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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32513001 No.32513001 [Reply] [Original]

Magni will have collab with Daph, one of the biggest SJWs on the Internet. It looks like Omegay is really going to destroy HoloEN

>> No.32513045

are you a 14 year old from 2013?

>> No.32513112
File: 13 KB, 666x112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least post evidence dumbass

>> No.32513152

the irony that a SEAfag probably posted this is really funny
stop getting offended on behalf of other races

>> No.32513201

I have zero idea who this is

>> No.32513210

When are they collabing and why would a Holo be interacting with this irrelevant bitch

>> No.32513224

a twitch streamer
the only people angry are twitchniggers who love to browse shitholes like the subreddit LiveStreamFail
these people are also likely underage

>> No.32513285

>why would a Holo be interacting with this irrelevant bitch
Omegay needs new fans to save Tempiss

>> No.32513309

Nice cope, homobeggar

>> No.32513314

I don't know who that is but HoloEn has forfeited the benefit of the doubt at this point. RIP HoloEn.

>> No.32513317

who even use the word SJW in 2022

>> No.32513340

Kek, nice job posting on cooldown faggot
Keep crying your oshi is becoming irrelevant

>> No.32513357

People who don't want SJWs to destroy their hobbies use the word.

>> No.32513372

Make noise on Reddit, anon.

>> No.32513383

SJW hasnt been a relevant term in over 6 years or more
Please have your balls drop before coming to 4chan

>> No.32513400

so fragile, so afraid

>> No.32513406

I won't step in that shithole

>> No.32513430

>chinks rushing in to protect their queen daph
You love to see it.

>> No.32513431

Damn, I bet you got ben shabibo on all of your alerts.

>> No.32513436

Claim a term is dated.
Claim using a dated term indicates I'm young rather than old. Blain Bloken.

>> No.32513437 [DELETED] 

BASED. Fuck white people.

>> No.32513438


>> No.32513469

Daph isn't a SJW she just made fun of white people at a time when twitch /pol/tards were having a pubic meltdown

>> No.32513472

yes, because underage third worlders from twitter and facebook still use it or 50 year olds who browse /pol/
i dont think you're an old man browsing a vtuber board are you

>> No.32513532

Go back to tumbrl...
Oh wait.

>> No.32513544
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"le white people amirite" is a common joke among basic normalfags, no need to be offended by that
in fact, if you don't offend white people you're considered racist on twitter

>> No.32513572

It’s even worse than that. Homobeggars are somehow an amalgam which eclipses deadbeats in how awful they act. This is a victory for them, because it provides two things:
>Homos get exposure
>Many beggars are twitchfags who share similar mindsets with the bitch
Fuck deadbeats, fuck bugs, fuck homobeggars, and fuck twitchfags.

>> No.32513575

I mean, young people can be lame faggots too anon.

>> No.32513698

Do Chinese like her?

>> No.32513721

Oy vey

>> No.32513747

shes canadian and all her fans are teenagers who are up at 4 am

>> No.32513774

Leave HoloEN while there is still time. This cancer will only get worse

>> No.32513780

All of her fans are chinks anericans and twitter retards.

>> No.32513820

kek this nigger got called out for using "SJW" and is now samefagging on cooldown to manufacture drama
this is so sad

>> No.32513901

Were you sad because you were identified?

>> No.32513997

Why would I care about this if I'm not white?

>> No.32514077

Lots of white people are offended when I call them retarded niggerfaggots.
I'm glad I'm not a racist.

>> No.32514148
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careful anons

>> No.32514239

The term is only 6 years old

>> No.32514259

39daph sounds like kronii
she is also superior to kronii

>> No.32514274

>Election tourist

>> No.32514279

incorrect, people started using it as an attack on tumblr girls back in 2011
once again, have your balls drop

>> No.32514334

I mean considering kira-chan almost killed himself because of all the hate he got in jp, I see why they do.
The last thing you want is your talent having to suddenly have politician-tier emotional stability as a req.

>> No.32514362

Just because you made a quick Google search doesn’t mean the term was used by more than a few dozen people back then

>> No.32514373

Pregnancy announcement

>> No.32514389

If hasan is too much of a coward, then maybe sam hyde should box with daph.

>> No.32514397

>few dozen people
Yeah bro, the entirety of /v/ and this website back when this website's hateboner for reddit and tumblr was climbing to its apex and eventually spilling over into twitter is just a few dozen
If you're gonna try to make yourself seem like you're not a dumb teenage tourist nigger, just leave this thread

>> No.32514503

Despite the retarded shilling I had no problem with Tempus. But Magni doing this is worse then Mori Doing stuff with trash taste. Now I am for sure never going to tempus a chance. Holo EN and tempus need to be quarantined

>> No.32514518

I believe that was over NijiID. SEAniggers were going harder than usual with their dox shit.

>> No.32514548

lol magni's asian, axel is asian, and so is altare, why should they give a shit if she offended a bunch of white kids on twitch
why should this board that's over 50% brown give a shit

>> No.32514559

Gamergate started on /v/ more than six years ago and the term SJW is older than even that.

>> No.32514601

>why should this board that's over 50% brown give a shit
They sure seem to care when I call them monkeys.
>inb4 “whataboutism”

>> No.32514662

Bringing retarded political dramafags into vtubing is retarded and a shitstorm waiting to happen.

>> No.32514700

>Board is mostly sub 80IQ shitskins
Nice to see you admit to it

>> No.32514747

fuck off chud

>> No.32514751

Do you really think that she would say "I HATE WHITE PEOPLE" every minute of the stream? She already had Niji collabs and had no political commentary at all

>> No.32514796

It really blows my mind how insane jp live fans got over stars considering how fucking gay they all were.
Only two of them weren't cock loving adjacent fags.

>> No.32514800

Alright then lets open the floodgates and have him Collab with Sam Hyde too as long as he dosen’t get political it should be fine too

>> No.32514806

chances are it won't happen anyways once the drama starts ramping up.

>> No.32514844

What drama?
The one in your head?
Hololive has only ever cancelled and blackballed a collab with a vshojo member, how hard are you gonna seethe when this stream happens and everyone likes it?

>> No.32514877

That's no fun. I hope they get political.

>> No.32514882

..a..are you actually defending this fucking chink Twitch e-thot..??
holy hell, this board really is done for huh.

>> No.32514909

Hololive EN was a mistake

>> No.32514912

Much like NijiEN died with Luxiem, HoloEN dies in the wake of StarsEN, despite being separated. The wheel will spin again.

>> No.32514923

that would be based though

>> No.32514944

Damn the dramasisters called in back up
Funny how the post counts rise but the IPs dont
We're doing it redditbros! Making up drama! Oops sorry i meant /vt/bros

>> No.32514952

I think people are talking about not supporting a company that obviously hates them. Giving views to a literal antifa whore is a lot different than corpos and where a lot of people draw the line.

>> No.32514968

Go back

>> No.32514979

I'd watch the shit out of that.

>> No.32515031

Yea I think it would be a interesting Collab as long as it isn’t political. But sadly there’s a double standard. Left or right I don’t care keep politics out of vtubing.

>> No.32515060

Magnis canadian right? As a burger I don’t want to take this L we already got mori

>> No.32515061

I expected a more japanese like stance on politics.

>> No.32515071

You REALLY need to go back to twitter and neck yourself. Filthy fucking troon.

>> No.32515104

oh nyoooo the dramafag is upset his thread isnt going accordingly

>> No.32515105

Honestly, if they allow demented whores with openly racist sentiments to collab, in theory, anyone else fitting this criteria should be fine too right?

>> No.32515122

cool I hope she talks about how the rape epidemic in Sweden isn't the refugees lmao and whatever other talking points she jokes about with her collab partner hasan

>> No.32515157

What makes you think he doesn't relate to her? He is openly bi and celebrates pride month

>> No.32515161

Is there a list of all the based vtubers?

that's all I know

>> No.32515170

>a bunch of underage reddit/pol/tards feigning concern for a vtubing corpo

>> No.32515168


>> No.32515180

I hope she brings up manchuoko vomfort women and yhe whole branch gets imploded on spot.

>> No.32515239

Why did you post an empty list?

>> No.32515241

daph if you bring up comgort women that will really own the incels. Do it.

>> No.32515329

Pippa and Lumi talk about /pol/ tier stuff all the time.
And those last two are known for wearing a particular red hat on stream.

>> No.32515401

This girl got her start pandering to LSF making jokes about hot tub streamers and twitch thots until she got a decent audience then cut them loose and started clowning on pick me girls and lsf incels and acting like she never appealed to them in the first place. She is a hypocrite but she played the game perfectly to get her start desu

>> No.32515501

I'm so white teachers at school used to sent me home because they thought I was sick, and I couldn't give a fuck what some slanty eyed cunt calls me.

>> No.32515553

>Pippa and Lumi can grift
Okay, but neither will ever say anything truly verboten.

>> No.32515695

That's the amusing thing about racism against whites. It will never amount to anything, we're societally numb to it.
While that means they can spew it as much as they want, it simply bounces off. Zero impact. Just another wonderful day being white.

>> No.32515739

Most "slurs" against white people are pretty funny honestly.

>> No.32515768

>"look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"

>> No.32516056

Meanwhile colleges and business are mandated to discriminate against white applicants. Meanwhile hospitals are forced to prioritize treatment of minorities. Meanwhile leaked pfizer memos laugh about white deaths as opioids kill more people than covid did. Meanwhile white community are broken up and destroyed in a way that can only be compared to the soviet union. Hold that w, tho white roaches

>> No.32516095

I wonder if she would call me her little snow angel if I donated to her?

>> No.32516142

There's a 30 minute video of her destroying someone who was too prosocial

>> No.32516337

See? It's incapable of doing any actual damage, no matter how much it seethes and screams. The white status is truly powerful. However, I will comment:
>colleges mandated to discriminate against white people
This was put in place out of "fairness" in America because ethnic minorities with a room temperature IQ average whined about not being selected. Congrats, you now have dumbfucks wasting slots.
>soviet union
Maybe you should make use of that college bias and get an education, it might help you own those whiteys without looking like a colossal retard

>> No.32516423

Magni is a non self hating asian with a black gf he will not have a problem with this

>> No.32516459

I thought you were just pretending to be her fan to fuck with people. But that comment is a Ben Shapiro pwnage compilation level of cringe.

>> No.32516538

SJWs detected
graduate from university before participating in greater society

>> No.32516587

>Zero impact
I sure hope you're referring to parallel economies here

>> No.32516671

The NPC is so neutered he thinks having no emotional reaction to the deaths of his people and the destruction of its culture is a sign of strength.

>> No.32516682


>> No.32516727

oh I used to watch that girl when she was 2 view because I'm an artfag, she wasn't any kind of sjw and was actually pretty based at the time, I haven't seen anything of her in a long ass time though

>> No.32516880

Is this just a meme?
Or is it just that she used to pander to an edgy audience and dropped the act once she made it into a big corporation?

>> No.32517074

lmao he doesn't know about the 15 million displaced Germans and millions of displaced eastern Europeans after ww2 or how what happened in small town America is going to be very similar in history books

>> No.32518246

Why would I care about this if even if I am white? She's some canadian chink slut that won't ever have a connection to her home and will never be welcome in any community.
Also, she apparently saw this thread and is talking about you guys right now. Fucking lmao.

>> No.32518400

Cope. Whites literally built the modern world. Everything you use today in your daily life is thanks to white Europeans and their progeny. You would still be living in mudhuts and relying on subsistence farming without us. Your welcome.

>> No.32518446

wait is this that girl that hates whites?

>> No.32518486

>Muh European ancestors
>t. Mutt

>> No.32518489

God, she is fucking retarded. He could collab with any other 2view that isn't bipolar, suicidal racist. Why he chose her in particular?

>> No.32518491
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>> No.32518556

Also, since you're here. Daph.
You will never be Canadian. You will always be a chink and a loathsome and cowardly one at that. Your parents moved to a white country and you take advantage of the culture and liberty that those people have allowed you to have. You will always be vermin and it has absolutely nothing to do with who your parents are or what race you think you are.

>> No.32518612

doxx related shit, do your reps if you really care to know.

>> No.32518631

ahh, I see
Time to email management then

>> No.32518654

I thought >/vt/ don't care about Holostars? Who cares about who they collab as long as it's not Gura, no?
Did I miss a memo?

>> No.32518665

If its on his schedule then its 95% green lighted by said management. Helps that the management is asian.

>> No.32518680

>that i knew half of nijisanji en irl...
Of course.

>> No.32518708

Firey but mostly peaceful protests am I right?

>> No.32518735

we know that management doesnt properly vet collab partners. they didnt even know about veibaes comments before they were brought to their attention.

>> No.32518742

Fits the schizo narrative so suddenly this is important.

>> No.32518751

might as well just ask if they consider me a white nigger.

>> No.32518835

Funny how Magni turned out to be easily the worst starsEN, specially since this board was almost worshiping him before and even a little after debut

>> No.32518866

You aren’t supposed to point that out!

>> No.32518874

her 2view art streams were kino, she used to talk a lot about life stuff and depression too. unfortunate that she revealed herself for the attention whore that she is as soon as she got popular and started playing the twitch game, see >>32515401

also cringe thread

>> No.32518901
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>> No.32518944

/mans/ during streams is as fast as /hlgg/. We just sit in our containment

>> No.32518954

Is this real?
Tempus is trying to bring eceleb garbage into Hololive now?

>> No.32518960

we've embarrassed ourselves holobros...

>> No.32519018

Why would you want them bringing eceleb trash into the Hololive ecosystem?
Are you stupid? You think this bitch's fans are any better than her?
This is even worse than Mori bringing in Trash Taste.

>> No.32519056

>People beg for seperation of Holostars and Hololive
>Refuse to act as if they're seperated due to a fleshtuber collab.
Again, why do you care if you want them separate so much. Just let stars do it's thing and live do it's thing, no? Unless you're telling me they aren't a seperate thing and never will be.

>> No.32519118

Fuck off faggot kys, no one cares.

>> No.32519166

Ok Daph

>> No.32519173

As long as it's not my oshi I'm rooting for him
daph is fine thoo

>> No.32519197

Since when is Stars in Hololive ecosystem?

>> No.32519219

I could've lived my entire life without knowing about this person.

>> No.32519258

Since Mori started collabing with them.

>> No.32519291

based if true

>> No.32519359

Is VShojo in the Hololive Ecosystem too?

>> No.32519383

Recently, Mori and Bae are having more collabs with Holostars than they are with Hololive.
So it doesn't matter what I fucking want because Mori and Bae aren't going to stop corrupting Hololive, you insufferable faggot.

>> No.32519393

Don't call me based, do it too you faggot

>> No.32519415

Mouse would be if the collabs were 2 a week not 1 a season. Can you stop this pointless deflection now?

>> No.32519550

You are a fucking kid

>> No.32519554

Towa collabs with Nijis and APEX chuubas once a week. Chocosen with Tamaki and Haneru's circle frequently too.
Are they part of Hololive Ecosystem too?

>> No.32519559

>Draph fell for anons /here/ creating alt accounts to reply to Ren with manufactured anger
RUMAO, what a fucking retard

>> No.32519573

>defending 3D whores

>> No.32519608


>> No.32519653

Get fucked nigga

>> No.32519743

Nice. Nijis, Animare, NoriPro, and VSPO are actually part of the Hololive Ecosystem.
Why are they playing with males though? Heck, some of them are even males.
I thought Hololive is an idol company?

>> No.32519821

So, a random twitch whore is leeching off vtubers, both from Niji and Holo, and Magni is going to collab with her?
Come on now

>> No.32519855

God I hate western chinks so fucking much.
They always got that thundercunt attitude towards everything.
Why are they like this?
Chinks like her make me respect zhangs, I can't believe it.

>> No.32519924

I’m starting to believe that Tempus might have been mistake…

>> No.32520129

Outsiders that came to defend their queen. Likely the thread was linked in some discord full of them

>> No.32520132

white people will cease to exist by 2100 and that's a good thing

>> No.32520143

My guess is their parents try to drill their homeland's values into them while they see all the white kids around them having fun, playing nintendo and not eating dogs, it makes them bitter and jealous

>> No.32520197

Magni knows and used to hang out with Daph IRL. They are long time friends. Magnis fanbase here defends this...as expected.

>> No.32520217

Challenge you guys to spam those quotes in his chat. I'll go as far as bet 2 ARS dollars for real.

>> No.32520231

Yeah I really liked her too in her initial popularity phase, seemed really genuine and was very open with her chat and a fellow moonmoon enjoyer.

Still don't think she is objectionable enough for a drama thread on vt though and I couldn't care less who tempus collabs if it isn't the holo girls.

>> No.32520544

Should make another thread about something like this instead bitching about the racist part you fucking dumbass newfags OP, don't even know basic bait

>> No.32520565

I'm not particularly thrilled about Magni collabing with non vtubers but it's definitely a nothing burger as far as drama is concerned. Then again I guess everything involving Tempus is blown out of proportion nowdays.

>> No.32520621

This, /vt/ lost the Kronii war to Tempus so now they are actively trying to do the same that lost them the Kronii arc and create controversy out of nothing, and can’t shit up /mans/ because they immediately clown on and shutdown tourists

>> No.32520627

You think a single one of the Nijisanji JP members or CR team is anywhere near as bad as this gutter trash?
Are you fucking stupid? You're comparing Japanese people who understand and respect Hololive to this bitch? >>32518901
Also, you realize that Tamaki is a reverse babiniku, right? Norio-sensei is a woman. So is Haneru. The last time Choco was part of a group collab that involved a male was like 10 months ago and it was Tomari Mari.

Also, yes. NijiJP is closely related to Hololive. Hololive and Nijisanji have always collabed together and still do. Okayu and Shiina have monthly collabs and Suisei and Inui Toko are best friends. Korone and Debi are close enough that COVER even let Debi use Korone's 3D model for her 3D debut stream.
However, you wouldn't know any of that because you're only aware of the garbage that is NijiEN.

>> No.32520653

Learn English, you subhuman retard.

>> No.32520706

Fucking brainlet.


>> No.32520707

Have you zoomers been brainwashed into believing it's not a thing anymore?

>> No.32520724

>and can’t shit up /mans/ because they immediately clown on and shutdown tourists
never thought I'd say this but bless the fujos and yumejos, they truly are our strongest soldiers

>> No.32520750


>> No.32520808

I'm pissed. Months go by and pomu can't collab with kiara, but this shit is ok. wtf

>> No.32520811

Her collab with Kyo was pretty dope. Excited to see this one

>> No.32520856

Honest question, then what are you supposed to call those types of people now?

>> No.32520873

This is such weak bait holy shit, why vt, WHY?
Fucking 40 yo on the fucking VTuber board what the fuck

>> No.32520905

Blame that on niji

>> No.32520952


>> No.32520985

Shes based

>> No.32521016

call me when he collabs with hasan

>> No.32521027


>> No.32521030

>LSF whore
Ah, of course.

>> No.32521196
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I heard the phrase "I'm glad my groomer is a good person".
Anybody here not bitching about obvious shit things and just trying to forget SJW exist is just a groomed kid.

>> No.32521440 [DELETED] 
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I went into Vtubing to get out of Politics, I will burn /MANS/ down because of one.
They start affiliating with more of these retards and God so help me, each and every single /vt/ user will know the wrath of a SEAnigger with 10 tablets and 2 wifi's

>> No.32521550
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The eternal bug kek

>> No.32521613

I think in CY+6 its wokefag

>> No.32521637

Yes, of course they are.

>> No.32521640

>omigorsh yaass sis slllaaay~~~~ xoxo

>> No.32521710

Diaspora are always the most cancerous people you can meet.

>> No.32521712

Are Tempus fans SJW?

>> No.32521761

>it's dah juuus
Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.32521775

Yup, HomofagEn is a mistake.

>> No.32521826

>because they immediately clown on and shutdown tourists
More like they refuse to accept any and all criticism and try and pretend that everyone but them is newfags when they themselves are obvious twitter tourists.
I dont even dislike the boys, i like them more than HoloEN, but their thread is just as shitty as global, just in other ways.

>> No.32521844

I never said anything about jews, diaspora doesn't only refer to jews you fucking retard.

>> No.32521991

I think this /mans/ thread you are mentioning exists only in your head.

>> No.32522032

if you want crticism you have plenty of it going on in the catalog, it's a good thing the threads aren't shit up by dramaniggers that would make talking about the stream impossible

>> No.32522120
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>Rent free and obsessed

>> No.32522207

>Thinks that Diaspora = Jews
>Tells someone else to go back to /pol/
Yeah the only one that needs to go back is you, since you are obsessed with Jews

>> No.32522255


>> No.32522307

so does magni agree with her views that whites are 'snowroaches'? Or is that some out context stuff and she isn't actually racist?

>> No.32522364

Ungrateful bitch.

>> No.32522485

Who cares what he thinks. It's not like he brings it up in his streams.

>> No.32522544

She is racist. The whole rant happened because she got mad that twitch didn't approve of anti white racism. But he might not know or he thinks that it's not that bad or enough to torpedo their relationship over. He doesnt really seem all that selective with whom he associates himself anyways.

>> No.32522558

>Magni knows and used to hang out with Daph IRL. They are long time friends.
I don't know where this lie came from but that's definitely not true, at most they were maybe twitch acquaintances but I don't think they've ever interracted beyond twitter

>> No.32522559

Enjoy going back to stone age then.

>> No.32522608

You say that while using terms like Chink or Zhang. What the actual fuck? I'm not a fan of her's but why are YOU like this?

>> No.32522626

You will not be alive by then, so why celebrate it faggot?

>> No.32522691

Go back.

>> No.32522753

Now this is a certified woman moment.

>> No.32522981

Yeah, probably, but is it wrong? I actually don't care for the use of slurs but when it's used while being offended by slurs, it doesn't make any sense at all

>> No.32523213

>but is it wrong?
Yes because you're comparing a faggot on 4chan to an eceleb, and she's clearly not just throwing around slurs as can be seen by these logs https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=39daph&username=39daph

>> No.32523235

seeing it here is one thing, I expect it here. Seeing it on an entertainer i'm supposed to like? nah. I'd rather rm blast him publicly on twitter @ing every single member of tempus and hololiveEN and management instead.

>> No.32523263

Post confirmation when you've done it's known that you're not a larping fag.

>> No.32523484

I was only referring to the faggots on 4chan. I can see valid reasons why people would be upset but I'm calling out the hypocrites

>> No.32523566

Lmao so Magni thinks of Mori, Kiara, Gura, Mumei, Fauna and Vesper as "snowroaches"?
Oh no tempiss fags how will you spin your way out of this?
Better alert management of the rampant racist they've let into the company.

>> No.32523713

Yes they have

>> No.32523720

Snow roaches is a really funny term. Cope whitey

>> No.32523765

There's no real hypocrisy there if the faggots on 4chan act like decent human beings IRL unlike daph.

>> No.32523803

t. self hating mutt and or poor mentally challenged seasian

>> No.32523988

If they use slurs in anonymity, it's a good chance they're racist (Everyone is to some degree) and they're cowards for only doing it in secret.
I'm not defending daph but I don't see why you'd defend a random 4chan faggot

>> No.32523997

It is funny because roaches applies to people that unquestionably follow the status quo, which is why the Chinese are called bugs in the first place
So white roaches would be white SJW

>> No.32524057

Have fun kek

>> No.32524097

Daph only says it, because there is no social consequence, because anyone that tried to push back would be labelled a nazi
She will always be a cowardly bug

>> No.32524166

They're not necessarily cowards, they're just men and we men don't like to rock the boat unnecessarily over stupid shit like that.
And I'm not defending fags on 4chan, I just want to shit on this butthurt chink chick who lets everyone from children on tiktok to weebs on 4chan live rent free in her head.

>> No.32524256


>> No.32524310

fucking lol.

>> No.32524450

Based chink

>> No.32524625

At least she does it on public platforms. It's fucked that she's getting away with that but I hate the racists that aren't upfront about their racism.
Here, you can refer to her as a bug without social consequence but you're just mad that she's getting away with it (Which is fair but at the same time, ironic)

>> No.32524749

das right white boi
i say kneel and you kneel

>> No.32524824


>> No.32524850

Whites are scum on earth

>> No.32525114

Mori is definitely a snowroach but Magni isn't based enough to say it to her face

>> No.32525556

I'd kneel if he actually told her.

>> No.32526007

Based as fuck
I don't support rratting out shit to management unless it makes smug chink shits suffer

>> No.32526103

Where do you email Cover to complain about racists anyway?

>> No.32526269

Daph is an SJW? Where and when is the drama?

>> No.32526517

Imagine if he breaks her chinky tumblrisms entirely like Leader and Vesp broke Kronii

>> No.32526532

snow roach is where >we draw the line damn

>> No.32526541

There's a university for unwashed gender-confused dog-walkers?

>> No.32526544

Does hololive even care about racism? A lot of the JP girls are pretty openly racist. Is it just because it's against white people that it matters now? So sensitive

>> No.32526613

Daph is popular Twitch streamer. Gook canadian who also happens to be tomboy and doesn't sugarcoat shit at all. If she doesn't like something, she'll tell. Retards on Reddit and here hate her because they can't find reason to jerk off to her and because she's not like those Twitch thots who do softcore porn live.

>> No.32526646

Post 10 public examples.
You can't

>> No.32526660
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jannies... u awake yet?

>> No.32526687

lel, doesn't surprise me managers don't screen the outside collab partners

>> No.32526733

Ayame and her love for koreans
Ayame and her love for koreans
Ayame and her love for koreans
Ayame and her love for koreans
Ayame and her love for koreans
Ayame and her love for koreans
Ayame and her love for koreans
Ayame and her love for koreans
Ayame and her love for koreans
There you go, anon.

>> No.32526764

So I don't really watch daph but why are the white people who throw around slurs suddenly getting their feefees hurt when somebody does it back to them?

>> No.32526787

Snow roach is such a hilariously soft null impact "slur", it reminds me of mayo monkey
Personally I'd prefer if you insulted me with "nigger blanco" or "cum golem"

>> No.32526796

You have nothing except shit anons from here have cooked up.

>> No.32526830

I am racist because I hate other people and do my best to evade them, she's racist because that's her personality.
Racist doesn't equal screaming into the world about how you other races anon

>> No.32526881

That he/him would be completely supportive of genderfluid

>> No.32526895

Where are the channels of these whites you bitch about? Where are their publically thrown slurs?

>> No.32526952

I imagine the people who are hurt are the ones who don't throw slurs around, anon. I don't care what a chink calls me.

>> No.32526986

And another hobby falls in the Glycine infused hands of californians.
Yasuraka ni nemuru.

>> No.32526990

Lol he's even more of a faggot that daph. Fuck that sanctimonious cunt

>> No.32527015

Kiara said nigger

>> No.32527077


>> No.32527894

Vesper is black

>> No.32527970

Daph also sided with Sinatraa's ex-girlfriend in the sexual abuse drama

>> No.32527971

>tried to pet a new york police officer's horse while drunk
>only got peppersprayed, not shot
he's definitely white

>> No.32528376

It was a different time back then, and he was a college kid

>> No.32528387

You know this is the girls pretending to be anime girls board and not the actual eceleb board? You need to provide more context to your weird fleshtuber drama that "two people broke up and she sided with the girl."

>> No.32528580

I will only watch this collab if she starts it with burping ASMR

>> No.32528638

Holy fucking tourist nobody knows what you’re talking about or cares at all

>> No.32528644

>immediately collabs with ecelebs
he really is the mori of tempus

>> No.32528670

ITT: seaniggers responding to seaniggers and writing fanfics

>> No.32528739

this, i don't watch twitch flesh whores. Give full context or go back.

>> No.32528778

Too stupid to see the hypocrisy, or too stupid to realize that you're not referring to every white person but only the ones that are offended. The first two that responded certainly fall into this category

>> No.32529041

If so sounds like she'll be a reoccurring guest. Congrats!

>> No.32529097

>”The Stars would prefer to collab with one another over outsiders”, the homobeggar lied through a concealed smirk

>> No.32529556

sinatraa's ex-girlfriend slammed the #metoo movement against him with the fishy narrative evidence
big drama, sinatraa got cancelled real hard
during the investigation turned out bitch was a menhara, twittertards started to realize sinatraa was in the right
sinatraa has lost his career and friends
innocent until proven guilty is a lie
sinatraa isn't even a white man which means daph is not only a racist but also a sjw femoid

>> No.32529571

I got into Vtubers because they were relatively safe from Bullshit American politics that have taken over literally fucking everything. Magni is dumb enough to stream with this retarded bitch and now this shit is unavoidable. I was defending Tempus till now, but politics is the one thing to make me drop this shit.

>> No.32529634
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>> No.32529820

Can I say nigger in the same context?

>> No.32529841
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>> No.32529882

What is so ebin and extremally hard to do so you need a confirmation?
I used https://cover-corp.com/contact/en/#lang

>> No.32530049

>Too stupid to see the hypocrisy
No, an SJW clamoring for equality but also singling out whites is pretty easy to see the hypocrisy in, anon.

>> No.32530073

>39daph collabs with vshojo, indies, nijis, etc
>no one bats an eye
>she decides to collab with a HoloPro member
>MASSIVE hate and defamation campaign starts

Once again, the Hololive fanbase has proven themselves to be too immature to interact with the outside world. Stay in your walled garden.

>> No.32530213

hololive fans this year have been incredibly embarassing and i think should graduate first before any holomem

>> No.32530221

I want Magni to get into the ring with Hasan Piker and show him them hands!

>> No.32530255

t. Chinese

>> No.32530256

Yes please??? That's what we are asking kek

>> No.32530276

no shit watching streamers is cringe

>> No.32530350
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>Stay in your walled garden

>> No.32530385

That's the point, we want our garden. Get the fuck out of it

>> No.32530429

Yeah, that's why they have collabs with each other almost everyday, sometimes more than once

>> No.32530530

should have kept that way. do you think this drama was positive?

>> No.32530660

>Stay in your walled garden.
So when do you leave??

>> No.32530713

What drama? This is the only place I've seen people even talking about it.

>> No.32530843

>Holofags are the only ones with enough integrity to stand up against racism

>> No.32530876

>Stay in your walled garden.

Yes exactly that's what we want, now get the fuck out of our walled garden and take your weird racist lady with you

>> No.32530916

Kronii is a big SJW herself , Kiara is a big SJW, nothing bad happened
stop sperging

>> No.32531029

matome japs recognized it

>> No.32531145

Kiara got bonked at least once, Kronii just went through some stupid chest (heh) puffing. It teeters on the edge most the time, but at least it’s better than an outsider with a history of active retardation.

>> No.32532024


>> No.32532289

Women were a fucking mistake.

>> No.32532773

>she just made fun of white people
Links, please. I want to support this queen.

>> No.32532854


>> No.32533009

Anything is a yab to them. They even think that Altare and Axel talking too much on Zeta's stream is a yab and that they made her uncomfortable even though Zeta was talking and replying to their chat.

>> No.32533320

Those aren't walls, anon. Those are gates.

>> No.32533868


>> No.32534483

without whites you wouldnt be able to show the world how retarded you are.
be a little more grateful mutt.

>> No.32534634

That's why nobody on vt does that

>> No.32534675

> /vt/ incels suddenly caring about racism

>> No.32534745


>> No.32534786

Tempus is a fucking retarded branch.

>> No.32534795


>> No.32535006

Its called standards

>> No.32535219

Ew hes gonna collab with this ass-blasted chink? Yeah no thanks, dodged a bullet there by not watching the homos

>> No.32536331

Nobody likes a hypocrite, anon, not even 'incels'.

>> No.32538058

That's not the argument being made. Someone using racist slurs gets upset over a public personality that's being associated with racism is the hypocrisy that's being highlighted.
The hypocrisy you're addressing also exists but it's not what these string of comments are referencing. Stupid

>> No.32538183

>hololive fans that got into it to escape real world problems want to keep them away from it
fixed that for you

>> No.32538946

>You know this is the girls pretending to be anime girls board and not the actual eceleb board?
keep telling yourself that retard

>> No.32539041

more like smart enough to spot the mold in the walls before the house fall down

>> No.32539256

There is no proof. It all comes from Ina drawing Ayame and Ayame not responding to it.

>> No.32539293

Who and who?

>> No.32539359

WE can be eacist. Not the talent.

>> No.32539439

Why do you think anyone who posts here wants to watch people who act like they post here? That shit is for underageb& and tourists.

>> No.32539446

WE can be racis. Not the talent.

>> No.32539918

this is exactly the type of loose cannon whore the managers in /jp/ keep away from the talents

>> No.32540201
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Don't let this "yab" distract you from the fact that Pekora BOUGHT A FUCKING MONKEY

>> No.32540297

>Hypocrisy is ok when I do it

>> No.32540370

I hate western chinkoids so much

>> No.32540548

I specifically watch Hololive because they don't engage with politics on the level that 90% of western media does. If Magni is going to collab with daph, then I'll just not watch him anymore, no skin off my back. It does open a door, however small, for globohomo to enter into Hololive, which is always a bad sign. Then you have Altare regularly saying "non-binary pals", which is another red flag. Maybe I'll just watch JP, Axel, and Nowa from now on. Not a good sign for things to come.

>> No.32540589

heterosexual cis normal people

>> No.32540842
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>> No.32540901

Give us an alternative then

>> No.32541552

Globohomo already entered with Omega long ago.

>> No.32542269

>Then you have Altare regularly saying "non-binary pals"
Is this real? Why?

>> No.32542928

How the fuck did management even allow this collab?

>> No.32542999

How the fuck did management not suspend Pakwhora for cruelty to animals?
