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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33362946 No.33362946 [Reply] [Original]

Thats it? Thats the collab that destroys HoloEN?

>> No.33363136

The mention of Kronii being in next weeks collab is enough to make /vt/ meltdown again.
Honestly, thanks boys, your existence is great both on and off stream for creating this much seethe.

>> No.33363282

Let's see if they can handle the collab like Mumei did.

>> No.33363285

Who won the first rounds?

>> No.33363435

Ame, Calli, and Axel

>> No.33363478

The tamest shit i've ever seen. To the point it was boring. It didn't destroy Hololive but it sure as hell was a snoozefest.

>> No.33363555

it was literally just a collab
wow its almost like unicorns are deranged

>> No.33363575

I see

>> No.33363715


>> No.33363826

I think thats why they wanted to play it safe, they know the difference in audience.

>> No.33363969

Not sure what the fuck your expecting out of worms other than you paid a little too much attention to the schizos and their Avengers Civil War bullshit

>> No.33364182

What the fuck did you expect? For them to fuck on stream?
I'd have loved that but c'mon it's fucking Worms

>> No.33364317

I watched the commentary stream and was hyped throughout.

>> No.33364363
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you were supposed to watch the Commentators.

>> No.33364382

I dunno, maybe some flirting or lusting for us to shitpost about. Or even any kind of insane laughter from Amelia like Kronni did instead of her just being a robot the whole stream.

>> No.33364465 [DELETED] 

there was nothing on the stream itself to shipost about, so the unicucks are shitposting about the numbers by comparing it to Subarus

>> No.33364467
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You expect the destruction to happen overnight?
This will be slow. But holoEN and Ame in particular is already bleeding numbers. HoloID will fucking overtake them soon. Everyone but Irys, Fauna and Kiara are shitting on their core audience.

>> No.33364636

You new here? You don't actually need to find something real to shriek about and clutch your pearls. You can just do what every one else does, and make up shit in borderline-schizophrenic scenarios. Talents have never needed to do actual yabs to incur /vt/'s wrath. Just look at Kronii, or Mori, Or any of them, really.

>> No.33364671

Bingo this guy did it great!

>> No.33364762

Mori literally admitted to illicit drug use after going on a deranged egosa bender on Twitter

>> No.33364803

Who gives a shit?

>> No.33364808

Honestly Magni made the entire thing enjoyable to watch, his commentary was top notch and Vesper makes up for a great partner

>> No.33364835

drug use is sort of based, unfortunately its mori so it automatically becomes cringe

>> No.33364845
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>> No.33364908

The Kronni laughter and her full retard takes on clip channels did happen though

>> No.33364923
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Didnt watch
Wont watch
Will never watch males

>> No.33365036
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When will this twittertroon get banned?

>> No.33365042

I'm not even asking whether it's cool or not. I'm asking who gives a shit. Like, imagine you find some total rando and you explain to them about vtubers. They say, "Oh, so they're mostly just regular streamers with a moving anime avatar." -- Now, how do you explain to them what's so horrific or whatever about Mori drinking lean, and why you're so emotionally invested? How do you do that without coming across as a complete psychotic freak?

>> No.33365063

dude trust me
mass report like /jp/ did

>> No.33365070

The particular collab itself doesn't matter. What matters is that the participants don't care about the legacy of Hololive JP. They are ruining the all-female lore.

>> No.33365116

Are you expecting HoloEN to just disappear all of a sudden? Yes HoloEN has been destroyed but it will be a slow burn as people drop off after realizing what made them like it in the first place has been irrevocably changed. Like how when Disney bought Star Wars people didn't realize that the entire franchise would be turned to shit.

Yes there will be always be hopeless consoomers who will happily lick up any old diarrhea that comes from the anus of their favorite brands but people who liked Hololive because of it's unique content will simply stop watching leaving EN to die a slow, ignominious death

It's already in motion and you're already seeing the copes over why EN can barely hit 15k these days while JP has multiple 20ks every single day.

>> No.33365198
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This happened 2 days ago.

>> No.33365280

That sounds nice, I hope they have fun while doing it

>> No.33365295
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I'm actually kind of disappointed because they won't be commentating next week...

>> No.33365331

It got less views than Fubuki solo streams. JP viewers are not interested in that shit at all and it will never be normalized in JP to the extent it has been in EN

>> No.33365346

>that d-doesn't count okay, fubuki is japanese unity and oga's cousin

>> No.33365394

>destroys HoloEN
I hope HoloEN get nuke and JP save a Gura (like a pet)

>> No.33365466

that explains the thread quality

>> No.33365523

>Not expecting Ame to completely take a backseat in a collab
>Expecting male flirting in a Hololive stream
Jesus where the fuck do you newfags come from

>> No.33365629 [DELETED] 

okay, no one is asking you to

>> No.33365702

why bother in the first place? It creates way more drama than it was ever worth it.

>> No.33365952

Amelia is a fucking autist she was ALWAYS silent in bigger collabs even Myth-only, she have social anxiety or something. That's why people were so weirded out that she's the one organizing this shit with people she doesn't really know because it's clear she must have some dumb agenda.

>> No.33366002

Kronii absolutely WAS flirting with the homos

>> No.33366011

Remember how Matsuri lusts for Roberu? Or Bae? Or Ollie for any male ever?
The flirting is real dumbass

>> No.33366052

Now explain how that relates to Ame, the known wet blanket of EN collabs.

>> No.33366057

it's a slipery slope that's what it is

>> No.33366125

I'm not homosexual

>> No.33366157

It doesn't but the point he was trying to make is that the holo girls don't flirt with the males ever, which is obviously false

>> No.33366271

>The response was "not expecting Ame to completely take a backseat in a collab"
>It's not about ame
>A different point altogether
No shit, girls will flirt, but the point was expecting Ame to do it? That's like expecting Gura to stream.

>> No.33366283

Didn't read but just for the long text, here's your (you)

>> No.33366396

He said:
>Expecting male flirting in a Hololive stream.
That does happen

>> No.33366432

That's fucking Fubuki she got 0 akasupas for a reason

>> No.33366970
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>> No.33367002

Worms is such an ugly game.

>> No.33367155 [DELETED] 

>destroys HoloEN
>Brings back the EN ID pre-council collabs

>> No.33367219

It was a good stream, especially with the commentary. I am glad schizos hated it. If this was them disrespecting their core audience, I’m pretty sure they will get a better core audience.

>> No.33367321

They don’t need akasupas to make bank.

>> No.33367679

Those holo worms are fucking terrifying

>> No.33367688

d i e

>> No.33367934

Ame 25k viewers 9.9k
Kiara 331k viewers 14.5k ... que?

>> No.33367977

Destroys Kronii, every other member in Hololive told Mori to fuck off. HoloEN will be just fine

>> No.33368016

It's a Homo stream, of course it's boring as fuck

>> No.33368063

>watch the fags

>> No.33368356

Diminishing returns bro

>> No.33368990
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Honestly a little peeved that other vt meme account was taken out first before this way shittier one did, lol.
At least the vt kek one didn't own a fucking facebook meme account, and talk about roommate shit.

>> No.33369022

Found the AAA Cuck

>> No.33369056

Report him for harassment and doxxing. Use Zucks tools for yourself

>> No.33369148

The screenshot was taked just after Ame ended the stream anons-chama so ame view count is low.

>> No.33369176

its slippery because i cum all over it

>> No.33369193

That's just beginning of end

>> No.33369313

>Combined numbers she's the best
Imagine combining numbers and STILL losing to a JP, which Ame did.

>> No.33369458

You didnt watch your father?

>> No.33369524

Kiara's was 12 hours long

>> No.33369886

touch grass lol

>> No.33371566

What do you mean "Out of worms"? OneyPlays Worms was some of the best shit I've watched on their channel, it was legit the highlight of the channel, so strong that they had to play like 2-3 more games just so people would shut up about it.

Don't you dare treat Worms like an entertainment debuff lmao

>> No.33371700

You are such an ugly fag

>> No.33372808

the lack of streams killed HoloEN long before StarsEN did

>> No.33372908

Worms has been youtuber kino for awhile, for some reason vtubers haven't grasped the game yet
I remember it being a staple for achievement hunter back in the day

>> No.33373063

It's still calculating ame's total viewership, kiara's viewership was over an 11 hour period where she sustained 7-8k ccv, which meant that people left and new people came to equal out to well over 300k people watching the stream in total

>> No.33373248

It requires them to THINK and that's hard. Like holy fuck so many blown plays that rookies would make. They focused way too much on Stalling tactics instead of killing which meant we got the "Well we already know the winners" due to the nature of positioning on a hard ceiling map

>> No.33373296

So I presume you don't watch any sports then. As the majority of the commenters who are remotely good are MALE

>> No.33373323

>it's fucking Worms
They all turtled the entire time, Mori won with 0 kills and close to 0 damage. It was awful for Worms which can be kino if people actually play.

>> No.33373391

While that was the best thing on their channel in a while, Tomar said it was less because of fan demand and more that they tend to play Worms Armageddon when they aren't recording anyway so might as well turn the capture software on.

>> No.33374176

You'll probably wont be there when this girls become 3views like Ollie
>whatever right?
>Lets just watch the World Burn

>> No.33374553

calm down mori. i know you liked not having responsibilities but let's not pull shenanigans here

>> No.33374662

"Yeah the pink chick is pretty cringe, she's kind of a faggot"

>> No.33374814

meds schizo

>> No.33374903
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not gonna lie, if they nerfed the blowtorch use it would have been pretty kino. The commentary was what made the stream fun

hopefully they make adjustments for next week

>> No.33374957

They should have gotten rid of the baby mode mobility tools. Shoulda had some rope work going on or at least give them dynamite for Jetpack to become a bomber.

>> No.33375062

Its the starting point to Malesanji 2: Son of Vshojo.

>> No.33375134

The new wildcard is going to be the secret and unreleased member of TEMPUS.

You thought that was all? There was one more waiting all along. His character design is based off the "ugly bastard" trope in order to tap off the booming NTR market.

A recent survey has shown that 99.3% of anons (You) on /vt/ love NTR. In order to capitalize off this surge in interest, a VA that fits perfectly into this role was sourced. His quirks are that he regularly burps, farts and (if you're lucky) he sometimes sharts on stream.

This guy is going to completely mog the rest of TEMPUS as (You)r fetishes will finally be truly satisfied by him.

Source: (OP)

>> No.33375169

It's not the fun kind of destruction anon, they just started sliding down the slope down into landfill

>> No.33375215

yep and if they were going to play with girders, they shouldn't have enabled the ceiling map

>> No.33375422

Omega will finally get a model that suits his personality?!

>> No.33375634

It's like a difference between watching a zombie movie to see some decapitations and watching someone with leukemia slowly dying in the hospital.

>> No.33375667

Didn't help that they had hard side walls either. Since that meant you could crawl into a corner like we saw Mori and Amelia do during that match.

>> No.33376928

Don't let your guard down, the final will be offcollab showdown

>> No.33379642

I'm reminded of the recent Holofes where as soon as the homostars showed up, people sitting in the crowd to watch the screen were getting up to leave and the livestream suddenly loss like 10 or 20k views, something decently high

>> No.33379721

>Listen to Mori, the comedy vacuum
>Listen to Vesper, the funniest Holo member

>> No.33379758

???? Stars were not in Holofes concert

>> No.33379908

The reason why people watch oney is completely different from why people watch hololive

>> No.33379995

The point is that it happened, already started checking on Kawaii.

>> No.33380210

Thanks for reminding there are twitter fags like this posting here

>> No.33380283

They were in the pre show thing where people came early to hang around and there would be little segments of the talents doing little skits or games, use your fucking brain you disingenuous faggot.

>> No.33380488

it was real in my head

>> No.33381194
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>You'll probably wont be there when this girls become 3views like Ollie

>> No.33385263


>> No.33387195 [DELETED] 

By laughing? Is that flirting to yoy?

>> No.33387318

By laughing? Is that flirting to you?

>> No.33387395

People kept telling me it was boring
But Worms is great stream content, just remember the Holotori Worms collab. Good stuff that. Just need the right people I suppose.

>> No.33387428

>Capeshit invented the concept of a civilwar
go back >>>/r/edditor

>> No.33393766

So far, the only thing this collab destroyed is /infinity/ with the surprise Kronii collab.

>> No.33394263
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kronii? 3views?


>> No.33394651

>HoloEN is being destroyed by Male collabs!
>HoloID the ones who always supported male collabs will suprass them sooner!
I think your ENs are just boring.

>> No.33394687

the commentary was amazing
the player POV not so much

>> No.33394839

>>I think your ENs are just boring.
>ID worked their way up
>EN got carried by covid lockdown and CGDCT
Sounds about right

>> No.33395075

I'm hoping Vesper brings some top tier strats to next week's round. He's the kind of guy who would excessively look up stats to optimally use his weapons.

>> No.33395648
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>HoloEn is dying!
Kronii's problem is that she takes too many breaks(now Ina) and plays shitty games(Kiara too)
or no consistency in schedules like Ame/Mori
and yeah Gura doesnt stream

>> No.33396084

>Anons here call redditors whiteknights meanwhile they'll put lazy chuubas on a pedestal just because they pretend to be cute and not talk to males

>> No.33400409 [DELETED] 

too many cucks already

>> No.33404748

Yeah but what about

>> No.33405118

For him it probably is.

>> No.33405710

So he doesn't know how social interactions work, that doesn't surprise me.

>> No.33406217

>it was boring. It didn't destroy Hololive but it sure as hell was a snoozefest.
I can't tell if this is just people being super biased against male collabs and hate-watching or what. My throat hurt from laughing so much at this stream. Maybe I'm just biased the opposite way though, who knows. Besides the end when they were playing super defensive, I thought it was pretty funny.
Now post last year's, Mori is still making bank and if anything, Ame having that little of a difference with the high earners is actually surprising. This has literally nothing to do with males.

>> No.33406314 [DELETED] 

How do you think flirting works, man make women laugh and have a good time that is always the start - they don't talk about condoms and fucking on their first date well perhaps Ollie does. Anyway yes by that logic almost every hololive collab can be seen as flirting that's why we have so many yuri shipps, it's pretty much dictated by the nature of hololive itself that they can't exactly debate politics on stream so it gravitates towards what people having fun with each other and if your oshi is having fun with other males you feel cucked simple as that.

Can you go talk like a redditor somewhere else like... reddit? It's painfully obvious you're a fucking tourist so don't even pretend.

>> No.33406638

I already did when Susan fucked up the site and made them all 3view

>> No.33407759

Nice argument. Go back to Twitter.

>> No.33407854

So you've never laughed at a woman's joke or story without trying to fuck her? That's kind of sad dude. The point is that just laughing isn't a sign of flirting and acting like it is makes you look like a child with no real world experiences and I'm tried of having to pretend that's not true.
