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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33477317 No.33477317 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.33477676


>> No.33477722

After that 3D showcase, she does feel a bit retarded.

>> No.33477898

and Anon came through in the end

>> No.33478065
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Well, will she? Or will it be another empty promise?

>> No.33478068
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A couple more.

>> No.33478156
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Might make more, but I'll have to look through the VOD.

>> No.33478177

Not even close to Moona level though

>> No.33478407

Maybe it will serve as a kick she needs and she will pull herself together.

>> No.33478423

I've given up on hoping but what does it matter

>> No.33478426

Fuck that attentionwhore monkey is in the chat again.

>> No.33478477

No one can reach Moona's levels of autism.

>> No.33478786

She said the same thing after every big performance then disappeared for weeks.

>> No.33479049

Then fucking sing, I'm not asking something out of your skillset, not 11 hour long streams or daily streams, just sing more often, is your main skill, everyone loves your voice and having some karaoke in your archive will boost your career to the stars.

>> No.33479475
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>> No.33479523


>> No.33479528


>> No.33479671

Well is not the best but it's far from terrible either, this guy might be on to something but i agree that he is a nigger.

>> No.33479681

Always has been

>> No.33479708

At least stream consistently, is all I could ask for

>> No.33479718

It's hopeless, remember Holofes? Risu is Risu, if she was going to change she would have done so already.

>> No.33479748

dude has some balls

>> No.33479786

And with variety too, not asking much but at least try not to bore your viewers.

>> No.33479821

So she were both parched and had nothing to eat?

>> No.33479833

gifted membership was a mistake

>> No.33479892

Why is she using this bg music again? Is she trying to make this stream into a snoozefest?

>> No.33479899

>golden nut
containment breacher?

>> No.33480083

Well, she will definitely do more.... on her own metrics anyway. Seriously hoping Cover will throw more YT Music Weekend stuffs to her. Its not live performance so she can calm herself and focus more on the vocals.

Guess this is what it feels like to have an oshi huh...

>> No.33480137

Holofes hype was her big chance and she let it go. She won't get another one that big unless she ends up collabing with a big name like Suisei or Korone.
The only way to get any momentum without that kind of hype would be to grind streams and original songs and we all know it's not going to happen.
Well, as long as she's fine with it I don't mind. It's just that expecting too much from Risu is setting you up for disappointment.

>> No.33480160

So she's been doing checks and rehearsing for 8 hours before the performance and drained out. Is this how they usually do things?
Moona and Iofi also went through the same thing and still energetic though, do your reps Risu.

>> No.33480178

Risu antis are ex-prisuners

>> No.33480237

Yeah, me

>> No.33480402

At least the grandmas attempts at speaking English are sort of adorable. I guess?

>> No.33480429

Ok so after re-listening to it and calm down more.... I do think that in terms of vocal performance, this is still one of the best in Hololive. The scuffs is not that noticable in grand scheme of things.

I do feel that it is not her full potential though, which might be why there is some feeling of disappointment. Comparing to Moona who definitely played to her best part, and Iofi who kinda did better than the (low) expectation, always felt that Risu has the potential to do more.

Well, this is her first experience. Moona did have experience so hopefully Moona can help her to get better..... and she also have the drive to do better. I guess this is what it feels like to have an "oshi" lol.

>> No.33480448

Working hard is cringe remember? That's her motto in live.

>> No.33480691

Risu is really too melancholic that everything becomes a personal achievement for her. You can be even greater if you actually try girl.

>> No.33480769

At least she got vocal coach recently from what I heard. That's progress I guess.

And yeaaaaah guess that's kinda the problem with expectation of us for Risu for her potential, and what she wanted, or what she felt comfortable to do and the pace for it.

>> No.33480912

Stupid treerrat, don't get all sentiment, you'll make me cry as well.

>> No.33481000

She's always the "feeling"-type of person. She always tries her best to "give back" to her fans.

>> No.33481098


>> No.33481229

>She always tries her best to "give back" to her fans.

>> No.33481343

> No karaoke for more than half a year after she promised to do more
> MIA for weeks several times
> Low effort trucking streams for 2 months consecutively
> Never tried to initiate any collab and improve her social skill

That's not how you give back to fans. I know she has a lot of IRL issues and lack of funding to create more songs, but that just shows how unprofessional she is.

>> No.33481434

I thought she was the one with the least language issue.
Iofi switches too much and Moona speaks her own language.

>> No.33481702

From what I remember Iofi's English is fine but it's true that Moona's is on par with Risu's.
Not that I were comparing in >>33480402 just spoke in general.

Is /vt/ trying to tell me something?

>> No.33481785

"her best"... in her own pace. She does let herself slips to her own comfort zone quite abit though.

>> No.33481828

I can't stomach Moona's pronunciation

>> No.33481973

She actually holds back from doing so many things that her fans want, like karaoke and collabs. That's why /here/ calls her self debuff. Guys that support her blindly must be masochists.

She needs to get reality check and critics instead of those fans who keep praising her no matter what she does. There are 2views who do more than her for years and can't dream to reach her exposure. Hell, even Iofi does more variety streams than her.

>> No.33482059

Which mean her best is everyone else's worst, don't you ever get tired of defending her low effortness?

>> No.33482162

At least it fits her thick model

>> No.33482397

Well, she's apparently /here/ also. Hoping she actually reads this, I guess? People here are blunter than other places.

Agreed on second sentence although I don't think she's the type who kept herself to echo chamber of praise. She knows but she have trouble following-up on it.

>> No.33482462

That's pretty much the main reason why anons said her antis are actually ex-prisuners...

>> No.33482595

Moona's English is atrocious. I love her accent, but she punctuates her sentences with basic grammar mistakes as if she just started to learn the language.

>> No.33482633

Oshi represent her fans. Risu is lazy, so are the risuners

>> No.33482765

Well duh this is the gray area for chuubass to read their fans real reaction...do you really expect plebbit and doxxcord to be more than just a bootlicker camp?

>> No.33482947

/here/ is her manager??

>> No.33483022

When you love her enough you just hate her. Her antis want her to be bigger and better while prisuners let her run loose and live in her comfort zone. Pretty weird fanbase.

>> No.33483068

You wish

>> No.33483118

>Risu talking about wanting Solo 3D Concert
Dude! Just IMAGINE

>> No.33483143

>1-hour of actual Live
Please. And do it properly.

>> No.33483165

>"Make the impossible possibleb"
Sure thing Risu but it gotta starts with you first.

>> No.33483201

As she just said, she has no big goals which leads to the lack of motivation.

>> No.33483212

The impossible
>Constant Ayunda Risu Karaoke

>> No.33483533

Only if you serve it on a silver platter.

>> No.33483832

Different people want different things from a streamer. Some want more of an idol experience, girl getting better and more popular. But others are content with something more chill, gaming, free talks, occasional low effort singing. Something to relax after work to. It is absolutely understandable, that Risu choosing the later type of content will be infuriating for those, who wants the first.
Except last few months she doesn't even do that. I come home from the factory and there is no squirrel to cheer me up.

>> No.33484095

>Risu is depressed, unmotivated, without a goal in life
Sounds about right

>> No.33484178

Before she got too busy with all the big projects she's been doing over the past year Suisei did well combining the two, chill silly gaming, and chats with her big stellar concerts.

>> No.33484393

Well, apparently this was the management saying they wanted to give her the chance for that. That's as good as serving it on silver platter.

>> No.33484510

Yea that's the part I were talking about. I mean Risu herself said that she'll do it if (and only if) they serve everything up for her.

>> No.33484603

Either i missed it or I'm shadowbanned from Risu channel. She skipped my congratulatory sc with looking forward to her future karaoke.

If she is purposely skipping it means it will be unlikely to have a decent amount of karaoke..

>> No.33484769

> Congratulations on the 3D Debut! Looking forward for future 3D Live or Karaoke!

>> No.33484963

we more nigger like this

>> No.33485026

pardon my mobile posting

>> No.33485116

What a troll teaser ending

>> No.33485490

Yes that one.. Just hope that there's more karaoke

>> No.33485855

wtf is wrong with alice & u song is actually painful to hear.

>> No.33485989

A question of motivation. Sui wants to be known for her singing, so she improves it, releases songs, does projects, etc. What does Risu wants? I have no fucking idea. I'm sure she actually loves her fans. But has no concrete idea what she wants with this vtubing thing and just drifts with the flow. She either needs a different manager that will guide her, or, at the very least, set a streaming routine and stick with it.
Personally, I don't really care about her singing career. It would be cool if she did concerts and stuff, but I love her for being casually funny, for chaotic comfy energy. But it has to be consistent. She was streaming 5/2 with a schedule every other week last year, and it was not great, but it was something. This year she just disappeared. And it was supposed to get better with her leaving parents.

>> No.33486252

If only this could work. After the King cover and the first NNN, her chat was filled with people asking for karaoke. Did it help? You know the answer. I have no idea what would it take to "fix" Risu.
>Inb4 hard steamy pounding
Yeah, by me

>> No.33488221
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>> No.33488342

I just meant that it's possible to combine the two. They aren't mutually exclusive.
But I do agree with you.
She also really needs a better motivation than "not cringe" and "hey OG bros" in her life. Would hate to see such a loveable person get a bleak future simply due to a lack of motivation.

>> No.33488548

>a bleak future simply due to a lack of motivation.
That's how most people end up so it's highly possible it will end like this.

>> No.33489078

I didn't expect happy treerat to make me sad.
Glad we have this

>> No.33489253

We need to motivate her with more Risu singing images! Or even more Risu doing concert images

>> No.33490037

She is content with her life/achievement now. She came peaked. Everything just went downhill after that.

>> No.33490268

When she said she wants 3D concert and to release ep pp, I believed her.

>> No.33490369

It's okay guys, I felt a bit disappointed too, but I think it's enough with the self hating of being a Risuners.
Let's just wait for the mini concert shall we?

>> No.33491033

I think her biggest problem is the fact that she is satisfied with what she does.
I dont think she understands her true potential. And she never had this much money either.

>> No.33491304

Bleak futures are the norm.
It is not true that everybody will shine and reach the sun.
Being happy with the small things are the true meaning of happiness.

>> No.33491314
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>> No.33491532

Join a discord server anon, you'll fit in better there.

>> No.33491948

You don't have to shine and reach the sun to avoid the darkness.
But thanks for the laugh!

>> No.33492259

>Golden nut
>unpleasant message
>name "smoked nugget"
Idk man, looks like a shitpost

>> No.33492725

It might be even worse. She has no reputable profession, unmarried, lives as a neet. I wouldn't be surprised if her parents think of her as a failure and a shame to an asian family, at least until recently. Imagine how much confidence would she have.

>> No.33493130

You know what? Let's do it.

>> No.33493232

You're thinking she's trying to rebel against her parents indoctrination but can't quite cast off that "I will never be able to achieve anything"-mindset?
I heard Suisei went out with her for lunch? Hopefully she gets more chances to get in some of that idol inspiration that her niece refused.

>> No.33493351

I can't draw at all and I have no margins for commissions. So I can only wish you the best of luck.

>> No.33494358

Yeah, something like that. Getting recognition and pep talk from Sui might help, I hope. To bad Risu never had actual senpais.

>> No.33496303

>true potential
She could be top world singer. That's her potentiol but without good enviorment and good care. No beautiful flower can bloom

>> No.33496431

Reminds me of this from half a year ago
> The more Suisei senpai praised me, the more i really want…the more I strive to be like her
Imagine her actually hiding under the table like that after being called the Celine Dion of Hololive when they're out eating too.

>> No.33498262

Her mother asked her to refor the roof... you do not understand parents at all.
They would never ask a failure to do that.

>> No.33498447

Did she talk about it?

>> No.33501060

Unless she have no other choice

>> No.33501201


>> No.33502537


>> No.33503916

>I heard Suisei went out with her for lunch?
When? Suisei's twitter is silent and I haven't seen any evidence she met Risu.

>> No.33504740

as much as I would love my squirrel to hang out with korone more, because they're both very cute. They have different appeals. I don't think they'd do too much idolfag concert stuff together either, that's not really korone's main thing, and I don't think risu wants it to be her main thing.

I don't know how you think truck stream is low effort. The game is watching grass grow. Any interest in those is pure her zatsudan. I think she likes that kind of stuff.

The stories where cute too wonder if she'll pick that up again some day too.

>> No.33504743

it is really sad that korone never showed up... i bet when the id girls go back, she will make a small segment lamenting about not being able to meet risu.
just like she did when sana graduated. Most of the japs dont care about anyone else.

>> No.33507079

Ok kiss gura ass now

>> No.33508117

I don't want to badmouth her family, but her parents are quite toxic. At one point she had to provide them meals and paid bills. No wonder she's so depressed.

It's not like Risu did any effort in connecting with any JP or EN including Korone. Instead she fangirl like they're not real people. If I'm Korone I would be weirded out too.

>> No.33509482

>at least until recently
Harsh truth but I think her parents are leeching Risu now.
An advice for anonchamatachi, please prepare some funds for your own retirement so nobody in your family will have to take care of you

Be a cool grandpa/ma, don’t be a leech

>> No.33509687

> I don't want to badmouth her family, but her parents are quite toxic
I can see that from her mother’s side. Her dad seems kinda cool since he bought her a decent laptop for her debut
Even the whole marriage thing usually came from the mother’s side

>> No.33510220

>giving people expectation again
If you fell for this again, that's on you.

>> No.33510270

>I will do more from now on too
I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.33513943

Squirrel up

>> No.33514328

bros he called iofay and "anya melfissa" just got a 3d, the fuck

>> No.33514955

Even leeching should have a limit. Her parents asked her to supervise their home renovation instead of doing it themselves, even knowing that Risu currently needs to do a job that pays their bill.

>> No.33515020

This makes me wonder if her mom might actually be chinese, because i don't see how a native indonesian parents would bee that petty especially ones that came from a poorer background. They would come up with their own ideas to fix something as trivial as a fucking roof.

>> No.33515379

she said her family is asian, and in indo that means chinese most of the time

>> No.33517949

>Her dad seems kinda cool
>He doesn't know

>> No.33520719

I will save Risu and marry her

>> No.33523376

is risu the best cook among holoid1?
if so she should cook something up for the jp members to try
can also make a react video for it

>> No.33524055

it wont happen

>> No.33525723

Or the other way around, JPs treating IDs to some local food, and their reaction to it. A simple concept of trying new food and bonding over it. Would be kino. Will never happen. Talents are not on friendly enough terms to say: "hey, wanna eat some food and make a video out of it?" And management doesn't care about missing opportunities.

>> No.33525783

At best, we will get a story from Risu about how she met with some people.

>> No.33526246

Area 15 today

>> No.33526357

Risu have so much potential..
But Risu be like.. if I do this I will be booming
Let's avoid that and do something lame instead..
I'm sure, she's the 1st talent who will graduating from ID..

>> No.33526492

Nah she won't be graduating, she need the money. But she won't do anything to improve her stream, just memes and cringe until Hololive is dead.

>> No.33526684

yeah, we get it. you are repeating the same thing over and over. fuck off already.

>> No.33526851

>Risu Antis - Want her to be a super star
>Risuners - Want her to chill and be happy

Pick your poison

>> No.33527221

>Risuners on the verge becoming antis
Want her to finally stop debuff herself so that their bragging about her have meaning

>> No.33527469

Fair point.

>> No.33528163

If Risu was Ame or Noel tier singer, I'd still watch her. Her singing is not the primary appeal for me.

>> No.33529596

TF, She's entertainer Anon
She's need a lot of exposure to be relevant
Look at Moona and Iofi, they're pushing the limit meanwhile Risu just chilling at the safezone
Risu very capable to stand beside Suisei tier but she refuse it
I'm not antis but i'm very angry for someone who are very potential always debuffing instead growing..

>> No.33530436

Push the limit and learn English. This is painful to read.

>> No.33531227

Okay English Almighty..

>> No.33531983

Give Risu what she needs, not what she wants Anon...
she surely doesn't need people telling her to chill and do nothing to improve herself.
You seem like those body positive people who would say fat fucker that it's okay to be like 200 kg. Just be "chill and happy".

>> No.33533008
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No reason to support her after the abysmal performance yesterday. Even Iofi do better on her 3D when everyone know singing isn't her thing. Wake me up when treerat found her motivation.

>> No.33533103

Post your nut you troll

>> No.33533290

It wasn't the best Risu singing experience for sure, but it's her first time doing dancing and singing for an hour. And it was decent, as far as 3D debuts go.

>> No.33534287

This vtuber phenomenon won't last forever. One day the inevitable vtuber apocalypse will come and what would Risu do then?
Better capitalize on the current opportunity, become the best superstar and be a billionaire for safe retirement, Risu. Many 2views would kill for your position.

>> No.33534806

I just hope she strives for better perfomance. Not "if only, there isn't a storm before my 3D debut;I can do better etc". She can do 3 hours Acapella without dropping while 1 hour 3D showcase exhaust her.

>> No.33535214

She is satisfied with her performance. From the after talk you can tell she is happy just to be there.

>> No.33535425
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I'm the one who fall for the promise of "more karaoke streams". Before 3rd fes i only sc on her karaoke.

>> No.33535509

Tbf you don't need to dance while doing acapella and i am sure she did it while sitting. And all of ID1 really should hit the gym more often to build stamina

>> No.33535522

>3 hours Acapella
Sitting on her ass and drinking as much water as she needs. But I agree. She knew what was coming, not getting fit is on her. I hope it would be a valuable experience, and when she does a 3D concert she brings a chair she is ready.

>> No.33535663

>Risu does 3D concert
She won't

>> No.33535743

I don't see why not

>> No.33535836

Her voice was also cuter and more normal sounding during the 3d while talking than usual lately. Why the fuck doesn't the squirrel sound like this consistently and why doesn't management tell her this?
Not even saying she has to go high pitch either, just don't sound like a washed up cartoon character on drugs.

>> No.33536051

This is probably more of like a budget issue. Like Moona SC I think kinda doubles her and Moona still said that she needs to save all her income in 1 year just to have a chance at the 3D concert. So IDs probably struggling to have a 3D concert of their own unless it's company-sponsored such as HoloFes. Either that, or vtubing on ID explodes so much that they got enough to gen concert. Probably will take them long enough still.

>> No.33536080


>> No.33536410

Then what is she going to do on the 20th? Cheer on Moona and Iofi as part of the audience?

>> No.33536672

We are talking about the hypothetical Risu Live 3D Concert in the future, not the upcoming Area 15 that is kinda part of the showcase.

>> No.33536713

What i understand from that anon is Risu doing solo 3D concert which will never happen because she is a lazy fuck who debuff herself and never keep her promise.

>> No.33536833

Let's see if she actually improve her performance at 20th. Just let her sit down and sing.

She doesn't put effort in dance anyway. It's so obvious that she forgot the choreography of Hi-15.

>> No.33538202

squirrel up

>> No.33538838

Just give me few weeks with her and she will have Stamina like 50 km runner after all the sex I will have with her

>> No.33539125

I'm convinced that Risu's lost potential can be blamed mostly on a combination of ID management and their Cover home office.
They had a talented streamer and singer who was a rising star and just kind of left her to her own devices and didn't take advantage of what they had. They didn't correct course when she was fucking up and creating bad habits.
So now she is simply too cemented in her ways to change.

>> No.33539481

She still is rather young so it can change

>> No.33540150

You said that but Moona got StarFlower as her unit with Suisei, Azki and Irys. Talent is useless if you don't have motivation. Cover can't force their streamers to do anything they don't want to.

>> No.33540282

>Influx of fans from 3rd fes but only do karaoke stream once
>3D debut
She blew it twice. How many opportunities she need before she changed?

>> No.33540366

After she became 2 views with less than 50 members

>> No.33540557

>Moona got StarFlower as her unit with Suisei, Azki and Irys.
Anon, management are the ones who put these units together. Moona was asked to sing her part of the song and she did. They even organize big collabs and put two girl ships together at times.
If they wanted Risu to sing and form a unit with specific members of JP, they could have done so easily. But making ID into a bigger deal that collaborates with the other branches was a slow move on management's part.

>> No.33540587

If she drops to that, a bukkake, gangbang event is more probable.

>> No.33540659

Oh shit i also forget about the theme, sorry about that.

>> No.33540818

Those 4 worked hard as fuck for the resources. See the hours Moona put in karaoke and streaming. It's unfair to the colleagues if you pick the talented but lazy one for project like this.

>> No.33540836


>> No.33541380

The rising star of ID was Moona and Cover did capitalize on it. And she deserved that because all the hours she put into the grind while Risu went MIA.
If Risu feels she got left behind, she has noone to blame but herself.

>> No.33542705

hehe yeb.

>> No.33544232

Yeb Hehehehe. YEB

>> No.33544779

Empty promise for sure.

>> No.33546003

Seems like Cover should pressure her if people wanted her to buff herself more. Maybe put her in a certain contract or tell her "this is your new job"
This is the best way to force lazy genius to work and believe me, they'll gladly do it anyway

>> No.33548923

Risu is awake!

>> No.33549237
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>This is what /vt/roons actually believe

>> No.33549615
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>> No.33549892

I'd prefer to wait for tomorrow's performance before making anymore assumptions and blames.

>> No.33550091


>> No.33552271

ikz. i'm late.

>> No.33552867

Now treerat forcefully kiss the alien

>> No.33552973

>3D showcase is not the same with 3D concert

>> No.33553347

>Turns out it they are the same

>> No.33553469

She's talking about (you)

>> No.33553942

What's is it about?

>> No.33555091

Doomposting, that was going since her 3D showcase

>> No.33555294

Good!! That means she does read the thread.

>> No.33555373 [DELETED] 

Anon.. not good if she responded that way.

>> No.33555913

Doomer Risu Arc incoming? Nice

>> No.33557619

Hey risu if you're reading this, read moon thread. They're pissed at (You).

>> No.33558111


>> No.33558402

Thanks, i needed the solo version of this.

>> No.33559050

>retarded dramaniggers trying to stir up tribalistic shit
yep, that's the /moon/ for you

>> No.33559875


>> No.33559914

guess you're done shitting up /moon/ huh

>> No.33560750

Sorry to disappoint you anon but i just read the retardation that has been happening there.

>> No.33561146

scroll up, anon. we're no different

>> No.33562220

Nah, they're more retard

>> No.33562334


>> No.33562470

Other thread
>My oshi is the best let's shitpost other idol
Risu thread
>Shitpost Risu

>> No.33562653

They're retarded on a daily basis anon, always on each other's throat for the most trivial matter. It's rare for this thread to even have this sort of discussion

>> No.33562769

this anon has the right idea. the falseflagging is too obvious.
hell, a risuner even outed himself in /moon/

>> No.33562867

>talented streamer
Whoa, dude, let's not get there. I like her stream but calling her a talented streamer is a bit much. I'd argue that her strength other than singing is making some skit content instead of streaming. While it's kind of the fault of Cover(I mean why wouldn't they? Why the fuck they didn't at least provide a streaming kit so Risu didn't force to stream Zuma because of her shitty laptop?) Risu reaching her acceptance stage instead of striving doesn't help her bad circumstances along the way. Kinda understandable but kinda sad seeing strong potential squandered.

>> No.33563350

>Girls have a big event
>Shitposting and baiting through the roof
Every fucking time. I hate facebook kids.

>> No.33563652

thanks for shitting up our thread. now, stay where you belong and never come back. dont you have some nagging to be done ITT?

>> No.33563720


>> No.33563980

Rohoho fat knobber kid

>> No.33564924
File: 163 KB, 800x800, 1654526986807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean we're talking about the sisters that taking it personally when their oshi got shotted on Rust means capital punishment and shitstirrer. Sometimes I kinda hope Risu isn't really attached to /here/ since these places can amplify small nothingburger into "big headlines"

>> No.33565039

Risu is evolving.. But backwards..

>> No.33565214

seems like you are one of those sisters

>> No.33566541

Risu is here
Take it or leave it..

>> No.33569543

risu general is supposed to be bait-resistant,
outside here, then go ahead. took 'em bait, baybee.

>> No.33573324
File: 93 KB, 1500x1500, Fc8kJ16aAAEjQ69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33575075

I told you this would happen.
Korone already uploaded the video saying how amazing it would be to collab with risu... she would be really happy to invite her to a live ...

But she will never do it. She cares too much about her own space. Why be false about it? She is so calculative.

>> No.33578065

What the hell happen here?

>> No.33578766

some shit

>> No.33579794

Korone always says this, but getting to actually collab with her is a miracle.
If you accuse Risu of never getting out of her comfort zone, don't ever think of watching Korone.

>> No.33579969
File: 89 KB, 600x706, risu gun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not reply

>> No.33580304

Taking out your frustrations on Korone now?
Korone is actually a busy person despite having health issues and would collab with Risu one on one guaranteed if Risu DIRECTLY asked her to a collab, but she doesn't.
Fubuki and Korone didn't even collab one on one until this year and they are both Gamers, so stop acting like Risu is being treated badly for some reason.

>> No.33585118


>> No.33585717

It's not taking your frustration on someone. Korone has a very anxious personality despite how she acts and notoriously avoid collabs.
Please do not hype an eventual 3D Korone collab that will probably not happen and set up everyone for disappointment and more doomposting.

>> No.33589125

