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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 254 KB, 1300x720, Original vs Censored version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33150479 No.33150479 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently you can't make fun of Hindenburg and Apollo.


>> No.33150521

yeah it's pretty cringe unfortunately. they should have just stuck to their guns.

>> No.33151246

Gotta cancel history if it doesn't comply with the narrative

>> No.33151505

Cover doesn't want to kill any pontential sponsors

a war that the japs lost
>cold war

>> No.33151558

I love Mumei but I just can't get over her pronunciation of the u in this song

>> No.33151684

The Challenger Disaster is one thing since it's still within living memory but who the fuck is around who'd remember Hindenburg? Even the fucking Queen is gone now, that entire generation is over.

>> No.33151715

what the hell is the "narrative" then retard? that the hindenburg didn't explode? that challenger didn't explode? kill yourself.

>> No.33151738


Titanic and black death and the rrat option of the shopping mall being the grocery store shootings though were somehow perfectly okay.

Hindenburg and Challenger explosion being removed and the rest staying kind of made no sense.

>> No.33151845

the original was uploaded a few hours after kiara almost burnt her house down and had a panic attack

>> No.33154129


>> No.33154277
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>> No.33154391
File: 191 KB, 660x1272, Saturn V and Apollo CSM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, you're like 2 months late with this.
Second, the video didn't reference the Apollo Program, you uneducated zoomer faggot. It was referencing the Challenger disaster, or at least it appeared to be referencing it. The rocket in the original wasn't a Saturn V, it was the Space Shuttle System. You can clearly see the Orbiter Vehicle, the Solid Rocket Boosters, and the External Tank. The Rocket used during the Apollo Program had none of those things.

The picture attached is the Saturn V rocket with the Apollo Command and Service Module atop of it used during the Apollo Program.

>> No.33154413

>Apparently you can't make fun of people dying

>> No.33154661
File: 462 KB, 1542x2047, Challenger_1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the Challenger.
It incorporated the Space Shuttle System used by NASA from 1981-2011.
Learn history, you ignorant piece of shit.

>> No.33154906
File: 282 KB, 1440x1148, Hindenburg_first_landing_at_Lakehurst_1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third, the reason the Hindenburg was taken out was because like you, Mumei's also an uneducated zoomer and didn't realize the LZ 129 Hindenburg was a Nazi airship, complete with swastikas featured on both the upper and lower tail fins. Since Kiara's Austrian, it was a shitty thing for Kanauru to reference while also referencing Kiara.

>> No.33155473

>Hindenburg and Challenger explosion being removed and the rest staying kind of made no sense.
Maybe if you're an idiot.

>> No.33155518

Just because it wasn't your third-world country's space program, NASA's achievements are part of human history and are shared by everyone. So learn what a fucking space shuttle, the most iconic spacecraft in history, is.
>>33154391 >>33154661

It had nothing to do with the disaster itself or Kiara almost burning her house down and everything to do with essentially characterizing Kiara as a Nazi. Kanauru is retarded.

>> No.33155593

>Mumei says, "it was her own decision"
>takes it down despite this
>changes it when she 100% saw the final product, approved the final product, and uploaded the final product

yeah right mumei, it's because your shithole company got offended at jokes because despite being "civilization" you cant ACTUALLY reference civilization.

Sana was right to leave.

>> No.33155612

Why did you bother to post? You added nothing to the conversation, and added a bunch of unorganized post links for no reason. You're as useless as OP.

>> No.33155677

You know you can realize you made a mistake, and take correct action towards that mistake, right?

>> No.33155750

how was it a mistake?
a mistake implies an accident
she 100% knew what it was, told the animator to make it that way, and approved it lmao

It's hololive who decided to be a bunch of fags about it

>> No.33155780

I realized this thread was already too long for you and your fellow zoomers' attention spans, so I figured you could use some help being guided to the relevent information.

>> No.33155831

How fucking big were these blimps holy shit

>> No.33155974

you will never be japanese

>> No.33155996

Holy shit they're an entertainment company. No one wants real world shit mixed into it.

>> No.33156232

but they kept the part after that which looks a lot like the Buffalo shooting

>> No.33156267
File: 198 KB, 1999x1178, lil carmine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hindenburg, whatever happened there

>> No.33156492
File: 601 KB, 1004x635, LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, the part that you actually ride in is on the underside of it and it is much, much smaller.
Sometimes, instead of landing at a landing mast (the thing the Hindenburg crashed into) they'd get a bunch of people to hold it down temporarily.

>> No.33157000

She told the animator to do whatever he wanted, and he submitted it half an hour before the deadline. People drew conclusions that weren’t meant to be drawn, so they both decided to change it to make sure the only historical tragedies being referenced are the ones they intend to reference.

>> No.33157250

"I approve this video."
"Oh, the things I approved were actually bad. I was not aware, or stop to think, how they could be bad. My mistake. I am now aware. I'll have new version made".

>> No.33157268

>the LZ 129 Hindenburg was a Nazi airship
>Since Kiara's Austrian, it was a shitty thing for Kanauru to reference while also referencing Kiara.
If that's the reason that's pretty fucking weak connection and all removing it does is draw attention to the issue which otherwise would probably mostly have gone by unnoticed or be deemed too coincidental to cause trouble. Pretty stupid, but oh well.

>> No.33157505

That has nothing to do with any shooting. It's LITERALLY just Mumei being mad that people didn't put their cart away. Mumei previously had gone on an uncharacteristic and memorable angry rant about that subject. Its inclusion with the other disasters was to use the juxtaposition of the severity of the incidents for comedic effect.

A class generic example of this comedic tactic is listing a person's serious crimes and ending with a non-serious one. "The defendant is charged with murder, assault, and jaywalking."

>> No.33157530

Kiara being a Nazi is actually supposed to be a secret known only to the birds and their fanbases, they can’t dogwhistle too much or they’ll give the game away.

>> No.33157607

>attention to the issue
The issue... that the Hindenburg was Nazi-related? That's not exactly a secret. If you think "the issue" was the Kiara-Nazi association, it was fixed. By being removed. That solved that "issue".
I swear, you people have no idea how to act normally.

>> No.33157675

>slave ollie remained intact

>> No.33157788

I still don't understand how the Ollie bit is supposedly slavery related. Ollie stole pumpkin. Ollie gets chased for that. Where do you think slavery enters into it?

>> No.33157819

It's pretty crazy to think this used to be a popular form of air travel.

>> No.33157847

>Dumb connection most people wouldn't even consider
>Remove it for no clear reason, thereby drawing attention to the actual reason no one noticed before
Streisand effect, etc. Stop blaming your inability to think clearly on everyone other than you being wrong/abnormal.

>> No.33158017

how retarded are you?

>> No.33158095

Anon, you dumbfuck, the reason is clearly painted multiple times on the ship.
Everyone noticed the reason. Removing it was the correct action. Not removing it would be the incorrect action. There's "Streisand Effect" in play here. That's not what that means.
Please put more effect into learning how to act normally.

>> No.33158096

>that the hindenburg didn't explode?
It was an attack to make Germany look bad.

>> No.33158142

Are you seriously suggesting that wasn't the Hindenburg, anon?
Are you for real? You can even see the iconic landing mast the Hindenburg crashed into right next to it.
What do you mean Kanauru didn't intend to reference it?

>> No.33158149

>There's "Streisand Effect" in play here
There's NO effect in play here. Typo.

>> No.33158273

>People actually noticed, except me because I am a retard
Yeah that is pretty obvious

>> No.33158304

If they wanted to go for a "safe" space disaster they should have gone with someone dropping an oxygen tank. Everyone knows what that one was and how it ended.

>> No.33158399

You fucking retard, the only reason this thread exists is because it was removed. Most people didn't even think of the stupid Nazi connection, which is why it's removal was deemed baffling to begin with. If it hadn't been removed, most would've written it off as a coincidence and/or not worth caring about, assuming anyone had drawn attention to it at all. This thread is literal evidence of Streisand effect you absolute cretin, learn how to think critically for fuck's sake.

>> No.33158453

Jumping to conclusions over tenuous connections is retarded, as is assuming political intent where non exists. Dumbass.

>> No.33158479

Kanauru is SEA and there's a high likelihood he's Muslim and doesn't even believe in the Holocaust.
So him thinking "LOL, Nazi Hindenburg = German => Austrian = Kiara" is just a humorous historical reference.
If you seriously don't think that would bother Kiara, then you're just as retarded as he is.

>> No.33158515

You continue to be wrong and dumb and you doubling down on your wrong and dumb opinion is funny to see. You are a clown.

>> No.33158674

Read what you just said with the context that it wasn't posted on /pol/. Then try again.

>No argument
Concession accepted.

>> No.33158788

Why argue my correct point again if you're just going to ignore it? I'm not conceding, I'm just not wasting any more time on a clown.

"Honk honk"
- You

>> No.33158871

Kids these days don't even learn about the hindenburg, and the only time it's referenced is "that one time a blimp burned down" so people don't know it's connected to the nazis anymore. Same goes for the challenger disaster, that shit isn't taught in schools and kids wouldn't have even known about it unless retards on the internet tried to make whatever connection they could to try and make Mumei look bad, since it was most likely a referenceto the recent space x thing. Sadly now those are gone and replaced with Atlantis and ufos, which is just like the history channel now that I think about it.

>> No.33158968

I didn't ignore it, I presented a counterargument to your incredibly dumb point which YOU ignored. You don't need to reply amymore, we're done here.

>> No.33159009

Does anyone have a link to the original version? I know it's in the OP but I'm looking for the full sized video. Thx.

>> No.33159055

Not him but your counterpoint is "you're wrong and dumb" and that sounds like a shit argument to me.

>> No.33159060

>tenuous connections
Germans and Austrians were considered the same people until after the war in an attempt by Austria to distance itself from Nazi Germany. They are genetically the same and have always been considered part of the German People throughout history.
Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria.

>> No.33159070

but the Titanic is okay. The more I watch them, the more I become convinced that the censorfaggots are just completely batshit insane and have no rhyme or reason to their actions whatsoever.

>> No.33159165

Censoring of historic events is very common if you want to brainwash people in to thinking a certain way. It also leads to people not learning and repeating history, please look forward to that.

>> No.33159423

The rhyme and reason is that "Noooo you can't reference tragedies for the sake of comedy because...you just can't okay!?".

Nowadays you have people wanting to censor and not talk about history because of the potential to hurt feelings, and groups of people who want to coopt history as their own. It's crazy.

>> No.33159438

No, this thread is literal evidence of what I'm pointing out, you don't just get to wriggle out of something that obvious.

If your brain jumps to WWII trivia during a vtuber MV, assumes the worst case scenario and defaults to a Nazi association then maybe the problem lies with you.

>> No.33159525

The Atlantis scene works with the MV but the UFO one really doesn't desu, what does bunch of hicks have to do with greatest catastrophes of humanity

>> No.33159532

was the Titanic not a tragedy?

>> No.33159615

why would they not want you to learn "history" when it's literally made up by them? Every single case of significant power struggle has been thoroughly falsified by whoever came out on top.

>> No.33159696

never knew that the German are such a bunch of snowflake

>> No.33159757

Also the reason why it exploded was because it was filled with Hydrogen, and this was because the Nazis couldn't get access to the non explosive Helium, since the Americans refused to sell it to them.

It's because it was the most efficient way to cross the Atlantic at the time before commercial airplane travel became viable.

Got to distort and censor the stuff that offends you, like Critical Race Theory.

The reason why Challenge was Yabi was because it was a heavily hyped launched because NASA was trying to get people interested in the space program again, so they selected a regular school teacher to go into space, so everyone was watching the launch when it happened and the crew, and teacher were killed.
It would be like if a fan was allowed to join Hololive for a 3D song routine and there was a gas leak in the studio that ignited and killed everyone in the building, all while it was streamed live to make a similar comparison.

>> No.33159804

It's the fucking Hindenburg dude, with a big fat KFP Logo where the swastika on the actual thing used to be.
Honestly as a german myself I wouldn't be too pleased with that if I were in Kiara's shoes. It's totally reasonable that Mumei would wanna have it removed.

Even unintentionally, that scene was directly associating, even equating, KFP and by extension Kiara herself with Nazi Germany.
The Hindenburg was created by Nazis with the expressed purpose of Nazi propaganda. This isn't some random little trivia.
And again the problem is less showing Nazi stuff, but more associating with Kiara.

>> No.33159842
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 1332171023146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be like if a fan was allowed to join Hololive for a 3D song routine and there was a gas leak in the studio that ignited and killed everyone in the building, all while it was streamed live to make a similar comparison.

God, if only.

>> No.33159948

>so they selected a regular school teacher to go into space
Wasn't there a high chance of some kid show mascot flying it instead?

>> No.33160038


>> No.33160077

I challenge you to ask random college freshman about the hindenburg, very few know about the nazi connection. Even fewer if you are outside of Germany

>> No.33160180

Yes, Caroll Spinney, the puppeteer for Big Bird from Sesame Street was invited to join the challenger mission. So in another timeline, we would have lost Big Bird

>> No.33160281

99% of this sites user base wasn't even alive yet and 95% don't even know what the challenger disaster was

>> No.33160343
File: 866 KB, 528x405, 1450825607756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you got to make me feel older than I already am?
I wish I could go back to the go old days of 2004 4chan.

>> No.33160382

Would you pin a Nazi association on a VW Beetle? A Mercedes? The fucking Lance of Longinus? Sometimes a banana is just a fucking banana. Have you ever wondered why your country is the only one that still has a weird Nazi censorship issue? That's because everyone else got over it, and if Kiara's a professional then she should be able to as well.

>> No.33160409

And she kept in the buffalo shooting

>> No.33160417

Something about indonesian rubber farms and mumei being dutch

>> No.33160443
File: 49 KB, 1024x1024, BlackSun.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because an average guy doesn't know about doesn't mean it isn't a direct association with Nazis.
The thing was explicitly a highlight reel of historical events/disasters, and for the Nazi disaster they chose Kiara.

Most people also don't know about pic rel. That doesn't it would be OK for huke to slap that bad boy on a new outfit for Kiara.

>> No.33160492


>> No.33160525

The narrative is that these are tragedies we can't even vaguely reference in fear of offending someone despite one of them being so long ago only people over the 85 would remember happening as a first hand experience and that's assuming they would actually be offended by this despite it being used as a joke in comedy skits over 50 years old.

>> No.33160545

Show me the swastika in the mv

>> No.33160654

Honestly this is the kind of mindset that leads to demanding people to apologize for using the manji despite its religious and spiritual use in Asia predating the Nazi swastika by centuries to millennia, it's grossly paranoid and just sets a bad precedent for freedom of expression. Some things you just need to get over, this being one of them.

>> No.33160657

I 'member Challenger 7
Horrible event, but what's important to remember is that the rocket took off and THEN exploded. The way it's presented with the rocket spazzing out before takeoff makes it more ambiguous to me even IF the rocket+shuttle looks exactly the same. They could have just changed the vessel and it would have been fine.

The KFP blimp? Yeah that should have been removed.

>> No.33160702

The Hindenburg had absolutely nothing to do with the Nazis. It was in development before Hitler came to power, and at most Nazis saw it as a form of German strength because it was made by Germans. It just happened to exist at the same time and every German during WW2 wasn't a nazi, especially not fucking blimp operators. Guidelines for being a Nazi are extremely strict. Stop saying it had anything to do with fucking Nazis.

>> No.33160709

Man referencing the goodyear blimp is too much for you huh

>> No.33160740

No. I think the real problem here is you're an idiot and you're projecting your own ignorance of history onto everyone else.

>> No.33160785

The titanic is okay because it had a hit movie made of it

>> No.33160788

Space disaster pop quiz! Which of the following did NOT happen? Put your answer in a spoiler so others don't see it before they submit their own.
A - Shuttle exploded during take off.
B - Shuttle exploded during retry.
C - Craft lands successfully, but valve leak before retry killed all aboard.
D - Spacecraft explodes 3/4ths of the way to moon.
E - Fire in capsule during ground test, door stuck.

>> No.33160800

I can't. They replaced the swastikas with KFP logos.
If you can't understand why that's a no-go then there is really is no use in further discussing this.
Here is my last try anyway:
The Hindenburg isn't a piece of german history that just coincidentally happened to occur during Nazi times. It was for and by Nazis. It's disaster was a disaster for Nazis.
Slapping the KPF logo on it is pretty much equivalent to just putting Kiara in an SS uniform.

>The airship was operated commercially by the Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei (DZR) GmbH, which had been established by Hermann Göring in March 1935 to increase Nazi influence over airship operations[...]

>> No.33160809

>every German during WW2 wasn't a nazi, especially not fucking blimp operators. Guidelines for being a Nazi are extremely strict.
There was nothing wrong with being a member of the Nazi party anon, start with that fact before sperging out like a retard.

>> No.33160814

Or maybe you're an idiot who projects controversy onto something devoid of political intent? Who can say, but at least Nazis don't live in my head rent free.

>> No.33160857
File: 612 KB, 1038x539, SPOILER_auschwitz-mumei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember what they took from you

>> No.33160874

God you're such an uneducated bastard, people definetly do learn about this, dont compare everyone to the dumb fuck education you seemingly recieved

>> No.33160878

how was it okay to make a movie about it?

>> No.33160879

Define 'lands successfully' Otherwise I'll say C.
And then punch you when you say it's a trick question.
Regardless. I'll one up you.

A - Challenger
B - Columbia
D - Apollo 13
E- -Apollo 1

>> No.33160880

Plot Twist, it's none of the above

>> No.33160893

>Nazis couldn't get access to the non explosive Helium, since the Americans refused to sell it to them.
The way you phrased this is so misleading. It wasn't that the Americans wouldn't sell to Germany specifically. Americans were refusing to give it to anyone at all in case they would try to use it for military purposes.

>> No.33160907

So the hindenburg had a huge swastika on the side of it huh, oh no wait that's not correct. Also it would be more like sticking Hitler in Kiaras base outfit. Which would be funny but I don't want to see hitlers ass sticking out the bottom of a miniskirt.

>> No.33160914

>That's because everyone else got over it
NTA, but I think you're likely either a chink, SEA, or some sort of south American spic and have no idea what you're talking about. But I'm sure you can find somewhere in the West's mainstream media where Nazis are "lol, no big deal" and no one cares about them anymore to prove me wrong. Go ahead, I'll wait.

>> No.33160917

In their defense, a vast majority of people who see footage of the Hidenburg accident only see the part of it already bursting into flames where the tail is already gone, Of course if you see the footage of it before, maybe you'll think it's a plus sign doing cart wheels.

>> No.33160929

The Hapsburgs would disagree with you. Germany=Prussia=a historical tenuous relationship with Austria which it essentially strong armed and then incorporated into itself by force and political pressure.
Also as someone who's Polish great grandparents died because the Nazi's, I and probably my grandmother (based on what she mentioned) would think of you as little pussy zoomers searching for something to be offended by because you never actually experience hardship in your lives.

>> No.33160932

cmon, take it easy, he's american

>> No.33160953
File: 180 KB, 1200x1200, 2864b495-0001-0004-0000-000000593568_w1200_r1_fpx63.6_fpy54.97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33160956

/vt/ - History and World Culture

>> No.33160957

Sesame street was and is still a thing, anon.
Big Bird still exists.

>> No.33160970

You couldn't oy vey harder about this nothingburger if you tried.

>> No.33160974

Not the fins, the side you illiterate baboon

>> No.33160976

>The Hindenburg had absolutely nothing to do with the Nazis.
This is /pol/ level of retardation.
Those weren't plus signs doing cartwheels on the tail fins.
>Although the Hindenburg was in development before the Third Reich came to power, members of the Nazi regime viewed it as a symbol of German might. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels ordered the Hindenburg to make its first public flight in March 1936 as part of a joint 4,100-mile aerial tour of Germany with the Graf Zeppelin to rally support for a referendum ratifying the reoccupation of the Rhineland. For four days, the airships blared patriotic tunes and pro-Hitler announcements from specially mounted loudspeakers, and small parachutes with propaganda leaflets and swastika flags were dropped on German cities. (The referendum, approved by 98.8 percent of Germans, was hardly a squeaker.) Later in 1936 the Hindenburg, sporting Olympic rings on its side and pulling a large Olympic flag behind it, played a starring role at the opening of the Summer Games in Berlin. The airship, which had swastikas emblazoned on its tail fins, was such a symbol of Nazi power that it was subjected to constant bomb threats—including some before its final flight, which led to suspicions of sabotage in the disaster.

>> No.33160978

The answer is B. Columbia didn't explode, it broke up. C was Soyuz 11.

>> No.33160979

Interesting. I never knew the hindenburg had anything to do with nazis. Guess that's what I get for sleeping through history class.

>> No.33160982

It's okay to make a movie about anything as long as it's seen as respectful. I'll retract my statement though, there are dozens of hit movies about the Holocaust and slavery and people still don't think it's okay to laugh at it.

>> No.33160985

Man this dude is the least retarded person in this thread , i swear the rest of you people are morons

>> No.33161006

Everyone knows about Germany's bizarre level of censorship issues regarding Nazis, either improve your reading comprehension or shut the fuck up.
>Nazis are "lol, no big deal"
Not what I said, again, reading comprehension.

>> No.33161007

Fins have sides.

>> No.33161010

There are at least two of us
>>33160976 for example isn't me

>> No.33161031

this shit >33160857 is exactly why they wanted to remove it

>> No.33161042

Schindler's List is hilariously bad propaganda though.

>> No.33161043

The fins are pointing towards the side of the blimp you tard. The placement is probably the least important part of that statement anyways.

>> No.33161045

>Professor Layton tier bullshit

>> No.33161060

That would explain everything , this shit is why nobody can take mutts seriously and why people laugh at you all the time

>> No.33161066

You aren't getting any upcummies here retard.

>> No.33161068


>> No.33161078

Anon we literally have video of it.

>> No.33161082

I'm saying that thr big fucking kfp logo on the center of the blimp makes it look more like the god damn Goodyear blimp rather than the hindenburg

>> No.33161096

Who cares if people learn about some silly blimp blowing up. You literally gain nothing of value from this information.

>> No.33161114

What do you think this discussion is about? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.33161135

What about a figurative video?

>> No.33161182

>they censor history reeee
>who cares about history you gain literally no value from it
The absolute 2 extremes of retardation in this thread NGMI

>> No.33161190

A Goodyear blimp isn't historically known for blowing up though is it? The first thing you think of when you see a blimp on fire isn't the 4 times Goodyear blimps crashed, it's the fucking Hindenburg

>> No.33161207

Sure, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM3hfqxxcZk

>> No.33161226

There are plenty of blimp accidents, some before the Hindenburg existed. Did you lose something by not learning of all the other ones that happened?

>> No.33161244

>Buffalo mall shooting
That didn't look like the Buffalo mall though.
It was a reference to the meme: "you can tell everything about someone if they don't return the shopping cart" that was super popular on twitter a while back and is joked about being a super evil deed. Mumei had an angry rant about it as well during a stream prior to that video.
That's why she was looking back and forth between the shopping cart and the cart corral with her arms out with an exasperated look on her face like she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

>> No.33161251

Burst into flames to me.

>> No.33161286

Nobody's fucking censoring history. People are just not making certain associations for comedic use.

>> No.33161304

All I know is that the people defending the changes are the same people who get offended on the behalf of someone else on twitter. And that's mega gay.

>> No.33161314

>Nobody's fucking censoring history
Let's not say anything ridiculous now

>> No.33161322

Already covered here >>33157505

>> No.33161344

>The Hindenburg had absolutely nothing to do with the Nazis
Are you even trying at this point?

>> No.33161355
File: 194 KB, 500x639, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody involved in the video you dumbdumb.

>> No.33161380

Bold of you to assume everybody got the same shit tier education
That history is getting censored was some anons retarded argument not mine

>> No.33161428

Please tell me everything you can do with your blimp disaster history knowledge and how you'll apply it into your own life

>> No.33161471

Woke Moralists were a mistake.

>> No.33161744
File: 77 KB, 1043x640, Zeppelin_Postkarte_1936_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Hindenburg had absolutely nothing to do with the Nazis. It was in development before Hitler came to power, and at most Nazis saw it as a form of German strength because it was made by Germans.
>The airship was operated commercially by the Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei (DZR) GmbH, which had been established by Hermann Göring in March 1935 to increase Nazi influence over airship operations.

>Although designed and built for commercial transatlantic passenger, air freight, and mail service, at the behest of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda or Propagandaministerium), Hindenburg was first pressed into use by the Air Ministry (its DLZ co-operator) as a vehicle for the delivery of Nazi propaganda.

>postcard of the The LZ 129 Hindenburg as it takes off on its first flight, March 4, 1936.

It doesn't really matter what it was originally designed for. The swastika was originally designed by and for Eastern cultures, but I doubt that'll matter to anyone if that's what you tell your neighbors after they start asking why you painted a bunch of them all over your house.

>> No.33161873
File: 214 KB, 1600x789, gemini_8_first_docking_in_space_by_douglascastleman_ddsb9z3-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Agena Target Vehicle was an uncrewed spacecraft used by NASA during its Gemini program to develop and practice orbital space rendezvous and docking techniques.

>Gemini 8 conducted the first docking of two spacecraft in orbit, but also suffered the first critical in-space system failure of a US spacecraft which threatened the lives of the astronauts and required an immediate abort of the mission. The crew returned to Earth safely.

>After the Agena began execution of its stored command program, which instructed the Agena to turn the combined spacecraft 90° to the right, Scott noticed that they were rolling. Armstrong used the Gemini's OAMS thrusters to stop the roll, but after it stopped, it immediately started again. Gemini 8 was out of range of ground communications at this time. The crew decided to undock Gemini from the Agena so they could analyze the situation. Without the added mass of the Agena, Gemini started rotating more rapidly. The astronauts realized that the problem was on the Gemini.

>Armstrong decided to shut down the OAMS and use the Reentry Control System (RCS) thrusters, located on the Gemini's nose, to stop the tumble. From start to finish the incident lasted nearly 30 minutes. Almost 75% of the reentry maneuvering fuel had been used to stop the tumble.

>No conclusive reason for the thruster malfunction was found. The most probable cause was determined to be an electrical short, most likely due to a static electricity discharge. Power still flowed to the thruster, even when it was switched off. To prevent recurrence of this problem, spacecraft designs were changed so each thruster would have an isolated circuit.

"more rapidly": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRKnl0FCEgI

>> No.33161977

NTA, but those other "blimp accidents" didn't involve a Zepplin crashing into it's own landing mast and exploding because it was filled with hydrogen.
The reason for the Hindenburg's use of hydrogen was specifically due to the US's Helium Control Act of 1927. Prior to this, they used helium because helium doesn't combust.
So any other "blimp accidents" throughout history wouldn't involve an explosion and the vehicle catching on fire the way the Hindenburg did, you absolute dumbass.
Seems like you're the one that doesn't know history, anon.

>> No.33162015

That and apparently handwringing krauts still insisting that people shouldn't be able to make fun of (or, in this instance, make incidental reference to) that one time they tried to conquer the world.

>> No.33162036

You're correct because Goodyear blimps don't use hydrogen so they wouldn't ever catch on fire the way the Hindenburg did.
>>33161082 is a moron.

>> No.33162070

Yes but how can you apply this to anything you do. Do you make blimps?
I do not know history, i do not need history. All history i do know has never helped me.

>> No.33162230

I'm defending the changes, specifically the Hindenburg, because I assume Kiara probably talked to Mumei and told her why connecting the Hindenburg to her was kind of uncool. Or at the very least, some of her viewers told her and Mumei didn't want anyone else to start making jokes about KFP being the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei because of her video.

If you can't even consider the possibility of Mumei wanting to change the video herself after learning about the Hindenburg, then you're probably a chink or a SEAfaggot that doesn't understand why she might want to avoid portraying Kiara that way.

>> No.33162267

I learn history because it's interesting and it prevents me from looking like a retard in threads like these.

>> No.33162366

shut up retard
everyone knows that the hindenburg had nothing to do with nazis and austria has nothing to do with hitler and replacing swastikas with the logo of an austrian is completely mundane!!!

>> No.33162376

Kiara's heritage ostensibly ties her to her culture's history. Making light of it isn't any better or worse than, say, someone making a joke about Americans and their usage of nukes.

>> No.33162471

>handwringing krauts still insisting that people shouldn't be able to make fun of
You really think Kiara would be fine with a bunch of people starting to make jokes about KFP being the Third Reich because of Mumei's video? It would probably bother both of them a lot.
Maybe, just maybe Mumei cares enough about Kiara and was worried about the behavior of faggots like you that would use the video to make Kiara feel bad.
I don't think it has anything to do with being woke.

>> No.33162485

>The picture attached is the Saturn V rocket with the Apollo Command and Service Module atop of it used during the Apollo Program.

No it's not.
It's the Saturn IB AS-204 used in Apollo 1 and Apollo 5. It doesn't even have a LES.

>> No.33162586

>Everyone would've been okay if instead of the Hindenburg, it was the "Enola Gura" dropping two big silly cartoon bombs on Japan with Gura's face on them.
>Everything would be fine because it's part of Gura's county's history.
I'm sure you're right, anon.

>> No.33162676

>Muh hurt feelings
You faggots sound like the chinks over the fucking Taiwan debacle, both of you need to grow some thicker skin instead of demanding everyone censor themselves from implied offence where none actually exists.

>> No.33162737

"Honk honk!"
- You

>> No.33162781

Dammit, you're right.
Saturn V was used for Apollo 4, 6, and 8 through 17.
The Apollo rocket I showed was the IB AS-204, like you said.
I fucked up. Thank you rocket autist. I'll do better next time.

>> No.33162799

>D-don't make vun of mich!
>- Sausage-munching kraut with war criminal grandparents

>> No.33162912

>Dr. Strangelove is not a comedy because it touches upon the absurdity that arises from absurd notion like MAD

>> No.33162962

I was literally abducted and raped by aliens, please delete this.

>> No.33163015

This is nothing like the chinkout in any way whatsoever. No one here's even angry except for you, apparently. Personally, I thought it was a funny reference, but I doubt that Kiara would like to be known as the Nazi holo, even as a joke.
Second, I never said what happened, anon. I told you what I THINK happened. It wasn't my decision to replace the scene, I never advocated to replace the scene, nor would I have cared if they had left it in. I was trying to intuit the reason for the change by attempting to approach the situation from the perspective of Mumei and Kiara. It seems it was pretty obvious why it was changed to everyone here except for a retard like yourself.

>> No.33163087

>It should be assumed Kiara would be fine portraying Dr. Strangelove in a Hololive rendition of the movie because of her ties to Austria/Germany.

>> No.33163140

I'm sorry, but who cares about what Kiara thinks? If tomorrow everyone suddenly thought of her as le funny Nazi chicken streamer do you think it would suddenly cause her relevance to spike?

>> No.33163146

>Kanauru is the Stanley Kubrick of our time.
The entire movie isn't even as funny as your joke of a post, anon.

>> No.33163176

>I'm sorry, but who cares about what Kiara thinks?
Probably Mumei. That's literally been my entire point from the beginning.

>> No.33163215

it was kfp getting uppity for the insinuation that they are nazi

>> No.33163269

Who cares what you think about what Mumei thinks about what Kiara thinks?

>> No.33163307

Your absolute schizo behavior is disgusting, so you do not like a streamer that does not make slander okay towards that streamer, kill yourself

>> No.33163357

I don't think they cared either. It was probably just Mumei not wanting anyone to think that's what she was saying with that scene.

>> No.33163381

Gura cares about what I think.
She told me so herself today.

>> No.33163383

Skill issue

>> No.33163386

>I want to get away with harassing Kiara by calling her a Nazi just because she is Austrian
Kill yourself faggot

>> No.33163403

I may be schizophrenic but at least I can structure my sentences properly. What are you even trying to say?

>> No.33163469

Imagine defending slander towards Kiara just because you do not like her streams

>> No.33163488

I think you quoted the wrong post, anon.

>> No.33163561

>I'm gonna call people faggots for not considering my point but I'm totally not mad
Whatever, bitching about who's mad about what in this kind of argument is fucking pointless.
>Second, I never said what happened, anon. I told you what I THINK happened.
Thanks for one of the most pointless statements in this retarded thread. No one knows the fucking reason for certain, that's the whole point of the thread.
>It seems it was pretty obvious why it was changed to everyone here except for a retard like yourself.
Oh, so now it's obvious why even though you just wanted to clarify that you don't know for certain. You want a second fucking pass at this one? I can pretend you didn't post it if you want. Also, for clarification, there's an important distinction in knowing and understanding a reason and thinking it's justified or the right course of action. If Kiara actually interjected to Mumei, then that's really fucking underhanded and petty and I'd like to think she's a better person than that. If Mumei did it on her own then she should've realized that removing it only draws further attention to it. If it was management then they should've either done a better job vetting the MV, done a better job vetting the criteria for when the commission was first made, or simply accepted that editing it after release was a stupid idea. And if it was yet another party (fan response or whatever) it should've been ignored since acquiescing to censorship demands and acknowledging it as a mistake never fucking ends well, as Hololive staff should fucking know by now.

>> No.33163565

You are correct

>I want to get away with harassing Kiara by calling her a Nazi just because she is Austrian
Kill yourself faggot

>> No.33163581

I am indifferent towards Kiara. I just don't think it's a big deal. Jokes aren't slander. It'd be different if I was trying to insult Kiara outright. Stop being such a jumped up, uptight, faggot.

>> No.33163634

this thread reeks of burger retardation , i would love to see if they would react the same if it was the meme towers instead of the hindenburg or the shuttle
>that's so funny how can anbody be offended by this
>Thats 21 years ago you cant hang on to ancient history move on
And whatever else absolute fecal matter got spewed here, wouldnt be okay then huh burgerchama ?

>> No.33163641

>This tangental association might've led to a few people making nazi references to Kiara
Boo fucking hoo. Either Kiara or you need to grow thicker fucking skin. I suspect it's you though, I'd like to give her some fucking credit unlike you faggots.

>> No.33163754

>I'm gonna call people faggots for not considering my point but I'm totally not mad
Yes. 4chan e youkoso.

>> No.33163776

NTA but technically speaking it's a product of Weimar Germany which the Nazis inherited, however it was a piece of Nazi propaganda once the construction was completed. It's sort of a weird combination of two eras.

As for Kiara Nazism is a very sensitive topic obviously. She was going to play that Idol manager game until she found out one of the scenarios in the game involves your Idol being caught wearing Nazi uniforms (still chic in Japan) Another thing is that the accident occured years before the anschluss. Austria is in a weird position of being both the Nazis first victims (which they play up quite a bit) and greatest supporters. Ignoring Hitler's birthplace, Some of the most vicious members of the Nazi upper echelon were Austrians.

Regardless, Kanauru and Mumei should have known better. It probably didn't offend Kiara if she was aware of the connotations. Germans and Austrians by extension have more or less come to terms with what their history is

>> No.33163843

This thread is :"Retarded uneducated rejects of society that hate chimkin vs actual arguments the movie" god how can you be such mentally ill morons

>> No.33163863

You do realize that Challenger WAS a US tragedy, right? Or are you just pretending to be retarded? Also I don't have a stake in either issue but krauts having the absolute fucking gall to complain about being mocked for their ancestors' war crimes will never be treated with anything other than ridicule.

>> No.33163882

Not an argument.

>> No.33163896

Who the fuck cares about what memes you faggots make, this has everything to do with the company Kiara works greenlighting calling Kiara a Nazi which mind you will get Kiara in trouble with the German justice system if they had not removed it

Yes Germans are that uptight

>> No.33163918

I feel really bad for Kiara if these sycophants are being genuine, it must be awful to be thought of a feeble angsty bitch who needs to make her kouhai edit her work to make herself feel better.

>> No.33163967

Wow it sure is a good thing Cover is a Japanese company and nobody cares about worthless Euro government opinions.

>> No.33163973

>this thread reeks of (group I hate) retardation
Anon, any burger would understand why Mumei would want to change that scene and wouldn't shitpost over it ITT either way.
Mumei obviously found out about the Hindenburg afterwards much like the other zoomers in this thread that didn't know anything about it and when she did, she probably thought, "yeah, I don't want people to think I'm calling my Austrian/German coworker a nazi as a joke".

>> No.33163976

Good job! You chose to ignore the point again, keep being a retard and salute your ridiculous flag every morning just like the nazis , you cant write a better comedy even if you tried

>> No.33164023

>which mind you will get Kiara in trouble with the German justice system if they had not removed it
If you think the German government would go after Cover/Alphabet for an ambiguous shot from a music video or that they'd even have a leg to stand on then I don't even know what to say. Just stop, Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.33164045

And your post is ? KEK

>> No.33164052

Yeah but Kiara is Austrian, so she does not have the same protection as the Japanese

>> No.33164066

There was no Iconography in it to get anyone in trouble. You can talk about the National Socialist era in Austria and in Germany freely. In fact quite a few of these rules have been relaxed in recent years in Austria and Germany

>> No.33164074

You had no point, you were just wrong. Deal with it.

>> No.33164092

NTA, but why do you still think this is about Germans getting mad at being made fun of?
I doubt Kiara even said anything.
Mumei saw people's reactions to the video and one of the comments was probably something like, "did Mumei even realize the Hindenburg was a nazi airship? Why did she put KFP there instead, lol?"

>> No.33164100

People nowadays seem to have the oddest fascination with which disasters are okay to talk about or portray. Both the Titanic were disasters caused by accidents and engineering flaws. Yet one is more okay than the other because Germans are seriously some of the lost humorless people on the planet and God forbid you crack a joke at their expense.

>> No.33164118

Kek retard

>> No.33164139

Burgers are the same

>> No.33164140

You're just as stupid as they are, honestly.
Kiara wouldn't get in trouble with anything and Cover never even signed off on it except for maybe a manager. Mumei said Kanauru sent it to her 30 minutes before the stream started.

>> No.33164171

>NTA, but why do you still think this is about Germans getting mad at being made fun of?
Because an example was already made in this very thread?
>Mumei saw people's reactions to the video and one of the comments was probably something like, "did Mumei even realize the Hindenburg was a nazi airship? Why did she put KFP there instead, lol?"
See >>33163561. Literally every justification for it regardless of party involved was stupid and/or extremely misguided if any are true.

>> No.33164180

So Mumei just found out what the Hindenburg is and did not like the idea of implying that Kiara is a nazi as a joke, so she removed

We are talking about a girl that is afraid of being historical on stream btw.

>> No.33164185

>t. never had any friends so he doesn't understand the concept of someone not wanting to denegrate him.

>> No.33164193

Concession accepted, etc.

>> No.33164238

If I had friends who had to tiptoe about my country or background for political reasons I'd be fucking disappointed for sure. Get real friends and learn how2bants for christ sake.

>> No.33164268

I think you lack the ability to understand the difference between associating with someone else a disaster caused by an engineering flaw/poor judgement and a disaster associated with an ideology that resulted in the death of more than 11 million people.

>> No.33164275

And the point is that she shouldn't have to be. And that removing it just draws more attention to it.

>> No.33164415

Anons on here would have posted about it even if it was not removed

>> No.33164493

And it would've been forgotten to a point of irrelevance in a short enough time, plus that's just. Instead now it's semi-immortalized as an example of Hololive self-censorship which is significantly worse, also it's being brought up in the actual comments of the reupload and the OP video was made, the latter of which wouldn't have happened at all if it hadn't been removed in the first place.

>> No.33164529

*plus that's just here, even.

>> No.33164601

>Because an example was already made in this very thread?
But it wasn't? I'm curious as to your background, because you seem to lack enough tact to not understand that bringing up past wars between friends is a pretty shitty thing to do.

Basically, you're entire retarded argument comes down to:
>Why the fuck didn't Mumei want to call Kiara, her coworker and friend, a Nazi? I have no idea if Kiara even saw the video at all, but is she that sensitive? Kiara should expect to have the attrocities that her ancestors commited be used to make fun of her. She should expect her friends and coworkers to bring it up and remind her of all the shitty things her country did 80-100 years ago.

You've probably never worked anywhere or literally ever had any friends if you can't understand why Mumei might not have wanted to insult Kiara in such a public way.

>> No.33164652

This is different than edgy banter between friends, you smoothbrained idiot. These are girls with a huge audience that tend to repeat jokes all the time. Mumei was probably scared of faggots like you using the video to shit on Kiara. Why the fuck would she want to aid Kiara's antis, you stupid motherfucker?

>> No.33164714

You're implying that she made the decision to remove it due to others' opinions and not her own opinion.

>> No.33165216

Streisand effect doesn't always happen.
A good example was when Kronii scrubbed the Canadian flag from her Big Brain Academy VoD and then deleted any comment asking or commenting on it.
Sure her being a leaf was an open secret, but her actions in covering it up didn't create a massive blowback bringing more attention to it.

>> No.33165433

Are you trying to be dense? How the fuck did you get that from what I said? What was unintentional was the KFP-Nazi connection.

>> No.33165628

it's not that she's afraid of being historical, it's that management won't let her talk about history on stream

>> No.33165725

Least insane anon

>> No.33165926

>But it wasn't?
See >>33159804
>I'm curious as to your background, because you seem to lack enough tact to not understand that bringing up past wars between friends is a pretty shitty thing to do.
I have a pretty hardship free upbringing so it's kind of rich coming from me, but Holos are fucking professionals and should not be interfering with each other's work on extremely flimsy premises of implied insult or slander. I don't believe for a second that's what happened and I don't believe you do either.
>Why the fuck didn't Mumei want to call Kiara, her coworker and friend, a Nazi?
The only ones asserting a Nazi connection are the few idiots who jump to conclusions. Editing the video merely draws attention to that shit and can actually be used to assert acknowledgement of that accusation whilst simply ignoring it would've been enough to discredit it instead. You flagrantly did not understand my point so stop being a fucking twat.

See above, also you're a moron if you think leaving the MV unchanged is tantamount to condoning the shit you're asserting would even happen.

It doesn't matter either way since the reason was not disclosed. All that matters is that it was removed and as such more attention has been drawn to it as a result.

>Streisand effect doesn't always happen.
Sure, it doesn't. But that video in the OP with x thousand views wouldn't even exist if those changes hadn't been made in the first place, so it's a moot point.

>> No.33166307

>but Holos are fucking professionals and should not be interfering with each other's work
Why do you still think this is about Germans getting mad at being made fun of when there is literally zero proof that Kiara even saw the video?
Why are you implying that Mumei made the decision to remove it due to others' opinions and not her own opinion?
You still haven't answered these questions and despite what you say, it does matter because you seem insistant on blaming Kiara even though it's highly possible she had zero involvement in all of this.

>> No.33166330

Not mad about it to be honest.
What's so funny about it anyway? Tragedy = fecal funny?

The fact that Kanauru went through and animated all of this thinking it wouldn't stir up controversy is the only hilarious thing here. Irrespective of your sense of humor, this type of content should've never aired on a corporate Vtuber's feed and Mumei should've taken the time to connect some dots. Associating Kiara with anything historical Germany is the equivalent of showing HoloCN girls slaughtering Muslims. You might find it funny because that's your sense of humor, but your sense of humor doesn't fly with a brand that tries to keep a respectful image.

>> No.33166803

Why are you such a retarded insufferable cunt ?

>> No.33166932

>you can't
*Mumei doesn't want to
>make fun of Hindenburg
*associate the Hindenburg's paint job with an organization centered on her Austrian friend.

>> No.33167194

The real joke was that KFP actually wanted to rent an orange blimp for Kiara's birthday but nothing ever happened with the idea because something like that is hideously expensive, meaning the video was doing something KFP wanted after all

>> No.33168282

/pol/ really degraded your IQ to below 60 points holy shit. This is why your ex-friends and family doesn't talk to you anymore, you're the perfect example of everything that's wrong with society, bunch of zoomers/millenials fighting for boomers political parties.

Seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.33168565

You know professionalism flew out the video when you associate your Austrian work colleague with Nazis

>> No.33168685

The real joke is you for being obsessed with KFP

>> No.33168757

Actually it was because an obscure component was faulty. Challenger would've blown up regardless of the weather.

>> No.33169345

This, not a good look

>> No.33169610

The swastika was just their national flag. The silliness surrounding it is moronic. Do you also think anything with an American flag on it is Evil Bad Propaganda?

>> No.33169731

>Sana was right to leave.
LOL you faggots are fucking hopeless. Cope and seethe, anon, cope and seethe.

>> No.33169830

Austrians don't like the Hitler jokes.

>> No.33170315

Bigotlive is over

>> No.33170832

because they are not funny

>> No.33171072

The Hindenburg was an airship from Nazi Germany, putting KFP on there was extremely naive.
It would be stupid even if Kiara wasn't Austrian, but that makes it all the worse. She already has to be careful about never acknowledging "subtle" Nazi jokes.

>> No.33171186

>>33171072 (me)
To be clear, I'm not saying that it's offensive or should be taken as such.
But the fact is that any kind of association with Nazis is bad PR and not appreciated by Kiara, regardless of what /vt/ users believe the public perception of the Nazis should be. This isn't about morality, this is about business.

>> No.33172632


>> No.33173881


>> No.33175480

Yeah, yeah, explain that to your neighbors when they come around and ask you why you painted a bunch of them on your house, anon. I'm sure they'll be fine with it since it was only their flag.

>> No.33178681

I don't get it either. Events like the titanic killed more people than the hindenburg + challenger (combined) ever did.
Hindenburg is already old news. And the challenger explosion is nearly 4 decades old. To put it into perspective, 9/11 is more recent than either of those two events.

>> No.33179006

I'll say it again, people need to stop getting offended on other people's behalf. It's faggoty twitter behavior for one, and for two they weren't even supposed to reference the things you faggots are pointing out. Mumei even said that people were making the wrong and unintended connections, so the entire shitstorm is because people are intentionally drawing the wrong conclusion and being touchy faggots.

>> No.33179133

why did the sanner at 0:57 get removed tho...

>> No.33180342

Hey, that's what all those Ukrainians are wearing!

>> No.33181851

Wait, you guys really don't make WW2 references when talking to Germans?

>> No.33182687

It's the true nature of censorship: stopping people from witness the truth

>> No.33182812

What? This slave want people to forget the mistakes of his master? Not a chance in hell

>> No.33184806

The meme towers are already 21 years ago stop whining and move on

>> No.33184852

Don’t mention the war.

>> No.33186724

Why not?

>> No.33188642


>> No.33189035

>that's pretty fucking weak connection
So weak a whole bunch of people noticed it almost immediately after the video was out

>> No.33191356

>Expecting a burger to acknowledge that

>> No.33192352

this is a sentence a 5th grader would make up to win an argument. are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.33193794

It was faulty because of the weather.

>> No.33196738

is not, i beat people cant even remember the name of those astronauts, maybe didnt even the date, this is just cover being retarded.

>> No.33200627


>> No.33200727

Dan Dan close to 1 million. 971k after over 11 days. Still doing well even though it's censored from the original.
