>> No.34068571
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On screen avatar

>> No.34068574

The pixels

>> No.34068601

what about the third world chuubas? can they be saved?

>> No.34068696

Doing well in what way? Taking 7 months to get affiliate?

>> No.34068739

You are a viewer.

>> No.34068778

i know someone that streamed for years before getting it

>> No.34068792

That's really regional, but most countries that aren't the US have some sort of public healthcare that covers the basics.

>> No.34068795

literally me, but I have a lot of fun

>> No.34068957

>ywn peg the menhera out of the retarded cowboy
why even live?

>> No.34069260

Fuse one /asp/ie with another /asp/ie
What would they look like?

>> No.34069456


>> No.34069460

Still a 2 view

>> No.34069482

Doesn't lancecord have a better record with lumi and lex?

>> No.34069529

there are zero successful home-grown visagecord chuubas

>> No.34069602

clauvio was there too

>> No.34069629

And Callie calico, seems like lancecord puts out more partners

>> No.34069656

Gee I wonder why
Every fucking discord I’m in is either dead or low activity
I could argue that my mere presence is causing everyone to fail but that’s a really shitty outlook.

>> No.34069669

i will be the 1st.

>> No.34069976

Are you just going to give up on your dreams like that?! You want to peg that cowboy ass, you gotta work for it! Don't give up so easily!

>> No.34070078

Damn right! I will meet you on Brokeback Mountain my brothers!

>> No.34070596

should i become a pink cat girl?

>> No.34070633


>> No.34070663

Green cat girl…

>> No.34070717

You should become my pink cat girlfriend.

>> No.34070789

o-of course anon

>> No.34071174

claiming peoples success as yours is retarded honestly it’s not a one touch rule and there’s no released proof that they benefited or used lancecord aside from “they were in it they must’ve benefited!” which I call major bullshit on

>> No.34071371

nah i'm sure people would be doing the same with viewercord even harder if someone inclined to partner from there
i will say that clauvio mostly lurked and chatted every so often and lumi gave out some advice every now and then before going corpo, but lex was always doing research and posting resources and keeping an eye on trends

>> No.34071536

Drop your link and let me make the first move :3

>> No.34071690

I don't really feel that i was forced out, sure, i got kicked of the server, but people are friendly to me in chats and the like
I appreciate the concern anon
Anon, just DM me, i'm extremely approachable

>> No.34071736
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Thank you so much for stopping by, I had a really fun time, I will continue to stream weekly, but I am not entirely sure what days since I am in a life-shift as well, but I hope I can see some of you there again!

>> No.34071746

So they gave their own expertise and research?
the discord didn’t provide for them it seems they provided for it.Pretty stupid to claim there success

>> No.34071798

it was some give and take i'd say
they asked their own fair share of questions too

>> No.34071807

gee gee gee gee
babi babi babi

>> No.34071875

I call BS and if any of that is true it would be amongst themselves mostly and not from anything lance and co. provided

>> No.34071898

It's more provable than any claim viewercord or aspcord has made tbqh

>> No.34071932

>muh bogeyman
your server didn't do shit Lance

>> No.34071975

prove it then!
aspcord forma de visage is open to anyone, lancecord isn’t

>> No.34071982

>Resorting calling me different boogyman

>> No.34072003

I wanna add there's a new audition link

>> No.34072038

a 4chan discord with that tight access control can't have anything good in it. i bet it would be talked about for years if a full server leak happened

>> No.34072093

It's been talked about for years even without a leak

>> No.34072246

Nobody talks about the chuubas from MtGcord that made it

>> No.34072288

There's a MTG discord?

>> No.34072420

>Implying arsepees could make it into holo anyways

>> No.34072662


>> No.34072675

Ooh, a little fancier than the last one. I think I'd qualify as a hidden gem.

>> No.34072733

can someone explain to me what the fuck a viewercord is
is it just a circlejerk of you faggots laughing at menheras or what

>> No.34072801

I've never been in it but I'd have to guess that's the case except they're also menheras

>> No.34072813

That's what it is anon.
A circlejerk of terminally online 4chan viewers who think they're hot shit.

>> No.34072902

Oh, so all the female /vt/ users.

>> No.34072922

Yes they pretty much run /wvt/ into the ground.
/wvt/ is where you go to shill links or like every other terminally online discord idiot talk endlessly about each other. Seriously, some of the biggest attention whores I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot of internet e-celeb blood sports in my time kiddo.

>> No.34072972

I haven't read much of /wvt/ but every time I have, exactly what you're describing is going on over there.
Trying to promote yourself on /vt/ as a vtuber is largely a dead end aside from meeting other new vtubers.

>> No.34073335

I can't believe Rin Wasabi is in Viewercord

>> No.34073364
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So I'm trying to get started but I am one of those freaks who actually barely touches social media outside of stuff like 4chan. I'm reading through the guides on this thread and elsewhere and a lot are mentioning networking through sites like Twitter and coming up with hashtags and shit like that.
The issue is I think I already shot myself in the foot. I chose to give my persona/account a non-anglicized gaelic name which is a joke descriptor of myself (I couldn't come up with anything and thought it was a good idea at the time. I also have no clue as a rule of thumb how to make a catchy hashtag. Should I just try streaming first and see if some theme or something comes to mind?
I get that it should be somewhat short and simple, but I'm totally stumped on how to come up with something.
Does anyone have any advice on this? Also does it really looks shitty if I follow a mix of bigger names who I enjoy, even if it's very obvious they're in a different kind of sphere. The guide here makes it seem like you'll appear as a collab beggar just my following other accounts.

>> No.34073535

I am reading this in your voice

>> No.34073916

Clio got to 50 viewers within a week thanks to posting herself on /vt/. That's the most recent example.

>> No.34073928

This is the first /asp/ thread in 2 months that I've seen that doesn't have some one ritualposting about how much they want to suck off maple. /asp/ is the same thing, just for different people. And occasionally you have people ask questions or seeking feedback that get 1 (you).

>> No.34073969

Names literally dont matter, the biggest vtuber is named metal rodent, there's one called direct message girl and more.

Just stream and be entertaining.

>> No.34074037

Okay, fair; if you're a woman in your thirties then it probably isn't the worst place to score some viewers.
You just missed him from the other thread earlier today. It's still happening but not as often. The yellow cat even started showing up again.

>> No.34074248

well, the same people who ran /wvt/ into the ground also run /asp/ into the ground. Surprise surprise

>> No.34074271

Unless it's a name that is incomprehensible and impossible to search for or remember, which unanglicized gaelic is.

>> No.34074683

Mentall ill schizos from trash running /asp/ and /wvt/ to the ground. They keep posting the same things and hate the same people.

>> No.34074760
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Yeah this is exactly what I did....maybe I can change if I get no traction. I think I got too far into left field in terms of my weird ass model I've been working on and my entire concept. Only time will tell if I've just entirely filtered myself by straying too far from the weeb format.

>> No.34074921

You have nothing to lose from just rebranding. Nobody is watching you and you've got not content, presumably, if your still on the step of trying to figure out how the present yourself.

>> No.34075271

Yeah, I realize that to some extent. The art I drafted up has layers I can change and what not. But honestly the only thing I think I could possibly change this early into the game is the name that would likely alter my performance after launch. I kind of want to see how things play out under this incarnation because god knows I could just turn out to be a boring fuck. I haven't done a test stream yet and have some equipment I need arriving tomorrow anyway.
For all I know I could just be dealing with analysis paralysis and what I have now is endearing or interesting in some way to a niche audience.
Also thanks for the opinion/feedback.

>> No.34075635

You will show up to Alto's birthday karaoke tomorrow, right anon?

>> No.34075763

Definitely that because viewercord still seethes over lance and it only picked up when they set up camp here too.

>> No.34075924

Mori called out vtweeters when she should have called out vdiscorders instead.

>> No.34076004

lol no

>> No.34076015

But those are viewers

>> No.34076083

Lol yes

>> No.34076707

I will make it! Believe it!

>> No.34076884

Can you get a new schtick, this is getting old.

>> No.34079873

there's been leaks but they were a lot of nothing and i think the most they were ever able to get converted to is some weak rrat about "proof that they raid /wvt/"

>> No.34082472

For people who have relatively dead streams (like assuming 0 people are watching), how lively do you try to keep it? Should I just assume at any point that someone might jump in the stream and be talking relatively constantly?

>> No.34082528
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Nekopara and Modded Mc!
Not botched this time I hope..

>> No.34082830

I treat my streams as if I have people watching me and narrate what I see while sometimes talking to myself.

>> No.34084022

There IS some SEO to be done on spelling. I don't know how good of an idea it is to shoot for "R34p3rK1n9" if "ReaperKing" is taken

>> No.34084142
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I'm not sure if this is the board to for this, but since /g/ wasn't really of much help, I'm asking here now.
I need recommendations on video editing programs that aren't too dependant on your computer specs. Something like Premiere Pro or Sony Vegas is out of the picture.
I was using DaVinci Resolve before, but an update made it unuseable for some weird reason, and I started using Shotcut after that, but it feels really basic and lacks a lot of features.
I'm probably gonna start downloading every single editor out there to try them all, but before I try that shotgun approach, I wanted to hear from someone with experience first.

>> No.34084872

Can't hurt to try olive (it's free).

>> No.34085287
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airplanegorilla is the one doing it not me

>> No.34085357

Never heard of it before. Looks like trying to edit code with Bolt in Unity lol
Not saying that's bad, just weird.
Have you used it before? Do you think a beginner like me would be able to adapt to it quickly?

>> No.34085629

It's a little bit like gimp in terms of clunkyness

>> No.34085790

you can tell who is ngmi because they're incapable of understanding that a discord is just a place to share ideas with similar creators and it's not a classroom run only by lance or visage.

>> No.34085808

Since GIMP's pretty moddable and has a lot of resources and tutorials out there, I can adapt to circumstances with it. I hope Olive is also like that.

>> No.34086024

It wasn't like that at all last time I used it, but it was useable and in active development so maybe it's gotten a bit more intuitive since then.

>> No.34086372

Yellowcat had a good theory - speak like your speaking for a vlog/ future recording and not just a stream.

>> No.34086475

you can use capcut on your phone. its top tier. for stuff like tiktok edits

>> No.34086535

from someone who has not streamed once

>> No.34086549

All lance does is give out the invite

>> No.34086558

Viewercorders will always defend each other

>> No.34086688

I'm already using Inshot on my phone. It's ok, I guess, but I don't use it too often. I'm trying to edit better my videos on my computer this time, though, and Shotcut isn't really cutting it (heh).
I might end up trying to downlod a previous version of DaVinci Resolve to see if that solves the incompartibility problem if Olive isn't the editor I'm looking for.

>> No.34086951

